Passed Senate Resolutions
Bill History
Administrative Action
FSR 24/25-03 |
- Originated as Bill 478.
- Received by the FSEC 9/13/2024.
- Passed first reading 9/13/2024.
- .Passed second reading unanimously 9/20/2024.
FSR 24/25-02 |
- Originated as Bill 477.
- Received by FSEC 9/13/2024.
- Passed first reading 9/13/2024.
- Passed second reading unanimously 9/20/2024.
FSR 24/25-01 |
- Fall 2024 Revision of the Faculty Senate Bylaws.
FSR 23/24-01 |
- Originated as Bill 476.
- Passed first reading 8/11/2023.
- Passed second reading unanimously 8/18/2023. Pending final edits for mechanics.
FSR 22/23-03 |
- Originated as Bill 472.
- Passed first reading 10/20/2022.
- Passed second reading 10/20/2022.
FSR 22/23-02 |
- Originated as Bill 469.
- Presented as emergency bill on 12/9/2021.
- Passed second and third reading on 9/22/2022.
FSR 22/23-01 |
- Originated as Bill 471.
- Presented as an emergency bill on 9/22/2022.
- Passed first and second reading unanimously on 9/22/2022.
FSR 21/22-10 |
- Originated as Bill 470.
- Received by FSEC on 4/14/2022.
- Passed first reading on 4/14/2022.
- Passed second reading on 5/5/2022.
FSR 21/22-09 |
- Originated as Bill 458.
- Received by FSEC 4/1/2021.
- Revised version received by FSEC 12/2/2021.
- Tabled until January, 12/9/21.
- Voted to be placed on 2/17/2022 FS agenda.
- Passed second reading 3/31/2022. Will come back for third.
- Placed on 4/14/22 FSEC agenda.
- Placed on 4/22/22 FS agenda.
- Passed third reading 5/5/2022.
FSR 21/22-08 |
- Originated as Bill 457.
- Passed first reading 11/11/2021.
- Passed second and third reading 12/9/2021.
FSR 21/22-07 |
- Originated as Bill 466.
- Passed first reading 10/14/2021.
- Passed second and third reading 11/18/2021.
FSR 21/22-06 |
- Originated as Bill 468.
- Passed first reading 10/14/2021.
- Passed second and third reading 11/18/2021.
FSR 21/22-05 |
- Originated as Bill 467.
- Passed first reading 10/14/2021.
- Passed second and third reading 11/18/2021.
FSR 21/22-04 |
- Originated as Bill 462.
- Passed first reading 4/26/2021.
- Passed second reading 7/8/2021.
- Passed third reading 11/18/2021.
FSR 21/22-03 |
- Originated as Bill 464.
- Passed first reading 4-22-21.
- Passed second reading 9-23-21.
FSR 21/22-02 |
- Originated as Bill 459.
- Passed first reading 3-4-21.
At Faculty Senate for Second Reading on Mar. 11, 2021; Amended at Second Reading and Ad Hoc Subcommittee directed to write bylaw revision language for consideration for inclusion by Senate.
Ad Hoc Subcommittee wrote revision languages which was circulated at FSEC on April 1 and then was brought to Senate floor on April 8, 2021.
Passed Second Reading on April 8, 2021. Third Reading must be after 30 days have elapsed due to Second Reading changing of initial language.
Passed Third Reading in Faculty Senate on September 23, 2021.
FSR 21/22-01 |
- Originated as Bill 465.
- Passed first and second reading unanimously 8-19-21.
FSR 20/21-17 |
Originated as Bill 463
Passed First Reading 4/22/2021
Passed Second Reading 4/29/2021
Passed Third Reading 7/8/2021
Communicated to Admin. 7/21/2021
FSR 20/21-16
"Mod. FH 9.3.5 Reduction of Teaching ... due to ... Funding"
Passed First Reading 4/1/2021.
Passed Second Reading 4/8/2021 (unanimously).
Upon that passage, became Senate Resolution 20/21-16.
Comm. to Admin 6/29/2021.
FSR 20/21-15
"Student Enrollment/Ch. 4 Amend"
- Originated as Bill 455.
Scheduled for Second Reading 3/4/2021.
Passed Second Reading 3/11/2021.
Passed Third Reading 4/8/2021
Upon that passage, became Senate Resolution 20/21-15.
Comm. to Admin 6/29/2021.
FSR 20/21-14
"UAH Budget Book Transparency"
- Originated as Bill 449.
- Passed first reading 1/22/2021.
- Passed second reading 1/28/2021.
FSR 20/21-13
"UAH Task Force"
- Originated as Bill 444
- Passed first reading 1/22/2021.
- Passed second reading unanimously 1/28/2021. Third reading not necessary.
3/19/2021 Rejected
Administrative Response
FSR 20/21-12
"Faculty Handbook Chapter 4 Spring 2020 Revision"
- Originated as Bill 450.
- Passed first reading 1/15/2021.
- Passed second reading and third reading 1/21/2021.
FSR 20/21-11
"Resolution of Concern Over Lack of Due Process in Merging/Splitting Academic Units"
- Originated as Bill 446.
- Passed first reading 2/13/2020.
- Passed second reading 1/21/2021 unanimously.
FSR 20/21-10
"Faculty Handbook Chapter 5 Revision"
- Originated as Bill 443.
- Passed first reading 2/13/2020.
- Passed second reading unanimously 12/10/2020.
FSR 20/21-09
"Shared Governance Requires Sharing - VP Search Process"
- Originated as Bill 442.
- Passed first reading 11/19/2020.
- Passed second reading unanimously 12/10/2020.
January 12, 2021 Response from Administration |
FSR 20/21-08
"Graduate Program Requirements"
- Originated as Bill 441.
- Passed first reading 2/13/2020.
- Passed second reading unanimously 11/19/2020.
FSR 20/21-07
"Forming an Advisory Council to UAH PD"
- Originated as Bill 456.
- Passed first reading 11/5/2020.
- Passed second reading unanimously 11/19/2020.
FSR 20/21-06
"Proposed Authorship and Classroom Material"
- Originated as Bill 448.
- Passed first reading 3/12/2020.
- Passed second reading unanimously 11/19/2020.
FSR 20/21-05
"Faculty Handbook Chapter 6 Revision"
- Originated as Bill 440.
- Passed first reading 2/23/2020.
- Passed second reading unanimously 11/19/2020.
FSR 20/21-04
"Faculty Senate Bylaws Update"
- Originated as Bill 439.
- Passed first reading 2/13/2020.
- Passed second reading unanimously 10/20/2020.
1/12/2021 Response from Administration |
FSR 20/21-03
"Handbook Chapter 7 Delay Breaks Shared Governance"
- Originated as Bill 447.
- Passed first reading 2/13/2020.
- Passed second reading 2/20/2020.
- Passed third reading 9/24/2020.
Response from Administration |
FSR 20/21-02
"Academic Misconduct"
- Originated as Bill 452.
- Received by FSEC 8/24/2020.
- Passed first reading 8/24/2020.
- Passed second reading 8/27/2020.
- Passed third reading 9/24/2020.
Feb. 11, 2021 Response from Administration and Revised Policy Proposal.
Response from Administration
Revised Policy Proposal
FSR 20/21-01
"Senate Bylaws Tech Meetings"
- Originated as Bill 451
- Received by FSEC 8/20/2020.
- Passed first reading 8/20/2020.
- Passed second reading 8/27/2020.
- Passed third reading 9/24/2020.
FH Chapter 9 |
12/11/2020 Rejected
FSR 19/20-05 |
- Originated as Bill 438
- Received by FSEC 11/14/2019.
- Passed first reading 11/14/2019.
- Passed second reading unanimously 1/16/2020.
SR 19/20-04
"Modification of Interim Policy on Academic Misconduct"
- Originated as Bill 437.
- Passed first reading 11/14/2019.
- Passed second reading 11/21/2019.
- Passed third reading 12/12/2019.
FSR 19/20-03
"Library Makerspace Lab Policy"
- Originated as Bill 436.
- Received by FSEC 10/3/2019.
- Passed first reading 10/3/2019.
- Passed second reading unanimously 10/17/2019.
FSR 19/20-02
"Parking Passes for Visitors"
- Originated as Bill 435
- Received by FSEC 9-12-2019.
- Passed first reading 9-12-2019.
- Passed second reading unanimously 9-19-19.
FSR 19/20-01
"Multiple Parking Passes"
- Originated as Bill 434
- Received by FSEC 9-12-2019.
- Passed first reading 9-12-2019.
- Passed second reading unanimously 9-19-19.
FSR 18/19-06
"Establishment of a Defined Period for Start-up Awards at UAH"
- Originated as Bill 430
- Received by FSEC 2-14-2019.
- Passed first reading 3-14-2019.
- Passed second and third reading unanimously 3-28-2019.
May 5, 2019 Response from Administration
FSR 18/19-03'
"Transparency in Pharmacy Benefits Management"
- Originated as Bill 429.
- Received by FSEC 1-10-2019.
- Passed first reading 1-10-2019.
- Passed second reading unanimously 1-17-2019.
FSR 18/19-02
"Restructure Final Exam Schedules for Consistency"
- Originated as Bill 427
- Received by FSEC 12-4-2018.
- Passed first reading 12-4-2018.
- Passed second reading unanimously 12-13-18.
March 26, 2019 Response from Administration |
FSR 18-19/01
"Faculty Senate Response to the UAH President and Provost Response to Faculty Senate Resolution 17/18/12"
- Originated as Bill 426
- Received by FSEC 10-4-2018.
- Passed first reading 10-4-2018.
- Passed second reading unanimously 10-18-2018.
December 2, 2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-14
"Expanding the Services of the UAH Staff Clinic to Spouses of UAH Employees"
Originated as Bill 422
2/8/2018 - Received by FSEC and passed first reading
5/17/2018 - Passed second reading unanimously
May 21, 2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-13
"Importance of Vacant and Vacated Faculty Positions to Sustain the Educational Mission of the University of Alabama in Huntsville"
Originated as Bill 420
11/30/2017 - Received by FSEC
2/8/2018 - Passed first reading
4/19/2018 - Passed second reading unanimously
July 9, 2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-12
"Compensation of Faculty with Increased Teaching Levels"
Originated as Bill 419
11/09/2017 - Received by FSEC and passed first reading
3/15/2018 - Passed second and third reading
August 31, 2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-11
"Campus Sexual Assault Evidentiary Standards"
Originated as Bill 416
11/09/2017 - Received by FSEC
3/8/2018 - Passed first reading
3/15/2018 - Passed second reading
3/15/2018 - Passed third reading
September 4, 2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-10
"Modification of Indirect Cost Recovery"
Originated as Bill 417
11/09/2017 - Received by FSEC
11/09/2017 - Passed first reading
1/18/2018 - Passed second reading
2/15/2018 - Passed third reading
September 4, 2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-09
"Student Evaluation of Teaching"
Originated as Bill 393
8/25/2017 - Received by FSEC
9/27/2017 - Passed first reading
12/7/2017 - Passed 2nd reading
12/7/2017 - Passed 3rd reading
August 31, 2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-08
"UAH Faculty Career Advancement"
Originated as Bill 408
04/13/2017 - Passed first reading
11/16/2017 - Passed second reading unanimously
6/6/2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-07
"Reestablishment of Budget and Planning Committee and Establishment of University and College Fee Committees"
Originated as Bill 415
10/12/2017 - Passed first reading
11/16/2017 - Passed second reading unanimously
1/10/2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-06
"Open Announcement and Review of Internal Selection for Limited Submission Proposals and Internal UAH Proposals"
Originated as Bill 402
4/13/2017 - Passed first reading
11/16/2017 - Passed second reading unanimously
6/25/2018 Response from Administration
9/25/2018 Addendum to Response from Administration
FSR 17/18-05
"On the Authority of the Faculty Handbook"
Originated as Bill 414
9/14/2017 - Passed first reading
9/21/2017 - Passed second reading unanimously
11/6/2017 Response from Administration
FSR 17/18-04
"Reply on and Revision of Signature Approval Policy"
Originated as Bill 413
9/14/2017 - Passed first reading
9/21/2017 - Passed second reading unanimously
1/10/2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-03
"Faculty Handbook Appendix H : Determination of Rights in Copyrightable Materials at the University of Alabama in Huntsville"
Originated as Bill 412
9/14/2017 - Passed first reading
9/21/2017 - Passed second reading unanimously
FSR 17/18-02
"Faculty Handbook Appendix G Patent Policy at the University of Alabama in Huntsville"
Originated as Bill 411
9/14/2017 - Passed first reading
9/21/2017 - Passed second reading unanimously
1/10/2018 Response from Administration |
FSR 17/18-01
"Retention and Progress to Graduation"
Originated as Bill 410
8/24/2017 - Passed first reading
8/31/2017 - Passed second reading unanimously
11/6/2017 Response from Administration |
FSR 16/17-10
"Child Care Resources for Faculty and Staff"
Originated as Bill 406
4/13/2017 - Passed first reading
4/20/2017 - Passed second and third reading unanimously
FSR 16/17-09
"Sharing of Library Resources and Data-bases between System Campuses"
Originated as Bill 407
4/13/2017 - Passed first reading
4/20/2017 - Passed second and third reading unanimously
FSR 16/17-08
"Diversity and Inclusiveness"
Originated as Bill 405
3/9/2017 - Passed first reading
3/23/2017 - Passed second and third reading unanimously
FSR 16/17-07
"Preapproved Language for Faculty Handbook concerning:
- Modified Duties for Faculty and,
- Extension of the Tenure Clock"
Originated as Bill 401
1/12/2017 - Passed first reading
2/16/2017 - Passed second and third reading unanimously
FSR 16/17-06
"Chapter 4 Faculty Handbook"
Originated as Bill 389
Received back to faculty for revision
2/9/2017 - Passed first reading
2/16/2017 - Passed second and third reading
2/26/2017 Response from President |
FSR 16/17-05
"Cover a Charger"
Originated as Bill 398
12/8/2016 - Passed first reading
2/16/2017 - Passed second and third reading unanimously
FSR 16/17-04
"Faculty and Emeritus Faculty Authored Books in the UAH Bookstore"
Originated as Bill 387
4/21/2016 - Passed first reading
9/15/2016 - Passed second reading unanimously
FSR 16/17-03
"Optimal Class Size"
Originated as Bill 386
9/8/2016 - Passed first reading
9/15/2016 - Passed second reading unanimously
11/24/2016 Response from President |
FSR 16/17-02
"Development Giving Directly to Departments"
Originated as Bill 385
4/21/2016 - Passed first reading
9/15/2016 - Passed second reading unanimously
FSR 16/17-01
"Notification to Senate on Deanships"
Originated as Bill 382
9/8/2016 - Passed first reading
9/15/2016 - Did not pass second reading
10/26/2016 - Passed third reading unanimously
11/24/2016 - Response from President |
FSR 15/16-07
"Revision to Handbook Appendix A"
Originated as Bill 392
4/25/2016 - Passed 1st Reading
8/16/2016 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously
FSR 15/16-06
"Revision to Handbook Chapter 6"
Originated as Bill 391
4/25/2016 - Passed 1st Reading
8/16/2016 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously
FSR 15/16-05
"Revision to Handbook Chapter 5"
Originated as Bill 390
4/25/2016 - Passed 1st Reading
8/16/2016 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously
FSR 15/16-04
"Revision to Handbook Chapter 4"
Originated as Bill 389
4/25/2016 - Passed 1st Reading
4/28/2016 - Passed 2nd Reading
8/16/2016 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
FSR 15/16-03
"Clarifying Handbook Revision Expectations"
Originated as Senate Bill 384
3/17/2016 - Passed 1st Reading
3/31/2016 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously
4/8/2016 - Dean of Students job description sent by Vice President of Student Affairs - Response from VPSA
FSR 15/16-02
"Revision to Faculty Handbook Chapters 1, 2, & 3"
Originated as Senate Bill 383
12/15/15 - Passed 1st Reading
12/17/15 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously
2/05/2015 - Approved by Board of Trustees |
FSR 15/16-01
"Changes to the Faculty Handbook"
Originated as Bill 381
8/20/15 - Passed 1st Reading
8/27/15 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously
8/27/2015 - Response from Provost |
FSR 14/15-01
"Climate Survey"
Originated as Bill 380
10/23/14 - Passed 1st Reading
10/30/14 - Passed 2nd and 3rd Readings with majority vote
Sense of Senate Resolution
"In Recognition of Peggy Bower"
8/28/14 - Passed unanimously |
FSR 13/14-01
"Implementation of Updated Parental Leave Policy"
Originated as Bill 376
1/23/14 - Passed 1st Reading
2/20/14 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously
4/25/14 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
FSR 12/13-06
"Reinstatement of UAH Junior Faculty Distinguished Research Program"
Originated as Bill 372
1/31/13 - 1st Reading at FSEC; sent to Finance & Resources Committee for revision
2/28/13 - Passed 1st Reading
4/2/13 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously
5/2/13 - Response from Provost |
FSR 12/13-05
"Transparency of the tenure and promotion process..."
Originated as Senate Bill 371
1/31/13 - Passed 1st Reading
4/2/13 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously, with amendments
5/22/2013 - Response from Provost |
FSR 12/13-04
"Definition of Faculty Representation on University-level Committees"
Originated as Senate Bill 370
10/18/12 - Passed 1st Reading
3/7/13 - Passed 2nd Reading
4/2/13 - Passed 3rd Reading with amendments
9/1/2013 - Response from President |
FSR 12/13-03
"Restoration of UAH GER Integrity Ruke"
Originated as Senate Bill 369
10/18/12 - Passed 1st Reading
3/7/13 - Passed 2nd Reading
4/2/13 - Passed 3rd Reading with amendments
8/28/2013 - Response from President |
FSR 12/13-02
"Improved Integrity for Communicable Diseases Information"
Originated as Senate Bill 361
10/20/11 - Passed 1st Reading
1/24/13 - Passed 2nd Reading unanimously
FSR 12/13-01
"Differential Tuition Analysis Request"
Originated as Bill 363
11/17/11 - Passed 1st Reading
1/26/12 - Passed 2nd Reading with majority vote
1/24/13 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
FSR 11/12-10
"Cross-Boundary Complaints"
2/16/2012 - Passed 1st Reading
3/15/2012 - Passed 2nd Reading
4/19/2012 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
FSR 11/12-09
"Integrity and Transparency for Behavior Tracking System Information"
2/16/2012 - Passed 1st Reading
2/23/2012 - Passed 2nd Reading
3/15/2012 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
FSR 11/12-08
"Faculty Education Support"
9/22/2011 - Passed 1st Reading
1/05/2012 - Passed 2nd Reading
2/23/2012 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
FSR 11/12-07
"Alabama Teachers Retirement System Advocacy"
1/05/2012 - Final Approval by Faculty Senate
FSR 11/12-06
"Doctoral Student Professional Meeting Attendance Support Bill"
1/05/2012 - Final Approval by Faculty Senate |
FSR 11/12-05
"Faculty Professional Meeting Attendance Support Bill"
10/20/2011 - Passed 1st Reading
10/27/2011 - Passed 2nd Reading
12/1/2011 - Passed 3rd Reading
FSR 11/12-04
"Conflict of Interest"
1/13/11 - Passed 1st Reading
10/27/11 - Passed 2nd Reading
12/1/11 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
2/10/2012 - Response from Provost |
SR 11/12-03 |
Establishing the University Ombuds Office |
10/10/2011 - Response from Provost |
FSR 11/12-02
"Midterm Grading Policy"
Originated as Senate Bill 352
8/25/11 - Passed 1st reading
9/1/11 - Passed 2nd Reading
9/29/11 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
SR 11/12-01 |
Full Refunds for Students in the Military who are Deployed |
10/10/2011 - Response from Provost |
FSR 10/11-10
"Supporting Second Degrees after Graduation"
Originated as Senate Bill 353
3/31/2011 - Passed 1st Reading
4/14/2011 - Passed 2nd Reading
4/14/2011 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
FSR 10/11-09
"Encouraging Second Degrees"
Originated as Senate Bill 352
2/17/2011 - Passed 1st Reading
4/14/2011 - Passed 2nd Reading
4/14/2011 - Passed 3rd Reading unanimously
Senate Bills
Sense of the Senate Resolutions
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Requesting Strategic Plan for Faculty and Staff Salary Problems
WHEREAS, faculty salaries in The University of Alabama System continue to trail regional averages by 10 to 19 percent; and
WHEREAS, staff salaries in The University of Alabama System continue to trail regional averages by 22 to 28 percent, and
WHEREAS, the State of Alabama has in the recent past fallen well below regional and national norms in its support of higher education; and
WHEREAS, these problems are not likely to be remedied in the foreseeable future without major efforts on the part of The University of Alabama System.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville requests that the administration of The University of Alabama System and its Board of Trustees develop a strategic plan for securing necessary financial resources from public and private sources to bring faculty salaries at least to the regional average and that development and implementation of this plan be made the top priority of the System and its Board of Trustees for the coming academic year.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville requests that efforts to bring staff salaries up to local market norms be included in this plan.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Honoring Dr. Kenneth E. Harwell, Senior Vice President for Research and Associate Provost
Whereas Dr. Kenneth Harwell has served as Vice President and Senior Vice President for Research and Associate Provost at The University of Alabama in Huntsville for nearly ten years; and
Whereas during Dr. Harwell's tenure as Vice President for Research the funded research at UAH has grown from $14 M to as much as $40 M, bringing UAH national recognition for research; and
Whereas Dr. Harwell has provided outstanding executive leadership for fifteen research centers, institutes, and consortia, playing an instrumental role in establishing new research centers in propulsion, aerophysics, earth systems science, information, and humanities; and
Whereas Dr. Harwell exercised wisdom, compassion, understanding, and an exceptional appreciation of the role of research in an academic institution in his interactions with and support of the five academic colleges of the university and the faculty and staff in them; and
Whereas through extraordinary vision and leadership Dr. Harwell has led the development of three new university-government-industry partnerships setting the pattern for other national partnerships; and
Whereas through exceptional insight Dr. Harwell has led the creation of two new statewide alliances of research universities in the State of Alabama to capitalize on the widespread expertise within the state, creating "world-class" research organizations; and
Whereas Dr. Harwell has brought honor to UAH through his numerous awards and citations, including the Toftoy Award and election to Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA); and
Whereas Dr. Harwell is a man of remarkable perceptiveness, persuasive resourceful leadership, outstanding technical expertise, and exceptional integrity, and a dedicated husband and father;
Therefore be it resolved that:
The Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville does formally recognize the outstanding contributions of Dr. Kenneth E. Harwell to The University of Alabama in Huntsville.
Be it further resolved that:
The Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville expresses its sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. Harwell and best wishes for continued success in his career.
Be it further resolved that:
This resolution be spread abroad on the Minutes of the Faculty Senate and a permanent record of this resolution be held in perpetuity in the Journal of the Faculty Senate and a copy be presented to Dr. Kenneth E. Harwell.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Retirement Systems of Alabama (November 20, 1997)
Whereas, since the inception of the Teachers' Retirement System in 1939 and the Employees' Retirement System in 1945, the Retirement Systems of Alabama (RSA) has operated on a system of "book-value" of assets; and
Whereas, now the Government Accounting Standards Board has directed that all governmental pension programs in the United States use "market related value" in place of "book value"; and
Whereas, the RSA has experience significant gains earned by RSA investments and the conversion from "book value" to "market place value" will result in a significant decrease in required contributions to the RSA for at least the next five years; and
Whereas, an increase in the market value of RSA invested funds such as is presently being discussed rightfully belongs to the severely underpaid faculty and staff of our institutions and should therefore be passed on to them through increased salaries or reduced RSA personal contributions.
Therefore, be it resolved that: The Legislature of Alabama be advised of the absolute necessity of leaving in the budgets of individual state institutions all retirement matching dollars currently appropriated to these individual institutions.
Passed unanimously this day:
Mark V. Bower, President
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Concerning Amended Student Judicial Code (Faculty and Student Development Committee January 29, 1998)
Whereas: The University Judicial Board (UJB) and its procedures established in the Student Code of Conduct is a necessary forum for hearing matters related to student conduct, both for maintaining due process in all matters relating to student conduct, and in the spirit of a University Community which is regulated by its own members, and
Whereas: The Faculty representation on the UJB has involved membership on the hearing panels and the Chair of the UJB has been drawn from the Faculty membership, and
Whereas: The Chair of the UJB has had a considerable administrative burden in documenting the various stages of the process, notifying parties involved in the process, assigning members to serve as Preliminary Action Officer and to the hearing board, and to scheduling and coordinating these efforts, which has not been inconsiderable, and
Whereas: The Vice President for Student Affairs has amended the Student Judicial Code to appoint a Judicial Affairs Officer to replace the Chair of the UJB for the purpose of handling these administrative details while maintaining the membership of the faculty on the Board and assignment as Preliminary Action Officer and member of the Hearing Panels,
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville endorses the changes made to the Student Code of Conduct changing the title of the Coordinator for Student Conduct to the Judicial Affairs Officer and appointing that officer to replace the faculty Chair of the UJB for the purpose of administrative duties, while maintaining faculty membership as the PAO and as members of the Hearing Panels.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Alabama Tax Reform Resolution
Whereas, the citizens of Alabama continuously identify funding of public education as the highest priority of the state, and,
Whereas, education funding at all levels is facing a crisis that demands immediate attention, and,
Whereas, every study and survey clearly show Alabama has the capacity to better fund public education, and,
Whereas, higher education in Alabama is especially underfunded, resulting in a continuing loss of quality faculty to other states, and unacceptable degradation of teaching facilities, equipment and library collections, and,
Whereas, this underfunding of higher education has a direct negative impact on economic development in Alabama and the prosperity of Alabama citizens, and,
Whereas, the citizens of Alabama expect and deserve an adequately funded higher education system;
Therefore, Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville expresses its strong support and advocacy of Alabama tax reform designed to produce a fair, productive and accountable tax structure that will provide equitable and adequate funding for all of Alabama public education.
Be it further resolved that the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville requests the Governor and the Alabama Legislature develop and adopt specific proposals that will provide adequate funding for all of Alabama public education in a time frame that will preclude Alabama public education being permanently damaged by the looming fiscal crisis.
And, be it resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Governor, members of the Legislature, and other interested parties as appropriate.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Faculty Handbook Review Committee
WHEREAS, The Faculty Senate Bylaws call for annual review of the Faculty Handbook by the Personnel Committee, and
WHEREAS, The last comprehensive review of the Faculty Handbook occurred in 1995, and
WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee welcomes the input of all interested parties,
That a Faculty Handbook Review Committee be established, with membership consisting of two members from each college and in the university and the Library and one ex-officio member designated by the Provost/VPAA, and that of these two members, one be an elected senator selected by the senators of that college and that the other be a non administrative faculty representative elected by the faculty of the respective college, the selection of the faculty member falls under the same criteria as the election of Faculty Senators (Any tenured, tenure-earning, clinical faculty, or research faculty member, including department chairs, will be eligible to be elected to membership in the Senate; administrators above the level of department chairs are not eligible to serve.)and that the chair of the committee be selected by the members of the committee, and
That this Faculty Handbook Review Committee review the Faculty Handbook during the 2008-2009 academic year to ensure that its contents reflect current policy, are not self-contradictory, and clearly describe policies and procedures. As a result of this review, the committee may decide to present recommendations for change to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for consideration by the Faculty Senate as a whole or the appropriate Senate committee.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Statewide Faculty Database Modification Recommendations
Whereas: The Alabama State Legislature, and the Alabama Commission on Higher Education have mandated the development of a statewide faculty database, and
Whereas: Both the faculty and the administration of The University of Alabama in Huntsville have a vested interest in the content and use of this database, and
Whereas: It is assumed that the motivation to develop this database is based in part on a perceived need to exercise greater control over faculty workloads. It is apparent that some portion of the State Legislature and a segment of the public believe that many university faculty work less than the standard 40 hours per week, and
Whereas: Reporting actual contact hours in the classroom per week is necessary, but vastly underestimates actual hours of work, and
Whereas: The general public and the State Legislature understand the teaching function; however, for the most part they do not understand the academic research, funded research, professional service, university service and public service functions, and
Whereas: Any reporting system which overemphasizes hours per week of classroom instruction without adequate documentation of hours per week for these other work categories will result in a distorted report. This distortion in reporting will tend to favor teaching universities over research universities, and will favor community colleges over universities in general, and
Whereas: The current ACHE draft document presents metrics that measure in essence what is most easily measurable. This is problematic because many of these categories do not translate into hours per week of labor, and
Whereas: In industry some job analyses break down work into estimated time parameters, and
Whereas: A failure to utilize this approach may result in an interpretation of report data that simply continues to underestimate hours per week of labor in the non-teaching categories. This would tend to reinforce existing perceptions that faculty work less than 40 hours per week, rather than combating the misperception or stereotype with time based data, and
Whereas: Faculty currently submit an annual activity report and should not be burdened with additional and redundant reporting responsibility, and
Whereas: The current ACHE draft fails to account for hours per week of class preparation time and individualized student instruction, and
Whereas: The current ACHE draft fails to allow for separate categories of research, and
Whereas: The current ACHE draft fails to identify many important service activities, and
Whereas: The current ACHE draft includes categories that should not be included in this report and duplicates reporting and information available at an aggregate level, and
Whereas: The UAH Faculty Senate, through the Senate Personnel Committee is the appropriate university level faculty organization for submitting recommendations regarding this database, the following recommendations are submitted for consideration.
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville recommends the following modifications to the ACHE Draft Document for the Statewide Faculty Database.
- It is imperative that the reporting system accurately present estimates of hours per week of work in each category.
- Based on the fact that there are fundamental differences between research universities, four-year teaching institutions, and community colleges, a separate reporting format may be necessary for institutions in each of these three categories.
- We should follow one industry model for job analyses and translate work activities into estimated hours per week of labor in each category.
- The department chair or center director should provide input for the database on an annual basis. This information will be obtained in part from the annual activity report, and secondly, through the observations of the department chair. This may require some questioning on the part of the chair or director to obtain estimates for reporting categories. Since this is not self-reported time estimates, but rather estimates based on supervisory observation; the validity of the data reported should be higher.
- In addition to the measures of instructional productivity included in the ACHE draft, it is proposed that hours per week of class preparation time and individualized student instruction should be estimated and reported by the department chair. This should allow for variability based on the level and nature of the course. It will also adjust for new course preparations, course revisions, and courses delivered through distance education.
- Funded research and academic (unfunded) research (or other creative work) should be reported as separate categories. The current ACHE draft accounts for numbers of publications, dollars in funded research, etc. In addition to these measures it is proposed that the department chair or center director report approximations of average hours per week in each category.
- Professional service, university service, and public service should be reported as separate categories. In addition to the listing of activities that the chair or director may obtain from the annual activity report, time estimates (in mean hours per week) should be reported in each of these three categories. A simple solution for identifying important service activities is to transfer the listing of activities noted in the activity report to the general categories of service on a revised reporting document.
- Information that exists at the university level should be reported separately rather than instituting redundant reporting. Information such as age, gender, race, etc. should not be reported for each individual faculty. This information is available at an aggregate level.
Let it be further resolved that:
This Sense of the Senate Resolution from the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville be spread upon the permanent minutes of the Faculty Senate and should be distributed to President Franz, Provost McManus, Chancellor Meredith, ACHE and ACUFP.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Honoring The UAH Ice Hockey Team
Whereas the Varsity Ice Hockey Team of The University of Alabama in Huntsville distinguished itself by its outstanding team and individual play throughout the 1997-98 season, earning the top ranking from the NCAA Division II poll; and
Whereas the UAH Chargers ended the 1997-98 season by earning fourth bid to an NCAA national championship tournament, and did host the NCAA Division II championship tournament two-game series against Bemidji State University of Minnesota; and
Whereas the Chargers Ice Hockey Team complied a record of 22-3-3 during the 1997-98 season, and finished first in the tournament vanquishing their opponents by scores of 5-2 and 6-2; and
Whereas through its success the UAH Ice Hockey Team has garnered favorable national attention for UAH; and
Whereas through its sportsmanship, work ethic, attention to scholarship, and success on the ice, the UAH Ice Hockey Team has earned for itself a place of honor among the top collegiate ice hockey programs in the nation, and has in its travels around the country represented UAH in an exemplary fashion;
Therefore be it resolved that:
The Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville does heartily commend and congratulate the UAH Charger Ice Hockey Team, both players and coaches, for earning its second national championship in three years.
Be it further resolved that:
This resolution be spread abroad on the Minutes of the Faculty Senate and a permanent record of this resolution be held in perpetuity in the Journal of the Faculty Senate and copies be sent to the players and coaches to be shared with their families and friends.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Faculty Senate Position on the 1998-99 Education Budget
Whereas, Alabama has invested in the future by fully funding the K-12 Foundation Program; and
Whereas, one result of fully funding the K-12 Foundation Program is that the average salaries of K-12 teachers is now approximately at the southeastern average (according to figures published by the National Education Association (NEA)); and
Whereas, higher education is an equally important asset for securing the future of Alabama and its citizens; and
Whereas, in recent years Education Trust Fund dollars have been reallocated away from higher education to remedy ills within the K-12 system; and
Whereas, the reallocation has caused faculty salaries in higher education to fall far below the Southern Region Education Board (SREB) average, in particular faculty salaries at The University of Alabama in Huntsville are more than 18% below the SREB average; and
Whereas, a high quality faculty is required to maintain the high quality academic programs demanded by Alabama citizens; and
Whereas, the current salary deficiency makes it very difficult to recruit and retain the high quality faculty Alabama citizens have come to expect from their institutions of higher education; and
Whereas, the faculty, staff, and students of the higher education institutions in the State of Alabama have suffered unjustly to right a wrong not of their own making; and
Whereas, it is now time for higher education to be treated fairly in the education budget,
Therefore be it resolved that:
The Legislature of Alabama is requested to provide to the faculty and staff of higher education institutions an eight percent (8%) salary pool increase in 1998 from the growth in the Education Trust Fund.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Honoring Former Faculty Senate Presidents
Whereas the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville is entering its twenty-fifth year as a permanent body of The University of Alabama in Huntsville governance system representing the faculty as the voice of the faculty, and
Whereas the former Presidents of the Faculty Senate have served The University of Alabama in Huntsville Faculty Senate and faculty as the official spokesperson for the Senate, and
Whereas the former Presidents of the Faculty Senate have sacrificially served the Faculty Senate and faculty providing leadership, wisdom, counsel, strength, and vision, giving of their time, talents, abilities, education, experience, and wisdom, and
Whereas through the efforts of these Presidents, the Faculty Senate has grown as a respected representative body of the faculty that works effectively within the University community, and with the Provost, President, Chancellor, Board of Trustees, and State Legislature, and
Whereas the contributions made by these dedicated men and women sets the standard for all future Faculty Senate Presidents, and
Whereas the Faculty Senate is moving into a new era, building on the foundation built in large part through the leadership of the former Presidents of the Faculty Senate.
Therefore be it resolved that:
The Faculty Senate recognizes and officially acknowledges the contributions made by:
Dr. J. Castle, 1973/74 and 1974/75
Dr. Robert Thurstone, 1975/76
Dr. Lee Cook, 1976/77
Dr. Wilhelm Kubitza, 1977/78
Dr. Kenneth Coffield, 1978/79
Dr. John Hendricks, 1979/80
Dr. Marc Scriven, 1980/81
Dr. Dianne Roberts, 1981/82 and 1982/83
Dr. Joan Williamson, 1983/84 and 1984/85
Dr. Gerald Karr, 1985/86 and 1986/87
Dr. Thomas Williams, 1987/88 and 1988/89
Dr. Tom Cost, 1989/90 and 1990/91
Dr. Chris Paul, 1991/92, and
Dr. Ken Howell, 1992/93, 1993/94, and 1994/95.
Furthermore, the Faculty Senate expresses to each of the former Senate Presidents thanks and best wishes for continued success.
Be it further resolved that:
A formal copy of this resolution be presented to each of the former Faculty Senate Presidents.
Be it further resolved that:
Each former President receive a medallion as an ornament of their office as a former President of the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville.
Be it further resolved that:
This resolution be spread abroad on the Minutes of the Faculty Senate and a permanent record of this resolution be held in perpetuity in the Journal of the Faculty Senate.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Comprehensive Review of Deans (April 12, 2001)
WHEREAS, the UAH Faculty Handbook requires deans to undergo a comprehensive review of their performance early in the fall semester of the fifth year of their term (see Appendix A.2-3),
WHEREAS, the deans have important responsibilities as the chief administrative officers of the colleges, including duties to supervise faculty teaching, service, and research, to evaluate faculty and departmental performance, and to help enforce the requirements of the Faculty Handbook,
WHEREAS, it is unfair for administrative officers who enforce the Faculty Handbook to be exempt from the procedures of the Faculty Handbook,
That the UAH Faculty Senate calls on the Provost to enforce immediately the procedures for the comprehensive review of the deans laid out in the Faculty Handbook.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Speaker Resolution
WHEREAS, Prominent guest speakers and lecturers bring attention to campus and encourage local residents to attend university events, and thus foster an appreciation of UAH, and
WHEREAS, Visitors with diverse points of view and intellectual eminence stimulate discussion and thus contribute greatly to a vital campus life, and
WHEREAS, Famous or expert speakers can inspire students to new high levels of thought and achievement, and
WHEREAS, UAH has limited funds available for guest speakers and lecturers, and consequently faculty typically work long hours to find funds and write grants (often for small sums), and
WHEREAS, the cost of travel is increasing and thus imposing a burden on the available funds, and so
That the Faculty Senate deeply appreciates and praises the UAH Alumni Association for its fund-raising for the Alumni Association Lecture Series, and sincerely thanks those friends of UAH who have contributed to this fund and other speaker funds, and
That the Faculty Senate advises the University administration to continue its support of such fund-raising, and further to make fund-raising for guest speakers and lecture series a priority.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Rejecting the Bond Issue
WHEREAS; The University of Alabama in Huntsville Faculty Senate represents 323 faculty members with more than 7000 students at UAH, and
WHEREAS; the faculty at UAH are dedicated to high quality and affordable education for all of our students, and
WHEREAS; education at all levels in Alabama needs stable and predictable funding, both now and in the future, and
WHEREAS; UAH faculty recognize and applaud elementary and secondary education advancements and have never been in opposition to K - 12 despite what the AEA presents to the public, and
WHEREAS; the Presidents of the state institutions have refused the offer of a bond issue, affecting only higher education, in lieu of fair and equitable treatment in the education budget, a bond issue which is not only poor fiscal management but puts an unfair burden on students pursuing higher education in Alabama, and
WHEREAS; Higher Education officials are being depicted by the Alabama teachers union leadership as being against basic education because of the refusal of this ill-conceived bond issue, and
WHEREAS; UAH faculty recognize and applaud those statesmen/leaders in the Alabama Legislature who have taken a stand for the primacy of K - 16 education in Alabama with its attendant economic and quality of life enhancements.
The UAH Faculty Senate fully supports the Presidents of the Universities, and The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama System, in their refusal to accept "second class citizen" status for higher education personnel and students by not accepting the bond issue offered as the only resource, and
This resolution be sent to members of the Alabama Legislature, the Lieutenant Governor and the Governor as well as local and state newspapers and the Faculty Senate Presidents of the public four-year universities in Alabama.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Program Viability Review (January 27, 2000)
Whereas: The Alabama State Legislature, and the Alabama Commission on Higher Education have mandated that we review all academic programs for viability, and
Whereas: the faculty of the university have both expertise and interest in curricular matters, and
Whereas: The UAH Faculty Senate, through the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, is the appropriate university level faculty organization to be involved in undergraduate curricular review as recognized in Section IV Senate Committees of the Bylaws of the Faculty Senate, and
The Faculty Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for monitoring the quality of curriculum at The University of Alabama in Huntsville. Specifically, the committee:
- Shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Provost/VPAA in matters related to curriculum planning, development, change, and evaluation.
- May initiate and shall review any proposed changes affecting programs, basic degree requirements, and the creation or elimination of academic program.
This committee shall also be responsible for collecting and disseminating information pertaining to the planning, development, change, or evaluation of any academic program, and
Whereas: "The Graduate Council is an elected body representing the graduate faculty. The Council examines new policies, procedural requirements, new graduate programs, graduate faculty appointments, student petitions, and other matters dealing with graduate school." (UAH Faculty Handbook),
Therefore, be it resolved that:
All plans to create, merge, or close undergraduate academic programs be reviewed by the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and, upon recommendation from the Curriculum Committee, by the Faculty Senate. The recommendations of the Senate shall be forwarded to the Provost.
Let it be further resolved that:
All plans to create, merge, or close graduate academic programs be reviewed by the Graduate Council. The recommendation of the Council shall be forwarded to the Dean of Graduate School.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Honoring Reva Bailey (April, 2000)
WHEREAS, Reva J. Bailey, Registrar and International Student Advisor at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), received her Bachelor of Arts in English as part of the first graduating class of UAH and her Masters of Administrative Science also from UAH; and
WHEREAS, Reva Bailey began her UAH career in 1959 as a high school student working as an assistant when UAH was an extension campus located at Butler High School; and
WHEREAS, Reva Bailey has served UAH for over forty years in capacities including: Clerical Assistant to Graduate Program Representative, 1959-61; Secretary to the Registrar for the Graduate Program, 1961-63; Assistant to the Graduate program Representative, 1963-64; Graduate Recorder, 1964-69; Assistant Registrar, 1969-79; Associate Registrar and International Student Advisor, 1969-92; and Registrar and International Student Advisor, 1992-present; and
WHEREAS, Reva Bailey has served the Alabama Associate of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers since 1969 in various capacities to include: Member, Newsletter Editor, Executive Committee Member, International Programs Committee Chair and Local Arrangements Chair; and
WHEREAS, Reva Bailey has served the Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers since 1969 in various capacities to include: Member; International Workshop Participant; International Professional and Graduate School Committee Member and Registration Techniques and Records Management Committee Member; and
WHEREAS, Reva bailey has served the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers since 1969 through her membership; and
WHEREAS, Reva bailey has served The National Association for Foreign Student Affairs (NAFSA), since 1969 in various capacities to include; Member, 1988 State President, State Representative; Alabama Representative to Region VII, Local Arrangements Chair for Annual Conference and Member of NAFSA's Association of International Educators; and
WHEREAS, Reva Bailey has served since 1988 as a member of the Alabama Credit Union Advisory Board, and
WHEREAS, Reva Bailey was a Charter Member of the Southeastern Testing Association; and
WHEREAS, Reva Bailey has received numerous awards and recognitions to include: The UAH Alumni Association Staff Appreciation Award, two time recipient of The UAH Exemplary Service Award, selection as Outstanding International Student Advisor and is listed in Who's Who Among International Students in American Universities and Colleges.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville that it recognizes Reva J. Bailey for providing over forty years of dedication and leadership in serving UAH's national and international student population. In so doing she has made major contributions to establishing the stature of UAH within the University of Alabama system. The Faculty Senate, on behalf of all UAH Faculty, past, present and future, wish to express our deepest gratitude to Reva J. Bailey for her many contributions and to wish her the very best in all her future endeavors.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the permanent minutes of this body and that a copy be sent to Reva J. Bailey and a copy be placed in the Library of The University of Alabama in Huntsville.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Senate Event and Lecture Fund
WHEREAS, In November 2002 the UAH Faculty Senate passed a resolution that noted the importance of guest speakers and special events in fostering a vital campus life and an appreciation of UAH, and that requested that more money be made available for guest speakers and special events, and
WHEREAS, President Franz supports the goals of the resolution and has agreed to provide funds for the Senate to distribute to academic groups that will bring important and expert speakers to campus, and
That a "Senate Event and Lecture Fund" be established, with the President's office providing money, and the Finance and Resource Committee of the Faculty Senate selecting worthy projects, and
That the charges of the Senate Finance and Resource Committee be amended to include the following statement: "The Committee will also be responsible for assessing proposed uses of the Senate Event and Lecture Fund.
The committee will publicize the availability of the funds and request the submission of single-page proposals that describe the topic, intended audience, and credentials of guest(s), and outline the budget. The proposals will be evaluated and recommended based on their contribution to the University's mission."
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Disposition of Senate Business During the Summer (April 23, 1998)
Whereas: The State-Wide Articulation Agreement is initiating many changes in Curriculum and Policy for Undergraduate Education, and
Whereas: With the implementation of the Articulation Agreement becoming effective Fall 1998, and
Whereas: Because many of the Policy and Curriculum Changes must be initiated and/or endorsed by the Faculty Senate, and
Whereas: It has been very difficult to impossible to constitute a quorum in the Summer in order to act on Faculty Senate Business,
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville authorizes the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to act in its behalf to address routine business of a timely nature during the period from 18 May, 1998 to 17 August, 1998. All Senators will be notified in advance, with date and content of the meeting, of all Senate Executive Committee Meetings. Actions of the Senate Executive Committee will be subject to ratification by the full Faculty Senate at the first regular meeting of the Faculty Senate in the Fall or any called meetings. As required by the Faculty Senate By-Laws all "emergency" issues, particularly those dealing with faculty personnel policies, must be addressed by the full Faculty Senate in a called meeting.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Recognizing Contributors to the Successful Legislative Action Campaign
Whereas Higher Education in the State of Alabama, in general, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville, in particular, have suffered severe financial hardship during this legislative quadrennium; and
Whereas a concerted legislative action campaign was conducted by administrators, faculty, staff, students, Trustees, and friends of the University to persuade and convince the State Legislature of the value of Higher Education to the State, that Higher Education had to be treated fairly in this year's budget process, and that it was necessary to make reparation for the financial hardships imposed by previous budgets; and
Whereas had there not been active intervention in the legislative process by our administration, faculty, staff, students, Trustees, and friends,Higher Education would not have received fair treatment; and
Whereas Mr. Gary Smith deserves special recognition for going beyond the call of duty, having provided outstanding leadership, vision, and guidance for the campaign and for his tireless labor in the trenches of Montgomery; and
Whereas Higher Education has successfully completed the 1998 Legislative Session with an average 4.8% increase in appropriation (with an increase at UAH of 5.21%) and Higher Education retains the savings from changes in the Retirement System accounting practices;
Therefore be it resolved that:
The Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville does
Formally recognize the contributions of the administration, faculty, staff,students, Trustees, and friends of the University that led to a successful conclusion to the 1998 legislative action campaign.
Be it further resolved that:
The Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville expresses its thanks and appreciation to all who participated in the campaign.
Be it further resolved that:
The Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville does take special note of the contributions made by Mr. Gary Smith in the 1998 Legislative Session and expresses its special thanks and appreciation.
Be it further resolved that:
This resolution be spread abroad on the Minutes of the Faculty Senate and a permanent record of this resolution be held in perpetuity in the Journal of the Faculty Senate and copies be sent to Chancellor Meredith, President Pro Tem Edwards, President Franz, and Mr. Gary Smith.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
Academic Realignment Committee
WHEREAS, The President has been charged by the Chancellor of the University of Alabama system to realign the academic units of UAH,
WHEREAS, The Provost is seeking input and discussion on academic realignment from the faculty,
WHEREAS, The faculty desire formal input and influence into the process,
That an Academic Realignment Committee be established, with membership consisting of two members from each college in the university and one from the Library, and that of these two members, one be an elected senator selected by the senators of that college and that the other be a faculty representative who is eligible for faculty senate elected by the faculty of the respective college with the vote conducted by the Governance and Operations Committee, and that the chair of the committee be selected by the members of the committee, and
That this Academic Realignment Committee is charged with developing a "best practices" report that summarizes (1) faculty input regarding academic realignment, (2) lessons learned from other academic institutions, and (3) recommendations for academic realignment. The committee will present this report to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and to the Provost and the President by the end of the 2008-2009 academic year.
That the Academic Realignment Committee develop a set of formal procedures for faculty involvement to protect academic integrity in cases in which a realignment occurs.
Sense of the Senate Resolution
The University of Alabama System Political Action Committee (UASPAC) (October 19, 2000)
Whereas: It is the belief of The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Faculty that the economic development and quality of life of all Alabamians are related to the quality of higher education in the state, and
Whereas: faculty believe that their work of teaching, research and service is important and merits strong state support, and
Whereas: the University of Alabama System Political Action Committee (UASPAC) has been developed to lead the effort to protect higher education in general and the University of Alabama System universities in particular,
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The UAH Faculty Senate applauds and supports the goals of UASPAC to support higher education in becoming a strong and viable force in the development of Alabama in the 21st Century.
Unanimously passed by the Faculty Senate of the The University of Alabama in Huntsville November 9, 2000.
Senate Bill 273 - Indeterminate Academic Status Policy
Whereas, undergraduate students are occasionally assigned grades of I or X; and
Whereas, these grades must be remedied no later than the end of classes during the next semester of enrollment, or 1 year from the date of grade, whichever is earlier; and
Whereas, current UAH policy treats grades of I or X as a grade of F when computing GPA; and
Whereas, this policy penalizes students for courses that they have not, but must, complete;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
grades of I and X will not be counted in computing an undergraduate student's GPA. The credit hours for courses in which an I or X is assigned will not be included in computing the GPA or academic classification until the grade is remedied or converted to an F through the student's failure to remedy the I or X grade.
Senate Bill - Policy Regarding Ethical Standards in Research and Other Scholarly Activities
The principles that govern research have long been established and applied by faculties and administrators for the discovery of new knowledge needed by mankind. The maintenance of high ethical standards in research based on these principles is a central and critical responsibility of faculties and administrators of academic institutions. Validity and accuracy in the collection and reporting of data are intrinsically essential to the very nature of research, that is, the pursuit of truth.
The maintenance of public trust in this pursuit is vital. In short, it is in the best interest of the public and of academic institutions to prevent misconduct in research and to deal objectively and responsibly with instances where misconduct is suspected.
Policy Statement
1. Researchers and Scholars who are in supervisory positions with regard to colleagues, postdoctoral fellows, technicians, and students are expected to work closely with those individuals to provide them with appropriate guidance and counsel, to the end that these individuals continue to maintain the highest professional and ethical standards.
2. Researchers and Scholars are encouraged to increase student and staff awareness of the importance of maintaining high ethical standards in research and to discuss issues related to research ethics in formal courses, in seminars, and by other, informal means.
3. Researchers and Scholars should support all research results with verifiable evidence and should maintain sufficient written records or other documentation of their studies. It is the responsibility of experienced investigators to develop among junior colleagues and students the necessary respect for careful recording and preservation of primary data.
4. Where possible Researchers and Scholars are encouraged to engage in free discussion of results, to share data and techniques, and to avoid secrecy in the conduct of original investigations. It should be remembered that the independent confirmation of results is crucial to the establishment of new concepts.
5. Researchers and Scholars are responsible for the quality of all reports based on their own efforts or on the collaborative work of colleagues, students or technicians, especially those which bear the faculty member's name. Researchers and Scholars are strongly encouraged to discuss matters of responsibility, authorship, and acknowledgment for technical assistance early and throughout the research process with all collaborators. The word "reports" is used here to mean manuscripts submitted for publication or for presentation at meetings as well as abstracts of those manuscripts, abstracts submitted for presentation at meetings, and manuscripts submitted to organizations funding sponsored research to comply with their "reporting" requirement. The same standards of research integrity apply to abstracts as to full-length publications. A Researcher or Scholar should allow his or her name to be used on a report only when the report contains results for which that person can assume full professional and ethical responsibility.
6. Any employee or student of this University who has reason to suspect any other employee or student of scientific misconduct has the responsibility of pursuing those suspicions in accordance with the procedures outlined below.
7. For purposes of this policy, "misconduct in research and other scholarly activities" ("misconduct") includes, but is not limited to, (1) fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted in the scholarly community for the proposing, conducting, and reporting of research and other scholarly activities; (2) appropriation without due credit of another's ideas. The use of confidential/classified information; (3) willful or reckless failure to comply with legal requirements that relate to research and other scholarly activities; or (4) intentionally withholding information relevant to a preliminary inquiry or investigation under this policy, intentionally pressuring others to do so, or retaliating in any way against any person who provides such information or who reports, in good faith, suspected or alleged research misconduct. Honest error or honest differences in interpretations or judgments of data shall not be considered misconduct under this policy.
8. The bringing of malicious or irresponsible charges of misconduct may itself be considered misconduct under this policy.
1. Reporting. Allegations of misconduct may be made by any member of the University community who becomes aware of actions, or failures to act, that may be misconduct as defined above. Allegations of misconduct should be in writing and should be directed to the Vice President for Research.
2. Preliminary Action by Vice President for Research.
a. Immediately upon receipt of written allegations of misconduct, the Vice President for Research shall decide if the alleged incident, were it to have occurred, would constitute misconduct under this policy. If the Vice President for Research concludes that the alleged incident falls under this policy, the Vice President for Research will initiate a preliminary inquiry to determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that misconduct has occurred by appointing a Preliminary Action Officer. The Vice President for Research may request impartial University or outside experts having the appropriate experience and expertise to serve as Preliminary Action Officer .
b. Within one week of receiving the written allegations and prior to beginning the preliminary inquiry, the Vice President for Research shall inform the accused party of the nature of the accusations in a formal letter.
c. The preliminary inquiry by the Preliminary Action Officer shall be conducted in a confidential manner and all witnesses shall be cautioned not to disclose to anyone their discussions with the Preliminary Action Officer . The Preliminary Action Officer may consider any evidence that a reasonable person could deem probative any fact in issue. The accused party shall not have the right to be present during the meetings of the Preliminary Action Officer with any witness nor shall the accused party have the right to be accompanied by outside legal counsel before the Preliminary Action Officer at any time.
d. The accused party shall have the right to submit to the Preliminary Action Officer a written response to the allegations that are the subject of the preliminary inquiry. This response should be received by the Preliminary Action Officer within two weeks of the accused's receiving the notification of the preliminary inquiry.
e. The Preliminary Action Officer shall prepare a written report of the preliminary inquiry that (1) contains the accused party's timely written response to the allegations, if any; (2) states what evidence was reviewed; (3) summarizes relevant interviews; and (4) includes a conclusion as to whether there is reasonable cause to believe that misconduct has occurred. A copy of this report shall be provided to the accused party who shall be given two weeks to submit written comments in response to the report. The report, including any comments submitted in a timely manner by the accused party, shall then be provided to the Vice President for Research.
f. Unless circumstances clearly warrant a longer period, the report of the Preliminary Action Officer shall be submitted to the Vice President for Research within 45 days of the receipt of the allegations of misconduct. If the report is not submitted within 45 days, the report must include documentation of the reasons for exceeding the 45-day period.
3. Vice President for Research's Actions Upon Receipt of Preliminary Action Officer's Report. Upon receipt of the report of the Preliminary Action Officer , the Vice President for Research shall have the following options:
a. Review the report of the Preliminary Action Officer to ensure its completeness. The Vice President for Research may return the report to the Preliminary Action Officer for further preliminary inquiries as to any material matters not satisfactorily addressed by the report.
b. Where report of the Preliminary Action Officer concludes that there is no reasonable basis to believe that misconduct has occurred and the Vice President for Research concurs with such conclusion, the Vice President for Research shall document the reasons for such concurrence and cause that document to be placed with the record of the preliminary inquiry These materials shall be maintained by the Vice President for Research in a secure manner.(State Law)
c. Where the report of the Preliminary Action Officer concludes that there is reasonable cause to believe that misconduct has occurred and the Vice President for Research concurs with such a conclusion, the Vice President for Research shall appoint an ad hoc investigating Committee (the "Committee") which is impartial both in fact and in appearance The Vice President for Research shall draw up a list of ten Researchers and Scholars not holding administrative positions from the UAH full-time and tenured faculty to serve as nominees for membership of the Committee; the list should be diverse with two nominees from each of the five colleges (Administrative Science, Engineering, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Nursing and Sciences), and they should be nominated on the basis of their objectivity, competence and their positive regard in the academic community; they shall have no bias or untoward interest in the case. Members of the accused Researcher or Scholar's department or program are not permitted to serve on this Committee. The accused party will have a maximum of three challenges from among the nominees without stated cause. The Vice President for Research will then name a five-member Committee from the remaining names on the nominated slate. The Committee will elect its own chair. Outside experts may be present during the Committee proceedings and they may be consulted by the Committee members, but outside experts will not have the right to vote during the Committee Proceedings. The Committee shall begin its investigation within twenty-one (21) calendar days of completion of the preliminary inquiry.
d. The Vice President for Research may endeavor to facilitate a settlement of the charge of misconduct agreeable to the accused party and the University. If successful, such settlement shall be summarized in writing and placed with the record of preliminary inquiry and shall eliminate the need for further review of the misconduct by an ad hoc investigating Committee.
e. The Vice President for Research will notify appropriate parties of the disposition of the case to this point.
4. Conduct of Investigation By Ad Hoc Committee.
a. Except in extraordinary cases, the Committee shall interview all individuals involved in making the allegations of misconduct and against whom the allegations have been made, as well as others who could reasonably be expected to have information regarding key aspects of the allegations. Complete summaries of the testimony of such individuals shall be prepared and made a part of the report of the Committee. The investigation shall normally also include an examination of all documentation, including but not necessarily limited to relevant research data and proposals, publications, correspondence, and memoranda of telephone calls. Copies of relevant documentary evidence shall be included in the Committee's report.
b. The accused party shall have the right to be present at all sessions of the Committee when that Committee is gathering evidence. Neither the accused party nor the University Committee shall have the right to have legal counsel present.
c. The accused party shall have the right to question witnesses heard before the Committee and may provide to the Committee for its consideration the names of those individuals he/she believes can provide relevant testimony or other evidence.
d. The accused party shall have the right to testify before the Committee in his/her own behalf and to provide the Committee with relevant documentary evidence
e. The proceedings of the Committee shall be conducted in a confidential manner and all witnesses shall be cautioned not to discuss with anyone their appearance before the Committee. The Committee may consider any evidence that a reasonable person could deem probative of any fact in issue.
f. The Committee shall prepare a written report of its proceedings which (1) contains the accused party's timely written response to the allegations, if any; (2) states what evidence was reviewed; (3) summarizes relevant interviews; and (4) states the conclusions of the Committee. If the Committee determines that research misconduct has occurred, the Committee may choose to express its opinion as to the seriousness of the misconduct or recommend sanctions against the person who committed the misconduct A copy of this report shall be provided to the accused party who shall be given two weeks to submit a written response to the report. The report, including any comments submitted in a timely manner by the accused party, shall then be provided to the Vice President for Research.
g. Unless circumstances clearly warrant a longer period, the report of the Committee shall be submitted to the Vice President for Research within 90 days of the appointment of the Committee. If the report is not submitted within 90 days, the report must include documentation of the reasons for exceeding the 90-day period.
5. Action by Vice President for Research Upon Receipt of Report of Investigation. Upon receipt of the Committee's report, the Vice President for Research shall:
a. Review the report of the Committee to ensure its completeness. The Vice President for Research may return the report to the Committee for further inquiries as to any material matters not satisfactorily addressed by the report.
b. Take no action or recommend imposition of sanctions to the Vice President in whose division the accused party is employed or enrolled. If the appropriate Vice President's proposed sanction is a suspension for more than one month without pay, a reduction in salary, or termination, the case, if the accused party is a member of the faculty, will be referred for proceeding under the then current university policy concerning discipline or termination of faculty for cause, or, if the accused party is a staff employee or a student, the case will be referred for an adversary hearing consistent with models already in use by the University in related contexts or under appropriate handbooks. Less severe sanctions may be imposed without proceeding under such policies. The imposition of a lesser sanction is a matter that may be appealed through the applicable University grievance procedure.
6. Protections to be Afforded.
a. Allegations of misconduct are a very serious matter. Both during and after the process described above, all parties involved in reporting and investigating such allegations must take all reasonable measures to ensure that the rights and reputations of those individuals named in the allegations are protected. Likewise, the privacy, position, and reputation of individuals who, in good faith, report apparent incidents of misconduct must be protected.
b. To this end, all reports of apparent incidents of misconduct shall be treated with confidentiality and shall not be revealed to anyone other than the accused party, witnesses, and those with an official interest and need to know.
c. Where the charges of misconduct are not substantiated, diligent efforts, as appropriate, shall be taken to restore the reputations of persons alleged to have engaged in misconduct. Similar efforts shall be taken to protect the positions and reputations of those who, in good faith, make allegations of misconduct. These efforts will be taken within the University, with respect to any involved funding agencies, and elsewhere, as appropriate.
d. A file concerning the allegation of misconduct shall be compiled and maintained securely by the Vice President for Research. This file shall contain the preliminary inquiry report, the investigation report, and record of sanctions, if any, and any other writings relevant to the investigation.
7. Additional Notifications.
a. If the Vice President for Research initiates an investigation under this policy, any agency or foundation supporting the research or other scholarly activity in question shall be notified as required by law or regulation, by the Vice President for Research.
b. Any such agency or foundation shall be notified immediately by the Vice President for Research if it is ascertained at any time during the preliminary inquiry or investigation that (1) there is an immediate health hazard; (2) there is an immediate need to protect federal funds or equipment; (3) there is an immediate need to protect the interests of the person making the allegation of misconduct or the accused party, as well as their associates, if any; (4) it is probable that the alleged incident is going to be reported publicly; or (5) there is reason to believe a criminal statute has been violated
c. Any such agency or foundation shall be notified of the outcome of the investigation by the Vice President for Research and the Vice President for Research shall cause any required reports to be made to such agency or foundation.
Senate Resolution 11/12-03: Establishing the University Ombuds Office
Senate Bill 355 History:
8/25/11 Submitted for consideration to FSEC, Sent to FS Personnel Comm. (PC)
9/22/11 After revision by FS PC, sent to FS EC, passed first reading unanimously
9/29/11 Before full Faculty Senate for Second Reading; passed unanimously at second reading adopted as Senate Resolution 11-12-3 to forward to Administration
WHEREAS: The faculty of The University of Alabama in Huntsville seek to ensure that all members of the university community (faculty, staff, and students) receive fair and equitable treatment, and
WHEREAS: With a goal of facilitating the resolution of grievances (both formal and informal) and conflicts effectively, confidentially, impartially, independently, and in a timely manner as described in the Faculty Handbook and within other similar University documents, and
WHEREAS: The level of professionalism within a modern and growing university demands formalizing the support structures common at peer institutions,
That the Faculty Senate advocates the formal establishment of "The University Ombuds Office" prior to the 2012-2013 Academic Year;
That this office be established as a resource for the entire university community (faculty, staff, and students) consisting of a full-time, qualified ombudsperson and appropriate support staff;
This newly established "The University Ombuds Office" should follow standard best practices for such offices including, but not limited to, operating outside the usual administrative authority to ensure objectivity;
The Ombudsperson become a member of the International Ombudsman Association (IOA) if not one already, and adhere to its Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics;
The Ombudsperson shall be available to (a) receive and attempt to resolve individual grievances of members of the University community; and (b) to recommend procedural changes within the University in response to experience acquired in investigating individual cases.
All proceedings in individual cases shall be held confidential by the Ombudsperson unless otherwise authorized by the complainant. The Ombudsperson shall have access to all administrative officials of the University and, in accordance with law, to all University records, including those of faculty members. He or she shall not have authority to take disciplinary action, reverse decisions, or circumvent existing University rules and procedures. He or she shall supplement, not replace, other means, where they exist, for redress of grievances.
- The Ombudsperson shall at least annually make reports to the University community at large.
That following the establishment of this office that the position of Faculty Senate Ombudsman should go vacant and ultimately eliminated upon approval of new Faculty Senate bylaws.
That an ad hoc committee of the Faculty Senate be formed to define the position of the ombudsperson, and that this committee include all stakeholders including faculty, staff, students and administrators.
Senate Resolution 11/12-01: Full Refunds for Students in the Military who are Deployed
Senate Bill 354-Bill History:
3/31/11 Submitted by USA, amended and passed at first reading at FSEC
4/14/11 on agenda for second reading but lost quorum before addressing
9/1/11 on agenda for second reading passed unanimously and become resolution 11-12-1
WHEREAS, Many UAH students are members of the active duty military, military reserves, or National Guard, and
WHEREAS, The Service Member's Civil Relief Act of 2003 (formerly the Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Act of 1940) providers the service member with specific financial and legal protections if military service has had a 6 "material effect" on the legal or financial matter involved, and
WHEREAS, The Service Member's Civil Relief Act of 2003, along with other Federal rules and guidelines, provides protections for service members in an active duty status as well as military reserve/National Guard service members called to active duty active duty, and
WHEREAS, Being deployed in active military service away from UAH has a "material effect" on a student's ability to complete a course of instruction, and
WHEREAS, If a student/service members withdraws from class due to a pending deployment or activation, that student currently loses some or all of the tuition and fees paid that semester, and
WHEREAS, This loss of tuition and fees under these circumstances has an adverse financial impact on student/service members and has a "material effect" on the student/service members ability to pay tuition and fees in the future,
That based on the requirement of the Service Members Civil Relief Act of 2003, the University adopt a policy of allowing student/service members to receive a full, non-prorated refund of tuition and fees paid in a semester, up to and including the last day of class, during which they are called to active duty (in the case of the National Guard and Reserves) or are deployed from their local permanent duty station (in the case of active duty service members) if the above conditions of activation and/or deployment are met, or within 60 days of the student/service member's return from deployment or release from active duty.
That appropriate documentation, such as a copy of official orders, is required to process this refund.
That the semester for which tuition and fees were refunded the student is retroactively withdrawn for the courses refunded
Senate Resolution 10/11-10: Supporting Second Degrees after Graduation
Bill History: Senate Bill 353:
2/11/11 Submitted by USA, considered for first reading at FSEC
3/31/11 Resubmitted by USA, amended and passed at first reading
4/14/11 Passed at second reading, moved to and passed at third reading
To Administration as Senate Resolution 10-11-10
WHEREAS, The University of Alabama in Huntsville encourages students to engage in interdisciplinary studies, and
WHEREAS, Earning undergraduate degrees from two UAH different colleges is a particularly intensive and commendable approach to interdisciplinary studies, and
WHEREAS, Getting a second degree from another UAH college is challenging, given distinct demands for general education requirements and for pre-professional course work, and
WHEREAS, UAH students in professional degree programs seeking a second degree may graduate and begin work before completing work on that second degree, and
WHEREAS, The current UAH undergraduate catalog requires students who have already earned a degree and are seeking a second UAH degree to complete at least 25% of the requirements for such a degree (or 32 hours), and
WHEREAS. This 25% requirement may dissuade UAH graduates from completing a UAH second degree when less than 32 hours is needed to do so,
That UAH's policy and catalog be changed to allow UAH graduates to complete second UAH degrees with fewer than 25% of the degree requirements hours providing they do so
within the three semesters immediately (not including summer semesters) following their graduation.
That within those three (3) semesters, (not including summer) the student must complete all the requirements of the major for the second degree.
Senate Resolution 10/11-09: Encouraging Second Degrees
Bill History: "Senate Bill #351":
2/11/11 Submitted by USA, considered for first reading at FSEC
2/17/11 Amended and passed first reading at FSEC
4/14/11 Passed at second reading, moved to and passed at third reading-send to Administration as
Senate Resolution 10/11-09
WHEREAS, The University of Alabama in Huntsville encourages students to engage in interdisciplinary studies, and
WHEREAS, Earning undergraduate degrees from two different colleges is a particularly intensive and commendable approach to interdisciplinary studies, and
WHEREAS, Getting a second degree from another UAH college is challenging, given distinct demands for general education requirements and for pre-professional course work.
That the Faculty Senate requests that Deans of Colleges overseeing UAH dual-degree students' secondary degree programs offer flexibility in helping students complete college-specific requirements in that second degree through substitutions and waivers where appropriate.
That the undergraduate catalog include a notice indicating that students wishing to earn a second degree from another UAH college may petition the Dean of that college for appropriate substitutions and waivers.
Senate Resolution 09/10-10: College and Department Realignments
WHEREAS, Any process of realignment will require the engagement and support of the affected units.
The Faculty Senate strongly advises the administration to suspend the scheduling and implementation of the ongoing realignments until it has gained the support of a substantial fraction of the faculty (greater than 2/3) in each of the affected units.
Senate Resolution 09/10-09: Program for Teaching Excellence
WHEREAS, the Faculty of UAH have been tasked with effecting an increase in student retention and recruitment; and
WHEREAS, student retention is linked to the quality of teaching by UAH Faculty; and
WHEREAS, access to appropriate teaching tools and methodologies will lead to improved quality of teaching; and
WHEREAS, there is currently no centralized university effort to provide such resources for UAH Faculty;
That the Faculty Senate of UAH requests that the Provost establish a Program for Teaching Excellence and report back to the Senate. The Faculty requests that the Provost work together with the Faculty Senate to develop and consolidate the following resources via this program: workshops regarding teaching strategies and methodologies, access to resources and training for teaching technologies, and a diverse set of tools for evaluating teaching performance.
Senate Resolution 09/10-08: Information Security Regarding A-Numbers
WHEREAS, The Banner login is the A-number; and
WHEREAS, Personal and financial information may be accessed using the A-number; and
WHEREAS, A list of A-numbers and the associated faculty member names were posted on the UAH website; and
WHEREAS, This list was still found via a Google search on March 30, 2010; and
WHEREAS, The password (6 digits) for Banner is extremely weak;
Affected faculty should be notified that their A-number/name pair was published on the web and offered a new A-number.
A stronger password system be implemented for Banner as a 6-digit password is too weak.
Senate Resolution 09/10-07: College/Department Combinations and Process
WHEREAS: The Senate has been informed that the President made the decision to merge Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Science and the Provost in response has formed committees to implement the merger of Science with Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Computer Science with Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering; and
WHEREAS: The Senate's Realignment Committee reported to the Senate and the President that faculty accepted processes should be in place and followed prior to realignment (a sentiment which underlies two of our past actions: Senate Bills 091006 and 080909A); and
WHEREAS: Faculty Senate Bill 080909A established that college mergers should be explored only after the affected colleges have examined all their options (Section 1.6), yet the Senate has no evidence that indicates that options besides the merger of Science and Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences have been considered; and
WHEREAS: The Furgason Report recommended studying consolidation of small and/or low productivity units and Institutional Research documentation suggests that Computer Science in particular is a highly productive unit; and
WHEREAS: The realignment procedure formally accepted by faculty representation (expressed in one major bill of this Senate) has not been accepted by the university as university policy; and
WHEREAS: The leading administrators have also not accepted requests from the Senate floor to agree to follow the Senate approved realignment procedure for the current round of realignments without necessarily accepting the Senate approved procedure for future realignments;
- That the university delay implementation of the combination of Computer science with Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering and t he combination of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Science until formal procedures for faculty involvement in discussions regarding mergers or realignment have been established; and
- That formal procedures regarding faculty involvement should include a written proposal that documents the formation of committees including selection of members, representation of faculty from affected units and the faculty senate, a protocol for gathering information from affected units, and documentation of findings of the committee; and
- That the formal plan regarding procedures to include faculty involvement be developed by members of faculty and agreed to by faculty in the affected units.
4.That a merger or realignment plan should not be an outcome that is predetermined in the absence of a set of formal procedures that will guarantee faculty involvement in all stages of decision-making related to a merger or restructuring of academic units.
Senate Resolution 09/10-06: Senate Membership Exceptions
WHEREAS, The Faculty Senate By-Laws state under Section II, part B "Any tenured, tenure-earning, clinical faculty, or research faculty member, including department chairs, will be eligible to be elected to membership in the Senate: administrators above the level of department chairs are not eligible to serve"; and
WHEREAS, Administrators have typically included faculty who are directors, college deans, associate vice-presidents, and the university president; and
WHEREAS, The title of director has evolved to mean more than a research center director or director of a large unit like the Student Success Center; and
WHEREAS, Faculty members are being named "directors" of university programs, but are still primarily faculty members with teaching duties, creative and research duties and service duties; and
WHEREAS, The eligibility requirements for senate membership are broad and not well defined given the evolution of the director title;
The Director of the Freshmen Experience Program and the Director of the Honor's Program should be eligible to serve on the Faculty Senate
The Governance and Operations Committee of the Faculty Senate develop new language for the bylaws regarding Senate eligibility for full Senate review prior to next election of Senate Members in 2011.
Senate Resolution 09/10-05: Benefits for Shooting Victims of February 12, 2010
WHEREAS, A tragic shooting occurred February 12, 2010 during a faculty meeting in the Department of Biological Sciences; and
WHEREAS, Our faculty colleagues Dr. Maria Davis, Dr. Adriel Johnson and Dr. Gopi Podila lost their lives in the course of this terrible tragedy; and
WHEREAS, Our faculty colleagues Dr. Joseph Leahy and Dr. Luis Cruz-Vera and our staff colleague Ms. Steffi Monticciolo also suffered physical injuries from the shooting; and
WHEREAS, All members of the Department of Biological Sciences were severely affected by this tragedy; and
WHEREAS, indeed all faculty of the University are saddened by the tragic shooting; and
WHEREAS, University life at UAH was severely impacted on the days and weeks following this criminal act;
That the Faculty of UAH condemns this tragic act of violence and the Faculty of UAH offers its condolences to the families of Dr. Maria Davis, Dr. Adriel Johnson and Dr. Gopi Podila.
That the Faculty of UAH endorses responsible, appropriate offers of emotional and financial support (of direct or in-kind character, as appropriate to the situation, over and above the standard faculty insurance package) by UAH to the families of those who were injured or killed; and
That the Faculty of UAH will support each and every measure to rebuild the Department of Biological Sciences in memory of the three slain professors.
Senate Resolution 09/10-04: Scholastic Effects of Residence Policy and Housing Plans and Procedures
WHEREAS:This year's first-year undergraduates from beyond 30 miles distance are required to reside in campus housing; and
WHEREAS:The recent communication to the campus from Housing states that beginning in Fall 2010 all new full-time first-year undergraduates will be required to reside on campus for their first two years with no mileage or any other automatic policy exemption provision; and
WHEREAS:The recent communication from Housing indicates a major motivation for the Fall 2010 residence policy is to increase student retention and that a major component of the new Housing practices will be implementing a living/learning management philosophy and providing quality academic support; and
WHEREAS:Formal faculty input, feedback, and involvement in setting of policy, procedures, and practices is necessary and valuable in matters affecting numbers of students applying to and being admitted by the University, progress toward graduation, and in matters involving academic support;
That implementation of the Fall 2010 residence policy be suspended at this time;
That the Senate directs the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee to examine the effects of the planned residence policy and planned Housing practices on the academy, with focus on academic/ scholastic effects, such as recruitment, admission, and progress toward graduation, with report made back to the Senate as soon as the Committee is able.
Senate Resolution 09/10-03: Accounting for Senate Bills and Resolutions
WHEREAS: The Faculty Senate has passed numerous standard resolutions (Bills)
and sense-of-the-Senate resolutions (Resolutions), many on matters of
great concern to the Faculty, in recent years; and
WHEREAS: A response by the Administration to Bills and Resolutions is
advantageous and required under University procedures; and
WHEREAS: The Senate is without response to numerous Bills and Resolutions; and
WHEREAS: Shared governance is valuable;
That the Faculty Senate President-Elect (1) tabulate a list (List 1) of all Bills and Resolutions passed by the Senate since 2005; (2) tabulate a summary list of Administration response/action (or lack thereof) to each Bill and Resolution on List 1; and (3) report the lists to the Senate, with report made to the Executive Committee before the end of October and report to the Senate as a whole at the next Senate meeting.
Senate Resolution 09/10-02: Input and Report on Parking Fees
WHEREAS: Parking fees for this academic year are greatly increased, and
WHEREAS: The faculty and staff's compensation have not increased for some time,
causing added sensitivity to the size of the parking fee increase, and
WHEREAS: Members of the faculty, staff, and student bodies have reported numerous
consequences of the large increase, particularly in regards to part-time
faculty, staff, and students, some of which could hamper academic units'
abilities to deliver courses, and
WHEREAS: More advance consultation with affected parties on campus would likely
have more fully-weighed and adapted to these consequences, and
WHEREAS: It is advantageous to have better practices going forward,
That all future parking fee adjustment decisions be taken only after there are more earnest
efforts to collect the input of affected parties;
That the Administration submit a written report to the Faculty Senate by month-end
itemizing parking-related costs and income and the Administration's thoughts about areas
for possible future parking-related cost savings and expenditure delays.
Senate Resolution 09/10-01: Parking Fees for Part-Time Faculty
WHEREAS, the Administration at UAH has increased parking fees by more than threefold in a single year, and
WHEREAS, part-time faculty members earn as little as $1750 for teaching at UAH (and music instructors earn only $235 for individual instruction), and
WHEREAS, part-time faculty members are being required to pay the same fee as full- time faculty members, and
WHEREAS, this increase in parking fees effectively amounts to a 5% pay cut for part-time faculty members teaching only one class (and more than 50% for individual music instructors), and
WHEREAS, part-time faculty members receive too little remuneration for their services, and
WHEREAS, the University is heavily reliant on part-time faculty members, especially in teaching general education classes, and
WHEREAS, this new cost to work at UAH may lead part-time faculty members to quit their jobs and/or refuse to accept new part-time appointments, hurting the ability of the University to provide instruction to students and causing financial harm from lost tuition revenue, and
FACULTY SENATE PROPOSAL: Parking Fees (September 3, 2009)
WHEREAS, efforts by faculty and administrators to appeal to the Administration for relief for these part-time faculty members have been rebuffed, and
WHEREAS, there is precedent for creating categories of discounted parking decals in the significant discount provided for summer-only decals,
That the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville requests that President David Williams change this policy either by (a) waiving the parking fee for part-time faculty or (b) providing significantly reduced parking fees for part-time faculty.
Senate Resolution 08/09-09: Rights and Privileges of Faculty with Tenure in Terminated Programs
Update of SB 190
WHEREAS: SB 190, passed by the Senate in 1988, referred to 1982 Recommended Institutional Regulations on Academic Freedom and Tenure and AAUP 1984 standards, and
WHEREAS: It is advantageous to update this expression of policy using the current institutional regulations, which are stated in the Faculty Handbook's Statement on Academic Freedom (currently. Chapter 7, Section 14), and
WHEREAS: The AAUP Policy Document and Reports. 1990. is now the prevailing resource adopted by the University in matters relating to faculty rights in program termination,
THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the following policy be adopted.
It is expected that the University shall place tenured faculty members of terminated programs in other appropriate positions within the University or find appropriate placement within the University system. Subsequent to notification of termination, the University shall make serious and strenuous efforts to place terminated faculty with tenure in any position within the University and the University system for which their education, special training, experience, and abilities are appropriate, and which are open or become open for the faculty member's employment. These efforts will continue at least six months after the actual termination of the program. Retraining of up to one year shall be provided to faculty if necessary for placement.
Tenured faculty members with a minimum often years of service at the University and who are within five years for service retirement when they are notified of termination may not be terminated involuntarily because of termination of a department or program.
No position of such a terminated faculty member shall be filled by a replacement within a period of five years after the faculty member's employment in the terminated program actually ends, the faculty member has been offered the position and a reasonable time to accept it and has not accepted it or the University is unable to contact the person involved. Terminated faculty who had tenure shall be granted full privileges as a retired faculty member. All terminated faculty shall receive one year of severance pay for every five full years of service to the University; but in any case severance compensation shall be at the very minimum no less that the equivalent of one year's salary. The letter of termination will include a statement giving the termination date and the amount of the severance compensation.
1. Grounds for Review of Termination
A faculty member whose status is affected by termination of a program may request the Faculty Appeals Committee to review that action on one or more of the following grounds.
a) The decision was affected in significant degree by the faculty member's personal beliefs, expression, or conduct which fall within the liberties protected by law or by the principles of academic freedom as established by academic tradition and the Constitutions and Statutes of the United States and the State of Alabama.
b) The decision was affected in significant degree by factors prohibited by applicable federal and state law regarding fair employment practices.
c) The faculty member was not a member of the faculty of the program.
d) the program was not actually terminated.
e) The faculty member was unreasonably denied an opportunity to participate or present evidence in the decision to terminate a program.
f) The faculty member was not given timely notice of the termination as required.
g) The University failed to make a good faith effort to place the faculty member in a position as required.
h) The procedures described in this policy were violated
i) The procedures as described in AAUP 1990 Policy Documents and Reports were violated.
II. Review Committee
Following the effective date of the termination of any tenured faculty, the Faculty Senate Personnel Committee will review the rights (including the rights to severance pay) and privileges of tenured faculty affected by program termination. This committee will review whether the termination procedures followed the policies specified in this document and will make recommendations for change in the policy or procedures, if any. Findings of this committee will be reported to the Faculty Senate President.
III. Policy Guidelines
The assessments of the rights and privileges of faculty in terminated programs will follow interpretations of academic freedom, due process, and adequate review given in the AAUP Policy Documents and Reports. 1990 edition, including but not limited to the following:
a) 1940 Statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure;
b) Statement on Procedural Standards in the Renewal or Nonrenewal of Faculty Appointment;
c) Procedural Standards in the Renewal or Nonrenewal of Faculty Appointments;
d) The Standards for Notice of Nonreappointment;
e) The institutional regulations on Academic Freedom and Tenure (as expressed in the Faculty Handbook Statement on Academic Freedom);
f) Statements on Professors and Political Activity;
g) Statement on Professional Ethics.
Senate Resolution 08/09-09A: Realignment Process
Whereas -- UAH does not have a detailed policy regarding the combination, division, or termination [hereafter "realignment"] of academic units ["units" referring to, for example, departments, colleges and centers];
Whereas -- the realignment of academic units must consider the educational benefits rather than mere cost-saving;
Whereas -- the faculty have the disciplinary expertise within their own fields and have extensive knowledge of our students' needs;
Whereas -- the realignment of academic units has long-term effects and cannot be undertaken for immediate financial reasons;
Whereas -- the UAH Faculty Handbook already provides for a flexible response to immediate needs without a realignment of academic units:
"In an effort to encourage interdisciplinary approaches to teaching, research, and public service, UAH has interdisciplinary groupings of scholars that are more flexible and transitory than academic departments. These groupings bring together faculty from two or more departments and experts from outside the university to address new ideas. They may then disband without altering departmental structures or, if needed on a long-term basis, become a permanent part of the university's structure" [FH 4.2]. (At UAH, these programs are often called "cognates."); and
Whereas -- UAH already emphasizes the importance of faculty involvement in determining academic realignment:
"Major functions of the dean include providing leadership to department and program chairs, faculty, and staff in the development, operation, and improvement of academic and research programs; developing and recommending to the provost of budgets for departments, programs, and academic support areas .... " [FH 4.3];
"The performance and relevance of a department normally are reviewed at least every five years or in conjunction with a department's professional accreditation review cycle. Findings and recommendations of review committees are submitted to the provost. After consultation and agreement with the president, the provost may recommend that a department be continued, or a proposal to dissolve or reorganize the department may be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for review and approval" [FH 4.4];
"The chair is expected to provide academic leadership for the department. ... The chair has administrative responsibility for insuring the quality and effectiveness of the department's instructional, research, and service programs. Department chairs have the responsibility to provide leadership in formulating and in implementing departmental goals and long-range plans; to represent the department internally within administrative and governance structures of the university. . .. "[FH 4.5];
"Faculty review of administrative performance and program effectiveness is accomplished by conducting formal program reviews at least at five-year intervals, with the faculty also participating in the regular, ongoing evaluation of administrative leadership, program direction, and program quality." [FH 6.1];
Therefore, be it resolved that the Faculty Senate adopt the following and include it in the UAH Faculty Handbook.
Section 1: Scope and Purpose of Realignment
1.1 -- Proposals for the deletions or modifications of undergraduate or graduate courses and/or academic programs that do not alter the structure of the academic units are covered in [FH 8.3] and hence are not covered by the academic realignment process described in Section 2.
1.2 -- The realignment of academic units in established colleges is the province of the collegiate faculty and University administration.
1.3 -- Proposals for academic realignment may originate from any interested faculty members and/or administrators. However, each proposal must clearly identify the purpose, goals, and objectives of realignment.
1.4 No matter where or why they originate, proposals for realignment should be presented to the affected academic units and then be considered via the sequential process outlined in Section 2 .
1.5 As and when academic realignment is appropriate and/or deemed necessary by the faculty or administration, a phased approach should be deployed to develop and implement academic realignment plans. In the first phase, each dean, working with his/her college chairs and faculty, should be asked to develop and present to the Provost an academic realignment plan for his/her college in a timely fashion.
1.6 -- Academic realignment plans that could result in the elimination or merger of two or more colleges should only be explored after the affected colleges have examined all their options.
1.7-- If a proposed realignment involves academic units from multiple colleges, affected faculty in each academic unit from all affected colleges must be involved in the preparation and approval of the realignment proposal.
1.8 -- Financial crises are not in themselves adequate reasons for ignoring any step of the academic realignment process described in Section 2 or forcing a schedule that prevents adequate discussion.
1.9 -- No academic realignments should be made if the cost savings or other benefits are inconsequential.
1.10 -- The realignment process described in Section 2 may stop at any time if there is evidence of inconsequential benefits or harmful consequences to the educational mission of the academic unit.
Section 2: Sequential Steps for Academic Realignment
2.1 -- If the academic unit where the academic realignment proposal originates determines that sufficient reasons exist for realigning academic units, then it shall develop a formal realignment proposal in consultation with faculty, staff, students, administrators, and wherever needed, community stakeholders and professional leaders.
2.2 -- The affected academic unit shall obtain evidence of support or rejection of the proposed realignment through methods that allow adequate discussion. Evidence shall include, but is not limited to letters, votes, and survey results. The affected academic unit shall provide sufficient time and means for affected academic units to discuss and approve the proposed realignment. An absolute majority of the anonymous ballots (administered by the Governance and Operations Committee of the Faculty Senate) of faculty (tenured and tenure-earning campus-wide plus clinical in Nursing and lecturers in the Library) of each affected academic unit must be in favor of realignment to constitute support.
2.3 -- If the proposed realignment is deemed appropriate by the affected parties, a written statement defining the proposed realignment and rationales for change shall be prepared that includes the items listed below. This written statement and its accompanying evidence of support or rejection shall then be presented to the dean of the college containing the affected academic unit.
2.3.1 An evaluation of current and proposed program
2.3.2 A transition plan for currently enrolled students;
2.3.3 A review of both curriculum and resource coordination with other academic units;
2.3.4 An assessment of both the tangible and intangible costs and benefits of proposed academic realignment;
2.3.5 A clear discussion about how the mission of the academic unit will be enhanced by the proposed realignment;
2.3.6 Evidence of support and rejection of the proposed realignment; and
2.3.7 A plan to implement the proposed academic realignment.
2.4 The dean shall, in turn, prepare a written statement concerning the realignment which addresses the same criteria identified in 2.3 above, especially the extent to which education and research at UAH will be enhanced. The dean shall forward the recommendation to the Provost along with the evidence of support or rejection from appropriate parties including the following:
2.4.1 the College's Council of Chairs,
2.4.2 the College's Curriculum Committee;
2.4.3 the College's staff; and
2.4.4 community stakeholders and professional leaders, where appropriate.
2.5 The Provost, in turn, shall prepare a written statement concerning the realignment, to be accompanied by all materials discussed above. After presenting all the materials to and after consulting with appropriate parties such as the Council of Deans, University Curriculum Committee, the Graduate Council, and the President, the Provost may forward the written proposal along with all the previous statements and evidence described in paragraphs 2.1 through 2.4 to The Board of Trustees for review and approval.
Senate Resolution 08/09-08: Policy and Procedures for Termination of Academic Programs
(Update of Passed SB 187)
WHEREAS: SB 187, passed by the Senate in 1988. referred to the School of Primary Medical Care and used the title "VPAA" for the position now known as "EVPAA Provost". and
WHEREAS: It is advantageous to update this expression of policy using current language, and
WHEREAS: Prior to SB 187, the University did not have a policy regarding the procedure for terminating academic programs, and
WHEREAS: The AAUP Policy Document and Reports. 1990, is the prevailing resource in matters relating to program termination,
THEREFORE: Be it resolved that the following policy be adopted.
I. Scope of the Policy Statement
This policy statement defines the procedures to be followed in the termination of academic programs. These procedures should be congruent with those for program initiation. Also, this policy statement discusses the criteria for terminating academic programs and the process for reaching such decisions. These criteria follow AAUP. guidelines.
II. General
The provisions of this section are not intended to prevent the University (UAH) from altering its educational policies by means other than terminating of appointments; nor are they intended to encourage major redeployment without due consultation. Termination of appointments under this section may not be used to redeploy resources in those cases where attribution over a period of time is a reasonable alternative. Moreover, any merger, consolidation, or similar reorganization of two or more units of instruction into a single unit, which continues to provide instruction in the same or equivalent subject areas, shall not constitute a discontinuance of the preexisting units that could justify their termination of appointments under the provisions of this section.
III. Long Range Plans
The establishment and/or termination of colleges, departments or programs must be in accordance with the long term plans and mission of the University. Full deliberation by the faculty of the college and of the University must be provided for in the decision process.
IV. Definition of Programs
For purposes of this section, a program is defined as (a) an independent administrative, educational, and budgetary unit. which usually corresponds to widely recognized disciplinary designations; or (b) a college.
V. Factors To Be Considered For Terminating a Program
It is here appropriate to quote AAUP guidelines: "The decision to discontinue formally a program or department of instruction will be based essentially upon educational considerations, as determined primarily by the faculty as a whole or an appropriate committee thereof. [Note: Educational considerations do not include cyclical or temporary variations in enrollment. They must reflect long-range judgments that the educational mission of the institution as a whole will be enhanced by the discontinuance.]
VI. Decision Process For Termination of a Program For Educational Reasons
The Provost or the President may initiate consideration of whether a college shall terminate a program for educational reasons by referring the matter to the Appropriate Curriculum Committee. Program termination within a college is initiated by the Dean and appropriate college committee. The Dean presents the college's recommendation to the Appropriate Curriculum Committee. The Appropriate Curriculum Committee shall consider whether the termination will serve the educational mission of the University. In making a recommendation, the committee shall consider the criteria stated in subsection V, above. After due deliberation, the committee shall make a written report and recommendation to the Provost concerning the proposal. This recommendation shall also include a complete evaluation of the academic program in terms of the number of faculty employed, the tenure commitments of those faculty, options for placement of faculty within the University, the number of students pursuing majors in the program and the effect on other academic programs supported by the program. In performing the duties prescribed by this section, the committees shall obtain the views of the faculty of the program; of the appropriate faculty and student committees in the academic unit immediately affected and in the larger academic unit or units of which it is a part; and of other units of the University which will be affected by the action. In addition, the committees shall hold at least one open meeting at which anyone may comment upon the proposed action.
VII. Methods of Notification of Termination
If the President should decide to terminate a program, the Provost shall give each affected faculty member notice in writing at least one year in advance of the effective date of program termination.
Senate Resolution 08/09-07: Faculty Handbook Policies and Procedures
Whereas, the Faculty Senate is the permanent body representing the faculty for the formulation of university policy and procedures in matters pertaining to institutional purpose, general academic considerations, curricular matters, university resources, and faculty personnel (appointments, promotion, and tenure); and
Whereas, the Faculty handbook sets out the policies and procedures that are treated as binding on both faculty members and administrators; and
Whereas, Faculty members rely on Faculty Handbook as policy and not merely guidelines to be interpreted to serve an Administrator's agenda; and
Whereas, in recent weeks there have been indications that the University Administrators and UAH legal counsel consider the Faculty Handbook policies and procedures to be guidelines; and
Whereas, this was specifically manifest with the unprecedented and inadequately explained tardiness of tenure letters as well as first year reappointment letters.
That the Administration must reaffirm it commitment to fair and proper procedures that reflect respect for the Faculty and fully accept and follow the policies of the Faculty Handbook.
Senate Resolution 08/09-06: P-Grades in Banner
Whereas the grade of P is listed in the UAH catalog as part of the grading system, and
Whereas Banner does not include P in the grades instructors can assign for courses, and
Whereas grading is the responsibility of faculty members, who have the right to determine appropriate grades for each of their classes,
Therefore be it resolved that
Banner include within the grades instructors can assign the grade P for those classes allowing a grade of P.
Senate Resolution 08/09-05: Prerequisite Drop
Whereas students can enroll in classes prior to completing all the prerequisites for future classes, and
Whereas some students fail to successfully complete the prerequisites for classes in which they have enrolled, and
Whereas students failing to complete prerequisites must be individually contacted and dropped from classes, and
Whereas this process is time-consuming and prone to error,
Therefore be it resolved that
Upon completion of the recording of grades for a semester, students will be automatically dropped from any class for which they fail to complete the prerequisites successfully. Students may subsequently enroll for classes for which they do not have the prerequisites only with permission of the instructor and chair of the department.
Senate Resolution 08/09-04: Partner Benefits
Whereas, all of the top ten technology and engineering focused universities and seventeen of the top twenty offer domestic partner benefits for same-sex couples,
Whereas, in order to remain competitive in hiring top candidates we must match what these universities offer,
Whereas, UAH seeks to be a cultural leader in its community,
Whereas, the UAH Anti-Discrimination Policy states that we are:
"committed to making employment opportunities available to qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation. All personnel actions and programs, including recruitment, selection, assignment, classification, promotion, demotion, transfer, layoff and recall, termination, determination of wages, conditions and benefits of employment, etc. shall be administered in accordance with this equal opportunity policy. It is the intent of the University that, in all aspects of employment, individuals shall be treated without discrimination on any of the foregoing bases and that employment decisions shall instead be premised upon a person's ability, experience and other job-related qualifications,"
Whereas, current University policy does not recognize domestic partnerships for same sex or opposite sex couples in its currents benefits package for employees,
Whereas, such benefits do constitute "conditions and benefits of employment" as promised in the Anti-Discrimination Policy statement,
Whereas, the failure to offer said benefits could thus be discrimination,
Therefore Be It Resolved That:
The University of Alabama in Huntsville follow the recommendations of the report of the Committee of GLBT Concerns and implement the following policies, taken from the report:
1. Include Domestic Partner in university policies that address employment benefits including insurance programs (health, dental, vision, and life), tuition reimbursement, library privileges, and equal access to recreational facilities (such as the UAH Fitness Center).
2. Incorporate Domestic Partner and Dependent Children of Domestic Partner in the definition of qualified family member in any Family Medical Leave, Bereavement Leave or other relevant benefit policies.
3. Assure that premiums and all other terms are equitable to that of married couples and their families.
4. Continue to assure that all present and future benefits affecting Domestic Partners, not identified in this report, be brought to equitable status.
5. Incorporate Domestic partner benefits and policies in documents given to prospective employers during recruitment.
6. Establish a definition of Domestic Partner for same-sex and opposite sex couples and a registration procedure to file a Domestic Partner affidavit modeled after those used at other universities.
7. We recommend the following eligibility criteria for Domestic Partner, drawn from the Human Rights Campaign Website[1]:
a. Two people who reside together in a mutually responsible relationship,
b. Of either opposite or the same sex,
c. Each of whom is 18 years of age,
d. Each of whom is mentally competent to enter into a relationship,
e. Each of whom is not currently in another marriage or relationship,
f. And who file an affidavit testifying to these facts.
g. If the University requires a residency requirement, we follow HRC in recommending it be no more than 6 months. However, we discourage a residency requirement, as Alabama State Law currently recognizes a status of Common Law Marriage that has no length requirement whatsoever. Parity demands the same for Domestic Partners.
[1] See
Senate Resolution 08/09-03: 64 Hours Policy
A maximum of 64 semester hours of credit from a junior, community, or two-year college may be transferred to UAH and applied toward a degree program, and
Whereas UAH allows for exceptions to this policy, and
Whereas students are allowed to transfer a total of 64 hours of credit,
Therefore be it resolved that
The UAH undergraduate catalog be amended as follows:
The paragraph on p. 17 that states:
Once a student has enrolled at UAH and has accumulated a total of 64 semester hours of credit from all sources, no additional credit may be transferred to UAH from a two-year Institution. Exceptions to this policy must be approved prior to taking additional coursework. Requests for exceptions must be in writing and approved by the dean of the college in which the student is enrolled.
Be changed to read:
A maximum of 64 semester hours of credit from a junior, community, or two year college may be transferred to UAH.
And the paragraph on p. 17 that states:
A maximum of 64 semester hours of credit from a junior, community or two-year college may be transferred to UAH and applied toward a degree program. Requests for exceptions must be in writing and approved by dean of the college in which the student is enrolled.
Be eliminated.
Senate Resolution 08/09-02: Academic Action Threshold Revision
Whereas, the Academic Action Threshold is the minimum GPA below which a student becomes subject to academic warming, probation, and dismissal; and
Whereas, UAH currently sets the Academic Action Threshold 1.6 for students with 1-32 credit hours, 1.8 for students with 33-64 credit hours, and 2.0 for students with 65 or more credit hours; and
Whereas, UAH requires a 2.0 GPA in order to graduates and students who struggle early in their academic careers can find it difficult to raise their GPA to 2.0; and
Whereas, UAH student athletes are already required by the NCAA to maintain a GPA of 1.8 for students with 1-24 credit hours, 1.9 for students with 25-71 credit hours, and 2.0 for students with 72 or more credit hours; and
Whereas, the most important goal of UAH is educating students, which requires intervening when students have difficulty maintaining their GPA.
Therefore let it be resolved that:
The Academic Action Threshold for students with 1-32 credit hours be set at 1.7, for students with 33-64 credit hours be set at 2.0, and for students with 65 or more credit hours be set at 2.0.
Senate Resolution 08/09-01: Amendment to Student Attendance Policy
Whereas UAH sanctions a variety of extracurricular activities that can conflict with class schedules; and
Whereas some of our best students participate in numerous extracurricular activities; and
Whereas student members of groups such as the Student Government Association or students who participate in Higher Education Day in Montgomery have, in the past, lost letter grades for missing classes while on university sponsored events; and
Whereas UAH student athletes are required by the NCAA to make progress each year toward their degrees which may require them to take sequence courses that have limited offerings; and
Whereas we send a mixed message by penalizing students who are both trying to earn a degree and representing UAH at University sanctioned activities.
That the UAH Student Handbook (5.2 Class Attendance), UAH Faculty Handbook (8.7 Student Class Attendance), and UAH Instructor Information Booklet (p.6: Student Attendance Policy) be amended to include a section stating:
Students who participate in official University sanctioned student activities (such as Higher Education Day, music tours, student design competitions, intercollegiate athletic competitions, and other similar extracurricular activities), must be allowed to make up, without penalty, any work missed as the result of participating in these activities.
It is the responsibility of the student to present to his or her instructors notice and verification of authorized participation in such activities and to make arrangements, no later than one week in advance, to complete any work that will be missed. Individual instructors retain the authority to determine how students in their classes will avoid academic penalties for the resulting absences.
Only activities approved by the Office of the Provost will be considered to be official University sanctioned activities. Any activity that is not expressly approved by the Office of the Provost will not be considered a University sanctioned activity. Faculty or University employees in charge of such activities shall file, with the Office of the Provost, a list of students and the dates they request the students be exempted from class. Athletic practice sessions and other practices, which are sometimes scheduled at the same time as a course that a student must take, are not officially sanctioned. Deans, Division Directors, and faculty may check any names against the list by contacting the Office of the Provost.
Senate Resolution 07/08-03: Abolishing NC Grading
WHEREAS, the NC grade is in many ways redundant since students have other options available that allow them to avoid a low grade if a course is not going well, including: Pass/Fail, course repeat, and withdrawal as late as the tenth week of the course,
WHEREAS, the chief function of a system of grading is to assess the performance of students based on merit, and the NC grade by its very nature imposes a less severe evaluation than a grade of D,
WHEREAS, a UAH GPA computed using NC grades is an inaccurate and unfair representation of academic accomplishment,
WHEREAS, the NC grade devalues the D grade since students who "earn" a D have a grade that will harm their GPA while students who perform more poorly than D students receive an NC, which has no such impact,
WHEREAS, the NC grade sends the wrong message to students, seemingly protecting them from failing grades at the beginning of their college careers--when they should be learning that lack of hard work has a consequence,
WHEREAS, the NC grade likely hurts retention in the long term since it fosters bad study habits and lack of discipline that will have consequences long after the freshman year,
WHEREAS, the NC grade also fosters retention of students who perhaps should not be retained,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the UAH faculty senate that:
The University of Alabama in Huntsville stipulates that the NC grading system be abolished in its entirety.
Senate Resolution 07/08-02: Smoke Free Building Environment
WHEREAS, Multiple major reviews of evidence have concluded that secondhand smoke, also called environmental tobacco smoke causes adverse effects, particularly to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and on the health of those exposed; and there is an awareness of a variety of concerns which relate to smoking around the entrance sites to campus buildings, and
WHEREAS, The Division of Facilities and Operations, Human Resources and Student Affairs have been working together since the fall of 2005 regarding tobacco education, cessation resources, protection of indoor air quality for building occupants; and campus beautification, and
WHEREAS, The U.S. Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services in a report to the Surgeon General has warned of the consequences of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke since 1972; and
WHEREAS, The American College Health Association recommends that College and University Campuses prohibit smoking within twenty feet of all campus facilities, dormitories, resident halls, and in University owned vehicles, and
WHEREAS, To take steps to comply with these recommendation would be in cooperation with the city ordinances for clean air facilities; and
WHEREAS, It is the position of the Office of Environmental Health and Safety that The University of Alabama in Huntsville needs to take additional actions to protect visitors, students, faculty and staff from exposure to environmental tobacco smoke by eliminating smoking from intrusion into the buildings through windows, air intakes and building entranceways;
That the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville requests that The University adopt the policy that smoking areas be designated at least twenty feet away from all University buildings and prohibit smoking in any area other than personal vehicles and designated smoking areas.
Senate Resolution 07/08-01: Faculty-Student Relationships
WHEREAS, UAH does not a have a policy in the Faculty Handbook regarding Faculty-Student sexual and romantic relationships, and
WHEREAS, Most universities have a policy limiting Faculty-Student relationships,
That the Faculty Handbook be amended to include a section limiting Faculty-Student relationships as follows:
1. Do not initiate or reciprocate a sexual or romantic relationship with a student enrolled in your class or under your supervision. Faculty entering into such relationships with an existing student are subject to judicial review, reprimand, and possible termination.
2. In cases of established sexual or romantic relationships between a faculty member and a student entering your class or coming under your supervision, disclosure of the relationship with your chair and/or dean is required to avoid or mitigate any potential conflicts of interest and/or sexual harassment claims related to the student in question. Faculty are to act in a professional manner with respect to the student during class hours to avoid conflicts of interest claims that may arise from other students in the class.
3. Faculty not disclosing existing sexual or romantic relationships with students in such cases and incurring repetitive incident claims are subject to judicial review, reprimand, and possible termination.
Senate Resolution 06/07-02: Course Repeat Policy Revision
WHEREAS, Currently students must file an intent to exercise a course repeat through the Office of Student Records by the end of the regular registration period for the semester in which the course will be repeated, and
WHEREAS, If a student fails to file the intent to exercise the course repeat during the required deadline the student must file a late petition through the office of the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies, and
WHEREAS, Many students unaware of the option to exercise a Course Repeat find out too late, and
WHEREAS, Our desire is that the policy be fair, equitable, accessible, and beneficial for all students,
That the Course Repeat Policy is clarified and automated and the wording will change to read as follows:
Students may repeat a course in order to achieve a passing grade or an improved understanding. Students may not repeat a course for which they have higher level credit. For example, a student cannot repeat; MA 119 after he/she has credit for Calculus. For other courses, the course repeat policy is as follows:
For the first five courses repeated, the original grade will not be calculated into the student's grade point average. Only courses for which the student has received a grade of C, D, or F may be repeated for this purpose. Each course repeat counts against the maximum five that can replace the previous grade. For instance, a student may use all five repeats in a single course or in five separate courses or any combination of separate courses and multiple repeats of single courses. The transcript will show both the original grades and the course repeat grades, but only the grade points and credit hours earned in the repeated courses count toward graduation and are averaged into the student's GPA.
After five course repeats, all other courses repeated at UAH will result in both the original grade and the course repeat grade being calculated into the student's GPA.
This course repeat policy will automatically be applied unless the student notifies the Registrar otherwise upon registration.
Senate Resolution 06/07-01: Academic Misconduct: Unauthorized Materials During Exams
WHEREAS, The UAH Faculty considers academic misconduct to be a serious campus-wide problem and concern, and
WHEREAS, There is increasingly widespread use of electronic devices as a means of fostering academic misconduct, and
WHEREAS, The UAH Student Handbook fails to mention the use of electronic devices in the context of academic misconduct,
That the UAH Student Handbook, Article III, in the section entitled "Academic Misconduct," be amended so that paragraph 2 reads as follows: Using materials during a test not authorized by the person giving the test. Unauthorized materials may include (but are not limited to) the following, either as a single unit or in combination: shared calculator results or information, cellular telephones, personal digital assistants (such as Palm OS devices, Windows CE devices, Blackberry devices, etc.), iPod or MP3 devices, digital cameras and any other electronic tools or technologies. Only students with a current University issued disability waiver may be exempt.
Senate Resolution 04/05-05: Establishment of a Campus Wide Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
WHEREAS, Research is an important component of a "Research University" that UAH aspires to, and
WHEREAS, Research is an important part of the professional life of faculty members at UAH, and
WHEREAS, Research is an important part of the undergraduate experience for those students who plan to pursue studies beyond the baccalaureate, and
WHEREAS, Research at UAH should address scholarly needs of the diverse population of all UAH faculty and students, and
WHEREAS, The National Science Foundation has long recognized the importance of research experience programs for undergraduate students in the sciences and technology by providing additional funding for such programs for NSF funded studies, and
WHEREAS, There are examples of successful undergraduate research programs several departments at UAH, such as Physics and Chemistry, and
WHEREAS, There are experienced faculty that could be appointed by the Provost to serve as director of a UAH-REU program having the responsibility to solicit REU faculty-undergraduate team proposals, to convene a REU oversight committee to select proposal winners, to monitor all REU progress, to prepare an annual summary report to the Provost, and to solicit additional funds to contribute to the campus wide REU program, and
WHEREAS, There are other funds that could be obtained from, for example, the Alabama Space Grant Consortium, industry, and foundations that could be used to augment those provided by the University, and
WHEREAS, There is no campus wide program that offers a means for undergraduate students to gain a research experience in all colleges of UAH.
That the Faculty Senate requests that funds be made available to establish a campus wide Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) that would be administered out of the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs Office.
Senate Resolution 04/05-04: Sanction for Academic Misconduct
WHEREAS, The UAH Faculty considers academic misconduct to be a serious campus-wide problem and concern, and
WHEREAS, The UAH Faculty Handbook explains that faculty have the legal authority to select grades for academic misconduct, stating that "Faculty members posses the well-established prerogative to deal with academic misconduct committed by a student in a course by applying an academic penalty within the context of that course" (8.32), and
WHEREAS, the Faculty Handbook states that professors have a professional obligation to uphold academic honesty, especially seen in its adoption of the AAUP's "Statement of Professional Ethics" which calls for professors to "make every reasonable effort to foster honest academic conduct and to ensure that their evaluations of students reflect each student's true merit" (7.15.2), and
WHEREAS, UAH has no standardized sanction for the academic misconduct as defined in the Student Handbook.
That the faculty Senate requests that the following sanctions be implemented when a student has committed academic misconduct
1) The student may be given an F in the class or on the paper/project.
2) All significant acts of academic misconduct as determined by the faculty must be reported on the Academic Misconduct Form. This reporting does not preclude faculty member's prerogative to deal with academic misconduct to apply an academic penalty within the context of that course.
3) For any incidence of academic misconduct selected via the judicial process the student will be assigned to attend a mandatory one-day workshop regarding academic ethics/honesty, to be held on campus before the end of the semester in which the case is resolved or next available class.
The student must schedule participation in the workshop with judicial affairs no more than 6 months after a decision is made
4) On the second documented and confirmed episode of academic misconduct, after attending the workshop, the student will be expelled from UAH.
All faculty be notified of this change in policy and provided with easy access to the reporting form. The student and faculty handbook be revised to reflect the above change in policy.
Senate Resolution 04/05-03: Revised Student Classification
Whereas, class standing (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) reflects progress toward graduation by defining the completed credit hours qualifying the student for each class level; and
Whereas, a student's eligibility for some campus activities, honor societies, career services, and scholarships may be linked to class standing; and
Whereas, the current UAH classification system (Senate Resolution 97/98-06: Student Classification) divides the 128 credits needed for graduation evenly (freshman, 1-32 hours; sophomore, 33-64 hours; junior, 65-95 hours; senior, 96 hours and up); and
Whereas, a student under this system who has completed for example, 32 hours in two semesters of the first year will remain a freshman until completing a third semester when the completed credit hours will then be (or will exceed) the 33 needed to attain sophomore status;
Therefore be it resolved that:
UAH adopt the following completed credit hour definitions for class standing:
Freshman-- 1-31
Sophomore-- 32-63
Junior-- 64-95
Senior-- 96 and up.
Senate Resolution 04/05-02: Campus Priorities and Resources Advisory Committee
Whereas, strategic planning is a vital part of university goal setting and ultimate achievement; and
Whereas, the UAH Campus Priorities and Resources Advisory Committee (CPRAC) is charged with providing advice to the President concerning (but not limited to) the following:
Reviewing drafts or proposals for major budgetary allocations,
Reviewing salary improvement policies,
Reviewing student fee increases,
Reviewing recommendations for properties for construction or renovation of facilities,
Reviewing the strategic plans from various units,
Reviewing legislative budget requests; and
Whereas, faculty should play a vital role in developing and maintaining university mission and strategic decisions; and
Whereas, this type of advisory activity has been within the purview of the Executive Committees of the Faculty Senate and the Staff Senate as well as the President's Administrative Council; and
Whereas, these elected faculty and staff are seen as representative of faculty and staff at large;
Therefore be it resolved that:
The faculty and staff membership of the CPRAC be the current year's members of the Senate Executive Committee (9) and the Executive Committee of the Staff Senate (5).
This will replace the present process for election of faculty for the committee.
Be it further resolved that:
This committee meets at least twice a year. Reports shall be given to the respective Senates.
Senate Resolution 04/05-01: Inclusion of Sexual Orientation in Non Discrimination Policy
Whereas, the community of the University of Alabama in Huntsville bears a special moral, ethical, and educational responsibility to promote diversity and inclusiveness, and,
Whereas, a diverse and inclusive learning environment which respects and enhances the potential of all members of our community is crucially important to the university's mission of achieving excellence in teaching, research, and service, and,
Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Alabama system affirmed on September 19, 2003, that our university system "promotes opportunities for equal access for all qualified students and values diversity among its students, faculty, staff, and administration," and,
Whereas, the current non-discrimination policy reads as follows, "The University of Alabama in Huntsville is committed to making employment opportunities available to qualified applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. All personnel actions and programs, including recruitment, selection, assignment, classification, promotion, demotion, transfer, layoff and recall, termination, determination of wages, conditions and benefits of employment, etc. shall be administered in accordance with this equal opportunity policy. It is the intent of the University that, in all aspects of employment, individuals shall be treated without discrimination on any of the foregoing bases and that employment decisions shall instead be premised upon a person's ability, experience and other job-related qualifications," and,
Whereas, according to U.S. News and World Report, as of 2003, at least eighty-eight percent (88%) of the nations top national universities have implemented non-discrimination policies that include sexual orientation, and,
Whereas, according to data collected by UAB, as of February 2003, 66% of universities in the Southern University Group have implemented non-discrimination policies that include sexual orientation, and,
Whereas, the University of Alabama in Huntsville's current policy on non-discrimination and equal opportunity is wholly unclear regarding discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Therefore, Be it resolved
That the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama in Huntsville reaffirms its commitment to promote respect for and appreciation of diversity in all aspects of university life, and reaffirms the importance of justice for all members of our university community, and,
Be it further resolved
That discrimination based upon sexual orientation should not be tolerated, and that any systems and practices embodying such discrimination must be dismantled, and,
Be it further resolved
That The University of Alabama in Huntsville include sexual orientation in the University's non-discrimination policy, and to take other steps toward ensuring compliance with this amended policy, and,
Be it further resolved
That the new non-discrimination policy will read as follows: "The University of Alabama in Huntsville is committed to making employment opportunities available to qualified applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or sexual orientation. All personnel actions and programs, including recruitment, selection, assignment, classification, promotion, demotion, transfer, layoff and recall, termination, determination of wages, conditions and benefits of employment, etc. shall be administered in accordance with this equal opportunity policy. It is the intent of the University that, in all aspects of employment, individuals shall be treated without discrimination on any of the foregoing bases and that employment decisions shall instead be premised upon a person's ability, experience and other job-related qualifications," and,
Be it further resolved
That wherever a non-discrimination/EEO policy appears in writing, it will be replaced with the new, revised policy.
Senate Resolution 03/04-01: Charge Change to Educational Technology and Distance Education University Committee
Whereas: The current charge to the ETDE Committee is as follows:
"A multidisciplinary university committee to oversee educational technologies and distance education at UAH." Oversight is intended to include the planning, developing, coordinating, implementing (including training), disseminating, and evaluating of educational technologies and distance education on the UAH campus, and
Whereas: The use of these technologies varies from department to department across campus, and
Whereas: New and exciting technologies are available which could add to the pedagogical variety of all UAH classes, and
Whereas: The promotion and dissemination of knowledge of these uses and available technologies could be more widespread on the campus, and
Whereas: It seems the purview of this committee to promote the use of electronic and distance technologies across campus.
Therefore Be It Resolved
That the wording of the charge be changed to:
"A multidisciplinary university committee to oversee educational technologies and distance education at UAH. Oversight is intended to include the planning, developing, coordinating, implementing (including training), disseminating, publicizing, and evaluating of educational technologies and distance education on the UAH campus."
And Be It Further Resolved
That this word change will appear in all future listings of University Committees.
Senate Resolution 02/03-03: Distinguished Professor Selection Process at UAH
WHEREAS, There is currently a process in place to identify and select Endowed Chairs and Endowed Professorships. This Board of Trustees approved process includes full participation of the faculty in the academic unit in which the appointment will be made, and
[The BOT authorizes the position for endowed chairs and professorships - then the search is conducted within the academic unit. The recommendation is then returned to the BOT through the President and Chancellor]
WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees recognizes the following classifications of university professorships, and
A. University of Alabama Trustee Professor - for preeminent distinction and service to the system. This is under the complete control of the BOT. The BOT consults with the Chancellor and the three Presidents and appropriate faculty groups at all campuses before naming.
B. University Professor - a campus-wide honor, the rank transcends departmental/unit lines to enable the faculty to undertake cross-department/cross-discipline activities in research, teaching, or service. The President recommends to the Chancellor who sends it to the BOT.
C. Distinguished Professor - this is a campus prestigious appointment (criteria attached). A recommendation comes from the President to the Chancellor and thus to the BOT.
WHEREAS, There is no local process in place at UAH to allow for faculty input into the identification or naming of either the University Professor or the Distinguished Professor.
A letter of nomination may come from Departments/Colleges/Administration and will go to the Provost.
The Provost will submit the nomination(s) to the Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee, which he chairs.
The Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee will review the nomination(s) and make appropriate recommendation(s) to the President.
This change will be added to the UAH Faculty Handbook listing the duties of the Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee.
Senate Resolution 02/03-02: Program to Assist Students in Academic Difficulty
WHEREAS: The Faculty Senate h as established the Academic Action Thresholds for undergraduate students, and
WHEREAS: The University is endeavoring to promote student success and student retention, and
WHEREAS: Students who fall below the academic action thresholds need more guidance and advising than those students in good standing, and
WHEREAS: Students in academic difficulty frequently underestimate their workloads, and capabilities, and
WHEREAS: The Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies, the Registrar's Office, and t he Professional Academic Advisors have developed a proposal for a program to enhance the success of students who fall below the academic action threshold.
The following proposed program to assist students in academic difficulty be adopted by the university.
Senate Resolution 02/03-02: Program to Assist Students in Academic Difficulty
Objective: To establish a more intrusive and preventive intervention for helping undergraduate students in academic difficulty improve their academic performance at UAH.
Problem: Many lower level students at UAH experience one or more semesters in which they receive unsatisfactory mid-term and final grades in multiple courses. After mid-term and final grades are posted, college advisors contact (telephone calls, letters, and e-mails) students who are in academic difficulty. A major concern for advisors is that a majority of students with low mid/end semester grades fail to respond; thus, we need a more powerful intervention strategy. Another concern is that some students in academic difficulty with NC grades are not identified on the Academic Action Report (end-of-semester listing of students who are on academic warning, academic probation and academic dismissal).
Proposal: To develop a campus intervention program to better assist students in academic difficulty achieve educational success at UAH.
Administrative Policy: When a student is classified in academic difficulty, the Registrar's office will place a registration hold on the student's record that will prevent the student from self-registration until the student's college advisor removes the hold or the student returns to good standing.
Academic Action Thresholds: In order to be in good academic standing, students must maintain a grade point average above the Academic Action Threshold (AAT) that varies according to classification. For students with
0 - 32 credit hours, the AAT is 1.6
33 - 64 credit hours, the AAT is 1.8
65 or more credit hours, the AAT is 2.0.
Mid-Term: Students who receive two or more unsatisfactory mid-term progress grades of (F or N) in 100 and 200 level courses will have a registration hold put in place. They will not be permitted to register for courses until they discuss their academic problem with their advisor and, if recommended, attend a workshop on academic success offered by the Office of Student Development Services.
NC Grades: Students who receive two or more NC final grades in a single term and are not subject to academic action will have a registration hold placed on their academic record. They will not be permitted to register for classes until they discuss their academic situation with their advisor and, if recommended, attend a workshop on academic success offered by the Office of Student Development Services.
Academic Warning -- Students are subject to academic warning: 1) if they are in good standing and earn less than the applicable Academic Action Threshold (AAT) for the semester; or 2) if they earn the applicable AAT or greater for the semester but the UAH cumulative grade point average is less than the applicable AAT.
Students on academic warning may not register for courses until they discuss their academic problem with their college advisor. Advisors will encourage these students to use course repeats, cut back on work hours, limit extra curricular activities, use tutors, etc., as needed. Advisors will strongly advise students to register for no more than 12 hours of coursework per semester until they return to good standing. Students will not be permitted to register for more than 15 hours.
Academic Probation -- Students are subject to academic probation if they are on academic warning and the current semester GPA is less than the applicable AAT and the UAH cumulative is less than the applicable AAT.
Students on academic probation will be limited to a maximum of 12 hours of coursework per semester until they achieve good standing. They may not register for courses until they discuss their academic problem with their college advisor. The advisor will review the academic problem with the student and assist the student in developing a plan of action to return to academic good standing. In developing the plan, advisors will encourage these students to use course repeats, reduce work hours, limit extra curricular activities, use tutors, go to the Writing Center, visit the Math Learning Center, etc., as needed. Students on academic probation may register only in the college advisor's office.
Academic Dismissal -- Students are subject to academic dismissal if they are on academic probation and the current semester GPA is less than the applicable AAT and the UAH cumulative is less than the applicable AAT.
Students on first dismissal who wish to re-enroll, must petition to the Admissions and Scholastic Affairs Committee for permission to re-enter after an absence of at least one term. These students must initiate the petition process in the advisor's office (college or department) and complete the AAT questionnaire in the college advisor's office. The college advisor will review the questionnaire with the student and assist the student in developing a plan of action. An advisor will not recommend students for readmission without a plan of action on file. The plan of action must be included with the petition sent to the Admissions Committee. The plan may include workshops* and/or counseling sessions on specific issues. The college advisor and the Counseling Center will monitor the plan of action jointly. Students who are readmitted after the first dismissal will be limited to no more than 12 hours until they return to good academic standing. Individual colleges may impose additional requirements specific to their programs, which should be addressed in the petition to the Admissions Committee. The Petition for Readmission requires an advisor's recommendation.
Students on second or a subsequent dismissal who wish to re-enroll must petition to the Admissions and Scholastic Affairs Committee for permission to re-enter after an absence of at least one year and follow the procedure outlined above.
Effective: Semester after Approval
*Student Development Services Workshops: Time Management, Stress Reduction, Study Skills, Juggling Family and College Life; Communication Skills, and Career Assessment (Career Services Office).
Senate Resolution 02/03-01: Academic Honor Statement
WHEREAS, Cheating/Plagiarism is currently at an all time high nationally, and
WHEREAS, Cheating/Plagiarism is a significant problem at UAH according to reports from a variety of colleges and departments, and
WHEREAS, New technologies especially the Internet have made cheating/plagiarism much easier and more accessible for the students, and
WHEREAS, Faculty have a responsibility to support and encourage academic integrity among all students, and
WHEREAS, An Honor Statement places responsibility of academic honesty on the student's personal actions, and
WHEREAS, An Honor Statement will make the student more aware of what constitutes academic misconduct and dishonesty and to take responsibility for his/her own actions, and
WHEREAS, Other policies concerning penalties and procedures will be in other legislation.
That the Faculty Senate desires that the Honor Statement be available to the faculty on the UAH website and encourages all faculty to distribute the Honor Statement to their classes each semester as they see fit.
That All students will be responsible for signing the Honor Statement upon application to the University, and that their signed statement will be placed in their file in the Office of Student Affairs.
Academic Honor Statement
I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved in cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, misrepresentation, or any other form of academic misconduct as outlined in the UAH Student Handbook while I am enrolled as a student at UAH. I understand that violating this promise will result in penalties as severe as indefinite suspension from The University of Alabama in Huntsville.
_____________________________ __________________
Student Signature Date
Senate Resolution 01/02-04: Revision to Withdrawal Policy
WHEREAS, The current date to withdraw from a class is the eighth (8th) week (8/15), and
WHEREAS, Our previous withdrawal policy on the term system was the sixth (6th) week (6/10), which on a semester system results in a withdrawal the ninth (9th) week (9/15), and
WHEREAS, midterm examinations typically occur from the sixth (6th) to the eighth (8th) week during the semester, leaving only a brief time for grading and return by the faculty.
That the unrestricted withdrawal date be extended to the tenth (10th) week to permit midterm grading and examination return while providing adequate time for students to make an informed decision before withdrawing from a course. All other policies and procedures currently occurring after the unrestricted withdrawal date will remain in effect.
Senate Resolution 01/02-03: Amendment to Faculty Handbook Appendix A
WHEREAS, The process for review and evaluation of deans in every fifth year of their continuing appointment is overly vague,
WHEREAS, It is neither in the interest of the faculty or the deans to have a process that is open to confusion or conflicting interpretations,
That the Faculty Handbook, Appendix A, in the section entitled "Review and Evaluation of a Dean," be amended by substituting the following new parts in place of paragraphs "c" and "d":
c. The fifth year comprehensive review is conducted by a committee composed of five to seven members selected by the provost. The majority of the membership of the committee must be tenured, research or clinical faculty who are not serving as chairs/administrators. The committee must include one or more department chairs from within the college and a representative faculty member from another college. For deans of the Graduate School and the Library, committees will be chosen from relevant campus wide faculty pools. The Provost appoints the committee chair. The committee will assess the dean's leadership qualities, professional competency, and working relationships.
d. The committee will develop procedures that provide for participation in the evaluation process by the department chairs of the appropriate college, all eligible faculty of that college, faculty and deans outside the college, and other appropriate groups. The Provost's Office will develop a standard evaluation form, provide advice, and assist the committee in the distribution and collection of evaluations. The evaluation form will be developed in consultation with the Personnel Committee of the Faculty Senate and should contain a summary item for an overall rating of the dean. Completed evaluation forms should be transmitted directly and privately to the Provost's Office. All evaluations and assessments must be held in the strictest confidence by each member of the committee and by the Provost's Office. The committee transmits the evaluations it has collected and a written report of its findings and recommendations to the Provost.
Senate Resolution 01/02-02: Amendment to Appendix A of the Faculty Handbook
WHEREAS, The Faculty Handbook requires no faculty participation in the evaluation of deans before the fall semester of each fifth year of continuing appointment,
WHEREAS, Five years without faculty input is an extensive period in both the service of a dean and in the career of faculty,
WHEREAS, Feedback from faculty is consistent with traditions of shared governance,
WHEREAS, Input from faculty is useful for a dean's self-evaluation and growth as well as for the provost's evaluation of a dean's effectiveness,
That the Faculty Handbook, Appendix A, in the section entitled "Review and Evaluation of a Dean," be amended following paragraph "a" with the addition of a new paragraph with the wording:
b. In the fifth semester following each appointment or comprehensive review of a dean, the provost will conduct an interim evaluation by sending each eligible faculty member a questionnaire (including qualitative questions consistent with those used on the fifth year evaluation form) seeking opinions on the performance of the dean. The replies from faculty will be returned directly and privately to the Provost's office and kept in that office in the strictest confidence. After the evaluation questionnaires have been reviewed, the provost will prepare a written evaluation and discuss the faculty input with the incumbent dean.
Senate Resolution 01/02-01: Revision to Campus Planning Committee
WHEREAS, The Faculty Senate should be involved directly in major University Committees, including the University Campus Planning Committee, and
WHEREAS, The Faculty Senate currently elects six faculty members to serve on the University Campus Planning Committee.
That the selection criteria for the University Campus Planning Committee and the Faculty Senate Bylaws Section V.D.5 be changed to read:
Six faculty members elected by the Faculty Senate, one of the six elected faculty members will be a member of the Faculty Senate during the forthcoming academic year and will report to the Faculty Senate on the activities of the University Campus Planning Committee.
Senate Resolution 00/01-05: Faculty Activity Report Form
WHEREAS: The current form used for reporting and faculty evaluation was lengthy, somewhat confusing, and cumbersome, and
WHEREAS: Discussions with faculty, the Provost, deans, and department chairs have resulted in a revised shortened form, and
WHEREAS: The PURPOSE of the Faculty Activity Report (FAR) is both quantitative and qualitative and provides a means to evaluate faculty activities and to establish faculty workload. Its goals include:
- Reporting faculty demographics.
- Reporting teaching and educational activities.
- Reporting completed research, creative works, and scholarly activity.
- Reporting service involvement to department, college, University, profession, community.
- Statement of accomplishments of the academic year in teaching, research and service.
- A self-evaluation of accomplishments.
- Setting goals for the next academic year.
- The form will provide an instrument to promote faculty development and establish faculty workload.
- The FAR is to be attached to the annual evaluation done by chairs, deans, and the Provost.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following form replaces the current FAR.
Senate Resolution 00/01-04: Faculty Handbook Revision
WHEREAS, the dates for the Annual Performance Evaluation have been changed; the following changes need to be made in the Faculty Handbook.
Section 7.8.1 is revised to read:
Annual performance evaluations for tenured, tenure-earning, clinical, and research faculty, based on the faculty member's record during the period April 1 of the past year to March 31 of the current year, are conducted by the Chair during the spring semester. The faculty member will submit her/his file as directed by the Chair.
Section 7.8.1 (c) The Chair meets with the faculty member by April 30 to discuss her or his performance and evaluation by the Chair. To assure that the review is a two-way experience, the chair gives the person being reviewed a full opportunity to discuss strengths and weaknesses, problems, and ways in which the department Chair, or other colleagues, might be helpful in improving performance.
Senate Resolution 00/01-03: Course Audit Policy
WHEREAS, the Faculty Handbook defines the audit (AU) grade and specifies the last day for a student to change to audit as the end of the second week of classes (Sections 8.22 and 8.20, respectively); and
WHEREAS, the Faculty Handbook does not define the student rights or faculty responsibilities for an audited course; and
WHEREAS, the term "audit" is derived from the Latin auditus meaning "to hear"; and
WHEREAS, as discussed in the Course Withdrawal Policy (Section 8.17) while the University has strong justification for controlling a student's freedom to withdraw from courses at will, students may have justifiable reasons to withdraw;
Section 8.20 is revised to read:
Section 8.20 Course Audit Policy
Students may on occasion desire to register for a course as an "audit". No credit is given for an audit and no quality points are assigned. Auditing a course gives the student permission to attend classes, to listen to the instructor's presentations and lectures, to participate in class discussions, as appropriate, and to receive handouts associated with the presentations and lectures. Students auditing a course are permitted to ask to participate in graded activities, such as homework, group projects, laboratories, and exams. The instructor is not required to grade any written assignments that may be submitted by an auditing student.
A student who elects to audit a course may not at any point after electing to audit, change to "for-credit", i. e., graded status.
Up through the fourth week a student may elect to change the grading status for any course from credit to audit. The student must initiate a formal request for change to audit through the Office of Student Records. Any student failing to follow established procedure for change to audit will continue to be enrolled in the class for credit and may receive a failing grade in that course.
Senate Resolution 00/01-02
WHEREAS, in recent years, there have been instances of miscommunication involving proposals to create or change interdisciplinary programs involving fields of study from more than one college;
by the Faculty Senate that the following general principle be adopted. Any new academic program or change in an existing program (major, minor, or cognate) that involves disciplines of more than one college should be reviewed by and have a signature of recommendation or non-recommendation of all appropriate curriculum committees of the colleges involved and the Faculty Senate Undergraduate Curriculum Committee prior to offering any such program.
Senate Resolution 00/01-01: Rescinding Senate Resolution 99/00-03: Establishment of Faculty-Initiated Student Withdrawal
WHEREAS, the Faculty Senate passed a Resolution 99/00-03 Establishment Of Faculty-Initiated Student Withdrawal; and
WHEREAS, individual faculty members would be allowed to assign a grade of "W" on the final grade sheets; and
WHEREAS, this resolution was approved by Administration and distributed to faculty and implementation was set for fall semester; and
WHEREAS, several problems were discovered regarding the implementation of this resolution; and
WHEREAS, these problems could be detrimental to students' financial aid and scholarships; and
WHEREAS, it is the goal of the faculty to implement policies that are beneficial to students and not detrimental to their success;
by the faculty senate that: Resolution 99/00-03: Establishment Of Faculty-Initiated Student Withdrawal be rescinded immediately.
Senate Resolution 99/00-03: Faculty-Initiated Student Withdrawal
WHEREAS, a number of students fail to complete any course requirements, but do not withdraw from the course; and
WHEREAS, administrative withdrawal early in the semester is problematic because faculty may not have adequate information about student attendance or intent prior to established withdrawal deadlines; and
WHEREAS, some faculty are philosophically opposed to assigning an academic grade of "F" for non-attendance or insufficient class work; and
WHEREAS, it is difficult to judge student intent from class rolls; and
WHEREAS, there is currently a "W" option included on the grade sheets;
by the faculty senate that: The University of Alabama in Huntsville change its grading system to indicate that the grade of "WX" may be assigned by individual faculty members on the final gradesheets.
Senate Resolution 99/00-01: University Committees
WHEREAS the University Committees are an important part of the governance of the University, and
WHEREAS they allow the voice of the faculty and staff to be heard on important issues and decisions which affect the entire University community, and
WHEREAS many University Committees have not been meeting on a regular basis, even though important decisions on issues under their purview have been made; and
WHEREAS in order to assure that University Committees are a part of the decision making process of the University, the Governance Committee, in accord with its charge of assessing the governing of the University, urges the following changes.
The Faculty Senate By-Laws are amended to read
Section V.A: University standing committees consist of members of the faculty and members of the administration/staff. Unless otherwise stated, faculty members shall be selected by (but not necessarily from) the Faculty Senate and shall at least equal in number administration/staff representation on each committee. All ex-officio members shall be clarified and designated. Ex-officio members shall not vote, except for those ex-officio members who are committee chairpersons, who may vote only to break ties. In cases where this ex-officio member serves as chairperson, members of the committee shall select a faculty member to serve as co-chairperson. If the ex-officio member calls a meeting but cannot attend, then the co-chair will preside. When faculty representatives on the committee do not happen to include a Faculty Senator, then a Senator should be placed (ex-officio) on the University committee as a reporting senator to the Faculty Senate.
Section V.C: Where required by the nature of the Committee's function, the University Committee structure shall reflect unit representation, including the Library. University Committees shall meet once a semester. Any member of the Committee may call a meeting. Committees will issue a written report to their administrative liaison and to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee each semester, after meeting. The terms of the membership shall be two years unless otherwise noted with arrangements made for staggered terms. The details of procedures will be determined by each Committee.
The Faculty Handbook Section 6.6 be amended to read:
All ex-officio members shall be clarified and designated. Ex-officio members shall not vote, except for those ex-officio members who are committee chairpersons, who may vote only to break ties. In cases where this ex-officio member serves as chairperson, members of the committee shall select a faculty member to serve as co-chairperson. If the ex-officio member calls a meeting but cannot attend, then the co-chair will preside.
University Committees meet at least once a semester. Any member of the committee may call a meeting. Committees will issue a written report to their administrative liaison and to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee each semester, after meeting. Terms of membership are for two years unless otherwise noted, with arrangements made for staggered terms. The details of procedures are issues that each committee determines.
Senate Resolution 98/99-03: Confident
WHEREAS UAH will soon institute a system of maintaining annual Faculty Activity
Reports in electronic form accessible from the Worldwide Web, and
WHEREAS Faculty Activity Reports become part of the faculty member's official personnel file as referred to in section 7.7 of the Faculty Handbook, and
WHEREAS it is of the utmost importance that the confidentiality of personnel records be maintained in an electronic environment,
the new online reporting system will not come into operation until appropriate measures, as determined jointly by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Provost Office, are in place to insure that these reports will be available only to those chairs, deans, and other administrators whom the Handbook currently specifies as having legitimate reasons for access.
Senate Resolution 98/99-02: Mid Semester Progress Reports for Courses Numbered 0-299
Whereas, UAH currently has an academic policy requiring instructors of courses numbered 0-299 to rate student academic progress at mid-semester; and
Whereas, The current policy regarding mid-semester progress reports requires instructors to indicate grades of "S" (satisfactory) "U" (improvement needed or "N" (not attending); and
Whereas, The purpose of the mid-semester progress reports is for students to judge academic progress, garner appropriate resources or take appropriate action for academic success; and
Whereas, The current rating system does not provide adequate feedback for students to judge their academic progress
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The University of Alabama in Huntsville change its policy concerning mid-semester progress reports to the following:
Mid-semester evaluations are done in courses numbered 0-299, except HPE and Co-Op courses, to help students determine their likelihood of success. Students and advisors should use these reports as an opportunity to discuss academic progress, garner appropriate resources or take appropriate action. The following procedure is used:
- Report sheets are distributed to faculty during the sixth week of classes. Faculty mark one of the following: A, B, C, D, P, F or N. A=superior achievement, B=above average achievement, C=average achievement, D=marginally passing work, F=failing work, P=passing, N=not attending.
- Faculty return the reports to the Office of Student Records by the end of the sixth week.
- Reports are mailed to the student and the student's advisement office at the beginning of the seventh week.
- Students will be informed that this midterm grade will not be part of his or her permanent record.
Senate Resolution 98/99-01: Amendment to Faculty Handbook Section 9.13: University Sick Leave Policy
Whereas, the language of the current UAH Faculty Handbook suggests that a faculty member with a medically proven illness might not be granted sick leave; and
Whereas, the current Handbook makes the granting of sick leave contingent upon the faculty member finding a replacement for him- or herself; and
Whereas, it seems neither reasonable nor humane to expect a person with a serious illness to carry this particular burden; and
Whereas, the current policy does not make clear that the six month paid leave available to a faculty member means six months per illness, not six months for one's entire tenure at UAH; and
Whereas, section 9.13 of the current Faculty Handbook states "Faculty members must advise the department chair of illness (established by a physician) and the chair will assist the faculty member in finding a substitute to take care of their responsibilities during absences because of illness. Faculty members may be granted leave and pay for the remainder of the semester in which the illness occurs provided any members of the department(s) concerned can fill in sufficiently to avoid the employment of additional faculty. In cases where a faculty member will not be able to return to active service (established by a physician), sick leave with pay may be granted up to six months."
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The first three sentences of section 9.13 of the Faculty Handbook be amended to read:
In the event of a documented illness, a full time academic year appointment faculty member will receive sick leave with pay for periods which may be as long as six months at a time. The faculty member will, upon request, provide independent confirmation from competent medical sources of the need for sick leave. When a faculty member goes on such leave, the department chair or dean must arrange for colleagues to carry out the faculty member's obligations or must make other arrangements for fulfilling those obligations.
Senate Resolution 97/98-10: GPA Computation for Graduation with Honors
Whereas, students who transfer to UAH can graduate with Honors based on their last 64 hours of coursework taken at UAH; and
Whereas, UAH's present policy on Graduation with Honors computes the student's GPA by "identifying the academic session containing the last 64 hours of coursework taken to fulfill degree requirements, and the GPA of all courses taken by the student at UAH to satisfy degree requirements during those terms will be computed;" and
Whereas, students who complete all, or most, of their degree requirements at UAH might have a higher GPA if all UAH coursework is included in the calculation; and
Whereas, we do not want to penalize students who complete the preponderance of their degree requirements at UAH;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
A student's GPA for Graduation with Honors will be computed based on:
I) identifying the academic session containing the last 64 hours of coursework taken to fulfill degree requirements, and the GPA of all courses taken by the student at UAH to satisfy degree requirements during those terms will be computed, and
II) identifying all credit courses taken at UAH to satisfy degree requirements and calculating the GPA of all of these courses. The student's status for Graduation with Honors will be based on the method of computation which yields the higher GPA.
Senate Resolution 97/98-09: Faculty Activity Report Performance Scale
Whereas, individual faculty members at UAH are evaluated by their supervisors in the areas of teaching, research, and service by means of a scale introduced last year with the new Faculty Activity Reports; and
Whereas, the scale ranks performance by use of the terms "Exceptional Performance," "Above Expectations," "Meets Expectations," "Below Expectations," and "Unacceptable Performance;" and
Whereas, the inclusion of these terms on a chart (to be filled out by a supervisor) suggests that this instrument seeks to convey a more quantitative measure of the faculty member's performance than the narrative evaluations of previous years; and
Whereas, there is currently no interpretive consensus about the significance of these various terms--for example, while "meets expectations" could well be understood to represent a positive judgment, from its position on the chart it might also indicate mediocre, i.e., substandard performance;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
if this new scale is to become part of the faculty member's regular annual evaluation, each department be required to write a statement outlining faculty expectations within that department, which also clarifies the significance of each point on the scale in terms of such considerations as tenure, promotion, and salary increases. This written statement will be attached to the Faculty Activity Report.
Senate Resolution 97/98-08: Policy on Faculty and Staff Awards
Whereas, The Alabama Ethics Commission issued a ruling that a circuit judge could not accept a monetary award given in recognition of his service as a judge; and
Whereas, it is appropriate for faculty and staff to receive recognition for their praiseworthy actions and contributions; and
Whereas, it is in the best interest of the University and State that faculty and staff receive recognition for their accomplishments; and
Whereas, the State of Alabama in recent years has not provided adequate funding for the institutions of higher education in the state; and
Whereas, the Ethics Commission ruling and the associated factors necessitates the establishment of a policy that will allow faculty and staff to receive monetary prizes;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The following be added to the UAH Faculty Handbook as section 7.14.4.
7.14.4 Faculty and Staff Awards and Prizes
Appreciation of the accomplishments of University faculty and staff by those outside the institution reflects positively on the institution and is in the institution's best interests. It is, therefore the policy of the University that University faculty and staff members may accept awards and prizes from organizations and other entities outside the institution for their outstanding teaching, research, and/or service, performed in the course of their employment with the University. Acceptance of such awards and prizes must not create a conflict with the interest of the University or with the recipient's role within the University. If such recognition includes a monetary prize in excess of $100, or some other tangible benefit valued in excess of $100, the recipient must report such award or prize to the Provost or appropriate divisional Vice President prior to its acceptance. In the case that the Provost or a Vice President is a recipient of the award, the proposed award must be reported to the President.
Senate Resolution 97/98-07: Graduation with Honors Criteria
Whereas, Graduation with Honors indicates high academic achievement; and
Whereas, it is the opinion of the Faculty Senate that Graduation with Honors should recognize a Grade Point Average (GPA) within the A range, and
Whereas, a GPA of 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale is within the A range; and
Whereas, the other universities in the University of Alabama System designate a GPA of 3.5 as the lower end of the range for Graduation with Honors; and
Whereas, the present UAH criteria for Graduation with Honors specifies a 3.4 as the lower end of the range for Graduation with Honors;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
UAH adopt the following GPA criteria for Graduation with Honors to take effect Fall 1999:
Summa Cum Laude 3.90 and up,
Magna Cum Laude 3.70 - 3.899, and
Cum Laude 3.50- 3.699
Senate Resolution 97/98-06: Student Classification
Whereas, "Freshman," "Sophomore," "Junior," and "Senior" are generically used to designate a student's academic classification; and
Whereas, "Freshman" is used to refer to students during their first year of course work, "Sophomore" refers to students during their second year, "Junior" refers to students in their third year, and "Senior" refers to students in their fourth year, and
Whereas, the minimum number of hours required for a Bachelor's Degree is 128; and
Whereas, 128 hours divided by 4 years is 32 hours per year;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
UAH adopt the following definitions for student classification:
Freshman: 0 - 32 hours,
Sophomore: 33 - 64 hours,
Junior: 65 - 96 hours, and
Senior: 97 and up.
Senate Resolution 97/98-05: Indeterminate Academic Status Policy
Whereas, undergraduate students are occasionally assigned grades of I or X; and
Whereas, these grades must be remedied no later than the end of classes during the next semester of enrollment, or 1 year from the date of grade, whichever is earlier; and
Whereas, current UAH policy treats grades of I or X as a grade of F when computing GPA; and
Whereas, this policy penalizes students for courses that they have not, but must, complete;
Therefore, be it resolved that:
grades of I and X will not be counted in computing an undergraduate student's GPA. The credit hours for courses in which an I or X is assigned will not be included in computing the GPA or academic classification until the grade is remedied or converted to an F through the student's failure to remedy the I or X grade.
Senate Resolution 97/98-04: Committee on Educational Technology and Distance Education
Whereas: There is at UAH, a need for increased use of educational technologies, including distance education modalities; and
Whereas: There is growing interest and activity, on the part of many of the faculty and other members of the university community, in the utilization of educational technologies in general, with emphasis on distance education; and
Whereas: Educational technologies and distance education are advancing rapidly; and
Whereas: UAH needs to be proactive in regard to the planning, developing, coordinating, implementing (including training), and evaluating of educational technologies and distance education on the UAH campus; and
Whereas: There is a need for a multidisciplinary committee to address educational technologies and distance education on the UAH campus,
Therefore Be it Resolved That:
A multidisciplinary university committee be formed to oversee educational technologies and distance education at UAH. Oversight is intended to include the planning, developing, coordinating, implementing (including: training), disseminating, and evaluating of educational technologies and distance education on the UAH campus.
This will be a standing committee with one faculty representative elected from each College and the Library and five additional members including the Dean of the Graduate School, Director of Continuing Education, Director of Engineering Management Programs, Assistant Vice President for Information Services and one representative of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. The faculty representatives will serve two year staggered terms. The committee will report to the Provost.
Senate Resolution 97/98-03: Academic Action Threshold
Whereas: A central goal of UAH is educating students; and
Whereas: Many successful students struggle when they first enter a university; and,
Whereas: The Academic Action Threshold is the minimum GPA below which a student will be subject to academic warning, probation, or dismissal, and
Whereas: Students whose GPA falls below the Academic Action Threshold (AAT) might, and do, leave UAH because i) they are subject to academic disciplinary action or ii) students who are not in good standing can lose their financial aid; and
Whereas: The present AAT at UAH is 2.0 for all students, and
Whereas: A graduated AAT would set different standards for students at different stages in their academic career, and
Whereas: A graduated AAT would allow students time to improve their academic standing; and
Whereas: A graduated AAT would allow additional time for advisors to assist students,
Therefore let it be resolved that:
The AAT for students with 1 - 32 hours credit be set at 1.6, and the AAT for students with 33 - 64 hours credit be set at 1.8, and the AAT for students with 65 + hours credit remain at 2.0.
Disclaimer: Some pre-professional programs have specific policies that may affect this policy. You must be aware of this before continuing.
Senate Resolution 97/98-02: Pass/Fail Grading
Whereas: Universities often allow students to take some courses under a Pass/Fail option; and
Whereas: We presently restrict the option of taking a course Pass/Fail to students of Junior or Senior standing; and
Whereas: If students benefit from the Pass/Fail option, they can do so throughout their academic career;
Therefore let it be resolved that:
The University of Alabama in Huntsville change its policy on Pass/Fail courses to the following:
Any undergraduate student not on Academic Probation may take courses on a P/F basis. A student is limited to 12 semester hours of credit on a P/F basis over the course of their UAH degree. Courses within a student's major and minor may not be taken P/F. Required courses in English composition and in Mathematics may not be taken P/F. Departments may limit the P/F to courses outside the department or college.
A grade of P may be changed to a regular grade only if the student changes his or her program of study to an area in which a regular grade is required. The changes must be initiated at the Dean's office and must go through normal grade change procedures. Once a P grade has been replaced with a regular grade, it must remain.
Under the P/F system, a grade of P will not be counted in a student's GPA; a grade of F will count in the GPA.
A student wishing to exercise the P/F option must apply to the office of Student Records when registering, or by the end of the third week of classes.
Even though a student chooses to take a course P/F, the instructor's grade sheet will reflect the regular grade and the student may be informed of the regular grade upon request.
Senate Resolution 97/98-01: Amendment to Appendix B of the Faculty Handbook
Whereas: A periodic change in the departmental Chair is a valuable adjunct that permits the faculty to be exposed to new leadership with new ideas, concepts, and goals for the benefit of the department; and
Whereas: This periodic change affords other interested departmental faculty an opportunity to demonstrate their administrative capabilities and enhance the department in all its functions; and
Whereas, The March 1989 version of the Faculty Handbook contained the following statement in Section 3.19.A.7: "Appointment as a Chair is for a four-year term. A Chair may serve two consecutive terms, but normally they will serve continually no longer than this."
Therefore be it resolved that:
Appendix B of the current Faculty Handbook of The University of Alabama in Huntsville be amended to limit the Chair to two consecutive four-year appointments with the proviso that the departmental faculty may, by majority vote, and with the consent of the Chair, recommend to the dean that the Chair continue beyond two consecutive terms. Likewise, by majority vote, the faculty may recommend that the Chair not serve a second four-year term.
Senate Resolution 96/97-08: Developmental Studies Program
Whereas, The University of Alabama in Huntsville currently has no unified program, or administrative structure, for academic developmental studies (e.g. tutoring, remedial courses, and study skills); and
Whereas, the University's developmental courses and other academic support services need to be coordinated and made part of a cohesive program; and
Whereas, a more structured method is needed for facilitating efforts to aid students who have academic deficiencies, or require other academic support; and;
Whereas, it is in the best interest of faculty and administration to promote academic success and retention of students.
Therefore, be it resolved that:
The coordinating administrative authority for academic developmental studies (e.g. tutoring, remedial courses and study skills) should be in the Office of the Provost, with regular consultation with the Office of Vice-President for Student Affairs. Academic supervision should be handled by the respective academic departments.
Senate Resolution 96/97-03: Voting Privileges for Research and Clinical Faculty in University Review Board Elections
Whereas: The Faculty Handbook states: "Tenured and tenure-earning faculty not on termination notice are eligible to vote in URB elections"; and
Whereas: Research and Clinical faculty are reviewed by the University Review Board for promotion, and
Whereas: Research and Clinical faculty are afforded the privilege of membership on various University bodies inclusive of the Faculty Senate, but exclusive of Promotion and Tenure Committees and the University Review Board; and
Whereas: while membership of Research and Clinical faculty has not been deemed appropriate, nevertheless, it is appropriate and reasonable in terms of due process for Research and Clinical faculty to participate in the election of the University Review Board where their promotions are reviewed.
Therefore be it resolved that:
The University of Alabama in Huntsville the Faculty Handbook section 7.9.11, be amended to read: Tenured, tenure-earning, research, and clinical faculty not on termination notice are eligible to vote in URB election.