First Name Last Name Advanced Department: Any - 2016 CBA Mini-Grant Lee & FongAcademic AdvisementAcademic AssistanceAcademic Success Advocacy ProgramAccess, Connections, and EngagementAccountingAdmissions and RecruitmentAI Lab DirectorAlumni RelationsArt, Art History, & DesignAthleticsAtmospheric ScienceAudio VisualBiological ScienceBiotechnologyBookstoreBudgets & Management InformationBursarBursar OfficeBusiness ServicesCampus Entertain AdmCareer ServicesCCRECharger Card OfficeCharger UnionCheerleadingChemical EngineeringChemistryCivil EngineeringCMERCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social SciencesCollege of BusinessCollege of EducationCollege of EngineeringCollege of NursingCollege of ScienceCommunication ArtsComputer ScienceContracts & Grants AccountingCounseling CenterCSPARCUE2 BestCustodial ServicesDean of StudentsDepartmental InstructionDevelopmentDisability ServicesEarly Learning CenterEarth System Science CenterEconomicsElectrical and Computer EngineeringEngineering TechnologyEnglishEnhanced Teaching & Learning CenterEnrollment ServicesEnv Health & SafetyFacilities and OperationsFaculty SenateFinanceFood ServicesGraduate programGraduate SchoolGraduate School and International ServicesGrounds ManagementHealth and Physical EducationHealth ServicesHistoryHonors CollegeHousing Custodial SvcHousing Primary MaintenanceHuman ResourcesIndustrial and Systems EngineeringInformation SystemsInstitute for Science EducationInstitutional ResearchIntensive Language and Cultural ProgramInvention to Innovation Center(I2C)ITSCKinesiologyLibraryLitigation ManagementMail ServicesMaintenanceManagementManagement ScienceMarketingMathematicsMech and Aero Engineering SummerMechanic ShopMechanical and Aerospace EngineeringMotor Vehicle PoolMusicOfc of Rsrch Budgets & Perf AssessOffice of Accounting & Financial ReportingOffice of Financial AidOffice of Information TechnologyOffice of Internal AuditOffice of International ServicesOffice of Marketing and CommunicationsOffice of Risk ManagementOffice of Technology CommercializationOffice of the PresidentOffice of the ProvostOffice Sponsored ProgramsOITOPCEOpticsOsher Lifelong Learning InstituteParking ManagementPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical SciencePrinting ServicesProfessional and Continuing StudiesProfessional StudiesProposal Development OfficePropulsion Research CenterPsychologyPsychology SummerPublic SafetyRecords & RegistrationResearch Information SystemsResearch InstituteResearch Security AdministrationRotorcraftSBDCSMAPSociologySodexo Campus ServicesSpace ScienceSpec Events Serier sStock RoomStrategic CommunicationStudent AffairsStudent Engagement & TransitionsStudent HousingStudent Success CenterTesting ServicesTheatreTitle IX OfficeUAH Police DepartmentUniversity EventsUniversity RecreationVP Finance & AdministrationVP for Research and Economic DevelopmentVP for Student AffairsVP for University AdvancementWorld Languages and Cultures Phone Number: Building: Any - BEV - Bevill Center BAB - Business Administrative Building BSB - Business Services Building CCH - Central Campus Residence Hall CGU - Charger Union CGV - Charger Village CRH - Cramer Hall CTC - Conference Training Center ENG - Engineering Building I2C - Invention to Innovation Center IMF - Intermodal Facility JRC - Johnson Research Center LIB - M. Louis Salmon Library MOR - Morton Hall MSB - Materials Science Building NCH - North Campus Residence Hall NUR - Nursing Building OKT - Olin B. King Technology Hall OPB - Optics Building PPB - Physical Plant Building REC - Central Receiving Building ROB - Roberts Hall SSB - Student Services Building SCH - Southeast Campus Housing SKH - Shelbie King Hall SPR - Spragins Hall SST - Shelby Center UFC - University Fitness Center VBH - Von Braun Research Hall WIL - Wilson Hall Search Reset Need to change your directory information?