My Child is a

Welcome, Parents and Family!

We’re so excited that your student is considering attending UAH! We know how important a parent’s role is in helping students navigate the college search process. Our hope is that your family will take a closer look at all the opportunities UAH has to offer.

Preparing for College

It’s never too early to begin the college selection process. Here are a few guidelines that may be useful as your student is considering attending UAH.

  • Take a Closer Look at UAH – Learn more about all that UAH has to offer your student, including our top-tier academics, vibrant campus life, and the Rocket City we call home.

    Discover UAH

  • Explore Campus – Come see us! Visiting our 505+ acre campus for yourself is a great way for your family to get to know us better.

    Visit campus Upcoming events Accommodations

  • Connect with Us! – Complete our Parent Inquiry Form for the opportunity to join our mailing list to learn more about UAH and stay in the loop with upcoming events and admissions information designed just for parents.

    Parent Inquiry Form

  • Apply to UAH! – We’ll walk your student through the admissions process and answer your family’s questions along the way. We suggest that high school students apply during the fall semester of their senior year. Transfer students are encouraged to apply no later than two months prior to the beginning of their intended semester of entry.

    Apply for admission

My Student Has Been Accepted. Now What?

  • Complete the Charger Checklist – This comprehensive list will ensure that your student is prepared to transition to UAH. We encourage students to complete these items prior to attending New Student Orientation.

    Charger checklist

  • Encourage them to attend an Admitted Student Event – Admitted students are invited to attend any of our admitted student events hosted on and off campus. These events are a great opportunity to celebrate their admission, and aid in their transition as a member of the Charger family.

    Upcoming events

  • Stay Connected – Students are encouraged to begin using their official UAH email account after acceptance. Please encourage your student to begin using this account to stay in the loop with updates regarding financial aid, housing, and class registration.

Quick Links

Contact Us

Undergraduate Admissions Office

Student Services Building
Suite 106
301 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35899




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