Step 1
Discover UAH

We get it – you want to be sure you’re choosing the school that’s right for you. Take a look at all that UAH has to offer, including our top-tier academics, vibrant campus life, exciting athletics programs, and the Rocket City we call home.

Step 2
Apply for Admission

We’ll walk you through the process, outline the application requirements, check for any high school credit that could help you graduate earlier, and make sure you don’t forget any important documents along the way.

Apply as a...

Step 3
Apply for Financial Aid

Scholarships, grants, loans, and work study opportunities are abundant at UAH. And the Office of Financial Aid will work with you and your family to take the stress out of starting your college career.

Step 4
Prepare & Enroll

Once you're admitted, there are just a few final requirements to get enrolled. Charger Checklist will ensure you're ready for your first semester at UAH, starting with Orientation.

Visit Campus

After you check out the virtual tour, come see campus for yourself! We offer daily tours and regular information sessions with advisors and current students. Schedule your visit today!

Visit UAH

Contact Us

Undergraduate Admissions Office

Student Services Building
Suite 106
301 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, AL 35899
