Important! ***Read before continuing*** Design elements on this page are intended soley to provide visual examples for how content can be organized on a page using Navigation and Module functionality. Should you find a design element on this page that you would like to utilize, reach out to with your ideas. Then, we (the OMC web team) will determine the best solutions for your needs and how to implement them. Design elements on this page are not intended for you to implement. In addition to standard HTML markup, found on the Base HTML Elements page, there are a number of custom modules and elements designed specifically for the UAH website. This page will illustrate those elements and provide guidelines for their use. News Tile Module Nav Tile Module Two-Block Spotlight Module Small Spotlight Module Recent News Link Grid Link List Section Menu Jump-To-Section Faculty/Staff Listing News Tile Module The news tile module is great for colleges or centers that generate a lot of news they want to feature on their front pages. It displays the page title, two featured news stories, and two statistics or brag facts. Remember to use news and stats that are relevant to prospective students. Usage The news tile module is limited to usage on major section of the UAH website such as college front pages. To request to use this module, contact How often should news be updated? News articles displayed here should be marketing-focused. Generally they can be displayed for up to 6 months before being replaced. To display articles that rotate more frequently, consider using the recent news module. Diagram Example The example below is just a screenshot. Click the image to see a live example. Nav Tile Module The nav tile module is better suited for colleges and centers that don't want to especially feature news on their front pages. Instead, the tiles display one large image and feature important links. Each link tile flips to display a relevant photo when visitors hover over it (on mobile the tiles are flipped by default with a blue overlay for legibility). The nav tile module is only available for use on college front pages. Remember to choose links that are important to prospective students. Usage The news tile module is limited to usage on major section of the UAH website such as college front pages. To request to use this module, contact Photo Selection Choosing the right photo for the nav tile module can be tricky. Photos that work best have the subject in the middle or middle-left. For legibility of the links it's important that the right side of the photo isn't too bright or busy. The original background photo used to build your module should be at least 1738 x 688. Diagram Example The example below is just a screenshot. Click the image to see a live example. Two-Block Spotlight Module The two-block spotlight is used within the body of a web page to feature an event or a person, usually a current student or an alumni. Automatic Image Cropping Images are cropped automatically based on the height of the text. Notice in this diagram how the image is cropped when the length of the text is increased. Alternate Image Cropping Photos are cropped at the top-center by default. You can force different crops by adding specific classes to div.block-left. middle-center crop - .pos-center bottom-center crop - .pos-bottom middle-left crop - .pos-left middle-right crop - .pos-right top-left crop - .pos-topleft top-right crop - .pos-topright Diagram Example Open House - Apr 11 APR 11 Open House The open house program at UAH is a great way to discover what matters most to you. Code Open House - Apr 11 APR 11 Open House The open house program at UAH is a great way to discover what matters most to you. 60/40 Two-Block Spotlight While most two-block spotlights are split 50/50 photo-to-content, 60/40 two-block spotlights, which feature a wider image, are reserved for modules that feature interactive content, such as a video or interactive map. Example Student Spotlight Watch Video Rachel Bray '15 Accounting, College of Business "Being involved has really developed me as a leader and helped me grow as a person." Code Student Spotlight Watch Video Rachel Bray '15 Accounting, College of Business "Being involved has really developed me as a leader and helped me grow as a person." Small Spotlight Module The small spotlight module is primarily used to feature recent news stories, people (faculty, students, etc.), and contact information. They can be used individually in the right sidebar or three-to-a-row at the bottom of a page, such as on college/department pages. Diagram Example Recent News UAH's College of Nursing hosts first annual Student Nurses Leadership Summit Mar 24 The Alabama Association of Nursing Students (AANS), a state constituent chapter of the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA), presen… Faculty Spotlight Louise O'Keefe Assistant Professor Louise C. O'Keefe, assistant professor of nursing in the UAH College of Nursing was recently honored by the prestigious organization the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) with a 2014 State Award for Excellence. Contact Us College of Nursing 301 Sparkman Drive Nursing Building 207 Huntsville, AL 35899 256.824.6742 Code Recent News UAH's College of Nursing hosts first annual Student Nurses Leadership Summit Mar 24 The Alabama Association of Nursing Students (AANS), a state constituent chapter of the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA), presen… Faculty Spotlight Louise O'Keefe Assistant Professor Louise C. O'Keefe, assistant professor of nursing in the UAH College of Nursing was recently honored by the prestigious organization the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) with a 2014 State Award for Excellence. Contact Us College of Nursing 301 Sparkman Drive Nursing Building 207 Huntsville, AL 35899 256.824.6742 Recent News Recent news modules display the most recent featured news article categorized under a specific department. How often should news be updated? Recent news articles should be changed at least once every few weeks. For news that should display for a longer time, consider the news tile module. Note Featured articles written by the Office of Marketing and Communications will automatically be pushed to the recent news module as well as the News page for the applicable college/department. There are three options to display news on a page: (Choose only one type per page) 1 article spotlight - 1 spotlight article with linked photo, linked title, date, and teaser text (see the previous section: Small Spotlight Module) Multiple articles w/o photos - 3-5 articles, each with linked title Multiple articles w/ photos - 3-5 articles, each with linked photo and linked title Diagram Example scienceRecent News Three commercially viable proposals win CIF awards at UAH Apr 07 Three commercially viable proposals that resulted from research at UAH have been awarded over $43,000 from the Charger Innovation Fund (CI… Recent News Three commercially viable proposals win CIF awards at UAH UAH seeks new insights to study lightning Ultra-thin silicon films create vibrant optical colors Blast From the Past – Opening a Rocketry Time Capsule Recent News Three commercially viable proposals win CIF awards at UAH UAH seeks new insights to study lightning Ultra-thin silicon films create vibrant optical colors Blast From the Past – Opening a Rocketry Time Capsule Link Arrow The link arrow is used on a tile or image to indicate that visitors may click it to visit a page with more information. Example Code Link Grid The link grid is designed to present a list of links of the same type of content, such as a list of programs offered by a college or a list of menu items within a section. Remaining empty spaces are filled with the blue stripe pattern. The link grid should have a heading where applicable. The .narrow class is used to reduce the links' text size. Left Menu No Left Menu Right Sidebar 3 columns .narrow 3 columns No Right Sidebar 3 columns 4 columns Example Undergraduate Programs undergraduate ProgramsBiology Chemistry Computer Science Earth System Science Math undergraduate programsPhysics undergraduate programsIndividualized Bachelor of Science Narrow Undergraduate Financial Aid Scholarships Federal Aid Code Undergraduate Programs Biology Chemistry Computer Science Earth System Science Math Physics Individualized Bachelor of Science Narrow Undergraduate Financial Aid Scholarships Federal Aid Link List The link list, similar to the link grid, is used to display a number of related links. Link lists are most often shown in the right sidebar. Example Related Links Financial Aid Fridays Policies Code of Conduct Verification Scholarship Application Voter Registration Degree Salary / Debt Calculator Code Related Links Financial Aid Fridays Policies Code of Conduct Verification Scholarship Application Voter Registration Degree Salary / Debt Calculator Section Menu (Left Menu) The section menu allows visitors to navigate to other pages within a particular section of the website. On smaller screens, the section menu is off-screen until the user taps on the yellow tab. The heading is linked to the front page of the current section. Visitors may click on a link to go to that page, or they can click the + to see and navigate to that page's subpages. The current page is highlighted Important Menu items must be linked to a page. The section menu is the only module or content that may be displayed in the left column of the website. Avoid adding links to outside websites or other sections on the UAH website. Instead, these links can be displayed within the web page. Example The example below is just a screenshot. Refer to the section menu on this page to see a live example. Jump-To-Section For pages that are unavoidably very long, a Jump-to-Section menu in the right sidebar can help users quickly find the section they need. Example Jump to Section Federal Loans Federal Loan Information Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan Details Private Loans Private Loans Code Jump to Section Federal Loans Federal Loan Information Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loan Details Private Loans Private Loans Faculty/Staff Listing Example First Last, Ph.D. Title, Department Building Name 101 256.824.5555 First Last, Ph.D. Title, Department Building Name 101 256.824.5555 First Last, Ph.D. Title, Department Building Name 101 256.824.5555 Pages that list faculty, staff, students, and team members are managed using the Profile Builder. Profiles are created then assigned to listing categories which control where and how they appear across the site. If your responsibilities requires you have access to create or edit profiles in the Profile Builder, remember that most departments already have someone designated as their Profile Builder editor. However, if nobody is in this role, if you are not sure who the editor is on your team, or if you think you should also have access, send your questions to and we will be in contact.