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Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 22, 2011)

12:45 P.M. in SKH 369

Present: Timothy Newman, Ramon Cerro, Paul Componation, Kristen Herrin, Deborah Heikes, Wai Mok, Ina Warboys, Richard Miller, Laurel Bollinger, Mack Portera, Brent Wren, Vistasp Karbhari

Meeting was called to order by Dr. Timothy Newman at 12:45 p.m.

President Portera Report

Thanked the Committee for meeting with Dr. Robert Altenkirch, the new President. Dr. Altenkirch gave two start date options: October 24 or November 1. Dr. Portera chose October 24. Dr. Portera reported he is excited about the leadership here and the opportunity to move forward. There are some challenges. He is the best strategic thinker he has ever met and that is sorely needed here.

Dr. Portera reported he will probably take a hit in the newspaper this weekend in part because of the decision made because it was not what the community wanted us to make. He reported he spent time with a reporter yesterday and discussing the feeling that the Board support for UAH not being what should be. They thought we were on a different agenda than the Community. The Board has been very supportive of this Institution. We just announced the Global Studies Chair in Liberal Arts. We are closing a fund raising year with $14M. I have asked Dr. Karbhari and Chief Academic Officers what we might expect in going forward. We are concerned for enrollment, this is a challenge. The State Board just denied Calhoun's request for buying land for a new campus. Future offerings to help with enrollment. Need enrollment where we are not nervous.

The Global Studies Chair is part of a twin chair in Dr. Sandhu's home town. We will be working together and this will help with recruitment. As soon as Dr. Kathy Hawk is back we can start the search.

Provost Karbhari Report:

At the ACHE Meeting we got the Individualized Science Studies program approved and Certificates in the College of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship and Resource Management approved. The certificates have ties to assisting with BRAC.

The Board gave final approval for the Individualized Bachelor of Science. The Board has worked with us closely and the suspended the rules to give final approval on the Chair and the Individualized Bachelor of Science so that we could prepare for spring semester.

The Solar Physics sustainability-this was another step for the NSO to show support from the State, Board, and the Legislature.

Peers and Aspirants-I met with the Deans and we are working out details. At one of your next meetings would like to ask that you allow for short presentation so the Faculty Senate knows the steps to come up with this and the input from the Deans.

We have an updated policy on communicable diseases. We have been through several steps to get to this point. We have to keep this updated and have the latest policies available. I will send a copy to Tim Newman so the Faculty Senate can look at it.

The Faculty and Staff letters should be out by October 1 for the merit increases. This will be reflected in the October 14 pay period and will have only 2 days in that one.

The NSO Board meeting is September 28 and 29 and there should be a decision to NSF and to us shortly after that.

Faculty Senate President Tim Newman Report:

Latest enrollment figures are in your package and commented on.

I attended the Board meeting last week and this week. This week was to approve Dr. Altenkirch's appointment as President. He is to begin October 24.

The gym at Spragins was renamed based on a donation from Kelley. Just the gym will be renamed. Supercomputer-We received an IBM Power 5 from the Arsenal given to us and us to Hudson Alpha. Not sure how we get access. Hudson Alpha is paying all unless they do something not agreed to in the contract, then we take it back.

Rich Miller and Tim Newman met with the Provost on the Research Bill.

Tim Newman will meet with Provost on other bills passed. He will also meet with the Provost regarding security issues on campus-we need to go beyond the UAlert.

Rich Miller and Tim Newman are making rounds to groups of faculty. They met with the Library and Philosophy faculty.

We had a session with Dr. Altenkirch and got comments and I sent them to the Board. We appreciate the open session for the faculty.


Faculty and Student Development-- Ina Warboys

Report in the packet-a bill later for the agenda.

Personnel--Ramon Cerro

Report-- addition-Committee Chair discussion and kept Ramon Cerro-discussed Bill 355 and Chapter 7 of the Handbook.

Governance and Operations--Paul Componation

Physics-survey went to faculty for nominations-closed-9 people nominated-3 declined, 1 not eligible-1 not contacted-gave till noon today-voting today until Monday close of business-5 people on the ballot. By Monday or Tuesday have closed.

University Committees-Employee Benefits-Governance and Operations-- person not on the Senate and needs replacement.

Paul Componation wants to do this in the Senate. Item for agenda at the next meeting.

Some discussion regarding Peer and Aspirant group and the report. Dr. English tried to comment on what it is and why.

Dr. Newman stated we have 5 bills and we need to figure out how to dole out the Handbook and how to tackle the issues in the Handbook and the Bylaws.

Bill 355: Ombudsman-at the last meeting the bill went back to Personnel to look at-Ramon Cerro-reported all felt it was a good idea-some concern about privacy and moved that up in the bill, this office affects faculty, staff, and students so it should be all. Committee recommended the bill unanimously. Dr. Newman asked for a motion to move it to the Senate floor for second reading or send it to another committee. Laurel Bollinger moved, seconded by Paul Componation for second reading-drop "an" in the first line of "Now Therefore Be It Resolved".

Rich Miller commented the bill was sent to Staff Senate as well. Vote-Unanimous to agenda at second reading

Bill 356: Education Support--Faculty and Student Development

Ina Warboys the bill came with faculty and staff and the Committee took out "and staff"-they need to do their own bill. Did check background. Commented on that. Also concerned for staff and limits on that. Two of the Committee not in favor but the majority carried. Dr. Miller commented this bill was also given to Staff Senate. Richard Miller moved, seconded by Ramon Cerro the bill to the floor at second reading. Dr. English asked them to define full time faculty. Dr. Cerro asked about the economic impact-spending money-what benefits the university-recruiting-narrow define to point faculty role. Include as many as possible. Discussion regarding faculty and inclusion. Friendly amendment add "UAH faculty (as defined by Faculty Handbook)". Passed unanimously, on agenda for second reading.

History of bill at top. When send to committee ask submitters if it is ok to include the name of the submitter.

Bill 357: Faculty Conference Support

Sponsored and cosponsored by Richard Miller and Tim Newman. Encourage faculty to attend at least one conference per year and fund for that. Model from other places used. Some earmark and some do not. Define faculty. Send to Faculty and Student Development to clean up. Motion by Deborah Heikes, seconded by Ramon Cerro.

Dr. Tim Newman stated if bills get stalled in Committee then the bill should be recalled.

Bill 358: Graduate Student Conference Support

Laurel Bollinger moved, seconded by Ramon Cerro-to send the bill to Faculty and Student Development for review. The vote was unanimous.

Bill 359: Compensation

Rich Miller gave background for the bill. There is disparity across programs and units for similar requirements for Directors, etc. Compensation related to academic salary even though the responsibilities are similar. We understand Chair is discipline dependent and some changes for additional responsibilities. The Fundamental compensation should be uniform. Disparity breeds animosity across campus.

Richard Miller moved, seconded by Kristen Herrin the bill to the floor. There are some differences and some are giving up a some things to do the job and the compensation difference would be the only way to get them. This failed. Ramon Cerro moved, seconded by Paul Componation to send the bill to Personnel. The vote was unanimous.

Handbook Sections and Bylaws-dole out.

Send Bylaws to Committee. Paul Componation moved, seconded by Ina Warboys to send the Bylaws to Governance and Operations. The vote was unanimous. Bylaws changes-go through and send information to Paul Componation.

Faculty Handbook: Come back with language from Committee

Chapter One--Mission, History, Symbols--Deborah Heikes, Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs
Chapter Two--External Governance and Oversight--Paul Componation, Governance and Operations
Chapter Three--Administrative Organization--Wai Mok, Finance
Chapter Four--Organization of Academic Affairs--Ina Warboys, Faculty and Student Development
Chapter Seven--Faculty Personnel Policies and Procedures--Ramon Cerro, Personnel
Chapter Eight--Instructional and Student Policies--Kristen Herrin, Undergraduate Curriculum
Chapter Nine--Compensation, Benefits, and Faculty Resources, Wai Mok, Finance
Chapter Five-Organization of Research and
Chapter Six-Shared Governance were not addressed.

Dr. Tim Newman would like a final decision this year.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (May 6, 2010)

12:45 p.m. SKH 369

Present: Etzkorn, Vaughan, Rountree, Gholston, Severn, Williams, Boyd, English

Dr. Williams reported we have engaged Lipman Hearn. We have had communication issues and a lack of consistent messages. There was a suggestion at the Expanded Executive Committee to take some action. It was suggested some form of branding for university would be a good use for stimulus money. Lipman Hearne has many universities as clients around nation. First task is to focus on branding and selling in Admissions and Enrollment sphere. Brought about by many factors focusing on enrollment after events on campus. Rick Barth is leaving on 16 June taking a job in a New England area college. Academic Affairs is looking at the structure of operations and the best way to go in hiring a replacement. Not going to move hastily on such an important position. Lippman Hearn will engage a leader with experience and this person will lead Lipman Hearn and others throughout the university on these issues. We are about 10% down on admits. The yield is what really matters. Some areas are up and some are down. UA has about a 5% decrease at the same time. Had significant drop after Feb. 12 but recovered some but not sure about yield at this time. Bringing more resources on campus over next few months to deal with the issue. Starts this afternoon with meeting with enrollment personnel. Lipman Hearne has a playbook and brings resources of their company and ours and reaching out to students and will create off campus website and branding in terms of message in terms of message put together after spending several days on campus and working with departments and others and see how can best sell us. Work over the year and work branding throughout university. Consulting firm will oversee enrollment areas. Contracted through 10th day of classes in fall. Just start of long term branding arrangement to be more consistent in message sent out. Still our operation they are overseeing and advising. Faculty involvement? Personal contact with students and families up to deans. Increase pool through mailings etc. Lipman Hearne says our pool should be much larger than it is. We will find the best things from the playbook and work with that. Rick has done a tremendous amount and taken us to another level but we need more. There is an increase in scholarships but slow. There is an increase in giving to scholarships internally and externally. The opportunity is there but the ramp up is slow.

Question of why we are flying the German flag-We had a visitor in Huntsville yesterday. We are deepening relationships for University collaborations. We made a visit to Germany and we are laying out a plan for work in Engineering Dr. Horack and Dr. Karbhari visited. They are very interested in establishing a partnership with our University. We are taking the opportunity to explore and will do a follow up visit in June.

Dr. Williams will be announcing a Mission Statement Committee in the next few days.

Dr. Williams will be announcing an International Campus Committee for CATHALAC University. We signed an agreement with a research center in CATHALAC. Expanded 9 hours there during the summer and sharing in opportunities there.

Dr. Williams reported there was an Entrepreneurship workshop on campus with companies here and pushing the University as an intellectual starting ground for small companies. Caron St. John is leading this-We have signed with Biztech and the Chamber is involved. We hope to generate opportunities for faculty. We are working at various levels to put stem funding to collaborations between colleges and go from ideas, design, to business plan, to selling product. Also to help companies to get access to faculty resources, students for internships, etc. Teach in Biztech, etc. Looking at interest at State level.

Committee Reports:

Finance and Resources

Dr. English reported the Deans, Chih Loo, Dr. Severn, and Dr. Karbhari met and discussed college budgets. Handouts are coming to me to help me come up to speed. I am still behind on all this. We do not believe there will be any further cuts for next year-still 3.5 % cut prorated for this year. $1.26M still remaining-some have dealt with this by elimination of open positions, increase in fees, savings from restructuring, etc. The total cost for the University from Feb 12 was close to $1M and we have come up with ways to recoup, but over time. Enrollment is down 9%--some colleges up, some are down and some are flat. Some increase in fees for new student support services putting in place. Wants to have Ray come address Senate regarding funding-reserves-15 minutes. Get information from Tim first.

Dr. English reported she hopes to get more financial information and will stay on through the summer.

Faculty and Student Development

Dr. Etzkorn read the report from Dr. Warboys. The Faculty and Student Development Committee is finalizing a faculty survey in an effort to identify some issues that may relate to retention. We also want to try working with the Provost to determine possible actions to begin the faculty teaching center. Last, if I am part of the faculty student development committee next year I would like to explore a student initiative in very early idea formulation. I express thanks to the committee members for their efforts this academic year and recognize UAH had a stressful spring semester. As well this committee went through a lot of restructure with leadership and membership. I look forward to a more action oriented committee with renewed energy next academic year.

Governance and Operations

Dr. English reported the ballot for the President- Elect and Ombudsperson will go out at the same time this afternoon. There are two candidates for president- elect and eight for ombudsperson

Committee preference email went out and people responded all but 10. Committees will elect their own chair.


No Report


Ms. Vaughan reported the Committee approved two program changes in Liberal Arts

Discussion of security in Library and other buildings and card swipe system, cameras, etc. Take action in the fall.

Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs

No Report


Dr. English reported the Post Tenure Review policy was discussed and supported by faculty. There was some discussion about the other idea of the step system and tracks.

There was a request and decision that Chairs of Committees submit written reports unless there are items needed to discuss.

The order of the bills for the agenda for next week will be

Benefits for Victims Bill

Senate Membership Exceptions Bill

Restructuring Process Bill

A Number Bill

Teaching Excellence Bill

Buyout Bill

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 15, 2010)

12:45pm SKH-369

Attending: Etzkorn, Vaughan, Gupta, English, Rountree, Stewart, Severn, Scholz, Anderson, Boyd

Reports from Administration:

Dr. Severn reported Dr. Williams is in Washington, and Dr. Karbhari is in Germany.

Dr. Severn talked about Commencement and asked for recommendations or comments on how recognize the shootings-feeling is don't want to do too much-don't overwhelm. Have in mind to put 3 chairs on stage with tams on them and flowers on them and Dave will say something in course of each event. All liked that. Requested that there also be something in program to acknowledge.

Question and discussion of how students/seniors taken care of. Majority felt that the things mentioned above would be enough.

Reception outside on Saturday with tent. Need reception for PhD students on Friday. Dr. Severn will reinstate a reception for Friday night.

New Business:

Dr. Scholz presented a bill on behalf of Tim Newman-Direct response to realignment without having procedure in place. What worked on by committee rejected after 9 months. Please delay any actions of realignment until a procedure is in place. Not top down with no discussion for the change of university. Major impact on departments and colleges. Any further action delayed until have procedure in place. Discussion of no process, implementation. Dr. Gupta pointed out that there is a need to make clear-if want to reconsider decision say that, want to be part of process. Wants to be part of the discussion and planning. Maybe on wrong track may need to think about a different approach. Dr. Gupta reworded the bill. Put issues in front of administration. Identify all issues and bring forth and resolve before implement. Modification of bill. Add portion that says will bring to Senate. Say realignment and add 3rd point bring before senate per Dr. Rountree. Have to vote on both bills separately. Wants Tim to better explain what he means by realignment procedures. Agree to send bills to full senate has to be voted on here. Tim's bill: vote 4 against-2 in favor and 1 abstention. Dr. English noted that she does not mind debate in full senate. Senate can vote by majority to bring to full Senate.

Dr. Gupta modified bill with friendly amendment and read with changes. Dr. Gupta's bill vote: 7 in favor. Will rewrite and send past Dr. Rountree, and Dr. Boyd. Please send bill to Peggy.

Committee Reports:

Finance and Resources:

No Report

Faculty and Student Development :

No Report

Governance and Operations:

Results of elections discussed. Revision of Bylaws-gone through first section, ready for second section. Seek guidance from Executive Committee. Who should be eligible for Senate and voting for Senators: Tenure, Tenure Earning and Research and Clinical Faculty? Difficulties with research faculty, are they involved? No representation for lecturers on campus. One view is include all, another include only tenured, tenure earning and clinical. Take to Handbook Committee.

Invite to send names to Governance and will nominate President- Elect and Ombudsperson. Will ask for preferences for Committees.


No Report


5 new courses approved

Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs:

No Report


No Report

New Business:

Bill regarding A- numbers-brought by Jennifer English-7 in favor

Old Business:

Dr. Gupta asked for the Resurrection of Bill to Appoint Committee to look at Buyout Policy. 6 in favor and 1 abstaining-with addition of and report back to senate.

Dr. Gupta asked for the Resurrection of Bill for Teaching Excellence Center-add report back to senate. 6 in favor and 1 opposed.

The Meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 11, 2010)

12:45pm SKH-369

Attending: Jeet Gupta, Dave Williams, Vistasp Karbhari, Clarke Rountree, Linda Vaughan, David Stewart, Ina Warboys, Rhonda Gaede, Jennifer English, Letha Etzkorn.

President Williams reported he is visiting departments and listening to concerns regarding the shooting. Most concerns expressed have been regarding the husband and the alert system. A UA System external group is looking at the alert system. We are proactively recruiting students to prevent the negative effect. We are preparing for what the State may do regarding the budget. Lipmann Hearn has been retained to address recruitment and retention issues. We have to get data to the company quickly. Starting next week computer hard drives will be imaged regarding the shooting. There are two groups. Those related to Promotion and tenure and those hiring. The law has changed and we are required to have the data. Calhoun is making a donation to the scholarship fund for the Biological Science faculty.

Provost Karbhari reported he has started the DL Committee that will be chaired by John Severn. Starting a Committee to look at the CS/ECE merger, chaired by Dan Sherman.

Most Promotion and Tenure decisions will be available tomorrow. Will meet with the URB tomorrow morning. Asked the current URB to give remarks and recommendations on changes and improvements to the process. Will get a Committee together to give thoughts on changing. Will take this back to the Handbook Committee. We will pinpoint concerns.

We are working on a summer program in Panama with the CATHALAC University on sustainability. 10 undergraduate and 7 graduates. Dual program, technology and emersion in the Spanish language. See what interactions we can build.

The Dean of Engineering has been selected. There is no announcement until Monday at the candidate's request. It was a successful search Committee and speaks highly of the university.

Concerns were expressed regarding the talk of the mergers before the senate heard back from the Administration on the faculty involvement. Slow down. This is premature.

Dr. Karbhari responded that we have heard your concerns. The Chairs approached the Provost not the other way around.

It was expressed there was still no response on the document sent. Dr. Williams reported Mr. Rieder is immersed in other things right now.

There were questions and concerns regarding the Dependent Verification. How will this affect he partner benefits? Dr. Karbhari will check into this.

Governance and Operations:

There was a discussion regarding the elections. The departments can opt out but they must do their election by secret ballot. They must have their nominations in by noon on Tuesday. Send an email to Chairs.

There was a discussion of the realignment and the response and what the Senate can do. There was a discussion of how the Senate can be proactive and effective. It was suggested the Senate send a letter drafted by Jennifer English outlining what the discussion should be and focus on the vision and restructuring. Focus on realignment. Lay out the scope of the future and the time frame. Come with questions and concerns with a collegial attitude. Get the President and Provost schedule aligned with the meeting of the 25th. Let the focus of the meeting be this discussion.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 25, 2010)

12:45 p.m. SKH-369

Attending: Linda Vaughan, Letha Etzkorn, Clarke Rountree, Jeet Gupta, Rhonda Gaede, Jennifer M. English, David Stewart, John Severn, Vistasp Karbhari and Dave Williams.

President Williams thanked the Faculty Senate for their leadership, pulling together, and the extraordinary way in which they handled everything pertaining to the shootings on February 12, 2010. He stated that we were now focusing on the families, making sure that things were taken care of legally, through human resources, counseling and the coming expenses for family benefits. Be careful with public comments and emails.

Dr. Williams said they were setting in motion social events in Shelby Center to bring the campus back together, beginning Friday by thanking the Police for putting their lives on the line, and that the Faculty Senate's role was to help the campus to keep moving forward.

Ray Garner was praised for being on top of issues and working with the media. Dr. Williams mentioned that we had more good stories out there than bitter ones against the University.

Provost Karbhari mentioned blogs but that there was very little that we could do about them. He's reached out to handlers to talk about better things going on and that we may have a down turn for the semester, but that we should be able to turn around.

Clarke Rountree mentioned the ESM. VA Tech went up and down. Dr. Karbhari said we should have slight drop for a short period of time. Business Dean and Rick Barth would call Business students that might want to come to UAH and tell them that there is not a problem in coming to UAH campus.

President was appreciative of the counselors from VA Tech and Northern Illinois University and the wonderful responses from our sister campuses UA and UAB, as well as from Oakwood, A&M University and the support from across the nation.

The long term plan was addressed by the President. He said the needs of the students would be relocated to faculty. UA & UAB will be glad to work with our students as well as Hudson Alpha Hudson Alpha and others in helping to write recommendation letters. Dr. Sam Campbell is back part-time as chair to help as well as Dr. John Horack. AMP students will meet tonight with Provost and President to make sure none of them fall through the cracks.

Dr. Karbhari said to let the Biology Department work through what they need to do and then the Provost will help them when called upon.

Dr. Gupta made a suggestion about the children of the deceased to come to UAH on a waiver of tuition, but Provost mentioned that it would be a HR decision.

Social networking for faculty periodically, perhaps at Lowe House where Faculty can talk with one another. President and Provost could speak to all departments if needed to allow for greater feedback. Faculty more hurt than staff, but staff need feedback also.

Dr. Clarke Rountree asked if there was anything for the Faculty Senate to Do? The Provost mentioned Fear Factor and may need help to see this is a safe place and not to imagine that the person next to you is going to snap. Faculty Senate will be needed to help bring faculty together. May need to get HR to send out a note to show counselors are available and where to go since many people do not want to walk up to a counselor or have one walk up to you.

Counselors would be around but decreased by the end of the week, but will remain in UC, SC and MDH for a few more weeks. Therapy dogs until Friday and will come back after Spring break. Thinking of those who responded and put their lives on the line in the Shelby Center. Would like to do some awards for those officers. Also President Williams mentioned special personal thanks should go to the leaders, Hemsi, police, Redstone, etc.

It was suggested that a Resolution from Senate thanking Police, etc. Provost will get a list and chief would like to visit a Faculty Senate Meeting.

Rhonda Gaede addressed the Campus Alert System and President Williams said a group was put together to address the phones, emails and text messaging. Back up phones moved and no longer in place. Charger Central with number now and is corrected. Need 2 emergency rooms.

Dr. Gupta mentioned students threatening faculty. Risk assessment Team. Looking at what can be done instead of a close down. Dean of Students keeps records of what has been done before.

Provost mentioned 1 dozen withdrawn from UAH. Doing things slowly because when settle down, students may want to come back. Mentioned that we may get crank letters and that news media may try to get information different ways, so be on guard.

Faculty Senate talked about Tenure/Promotion Deadlines and that URB should let candidates know that there will be a delay. Numbers of tenured is public, names and information not public but confidential. Also talked about reexamining process of Tenure in the Faculty Handbook.

Dr. John Severn talked about raising money for various projects and gifts for those families. Roy Magnuson and committee and Jeff Sands.

Rhonda Gaede mentioned a Memorial Garden for those killed. President mentioned that it may be way too soon because some may regret it down the line. He said to keep in mind that some of the families may not want to be reminded of the incident.

President Williams mentioned we were in 2 weeks since the incident and felt like all eyes were on us, when in reality we were only in the press for 2 days. We need to focus on the good things happening on campus like the things done by our students, and the outpouring concern from the other universities, like the 1 minute of silence for us by the University of Northern Illinois and others.

Dr. Karbhari said we need to focus on helping the families who lost loved ones and those in the hospital. Also mentioned Gmail migration, 2 weeks delay.

Dr. Severn said we will have new awards for Faculty Excellence. Under the University level, we will have 2 awards, one for research and one for teaching. Both will be a permanent monetary sum added to the paycheck. Also, there will be College Awards, one for each college.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 21, 2010)

12:45 P.M. IN SKH 369

Present: Etzkorn, Rountree, Gaede, English, Stewart, Vaughan, Gholston, Anderson, Boyd, Warboys, Gupta, Karbhari, Williams, Severn


Dr. Williams reported he is delighted over USA Today Princeton Rankings. Thanks to all that made that happen.

Board Of Trustees is coming up. We will present the preliminary budget information. The Provost is working with the deans and Dr. Williams is working with the Vice Presidents. Ray Garner has been in Montgomery and is keeping a pulse on the budget and the PACT situation and other issues. The Governor has put a budget forth but we still do not have any detailed information as there is still a long process. We will continue our process and have it in place for the Board. Ray and Chih will send information as we receive it. It is an uncertain situation. We will put forth a proposal for the building of the greenway. Wilson Hall has opened. Encourage all to look inside. We cut cost and did not do the outside but the inside is impressive. Did not redo Madison Hall, which was to bring all administration into one place. That is still on hold. The Residence Hall is continuing. At some point Mike may need to address this group and others on the 5 year plan.

There was a question regarding how we look on Admission-5% down from last year. Same at other schools. Ahead in some other areas. It is early to say anything other than we are on par with last year.

Currently enrollment is up by 5% headcount and 6.2% on credit hour. Second year in row we are up in spring. All college numbers up and Liberal Arts is flat. We freeze the numbers on day 10.

There was a question resulting from Dr. Horack's presentation to the Senate. ICR- increase the portion back to the PI-the Provost explained the distribution-The dean receives 15.2% to reinvest. Waiting for response from deans and what this is used for and how. When we get that we will go to the President and John Horack to determine what we can do. We are determining what the actual number should be. ONR determines what ICR is for our campus looking at all areas of resources. How we slice the portion and where to take from and increase where. Talk to Chairs-budget required that develop budget at department level. Bring up to your chair and to your dean. Continue to be a requirement of deans to develop. Asked for one member from Finance and Resources Committee to be at the meeting with the Deans on Wednesday, January 27 at 9:00 a.m. Follow same model as last year. Dr. Karbhari is talking to John Horack about having funding to help faculty to write proposals.

There was a discussion of investments from left over funds.-not just Centers but many other programs.

Dr. Williams stated he would be glad to have John Horack or any other Vice President present here to answer questions. Any Vice President could come to this group or to the full Senate about any area and clarifying what they are doing and how. We will continue interchange as you think is needed.

There was a question regarding the change in the Mental Health and drug coverage and non compliance on insurance -why did we decide to go this way?- Provost Karbhari will check and get back to the Executive Committee.

There was a question regarding the status of the International Campus. Dr. Williams reported we have established an MBA in China in Chinese, we are exploring two opportunities for recruiting in India. Research connection with India Research Organization and SEVIR. SEVIR and CATHALAC in Panama-internships in Panama, entering agreements in March with University in Panama.

There was a question regarding the Swipe card for the Library. The policy is still being developed. Library Committee will report to the Provost. Send comments and suggestions to the Library Committee. Incidents occurred and we need a way to protect students, faculty, etc. and have to have ability for UAH personnel to use facilities without having them used for wrong reason.

Dr. Karbhari reported we will be putting forth to The Board of Trustees the resolutions for final approval on the Modeling and Simulation Masters and PHD. We are putting forth a specialization in industrial organizational psychology in the masters in psychology, we are putting forth proposals for the masters and PhD in aerospace engineering which will involve the formation of a consortium, and the leaders are UAH and Auburn with UA. Not shared degrees.

Dean Search one ongoing-invited 2 finalists back next week and proceed after that.

Meeting to discuss draft email policy. Do not have one in place and in liability for not having one. Will work with Legal to revise what you have contributed and send back to Senate.

We have received all files for Promotion and Tenure except one and met URB and handed over all but one, we do not have one.

Gmail deadline transfer over is March 1. If you have not or are in group to wait we urge to change by then because old info could be lost if do not work with IT solutions to transfer over.

Bob Furgason will be here next week. He will be speaking to the Expanded Executive Committee and will invite members of Senate Executive Committee to be there. Had discussions with deans and asked for questions by close of business today so can forward to Bob Furgason. Started discussions 2 weeks ago with deans and pull out those things to look at and questions.

There was a question of where is the Realignment Report. It is still with legal. That and the Pass fail resolution are the only other one not taken care of. No smoking-implementation-Mike Finnegan is working on this.

Implementing partner benefits initially problems but politically quiet now.

Dr. Severn reported there have been no objections to the move the graduation date-met with Janet and Deb to work on clearing PhD students more quickly. We will only award PhDs-others will be blank. Move forward and move up graduation in the fall. Somewhere in February will send out calendar for that. We will move to having calendar of courses a year ahead.

Finance and Resources

Dr. Stewart reported they are working on getting the REU proposals in and will send out to committee.

Faculty and Student Development

Dr. Warboys reported the Committee put an email sight up to work and will help facilitate meeting and doing business. They put it up on ANGEL. Dr. English reported on the Email policy.-edits received and developed a suggested policy instead of the one presented. Looked at other policies at other institutions. Discussion regarding policy and how developed and not going through the proper channels and procedures and not going before the entire Senate. Pushing for going through procedures and appropriate processes. Dr. Etzkorn suggested they will meet and ask for opportunity to do a formal process. Will go back to the Committee and ask to consider with colleges and faculty.

Dr. Gholston reported he will be working on Faculty Mentoring.

The agenda will be 2 bills (Program for Teaching Excellence and Buyout Policy) after committee reports

And 2 speakers (Gordon Stone and Linda Vaughan)

We will try to schedule Mike Finnegan for a future Senate meeting.

Future discussion requested regarding limiting time of Senators to talk at meetings and policy on non Senators talking at meetings.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (December 17, 2009)

12:45 P.M. SKH 369

Attending: Etzkorn, Rountree, Stewart, Coe, Warboys, Gupta, Anderson, English, Gaede, Severn, Boyd, Lieu


Dr. Severn reported progress with the Dean Searches: an offer was made in Business School. We have a verbal acceptance. The official announcement will be made after we have the signed contract. The Search Committee is ecstatic per Dr. Gupta.. The new Dean is an Associate Dean at Clemson. She will join us in March

We had two candidates in for Engineering this week. One more at the end of the fist week of January.

Commencement Friday and Saturday.

We have no Foundation Money. Foundation money is what has paid for Teaching and Research Awards. We've been talking about this and may need to rethink this. Going to try to put together a Committee to talk about this in January. Probably former winners. Dr. Severn had an idea to throw out-have not had a lot of nominations for Teaching in last few years. We have traditionally had teaching and research and added mentoring-narrow it down and go to one or two and make it a bigger award. A little more prestigious and increase monetary award had in mind and has run past Dr. Karbhari-$2500-5000 and make part of salary-recurring award then for those who win. Fewer awards and recognize fewer people. Would come from operating funds.

Dr. Gupta pointed out another aspect reduces awards and some rather have recognition not money.

Dr. Severn is throwing this out to think about and will come back to it in January.


Finance and Resources Committee

David Stewart reported the Committee has not met since the last Senate Meeting. The request was made that when the Committee looks at the budget look at more than just 5 accounts look at all accounts. Look at discretionary money as well


no report

Faculty and Student Development

Ina Warboys reported she is trying to find the members and set up a meeting. Carmen Scholz is working on OSP information. Wai Mok is looking at email.

The Provost asked Rich Miller to make list of problems. Rich Miller is asking faculty and looking into it. Have Carmen talk to Rich. Formulate email to send to Faculty Senate asking for input on OSP and Purchasing problems. John Horack agreed to talk at Senate. Mike Banish set up and ask him to come. Dr. Horack interested in doing this.

Dr. English moved and seconded by Dr. Anderson to have a special meeting for Dr. Horack with no other business. Announce to whole faculty. Votes were 7 in favor with 1 abstention. Try for Tuesday in January.

Faculty and Student Development should be working on faculty mentoring. Dr. Gholston wants input for mentoring issue.

Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs

Clarke Rountree reported they are checking on the scheduling software. Janet was supposed to come to a meeting but the Provost said no Janet was busy with Commencement. We invited the Provost and we are planning to follow up with Janet next semester.

Software purchased Astra used in California, Texas, and New York-primary function is to allocate classrooms. May be implemented in fall but may not. No push to teach on Friday but need to make classes available to avoid conflicts. Software does not just allocate space-can create rules for classroom and space assignment and teaching schedule. Yes can schedule all that but not what is being used for. Can put suggested schedule in and have software check. Will every Chair have software on their desk? Provost did not know---will have to talk to Janet about that. Suspicious of software. Software pops up to show conflicts and up to chair to resolve. How will be implemented-don't know will have to ask Janet. Interacts with Banner. Have not done test with current schedule. Committee seems feel that scheduling conflicts are minor and this is overkill. Software may have suboptimal suggestion and cause faculty to traipse across campus. Will meet with Janet and find out more. How many rules can it handle and how well does it work. Who has access? Understanding details of software and implementation. Was pleased when told Provost- schedule should be pedagogically sound and he agreed.

Look at Academic misconduct. Proactive retention policy. Honor Code. Student run. Student sign and turn in people who cheat.

Find out what can be done and what happens and how and inform. Make process as easy as possible. How retention and how compares to others.

Governance and Operations

Dr. Gupta reported the Committee met-outlined way to work. Take look at bylaws and if we want to change and edit and benchmark against other universities and see if practices can be improved. We will look into elections for next year-give to Executive Committee in February.


David Coe stated there is nothing to report. General Education Requirements-Forced to do through Articulation Agreements-what would we like to do and see if can get around articulation agreement for own students. Will be different for different colleges. Need assessment. Dual Enrollment with Calhoun-look into-Not agreement with all High Schools. Something to help students be better prepared to come here. What required of home school students.


Dr. English reported they are continuing to work-addressed most important chapters and rest will do throughout next term. Probably need resolution to extend term.

Old Business


New Business

Shared Governance Bill-Dr. Gupta stated the idea is primarily to move to proactive way to deal with administration. Do not have mechanism worked out. When don[t have mechanism leaving it to people to see if happens and does not happen. If have mechanisms could get results. This bill is in that spirit. Need process. Have guideline-need steps and processes. If set committee the senate decides if have representation and who is the representation.

6 for calling question 3 against.

Vote for bill 2 for, 6 against, 1 abstain, bill fails. Back to Committee to get particulars. Get information from Executive Committee.

Program for Teaching Excellence-Dr. Boyd presented this bill. Dr. Boyd reported there are no facilities or efforts to assist faculty to become better teachers. Asking Provost to create such a facility Develop and consolidate resources. Suggested take out reference to ANGEL. Take out objective.

Vote: 9 in favor. Passes unanimously will be on agenda at the next Senate Meeting.

Moving Gordon Stone and SGA President to January 28. Work on this.

Agenda for Next Meeting will be

Censure Bill first

New bill

Dr. English brought up the Course buyout policy40% release too high and not competitive. Give recommendations to Provost on how want buyout policy changed. Amount back to college and indirect reduced. May not be competitive instead of not known to be. Provost wants answer by end of spring semester.

Personnel Committee look at this.

Call the question 8 in favor, 1 opposed

5 in favor of bill, 4 against. Bill passes.

Richard Lieu spoke to the group regarding the Censure Bill.

Censure Bill Dr. Lieu reported he is not attempting to derail the bill. Be historical and pivotal. Need to do it right. Loop hole may be easy to attack. Censure person and has not been give opportunity to present defensive case. Should not take too light heartedly. Take up with Chancellor and say why pay so much attention. No one should be convicted without defense  Simply urging to let President Williams have platform to respond to Censure Bill. Close loopholemajor in his mind. Committee agrees it is fine to invite the President to address the bill.

Put list of bills on the agenda that have not received response. Include under Provost Report do for January 28 meeting. Dr. English should have that list.

Dr. Gaede moved, seconded by Dr. Rountree. in favor, 1 abstention.

Executive Committee Meeting (November 19, 2009)


Attending: President Williams, Dr. Vistasp Karbhari, Dr. John Severn, Dr. David Stewart, Dr. David Gupta, Dr. David Coe, Dr. Jennifer English, Dr. Lynn Boyd, Dr. Sampson Gholston and Dr. Letha Etzcorn

President Williams spoke about the 1st month's increase in research expenditures, awards, etc. 10% over last year, and that he would be visiting Middle State University to discuss economic development. Their strengths are with Engineering Technology and some Computer Science. He also reminded everyone to attend the concert on Sunday by the Army Band and that the National Security meeting a couple of days ago went very well.

Request for Faculty Senate letters regarding Housing issue. President said letters sent several days ago, but Dr. Etzcorn has not received yet, possibly because secretary out. President requested that the private letters he forwarded to Faculty Senate not be sent out throughout the University. Also, committee member felt like the issue lies in communication. Let them know that you will not be sending the Moody report for legal reasons.

A few of the committee went back and forth and felt like it would be a good idea for the President to speak directly to the Faculty Senate as to why the Housing Policy was good. President pointed out that Andy Weaver, John Maxon and Rick Barth had been working on this for about 8 years, and with the approval of The Board of Trustees. Let them do their jobs. With UAH data, President Williams said that program development becomes easier, more effective as the mass grows and that retention rates will grow. He will not rescind the policy. He also mentioned Bachelors graduation rate is 47%, which are double digits behind national level and about the true 4 year plan for each department. Discussed a little about Scholarships, 15 hrs per semester and 128 hours for a degree. National standard for Financial Aid is the same regardless of how many students we have.

Dr. David Stewart voiced concerns for the Dorm policy. He suggested that administration point out peer universities where this policy has worked.

Provost was in agreement that all Faculty should do advising and as they review the Faculty Handbook, it would be good to have this included in the Handbook. Also, discussed better advising of students and keeping up with those in trouble and getting them to supportive services like the SSC, and limiting Ws on transcript and informing student of consequences. 

Provost Karbhari handed out IPED data and talked about comparisons on page 9. SUG comparisons is being put together and he will have to the committee soon. Salaries for lecturers, we are 16% below. Difficult to make comparisons because of different regions and those in departments.

Provost mentioned 2 resolutions sent. Prerequisite Drop and Pass/Fail option.

If large number of overrides, Banner gets stuck so we need set rules with exceptions. To talk with Deans and Janet Waller for blanket prerequisites. New policy that the Instructor and Chair to override. Provost said when students are taught by a part-time faculty, they are unable to reach them, so they must have a person that will deal with students so they do not get hung up.

He also mentioned Business Dean's search and that all 4 candidates are either interim Deans or sitting Deans.

Pass/Fail. Problem within college. If we have pure P/F, we may loose old records. Concern with accreditation and certifications. He also has concerns about international students.

3 courses in ESL. Now can do 4 modules instead, $500 each.

Dr. Karbhari handed out Draft Email Policy. Like it to move as quickly as possible and Diane Cunningham is outlining the legal aspects. Send suggestions and recommendations.

Lynn Boyd said she cannot send email to students with hot mail. Provost said there is a problem with Spam mail and Gmail will correct that.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 22, 2009)

 1. Meeting of 22 October 2009

Attending: Severn, Williams, Radonovich, Etzkorn, English, Gaede, Coe, Newman, Boyd, Gholston, Reeves, Seemann

The meeting was called to order at 12:45 by Faculty Senate President Letha Etzkorn.

Dr. Etzkorn mentioned the request to look into turn over in some of the colleges and the turn over of young faculty in departments. The Committee was asked to think about mentoring. Perhaps these are things the Personnel Committee should look into.

Dr. Etzkorn announced that Rich Miller resigned from the Executive Committee. The Committee has to think about what to do about this position. He is still on the Senate but not on the Executive Committee.

Dr. Williams' Report:

Dr. Williams thanked the Committee for the memo they sent and the opportunity to respond. He mentioned in his response that he is eager to follow up n ways to work together to meet the goals and mission of the university. He will work with the Committee or with the Senate President to follow up.

He will be asking everyone to join him on October 29 to wear pink-or at least some pink. There will be a memo going out a couple of days before.

The Board meets in a couple of weeks. He worked with John Severn and the Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee to nominate Kristina Johnson for an Honorary Degree and as Commencement Speaker. She is the number two person to the Secretary for Energy. She has been here before. She is in charge of the National Labs and we are trying to build relationships with key people in these positions. Dr. Severn reported she gave a great presentation when she was here before and she has an interesting career and is a cancer survivor.

Dr. Williams mentioned the Alabama Roadmap and the meeting with the Governor regarding the work on the Aerospace Corridor.

There are plans to visit the Smithsonian in December. Growing funding for archeology of Mayan. Working with SERVIR and Bill Saturno. Let Dr. Williams know the areas to take with him in December to strengthen and give more visibility.

Question: Repeat of question posed in Senate regarding the due process put forth by the Realignment Committee referencing the Review Team and any results. Same response of referring the question to Dr. Karbhari. Dr. Karbhari responded the Legal Counsel is studying it and we will follow due process and let you know once the have studied it and determined whether t here is nay conflict or concern for the due process already in the Handbook and the Board Manual procedures. There were rules that should have been passed that were not passed. There was a termination process by the System that is not in our documents.

It was mentioned to Dr. Karbhari that access codes are not in Banner for the spring courses that went up this morning. Dr. Karbhari will check with Janet Waller.

Dr. Karbhari's Report:

Dr. Karbhari reported there are two NISPs on the agenda for the next Board Meeting the MS and PhD in Aerospace Engineering. They were submitted for the last Board Meeting but they were held up until we had a meeting with University of Alabama. There was a good meeting this week and we agreed to put forth the NISPs at this meeting. We will discuss over the next few months and put together a consortium to allow collaboration. We will move forward in this area and others. We will go forward with a BFA for LBAR as well.

IT Solutions is working on a migration to G-Mail. You should be receiving emails on it. They are putting together a draft policy-we do not have a policy. IT is looking at software licensing. We have different ways to get agreements.

A Review Committee will be here on November 2 and 3. On November 2 from 10:15-11:15 they will meet with the Senate Executive Committee. We will let you know the place.

The Nursing Accreditation visit appears to have been successful. No concerns raised and they were pleased with what they saw.

Dr. Fix and Dr. Karbhari met with Stephen Black from Impact Alabama. He is doing good work and has a New Program for AP College Ready which gives student in High AP Classes preparation for college. He takes college students and faculty to go to High Schools and tutor students. We will bring student organizations and faculty to the second meeting. Impact Alabama has money to put on the table for this program. The emphasis now is on STEM but we could add others later. Dr. Reeves has an interest if LBAR is added.

Question regarding differential tuition. Response: Tuition is set by the Board. There are not differential tuitions in the institutions in Alabama.

Dr. Severn asked the Committee if they are going to address SIE issues and online versions-either the Executive Committee or the Full Senate. Nursing has done the online version and had no problems. Engineering and Business tried it and did not do as well. Maybe we should stick with forms until we get better input. Math and Computer Science surveyed faculty and they want to stick with the form (paper and pencil). Personnel will look at updating the form and look at the online issues. There was some discussion of another means of teaching evaluation-perhaps peer evaluations.

The Committee agreed to give Sandra Parton 5 or 10 minutes on October 29.

Finance and Resources:

Dr. Seemann reported the Committee met and discussed the REU Program and made general decisions about the program. He met with the Provost and talked to him about the REU funding and administrative structure and the name. Also discussed how to mate to the Honors Program and encourage summer research. The Committee is working with Harry Delugach to change the Honors Project/Thesis.

 Looking into money issues. Looked into and administrative position salary. Lateral transfer appointed by President no change since 2007. Salary falls between Associate Provost and Associate Professor. Flooring and Tile Company-Charity Expo-competitive bid-paid less-all legal. Space Policy position-everything legal from financial point of view. Appointment made by the President. Meeting with Ray Pinner soon to clarify. Will look at formal budgets from Dr. Williams and budgets from 3 previous years. Will request old budget published on the website along with the new one. Will keep detailed records to be followed in the future.

The Committee will request to have Finance and Resources as part of the Institutional Minigrant approval process to ensure equity, etc.


Dr. Boyd reported the Committee met yesterday. They discussed what to do. The Action Item is the hiring process. Certain position recently hired and not advertised to the community. Timing-open short time. Send bill to personnel-hiring of related employees. Faculty not involved in selection process. SIEs and problems with Adjunct appointment. Turnover. Mentoring-this should be Faculty and Student Development-standards for the University.

Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs:

Dr. Newman reported the Committee met last week. He met with the Counselor at Bob Jones and the Counselor shared concerns with the change in the residency policy. This will be a boost to Calhoun and Auburn. Feedback from parent. Shared statistics. Met with John Maxon and Ray Pinner and shared information with them. Did a comparative analysis of the policy. We are along in this policy. Looked at freshmen classes and how they could be affected and how it affects colleges and departments. Affects Science and Liberal Arts most. Their response was the key issue is the business plan and floating a bond issue. They will not share other information until they present it to the Senate as a whole. The Committee will look at the centralized scheduling. It was requested Dr. Newman ask for a response from Ray before the Senate Meeting.

Governance and Operations:

Dr. Miller has resigned as Chair-who will serve as Chair of the Committee.

Faculty and Student Development:

Dr. Reeves had no report. She will work with Carmen Scholz on looking at concerns presented with regard to OSP and work on the standards/guidelines for the University on faculty mentoring.

Undergraduate Curriculum:

Dr. Coe's had no report.

The Executive Committee will meet alone on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. to discuss bills and a letter and the agenda for the upcoming meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 24, 2009)

1. Meeting of 24 September 2009

Attending: Etzkorn, English, Miller, Coe, Gaede, Boyd, Severn, Karbhari, Reeves, Seemann, Newman, Gholston, Anderson

The meeting was called to order at 12:45 by Faculty Senate President Letha Etzkorn.

Dr. Williams Report:

The Board met and approved the budget including the tuition for next year. The analysis of investments and return on investments show a better picture and that we may be back to where we started this time last year on the endowments.

There is challenging news for the State budget and it is not predicted to be better. We know no numbers at this time. There is no expectation of escaping proration. It is wise not to spend except on essentials. We need to focus on the revenue generation side.

The credit hour production is up by 5% which is a good income stream. The Average ACT exceeded 25. All diversity has increased. The student body is larger and better.

Michael Griffin's Center was approved and there will be an announcement going out.

Early this week there was a Science and Technology Summit in Birmingham for developing a roadmap. The Summit was attended by politicians and industry personnel. The Governor spoke and emphasized the Aerospace area and drew attention to Michael Griffin's Center. (There was a question regarding whether there is faculty representation. Representation is Tom Koshut, Bob Lindquist, Greg Harris, Sara Graves, and Mikel Petty. The State decided the emphasis areas. Dr. Williams has a document for perusal and you can read on the website.

There will be several visits to campus in the next few weeks. We will involve Letha and the faculty where appropriate. We will involve Faculty, Staff, and Students where appropriate. Governor Riley will be here October 13. The President of India will visit, the Head of the Missile Defense Agency, General O'Reilly, will visit and General Cartwright will be here on October 27.

There was a question of where the budget information is found now on the new website. Response: It should still be on the website

We received a report on the H1N1 virus in the State at the Board Meeting and we are the lowest of all the Institutions in the State. K-12 is far worse. But Students being able to get information when they are absent is valuable and important. Continuing education in the presence of disaster is important.

Dr. Karbhari's Report:

Master of Science in Information Assurance and Security (MSIAS) was approved at the Board Meeting. This is a joint program between three colleges. It has been forwarded to ACHE. This is a collaboration with UAB who is working on a program in Computer Forensics and Security Management.

The Podcasts are doing well. There are about 30 courses using it. There was a call to all faculty in the spring for summer courses. There was a glitch in the summer but it has continued in the fall. It is an easy way to do the courses. Some faculty use it for more than the class. We will meet with those faculty in a couple of weeks to take lessons learned and then move forward to other faculty with information. There is not a policy on what happens to the podcast after the course. It is assumed it goes away. That would be the choice of the faculty member. It is a good way to provide information to students. There has not been a problem with absenteeism using this method. It assists the students and enables them to do better in the course. It is important to have information available to students if there is a disaster. The Deans are discussing the topic of continuing in the event of a pandemic or disaster with the colleges. What happens if we have to shut down for a period of time? How do we continue the education and the curriculum sequence?

The Academic Affairs Org Chart was distributed. There was a question regarding whether the Faculty Senate will be on the Org Chart (any org chart). There was a question of to whom do they wish to answer. The choice was Academic Affairs.

Finance and Resources:

Dr. Seemann reported the Committee will meet after this meeting and determine the Distinguished Speaker Series. They will discuss the REU Program. The Committee will take a more active role in the Finances and budget process. They will take a look at what they should do. The Committee will meet and discuss this and determine if they need to meet with Ray.


Dr. Anderson reported they looked at the Newton Position and investigated some rumors. The Personnel Committee was asked to nominate the Mace Bearer.

Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs:

Dr. Newman reported they are looking at the residency policy and the concerns with it. He has tried to get John Maxon to come talk to the Committee but he has not been willing to do that. John Maxon indicated this is not in the purview of the Scholastic Affairs Committee. He sent a presentation to Dr. Newman which indicates this is under the purview of this Committee.

Governance and Operations:

Dr. Miller has no report but discussed the issue of the Chairmanship of the Committee and the challenge. He was asked to take a look at OSP and Business Services with Dr. Reeves Committee. Dr. Miller will take the lead.

Faculty and Student Development:

Dr. Reeves had no report.

Undergraduate Curriculum:

Dr. Coe's reported they approved a course in First Aid for First Responders.

There was some discussion of the Handbook Committee and making sure the realignment procedures are there or match with what is there. The Handbook should be done by December. It is better organized and clearer. It was requested the Handbook Committee send the Lecturer, Clinical, and Research Faculty portion to the Personnel Committee for input.

Jennifer English has had some success regarding the Smoking Policy. The Faculty and Staff resolutions will need to be combined. Jennifer English has gone through the resolutions passed in the last two years and the response and recommendations. She is doing a spreadsheet. This will be on the website. Someone will need to be in charge of it and in charge of the website. They will continue to look at the bylaws and the possibility of a secretary for the Senate. Jennifer English will send out a survey regarding the bylaws. An example: Jennifer English believes the Senate is in violation of the bylaws on representation from departments. She believes the department/unit must have 7 faculty to have a Senator.

It was requested the agenda be set so that Dr. Newman can present the bill from the last meeting at second reading immediately following the administrative reports. Motion by Dr. Boyd, seconded by Dr. English. Vote 8 in favor and 1 abstention.

Dr. Newman brought a bill to the floor regarding accounting for Senate Bills and Resolutions seconded by Dr. Seemann. The bill passed unanimously.

Dr. Newman brought the bill to the floor regarding the Housing Policy. Dr. Newman shared some statistics and some concerns. Seconded by Dr. Gholston. Vote was 7 in favor and 2 opposed. The bill passed at first reading.

The agenda was set for the upcoming meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. motion by Jennifer English and Rich Miller.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (August 27, 2009)

1. Meeting of 27 August 2009

Attending: Etzkorn, English, Miller, Coe, Gaede, Boyd, Severn, Karbhari, Reeves, Seemann, Heikes, Gholston

The meeting was called to order at 12:45 by Faculty Senate President Letha Etzkorn.

Dr. Williams was at a Chamber Meeting and could not attend the Senate Executive Committee meeting.

Dr. Karbhari's Report:

Dr. Karbhari stated he is looking forward to a productive year.

He announced that Wilson Luquire is stepping down as CIO. Dr. Luquire has been handling two jobs last year. Now he is going back to Dean and concentrate on that. Diane Cunningham will serve as Interim CIO.

Glenn Dasher accepted invitation to serve as Dean of Liberal Arts effective immediately. CIO no search started and will depend on needs of campus.

Question of will we constitute a Committee as recommended by Huron. Per Dr. Karbhari we are trying to figure out finances right now. At this point there are many options to do with IT such as G-mail. Certain activities could be outsourced. We will figure what can be done and what the needs are and then decide on search for individuals. Diane will put together a phased plan for g-mail to share with all. Everyone will be notified.

Question of centralized scheduling software--when will we use it. We plan to have discussions but do not yet have an implementation plan.

Question of ideal start date for g-mail--the earliest date would be Thanksgiving or Christmas break. Undergraduate first and then colleges with no problems, or administration. Earlier than thanksgiving is not possible. Diane will send something and then we will talk.

Based on input we have received we will forward the 64 hour rule for one year and then review it again at the end of 1 year. Have asked the Registrar to review the Academic Action Threshold resolution.

Up 3.4% on enrollment. Graduate down a little but numbers going up and down. Largest increase in Nursing and Engineering. Negative in LBAR but it is early. Students still continue changing. Credit Hours are up 5.2%.

Engineering doing pilot study for on line SIEs. Where is the information for the study done in LBAR. Nursing did a test and it was good. Business did a test this summer and ENGR did a test this summer.

Senate resolution on smoke free environment--what happened--not being implemented. No signage and ash trays moved back in front of doors. Dr. Karbhari will talk to Ray Pinner.

Exit process is there a formal exit process. Some come and talk to and some do not. Dr. Karbhari is not so interested in a blanket policy because then it becomes proformo and people tend to not come and share.

Discussion regarding reasons for losses in Nursing. Partially lack of follow through on research--issues with OSP, Purchasing, etc.

Individuals are urged to talk to Dr. Horack regarding research issues and there is currently a study ongoing on regarding Purchasing/Business Services. Right now it is an internal study. It is an open ended study. Some have a concern for the way we buy computers. Other concerns are for the amount spent and where they have to buy from--also holding things up for long periods of time. Cautioned on internal studies. How long it takes for reimbursement and asking for documentation already submitted. Have rules available and clear.

Travel stops at the dean level for travel of less than 7 days.

Will take forward and see what we find out.

Dr. Severn's Report

CAPP program--done with

Engineering--met with chairs on Monday and set up schedule for training and there will be options. Working on Nursing now. After Nursing will be Science and last LBAR. Moving along quickly now.

New catalog on line. Can access it through faculty, current students or prospective students on the website. No longer get hard copy. Structural changes to catalog can be done by Dr. Severn. If issues send to Dr. Severn and he will work on it. Can access old catalog as well.

Senate President Letha Etzkorn distributed questions.

Faculty Senate have not been active enough in pursuing what senate is supposed to do. Looked at bylaws and Committees need to do what they should be doing.

Collect questions and send to administration as questions. These are questions that should be addressed.

Committees should meet and if members do not come can replace them. Bylaws make provisions for this.

Have elections done by Governance and Operations.

Anonymous voting for certain issues.

Faculty Senate Secretary. 

Committees empowered to do job according to bylaws. Do something to keep people on task.

Have venting and debate in different ways. Have town hall type meetings for venting. Senate meets to vote.

Senators may not understand responsibilities.

Dr. Etzkorn went over points of bylaws.

Some wants details and prioritization. Tentative mapping. Go through and determine if correctly assigned.

Have exponent page for Senate.

Dr. Seemann reported the distinguished speaker call is out and running together with the Honors Program. The Committee asked for more money from the Provost for speakers.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (May 12, 2009)

1. Meeting of 12 May 2009

Present: Letha Etzkorn, Linda Vaughn, Richard Miller, Deborah Heikes, Michael Anderson, Tim Newman, Gail Pritchard, Rhonda Gaede, Sampson Gholston, Melinda Lawson, Jennifer English, Andree Reeves, Eric Seemann, Dave Williams, Vistasp Karbhari, Lew Radonovich

The meeting was called to order at 12:45 p.m.

President Gaede reported that there is a case coming forward to the Faculty Appeals Committee. As President, her responsibility is to get them together to elect a chair.

Dr. Williams Report

He thanked Tim Newman for the Restructuring Committee Report and will meet with the committee as soon as possible to discuss it. He also thanked everyone for their efforts at graduation.

UAH was part of the Green City Summit held Monday in Huntsville, sponsored by the mayor. A group of 6 administrators and faculty went to the summit. The students are also becoming active in making the campus a greener campus.

The NCAA Super Regional Softball Tournament will be held on the UAH campus on Friday and Saturday at 1:00. This is the first to be held here and if UAH wins, they will go to Salem, VA for the national championship tournament.

Provost Karbhari's Report

He thanked Tim Newman and the Restructuring Committee for their report, and for laying out the pros and cons. He would like to meet with the committee as soon as possible to begin to chart a course forward.

Dr. Gaede asked Dr. Williams about the status of the town hall meetings that were cancelled because of the swine flu outbreak. He reported that he is working with a group to make the meetings better than before in the spirit of improved communication. They are developing a more structured process.

Dr. Williams asked for input on the best time to hold the meetings. Should they be held over the summer or wait until fall?

Dr. Seemann explained the changes to the meeting. They will set up the framework and it will go to the faculty senate, Dr. Gaede and Dr. Karbhari. It will be a transparent document of what is said at the meetings and will be up on the web almost immediately.

Dr. Karbhari said this new procedure will benefit everyone.

Dr. Gaede reported that she felt like the meetings with the community leaders were very beneficial. Dr. Reeves wondered if there is a way to disseminate the notes from those meetings. Dr. Etzkorn will share hers.

Ms. Lawson asked that the executive committee investigate how to develop a central place to post information for the committee and for the senate. One possibility could be Angel. Dr. Gaede brought up the question that if this is developed, should the committee send the bills to all faculty?

Ms. Vaughan reported that the Handbook Committee is moving along well. There may need to be a few more changes. They want to set it up online and make it easy to search, change and update. She has student interns helping over the summer and asked if there is a way to pay them. Dr. Karbhari said yes, there will be a way to pay them.

Dr. Gaede reported that she had been looking at appendices and they will need updating as well. Ms. Vaughan said that the committee will work on those very soon.

Dr. Williams, Dr. Karbhari and Dr. Radonovich left.

Review of Bill from Realignment Committee (see attached)

Dr. Newman reported that this bill is a product of the committee for faculty to be involved in any kind of realignment.

Dr. Gaede suggested that the Executive Committee look at changing the by-laws to have a secretary elected from the senate to keep the minutes. Discussion followed about the best way to change the by-laws. They are an appendix in the handbook, but should the changes be handled by the Handbook Committee or rather an ad hoc committee. Dr. English and Ms. Vaughan will discuss further and find the proper way to amend the by-laws.

Dr. Gaede asked about the first paragraph, what is the definition of academic units? There is nothing in there that refers to school. Are there other kinds of units that might apply?

Dr. Heikes reported that the committee might add for example.

What about changes in graduate school? What if it is eliminated? How will curriculum changes be handled. There should be something in the bill.

Dr. Gaede questioned section 1.2 collegiate faculty. Should this be changed to faculty of college, college faculty, affected faculty? Discussion followed and it was decided to leave as is.

There are worries about school or other types of departments.

Section 1.7  proposals can come from anywhere. Should faculty be included in preparation? What about Centers? There are some that are not academic. How will they be affected in realignment.

It was suggested that the terminology should include all. However, further discussion led to the possibility of amending the bill at a later date when more is known. Right now, there is no way to imagine different possibilities.

Many faculty in centers would not be affected at all by academic realignment.

Integration of research and academic units will need to be revisited, but not in the context of this bill at this time.

1.8 and 1.10 - Remove below.

1.10 - Change to the realignment process.

2.3.3 - add of between review and both.

2.3.5 - change with to by.

2.4 - Remove s from forwards.

2.4 - remove above from criteria identified in 2.3 above.

2.2 - definition of faculty  discussion about who are defined. It was determined that those who can vote for faculty senate are considered faculty in this section. It was suggested that for voting that an anonymous ballot be used.

2.5 - what about Graduate council? Right now, this is in the constitution as it is today. A possibility would be to use such as and then list.

Call to vote

All in favor as amended - unanimous.

How does the Executive council get the Realignment memo out to the faculty? Dr. Gaede volunteered.

Dr. Etzkorn moved that the report be sent out as it is now.

Dr. Reeves seconded.

Discussion  It is ok to send it out because feedback will not change this report. If there are material mistakes they will have to be fixed.

Call to question. Vote was unanimous to send out as it is.

Dr. Gaede discussed setting up a list serve for faculty, faculty senate and faculty executive committee. Only the Secretary, President and President Elect will have access to the listserves.

Discussion about the Realignment Reports suggestion of holding off until 2010. What will happen to the report now? The Provost said nothing will happen until after the fall.

Discussion of developing a sense of the senate resolution stating that the faculty senate is in agreement with the Realignment Committee Report that no realignment should take place until Fall 2010. Government and Operations committee should draft the resolution and bring it to the senate on Thursday.

When the senate changes the by laws, it was suggested that they include emergency voting procedures

Dr. Heikes made a motion that the Government and Operations committee will create a sense of the senate resolution saying that the Faculty Senate agrees with the Realignment Committee Report that no realignment should take place until Fall 2010.

Dr. English made a motion to adjourn. Seconded, unanimous.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:25 p.m.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 23, 2009)

1. Meeting of 23 April 2009

Attending: Lawson, Anderson, Burnett, Etzkorn, Miller, Newman, Vaughan, Severn, Radonovich, Williams, Karbhari, Gholston, English, Pritchard

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Gaede was out of town. Dr. Etzkorn presided over the meeting.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams had the video from the Institutional Presentation of the Board Meeting shown to the group and ask where else it should be shown. The recommendation was to show it in the Town Hall Meeting. There was some discussion of why some areas were not represented. The response was that those who were contacted and responded were those that came through.

Dr. Williams reported that Rhonda Gaede had requested a discussion with Community Leaders and Dr. Williams is setting those up. Tuesday the 28th at 12:45 p.m. Lou Weiner and Phil Dotts will be present in SKH 369 and Thursday, April 30, at 8:00 a.m. Dan Montgomery and Paula Steigenwald will be present in SKH 369 for discussion. There are a couple of others, the medical personnel being one of them who have not given a time yet but those will be set up as soon as we have a date and time for those. Dr. Williams pointed out that anyone is free to ask people from the Community for meetings and are free to contact them.

Dr. Williams announced that Gary Maddox had just received a $77.86M contract over five years. Gary Maddox has the SMAP Lab and supports ~120 undergraduate interns in a variety of disciplines. This is the largest single contract in the history of UAH. There were some questions and discussions regarding how Gary works and how to get students into his program. Dr. Williams and Dr. Karbhari and Dr. Severn responded that currently individuals contact Gary directly but eventually it will be handled through SSC using the Simplicity Program.

Dr. Williams reported there was an article about the Oak Ridge National Labs here and the cost but they are paying rent for the offices here on campus.

Dr. Karbhari reported three resolutions were forwarded to him from the Senate and he has forwarded them to several personnel across campus for comment. He stated the Administration is in favor of the resolutions but some have concerns regarding the implementation and conflict with some other policies already in place.

Dr. Karbhari reported the newspaper had an article regarding the Exponent not going out due to budget cuts but that is not true. The Exponent did print their last edition for the semester and both of the editors of the Exponent wrote an email explaining this to the newspaper.

Dr. Karbhari reported there was a letter from department chairs cc'd to deans and the Realignment Committee complaining about actions taken. Dr. Karbhari will write a letter stating we have not taken actions and we are waiting on input from the Realignment Committee. Dr. Karbhari asked Dr. Newman to please let all the Chairs know of the work of the Realignment Committee and the Administration is waiting on their report.

Dr. Karbhari reported they are looking at the email system and looking at alternatives to our system. They are looking at Gmail and will talk to the Faculty Senate and Students and Staff to get input. The presents tremendous opportunities with things we cannot do now. There are more options and more storage. There is the ability to talk over the internet and do videos. Linda Vaughan announced at this point that the Students have scheduled an informational meeting for Thursday at 2:00 p.m. and the Faculty and Staff Senates have the option of scheduling a showcase meeting on Tuesday, the 28th at 2:00 p.m. or the 29th at 2:00 p.m. of the 30th at 1:00 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. April 29th at 2:00 p.m. was the chosen date. Dr. Karbhari stated that Diane and Wilson have done much work and have looked into many issues. The official email addresses should remain the same.

Dr. Severn reported that the SSC had a Tutoring Blitz yesterday. It was a good success. There was a good turnout. Most subjects were covered. There were very few from History or English. The SSC is all moved in. The tutoring is very much improved. It is better organized and better staffed.

Dr. Severn also reported they will get the Dean of Engineering Search going tomorrow.

Dr. Severn announced that Commencement will be like the one in t he fall except the Friday ceremony will include Masters degrees as well as Ph.D. degrees. Saturday will be the two ceremonies for the undergraduate degrees.

Dr. Radonovich thanked the Handbook Committee for their work, especially Linda Vaughan.

1.3 New Business

Melinda Lawson moved seconded by Linda Vaughan to amend the agenda to consider the two bills from the Realignment Committee.

Bill 1: Change Curriculum Committee to appropriate curriculum committee in Section VI.

Change in the Whereas 1984 to 1990

The bill passed unanimously, put it on the agenda for the next meeting.

Bill 2: Delete the information about the faculty member being beyond the mandatory age of retirement.

The bill passed, put it on the agenda for the next meeting.

1.4 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.4.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Gail Pritchard).

No Report.

1.4.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

Dr. Anderson thanked Diana Bell for her work on the Partner Benefit bill.

1.4.3 Governance and Operations (Jennifer English).

P&T bill changed to include all Handbook policies as binding. After talking about this with faculty on and off the Senate, all wanted a stronger bill. The Handbook is to protect the faculty. It was moved by Dr. Reeves, seconded by Dr. Newman to make this a bill instead of a Sense of the Senate resolution. The bill passed and will be on the agenda for the next meeting.

1.4.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report.

1.4.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

No Report.

1.4.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

No Report.

1.4.7 Realignment (Timothy Newman)

The Realignment Committee will be coming out with a procedure document. The group reminded Dr. Newman that the Committee needs to be giving the administration some recommendations. The Committee needs responses from faculty with other ideas. Dr. Etzkorn reported that the Administration wants recommendations from the Committee then they will choose 3 or 4 and look closely at those and take a month to talk with departments and work out procedures and processes. Dr. Newman asked the Committee to go back to faculty and get ideas and input.

1.4.8 The Agenda was set for the April 30 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 24, 2009)

1. Meeting of 24 March 2009

Attending: Lawson, Reeves, Burnett, Gholston, Pritchard, Vaughan, Heikes, Miller, Gaede, Etzkorn

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Gaede asked the group if there should be a Sense of the Senate Resolution from the Governance and Operations Committee regarding following the Handbook.

Dr. Gaede asked Melinda Lawson to draft a Sense of the Senate resolution regarding supporting the Nurse Practitioners Bill.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams reported he met with the Governor along with other University Presidents to ask him not to take the stimulus money to offset the appropriation money. They asked him to divide the stimulus money appropriately between Higher Education and K-12. He disagreed with the University President's assessment of which portion should go to Higher Education. When we have a better idea of what will happen will discuss how to use the stimulus money. Will hear something on the next cut from the Governor today or tomorrow.

Dr. Karbhari reported Academic Affairs will start a search for the Director of the Honors Program. John Severn will Chair the Committee. We hope to have someone in place by the end of the semester.

The ARC will be the Student Success Center and will move to the other half of Madison hall where Academic Affairs and the President's Office was. There will be a desk in the lobby for access for students. Dr. Bell is doing a great job putting together the Success Center to help students and retention.

There was a question regarding the org chart. It is close.

There was some discussion regarding co-op and the role the corporate side and the internal side. The Student Success Center makes it a one stop shop all in one spot.

Dr. Severn reported that the Student Success Center has put the intervention with students below a certain threshold in place and there were 240 students last semester and all have been contacted and over 100 have been counseled. They have gotten 75 referrals from Professors.

1.3 New Business

1.4 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.4.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Gail Pritchard).

Dr. Pritchard reported they received and processed two course approvals and one program change.

1.4.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.4.3 Governance and Operations (Jennifer English).

No Report.

1.4.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report.

1.4.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

No Report.

1.4.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes presented Senate Bill 319 the P-Grade in Banner Bill. Currently faculty cannot assign a P Grade in Banner. There was some discussion regarding Audit and the inability to assign audit in a course. Dr. Gaede will check on this. The vote for the bill was 10 in favor and 1 abstention. The bill will be on the agenda for second reading.

1.4.7 The Agenda was set for the April 2 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 26, 2009)

1. Meeting of 26 February 2009

Attending: Etzkorn, Miller, Vaughan, Reeves, Heikes, Lawson, Gaede, Severn, Williams, Karbhari, Pritchard, Radonovich, Burnett. Anderson

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams asked everyone to get the word out about the town hall meeting next week. Dr. Williams reported he will give you as much information as possible on budget and those things tied to this. This is what we have worked on the last few months. Dr. Williams wanted to respond to the rumor that we bought a horse. We have NOT bought a horse. Keep letting us know the rumors and we will respond. There is a concern that some may not be able to make it to the town hall meeting and we will have streaming video of the presentation and it will be on the web.

Dr. Karbhari reported we have received a list of requests from the Realignment Committee and we are getting ready to send data. We are having to get some information cleared through the Office of Counsel. As much data as we can we will send very quickly. We are working on Budget Models and using the ACHE formula and what we have in place already. We are working closely with Deans and hope they are working with Chairs to get models together. We have worked on cuts and this will be in place on Monday. We have a few modifications to make. These are budget cuts for current year and they will have been taken on Monday.

Question: Any idea on stimulus package? Dr. Williams responded he met with the Chancellor yesterday and the System is handling the State package. The bill has been voted on and appropriations have to be made. It has to go to Montgomery. The Governor may have different ideas on some of the aspects of it. It does not come directly here. We cannot count on this until we actually have it and at best the projections are 30% of the cuts actually being taken. By the time it trickles down, it is only 30% and is one time non-recurring funds. We are assuming nothing about the stimulus package. We only got about $3M from a $1B bond issue from last year. This is the realism as to where we stand in the State.

Dr. Severn commented on the bill for holds. He stated we should be in position to deal with this by next year. He stated he appreciates the sentiment behind the bills. Jessica has seen over two hundred students in the ARC.� It can be done. We need a bit more human power there but we think we can handle it. We will work with you on that.

1.3 New Business

1.4 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.4.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Gail Pritchard).

Dr. Pritchard reported they received and processed seven course and program approvals for additions, cross listings, and substitutions.

There was a suggestion to consider updating the Course Approval Form.

There was a recommendation for a bill to allow Pass/Fail in Banner.

1.4.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.4.3 Governance and Operations (Jennifer English).

The Realignment Committee Met. They have requested data.

1.4.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report.

1.4.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

Dr. Burnett reported the Distinguished Speaker item is on hold--Dr. Burnett will talk to the Provost about that. Ray Pinner wants to meet with the Committee to go over budget issues and will go over some things before coming to the Senate.

1.4.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes brought back Senate Bill 315: Prerequisite Drop Policy

There was Discussion regarding permission of the instructor

The vote was Unanimous. The bill passed.

Dr. Heikes brought forward Senate Bill 318: Academic Holds.

Dr. Heikes reported they had a meeting with advisors. The advisors have no problem seeing students when a hold is put on the record. Just under 800 students in this category. Some discussion of what point the students are. Discussion regarding removal of holds. Moved to table the bill.

Dr. Heikes brought forth Senate Bill 317: Enrollment Limit

Some discussion regarding warnings and conditional students. The vote was 7 in favor and 2 opposed. The bill passed.

1.4.7 The Agenda was set for the March 12 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 29, 2009)

1. Meeting of 29 January 2009

Attending: Heikes, Lawson, Reeves, Etzkorn, Gaede, English, Bell, Anderson, Burnett, Radonovich, Karbhari, Severn, Vaughan, Gholston

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

As a result of the forums with faculty we will have a Sense of the Senate Resolution today regarding a Realignment Committee. There is no current policy and there were two models looked at by Mitch Berbrier, one from Indiana and one from Georgia.

The feedback from the Faculty Forums will be sent out via email.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Karbhari reported that Dr. Williams is in Mobile.

We now have a Committee being formed to look at Distance Learning co-chaired by Karen Clanton and Dawn Utley. The kick-off meeting will be next week. There will be one representative from the Senate.

We are clarifying the changes in ARC and Student Affairs and will be providing an organizational chart once it is worked out. We have saved some money in streamlining.

We are continuing discussions on Promotion and Tenure. We have had five meetings with attendance any where from 4 to 12. We are receiving thoughts from the faculty on the promotion and tenure and career track progression. We will take the issues and concerns and have an open session with the faculty. We will have discussions and see how to go forward. We are not changing what is in progress now.

As we learn more about the stimulus package we will let you know. We do not have specifics for the restrictions and requirements yet.

There has been much concern on campus and Dr. Williams and I will be sending out a memo on Monday morning that will outline what we will do and three criteria to follow based on information we have now. No faculty layoffs, no salary cuts and no loss of programs. We need full open discussions with faculty and what we are looking at for the future. We need to know how best to position ourselves. We are starting discussions on campus. We do not know the exact cuts now.

The new VPR will come on board February 23. The VPR and VPAA have talked and will continue to talk and get together about the best ways to develop synergy and what is best for the university.

The model budgets for colleges have been worked out and given to the deans. We will have a budget on which the Deans could plan. We will have correlations and links between faculty and courses and part time faculty and students. The deans will check the models and come back with revisions and finalize them to use for the 09/10 budget.

Enrollment is up 3.9% and headcount is up 5.1%. Credit hours are up. We are up in applications about 4% and up in admits about 8%. Business Administration is up and the others are down.

1.3 New Business

Sense of the Senate Resolution

1.4 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.4.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Gail Pritchard).

Dr. Pritchard reported they received substitutions for HY 410 and for AAH 300. They recommended approval.

1.4.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

They are still working on Partner benefits. It is being researched at the System level. There is a Committee to make recommendations to the Board Level.

1.4.3 Governance and Operations (Jennifer English).

The Committee has the Realignment Sense of the Senate Resolution to present. There was a clarification in line 15 that (faculty in this context are understood to mean non-administrative, no chair, deans, or other administrators). The vote in the Executive Committee was 8 in favor.

1.4.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

Dr. Reeves reported that the Committee met and the Sense of the Senate Resolution has been worded to give the faculty a voice in decisions affecting the university and its mission. There was a friendly amendment to change the word instructional to educational in line 3 and to change engaged in to consulted prior to and to add and operation to the Resolution. The vote was 2 abstentions and 7 in favor.

1.4.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

Dr. Burnett reported the Distinguished Speaker Funding is on hold.

1.4.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes brown Senate Bills 315 and 316 to the floor. Senate Bill 315 was tabled for clarification. Need clarity and work on prerequisites in Banner and in the catalog. The Curriculum Committee will work on this.

Senate Bill 316change line 14 to read A maximum of 64 semester hours of credit from a junior, community, or two-year college

The vote was 6 in favor and 1 abstention.

1.4.7 The Agenda was set for the February 12 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 8, 2009)

1. Meeting of 8 January 2009

Attending: Severn, Gholston, Etzkorn, Vaughan,, Heikes, Lawson, English, Burnett, Severn, Karbhari, Williams, Pritchard

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Gaede talked about getting prerequisites in order in Banner and in the Catalog. The need for a Calendar Committee was also mentioned. There was some discussion regarding summer semesters and alternative delivery methods and Saturday offerings. The Smoking Policy is still pending. The partner benefits are still being worked on.

Dr. Gaede plans to meet with faculty and see if there are issues that should be addressed. She will have a series of meetings at different times and places (Morton Hall, Shelby Center, and Technology Hall) for about one and one half hours. A message will be sent out regarding this.

Dr. Gaede reported she will need to appoint a new Parliamentarian.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams reported changes are being made at the administrative level of the University. These changes are being made t o improve the operations of the University and make it more efficient. We are trying to make sure we better serve the students. We also need to better align with the UA System. This also places us in a better position when growth occurs. We needed to give diversity a higher role in the university. We want to be ahead of the curve.

Also we want to get in a better position regarding external relations and be able to get the word out in a more structured fashion. We want to be responsive to the community and have better cooperation.

Dr. Williams reported he met with the two new mayors and is trying to get them on campus. He wants to get a structured message of the good things that are happening on campus.

Dr. Williams stated we are experiencing real cuts not one time events and all areas will be affected. We are actually receiving less state funding than we received nine years ago.

Dr. Williams stated admissions is up 12-16% and we have received $1M in new gifts. We have some new research awards. Good things are happening.

Rick Barth received good support from the Faculty and will be asking for your support again in the spring.

There was some discussion regarding Research and Academic Affairs working together.

There were some discussions regarding ideas and concerns of faculty.

There was some discussion regarding the possibility of layoffs. Dr. Williams states there is no discussion of salary cuts for this year. We believe we can survive without salary cuts but everything is on the table at this point. Restructuring would be part of avoiding salary cuts.

Dr. Karbhari reported that Rick Barth, John Maxon and Scott Walter are working to improve the Open House. The next Open House will be February 21. They will be calling on faculty for assistance. Restructuring and planning with Dr. Severn to help students in all aspects. Will talk to Departments trying to move all colleges to Shelby Center except Nursing. We will have everyone in one location.

Dr. Karbhari reported he is putting together a Promotion and Tenure Meeting for one hour to talk about what faculty feel are the concerns in the review process, etc. This does not affect the work on the Handbook. This will be used as the first step to determine if there is a need for real changes. We will also be looking at workload across all colleges.

There was some discussion of Banner issues and fixing the issues across the board. Dr. Severn reported they are looking at CAP for Banner. He went to a meeting and based on what he learned at the meeting thinks we should implement this. He sees it is very possible. We would need to send a couple of people to boot camp and use personnel from UAB to assist us. We will also need to put the 100 and 200 level course equivalencies in t he hands of the Registrar. He thinks we can implement this by fall.

There was an announcement of the situation at the Bookstore and the hope for a solution for books by next week.

Dr. Severn reported we are restructuring the ARC and making it a one stop shop. We will put out a chart when everything is set. This sends a powerful message to students that the University is interested in helping. On-line Tutoring has been implemented that covers many hours.

1.3 New Business

There was some discussion regarding Distance Learning and using material in subsequent semesters and teaching overloads. Want policies to cover these issues and guidelines and legal issues for faculty regarding Distance Learning. It was suggested this be brought back to the next Executive Committee Meeting.

1.4 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.4.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Gail Pritchard).

Dr. Pritchard reported they received three new course proposals and approved MAE 444, MAE 493, and MAE 494.

They will check on the prerequisite information and make sure what is out is the correct information.

1.4.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.4.3 Governance and Operations (Jennifer English).

No Report.

1.4.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report.

1.4.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

The REU information is in. They received 30 proposals. The Provost expanded the project and funded 12 projects. The ASGC puts in funds and will fund 8 proposals.

1.4.6        Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes reported she did some research and Rebecca Blount is the Academic Coach for students in Academic Warning. She works with the students and then refers them. She only works with freshmen. It was suggested this or something like this is needed for all students and when a hold is put on then require the student to see an advisor (Professional Advisor). Early intervention is important. It was suggested that Dr. Heikes or Dr. Gaede get the numbers on this and then meet with the Professional Advisors.

The two bills will be on the agenda at third reading.

1.4.7        The Agenda was set for the January 15, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 20, 2008)

 1. Meeting of 20 November 2008

Attending: Williams, Pritchard, Etzkorn, Burnett, Gaede, English, Vaughan, Lawson, Heikes, Norman, Finley, Gholston

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams reported we are interviewing this week and next week for the VPR position. We should be doing open interviews about mid December. Dr. Williams stated he still hopes for a January appointment. The Committee is making good progress.

Dr. Williams reported he is working on restructuring and streamlining supports efforts. He will be making an announcement later perhaps in the next couple of weeks.

Dr. Williams reported there is no progress on what the Governor is doing regarding the budget. The later the proration comes the harder it is to deal with. That is why we have taken a look at cuts and restructuring and streamlining.

The focused hire was announced. It is a joint effort in the Supply Chain area between Business and Systems.

Dr. Williams expressed some concern for the bill that would be presented today. He referenced the Mission Statement which addresses excellence and all aspects of the University. He mentioned that pedagogy is only one aspect and one point of the University. He mentioned his charge to realign and restructure.

There was some discussion regarding dorms approved by the Board. Our current housing is full. There is a company looking at the five year plan to go into from the one we are currently completing. The next housing would be somewhere toward the center of campus.

Dr. Williams reported the applications are up 16% and the admits are up about 13%. Rick Barth and Sandra Patterson are doing their job as well as many faculty. The hope is that the dorms and other things will improve the retention and faculty will help with this as well.

There was a request to look at the Faculty and Staff Clinic in the 5 year plan. There was a question regarding whether a position would remain with a department and they would be able to fill the position if a faculty member leaves. Dr. Williams stated this is under the Provost purview but there are certain areas we will invest in based on discussions. We cannot make a promise on any one position.

There was a discussion regarding the passing of Amendment one and that decreasing the immediate impact of the cuts.

1.3 New Business

Dr. Nancy Finley and Dr. Rose Norman brought a petition forward addressing some concerns from faculty. This was based on rumblings from faculty across campus. The Faculty Senate has a duty to speak out and represent the faculty even when it is difficult. The petition is a starting point for the Senate to look at. The goal is to protect the strengths we have now and protect the faculty and students. Some changes have a negative impact. The faculty would like to see more faculty involvement in decisions. The petition was delegated to the Student and Faculty Development Committee for review and action.

1.4 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.4.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Gail Pritchard).

We are looking at seven new courses. Two have been approved and five are pending.

1.4.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.4.3 Governance and Operations (Jennifer English).

No Report. The Governance Committee will be reviewing the Senate Bylaws. They will also take a look at the University Committees and determine if there are those that should be eliminated.

1.4.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report.

1.4.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

No Report.

1.4.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes brought the Bill Regarding Attendance back to the table. The Committee added a phrase and the Executive Committee proposed a friendly amendment to strike the phrase which must include the Provost's signature and For approved activities the Provost will return a signed copy of the request to the Faculty or University employee who submitted the request. The bill passed at first reading.

Dr. Heikes also brought the Bill regarding the change in the Academic Action Threshold to the table for discussion. The Bill passed at first reading.

1.4.7 The Agenda was set for the December 4, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 23, 2008)

 1. Meeting of 23 October 2008

Attending: Anderson, Radonovich, Karbhari, Heikes, Etzkorn, Gaede, Pritchard, Vaughan, Gholston, Lawson, Williams, English. Burnett

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Gaede asked about the Smoking Policy and why it had not been implemented or what had happened with it. It was signed but it has not been implemented. Dr. Williams stated it was an issue of who handles the oversight. Dr. Williams will talk to Mike Finnegan. There should be a campus- wide announcement, signage, etc. Dr. Williams will follow-up.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams reported the biggest issue we are facing over the next year is the budget. The State budget will not meet the expectations. It is most likely we will face proration some time in this year and another significant cut in the State budget this year. There are three things we can do. We can encourage everyone to vote for Amendment 1. This is a temporary measure and it will have to be paid back. Gary will send a message soon to this effect. You, as representatives need to ask people to look at their email. There will be another email from Dr. Williams building on what we did last year. Look for ways to cut cost and increase income. Dr. Williams distributed a page from the Chronicle explaining how the University of Maryland came to an agreement and dealt with cuts last year. They have a little more latitude but some of the ideas could still work for us. We are not comparing apples and apples in this comparison but we can use some of the ideas. They set the degree required hours to 120 hours. This can aid in many areas for the students. We are in a position to go after out of state students. Dr. Williams has hope we will get suggestions back about ways to save. The University of Arizona did what we are asking by setting up a why not website. We will be experiencing cuts. Save money where appropriate. Find ways to increase income.

Dr. Karbhari reported that since much of our income deals with students it is recruitment and retention of students that is key. Although Rick does a good job it is faculty and staff that bring students and keep them. An opportunity being considered is that if we manage to increase students by a certain % then it will mean more faculty lines. If we retain students we gain faculty lines. We are looking at innovative ways to get faculty involved. Before the next open house we will be talking to all deans to ask them to get more involved and will likely talk to faculty to be there and answer questions and interact with parents. We hope through the Executive Committee and Faculty Senate we will get the message across to be involved. Also be involved later in orientation.

There was a request for an explanation of faculty being involved in a phonathon with student recruiting. There are specific days for a phone-a-thon where faculty call students who could be admitted or those who have expressed interest and sometimes have questions that faculty can answer. Often Rick's staff cannot answer the questions. We are trying to put together days and faculty come together and talk to students and answer questions.

As we get more ideas and information Dr. Williams and Dr. Karbhari will have meetings and make announcements.

If each faculty member recruits and retains one out of state student then we gain $4M. Important to do small things but these are the big things that make a real difference. Getting them here and keeping them here. Another $860K by increasing retention by 10%. Question regarding how Distance Learning fits. Distance Learning has a different fee structure. Some courses could benefit by being on line.

Things we can do to make UAH more student friendly and show we care. You will get an email regarding students who are out to meet other requirements, to meet scholarship donors, etc. asking you to work with the students.

There were 11 proposals for the Group Hires. We are reviewing them and will come back to Deans to talk about those we feel ranked highest. There is a limited number of group hires. May be other opportunities with external funding. Will work with deans and faculty to make this happen. Dr. Karbhari wants to see the deans and faculty take ideas and move forward.

We received a large number of applications for the VPR. We will sit down with consultants in next few months and get someone soon. Economy has affected those applying. Still hope to hire by next year but may not happen.

There was a question regarding Collaboration with other units such as the Library within the System. One thing that was discussed was the online repository for all three universities. Things that hold back on that are vendors that provide the material. Look at models out there and see how it works.

There was some discussion regarding Research faculty teaching for us and the pay structure, etc. Dr. Karbhari is looking at models on this.

Dr. Radonovich distributed a copy of a draft policy on policies for input.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Gail Pritchard).

We are looking at what we need to do regarding the catalog. I met with Dr. Severn. The catalog will be mostly on line. There will be some changes in organization and layout. We will be streamlining it and making it more user friendly.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report. He did check on the question of full load and the Federal Government determines full load for students.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jennifer English).

No Report

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

The Committee is waiting for REU Proposals.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

The bill on an attendance policy regarding students participating in University Sanctioned Activities was discussed. Dr. Heikes will take the bill and rewrite it and bring it back to the table at the next meeting.

Dr. Heikes reported she is waiting for data from Dr. Severn on AAT to compare before and after. There was a question regarding an earlier bill to help students in academic difficulty. Dr. Gaede will ask Dr. Bell to report to the Senate on what is going on in the way of early intervention, etc.

1.3.7 The Agenda was set for the October 30, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 11, 2008)

 1. Meeting of 11 September 2008

Attending: Anderson, Simpson, Burnett, Etzkorn, Pritchard, Lawson, Heikes, Karbhari, Williams, Severn, Reeves, Gaede, Vaughan, English, Radonovich, Norman

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Gaede reported that Jim Harris is on the schedule for the meeting on the 25th. He will talk about the roles of Athletics and requirements for mentoring and attendance, etc. Brent Wren will be invited to come as well.

October 22 will be a joint Faculty and Staff Senate meeting.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams reported the Strategic Planning Committee is meeting. Volunteers are welcomed. Updates will be provided on the web. Dr. Williams will be meeting with the other Presidents in the System to plan for next year. It does not look pretty for this year. It looks like there will be further decreases in Higher Education which means increases in tuition. We are not sure about proration yet.

The VPR advertisement appeared in the Chronicle. Dr. Karbhari is responsible for this.

It appears the honeymoon is over based on the Exponent Article. We are trying to get students involved. Many suggestions are appearing on the Why Not site.

We have received permission from the Transportation Department to put signs on University directing traffic to the Sparkman entrance. We also will have signs on Jordan.

Dr. Karbhari announced the Focused Hire.

We obtained the last house in the Sanderson Subdivision and can start building the Greenway. We are making the campus more pedestrian friendly. We will continue to purchase property adjacent to the University as it becomes available to use for family housing.

We are looking at a new residence hall as ours are full. The Wilson Hall renovation will begin and should be completed in about 18 months.

Dr. Karbhari reported the Group Hires are truly group hires and goes across bounds.

As part of meeting the Power of 10 goals the Deans are challenged to do strategic planning and to start with faculty, benchmark themselves against the best of the best and plan from there. Know how many students, how many faculty, look at three years out and look at each year. The goal is to make each unit self sufficient. Everyone should know what they need and how to get it.

Dr. Karbhari was asked to check on the ANGEL friendliness to users and about changing the password and not using the SS# for any password or access.

Dr. Severn announced that Institutional Research is working on many projects right now and are snowed under to please hold requests for later.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Gail Pritchard).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

He talked with the Benefits Office and we cannot offer benefits to same sex partners due to a State law. We can develop and pass a resolution but we cannot do anything beyond that because of the State Law. It could be that some institutional benefits could be extended.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jennifer English).

No Report

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

No Report

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Discussion of course repeat processes. Question of why students should have to repeat a course. The bill to change the course repeat policy was tabled.

A comment to change the incomplete policy so I turns into F after the end of the academic year.

Want to get rid of course repeat in graduate school.

Excused Absences for Athletes was discussed. Discussion of why we didn't want to excuse students automatically. Should we have a university attendance policy? Melinda Lawson moved to bring back to the table last year's bill on students being excused for university activities. Dr. Gaede seconded. Mike Anderson objects because some time the course is one time a year and one person is teaching it. Senate Bill 312 from September 2007. Vote is 10 Yes and 1 No. Dr. Heikes will send out the bill to the Faculty Senate.

Send issues with Athletics to Deans, Chairs, and Faculty Senate.

1.3.7 The Agenda was set for the September 25, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (August 21, 2008)

 1. Meeting of 21 August 2008

Attending: Gaede, Lawson, Etzkorn, Vaughan, Anderson, Heikes, Burnett, Reeves, Servern, Williams, Radonovich, Karbhari, Pritchard, Gholston, English

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Gaede distributed information on Short Term Disability.

Dr. Gaede reported the faculty survey results are to be sent out.

Dr. Gaede would like this year to have someone talk to the Senate from Enrollment (Rick Barth and/or Sandra Patterson), Jeff Sands from Advancement and BobbiJo Rissmann regarding Angel and Instructional Technology.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams thanked the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for their service. He reported he will give the State of the Campus Address tomorrow and take questions at the 4:00 p.m. Town Meeting. The ongoing issues are the changes in Administration and the changes in reporting and different responsibilities. He will put all this onto the blog with follow-ups. There are changes with Dr. Luquire, Advancement, Career Services, etc. He will work with Dr. Karbhari who will work with you and the Deans and Chairs on the various issues in Academic Affairs. We will get out and meet and dialogue. This will happen over several months. We will keep you informed on the building plans. The dorms are full. It will be mandatory for freshmen and sophomores to live on campus by 2010. We need more space-we are planning for dorm rooms, dining facilities, retail on campus and moving things around and opening up the UC for student activities.

There will be several committees for strategic planning. We will keep the committees small but engage faculty, staff, and students. Dr. Williams hopes by Christmas the Committees will have identified how to meet the goals. There will be a retreat of leaders in the spring.

Bill Killingworth has been appointed to look at the efficiency of the university. He has been appointed to examine the business practices. He has been instructed he can go into any area and examine how it is operating. He needs input. We will be asking you for input. We will be asking for input from all areas. Not all will be involved but we will solicit input from all. Be more aggressive in asking the administration to help you accomplish your goals. We will tick some people off but the job is to challenge people to see if they are doing their best. Dr. Williams suggested Dr. Gaede, Karbhari, and Williams should meet and discuss and pre-empt or avoid some issues. The Huron report will be on the web soon. Dr. Williams will announce changes on the blog and through Insights. There will be a Why Not web site. Budgets will be online so that we are transparent.

There was a questions regarding where or what is the mechanism for voicing concerns regarding the parking policies and changes. Dr. Williams suggested talking to Ray and Mike and finding out.

Dr. Williams and Dr. Gaede stated there are two issues the Senate is addressing as a carry over from last year (Partner benefits and excused absences for University activities). The Senate should be active in the strategic planning where appropriate and the campus master plan.

Dr. Gaede stated the Faculty Senate will work together more with the Staff Senate. We will meet together once or twice a year. Dr. Gaede stated she would like the Faculty Senate to sponsor a Club H and Dr. Williams stated he would help with that.

Dr. Williams thanked Dr. Radonovich for all he did working with him and with the Senate. He asked that the Senate allow Dr. Radonovich to continue to come with Dr. Karbhari and Dr. Williams to the meetings.

Dr. Radonovich reported there are three dean reviews initiated (Dr. Luquire, Dr. Fix, and Dr. Raines). He reported he met with Linda Vaughan regarding the Handbook Review. He will want this group to go over the changes.

He reported enrollment is up about 2.7%. Business headcount is up significantly.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Gail Pritchard).

No Report. Dr. Gaede informed Dr. Pritchard this would be a catalog year.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

Dr. Anderson will be working on the Partner Benefits bill.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jennifer English).

Make sure every Committee has Senate, Faculty and staff representation. Dr. Gaede would like to look into a Calendar Committee to take a look at things like the summer term length, coordinating with UAB and UA. Look at the IT Committee and the single sign on issues. Have someone look at Banner and make known what is available and what can change.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

We will be working on the REU in the fall and what level the Provost will fund. Dr. Etzkorn asked why the Committee has not been doing those things the bylaws delegate.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Take a look at t he withdrawal date, the academic action threshold and the attendance policy. Take a look at the full load for summer and why it is 12 hours and not nine. Talk to Dr. Severn.

1.3.7 The Agenda was set for the August 28 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 3, 2008)

 1. Meeting of 3 April 2008

Attending: Boyd, Lawson, George, Etzkorn, Anderson, Gaede, Karr, Banish, Severn, Radonovich, Williams, Schnell

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams reported there are two Provost candidates on campus. We want to move quickly. Any input you have get it back to the Committee this weekend. We want to get back to the candidates next week. They are in other searches and we need to act quickly. These were the two first choices of the Committee. Dr. Williams thanked the faculty on the Committee.

Dr. Williams met recently with all the athletics staff. He thinks the Faculty Senate needs to have continued conversations about not penalizing those participating in official activities. Whether academic or athletic we need to support students.

There was discussion of the bill and its wording. We need ongoing discussion on this. We attract athletes here by commitments and we need to support them once they are here. Have to indulge in conversation further and encourage faculty to work with Athletics and support and try to find a compromise.

Dr. Boyd suggests working with faculty who are the problem. Dr. Williams still thinks we need discussion on working with students and compromising.

Look at what policies are and how they work.

Policies should be looked at and this is Dr. Radonvich's responsibility.

Dr. Radonovich suggests putting all attendance policies, etc. in the syllabus and then student knows up front.

Dr. Severn suggests a Sense of Senate Resolution might help.

Dr. Williams asked would it help to have Jim Harris come talk to the Faculty and or also have a student come talk first hand. Dr. Williams will pass this along to Jim Harris and have him contact Lynn Boyd.

Some athletes inform faculty and some do not. Think it is required by NCAA.

Continue dialogue.

Dr. Radonovich announced we are taking this room into the 21st century. We have purchased a screen. This will save time.

Dr. Radonovich announced there are two issues-rewrite of Handbook. 1)Do more and show more creativity in assisting with partners of faculty members who are extended an offer-we need to work harder on finding positions for partners of colleagues. We need a small group of people who are a transition group and they should be ready to serve for a year or two and make calls and help faculty with problems. Put something in place to help. 2) Make one more effort at getting benefits for partners. Dr. Radonovich and Dr. Williams are in support of and will work with system office. Are there policies at other institutions? Should not lose good people because of these things.

Discussion regarding Fitness Center and benefits and who partners with whom.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Rhonda Gaede Proxy)

Working on nominations, Committees and Handbook Sense of Senate Resolution.

Senate Bill on Course Strike tabled.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett-Letha Etzkorn Proxy).

Waiting for Distinguished Speaker Proposals.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Clarke Rountree).

No Report.

1.3.7 The Agenda was set for the April 17, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Handbook Sense of Senate Resolution

Discussed Ad hoc committee whose job will be Handbook issue. Discussion of broader Committee than Senate. Legal involved along the way. Review and recommend change. Define duties of committee. Get lawyers in early and feedback not one way. Consider one elected senator from each college and one faculty representative from each college elected by college. Add clarity.

On next meeting agenda.

Dr. Schnell motioned and seconded by Shari George tabled bill on course strikes.

Each college select Handbook person.

No Lecturer and No Instructor on Senate.

Solicit Nominations for President Elect Give Rhonda a week to work on

Start work on Handbook in fall.

Agenda-Bill, Committees meet and elect Chairs, take nominations from floor for officers.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 4, 2008)

 1. Meeting of 4 March 2008

Attending: Reeves, George, Gaede, Karr, Rountree, Etzkorn, Boyd, Radonovich, Williams

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Sent letter to Senator Figures. May want to send others.

Some discussion regarding cuts and exercise of cutting budgets.

Dr. Anderson says the Committee balked at revising the Faculty Handbook. Suggested forming an ad hoc Committee to address that issue. Get people with experience and knowledge.

We need a resolution from the Governance and Operations Committee to establish the ad hoc committee to update the Faculty Handbook for 2008-09. The resolution will be brought to the next Executive Committee Meeting.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Some discussion regarding guns on campus and the bill in the Legislature.

We have hired Jeff Sands as VP Advancement. He starts March 17. Encourage to meet with anyone on campus who wishes to meet with him. Fund raising campaign on campus soon. Charged with putting team in place in Advancement. Well run office brings in $10 for every dollar spent. Invest when proof return is there. Endowment about $20M. Foundation about $20M available to it. Prefer to be much better. If not in 9 figures not playing seriously. Bring in money for financial aid. One of great needs on campus. Discretionary fund money important as well. Help with department budgets and social and entertainment on campus. Well constructed campaign.

Interview first of Provost Candidates this afternoon. Move forward as quickly as possible.

Three Presidents and legislators had dinner last night to get to know and talk about doing what is best for all. Do not pit K-12 against Higher Education. Try to find ways to do something that is more stable than relying on variable income stream to fund ongoing necessity. Education of Legislation around the State. Budget off table right now.

More extramural funding from faculty main goal in helping. John Christy Interim VP and has good ideas. Across University scholarships and teaching balance and then some service. Integration of centers and academics changing and more integration. Dr. Moriarity on Board to bring academic side in view and Dr. Radonovich worked with Dr. Greenwood to redistribute F&A. Pressure on deans to use money to recreate more funding for colleges. Many things happening to broaden view. Make it as easy for $5000 grant to History and $1M to Physics and work same with faculty as with Centers. University support faculty. Will take time to implement, put message out and working. Reports of good experiences with OSP and representatives.

Check on memo about F&A and distribution.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

Met and balked at reviewing and revising Handbook.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Rhonda Gaede Proxy).

No Report.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

Talked to Diana about faculty resource center. Maybe given budget cuts not good time but there are some things in the system not taking care of but might be able to use. Talked about Faculty offering from Michelle Korf on Pedagogy and Technology. Summarize email from Korf and send to faculty and check interest.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett-Letha Etzkorn Proxy).

Waiting for Distinguished Speaker Proposals.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Clarke Rountree).

Waiting for bill from Rhonda for striking courses instead of Course Repeat.

President Elect-Goal for next year look at needs for Instructional Technology and look at classrooms. Support-institutional support for faculty to teach in new environment.


Combined Lunch with Chancellor on May 1.

Meeting Cancelled.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 14, 2008)

 1. Meeting of 14 February 2008

Attending: Severn, Williams, Karr, Etzkorn, Boyd, Lawson, Radonovich

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Boyd reported there was some discussion in Deans and Directors regarding SIE Scores on line. Think about that. Some discussion-Academic Affairs would like to go to sending reports electronically. Some discussion of doing SIEs on line. It is being looked into.

Dr. Boyd announced that April Harris offered to come to Senate and discuss events of Inauguration week.

Mission Statement --Dr. Williams stated the faculty responses are coming in individually and some by college, Alumni had a large response. He is awaiting more responses and will bring it back to this Committee. Dr. Boyd suggested a vote from the Senate. Dr. Williams plans to announce the new Mission Statement at Inauguration. He will bring it back to the Committee who did the work on it and get them to make a final recommendation. He will bring it forth for discussion during his report at the Faculty Senate Meeting.

There was a question of when will the NC Grading stop.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich-The Department of English wrote to John Severn who wrote to Dr. Radonovich stating they cannot give the D grade in Freshman Composition. They used NC-now they do not know what do to. Dr. Radonovich stated we could do nothing and work with ABC F. We could do away with all NCs and invite the U grade. We could leave the NC grade for them.

There was discussion regarding when we can eliminate the NC. Dr. Severn announced that structurally we need to work on it now if we want to do it. The Registrar needs to know now. There was a request for some clarification of not giving a D. Is it that they truly cannot give a D leaving A, B, C, F. It is not a passing grade so the students have to repeat the course. F helps flag the students to get them help whereas NC does not. Dr. Severn will go back to English and find out if they truly cannot give a D or if it is just not a passing grade. Dr. Severn will find out and will deal with the English Composition issue separately. Dr. Radonovich reported the Resolution on Faculty-Student Relationships has been approved by Dr. Williams. The Smoke Free Building Environment Resolution has been approved by Dr. Williams. The Faculty-Student Relationship Resolution will go into the Faculty Handbook and Dr. Williams will work with Mike Finnegan to implement the Smoke Free Building Environment Resolution.

Dr. Radonovich reported the WebCT recommendation is due to him by early April.

Clickers-Dr. Severn reported there is another glitch which is that cell phones now have this same capacity.

There was a question of whether there will be a support person to help facilitate installation and use of the clickers.

Looking at program from Miss. State that has been successful. Look at teaching tool not just attendance.

It was stated the SGA was asked for input on abolishing the NC Grading and no response was received. The resolution will be sent to them as an information item.

Dr. Williams- Budget reported he will address the University in the future once he has more information. There is currently no proration for this year. There is no point to talk to the University Community now because we do not have definitive information. We will go through an exercise to see where we can cut. We need to look at what we can do without or what we do not have to do. Dr. Williams has asked April to make a 10% cut in the Inauguration budget. Dr. Radonovich has asked for a 5% cut in the exercise the Deans are going through. We need to be looking in advance of what we can do. We need to look on the revenue generating side where we do have some control. Admissions-increase students, especially out of state students. Encourage all faculty to seek external funding. Work with new VP for Advancement to generate more funding. We can do better at these things. Reward those who have helped with revenue generation. We will require this year that everyone be evaluated. We need a matrix and we need formal input. I understand there is a form that was rarely used. All will be evaluated and a record kept in HR of evaluations. Dr. Williams stated the President is evaluated by the Chancellor and everyone else will be evaluated by appropriate people. There will be merit increase criteria in place by next year. P&T criteria is being developed. There needs to be consistency between P&T and merit increase. There must be a basis for pay increases and those who deserve them and those who do not. The criteria for evaluating is done at the College level because each College is different and the Provost is responsible for approving these. Dr. Williams is responsible for VPs having criteria for staff in their areas. Managers are responsible to get input needed. It will take some time to get this right but we will start with what we have. Those who are not earning what they receive should be dealt with appropriately. We must look at whether there are those who are not earning what they receive. We have to have warnings in place in order to encourage some to seek positions elsewhere. There is a broad matrix of increased student = increase faculty. We will be looking at this closely and will develop it further. Dr. Williams will put criteria in place for evaluating his own staff.

Dr. Williams reported the Space Committee is formed and Harry Delugach is on that Committee. Harry Delugach is responsible for passing along information to the Faculty Senate. Where are areas to consolidate? How efficiently is space used? As get data will pass along. There was some discussion that the five year plan is essentially done and we will look at the next five years. 

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

The undergraduate Curriculum Committee is currently reviewing one program approval form from the College of Engineering.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jeff Kulich -Rhonda Gaede Proxy).

No Report

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett-Letha Etzkorn Proxy).

Revised Distinguished Speaker Proposal Request and will go out this week. Typical grant is $1000 to $1500.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Clarke Rountree).

No Report.

1.3.7 The Agenda was set for the February 21, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 17, 2008)

1. Meeting of 17 January 2008

Attending: Boyd, Schnell, Lawson, Rountree for Heikes, Etzkorn for Burnett, Karr, Severn, Radonovich, Williams, Gaede for Kulick, Reeves, George

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Boyd reported that Richard Fork and Carmen Scholz have agreed to attend the Research Council and serve as the liaison for the Faculty Senate and the Faculty.

Gloria Greene will send out a follow-up Survey regarding changes to OSP. Dr. Schnell will review the survey form and give comments/feedback.

Gloria Greene and Chih Loo will come to the next meeting to present the information about the new effort reporting form for faculty.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams reported Rick Barth, the new Assistant V. P. for Enrollment Services is on campus. Sandra Patterson, the new Director of Admissions will be on campus next week. They are charged with putting together a plan quickly to keep a high quality student body and increase enrollment and retain the students we recruit and enroll. There was some discussion regarding increasing academic quality without discriminating against those who come from underprivileged backgrounds and educations.

Dr. Williams reported the VP for Advancement search is closing in on a final candidate. We have interviewed three and will invite one back for a second interview. We have very good candidates and we will try to make sure the individual is the right fit for us at this time.

The Provost Search is underway and names have been brought forward. They look good on paper and the Committee will begin reviews and interviews this semester.

Derald Morgan in his new assignment of Special Projects for the President will work with the Chancellor to increase engineering enrollment in the College of Engineering. He will work with the Engineering Initiative in Alabama. There will be an announcement out today or tomorrow.

Progress is being made to the Intermodal Facility.

The next building for renovation is Wilson Hall and then something for Madison Hall. This is all dependent on funding. We will need these renovations more as Rick and Sandra are successful in their plans and having a new presentation for campus to tie in with the new entrance and being able to bring prospects to campus.

There was discussion regarding a Performing Arts Center.

Dr. Radonovich reported the Diversity Plan is in but he needs to meet with Mr. Rieder before it can be released and implemented.

There was some discussion regarding recruiting and the Posse Foundation and the NFL Foundation.

Dr. Radonovich reported there is a final report including the Chancellor's Address for the Diversity Presentation at the system level that has been distributed to Deans and Directors. It was suggested this be put on the Provost website. On March 26 there will be a meeting of a small group including the Provost and President from each campus and a person who works on the diversity for the campus to discuss the details of an aggressive plan for each institution in the system.

Dr. Radonovich reported from the System Academic Officer's meeting that the DNP NISP was approved as the second program. This is a collaborative program with UAB and now it will go back and include Tuscaloosa. The Deans are developing the proposal now. It will be a three way joint program.

Dr. Radonovich will be giving a presentation on the issue of Community Colleges and High Schools. He would like to resurrect this issue at the Faculty Senate level.

There was some discussion regarding the waitlist and why the list is wiped clean before classes begin for each semester.

WebCT--there was some discussion regarding WebCT and some problems with it. Everyone was encouraged to work with Bobbi Jo Rissmann on any problems with WebCT.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Dr. George reported they are reviewing two proposals for new courses from HPE.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report. The Committee will meet and look at the Faculty Handbook.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Rhonda Gaede for Jeffrey Kulick).

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee will look at the follow-up survey for OSP and review the results. They will solicit officer nominations for next year.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andr'e Reeves).

The Committee will look at resources for faculty not doing as well in the area of teaching.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Letha Etzkorn for John Burnett).

Dr. Etzkorn reported the Committee finished the REU proposals. There were 29 proposals submitted. The Provost funded 10 and 6 were funded by the Space Grant. The Distinguished Speakers Series will be next. There was some discussion regarding funding and the criteria and feedback for the REU proposals.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Clarke Rountree for Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Rountree reported there are two issues for the Committee. Finishing the NC Grading bill and working on the Attendance Policy.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Kader Frendi

No Report.

1.3.8 Ombudsperson--Gerald Karr

 No Report.

1.3.9 Bill 312

The Attendance Policy was presented. Two friendly amendments were made. Add University to line 16 and remove the s on regard. Dr. Gaede called the question, seconded by Dr. George. The vote was 7 in favor and 1 opposed.

1.4.1  The Agenda was set for the January 24 meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (December 13, 2007)

1. Meeting of 13 December 2007

Attending: Boyd, Reeves, George, Heikes, Schnell, Burnett, Williams, Severn, Anderson, Radonovich, Lawson, Karr

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

The V.P. for Advancement interviews occur next Tuesday at 9:15 a.m. The SGA; Staff Senate and Faculty Senate are invited to participate.

We will send out a request for nominations for President Elect to replace Dr. Frendi.

Dr. Boyd announced that Gloria Greene would like to do a follow-up survey regarding the changes in OSP since the last review. Dr. Schnell will provide input regarding the survey. Dr. Snider will oversee the survey.

Gloria Greene and Chih Loo will attend the next Faculty Senate Meeting to discuss a new Effort Reporting Form for Faculty.

Gloria requested an ombudsperson for the Colleges to attend the Research Council and to collect complaints, issues, etc. from faculty. To provide a two way communication for the faculty. Recommendations are Richard Fork and Stephen Edmondson. Dr. Boyd will contact them and report back. This was requested due to a perception that Faculty fear going directly to Gloria due to a fear of reprisal.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Williams reported every grade was in on time for fall semester. There was some discussion regarding rolling grades.

The Mission Statement Committee is set. The request went out to the campus for input. Once we have an agreed upon statement we can set the goals, etc.

The Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services and the Director of Admissions are hired and will be here in January.

Dr. Radonovich reported there will be a resolution from Jack Schnell regarding the name change of the College. We will give the MBA degree. There was some discussion regarding the MSM degree from the past. There was a question of whether we can put something on the transcript to let employers know this is the same as an MBA. There was some discussion of a statement from the College or something on their website.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

No Report

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jeffrey Kulick).

No Report.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andr'e Reeves).

No Report.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

Dr. Burnett reported all proposals are in for the REU Program. There were 29. The Committee went through the process and ranked them and gave them to Dr. Vogler and now waiting for him. He will finalize the funding. They will be finalized in February or March. We will notify them pending funding.

The Distinguished Speakers information will start up in the spring. We should include in the letter something about the contract for professional services and lump sum payments.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

No Report. Clarke Rountree to Chair for Spring while Dr. Heikes is on sabbatical. Melinda Lawson requested the Student Attendance Policy be on the next agenda. The Abolishing the NC Grade bill will be up at third reading. Dr. Reeves brought forth information from Delois Smith and Jerry Mebane regarding the NC Grade.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Kader Frendi

No Report.

1.3.8 Ombudsperson--Gerald Karr

No Report.


Dr. Schnell presented a resolution supporting changing the name of the College. A friendly amendment was suggested to make the statement the Faculty Senate supports. The friendly amendment was accepted. The vote was unanimous and it will be taken to the Faculty Senate for a voice vote of support.

1.4.1  The December 20 Meeting was CANCELLED.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 15, 2007)

1. Meeting of 15 November 2007

Attending: Boyd, Schnell, Burnett, Heikes, Lawson, Radonovich, Williams, Reeves, Severn, Frendi, George, Karr

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Boyd reported she attended the Board Meeting last week. It was the Institutional Presentation for UA. They look good, their numbers are up. One interesting thing they are doing is making community service part of the degree. The one controversial item was a land sale that was tabled.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich announced that Steve Springer will be on campus tomorrow to give a presentation regarding immigration. Anyone working with foreign nationals should attend.

Dr. Radonovich had a meeting with the Provost at A&M. They have suggested naming the College of Business the College of Management or Business Management. Dr. Radonovich will go to the faculty in the college tomorrow and as for their choice. There is no discussion regarding the degree, that is decided. Dr. Schnell will bring a resolution to the Senate endorsing the decision of the College.

Dr. Radonovich talked about Promotion and Tenure guidelines for each college and department. He would like each college and department to have a set of guidelines that details and refines the statements in the Handbook. The expectations to candidates need to be more specific. He would like a set for each college by 08/09 with specific expectations. It will be different for each college. This will not be part of the Handbook-it may be an appendices. There was some discussion regarding effectiveness in teaching and not just using SIEs. We will need to change the Handbook during this revision to be more specific in using more than one criteria for effectiveness in teaching. Dr. Radonovich expects to have the college guidelines by May and will bring them in to the Executive Committee as he receives them.

Dr. Williams reported there are several searches underway. We are close to making a decision on the Admissions position. UA has increased their numbers impressively and they have an impressive scholarship budget. Investing in Admissions Personnel is important. We need to work on reaching out beyond North Alabama. UA is close to 33% out of State. We will need the support of the faculty and staff. We must increase enrollment to do other needed tasks.

We have a good set of candidates for Vice President for Advancement.

There are some applications coming in for Provost.

There was a comment that Marketing is the key to recruiting and there was some discussion regarding hiring part time personnel for other states. It was mentioned that 70% of our alums are in Madison County.

Dr. Severn reported he went to the first of an annual diversity conference. It was a great event. Shirley Malcolm was the speaker. She had great ideas that were very practical. It was well attended from across the State. There were good comments from the Chancellor on diversity in the System and the Commitment.

Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Dr. George reported they approved three courses in LBAR and one is in process for Science.

Dr. George reported the Honors Proposal need to be in by January to Dr. Mebane.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jeffrey Kulick).

No Report.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andr'e Reeves).

Dr. Reeves asked if the Lawyer giving a presentation tomorrow take care of the issues regarding immigration? It was suggested she make an announcement at Senate for those having problems to contact the Committee. Collect the grievances and send a memo to Dr. Greenwood.

She reported the Benefits Committee met and there is an open enrollment period. There is a slight premium increase and a dependent age increase to 26. There is a 5% decrease in dental. They are expanding the Flexible Spending limit. There is a change in Life Insurance Provider.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

Dr. Burnett reported they have only received one proposal for the REU. He will send a reminder

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes reported they have received the NC data and the bills are still pending.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Kader Frendi

No Report.

1.3.8 Ombudsperson--Gerald Karr

No Report.

1.3.9 Senate Bill 311--Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Dr. Deborah Heikes)

Abolishing the NC Grade

On the agenda for the next meeting at second reading.

1.4.0 Senate Bill 310--Smoke Free Building Environment

This bill is on the agenda for the next meeting at third reading.

1.4.1 The Agenda was set for the November 29, 2007, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 18, 2007)

1. Meeting of 18 October 2007

Attending: Boyd, Schnell, Burnett, Heikes, Anderson, Lawson, Radonovich, Williams, Reeves, Kulick

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

No Report

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich talked about the WebCT/Blackboard merger and changes. He talked about the merger of CNS with IT under the supervision of Dr. Wilson Luquire. He talked about the streamlining process for serving the Faculty, Staff, and students. There were 23% or higher of faculty using WebCT. We paid about $40K/year for it and they raised it last year after Blackboard took over to $140K. Dr. Radonovich talked to the VPs of the company and explained we were not going to pay that much. We did not want to have to retrain faculty on a new system. They lowered the cost to $91K for the first year. We had to switch to their server and they changed things that we did not know was going to change. We hired Bobbi Jo Rissmann and she has done a study and recommended we go with Angel. It would be about $40K/year. It would be a new instruction set but not much different than the current training we are conducting. Dr. Radonovich took this information to the System Chief Academic Officers. They did not know what was going on with their WebCT, we want it to be compatible with Banner, Luminis, etc. the platforms we use and those used by the System. We are studying it and will come back to you before the decision is made. There are many things tied into this.

There was a question of whether we will have assistance with web pages. Dr. Radonovich informed the group that if a request is made he will take a look at trying to get them some assistance.

This change to a new system would not occur for a year.

There was a question regarding increasing the email quota for those who teach using WebCT/Blackboard and the number of emails from students fills the email box and exceeds the quota.

In some cases when using WebCT/Blackboard the email portion is not working.

Dr. Williams reported the focus for many weeks has been on the opening of the Shelby Center. The Dedication went very well. Senator Shelby was very pleased. Mike Finnegan and Jack Fix did a great job. This has set the bar for future buildings and facilities on campus. This is a very good facility for classrooms and labs.

Work has begun on the intermodal facility. The Charger Cafe has reopened and looks very nice. We are currently looking at what we can do with Wilson Hall and Madison Hall both of which need renovations. The Bond issue came through much lower than we had anticipated and we are looking at the possibility of a bond issue ourselves.

The Search Committee for the Provost, the VP for Advancement, the Director of Admissions and the Assistant VP for Enrollment Services is set up and working.

Enrollment is not much different from last year. Time to graduation is not much different. We need to improve both of these. The Director of Admissions will have a goal of growing enrollment and recruiting nationally. We need to raise the enrollment numbers and lower the time to graduation. We need to have a recruitment attitude and everyone should be prepared to help. We hope that by this time next year we will be well into the plan and will have to invest in staff to do the recruiting. We need to agree to collaborate on recruiting and not compete with the other institutions in the system. We need to increase the number of out of state students. We have the space to grow. We need to look at the needs for classroom and housing 5 years down the road. Traffic and getting around campus is the challenge and it is being examined.

Fund raising is the job of the Vice President for Advancement and we did not have a plan and we need to develop a plan and involve the alumni more and in a positive manner. The professors that taught these individuals are the people they relate to. We need faculty support at alumni events. Get excited about what we do and let them see the value of the investment. We have to do this as a team.

Dr. Williams was asked about his view on NC Grading. He responded Grading is the responsibility of the faculty. If the NC grade is not fulfilling its purpose then he will support the faculty decision. His concern is if this was done to help the students who are challenged we have to make sure there is a safety net for those that are strong enough to take care of them and this does not scare them away. Student Affairs should be well aware of this and involved in the decision making process. Fall out is the concern. Dr. Radonovich echoed Dr. Williams' comments and he too, does not want to do anything that facilitates flunking students. We will take the faculty's recommendations seriously.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jeffrey Kulick).

Dr. Kulick reported he took the question regarding OSP and talked to about a half dozen people (Faculty), the Dean, and Gloria. There are problems and they range from having the wrong budget to submitting the wrong proposal to a variety of other problems. Even Center Directors had problems. He circulated a proposal for a Committee but the Governance Committee did not like it. A letter to the President was s suggested. A letter outlining the problems. Dr. Boyd will draft a letter.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andr'e Reeves).

Dr. Reeves reported she called a meeting and one person showed up. They looked at the Visa issue and are trying to deal with it delicately. They are also looking at the teaching issue and Faculty Development.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

Dr. Burnett reported he will get the call for proposals for the REU program out this week. He talked to Dr. Vogler about it. He raised the issue of allowing someone else to lead it if there is someone who desires to do so.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes reported the Committee has the bill on the agenda to be considered for second reading at the next meeting. She has requested information regarding retention rates for Fs.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Kader Frendi

No Report.

1.3.8 Ombudsperson--Gerald Karr

No Report.

1.3.9 Senate Bill 311 - Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Dr. Deborah Heikes)

Abolishing the NC Grade

On the agenda for the next meeting.

1.4.0 Senate Bill 310-Smoke Free Building Environment

Melinda Lawson brought this bill to the floor and there was discussion regarding the wording and how it would work. One friendly amendment was made to add that in line 29. The bill is on the agenda for the next meeting. Vote 7 in favor and 0 opposed.

1.4.1  The Agenda was set for the October 25, 2007, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 20, 2007)

1. Meeting of 20 September 2007

Attending: Reeves, Boyd, Schnell, Karr, Heikes, Burnett, Severn, Frendi, Anderson, Kulick

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Boyd reported Melinda Lawson and she went to the Board Meeting. The Proposal for the DNP was approved and the name change for the College of Administrative Science and the name change for the Masters in Business Administration were approved.

1.2 Reports from Administration

No Reports.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jeffrey Kulick).

Dr. Kulick reported he is collecting information on the Faculty Senator attendance issues.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andree Reeves).

No Report. Dr. Reeves was asked to look into a resource for Faculty who have poor teaching scores. An example from UA was given regarding Teaching Scholars. It was stated Dr. Radonovich also has some ideas regarding this. It was recommended the Chairs be involved.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

Dr. Burnett reported he met with Dr. Delugach and he was a great source of information regarding the REU and the Distinguished Speaker Lecture Series. He still has to meet with Dr. J. Gregory and Dr. B. Vogler. The funding is there for the Distinguished Speaker series but he needs to talk with Dr. Radonovich regarding the REU funding and make the request for the $30,000. He will contact Ray Pinner regarding a detailed report from him for the September 27 meeting.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes reported the Committee has two bills for review today on which they have been working-the NC Grading and Class attendance.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Kader Frendi

No Report.

1.3.8 Ombudsperson--Gerald Karr

\Dr. Karr reported he has dealt with some issues this past year and he has a written report he is turning over to Peggy Bower for Confidential Keeping for the person who is the next ombudsperson. He has five issues brought to his attention and they are all still active.

1.3.9 Senate Bill 311-Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Dr. Deborah Heikes)

Abolishing the NC Grade

Dr. Heikes brought the bill to the floor. The question was asked of whether the Committee had asked the students or SGA about changing this.

Dr. Schnell spoke in support of the NC Grade option. He pointed out that this started as a retention tool. He talked about the fact that Departments have the option of not using it and that the special cases could be dealt with on a case by case basis. He stated based on comments he received from his college it should continue.

There was some discussion regarding restricted it to those with a certain number of hours. Communicate the option of it being a departmental choice.

Dr. Heikes reported the faculty from Liberal Arts that communicated with her and those from other areas of campus indicated a concern for encouraging bad behavior and that it causes students to give up too quickly or too soon.

The vote for the bill was 4 in favor and 5 against at first reading. The Committee was asked to revisit the bill to incorporate some of the concerns raised in this meeting. They were asked to gather data regarding the NC grading.

The remainder of the bills were tabled for this meeting.

1.4.0 Proposal from Dr. Ramon Cerro Regarding OSP.

Dr. Boyd brought a proposal from Dr. Ramon Cerro regarding OSP to the floor for discussion. The Governance and Operations Committee was asked to look into this and look at possible solutions. Dr. Kulick suggested he may set up a small Committee of personnel from across campus that work with OSP on a regular basis to help determine possible solutions and report back to the Senate with a proposal for the Administration. Dr. Kulick asked the members of the Senate Executive Committee to send him names of individuals from their College who do research and that will be willing to help look into the problem.

1.4.1  The Agenda was set for the September 27, 2007, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (August 23, 2007)

1. Meeting of 23 August 2007

Attending: Boyd, Lawson, George, Kulick, Anderson, Karr, Heikes, Burnett, Radonovich, Severn, Reeves, Schnell

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Dr. Boyd reminder the Senators they are responsible for communicating information to their colleagues.

Dr. Boyd discussed briefly the attendance of administrators at the Senate Executive and Senate Meetings. The consensus is that the Administrators will be asked to attend given a report, field questions, and leave unless requested to remain for special issues. Dr. Boyd will send an email with this information.

Information will be sent to Senators regarding the minimum attendance requirements for Senate and Senate Committees and the consequences.

There was some discussion regarding SIEs and instructors who consistently receive low SIE scores and workshops or training for those instructors.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported there is now a uniform Commencement Walk Policy. The Policy was discussed and it was reported the response has been positive.

Dr. Severn discussed the Withdrawal Policy and the Email Policy. The Email will become the official communication starting in January.

There was a question regarding disappearing addresses after one semester out. Dr. Radonovich will check on this. There was also a question regarding the permanent repository for emails. Dr. Radonovich will check on this as well.

Dr. Radonovich will be appointing an acting Dean for Liberal Arts which a search for a new Dean is conducted.

There are other changes occurring around campus.

There was brief discussion regarding the signature change.

There was a question whether the funding for the REU and the Distinguished Lecture Series would continue. The response was yes. Dr. Radonovich will check to make sure this is in the budget.

Dr. Radonovich requested input on the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness. Send an email or call him with recommendations and suggestions.

A Search is being conducted for the Director of Admissions. We are moving quickly and one change has occurred to have the Director of Admissions report to the Provost.

There was discussion regarding the SIEs and Lab Courses. Dr. Severn will check on this and check on resolving the problem.

There was a discussion regarding Banner Access issue and Instructor of Record having access to labs and clinicals. There will be a check on Course Manager access to other sections.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

The Committee will report on any new programs, course changes, and status of ARC.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

The Committee will complete the Faculty Student Relationship Policy, and update the Faculty Handbook.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jeffrey Kulick).

The Committee will look at the election of Senate Officers, the status of University Committees, review attendance policy for Senators, and motorcycle parking.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Andr'e Reeves).

The Committee will review and report on the New Faculty and Staff Clinic, report on faculty mentoring programs and make any relevant recommendations, and communicate with the VP for Student Affairs regarding pressing issues regarding student development and success.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (John Burnett).

The Committee will work on the REU Program, Distinguished Lecture Series, Report on University Budgets, and University Computer Network issues.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

The Committee will review appeals for readmissions, bankruptcy, report on standards and statistics for admissions, retention, graduation, recommend any changes to policies, and review NC grading policy.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Kader Frendi

No Report.

1.3.8  The Agenda was set for the August 30, 2007, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 19, 2007)

1. Meeting of 19 April 2007

Attending: Lawson, Reeves, George, Boyd, Anderson, Kulick, Heikes, Franz, Radonovich

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Melinda Lawson discussed the need to elect Committee Chairs for 2007-08 once we know the incoming Senators.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz talked about the response to the Virginia tech incident and discussed how the UAH campus community would respond. Suggestions about registering cell phones to receive urgent text messages and emails are considered. Dr. Radonovich suggested including TV monitors posting urgent messages immediately.

Dr. Radonovich reported regarding the form for faculty who are leaving UAH to have an exit interview with the Provost or the Ombudsperson. Does it need to come as a Senate Bill? It was suggested we ask Peggy Bower. Or can the form be the same one currently being used and just add a change to the existing form.

The advertisement for Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness has been posted.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Shari George reported over 50 changes in course forms from the undergraduate schools was reviewed this year but no new ones have arrived this month.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

Dr. Anderson brought forth a bill regarding faculty-student relations. This was discussed and a need for a policy addressed by the following discussion questions: 1) What defines a nonprofessional relationship and how can conflicts be addressed? 2)Does the student take a different class to avoid conflict of interest if he/she is dating the professor? 3) What is the difference between hanging out, or playing tennis with students compared to an intense, personal relationship?

It was reported by the Student Affairs Office that three to five student per year voice concerns about relationship issues with faculty personnel. Several changes to the initial bill as offered by members present.

The vote for the bill was five in favor, one opposed, and no abstentions. The bill passed and will go forward to the Faculty Senate at next week's meeting.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jeffrey Kulick).

No Report.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Kader Frendi).

No Report

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Harry Delugach).

Melinda Lawson reported for Harry Delugach that seven proposals are being reviewed for distinguished speakers for 2007-08.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Deborah Heikes reported her Committee is working looking at academic bankruptcy.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Lynn Boyd

No Report.

1.3.8  The Agenda was set for the April 26, 2007, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Executive Committee Meeting (March 15, 2007)

1. Meeting of 15 March 2007

Attending: Lawson, Karr, Reeves, Frendi, Boyd, Heikes, Kulick, Franz, Radonovich, Delugach

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Melinda Lawson announced that one of the faculty members, Peggy Hays, who received an REU Grant last year is presenting the results of that research at a conference in Vienna this year.

Ms. Lawson took nominations for President Elect and Ombudsperson. Ms. Lawson nominated Kader Frendi and Lynn Boyd seconded the nomination. There were no more nominations. The vote was unanimous for Kader Frendi as President Elect for the 2007-08 ballot. Ms. Lawson nominated Gerald Karr for Ombudsperson and it was seconded by Lynn Boyd and Deborah Heikes. There were no other nominations. The vote was unanimous for Gerald Karr as Ombudsperson for the 2007-08 ballot.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported that as of July 1, 2007, Dr. David Williams will be the new President of UAH.

The Applied Sciences Building is being completed.

Dr. Franz talked to Rotary again today. He shared some rankings form the NSF Federal funding and where we stand in the rankings. We rank very high

Dr. Franz went back to West Virginia and talked with them recently regarding things that happened there over the years and things that have happened here.

There was some discussion of the budget for this year and Governor Riley's proposal versus the plans of the Legislature.

There was some discussion regarding housing for students who come with families.

Dr. Radonovich reported the Instruction Technology Administrator position has been offered to Bobbi Jo Rissmann and her start date is May 14.

There was discussion regarding the Classroom Clicker issue, the rewrite of the Faculty Handbook, Promotion and Tenure Criteria and rankings for Non-Tenure Earning Faculty.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Report emailed as Dr. George was not present.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Jeffrey Kulick).

No Report.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Kader Frendi).

The Committee recommended Jennifer English and Jeff Neuschatz for the QEP Oversight Committee. These names will be brought to the Faculty Senate at the next meeting.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Harry Delugach).

No Report.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

No Report.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Lynn Boyd

Dr. Boyd encouraged the Committee to talk to colleagues and encourage them to take their role in the Senate seriously. She asked them to encourage departments to take this seriously.

There was some discussion regarding Administration Attendance at meetings.

1.3.8  The Agenda was set for the March 29, 2007 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 22, 2007)

1. Meeting of 22 February 2007

Attending: Radonovich, Franz, Kulick, Frendi, Anderson, Delugach, Karr, George, Lawson, Reeves, Boyd, Heikes

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Discussed the SIEs and SIE use and lack of any other evaluation by students. There was discussion regarding vindictive students, basing P&T on results, using for financial compensation and awards. There was discussion regarding whether there are other ways of evaluating. The faculty would like a number of means of evaluation. Consider peer reviews. Look at outcomes and tracking students over the years. The Personnel Committee should look at ways to evaluate faculty.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported renovations are on time for the Charger Caf. The major part should take place sometime during the summer. We are not sure how we are handling the summer.

Applied Sciences building is behind. It should still open some time in late summer.

The lake and entrance are going well and still ahead of schedule.

Dr. Franz just came from the Chamber Executive Committee Meeting and there was a discussion brought up by someone else regarding the Applied Sciences Building and the impressive view from Bradford drive coming over the hill going east.

Dr. Radonovich discussed WebCT and turnitin.com and the grading features and other common features and how it works. When we have a person hired as the ITA we will go over to WebCT/Blackboard server. There was some discussion of the ITA position and the split of time. Dr. Radonovich stated they will have to see where the colleges are and what are the needs.

Dr. Radonovich reported there is work going on with Knight versus Alabama and strategic planning and diversity on campus.

The Provost stated our promotional salary increases are now good as the research from the ASGEE universities show.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Mrs. George reported there were seven applications for course changes. The Committee has looked at these and sent them back to Dr. Severn's Office and they will be signed soon. The Committee has been very busy. The Catalog is going well.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Richard Fork for Jeffrey Kulick).

No Report. Dr. Kulick investigated the motorcycle problem with Facilities and with Public Safety. They state they have no reports and no record. Reports should be filed each time there is a problem so there is a record and the reports then filter to the appropriate department and personnel.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Kader Frendi).

Dr. Frendi reported he had a poorly attended electronic meeting. The Committee talked about the faculty resignation data and faculty nominations for the QEP. The data was spotty. There was discussion of taking data for the future retention and that the Chair of the department starts and passes it along to the Provost for recording. There was discussion regarding the process/procedure and using the checklist and adding something to it. Personnel will take a look at this and propose a bill for a policy and procedure and give the person the option of talking with the Provost or the Ombudsperson.

There was some discussion regarding retirement and looking at whether there is going to be a large number of faculty retiring in the same period of time.

There was some discussion regarding interviewing and the cost of interviews to replace people and why the cost comes from the Department and not from the administration. It should come from the College. The Provost will take a look at this.

QEP Nominations were Jennifer English, Eric Seemann, Stephen Waring, Carol Strong, Jeff Neuschatz, Don Wallace, Mary Setzer. It was suggested that the Committee request a half page of information. Get an ok from the individuals and bring the list back to this Committee.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Harry Delugach).

The Distinguished Speaker Series request for proposals went out. There is a speaker on campus today talking about Human Factors at 7:00 p.m. tonight. Dr. Delugach reported the Committee should have the decisions by the end of April.

It was suggested to Dr. Radonovich the REU funding be regularized.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

No Report.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Lynn Boyd

Dr. Boyd talked about the fact that at the last Senate Meeting Dr. R. Miller expressed concerns regarding technical support. Dr. Boyd will ask Dr. R. Miller to send a report to Ray. She will also contact Mr. Toone to do the same.

Dr. Boyd distributed information from Marcia Green regarding a new Smoking Policy. She would like to speak to the Faculty Senate. We will invite her to the next meeting.

1.3.8 The March 1, 2007 Senate Meeting was cancelled.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 25, 2007)

1. Meeting of 25 January 2007

Attending: Kulick, Delugach, Karr, Boyd, Frendi, Heikes, George, Lawson, Radonovich

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Reminded the Committee Members to send comments to her regarding the Presidential Candidate Interviews.

Suspended the agenda and brought the Sense of the Senate Resolution to the floor and Dr. Delugach seconded the motion. The Sense of the Senate Resolution passed unanimously.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported on the Instructional Technology Administrator Position and the Promotion and Tenure process.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Richard Fork for Jeffrey Kulick).

No Report.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Kader Frendi).

The Committee met by email. There is still a lack of participation on the Committee. They talked about the Research experience for High school Students and they talked to Mark Gale about working on the UAH Web site to put something up that is dedicated to High School Students. They will also put a keyword search on the front page at the top. They also looked at the faculty resignation data analysis. There were many that did not give a reason for leaving or the column was marked do not know. The idea of adding a second nurse practitioner did not go. The Committee talked about the nomination of faculty members to be involved on the QEP Oversight. There was a question of whether it was necessary for one faculty member to be a Faculty Senator and it is not necessary. There needs to be a faculty member involved with Freshmen and a member involved in good teaching methods and a member could be in a department in a good place to judge the success of the QEP. The Committee will determine the criteria and bring it to this Committee. They would like the involvement of this Committee in making the nominations.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Harry Delugach).

No Report.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

No Report. Dr. Heikes brought the issue of motorcycle parking to the Committee. Cars park in the slots for motorcycles. The slots are not big enough for the motorcycles. There is no map for where motorcycle parking is located. There is no enforcement for motorcycle parking. The Chair of Governance and Operations will talk with Public Safety about this issue and report back. Dr. Kulick will email with Dr. Heikes.

1.3.7        President-Elect--Lynn Boyd

Dr. Boyd brought up the issue of Faculty Senators not taking their position and duties on the Senate seriously. Dr. Boyd and Mrs. Lawson will deal with this.

1.3.8        The Agenda was set for the February 8, 2007 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (December 14, 2006)

1. Meeting of 14 December 2006

Attending: Boyd, Karr, George, Heikes, Delugach, Franz, Fork, Frendi, Radonovich

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Melinda was at the Presidential Search Committee Meeting.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported he attended the SACSCOC meeting in Orlando and UAH's accreditation was reaffirmed. This was good and Dr. Franz said a thanks to all involved in helping making it happen. He reported there was an attempt to make some changes in the principles at the meeting. Someone wanted every courses assessed. There were some groups that spoke against this and it was remanded back to the Committee.

Dr. Franz gave a report to ACHE and that went well. He will show the presentation to the Executive Committee at some point.

Dr. Radonovich reported that the WebCT contract is in legal and will be signed tomorrow. We will renew the contract. Dr. Radonovich reported he was able to get the cost reduced from $162K to $91K. The cost will increase next year to $112,000, then $100,000 after that. The Angel System is about $30,000 but shifting would not be consistent to the faculty commitment to not have to learn something totally new. This is also still compatible with what the System uses. WebCT interfaces. We are operating with Allen Whitten handling emergencies for faculty and Jim McCullars running the server. We will shift into the new Blackboard and they will be running the server. There will be some adjustments but with a lot of enhancements. Dr. Delugach mentioned it will be slower on campus with them running the server off campus. Blackboard says it will not.

We had another contract with Horizon Wimba and last year at $22,000 per year. We ask for responses from faculty of those who use it and we got none first and three. Jim McCullars sent a notice and received responses. We have renewed the contract. As soon as we fill Barry Scott's position we will push to get people on Horizon Wimba or get rid of it.

Dr. Radonovich announced to the faculty to remember that Michelle Korf will be at the January 26 Academic Council Meeting to give a presentation on the System Distance Learning information.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Shari George reported the Committee will have a bill under new business. They have looked at several course changes and new courses. They have been inundated but they are up to speed and everything has been signed off on except four program changes.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Richard Fork for Jeffrey Kulick).

Dr. Fork reported the Committee met electronically. He distributed minutes from the meeting. The Committee looked at the observance of the Bylaws and having two faculty member on the Research Council. They looked at having one that is a stable position and one that is rotating so there is good representation from across the campus.

The Committee also looked at the study of the Research Environment. There was discussion of the survey instrument and who would oversee the study. There were discussions regarding incremental changes. It was suggested the Committee come for the with a proposal for selecting the members to recommend to Dr. Greenwood for the Research Council. It was also suggested the Committee come forth with a plan for the study of the Research Environment. Dr. Fork will discuss this with Dr. Kulick and advise him that the Committee should come forth with bills to deal with formalizing the process and procedure for the study of Research and for the selection of the members to recommend for the Research Council.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Kader Frendi).

No meeting. Lack of interest.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Harry Delugach).

Dr. Delugach reported the Committee met and looked at the 34 proposals and ranked them. There should be money to fund 14-18 proposals. Dr. Delugach reported he is not waiting on the Committee to let him now the next step. They would like to fund all but 4 or 5 with some sort of funding. Would like to get funding identified by February. The Committee doesn't think it is necessary to extend the deadline. They have many good proposals. Someone suggested the Committee talk with the Development Office for money.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes reported the Committee has dealt with 3 readmissions and 4 bankruptcies.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Lynn Boyd

Dr. Boyd conducted the meeting in Melinda's absence.

1.3.8 Senate Bill 308 was moved to the floor and discussed.

The bill passed unanimously at first reading and will be on the agenda for the Senate meeting at second reading.

1.3.9 The Agenda was set for the January 11, 2007 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 16, 2006)

1. Meeting of 16 November 2006

Attending: Anderson, Heikes, Fork, Frendi, Lawson, Karr, Delugach, Vaughan, Franz,

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Melinda Lawson reported that the Presidential Search Committee met and spent time considering candidates. There are many good candidates and they have narrowed the field for interview sessions.

Melinda announced that the College of Nursing Health Fair will be Friday.

Melinda reported she attended The Board of Trustees Meeting Thursday and Friday and most of the meeting was the UA Institutional Presentation.

Melinda announced that Gloria Greene would like to address the Faculty Senate again and she is interested in hearing from faculty.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported things are going well. The roads may be open before fall-perhaps summer.

The Presidential Council Dinner was Tuesday night and went very well.

We have the largest freshmen class this year. The ACTs remain high. Diversity continues to grow. We have some 80 countries and 40 states represented here. Over $70M in research dollars were awarded and $50M in expenditures. We are at an all time high.

Dr. Franz talked about the recent assaults on campus. He would be willing to have Mike Finnegan come and talk to this group. There was discussion regarding more surveillance cameras on campus.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Linda Vaughan reported for Shari George. The Committee reviewed revisions from the Management and Marketing Department and from Music. They will also have a Course Repeat Policy revision for the next meeting.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

Dr. Anderson reported he met with Delois Smith and they are coming up with a statement for the Handbook regarding faculty dating students. The Statement will include faculty not dating students and if there is already a relationship established that it be disclosed to the faculty member's Chair and Dean. The Committee will work on the wording and have something for the Executive Committee later.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Richard Fork for Jeffrey Kulick).

Dr. Fork reported the Committee had an electronic meeting. They identified two people for the University Standing Committees that needed a Faculty Senate Representative. Joyce Thompson will serve on the Use of Human Subjects Committee and Linda Vaughan will serve on the Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Committee. Dr. Fork reported he discovered in looking at the Bylaws that the Research Council is supposed to have two members on it from the Faculty Senate. The Senate is to supply four names and Dr. Greenwood is then to choose two. Melinda Lawson and Richard Fork had a good meeting with Dr. Snider. They were invited to a future meeting. There is a strategic plan for improving the Research environment. The Committee addressed the question of initiating a study of the environment for research at UAH. This follows the study done of OSP that was positively received and provided useful information. The difference would be that the study of the research environment would likely be a long term study. The reason for a long term study would be interest in making changes while also being able to evaluate the influence of those changes over time. The group performing the study would include representation from all interested groups. This would include faculty who are members of research centers and those who are not members of centers. There were six yes votes and one abstention vote on the Committee in support of the study. It was suggested that the Committee make sure they look at faculty issues and what is best for the faculty. Ask what would make it better for the faculty. Two suggestions have been made 1) UAH buildings be heated (or air conditioned) on weekends and holidays since a number of faculty are present and work during those time periods. 2) Attention be given to providing adequate release time for faculty research. The next step would be to draft a survey instrument and move ahead with something similar to what was done for the OSP.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Kader Frendi).

Dr. Frendi reported the Committee met last week and he had a problem getting people together. The Committee is still waiting for data from the colleges. Dr. Frendi has analyzed the data from Engineering and is waiting for the others.

He mentioned that UAH has no keyword search on the main page. They found this in their discussion about High School Research Experiences. There was a suggestion for creating a page for High School Students. We are behind other universities around the State.

The Committee discussed the QEP and the Oversight Committee. They believe the Faculty Representatives for the Committee should be those that have direct contact with Freshmen. Dr. Frendi gave a copy of the report to Melinda Lawson.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Harry Delugach).

Dr. Delugach reported the REU announcements went out. They have received one solid proposal and one that is not so solid. The Committee came up with a good set of criteria that is short, simple, and low stress. The Committee will meet again on December 7 to go over proposals that are in at that time. They will make preliminary decisions and close the details in January. There was some mention and suggestion of having a longer period to work on the proposals. Dr. Delugach will pass this along to the Committee. The Committee will think about extending the deadline.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes reported the Committee has worked on the posthumous grading issue. Dr. Franz stated this is a good idea but he wants automatic withdrawal and the Professor may have the option to assign a grade other than F. Lacking anything else there will be a withdrawal. Work on the wording of a process and Peggy will work with Dr. Heikes and the Committee and the Provost and President. Dr. Delugach moved to table the bill presented and Dr. Karr seconded the motion. This issue will be reworked.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Lynn Boyd

No Report.

1.4 The November 30 Faculty Senate Meeting was cancelled.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (19 October 2006)

1. Meeting of 19 October 2006

Attending: Anderson, Heikes, Fork, Frendi, Lawson, Karr, Boyd, Neuschatz, Franz, Radonovich

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Melinda Lawson reported that ACUFP was supposed to meet but the meeting was cancelled. The President of ACUFP resigned and Andr'e Reeves is taking over. Because the 30 day notice deadline was missed we will be meeting on line and Melinda will report information back to you when she has it.

Melinda Lawson will keep you informed regarding the Presidential Search when we have information.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported the roads may be open by summer. The lakes and roads are ahead of the building. The building should be open in fall 2007. We should be able to occupy it in late summer so that departments have a chance to move in before fall semester.

Dr. Franz reported we will start soon on the first phase of the intermodal system. We are still looking at a transit system on campus. We continue to move houses in the Sanderson Subdivision. We continue waiting and working with those remaining. There are about seven.

The baseball and softball fields are going great.

The expansion of the dining facility should start soon and we will move the wall out and it will become a glass wall and we will move the ceilings higher. They will start the expansion in the summer and then finish for fall.

Dr. Frendi asked about the green space between Morton Hall and the Residence Halls. Dr. Franz responded that will happen later. It is a million dollar project.

Other projects may become more important. We have to prioritize and look at the money.

Dr. Radonovich reported that Dr. Diana Bell accepted the Academic Resource Center Director position. She will be ARC Director full time. The Writing Center will find a replacement.

Dr. Radonovich announced that the person who runs WebCT gave his notice and will go to work for someone else in November. He has been offered more money from someone here in town. WebCT is used extensively by faculty. Blackboard bought WebCT and they have us. To run it next year will cost $162,000. We can solve that problem. Good news is that Blackboard will now maintain the new servers for this program. Dr. Radonovich is proposing that during the transition while we are seeking new person that we train a person in CNS to push the buttons and keep WebCT running and then we do a search and hire someone to do Instructional Technology with the faculty. They will answer indirectly to Dr. Radonovich and will be housed in the Library. Dr. Radonovich will keep you updated. Mr. Halverstadt has bought the module for WebCT to talk to Banner.

Dr. Radonovich announced that John Maxon will talk about Freshmen Housing tomorrow at the Academic Council and then at the next Senate Executive Committee Meeting we will talk about it.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Shari George was not present but Melinda gave the report on her behalf that the Committee is looking at the Course Repeat Policy.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

Dr. Anderson reported the Committee is meeting with Delois Smith soon regarding faculty and student dating. It was suggested the Committee look at the AAUP guidelines and follow those.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Richard Fork for Jeffrey Kulick).

Dr. Fork reported the Committee met. He distributed minutes from the meeting. The Committee has looked at the University Committees and Faculty Representation on those Committees. University Review Board does not have representation but it really doe not seem appropriate for a representative to be appointed to that Committee. The Faculty is already represented on the Committee and there is a report at the end of the Committee work each year. In the absence of any complaints we do not see the need for appointing anyone to that Committee. There will be no appointment to the URB but we will appoint someone to the EOAA and Human Subjects Committee. Dr. Fork stated the Committee was appreciative to Peggy Bower for her assistance with this task. Dr. Fork stated he asked for suggestions from the Committee of what they might do as a Committee. The Committee discussed reviewing the Faculty Senate Bylaws and they agreed to continue the discussion of revising the Bylaws and possible changes to them. Dr. Fork asked for input from the Executive Committee on any suggested revisions or changes.

Dr. Fork pointed out that the Research Council does not have faculty representation on it. It is not a University Committee but it does make decisions that affect faculty and meets regularly. Should there be representation on that Committee. Things happen that are of interest to faculty and having representation there might be a way to inform faculty. It was stated that the thought was that deans represent the faculty and are to communicate to the faculty but it is difficult for deans to communicate the information because they have so much information and tasks to deal with. Dr. Fork solicited input from others. It was suggested Melinda Lawson meet with Dr. Greenwood and talk about having faculty representation on the Council. It might be that the Faculty Senate President could automatically be a member of the Council. This is a good suggestion but again the Faculty Senate President already has so many responsibilities and it might better to have someone research active and someone who does not have as much responsibility. We are a different institution in that our research and academics are intertwined and not separate. The Committee agreed this is an area to look at and Melinda Lawson should meet with Dr. Greenwood. Dr. Fork will go with her to the meeting. The goal is transparency of information flow and development of a continuing relationship.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Kader Frendi).

Dr. Frendi reported the Committee has met and discussed all the items they were assigned. The Committee will probably will make recommendations as opposed to bills. The Committee received data for faculty resignations and terminations, etc. They will continue to look at this and make recommendations on the results of the analysis. The Committee was unclear about what is happening with the ARC and faculty representatives to the Oversight Committee. It was stated the Committee needs to make recommendations for faculty to serve on that Committee. Dorothy Foote is contacting Delois Smith on the additional Nurse Practitioner. Melinda Lawson stated she talked with Delois Smith and Delois Smith has gotten approval to hire a second Nurse Practitioner and is looking at the possibility for longer hours for the Clinic.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Harry Delugach).

Dr. Delugach reported the Committee met and talked to Dr. Vogler about the REU program. The Committee will come up with guidelines for the proposals. The proposals will still be somewhat informal. The Committee will meet November 2 to formalize the call for proposals. The deadline for the proposals will be December 1. The President has allocated $25 to $30K for the proposals. The Committee has recommended not paying the students hourly but paying them a stipend. It was a major hassle to do the hourly pay. The Committee will recommend $3000 per student as a stipend. The Committee would like to reduce the paperwork if possible. It should not be necessary for the Committee to review every transcript. The Faculty member sponsoring the student should know if the student is qualified. The proposal should justify anything not fitting the form of the guidelines. The Committee is looking at including things other than research such as creative works. The Committee's goal is to get the word out early and make decisions early. It was pointed out that the communication flow is important. It was requested the Committee look at having or allowing opportunities any time not just in the summer.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes reported the Committee is also discussing the Course Repeat Policy. The Committee is looking at a posthumous grading policy. They will look at a pass fail option as opposed to a letter grade. There was a question regarding students who become ill and are dying and have an incomplete. The Committee will look at this and discuss it as well. The Committee has the Academic Misconduct Bill today. There is a typo on last the sentence. It should read Only students. Also should correct the et to etc. Dr. Boyd moved to accept the bill as written, with a second from Dr. Neuschatz. Senate Bill 306 passed at first reading and will be on the agenda for the Faculty Senate Meeting October 26.

1.3.7 President-Elect--Lynn Boyd

Dr. Boyd stated that last year we worked with OSP and that went well but then we were supposed to look at Contracts Grants Accounting and that has not happened. Dr. Franz thinks the problem is a University problem and has to do with the new computer system. We are looking at solutions. There was some discussion regarding the problem existing before Banner and that it is more than a Computer System problem. One problem occurring since Banner is that the balance disappears on statements. You can see that there were transactions but no beginning and ending balance. One of the problems that has existed and still exists is that companies are not receiving invoices. The statements were showing funds but the funds were not coming from the outside. Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich will talk with Ray Pinner about this. We will find out how to fix it.


Melinda Lawson brought up a concern with regard to Banner and access to information. The course managers do not have access to the list of students in the labs. Is it possible to get this? It was stated that it may require extending access and this then becomes a security issue. Melinda Lawson will call Janet Waller regarding this. We need information in timely manner.


Dr. Frendi stated the SIE needs to include more information all along the way and make it more useful for assessment, etc. We might consider adding questions along lines of those asked by ABET and SACSCOC. It was stated we do not want to increase the length of the SIE too much because the students then will not want to complete them. Dr. Frendi and the Faculty and Student Development Committee look at this and see what can be done. Some schools are already moving in that direction.

1.3.10 The Agenda was set for the October 26, 2006 Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 21, 2006)

1. Meeting of 21 September 2006

Attending: George, Anderson, Heikes, Fork, Frendi, Severn, Lawson Karr, Boyd, Raines, Franz

1.1 Faculty Senate President's Report

Melinda Lawson reported she and Lynn Boyd attended the Board Meeting last week. Budgets were approved. Melinda had some discussions with other Senate Presidents. She observed our campus is better at getting along with the administration than others. She reported on the Presidential Search Committee. There was a good turn out on Monday at the Forum. There was not as good a representation from Faculty as she would have liked but many faculty were in class. There was a good representation from the Community. There is a good pool of candidates. The Search Committee and the Search Firm is still entertaining nominations. Melinda asked that the faculty go back to their colleges and if anyone knows a good candidate please submit the name(s). The Search Committee will look at candidates and narrow the number to about eight depending on how many applications we get. The Chancellor wants the Committee to pick the top five and he will choose three for interviews. Dr. Boyd expressed that there is some concern for considering candidates having qualifications without an academic background and without having been a faculty member.

Melinda reported she had a conversation with Delois Smith at the Board Meeting regarding an additional Nurse Practitioner for the Wellness Center and she has received funding for this.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Severn reported he sent something to Shari George regarding course repeats.

Dr. Severn reported Dr. Radonovich is at the ACHE meeting trying to prevent the History degree at North Alabama from being approved.

Dr. Severn reported this is a Catalog year and we will begin working on this in October. We would like to do a facelift and there will be an opportunity for major revisions.

Dr. Severn reported he is looking at data on Course repeats and NC grading.

Dean Raines reported the last report has gone to SACSCOC about two weeks ago. There were seven recommendations from the On Site Committee. Three of the recommendations dealt with academic policy issues. Four of the recommendations dealt with the QEP. There were really only three compliance issues where we did not supply adequate information, etc. There was one related to contact hours in relation to credit hours for things like labs, internships, etc. The policy has been clarified and sent out. There was one issue related to a position in the Library and we had stated it as a faculty position but it was more appropriately a staff position. The third is today's issue regarding testing of competencies in the general education areas. We had done a good job in individual colleges explaining the skills and student's competencies in the skills but we did not have a university wide method of providing information proving the competencies. We used the ETS MAPP Test and gave the first test in February and we should have had the results in March but we received the results in August. SACSCOC needed assurance that we had a plan and we were using the information. Dean Raines distributed a packet of information regarding the results of the tests. She explained the contents of the packet. She stated that comparatively our students did well. Our students are in the top 4 except in writing and there they are in the top 8. What we want to do now is to look seriously at the results and think about how to handle the results and what to do with it now. The information we have is not enough information to use significantly but we need to look at the information over time. We have to decide if ETS will remain the company we use. We like the test and hope the difficulties will be rectified and we can continue with them. This was the first time this test was given and difficulties may have arisen due to that and it came at the same time as some difficulties with the SAT. We looked at several tests and companies but they matched best with our needs and what we were looking for. Deans are reviewing the information and will talk with Department Chairs and determine how to deal with what we have. We also wanted to talk to this group. We are putting this on the agenda for the Academic Council and we have asked that it be placed on the agenda for the Curriculum Committee. Dean Raines explained what we have in the packet and how it is put together. Dr. Severn explained how we went about getting the test and sample group. We looked at other institutions that had gone through the SACSCOC reaffirmation recently and their information. The sampling came from those students who had applied for graduation and we wanted 100 students to take the test. We issued 180 invitations. We looked at the demographics of the list and chose participants and then generated the list and invitation letters were sent. We offered an incentive of $50 to take the test and we offered the top 10% another $50 for doing well. Sixty three students took the test and we ended up with sixty one results and this was a valid sample and typical of other institutions. The methodology is the same as other institution. This will be an ongoing part of the evaluation process. If anyone has questions they should call Dean Raines or Dr. Severn. We would like to work at getting a higher sample next time. We will review the entire process but it will be a similar process in the future. There was some discussion of the comparison and how we do by comparison rather than raw score. Dean Raines stated we will use these as a basis of discussion and determine where to go with our goals. The target is an institutional decision.

The QEP will take care of some of the information of where students are when they come in and how different they are when they leave.

There was some discussion regarding the list of comparison schools and what kind of schools are they and are they schools we want to be compared to. We hope the number of participants and the scores will increase.

We hope in the future we will be able to choose the institutions for comparison. We hope that over time we will have choices in comparisons.

Review this and if anyone wants to talk about it more Dean Raines will be glad to come back or anyone can call with specific questions or comments.

Dr. Franz talked about the Charger Cafe and the next renovation. He reported the food is pretty good and students love it and it is all you care to eat.

The idea is to expand it again. The wall where the computers are will be taken out and pushed out and will be all glass and the floor to ceiling height will be greater. The stairway to the bookstore will be refurbished and made wider and more accessible and the restrooms will be refurbished. The construction will start in February and they will build the external part first and then in the summer they will do the rest and have it ready to reopen in the fall. Dr. Franz reminded the faculty they can eat at Charger Cafe for $5 a meal but they have to put it on the Charger Card. The renovation will double the seating capacity.

They are making good progress on the lake and the new entrance. They are ahead of schedule. The Applied Science Building is slightly behind on the schedule. This building will be spectacular when it is finished. It will have student gathering areas in the back. The third floor will have a faculty lounge, and a gathering/activity area. Dr. Franz reported they took one house out of the Sanderson Subdivision and will eventually take all but six out because we do not own six of them. It may be some time before we change this to a greenway because we do not want to exercise imminent domain with the people that are left.

Dr. Franz reported he and Ray Pinner attended an SGA Meeting. At this meeting there were comments on Library hours. The students would like to have the Library open until 1 or 2 in the morning. Dr. Luquire and his staff are looking into this. They are also looking at vending machines in the Library. Dr. Franz also has Mike Finnegan looking at lighting around the Library area and between the Library and the Residence Halls if the Library is going to remain open later/longer hours.

Dr. Franz reported we have enough money to start the Parking Garage/Intermodal Transportation Building. One problem is that we are given the money on yearly increments. This restrains our ability to build what we want. We are looking at preliminary designs. We will build it in two parts. The first part will have 400 spaces. We could have this one completed in early 08. Until we have it completed parking will be tight for the Applied Sciences Building.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Dr. George reported the Committee is meeting Oct. 12.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

Dr. Anderson reported the Committee has not met. Melinda reminded him the Committee should look at faculty dating students and invite Delois Smith to the meeting.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Richard Fork for Jeffrey Kulick).

Dr. Fork reported he has looked at the University Committee and their membership to be sure there is a Senate Member on each Committee. The ADA Committee does not have a member and the EEO Committee does not have a Senator on it. The University Review Board does not have a Senate Member but it is probably exempt from that Bylaws rule due to the nature of the Committee. Peggy will get Dr. Fork an updated copy of the University Standing Committee Information. The Committee will also work on changing the Bylaws to reflect the change in the PRAC.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Kader Frendi).

Dr. Frendi reported the Committee has not met yet.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Harry Delugach).

Dr. Delugach sent his report by email since he is out of town. Melinda reported funds were committed for the REU program to continue.

Melinda gave a report on the REU funding and program and the proposals submitted. Three publications and 10 presentations came from the program last year.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

Dr. Heikes reported she has been emailing about electronic devices in exams. She distributed information about bankruptcies, readmissions, etc. Dr. Severn reported they are working on reporting information to faculty but they are still dealing with Banner issues. We are not getting timely reports at this time. We did get reports early in the semester of those in trouble to be able to intervene early. This is not happening now due to Banner. We can get information to advisors/faculty but it is circuitous now. We are working on making this better and timelier.

1.3.7 Ombudsperson (Gerald Karr)

Dr. Karr reported when he took the Ombudsperson position there were no records and no information on anything that was going on. This created a lack of knowledge and continuity. Dr. Karr thinks it would be good to have a general report without names or details on what the Ombudsperson doing and what cases he is working on to the Executive Committee. In addition to this there would be records kept of the Ombudsperson's work kept in a locked area by a designated person and only accessible by the Ombudsperson and one other individual in order to keep continuity on cases as the Ombudsperson changes or leaves, etc. This way records would be kept but confidentiality maintained. The Executive Committee agreed to have records kept confidentially.

1.4 Dr. Frendi and Dr. George moved and seconded with unanimous agreement from the Executive Committee to Cancel the September 28 meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (August 31, 2006)

1. Meeting of 31 August 2006

Attending: Neuschatz, Boyd, George, Lawson, Fork, Delugach, Heikes, Anderson, Frendi, Radonovich

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

Ms. Lawson distributed and discussed a list of agenda items for the various Committees of the Faculty Senate for the 2006-07 Academic Year. Other ideas and items were also added.

There was some discussion regarding the Presidential Search. The Committee will meet again September 18 and 19.

There was some discussion regarding the Faculty and Staff Medical Clinic. This is something the Faculty Senate and Staff Senate and College of Nursing have been working on. The Administration supports this. This would be a walk-in for minor problems that could be handled quickly. They will also do a great deal of preventative classes, etc. A timeline has been established and we hope it will be up and going quickly. Give any feedback on this to Melinda Lawson. This will be separate from the student wellness center. They are currently looking at locations.

Melinda reported that all the staff to support Research Activity in the Colleges has been hired except the one that will be shared between the three Colleges of Liberal Arts, Administrative Science and Nursing. They are interviewing for that one.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported that the last report to SACSCOC is in the final stages. We should be sending it in next week. We should hear from SACSCOC in December about their final conclusion. Dr. Radonovich will ask Dean Raines to come in and talk with this group and others once the report is finalized and sent in. The report from SACSCOC was good. There were only three items of essence to address. One was a policy issue regarding labs and nontraditional courses and contact hours. The policy basically states that there are three contact hours for every hour of credit for a course. There are some exceptions and we have outlined very clearly what has to be done regarding these exceptions. The policy is based on what we have already been doing.

We now have the results of the exam that was taken by graduating students regarding the core requirements. The exam shows that the students do get the basic skill set. We have been waiting since May for the results. We contacted 171 students and 75 took the test. The results were above or way above other peer institutions. On the national level the students did well. You will see the results in the final report. We will continue this each year for some time. SACSCOC was concerned about when students are not doing well and what we do about that.

Dr. Radonovich would like the Scholastic Affairs Committee to formulate a policy forbidding blackberries, cell phones, and other electronic devices such as these in exams.

Dr. Radonovich reported it has come to his attention that young faculty do not know what is in the Handbook. He thinks this problem exists because there are no hardcopies of the Handbook distributed. It is updated on the web but faculty do not use it as a reference as they would a hardcopy. The reaction is different to an electronic copy versus a hardcopy. He would like the Senate to look at the Handbook and make recommendations so that we can make revisions and print hardcopies in January and distribute them. There may be areas that need changes and there may be areas that could be combined.

There was some discussion regarding Nektar and the settlement and the use of the funds. After legal fees they would like to use most of the funds for scholarships. Discussions are taking place with Nektar personnel and input will be sought from various sources on campus as well.

There was some discussion regarding an Associate Provost for Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness and the continuation of the SACSCOC Office.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Sharon George).

Dr. George reported that rather than meet as scheduled on the calendar they will meet as needed for approving various items. They will be looking at revisions to the undergraduate catalog as requested this year as well.

1.3.2 Personnel (Michael Anderson).

The Committee will review the Faculty Handbook and personnel procedures.

The Committee will look at a policy regarding faculty/student dating.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Richard Fork for Jeffrey Kulick).

The Committee will review the SACSCOC information, disseminate information and make recommendations.

The Committee will review University Committees for Senate Members on each Committee and designate a liaison to each Committee as needed.

The Committee will review the Senate Bylaws and make changes were needed.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Kader Frendi).

The Committee will investigate a research experience for high school students.

The Committee will assess the rate of faculty resignations/turnovers and review methods of faculty retention.

The Committee will work with Delois Smith and explore adding a second Nurse Practitioner to the Wellness Center to provide 24 hour coverage.

The Committee will participate in and make suggestions regarding the development of the ARC and appoint two faculty to the QEP Oversight Committee.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Harry Delugach).

The Committee will evaluate this year's REU program, review the budget and establish the program for next year.

The Committee will continue to work on the Distinguished Speaker Series and review the budget.

The Committee will review the budget.

The Committee will also make recommendations/suggestions for changes to the Faculty Senate website.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Deborah Heikes).

The Committee will review requests for academic bankruptcy, retroactive withdrawal, readmission, and probation.

The Committee will report the number of students reviewed and actions taken.

The Committee will review academic criteria for awarding scholarships and recommend changes as needed.

The Committee will look at a policy regarding the use of cell phone, blackberries, and other electronic devices during exams.

The Committee will look at a policy regarding grading posthumously.

1.4 Agenda for the September 7 Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 11, 2006)

1. Meeting of 11 April 2006

Attending: Neuschatz, Boyd, Gaede, Newman, Lawson, Tippett, Delugach, Franz, Radonovich

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

No Report.

Dr. Karr reported he and Dr. Reeves went to the ACCUFP meeting and he distributed a document regarding Electronic Privacy Policy which came from Auburn and was discussed at that meeting.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz briefly answered questions regarding Electronic Privacy Policy and Wireless Internet for the campus.

Dr. Radonovich discussed the SACSCOC report and the budget preparation. He talked about the QEP and the recommendations from SACSCOC

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede and Kathy Newman).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Lynn Boyd).

No Report. The Committee did not take up the new issues given to them.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Donald Tippett).

There was discussion regarding nominations for Senate Officers and the Faculty Senate membership and Faculty Senate Committee assignments. There was also approval of the ballot for the University Standing Committee elections.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Harry Delugach).

No Report.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Melinda Lawson).

Ms. Lawson reported the survey done regarding the health care on campus showed the majority in favor of having it. The Committee has had some financial analysis done showing the feasibility and cost of doing this. There is possible grant money for this kind of thing. The Committee will have this group who did the analysis talk to the Senate in the fall.

The Committee is about to make the Distinguished Speaker Awards.

Ms. Lawson reports there were 8 proposals accepted for the REU with 15 additional ones. They will make the awards soon.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

No Report.

1.4 Agenda for the April 20 Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 28, 2006)

1. Meeting of 28 February 2006

Attending: Reeves, Franz, Gaede, Radonovich, Newman, Karr, Neuschatz, Delugach

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

No Report.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported that we are still promoting the QEP. We are on the last leg of the Promotion and Tenure for this year. He talked briefly about the QEP and the SACSCOC visit and the team. Peggy will send a copy of the list of Team Members to the Executive Committee. There was some questions and discussion regarding Learning communities and how this ties into the QEP.

Dr. Franz talked briefly about the Rotary Meeting he has just attended where some of the Educators spoke.

There was some discussion regarding the budget and the $500M. The Governor would like to push the Bond Issue.

There may be some possible mediation on the Lawsuit. There is a meeting to discuss this next week.

There was some discussion regarding the SACSCOC Committee and the visit.

There was some discussion regarding registration and the way it was handled last time with the alphabetical registration. Dr. Franz reported that they believe they can work out being able to register anytime. Dr. Franz wants to encourage students to register early. Dr. Franz still wants to work on advising and contacting individuals and getting them to register.

It was suggested Banner needs to give meaningful error messages. Last time it didn't tell the students why they could not register.

Dr. Franz wants contact for students every semester-this provides a connection.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede and Kathy Newman).

There are new course approval forms for undergraduate courses approved and distributed for use. They are also on the web. The Graduate forms were sent to the Graduate council and are being discussed. The old form is currently labeled Graduate and is on the web for use until the other forms have been decided upon.

There was some discussion regarding the need for a syllabus for both the 400 and 500 level courses when they are cross-listed and undergraduate and graduate to show the differences. When courses change there must be a difference. There was some discussion regarding the forms.

1.3.2 Personnel (Lynn Boyd).

Dr. Boyd will take the Salary Bill to the Committee for work and discussion. There was some discussion regarding the bill and the units. It was suggested it be kept at the college level to avoid individual identification in small departments. There was discussion regarding the pros and cons of the bill especially regarding salaries. There was a friendly amendment to change it to where a person fairs, not regarding discrimination.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Donald Tippett).

No Report.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Harry Delugach).

No Report.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Melinda Lawson).

No Report.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

The March 9, 2006 agenda was set.

The April 13 Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting will be moved to April 11, 2006, provided it works into the Honors Day Schedule.

The April 13 Meeting will be the Chancellor's lunch and address.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 9, 2006)

1. Meeting of 9 February 2006

Attending: Reeves, Tippett, Franz, Gaede, Radonovich, Newman, Lawson, Karr, Neuschatz, Delugach, Fix

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

No Report.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported we are now ok with grading situation brought up by Dr. Tippett regarding incompletes. This will not be an incomplete for one week. A memo has been sent by Dr. Radonovich to allow this to occur. This works especially for distance learning.

Dr. Fix reported the QEP is in place and has gone to SACSCOC. Dr. Fix distributed the Executive Summary of the QEP. On campus reviewers have been approved. We need to make faculty, staff and students aware of the QEP. The Academic Resource Center, which is the component of the QEP may be housed in Madison Hall or Wilson Hall. There will be $50,000 for tutors; and $50,000 for mentors. We need to publicize the QEP. We could send summary handouts to all faculty and staff. Ideas for disseminating information to students are to post it on WebCT, and talk to large freshmen classes. Dr. Fix will meet with the Academic Council, colleges, departments, Staff and Faculty Senates, Administrative Council. Pocket size cards with information will be printed and disseminated for faculty and staff and students. Faculty can hand out cards, post information on WebCT. There was much discussion about ways to disseminate the information.

Questions were raised regarding having faculty and students on the Oversight committee. There was a bill introduced to the Executive Committee. There was agreement by Dr. Franz that faculty members should be a part of the Oversight Committee. Dr. Radonovich suggested the faculty member should serve a two year term. Dr. Delugach suggested that the faculty member should be a faculty who work with freshmen. The faculty member will be selected from a pool/list of names presented by the Senate Executive Committee. The Provost will select from this pool/list, two faculty members to serve. The bill introduced will be held.

Dr. Franz reported on the law suit with Nektar. The process discovered by Dr. Milton Harris (retired faculty member) allows for extended release drugs. It was done in the late 80's and early 90's. We went through a procedure and UAH got a patent. Intellectual Property information is found in the Faculty Handbook. If there are intellectual developments then the University owns the patent. The University excludes textbooks. Dr. Harris developed Shearwater and we allowed them to use the Patent. Nektar sent a letter saying they would no longer pay royalties. The suit has been filed because they stopped paying. In the process of preparing for the lawsuit it was discovered that Dr. Harris filed for many patents while at UAH. Dr. Harris has been added to the suit because of these patents that should have been disclosed to UAH. Shearwater had 28 patents and sold 20 to Nektar at 197 million dollars. The Trustees say we have a responsibility to do this. We may mediate to resolve. There was some discussion regarding the policy and a countersuit by Nektar.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede and Kathy Newman).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Lynn Boyd).

No Report. There was a bill regarding salary disclosure that is being sent to the Personnel Committee. There was discussion regarding the pros and cons about disclosure of faculty salary.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Donald Tippett).

There was discussion regarding a bill to amend the Senate Bylaws to prohibit department chairs and other administrative faculty from serving on the Faculty Senate. There was some concern about removing people from governance who are very concerned about the University. There is concern about Jr. Faculty getting in trouble regarding speaking out in meetings. The bill passed at first reading and will be on the agenda for the Faculty Senate Meeting next week.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Harry Delugach).

No Report.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Melinda Lawson).

No Report.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

The February 16, 2006, meeting agenda was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 12, 2006)

1. Meeting of 12 January 2006

Attending: Reeves, Tippett, Boyd, Franz, Gaede, Radonovich, Newman, Lawson

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

No Report.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich and Dr. Franz reported regarding the QEP. It is in the final stages. The general overview of the plan is that there will be an Academic Resource Center (ARC) established with a Coordinator with at least a master's degree in the educational field, answering to the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies, and with an Oversight Committee, and an Assessment Committee. There will be peer tutors and peer mentors for freshmen in freshmen classes. The tutors will be juniors and seniors assigned to about twenty key classes and sections. They will be selected by the ARC coordinator and the faculty of the participating department. They will be trained and they will be paid. They will attend lectures in the course to which they are assigned and offer group sessions using the supplemental instruction model, offer individual tutoring sessions for the students in the course as needed, keep records of their contacts and meet regularly with the course instructor to discuss issues regarding student learning in the course and to plan group sessions with students.

The peer mentors will be assigned to groups of approximately 10 entering freshmen. There will be about 20 groups for a total of about 200 freshmen. The peer mentor will have a major the same as or similar to that of the freshmen. They will be juniors or seniors. They will be trained and will work with students on study skills, time management, stress management, and note taking skills. The small group sessions addressing the above issues will take place the first four weeks of the fall semester and the mentors will maintain contact throughout the semester. This approach provides additional ties to UAH.

Dr. Franz reported the Legislative session is starting and it will be interesting.

Dr. Franz gave accolades to the faculty for the response in getting the grades in for fall semester.

Dr. Radonovich reported there has been work on the calendar and addressing some concerns the faculty had. The 2007-08 calendar is proposed and the fall break is currently TBA in that calendar to address one of the concerns the faculty had. The Senate Executive Committee reminded Dr. Radonovich that one of their concerns was a Calendar Committee and faculty input to the Calendar decisions. He will work on addressing this and perhaps reestablish a Calendar Committee with the Senate Governance Committee as faculty representation on that Committee.

There was some discussion regarding Fall Commencement 2007.

Dr. Radonovich reported that ACHE granted the requested waivers for the nonviable core Liberal Arts programs.

Dr. Radonovich reported that the equipment and software have been updated in Testing Services and they are the official test site for TOEFEL, GED, and GRE.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede and Kathy Newman).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Lynn Boyd).

Dr. Boyd distributed the recommendations resulting from the OSP Survey. Dr. Franz will discuss the recommendations with the VP group and inform Dr. Boyd so that the Committee can close the loop by reporting by to the faculty the results of the survey and the recommendations and actions taken.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Donald Tippett).

Dr. Tippett reported a problem encountered with grades at the end of the fall semester specifically relating to graduate students in distance learning courses. The way the grades were rolled and the deadline set for doing so created graduate students in distance learning courses receiving an incomplete unnecessarily. Students should only receive an "I" when they have extenuating circumstances that preclude them from finishing the work during the semester. He suggested there should be a better or another solution for these students to allow a supplemental submission of grades or the removal of the "I" from the student's record. Dr. Radonovich recommended Dr. Tippett write a memo listing the students and get the Chair and Dean to sign it and send it to him and he will give specific instruction to the Registrar. There will have to be work on a long term solution.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Harry Delugach).

No Report.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Melinda Lawson).

No Report.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

The January 19, 2006 meeting agenda was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (December 1, 2005)

1. Meeting of 1 December 2005

Attending: Reeves, Tippett, Karr, Boyd, Franz, Delugach, Gaede, Radonovich, Newman

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

No Report.

Dr. Karr, Past President and Ombudsperson reported on the ACUFP Meeting. Dr. Karr reported some of the topics at the meeting were: Guidelines on monitoring faculty computer usage and notification to faculty when their computer usage is monitored; evaluation of administrators from an outside agency; and publication of faculty salaries.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported the UAH web page has been redone and there are two issues. The Deans will work on input from their areas. All links must be maintained until after SACSCOC. Dr. Radonovich would like to have pictures and faculty interests/research areas, etc. on the web sites.

Dr. Radonovich reported he met with Bernhard Vogler about the REU. They are looking at how it will interact with other REUs. The Faculty Senate Finance and Resources Committee will oversee the application process. Melinda Lawson will contact Dr. Vogler and invite him to a meeting of the Committee.

Dr. Radonovich gave a brief report on the SACSCOC Preliminary Report. He talked about the General Education Requirements. There is work needed in that area. Learning Outcomes is the other area that needs some work. Budgets were a concern but will be taken care of when the final audit is received in January. The other areas were just technical errors to be corrected. There may be some policy changes that need to come through the Faculty Senate.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede and Kathy Newman).

Dr. Gaede had no report but still had concerns regarding the 64 hour policy.

1.3.2 Personnel (Lynn Boyd).

Dr. Boyd reported the Committee has been working on the OSP User Survey. There were 268 sent out and 89 returned. Mary Spann was hired by Dr. Greenwood to help with the analysis of the survey. She took the responses from Peggy and made a summary which was a 12 page report. It did not include the comments. It showed that some people are happy and some people are unhappy. There was survey evidence that many contract administrators do a good job but some do not. People at the Centers appear to be happier than faculty and this may have something to do with having more staff available to support the people in the Centers. We may need to include something in orientation for faculty members to know what they should do and what OSP does. There needs to be something that explains what OSP is responsible for and what the faculty member is responsible for and what the faculty member needs to know and what they have to do and where or who to get help from. There was some discussion regarding the desire to see the comments or a summary of the comments. The consensus was that seeing the comments would better assist the administration in knowing what to do rather than just looking at quantitative numbers. The consensus was that transmitting the comments to Dr. Greenwood would be useful. The committee will meet today to discuss the results.

There was some discussion regarding the possibility of having a staff position in the Deans' offices dedicated to take care of Research information for faculty in the college-a kind of liaison person. The Committee will work on a proposal.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Donald Tippett).

No report.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Harry Delugach).

Dr. Delugach reported he had talked with Toni Morgan about publicizing UJB summary information in the Exponent. Dr. Delugach reported the number of cases have gone down. Alcohol abuse is down and academic misconduct is down. Turnitin.com has made an impact. We need to encourage faculty to file reports. If they file a report they do not have to request action at the time of filing the report. The report goes in the file and the Judicial Officer takes action if a pattern is noted. There was a suggestion of training/educating students about what plagiarism and academic misconduct is. There was a discussion regarding self plagiarism. The Committee will meet to discuss making faculty more aware of the judicial process.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Melinda Lawson).

No Report.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee met and talked about the iTOEFL. Dr. Moriarity met with the other Graduate Deans and all others are keeping the same standards as before. We will keep the same standards and see how it goes. We will meet again and discuss six academic bankruptcies and three readmissions.

1.4 Agenda

The December 8, 2005, Meeting was cancelled.

Dorothy Foote will talk about Health Fitness at a future meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 1, 2005)

1. Meeting of 1 November 2005

Attending: Reeves, Tippett, Karr, Boyd, Franz, Delugach, Gaede, Radonovich

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

No Report.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported that he has authorized and allocated monies to buy new equipment and software for Testing Services. He also reported that the cost of Scantron is high and Testing Services has a small staff with many tasks. They are requesting that Scantron only be used for major testing. They have been having groups of 25 students taking weekly or daily quizzes and this is expensive.

Dr. Radonovich reported he met with Dr. Gerald Karr and Dr. John Gregory regarding the REU. Dr. Radonovich and Dr. Gregory have committed funds for the project. When the REU was proposed it was proposed that the Finance and Resources Committee of the Faculty Senate serve as the Oversight Committee. Would you like another group such as the Faculty and Student Development Committee to serve as the initial oversight committee? Dr. Radonovich asked for the input of the Executive Committee on who they wish to oversee the project initially.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede and Kathy Newman).

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee is still discussing the Course Approval Forms and thinking about having one for graduate and one for undergraduate. There was some discussion regarding 400/500 level courses and inconsistency across campus with handling these courses as well as 500 level courses that both graduate and undergraduate student can take. Dr. Gaede will write down concerns and questions and send them to Dr. Reeves who will take them to the Graduate Council.

1.3.2 Personnel (Lynn Boyd).

Dr. Boyd reported the OSP Survey went out and is due Friday, November 4, 2005. The Committee plans to analyze the data in the next two weeks and come up with recommendation and submit them to the Vice President for Research. Dr. Reeves will work with Dr. Snider to send an email reminder for individuals to return the surveys.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Donald Tippett).

The Committee is receiving election ballots for the Faculty Appeals Committee Elections. They should have the results by Monday.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Harry Delugach).

The Committee is still working on publicizing the summary information from the University Judicial Board somewhere either in Insights or the Exponent. The Committee is still gathering turnitin.com information.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Melinda Lawson).

No Report.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

Agenda items were approved for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 13, 2005)

1. Meeting of 13 October 2005

Attending: Lawson, Reeves, Newman, Tippett, Karr, Boyd, Franz, Neuschatz, Gaede, Radonovich

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

No Report.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported they are proceeding with questionnaires and common discussion groups regarding the OSP concerns. They will also incorporate Contract and Grant Accounting in the discussions.

There was brief discussion regarding the Student Success Rates Issue.

There was brief discussion regarding the NC Grade issues and the work on that by the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee. Dr. Franz wants to meet with and talk to the Committee when they discuss this item. There was some discussion regarding the NC grade and its effect on the student success rate and in relation to financial aid and withdrawal versus the NC grade. It was suggested there should be a way to trigger the academic threshold when there are too many NCs in order to advise the student on their progress. The desire is that students are making good progress toward completing a degree program. There was some discussion regarding a flag for those who do not successfully complete 2/3s of what they attempt. There was some discussion regarding the number of advisors for colleges and how to adequately deal with the number of students needing advisement at any given time.

There was some discussion regarding motorcycle parking and it has been reported that there are not enough motorcycle parking spaces or the spaces are not big enough to accommodate the motorcycles.

There was also a suggestion that repainting the lines for the spaces in the lot across from Morton Hall might increase the number of parking spaces.

It was reported that the expansion of the parking lot when the road between the Residence Hall and Morton Hall is removed could add about 160 spaces. This should happen within a year. Dr. Franz will bring diagrams here when decisions are to be made. Dr. Franz reported he will schedule a PRAC meeting in the next week or so to discuss these things.

There was some discussion of zoned parking, etc. and doing this right requires the parking deck. The Executive Committee was asked to think about various options of assigning spaces-there would be significant cost for assigned spaces, zones-the individual would buy a sticker for a particular zone and can park in that zone in any lot on campus-the cost associate with this type parking would be prorated based on where the zone is located-i.e. how close to any particular building.

There was discussion regarding upgrading software in Testing Services to meet the current needs of various types of tests.

There was discussion regarding increasing the safety of the crosswalk crossing from Spragins Hall to the Nursing Building.

Dr. Radonovich reported Testing Services-will be the official site for the GED, etc. in January. ETS has approved us as the official site beginning in January.

He also reported the TOEFL Exam will be changed to Internet Based in January. There needs to be a decision regarding acceptable scores for this new iBTOEFL. There is a proposal that may be reasonable. It has been recommended that the Graduate Council and the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee meet jointly and consider this proposal.

Dr. Radonovich also reported the Headcount is up and the Credit Hour Production is up. Liberal Arts and Engineering have been growing steadily for the last few years.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede and Kathy Newman).

Dr. Gaede reported that the Committee has been working on revising the course approval form. The Committee is trying to revise it so that it incorporates more of what the Committee needs to see and ensure proper procedure and informing. Dr. Gaede is also recommending using PDF 7.0 Professional to mount the forms so they can be circulated and approved electronically. Dr. Gaede will send a copy of the revised form around.

1.3.2 Personnel (Lynn Boyd).

Dr. Boyd reported the Personnel Committee will work on the OSP concerns. She will work with Dr. Greenwood's Office on development of the questionnaire and the group discussions.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Donald Tippett).

No Report.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Harry Delugach).

No report

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Melinda Lawson).

There was some discussion regarding some concerns that had been brought to Mrs. Lawson's attention. The increase in the number of students and the increase in the number of students on campus has generated a need for making assistance available to students after the normal working hours. If we are looking at those things that would improve and enhance enrollment, these are things that would help. This will be sent to Dr. Delugach's Committee to bring a recommendation. There discussion regarding the Wellness Center. There was some discussion and question about the Faculty and Staff Wellness provision with the Nurse Practitioners. There was some discussion regarding more affordable Daycare for Faculty and Staff. There is a waiting List for the Preschool Learning Center and it is still expensive. There was also some discussion regarding a sick child daycare for faculty and staff.

There was some discussion and recommendation for reestablishing a Calendar Committee with a representative from each college and representatives who are teaching faculty with children in school.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee met and discussed what to do about students who die during the semester. Janet Waller will come to the next Committee meeting and talk about this topic. The Committee also talked about the number of hours a student should take after the student files for bankruptcy in order for the student to qualify for the bankruptcy to go into affect.

1.4 Agenda

Agenda items were approved for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 13, 2005)

1. Meeting of 13 September 2005

Attending: Reeves, Karr, Delugach, Neuschatz, Gaede, Newman, Radonovich, Franz

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

Dr. Reeves asked a question regarding Student Success Rates and how they are used in relation to Faculty and decisions. There was some discussion with Dr. Radonovich regarding the purpose and use this information. When Student Success is viewed in relation to the students in the class with a grade of C or better, how is this information used. Dr. Radonovich reported that at some institutions this data has been used to determine any issues with grade inflation. Grade inflation has not been an issue her. Here it is used to examine Student Success and how to improve in areas where improvement is needed. It is also part of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) for SACSCOC.

Dr. Reeves asked a question regarding reporting of Salary increases as far as averages, etc. She had a request from West Alabama relating to the AAUP report. Dr. Franz stated that the AAUP Bulletin (Academe) comes out in March with a report. Dr. Franz will get copies of last years report for the Executive Committee.

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported the enrollment is up overall. The undergraduate numbers are up and the graduate numbers are down.

Dr. Franz reported the fraternity and sorority housing groundbreaking was exciting and successful. It was a great turnout. There was a large number of students present.

Dr. Franz reported we have 17 students displaced by Hurricane Katrina.

Dr. Franz reported we are dealing with the BANNER problems. We will get an expansion to deal with the server problem. There was some discussion regarding the backup and maintenance time and interrupting access for students. Some are recommending maintenance be done between 3 and 6 a.m.

Dr. Franz reported he did take the recommendation from the Faculty Senate and has increased the stipends for promotion from Assistant to Associate and Associate to Full Professor. He will mention this in his report to the Faculty Senate.

Dr. Radonovich reported he is working with Debra Moriarity regarding graduate student recruitment. She will be putting out a proposal request to departments for proposals to enhance graduate student recruitment. There will be approximately 5 awards of around $5000 each.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede and Kathy Newman).

Ms. Newman reported the Committee met and approved two honors courses. Dr. Gaede wanted to remind everyone to be consistent with the use of the terms prerequisite and co requisite.

1.3.2 Personnel (Lynn Boyd).

No Report.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Donald Tippett).

Dr. Tippett reported through Peggy that the Committee has met and looked at the University Standing Committees to determine if there is a Faculty Senate Representative on each Committee. There are about four Committees that do not have a Faculty Senate Representative on them and he has about six Senators that are not appointed to a University Standing Committee. The Committee will take the next step to correct the situation.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Harry Delugach).

Dr. Delugach reported the Committee is talking to Toni Morgan and Belinda Ong regarding tunitin.com, and gathering some statistics on the success and adequacy of the program and the training in the use of the program. The Committee will make its report or recommendation on this after gathering the data.

Dr. Delugach also reported the Committee is looking at the possibility of reporting summary information regarding University Judicial cases.

The Committee is also inquiring regarding the Sanctions for Academic Misconduct Resolution the Senate passed in 2004-05.

There was also some discussion regarding NC grades and the number of NC grades appearing on students transcripts. Dr. Delugach suggested the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee gather data on this issue and determine if a policy is needed to limit the number of NCs.

There was a question regarding online SIEs and experimenting with this possibly in the College of Liberal Arts. Dr. Radonovich suggested Barry Scott come to the next meeting.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Melinda Lawson).

No Report

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

No Report

1.4 Agenda

Agenda items were approved for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (August 25, 2005)

1. Meeting of 25 August 2005

Attending: Reeves, Karr, Tippett, Delugach, Neuschatz, Gaede, Boyd, Newman, Lawson, Radonovich, Franz

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

Dr. Reeves asked about the feasibility of sending out a request for issues and ideas from faculty from across campus. The Senate Executive Committee thought it was a good idea.

Dr. Reeves asked about notifying all faculty of who the ombudsperson is and the duties of the office. This too was received as a good idea. Peggy will put something together to send out on the Ombudsperson.

Look at the issue of no written policy for evaluation of Vice Presidents.

Look at an evaluation of tunitin.com and a report from the evaluation.

Look at the sunshine law for UJB cases and a report, excluding student information-a general summary report.

Look at the Distinguished Speaker Series Fund and are the funds being spent as they should. Why is there a restriction in the announcement that a department cannot receive it again if they have already received it once?

There was a question about the parking situation at Morton Hall and the recommendation/resolution from the Faculty Senate. Peggy was asked to check with Dr. Franz on this.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported that we have now had two good years in a row regarding salaries. He stated the Education Trust Fund is doing well.

He reported we are finishing SACSCOC

He reported the new dorm is partially finished and will work will continue over the next few years. He reported the dorms are 75% occupied.

He reported the work continues on the Applied Sciences Building. It is scheduled to be completed fall 2007.

There was discussion regarding problems with Banner. It was stated this is a bandwidth and equipment/server problem.

Dr. Radonovich stated we are focused on solving the problems and we will solve them. There was some discussion regarding POS on line and it was reported by Dr. Radonovich that this will come in the future. The transcripts and transfer credit issues have to be dealt with now.

Some faculty members still do not have access in Banner because they have not received their password. Dr. Radonovich thought this was something the deans take care of. It was stated CNS issues the passwords and in some cases it is taking up to 3 weeks. Dr. Radonovich was going to deal with this issue.

Dr. Radonovich stated we will solve the problems but this process will be ongoing for the next few years.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede and Kathy Newman).

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee spent a great deal of time last year cleaning up the catalog. They will be looking at Banner definitions to make sure they clear up the Prerequisite, corequisite, and parallel definitions.

There was some discussion regarding the change in classification of students and the email from Janet Waller.

1.3.2 Personnel (Lynn Boyd).

Dr. Boyd reported that the Committee passed the resolution regarding inclusion of Sexual Orientation in the Handbook.

The Committee would like to look at a career path for non tenure track faculty and uniformity in this process. Dr. Franz reported the University has done several things to accommodate these positions and help with the careers and has rewarded them for good work.

The Committee was going to look at the promotion and tenure raises for Associate to Professor and Assistant to Associate. Dr. Radonovich reported that the raises for these promotions have been increased over the past two years and now it is $3000 for Assistant to Associate and $5000 for Associate to Full. Dr. Franz suggested a note from Dr. Radonovich be sent since this came about as a result of efforts of, and the recommendation of the Faculty Senate.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Donald Tippett).

Dr. Tippett reported that they will be looking at the University Standing Committee to make sure there is a Faculty Senate Representative on all the University Standing Committees. They will be conducting the Faculty Appeals Committee Elections soon.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Harry Delugach).

No Report

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Melinda Lawson).

No Report

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee is investigating a policy on giving grades posthumously, or to a student who dies or is killed during the semester. Dr. Franz suggested Dr. Neuschatz talk with Janet Waller and Delois Smith and get them to search and find out what other schools do.

The Committee will also look at the Academic Bankruptcy Policy and reworking it to include a minimum number of hours to be completed the next semester or the next time the student is enrolled. Perhaps 12 hours and the bankruptcy does not become effective until the hours are successfully completed.

1.4 Agenda

No Agenda Items. The Executive Committee voted to Cancel Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 21, 2005)

1. Meeting of 21 April 2005

Attending: Karr, Lawson, Williamson, Radonovich, Neuschatz, Hillman, Pakhomov, Reeves, Gaede, Coward, Franz

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

1.2 Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz talked about the Board Meeting. He talked about the faculty information presented by Dr. Karr at the Board Meeting and clarified a couple of items regarding the faculty salaries. There was some discussion regarding the University Preschool and the building projects

He talked briefly about his upcoming Japan trip.

Dr. Radonovich distributed two items for discussion and action by the Committee.

The first item was Evaluation of Part-Faculty Policy. There was some discussion regarding the criteria and expectations and the title of that section. There was some discussion regarding how to obtain some of the information and how it would be used. The item passed unanimously at first reading.

This item generated some discussion regarding the SIEs and whether SIEs should be done for small courses with less than 5 people. The Personnel Committee was asked to look into this and get a ruling.

Dr. Neuschatz asked whether his Committee should make a recommendation for a catalog change to reflect the practice here that retroactive withdrawal is for UAH students to use here not to use to go to another institution. His Committee is to make a recommendation for a catalog change so that the common practice is common knowledge.

The second item was Outside Teaching Policy. There were a couple of friendly amendments to change paragraph three to read in which academic credit is given after outside teaching activities and to make the last sentence read This policy does not apply to faculty members on approved sabbatical leaves at another institution. This item passed unanimously at first reading with the friendly amendments.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Andrew Coward).

Dr. Coward reported the Committee recommended faculty be provided parameters by college for the rankings on the FAR form. There was some discussion regarding this issue. Dr. Coward was informed the Committee needs to put the recommendation in the form of a bill.

Dr. Coward reported the Committee recommends raise percentages by provided in the letter that goes out to faculty and staff. Again, this is for comparison purposes. There was some discussion on this and it was recommended this would not be advisable. Dr. Franz will get more information on what is available in the Library with regard to salaries.

Dr. Coward reported they were presented with an issue of GTAs quitting during the semester and the repercussions of that. This falls under the Graduate Council.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson).

Dr. Williamson discussed the Senate membership and the Senate Committee memberships for next year and sought nominations for officers.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson).

Ms. Lawson reported they have been investigating the possibility of take out from the Charger Cafe. They have a suggestion of holding the ID with a time stamped receipt that gives the individual a limited amount of time and once they have the carry out they retrieve the ID on the way out. Dr. Franz has presented this idea to Ms. Smith and will find out what happened.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov).

Dr. Pakhomov reported they have three proposals for Distinguished Speakers for this time; one from Math, one from Chemistry, and one from Physics. Dr. Franz discussed Dr. Waring's suggestion and asked Dr. Pakhomov to have the Committee investigate the restriction of those who won the awards last time not being eligible this semester. He wants to determine if more money should be added.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee has discussed bankruptcy cases and readmissions.

1.4 Agenda

Part Time Faculty Evaluation

Outside Teaching Policy

Senate Committee Chairs

Officer Nominations (Melinda Lawson-President Elect and Lloyd Hillman-Ombudsperson).


Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 29, 2005)

1. Meeting of 29 March 2005

Attending: Karr, Lawson, Williamson, Radonovich, Neuschatz, Hillman with proxy for Pakhomov, Reeves, Gaede, Anderson for Coward, Franz

Absent: Coward, Pakhomov

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

Dr. Karr asked the Committee to consider moving the Faculty Senate Meeting that is scheduled for next Thursday, April 7 to Tuesday, April 5 due to The Board of Trustees meeting scheduled on Thursday, April 7.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported the Staff Senate has proposed a sick leave bank policy. He explained the policy and stated once there have been some minor modifications he will likely sign the policy. This policy would only affect full time staff that are in the benefits program.

There was some discussion regarding CPR classes that were given and the desire to see those continue. There was some discussion regarding defibrillator for each building.

Some BANNER concerns were discussed. Dr. Franz will take these concerns to the 8:15 group and get information out to the faculty. There was some discussion regarding ID numbers in banner and going away from the current practice. It is the understanding that everyone will be issued a unique ID number in BANNER.

Dr. Radonovich reported they are still fighting the battle of inclusion of Licensure for Engineering in the Performance Indicators. He reported the Core Liberal Arts viability issues are something that is being worked on again. There are three programs that do not meet the ACHE viability standards. We have until mid summer to seek a waiver. The Bachelor of Arts in music, chemistry and physics. Music will have 7.3 which makes them viable. Physics has 6.9. We have to think seriously about how to deal with these issues. Dr. Radonovich will seek the counsel of the Faculty Senate to respond to these. He will ask the Executive Committee to give ideas at the appropriate time.

There was some discussion regarding SIEs and the problem with having SIEs for classes of 1 or less than 3. There was some discussion regarding a campus policy for having a minimum number of 5 or more for distributing SIEs.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede).

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee dealt with a curriculum matter from ADSC. It was sent back due to discrepancies. The Committee has finished with the catalog.

1.3.2 Personnel (Andrew Coward).

Dr. Anderson reported for Dr. Coward that the Committee has dealt with the issue of publishing reappointment evaluation information for administrators. The Committee considers this a bad idea.

The Committee looked at the FAR and how faculty are ranked and the request to look at how the faculty member ranks with all others. The Committee considers this a bad idea also.

The Committee looked at the issue of salary raises and knowing all the raises for comparison purposes. The Committee considers this a bad idea also.

The Committee will inquire of other faculty members but at this time do not consider it advisable to take further action on these matters.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson).

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee will place the elections for University Standing Committees on the agenda for the next meeting.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson).

Ms. Lawson reported they have been investigating the possibility of take out from the Charger Caf. They have a suggestion of holding the ID with a time stamped receipt that gives the individual a limited amount of time and once they have the carry out they retrieve the ID on the way out. They have checked the times of operation and the Caf opens at 7 a.m. They are checking the times for lunch.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov).

No Report

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

Don Halverstadt to give information and questions and answers on BANNER

University Standing Committee Elections.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 1, 2005)

1. Meeting of 1 March 2005

Attending: Pakhomov, Neuschatz, Karr, Radonovich, Lawson, Jovanov for Coward, Reeves, Hillman, Franz

Absent: Gaede, Williamson

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

No Report.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported he has been working diligently on Promotion and Tenure and SACSCOC. He is almost finished. The Promotion and Tenure is going well. The SACSCOC Unit Profiles look good. There are several areas that need work.

Dr. Radonovich reported there have been discussions regarding peer and aspirant institutions for a while and now the System Office has asked us for a list. Dr. Radonovich will be bringing a list to this group. He will keep the group informed about this project. He will also have a new list of Performance Parameters with the licensures included.

Dr. Franz reported that SACSCOC is progressing. The three new Trustees and the SACSCOC Liaison representative were here on campus Friday. All went well.

Dr. Franz reported the holiday schedule for 2006/07 has been changed based on the resolution from the Staff Senate. There will be Friday of Spring Break as a staff holiday on the 2006/07 academic calendar.

NCRH II is behind but they will catch up. Dr. Franz shared some sketches for the Shelby Hall Building that he just received.

Dr. Franz discussed the support of the Governor's budget and Higher Education Day.

There was some discussion regarding the Charger Cafe hours and take out.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede).

No Report.

1.3.2 Personnel (Andrew Coward).

Dr. Jovanov reported the Committee is still awaiting some information regarding faculty summaries on the Faculty Activity Reports and salary information.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson).

Attend Higher Education Day in Montgomery on Thursday. Be at the UC parking lot at 6:30 a.m..

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson).

Ms. Lawson reported the Committee is looking into the Charger Cafe hours and the possibility of take out.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov).

No Report.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

No Report.


Dr. Hillman reported he is looking into the controversy regarding the airline ticket and travel reimbursement presented to him. He is waiting for a response on the statement used in Accounts Payable's decision.

1.4 Agenda

Report from Higher Education Day

Report from ACUFP Meeting

Report from Dr. Franz including sketches of the proposed Applied Science/Shelby Building

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 10, 2005)

1. Meeting of 10 February 2005

Attending: Pakhomov, Neuschatz, Karr, Radonovich, Williamson, Coward, Reeves, Gaede

Absent: Hillman, Lawson

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

Dr. Karr distributed a complaint from Dr. Miller. The Committee is going to let the Ombudsperson take care of this issue.

SACSCOC and the Senate. Dr. Karr distributed a list of units that have been approved. Dr. Karr thinks it would be useful for the Faculty Senate to go through this exercise. He wants the Senate Executive Committee to decide if we are meeting goals and outcomes. We need a Mission Statement and outcomes for the Faculty Senate. Dr. Reeves will develop this with the help of the Senate Executive Committee.

Dr. Karr announced that the UAH Long Term Care Provider wants to come to the Faculty Senate to make people aware of the program and the options.

The next Senate Executive Committee Meeting is changed to March 1 due to ACUFP and Higher Education Day being held on March 3.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported regarding the Higher Education Partnership and Professional Liability Insurance. He received a response to Dr. Williamson's question regarding Liability Insurance. He discovered there is nothing in the Faculty or Staff Handbooks. He distributed the statement that will go into the Faculty and Staff Handbooks. There was a question regarding alleged accusations for sexual harassment and claims of discrimination and how that would be handled and whether it was covered in the University's liability policy. The response was there is a University process in place to handle either of those accusations. There was a questions that if a person worked here and left and was accused of something after they left-what happens? There was another question of What if an individual is being sued by a State or Federal Agency? What about discrimination claimed by student? If it is a student against a faculty who does the University defend? If two faculty members are involved who does the university defend-which one? Dr. Franz stated if anyone has other questions let him know and he will try to get answers. Is there a limit on the university defense?

Dr. Franz announced that the Campus Master Plan appeared in the Monday paper. It was a very nice article and good coverage.

There was some discussion regarding the work on the sports fields. Dr. Franz reported the County is donating work, and much of the materials have been donated. These will be practice quality fields.

Dr. Franz reported that yesterday we received word from the State that the $10M is on the way for the Shelby Applied Sciences Building.

Dr. Franz reported the Morton Hall Parking Lot issue has been passed to Ray Pinner for action. This is a temporary solution and something that will still need to be researched for a long term solution.

There was some discussion regarding whether there are new policies regarding early walk for graduation. It was reported it is still the College Dean's decision and the student can appeal to the Provost.

There was some discussion regarding procedures for medical emergencies. Dr. Reeves will send a note to Mr. Pinner.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede).

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee is processing course approval forms.

Dr. Gaede announced she received an email that academic standards for financial aid changed. Sixty six percent of the hours attempted must be passed.

Course approval requests should be done on the current course approval forms that are on the provost web site. If program changes occur they should have the program approval form completed and signed.

Dr. Gaede mentioned there will be a dynamic catalog which will be up to date but the legally binding one will continue to be the printed version.

1.3.2 Personnel (Andrew Coward).

Dr. Coward reported the Committee is working on three issues. The Faculty Activity Report summary reports-feedback coming from Faculty Activity Report evaluations. The faculty have no way to determine relative ranking. What factors are considered in the rating?

Evaluation of Administrators for reappointment. Should we have access to information used to evaluate deans?

Standard term for people who are not full time faculty.

The Committee will meet in two weeks.

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson).

No Report. Dr. Williamson announced March 3 is Higher Education Day. She is talking to Joel Lonergan about getting signs for Higher Education Day.

Dr. Williamson announced the Higher Education partnership pushed to get the same treatment for Higher Education as K-12.

Dr. Williamson will get information out to everyone.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson).

Ms. Lawson was not present. Dr. Karr presented Senate Bill 299. The Senate Executive Committee reviewed the changes to the bill. There was some discussion regarding the process and how it affects faculty rights and prerogative. Dr. Williamson seconded the motion from Dr. Karr to accept the bill as currently presented and put it on the agenda for the next Senate Meeting. The bill was accepted for placement on the agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate meeting.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov).

Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee has had two meetings on one item. They have looked at the Undergraduate Research Experience. They had discussions with John Gregory and Bernhard Vogler. Dr. Pakhomov distributed the proposal. There was a question regarding whether this has to go through the full Senate. The answer was yes, unless it is an emergency.

The program will be opened to all students and all disciplines. Dr. Pakhomov distributed the Senate Bill. There was a request for a friendly amendment to change the wording to faculty members not every faculty member. There was a suggestion to have the bill portion stop after the first paragraph in the Therefore and have the rest of the information as an attachment backup material. Dr. Pakhomov moved to accept the bill at first reading with the suggested changes, seconded by Dr. Gaede. The bill passed at first reading.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

Senate Bills

Long Term Care Presentation

Higher Ed Partnership Presentation

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 13, 2005)

1. Meeting of 13 January 2005

Attending: Lawson, Pakhomov, Gaede, Neuschatz, Reeves, Karr, Radonovich, Williamson

Absent: Hillman, Wren,

1.1 Faculty Senate President's report:

.Dr. Karr did not have a report but Dr. Williamson reported she has been working on the Higher Education Partnership. She has a steering committee to work on this. She has research some questions that arose and has spoken with the University Counsel and has prepared a form. Gary is working on the form and Mr. Rieder is looking at other information. We need to proceed.

1.2  Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported there was a System Academic Council Meeting on Monday to determine the aspects of the system telecampus. He explained there was a Steering Committee established to determining how it would operate and what the System telecampus was to look like. Dr. Radonovich and Dr. Au'n are the UAH representatives. The Chancellor appointed the task force to examine distance learning for the campuses and the system. Dr. Whitt chaired it and the outcome was to explore the telecampus. UA says they will do this regardless of whether we participate or not. The current thought is that it is best to participate at this point. Michelle Korf has been appointed as Assistant Vice Chancellor for Distance Learning. She works for Charles Nash. She asked the Provosts for a decision regarding the new telecampus and what package to use. The third choice was run fully by an extension to Banner at a cost of $245,000. No one has used it yet. They did not want to make a decision on something no one has yet used. Dr. Radonovich will be reporting back to you. We do not yet know what our involvement will be. There is concern for ownership of Intellectual Property. We need a copyright agreement for Distance Learning. When we get the focus report we will determine what is needed.

Dr. Radonovich reported the Performance Indicators are done and the Chancellor is pleased. There was one parameter added that is the number of International Students. The Provosts were opposed to this. We have turned in a number but it is not a goal. International Graduate Enrollment has decreased by 13%. We turned in a number that we will likely decrease to 18% from 21%.

There was some discussion regarding one of the goals that is to bring faculty salaries to the SUG average by 2008. This requires a large sum of money. It requires a large increase in state funding.

1.3 Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Rhonda Gaede).

Dr. Gaede presented a bill. She will check with the Registrar and take a look at changing the numbers to 30-60-90. The Committee has approved several course changes. She would like to see some changes in the Course Approval Form. The Executive Committee passed the bill at first reading.

1.3.2 Personnel (Brent Wren.)

No Report

1.3.3 Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson).

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee reviewed all University Committees and made recommendations. The Committee will be working on new Senators and University Committee memberships this semester.

1.3.4 Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson).

Ms. Lawson reported the Committee is working on the Academic Misconduct Issue. They hope to bring a bill back to the floor after the next Committee meeting. There was some discussion regarding putting theses and dissertations through turnitin.com.

1.3.5 Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

Dr. Pakhomov reported there was a brief revision to the Distinguished Speaker Series proposal guidelines and they were distributed today. The Committee submitted a proposal to temporarily deal with Morton Hall parking issue last semester. There has been no response yet.

1.3.6 Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz).

Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee is talking about various issues, pass fail, disability statement on syllabus, etc.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 21, 2004)

1. Meeting of 21 October 2004

Attending: Karr, Lawson, Williamson, Neuschatz, Gaede, Reeves, Franz, Radonovich, Wren

Absent: Pakhomov, Hillman

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Karr asked Dr. Franz to give a presentation to the Senate next week on the Master Plan that was presented at the Board Meeting.

The Executive Committee was asked to get any information to Dr. Franz on the Mission Statement and Goals within the next couple of weeks.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported there was no progress yet on the Outside Teaching Policy. He will wait to hear from the Senate Committee on this issue.

Dr. Radonovich reported he emailed the Performance Indicators with the UAB 2008 Goals. He reported we are currently developing our goals and they are due in a month. He reported there is still some work taking place in the items in the research column. He stated he wants to bring these to this group but we are on a tight timeline.

Dr. Radonovich reported there was an ACHE meeting and we sought an extension for our Optical Science and Engineering Program and the Atmosphere Science Ph.D. Mike Malone was present and talked about directions for ACHE. He talked about resurrecting the faculty workload database and working on it. The Chief Academic Officers invited him to their meeting and discussed the difficulties and misinterpretations that occur for a research university when you work with faculty databases. They encouraged him to look at putting out average data like the Delaware Study and not individual faculty data. He is looking at forming a group to put together the format for doing the database.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

Dr. Gaede reported her Committee discussed the number of student in good standing but making no progress. They also talked about the NC grades. She distributed some information on these. She will report at the Senate Meeting next week. The Committee is writing a bill to change the number of hours for classification or class standing (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior).

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

Dr. Wren reported the Committee is working on many issues. They discussed the summary reports in evaluations and did some surveys related to this. There was not much support for summaries of faculty evaluations. The consensus was that it is hard to have a standard because there are some many differences in what the faculty do and how they do it. There was some support for showing averages within the department. There was also some support for knowing the averages of raises in departments. There would still be some confusion with this because there might be attempts to bring people to market who were substantially below. The results for the administration were split.

The Committee is still working on the outside teaching policy. There were some negative feeling from the Committee on this and they asked for more clarification on it before they take further action.

There was some discussion regarding the work on the interrupted service issue.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

The Committee will work on a bill regarding some of the University Standing Committees and the membership and charge.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

The Committee is still working on the Academic Misconduct bill and gathering and clarifying more information on it.

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

No Report.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz)

Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee is looking at moving the withdrawal date to the end of the semester. They are also looking at the time progress reports are due and move the date to the end of the eighth week. The Committee is waiting on information from Dr. Franz before proceeding with this.

The Committee looked at a request from Rosemary Robinson for the inclusion of a statement regarding disabilities and disability services on course syllabi. The Committee did not have any problem with including this on syllabi.

1.4. Agenda

The Agenda for the Upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 23, 2004)

1. Meeting of 23 September 2004

Attending: Karr, Lawson, Williamson, Pakhomov, Neuschatz, Hillman, Gaede, Reeves, Franz, Radonovich

Absent: Wren

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Karr called the meeting to order and asked for reports from Administration.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz announced the dedication ceremony for the Bud Cramer Building will be held Monday, September 27, 2004 at 9:30 a.m.

Dr. Radonovich asked for input from the Faculty Senate regarding the Outside Teaching Policy. This will become a part of the Faculty Handbook as a new policy. This will go to the appropriate committee for consideration. There were some questions and discussion regarding the policy and the terminology and exactly what is included. Dr. Franz asked that the appropriate committee review it for faculty friendly phraseology.

Dr. Franz announced he has asked the President of the Faculty and Staff Senates and the Deans to look at the University Mission and Goals and comment on these. Dr. Karr asked that the Mission and Goals be sent to the Senate Executive Committee for review.

Dr. Franz reported he has received the Sexual Orientation Resolution and is having the lawyers look at it. He will respond when he hears from the lawyers. We must conform to the Alabama laws and this will not affect benefits.

Dr. Franz asked the Curriculum Committee to look at a bill to change the number of hours required for a student to be classified as a sophomore. The current rule states a student is not classified as a sophomore until they have had 33 hours. Dr. Franz would like to see that changed to 30. Students are already in their sophomore year before reaching the 33 hour mark and are therefore taking courses in their sophomore year but still classified as a freshman.

There was some discussion regarding examination of courses and number of hours for a degree in engineering and the possibility of reducing the number of hours based on an examination of the core requirements. This will not be dealt with at this time.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

Dr. Gaede reported her Committee Meeting was cancelled due to the storm (Ivan).

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

No Report.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson reported she met with the Benefits Committee and they are looking at a vision policy that involves discounts.

They are looking at the possibility of paying Nurse Practitioners and a Wellness Center for Faculty and Staff with preventative medicine as the key.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Ms. Lawson reported the Committee Meeting was cancelled due to the storm (Ivan). The Committee is working on several items.

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee has made two attempts to meet. They are working on several items. They will revisit the parking issue. Dr. Franz reported the administration distributed notes to NCRH to ask residents to park in the adjacent parking lot and not the one next to Morton Hall.

There was a question regarding adding more parking along the strip between the ramp from Sparkman and Ben Graves Drive. The Distinguished Speaker series continues. They will look at the Undergraduate Research Program. They will investigate the wireless network and the bus system for the campus. There is still a safety issue with individuals crossing Ben Graves from Spragins to Nursing and vice versa. They will look at ways to make this crossing a safer pedestrian crossing.

Dr. Franz will check on the trip for the light at Holmes and Ben Graves as it fails to trip for individuals turning left onto Holmes.

The Committee will investigate the possibility of adding sidewalks to an area between Optics and OBKH.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jeffrey Neuschatz)

Dr. Neuschatz reported he has received a request from Dr. Johnson to look at a couple of items. One item is moving the withdrawal date to the end of the semester. The second item is to look at the time progress reports are due and move the date to the end of the eighth week. Dr. Franz would like to bring a proposal to the Committee to discuss. There is currently not much time to give grades for the progress report and it would be more helpful to give grades that let the student know if they are making good progress.

Dr. Neuschatz reported that records does not want to mail grades to students anymore due to having bad addresses and having parents see students grades before they do. They want to have the grades on the web.

He also reported there will not be grade rosters when we move to Banner, the grades will be entered on the computer.

Dr. Karr distributed a request from Rosemary Robinson for the inclusion of a statement regarding disabilities and disability services on course syllabi. The Committee will consider the request and make a recommendation.

1.4. Agenda

The Upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was CANCELLED.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 2, 2004)

1. Meeting of 2 September 2004

Attending: Karr, Lawson, Williamson, Pakhomov, Neuschatz, Wren, Hillman, Coward, Gaede

Absent: Reeves

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Karr called the meeting to order and asked the Committee to discuss the list of issues and concerns to be addressed by the Faculty Senate in the coming year.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich were not present.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

Dr. Gaede reported the Curriculum Committee will review new courses and course changes.

The Committee will look at merging the catalog with the system information in the Banner Conversion.

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

Dr. Wren reported the Committee will continue to work on the inequity in salary raise process, salary compression/inversion, etc.

The classification of years of service in still in process.

Changes/clarifications to the Faculty Handbook regarding the promotion and tenure process is still in process.

The FAR Summary Report and this in relation to the annual salary raise process will be researched by the Committee.

The Committee will also research the evaluation of administrators for reappointment.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee will continue to look at the Calendar Committee and appropriate representation.

The Committee will continue to examine the University Committees for efficiency and necessity.

The Committee will continue to work on the Women's Resource Center.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Ms Lawson reported the Committee will continue to look at the Academic Misconduct policy.

The Committee will take another look at the F grade for academic misconduct in courses with NC grading.

The Committee will investigate the possibility of using another ID number for students due to concern for identity theft.

There is some student concern for no grab and go in the new Charger Cafe.

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee will work on the issue of a wireless campus and off site internet availability.

The Committee will continue to work on the handicapped access to buildings on campus.

The Committee will continue to work the campus parking issues.

The Committee will investigate an Undergraduate Student Researchers Program.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andree Reeves)

Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee will work on the students with multiple NCs and the limiting of the number of NCs.

The Committee will work with the Faculty and Student Development Committee on the NC versus F for cheating issue.

The Committee will investigate the writing portion of the ACT and whether we should require it.

The Committee will work on the midterm grading issue and the WF and WP grading.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Dr. Hillman moved, seconded by Ms. Lawson to table Senate Bill 299 back to the Committee to review and address questions and concerns raised at the last Senate Meeting in April. The Senate Executive Committee voted unanimously to table the Bill back to the Committee for another review.

Senate Bill 300 will be on the agenda at third reading.

Gloria Greene will speak to the Faculty Senate regarding the services and activities of the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 8, 2004)

1. Meeting of 8 April 2004

Attending: Hillman, Lawson, Williamson, Karr, Gaede, Reeves, Wilkerson

Absent: Wren, Pakhomov

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

The Board of Trustees will meet next week. Dr. Hillman will make a presentation at that meeting.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported the Honors Convocation is Tuesday. The Board Meeting is Thursday and Friday. We are interviewing CE Director candidates this week. We are doing an ISE Search now. We will begin a Graduate Dean search soon or appoint an interim for one year and do a search in the fall.

We have a draft of an outside teaching policy for those holding full time teaching positions. We should not be hiring and nurturing expensive faculty that go somewhere else to teach. We are working on the policy. It will come here for input. The current draft came from the Office of Counsel.

The latest version of the Performance Indicators was sent to Dr. Hillman yesterday. Dr. Radonovich will send the final result in a few days. Two weeks or so after that we will send the 2003/04 baseline information. We will be measured in the future relative to the baseline.

The Program Reviews are starting again. There is a new part to answer specific questions developed by the System Office.

Dr. Franz just met with the Women's Club celebrating their 40th anniversary.

The Board Meeting will be held here next week. Dr. Franz will present information using his memo to the Chancellor as the baseline. He will discuss our accomplishments. He will discuss the buildings. He will discuss the student credit hour increase and the extra resources. 
Dr. Franz will send Dr. Hillman a copy of the letters sent to the Fraternities and Sororities regarding the housing and revenue expectations.

The Applied Sciences Building is coming along.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee endorsed a change to the Course Approval Form to add inactive status. This will make it easy to put a course or courses on the inactive status as opposed to removing them and will make it easier to reactivate them in the future..

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

No Report. The Committee will have a bill on the upcoming agenda.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson announced we need officers and Chairs of Committees for next year. Dr. Williamson distributed a bill. The change to the charge to the ETDE Committee will help centralize and coordinate these types of efforts. The bill passed at first reading.

There was a discussion regarding strategic planning and a strategic planning committee.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

The Committee will have a bill on the upcoming agenda. No report. q

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

No Report.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andre� Reeves)

The Committee will need to meet to review some petitions regarding bankruptcies and readmits.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 11, 2004)

1. Meeting of 11 March 2004

Attending: Lawson, Reeves, Karr, Hillman, Pakhomov, Radonovich, Franz

Absent: Gaede, Wilkerson, Williamson, Wren

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Hillman reported he attended the Leadership Meeting in Montgomery and he addressed Paul Hubbard from the Senate Floor. There was some discussion regarding accountability, evaluations with feedback and strategic planning with goals and outcomes.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported the master plan is progressing.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

No Report.

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

No Report.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

No Report.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

No Report.

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

No Report.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andre' Reeves)

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

The upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting is devoted to the Chancellor's Address

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (Febuary 19, 2004)

1. Meeting of 19 February 2004

Attending: Lawson, Wren, Wilkerson, Reeves, Pakhomov, Williamson, Gaede, Hillman, Radonovich, Karr

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Hillman asked that the information about the bus and how to sign up for Higher Education Day in Montgomery to be held February 26, 2004.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported the performance indicators will soon be sent to Dr. Hillman in the final version. All three campuses in the system will use these. Each institution will choose goals for the parameters. They will choose short term and long term goals. Each institution will report these annually. The institutions will develop strategic plans as an institution with opportunities for input at all levels.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee considered some accreditation issues for Computer Science and a course in Math. They also discussed the notification process for changing courses notifying all that are affected.

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

Dr. Wren distributed a Sense of the Senate Resolution. It was recommended it be submitted as a Senate Bill. It was changed to Senate Bill 300 and passed at first reading.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

No Report.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Ms. Lawson distributed a bill. She took friendly amendments to the bill and it passed at first reading 7 for and 1 abstention.

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee met yesterday and he distributed a report.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andre' Reeves)

Dr. Reeves reported the Committee met and considered two issues. They discussed limiting NCs and Dr. Gaede shared some information and data regarding Fs vs. NCs and success rate. Dr. Reeves also shared the time changes suggested by Dr. Johnson.

1.4 Agenda

The upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was cancelled for the campus and all Senators were encouraged to attend the Higher Education Day in Montgomery.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 29, 2004)

1. Meeting of 29 January 2004

Attending: Williamson, Wilkerson, Reeves, Gaede, Wren, Hillman, Radonovich, Franz

Absent: Karr, Pakhomov, Lawson

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Hillman announced the Alliance will hold a meeting on February 6, 2004, at noon at Mom's in the UC.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported the HOK group has been on campus this week working on the campus master plan. Things look good overall. The Governor's budget looks positive. We still want to do something with salaries. There was some discussion regarding the out of state tuition issue. There was some discussion regarding the Campus Master Plan and the plans for the Shelby Building and issues regarding Holmes Avenue.

Dr. Radonovich reported the Performance Parameters should be finalized this Friday. They are still working on taking things out and reducing the list. He will send a copy out to the Executive Committee when it is finalized. He reported the Chief Academic Officers met with the new Auburn Provost.

Dr. Radonovich reported we will begin working on SACSCOC. We will follow UAB and UA by one year. We will be doing a number of things at the department level. We will be sending out a new booklet on the program reviews soon.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1.Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee has met and has some suggestions for changing the Course Approval Form. She reported the Committee approved an Honors 499 Project Course. She stated there was some discussion regarding how this course would count toward course load for faculty. This was discussed in context of incentive to supervise the courses..

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

Dr. Wren reported the Committee is working hard this semester. The Committee discussed the Conflict of Interest issue regarding faculty teaching their children or spouse. The Committee concluded no action was needed in this area. The Committee voted to add sexual orientation to the antidiscrimination policy. There was a question regarding how this affects benefits. The Committee had not addressed this issue. Dr. Franz will send Dr. Wilkerson a copy of a response to an earlier request regarding benefits. The Committee also discussed the issue of faculty dating students and whether a policy was needed regarding this issue. It was decided no policy was necessary but perhaps adding a statement in the Faculty Handbook cautioning regarding this issue. The Committee will continue to work on this. The Committee was also asked to look at the incentive for buy out and how it relates to sabbatical. This issue has been resolved without further action on the part of the Committee.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee has reviewed the University Standing Committees and has concluded that a large number are mandatory and are active. She noted this was the first time the Committees were reviewed as a whole. The Committee has concluded that they may want to add some information to the charge for the Educational Technology and Distance Education Committee to emphasize intercollege communication regarding distance learning. The Committee has also recommended looking at the composition of the Campus Priorities and Resources Advisory Committee. The remainder of the Committees will be discussed at the next meeting. The Committee will be bringing two bills forth.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Ms. Lawson was not present but sent a bill to present to the Executive Committee for first reading. The Senate Bill on Sanctions for Academic Misconduct was presented to the Committee. The Committee had a number of questions and the bill was tabled until Ms. Lawson could be present to respond to the questions.

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

No Report.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andre' Reeves)

Dr. Reeves reported she had no report from the Committee but there have been some mention of limiting the number of withdrawals and the number of NCs. Dr. Radonovich will work with Scott Verzyl to see what can be done on this issue.

1.4. Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 8, 2004)

1. Meeting of 8 January 2004

Attending: Lawson, Williamson, Karr, Hillman, Radonovich, Franz, Gaede

Absent: Wilkerson, Wren, Reeves, Pakhomov

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Hillman reported he had an email send to all faculty regarding the RSA Board Member voting. He will speak with Rhonda Griner about the Staff Senate doing the same.

Dr. Hillman informed the group we need to think about Higher Education Day and he will be working with the SGA President to encourage more student participation.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported he received a request from the Chancellor to list cuts, reallocations, etc. He made a request to Deans and the Provost to submit information of cuts, etc. over the years. Dr. Franz stated our plan has been to build business rather than cut. Dr. Franz took the information from the Deans and Provost and developed a document sent to the Chancellor. Dr. Franz distributed a copy of the document he put together and sent to the Chancellor. Dr. Franz reported we have increased the credit hour production by 15% equivalent to about $2M. There is no way to come to $2M with cuts without destroying our programs, goals, and mission. Our faculty to student ratio is up because we are teaching larger classes to accommodate the increase in enrollment. The bottom line is we need to increase State funding and address the faculty and staff salary issues.

Dr. Franz reported we received a gift of between $1.2 and $1.3M for Fraternity and Sorority Housing. Dr. Franz will send a letter soon to the fraternities and sororities outlining the plan for them and what they have to do. They have to come up with $60,000. They have to have $30,000 for escrow and $30,000 for furnishings for the commons areas. The University will provide furnishings for the rooms. The houses will be smaller with larger rooms. There will be about 12 beds with individual rooms and a common bath between the rooms. There will be common areas for meetings and entertainment. There will be a kitchen area. There will be five or six houses probably along the East side of campus.

Dr. Franz reported there has been a conclusion regarding the new residence hall. Dr. Franz will bring drawings to the Faculty Senate Meeting. The plan is for it to be an H or I shape and face Roberts Hall. It will be about 312 beds. This is a little larger than the current one. We have a $1M donation plus the Foundation has agreed to underwrite the occupancy. The construction will probably begin in Spring 04 with a goal for occupancy in fall 2004.

Much is still contingent on the information from the Master Plan Group. They will be on campus this month. There should be opportunity for input from appropriate groups on campus.

Dr. Radonovich distributed a copy of the information for the Performance Indicators the System has been development. This is still in the development stages. Dr. Radonovich will send a copy to everyone once it is finished.

Dr. Radonovich reported the Senate Executive Committee reviewed the Black Faculty and Administrators Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee Plan and it will be sent out to the Community within the next few days.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee has received some MAE courses to approve related to the ABET accreditation. The Committee will meet to review these.

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

No Report.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee has received a response from two vice presidents regarding the University Standing Committees. Dr. Williamson reported she will meet with the other Vice Presidents and the President to see what changes need to be made in these Committees. The Governance and Operations Committee is still talking about a Calendar Committee. The Committee will meet on the 22nd.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Ms. Lawson reported they will meet on their regularly scheduled date. She will be working with the Personnel Committee on the Faculty Handbook wording.

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

No Report.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andree Reeves)

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (December 4, 2003)

1. Meeting of 4 December 2003

Attending: Lawson, Williamson, Wren, Karr, Pakhomov, Wilkerson, Reeves, Hillman, Radonovich, Franz

Absent: Gaede

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Hillman reported he attended the ACUFP Meeting. A proposal for more authority for ACHE was distributed. Dr. Franz explained the origin of this proposal. Dr. Hillman has it on hold for now.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz distributed information that is going into paychecks tomorrow. The Health Insurance was increased and was due to come out of the last two paychecks this year. Dr. Franz was able to find a way to cover the increase one time without taking it out of the last two paychecks which means there are no medical deductions in the last two paychecks this year which is the same as in years past.

Dr. Franz explained they would still like to do something about salary increases but are not able to at this time.

Dr. Franz discussed some interesting information regarding State appropriations over the past ten years and the current and near future situation with the State General Fund and the Educational Trust Fund.

Dr. Franz reported we are progressing with plans for the Shelby Building. We are waiting for final Federal Funding. The building will likely be located near the current Alumni House.

Dr. Franz reported we have an anonymous donor that has donated about $1M to build Fraternity and Sorority Houses on the East side of campus.

Dr. Radonovich reported he will be sending a memo regarding a change in Academic Affairs. The Institutional Research Area is now under the Administrative Oversight of Scott Verzyl. Dean Raines will be working on SACSCOC and will be the SACSCOC liaison. Debbie Stowers was promoted to Associate Director of IR but they do not and have not had a Director.

Dr. Radonovich reported he will send the Performance Indicators developed for all three campuses to the Committee electronically. The details, such as definitions and putting the numbers and information in are being worked out. We will be setting some goals and objectives for our institution but these are parameters common to all three campuses that will be reported for all three campuses.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

No Report.

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

Dr. Wren reported they Committee has not made as much progress as they would have liked but they will be coming forth with a resolution to add the sexual orientation clause to the nondiscrimination policy.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee has reviewed the University Standing Committees and made a matrix. Dr. Kulick sent a memo to Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich requesting information. Dr. Williamson will meet with Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich to discuss this matter.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Ms. Lawson reported the Committee continues to work on Academic Misconduct and will have a bill on the subject the first of next year.

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

Dr. Pakhomov reported automatic doors are being installed in the North Entrance to Morton Hall as a result of Dr. Bryson's study of the handicapped access situation.

He reported the Committee has discussed the Intellectual Property Issue with Mr. Gathings and have decided it is better to resolve each individual issue on an individual basis as opposed to having a blanket policy that will not cover all issues.

Dr. Pakhomov distributed information regarding the poll on the parking issue. The results of the poll indicate there would be most favoritism for equalized parking. The Executive Committee moved motion by Dr. Reeves, seconded by Dr. Wilkerson that the parking fees be equalized at $25.00 with the second decal equalized at $10. This does not change in any respect the rules for those who have UAH tags. The Executive Committee unanimously supports this recommendation.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andree Reeves)

Dr. Reeves reported the Committee reviewed five readmissions and twenty two bankruptcy cases. The five were readmitted with stipulations on some. The Committee had problems with some of the bankruptcy cases. One problem was with the form. There is an advisor recommendation but no place for the why. One individual had gone to Athens and gotten their GPA up and wanted to bankrupt their time at UAH to be able to get into an Honor Society. The Committee wanted to obtain clarification by looking at the original bill and discussions of whether this policy was intended to assist UAH students. These are issues the Senate may want to look at. Dr. Reeves asked Peggy to look at the original policy and the discussions to determine the original intent of the policy.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 6, 2003)

1. Meeting of 6 November 2003

Attending: Karr, Hillman, Wilkerson, Gaede, Lawson, Pakhomov, Reeves, Williamson

Absent: Franz, Radonovich, Wren,

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Hillman announced he would be attending The Board of Trustees Meeting in Tuscaloosa tomorrow.

He announced he would be attending the ACUFP meeting in Florence on November 14 and 15.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich were attending The Board of Trustees Meeting.''

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

Dr. Gaede reported the Curriculum Committee met and approved a cognate in Global Studies and a concentration in Jazz. They also deleted a couple of courses in Political Science. They discussed MAE 311L which is a lab course and is not in the catalog but it is in the system. ECE has some similar courses that are in the catalog. This topic has been sent back to the Chairs for resolution of some consistency in the College. MAE has some programmatic changes coming forth as a result of ABET. There was also some discussions regarding freedom and how Engineering students might be able to take something such as the Global Studies Cognate.

1.3.2. Personnel (Brent Wren)

Dr. Wren was not present but there was some discussion regarding review of some of the areas of the Faculty Handbook dealing with reappointments and promotion and tenure. Some areas may need clarification or rewording. There may be discrepancies on who serves on what Committees and who is eligible to vote in certain cases. There may also be discrepancies in how Committees are comprised and how departments handle the cases and the committees. Dr. Williamson and Dr. Gaede will write up information and send it to Dr. Wren for review by his Committee.

Dr. Wilkerson asked that the description for the Ombudsperson be examined to determine if a better description could be included in the Faculty Handbook. The two times it is mentioned there appears to be some inconsistency.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee counted the ballots for the Faculty Appeals Committee elections. They are also evaluating the University Standing Committees, have they met, are they useful, are they mandated, are they necessary.

There was also some discussion regarding how a faculty organization may be established on campus. What is the process?

There was also some discussion regarding a Calendar Committee.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Mrs. Lawson reported the Committee is still looking at the Academic Misconduct issue. They are also looking at the judicial process. They are looking at the possibility of a fine and attendance in a plagiarism class as part of the process in the Handbook.

Dr. Hillman asked Mrs. Lawson and her Committee to look at the promotion and tenure issues and the reappointment issues as a part of faculty development and perhaps assist Dr. Wren with these issues.

1.3.5. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee met on October 31. The Committee received five proposals for the Distinguished Speaker and Lecture Fund. All five fit the available budget and will most likely be funded. Dr. Hillman asked Peggy to check on advertising for the speaker series, perhaps a poster listing all individuals and events.

Dr. Pakhomov reported they Committee will ask Peggy to send out a survey to all for feedback on the parking issues.

Dr. Pakhomov reported Dr. Bryson is investigating the issue of handicapped access on campus. He started with Morton Hall and will exam each area and building. Dr. Bryson is working with Mr. Finnegan on these issues.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andre' Reeves)

No Report

1.4. Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 16, 2003)

1. Meeting of 16 October 2003

Attending: Karr, Hillman, Wilkerson, Gaede, Lawson, Pakhomov, Wren, Reeves, Radonovich

Absent: Williamson, Franz,

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Hillman reported he attended an SGA meeting and plans to attend another meeting. The SGA are focused on student life and improving areas of student life.

Dr. Hillman reported Dr. Karr and he attended a Staff Senate Meeting and will be working with the Staff Senate and the SGA to accomplish some common goals. The Staff Senate is working on a sick leave donation policy.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz was not present.

Dr. Radonovich reported he had two items completed.

He distributed a policy form and explained the background and origin of the form. He explained the Retroactive Withdrawal Policy has not changed. Only the process has changed. Dr. Radonovich explained the background of the process and the reason for the change.

Dr. Radonovich distributed the approved Distinguished Professor selection process, a resolution from the Senate that was reviewed by the Council of Deans and the President and officially approved by the President.

Dr. Radonovich stated the President will give a report from the Black Faculty and Administrators Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee. There is a proposal that is being approved at this point. The language is being changed and as soon as he returns he can give a report to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Dr. Radonovich reported we are doing well in this area. He reported we received money from the State last year to improve in this area. The Court ordered the establishment of a Committee with specific membership and duties. They were to devise a plan. This plan does not interfere with established processes.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Finance and Resources (Andrew Pakhomov)

Dr. Pakhomov distributed the minutes from the Committee meeting. He covered the main topics the Committee will be working on this year.

The Sabbatical Leave Issue was referred to the Personnel Committee for a possible policy change.

1.3.2. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson was not present but Dr. Hillman reported the Committee met and is looking at the University Standing Committees and making recommendations regarding consolidations, eliminations, and overall operations of the Committees. In looking at the Committee structure of the University Committees and the Faculty Senate Committees the Governance and Operations Committee is looking at establishing a Governmental Relations Committee.

1.3.3. Personnel (Brent Wren)

Dr. Wren distributed the agenda from his last Committee Meeting. The Committee is looking at a list of about eight issues to address.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Mrs. Lawson had to leave and Peggy Bower gave the report for her. The Committee brought forth a form at the last Faculty Senate Meeting that was approved by the Faculty Senate. In trying to get the form out to the Faculty and put it on the web for Faculty use it was discovered that Mr. Rieder wants to approve all forms before they are used. Some changes to the form were recommended. Peggy distributed a form with the changes. The Chair and Registrar lines were removed from the top and a case number was added. A signature line was added for the faculty member's signature. Other suggestions were quotation marks around respondent-(there is an open quotation mark with a set missing). Add something to allow a faculty member to pursue the case later if they decide it is necessary.

1.3.5. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

Dr. Gaede reported the Committee met and took care of two course approval forms. These were Math Precalculus Courses 112 and 113. These added a recitation to the course with no credit added. There was some discussion regarding communication of changes in policies, etc. We need more effective communication.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andree Reeves)

No Report

There was some discussion regarding possibly changed the Tenure and Reappointment Calendar to give Department Committees more time.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 18, 2003)

1. Meeting of 18 September 2003

Attending: Karr, Williamson, Wilkerson, Gaede, Lawson, Pakhomov, Wren, Reeves

Absent: Hillman, Franz, and Radonovich

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Hillman was out of town at The Board of Trustees Meeting. Dr. Karr presided over the meeting. Dr. Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.

1.2. Reports from Administration

There were no reports from Administration as Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich were both at The Board of Trustees Meeting.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Ms. Lawson reported the Committee met and discussed the Academic Misconduct Reporting Form. The bill is on hold as the Committee discusses it further but the form should go forward because there needs to be a mechanism for reporting the misconduct even if the other process is not in place. The Committee recommended two minor changes to the form. They also recommended having the form on line for easy access and use.

The Executive Committee unanimously supported the form with the minor changes distributed by Ms. Lawson. Peggy will make the corrections to the form and prepare it for distribution to the full Faculty Senate at the next meeting.

Ms. Lawson reported the Committee is still looking at the permanent F for Academic Misconduct and they are also looking at the judicial process. She stated the Committee would appreciate any feedback if anyone has ideas.

1.3.2. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

No Report.

1.3.3. Finance and Resources (?)

The Committee still does not have an official Chair. Dr. Hillman is to meet with the Committee to elect a Chair.

1.3.4. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Andre' Reeves)

Dr. Reeves reported the Committee met last week. There was a lengthy discussion regarding calculators and their use in High Schools and the fact that we do not allow their use in our classes here. It was determined this is primarily a problem for the Colleges of Science and Engineering and they should investigate this and recommend a solution.

There was some discussion regarding the issue of limiting NC grades, the overall number of NCs for a student and the effect on the academic action threshold.

There was some discussion regarding the recommendation for changing the course repeat deadline or eliminating the process of filing an intent for a course repeat. There was a recommendation for striking five courses rather than repeating courses, and perhaps count these strikes against the repeats.

Dr. Reeves suggested colleagues should look at the Alabama Scholars.org web site for interesting information regarding NC grades and other academic issues.

It was suggested that the Committee should look at whether the NC grades increase retention and graduation rates. Look at data on the effects of the NC grading. It was suggested the Committee look at data on both NCs and Course Repeats.

It was suggested this Committee look at some policy regarding missed classes or class time for functions that are official business functions and these missed classes not count against the student or count against the limited number of missed classes allowed in a course.

1.3.5. Personnel (Brent Wren)

Dr. Wren reported the Committee is meeting next time and will be prioritizing the list of items to investigate. They will be considering the issues of the sexual orientation policy, the students and faculty dating issue, and they added the issue of children of administrators or faculty taking courses with their parents or with faculty who are supervised by the parents.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

No Report

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (August 28, 2003)

1. Meeting of 28 August 2003

Attending: Karr, Williamson, Wilkerson, Gaede, Lawson, Pakhomov

Absent: Hillman, Wren, Reeves, Franz, and Radonovich

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Hillman was out of town. Dr. Karr presided over the meeting. Dr. Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.

Dr. Karr distributed a list of agenda items generated by Dr. Waring last year. The Committee reviewed the list and determined which items had been completed and which ones still needed action and attention. More items were also added as suggested.

1.2. Reports from Administration

There were no reports from Administration as Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich were both on vacation.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Admissions and Scholastic Affairs (Andree Reeves)

Dr. Reeves was not present.

Items the Committee dealt with last year were: Students with multiple NCs but NOT on academic warning/probation. This was discussed but still needs attention.

It was also suggested the Committee look at the policy for academic progress and the implementation of the policy.

The Committee also needs to look at the limiting of the number of NCs.

The new common advising policy was dealt with but there was some concern for lack of communication of new policies once they are approved and implemented.

The Committee needs to address the course repeat deadline change recommendation.

1.3.2. Governance and Operations (Joan Williamson)

The Committee will continue to look at the University Standing Committees and the membership, meeting habits, etc. They will also look at the establishment of a Legislative Committee as a Senate Committee.

The Committee will also look at the policies for the various Committees.

The Committee will look at a Standing Calendar Committee and perhaps use the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee as the Calendar Committee or the Calendar Oversight Committee in order to have faculty input to the Calendar decisions.

In reviewing the possibility of a Legislative Committee the Governance and Operations Committee will look at the TGIF concept and try establishing something like it perhaps sponsored by or hosted by the Legislative Committee.

1.3.3. Finance and Resources (?)

The Committee needs to check on the status of the Intellectual Property Policy. It was worked on last year but the status needs to be communicated to the Senate

The Committee is requested to look at parking inequity to study the fee/service structure.

It was requested the Committee look at handicapped access for Morton Hall.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Lawson)

Melinda reported Turnitin.com is up and running and training sessions are ongoing for faculty. She stated faculty should contact the Library for an access number and information about the program.

The Committee will look at the F grade for academic misconduct. The Committee developed a bill last year but it was tabled back to the Committee for further action and review.

The Committee will continue to look at academic misconduct policies and faculty reporting of misconduct. They will also look at the grievance procedure and investigate some means of streamlining this process.

1.3.5. Personnel (Brent Wren)

Dr. Wren was not present.

The Committee will continue work on the classification of years of service for personnel who have interrupted service.

The Committee will continue to review inequity in the salary raise process, etc.

The Committee will review the Faculty Handbook section on Promotion and Tenure for clarity of some of the sections regarding promotion.

The Committee will look at the Handbook and the possibility of a policy regarding faculty dating students.

The Committee will need to look at adding sexual orientation to the anti-discrimination policy.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Curriculum (Rhonda Gaede)

The Committee will review new courses/course changes, etc.

The Committee will look at the policy and process regarding adding new programs not yet in existence in the area.

The Committee will look at working toward a Student Information System that intertwines and interacts with the catalog. (Having the same information in both places, thereby preventing problems caused by inconsistencies).

Work with the Governance and Operations Committee on the possibility of using the Curriculum Committee as a Calendar Committee or a Calendar Oversight Committee.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 10, 2003)

1. Meeting of 10 April 2003

Attending: Reeves, Hillman, Williamson, Karr, Redmon, Meister, Smith, Radonovich, Franz

Absent: Miller, Waring, Schnell

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring was not present. He was at the hospital with his wife, who was giving birth to their first child.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich talked about the Chancellor's presentation. There was some discussion regarding some of the points from the Chancellor's presentation.

Dr. Radonovich asked a question regarding the bill about the Distinguished Professor Selection Process and the Committee membership. Dr. Reeves is working on the Committee membership. The bill is ready for Administrative action.

Dr. Radonovich mentioned the proposal for the MS in Nursing at UNA.

Dr. Franz requested that the Committee go ahead and look at the PF for Academic Misconduct bill while he is present. He appealed to the Executive Committee not to pass the PF bill. He does not want to see anything pertaining to disciplinary action on the transcript. He questioned how do you put PF on without pointing to the fact it is disciplinary actions. He stated AACRO discourages putting anything on the transcript that is disciplinary in nature. He stated he does not know of anyone who does this. Dr. Reeves explained the desire is to be able to give a student an F that will appear on the transcript and cannot be removed by any of the easy methods of course repeat, retroactive withdrawal, etc. Dr. Franz reiterated he does not support this. He stated if there is a way to do it without these special cannons ok. If it is possible to do without disrupting the Registrar's Office then it is ok. There was a friendly amendment to add in line 49 after bankruptcy. A PF grade appears as a grade of F on the transcript. A friendly amendment to add other on the form in the line with Cheating in any form was made and accepted. A friendly amendment to change the their to his/her throughout the bill was made and accepted.

Dr. Williamson and Ms. Redmon moved to approve the bill and the form with the friendly amendments at first reading. The vote was unanimous. The bill passed at first reading.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Admissions and Scholastic Affairs (Smith)

Dr. Smith reported the Committee has nine bankruptcy cases and two readmissions cases to consider after final exams.

1.3.2. Governance and Operations (Andree Reeves)

No Report.

1.3.3. Finance and Resources (Adriel Johnson)

No Report.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Redmon)

The Committee has a bill to consider at first reading today.

1.3.5. Personnel (Joan Williamson)

No Report. Dr. Williamson did make a point to Dr. Radonovich regarding SIEs and information regarding some institutions that are in trouble for using the SIEs.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Curriculum (Gerald Karr)

Dr. Karr reported the Committee has one course from Nursing to approve.

1.4 Sense of the Senate Resolution: Event and Lecture Fund

Dr. Hillman brought the Resolution to the floor. There was a friendly amendment to put a period after mission in line 20 and strike the rest of the wording in that statement. Melinda called the question. The vote was unanimous in favor of the bill.

1.5 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 11, 2003)

1. Meeting of 11 March 2003

Attending: Waring, Reeves, Hillman, Williamson, Karr, Schnell, Redmon, Meister, Johnson, Radonovich, Franz

Absent: Miller, Smith

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring and Dr. Williamson reported there are many signatures on the Tax Reform Petitions now. Probably over 1200 signatures.

The UAH the MIT of the South article in the paper was mentioned.

The Let's Pretend Hospital spot on TV was mentioned.

Good publicity for UAH.

There was some discussion regarding the Academic Calendar.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz distributed a two-page budget information sheet and talked briefly about the information contained in it and took questions.

There was some discussion regarding promotional increases. Dr. Franz reported he is looking for a way to do this positively without causing negative repercussions. He thinks it is important to do this but it needs to be done in a positive manner. He asked for suggestions and advice from the Senate Executive Committee. It was suggested that some gradual method might work well.

Dr. Franz discussed the political situation. He stated the Governor has issued a 6.34% cut for education but there has been some added back for the retirement program, which can make the numbers somewhat confusing. This is approximately a $2.3M base cut. We are looking at ways to be more efficient. We still have to raise revenue. We hope the result is something different form what is out there now.

There was some discussion regarding the school property.

There was some discussion regarding the PARKA information and the numbers of campuses and number of degrees in Alabama versus the national numbers.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Admissions and Scholastic Affairs (Smith)

Dr. Smith was not present but the Course Repeat Bill was discussed and some of Scott Verzyl's suggestions were discussed. Dr. Franz expressed his dedication to the NC grade. The bill was tabled to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for further revision. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Jack Schnell.

1.3.2. Governance and Operations (Andree Reeves)

No Report.

1.3.3. Finance and Resources (Adriel Johnson)

No Report.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon talked about the Academic Misconduct F. She reported the Committee discussed this and there was a split of the Committee regarding how to handle this. There was one suggestion of a Permanent F that would be given by filing a separate form. The Committee will continue to work on this.

1.3.5. Personnel (Joan Williamson)

No Report.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Curriculum (Gerald Karr)

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 20, 2003)

1. Meeting of 20 February 2003

Attending: Waring, Reeves, Williamson, Karr, Schnell, Redmon, Franz, A. Johnson, Smith

Absent: Miller, Hillman

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring reported there was a Board Meeting and it was relatively uneventful.

Dr. Waring attended a Deans' Meeting. There was a proposed change to the Reappointment Schedule.

Dr. Waring gave a presentation on turnitin.com. The Deans were supportive. Dr. Waring reported he met with Mr. Rieder and Mr. Reider assigned turnitin.com to Mr. Woodward. Mr. Woodward is supportive. The Library has agreed to provide the administrative support for turnitin.com. The Library will assign a Tech person. Dr. Waring reported he talked with the SGA. The SGA had questions and they want to make sure it is fair. Dr. Waring reported we may be able to use this in the fall.

Dr. Waring reported the Faculty Activity Report Form has had several revisions.

Dr. Franz spoke to the group regarding the form. Dr. Franz explained the many iterations the form has been through. We now have a version with a standard vita. There are still some boxes that will be filled by staff. The Faculty Activity Report Form is a one-year form. The Curriculum Vita is comprehensive. We will present this to the Faculty Senate as an information item. We will solicit comments but no vote. Dr. Waring and Reeves made a motion to accept the form and present it to the Faculty Senate as an information item soliciting final comments. The vote was 7 in favor and 1 abstention.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported that Senator Shelby was in town for a Chamber breakfast and lunch. He reported that Senator Shelby has proposed a $20M appropriation in the Senate. Senator Shelby was very supportive. He encouraged others to help UAH. He has proposed $4Million for Propulsion and $900K for Physics and Astrophysics.

Dr. Franz reported we are still pushing for tax reform. It does not look like proration this year, but next year does not look so good. There is a group for Alabama tax reform that is led by Bill O'Connor. They want to involve industry from this area. They are trying to acquire $7M in donations to support them in this quest. The stars are aligning to have a change now.

Dr. Franz reported that Speaker of the House Seth Hammett has committed to doing something regarding tax reform. Dr. Franz stated we need to go further than the $500M deficit replacement. We need long-term solutions.

Dr. Franz is working to get changes to the endowed scholarship.

Dr. Franz reported there are some fringe benefit issues we are dealing with now.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Admissions and Scholastic Affairs (Smith)

No Report. Dr. Franz will check on the need for completing a form for repeating a course. The answer to this will determine the need for the Course Repeat Deadline Bill.

1.3.2. Governance and Operations (Andree Reeves)

No Report. Committee will look at University Standing Committee structure and change the composition of the Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee.

1.3.3. Finance and Resources (Adriel Johnson)

No Report. The Committee is soliciting input for questions for Mr. Pinner's presentation.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Redmon)

No Report. The Committee is working on a bill for the next meeting.

1.3.5. Personnel (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson presented the supplemental pay report. There was some brief discussion.

Dr. Williamson presented Senate Bill 297. The Committee researched the information on the Distinguished Professor Selection Process. Dr. Williamson explained there was no process for Distinguished Professor Selection at the UAH level. This bill proposes a process that will involve faculty nomination and input. There were friendly amendments to strike the sentence regarding the notice from the Provost and the last bullet. The bill passed at first reading with the friendly amendments.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Curriculum (Gerald Karr)

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 30, 2003)

1. Meeting of 30 January 2003

Attending: Waring, Reeves, Williamson, Karr, Schnell, Redmon, Franz, Radonovich, Hillman, A. Johnson, Smith, Miller

Absent: Meister

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring announced that he is on the agenda for the Council of Deans on February 6 to give a presentation of turnitin.com.

Dr. Waring reported he met with Dr. Franz and is working out a central fund for speakers and events. There is consideration for naming this the Senate Event and Lecture Fund. It is possible the Senate will oversee the fund.

Dr. Waring

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported he took the communication from Dr. Waring regarding promotion raises and added data to it and discussed it with Dr. Franz. He then discussed it with the Deans. He then forwarded information with recommended amounts to Dr. Franz. He will let the Senate know as soon as he has a response on the promotion raises.

Dr. Radonovich reported the Faculty Activity Report Form is being worked on and there should be a solution soon.

Dr. Waring reported the Chancellor has given several dates he is willing to reschedule the address. February 27, April 24, and April 3. February 27 is not good due to the number of business items needing attention at this time. April 24 is not good because it is the last meeting of the academic year and requires the completion of a great deal of business. April 3 would be a special called meeting but appears to be the best choice at this time. The Senate Executive Committee has agreed to reschedule the Chancellor's Address to April 3, 2003 with a lunch at 11:30 a.m. and the address at 12:45 p.m.

Dr. Waring reported the Senate is looking at its role in the University Standing Committees. Dr. Waring read from the Senate Bylaws. The Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee is out of balance in its composition. The committee could be recomposed to equalize it but that would make it a very large committee. Dr. Franz reported Mr. Rieder is investigating details of the committee composition for him.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Gerald Karr)

Dr. Karr reported the Committee has some courses changes to deal with that should be complete by next week.

1.3.2. Governance and Operations (Andree Reeves)

Dr. Reeves reported the Committee is looking at what to do with the Distinguished Professor issues and the Committee structures.

1.3.3. Personnel (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee is still looking at the supplemental pay issue and whether it is fair and whether it is the right thing to do.

The Committee is still looking at data on the accrued time and restoring the service date for service awards purposes when a person leaves and returns.

1.3.4. Finance and Resources (Adriel Johnson)

Dr. Schnell stated the Executive Committee needs to decide what they want from the report by Mr. Pinner. Once they have decided what they want they will then know how to instruct Mr. Pinner on changes to his presentation. Dr. A. Johnson would like to present it to the Finance and Resources Committee and get their input.

1.3.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith distributed a bill regarding the Program for Assisting Students in Academic Difficulty. He discussed and explained the plan. He spoke in favor of it. He brought it to the floor at first reading. It was recommended that lines 29-39, 46-51, 57-64 be placed in bold print, change the Therefore be it resolved on page one, a change for line 30 and line 14. With the friendly amendments the bill passed at first reading.

Dr. Smith distributed a bill regarding the removal of the P grade from the Midterm Progress Report. It was suggested that quotes be used around P grade. The bill passed at first reading: 7 in favor and one opposed.

1.3.6. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon reported that the Committee is working on a bill for the F for academic misconduct. The Committee is also looking at the implementation of turnitin.com.

Higher Education Day was announced.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 9, 2003)

1. Meeting of 9 January 2003

Attending: Waring, Reeves, Williamson, Karr, Schnell, Redmon, Meister, Franz, Radonovich, Hillman, A. Johnson

Absent: Smith, Miller

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring announced Chancellor Portera's address and lunch. He encouraged everyone to ask questions in the address or afterward.

He asked the Committee to take another look at the agenda for the year and plot out the plans for the spring semester. He reported we have another Executive Committee Meeting before the next Faculty Senate Meeting.

Dr. Waring talked about the turnitin.com presentation. He had some questions. If a faculty member requires the use of turnitin.com and the student refuses to use it, would the Administration back up the faculty member? If the department requires the use of turnitin.com and the faculty member refuses to use it what are the repercussions to the faculty member? It was stated we have to watch out for academic freedom on this one. This should be an option not a requirement. It was recommended that the Committee choose areas to use if and involve the SGA to get students to try it without penalization. Get cooperative work with faculty and students with the faculty giving counseling. Dr. Waring will give a demo to t he Deans. We might also send an email asking for volunteers to use it on a trial basis. We will work toward a plan for fall 2003.

Dr. Waring will ask Mr. Halverstadt to come and talk with the Faculty Senate.

Dr. Johnson and Dr. Schnell will meet with Ray Pinner regarding the annual financial report.

Dr. Waring distributed University Standing Committee information. He is asking the Governance and Operations Committee to look at the number of Committees and look at t he possibility of combining or eliminating some of the Committees or fold them into the Faculty Senate Committees.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported he is not sure where we are in the current events. He is not sure what will happen with tax reform. There are groups working on this. The goal is to get more money and an equitable share of it.

Dr. Franz reported the enrollment is up and is tracking positively. He reported there are some students in the new dorms. He reported the admissions are doing well.

Dr. Williamson asked about the data regarding the supplemental pay. How many sections, how many faculty, how many colleges and departments, etc. There was also a question of the percentage of the total number of sections the supplemental pay sections constituted. Dr. Franz reported he will gather data and give a report to the Senate.

Dr. Radonovich distributed a memo from Dr. Franz regarding the P-Grade on the Midterm Progress Reports. Dr. Franz had gathered data and recommends no P grade. The Deans have approved this and are sending it to the Faculty Senate for consideration. Dr. Franz would like the P Grade dropped. He pointed out he realizes we could have special exceptions. The Senate Executive Committee referred it to the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee for review and recommendation.

Dr. Radonovich distributed a memo regarding SGA issues. Dr. Radonovich asked for the feedback of the Senate Executive Committee. He reported this has been shared with the Deans and there was some concern for the detailed structure outlined in one of the resolutions.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Admissions and Scholastic Affairs (Smith)

No Report. P-Grade for Midterm Progress Reports delegated to the Committee for review and recommendation.

1.3.2. Governance and Operations (Andree Reeves)

No Report. Committee will look at University Standing Committee structure.

1.3.3. Finance and Resources (Adriel Johnson)

No Report. Dr. Johnson and Dr. Schnell will speak with Mr. Pinner regarding the annual financial report.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Redmon)

No Report. Committee will continue with turnitin.com research for implementation and review the instructor critiquing issue from the SGA.

1.3.5. Personnel (Joan Williamson)

No Report. The Committee continues to look into the supplemental pay issue, the distinguished faculty process, and the employee service date.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Curriculum (Gerald Karr)

No Report.

1.4 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 21, 2002)

1. Meeting of 21 November 2002

Attending: Radonovich, Williamson, Schnell, Meister, Redmon, Waring, Karr, Reeves, Smith

Absent: Johnson, Hillman, and Miller

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring reported he had attended a Board Meeting since the last Executive Committee Meeting. He will report on that to the entire Faculty Senat. He learned some interesting things.

Dr. Waring reported last weekend Dr. Hillman and he attended the ACUFP meeting. He will ask Dr. Hillman to give a full report on this meeting at the Faculty Senate.

Dr. Waring reported the Deans and Directors met today. There was a discussion of the recently passed bill regarding the Honors Statement. The request was to make this available for faculty use and place it on the application for admission. The Deans did not like the bill. Some of the reasons were that it is not effective, and it might hurt recruitment. All but one dean voted against having the statement on the application. Two of the deans had proxies at the meeting. Some discussion occurred in the Senate Executive Committee regarding the Honors Statement. It was deemed that no further action is necessary on the part of the Faculty Senate at this time.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz was attending another meeting and was not present.

Dr. Radonovich reported he attended the NASULGC meeting last week and the forecasting for the future of Higher Education was for difficult times, fiscally speaking.

There was a directive that came out within the last couple of days to international students and visiting faculty that they need to report to Reva Bailey or Scott Verzyl if they plan on leaving during the break of if they think they are out of compliance in any respect.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Admissions and Scholastic Affairs (Smith)

Dr. Smith reported the Committee has been looking at the periodic readmissions and evaluating those after the exam each semester. The Committee is recommending meeting on reading day instead of waiting until after the exam. Waiting until after the exam does not give enough time to get the information out. Taking care of these on reading day gives time to get the information out.

Dr. Smith reported he has been looking at a draft of the AAT Policy. He sees problems with implementation. There was some discussion regarding the lack of input from the Faculty Senate on this and problems that might occur with some aspects of the policy. Dr. Waring asked Dr. Smith to write him a letter regarding this issue so that he will know how to proceed.

1.3.2. Governance and Operations (Andree Reeves)

No Report.

1.3.3. Finance and Resources (Adriel Johnson)

Dr. Johnson was not present. Dr. Waring reported there has been an agreement to commit some funds for speakers for the campus.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon reported there will be a presentation of turnitin.com at the next Faculty Senate meeting. This presentation will be open to all.

The Committee is also looking at F for misconduct in NC Courses.

1.3.5. Personnel (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee has looked at promotion raises and collected data from other institutions. Dr. Waring has this information and will discuss it further later in the meeting.

The Committee has also looked at what constitutes Distinguished faculty and the process for selection. Dr. Waring informed the group there is no process in place for selection of distinguished or university faculty. The President has indicated he would welcome a process and gave suggestions for it.

The Committee has looked at individuals leaving and coming back and the service date used for the purpose of Service Awards, etc. Mr. Rieder has been consulted on this issue. Mr. Pinner has been invited to the next meeting.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Curriculum (Gerald Karr)

Dr. Karr reported the Committee is in the process of reviewing about 100 course changes. He hopes to have them done by the next meeting of the Faculty Senate. He needs to receive changes by December 12.

1.4 Draft AAT Policy

This is the program to assist students in difficulty. There have been discussions regarding this for some time and Dr. Franz was looking for something to get help for students in trouble. The Administration drafted a policy. It appeared the policy did not come out of the Faculty Senate or have their input. Dr. Waring complained. There is concern for an academic policy without Faculty involvement from the beginning. We may agree that this is a good policy but there may also be some concerns with some aspects of it. Dr. Smith stated he was interacting with Dr. Johnson and he had some concerns for the implementation part. Most of those are addressed in the final draft. He was asked if the Committee had met to consider this. The answer was no. Dr. Waring asked Dr. Smith to send him a letter regarding this issue.

1.5 Promotion Raises

After gathering data it is determined that we are on the low end of the promotion raises compared to other institutions in the state. Dr. Waring reported he has had conversations with the Provost and the Provost asked Dr. Waring for a recommendation. Dr. Waring stated we have collected the information and it is now time to write a letter with a recommendation. Dr. Waring stated he would like to ask for raises that are comparable to those in place at Auburn. The rates there are fixed amounts, which seems to be preferable to percentages. There was some discussion and a question of where the money would come from. There was also some discussion regarding effect on compression/inversion issues. Dr. Smith wants to recommend a time value for money raise. Dr. Waring will write a letter to the Provost making a recommendation.

1.6 Agenda

The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 24, 2002)

1. Meeting of 24 October 2002

Attending: Franz, Radonovich, Williamson, Schnell, Meister, Redmon, Waring, Karr, Hillman

Absent: Reeves, Smith, Johnson, and Miller

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring reported the University Presidents and the Faculty Senate Presidents met with the Chancellor on Tuesday. This was a beneficial meeting. The Chancellor wants to initiate a new set of reports. These reports would utilize performance measures that were used at Louisville. Louisville is where the new UAB President was before she came to UAB. The reports will contain indicators of performance and excellence. Much of the information is information we collect anyway. Dr. Waring shared a copy of the sample reports from the Chancellor. The Faculty Senate will work with the President to develop the forms and procedures.

Dr. Waring reported he is working with Administrators to try and reinstate TGIF. TGIF was stopped because it was too expensive and it was not having the effect desired. We will try something along the lines of the TGIF but less expensive. At the Bevill Center on November 1 from 4:30-6:00 p.m. we will have Finally Friday for Faculty, Staff, and Alumni. We could invite legislators.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported the Chancellor will be on campus Monday and Tuesday. Dr. Franz reported we are planning for tough times. Other campuses are more flexible than we are in reallocation and efficiency. We have already done many of the things that are needed for cost saving measures and reallocation and efficiency measures. Recruiting and retention are still key elements and areas that still need work. Delois Smith has proposed a program where Compass Counselors are hired as peer advisors for students in their college or area.

There was some discussion regarding retention initiatives.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Curriculum (Gerald Karr)

Dr. Karr reported the Committee met virtually and considered 12 course changes issues. There were two new courses and ten changes.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Adriel Johnson)

No Report. Dr. Waring presented a Sense of the Senate Resolution to the Committee for review. He will contact Dr. Johnson to determine if the Committee had any objections and then circulate it to the Senate Executive Committee so that it might be placed on the agenda for the next meeting if there are no objections.

1.3.3. Personnel (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson reported the Committee is investigating items. They are looking at promotional raises, resources through the health center, services available to students that can be extended to faculty, and the survey regarding the supplemental pay.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon reported that she has done some checking and the reporting of academic misconduct should be done through Toni Morgan. They are looking at revising the form for reporting. The Committee is working on a presentation of turnitin.com.


The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 26, 2002)

1. Meeting of 26 September 2002

Attending: Franz, Radonovich, Williamson, Reeves, Schnell, Meister, Smith, Redmon, Waring, A. Johnson

Absent: Karr, Hillman, and Miller

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring reported he attended his first Board of Trustees Meeting. He will give a more extensive report at the full Senate. He reported there was a presentation by Chancellor Portera in which he set forth the agenda for the coming year. He has an ambitious agenda. His priority is raising faculty salaries. He plans to find efficiencies within the System. He will pursue a reallocation study. He is doing a benefits packages study.

Dr. Waring asked for feedback regarding the Faculty Senate Presidents of Tuscaloosa and UAB giving presentations to our Faculty Senate.

Dr. Waring stated the Executive Committee had received information regarding University Committees and he will ask for reports at the Senate Meetings from the University Committees and will ask do they meet.

Dr. Waring reported the Committee received a copy of a proposal from C. Wood and he would like feedback. Dr. Waring and Dr. Franz will gather more information on this topic.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported that Dr. Portera gave a strong talk. Dr. Franz stated we are more efficient here in many areas. He stated Dr. Portera did mention course load and release time and looking at those throughout the system. The Chancellor plans to look at utility rates and the possibility of lowering those for the institution.

Dr. Franz reported Dr. Portera talked about Research Expenditures and numbers ($36M-UAH; $190M-UAB; $24M-Tuscaloosa). He talked about salary increases in percentages. He talked about our relationship with K-12. He talked about the growing graduate programs.

Dr. Franz distributed a draft of the plan for the Applied Sciences Building. This will have a ripple effect.

Dr. Radonovich reported the Summer 02 end of funds is coming in and the efficiency and effectiveness are excellent. We are in excess of our goals. The rewards will be shared with the colleges. The dollar amounts will go to the colleges for their excellent work. The faculty taught more efficiently, they were more careful about the courses taught, and the times they were taught. Thanks to you and to your deans.

Dr. Radonovich reported regarding the Degree Revocation. There was a 1997 degree revoked at the last Board Meeting. The Faculty Appeals Committee met and reviewed the claims of plagiarism and failure to meet the originality clause. In January 2002 a hearing was held. There was a unanimous decision of the Committee. The Provost agreed and sent the recommendation to the President. Dr. Franz wrote a letter to the person and waited a couple of months. The Board approved the revocation at their last meeting. This is the first time this has occurred. We will need to take corrective actions to prevent future occurrences. There are a couple of changes already in the Graduate Handbook. There is still more to be done.

There was a question regarding disseminating information to the Graduate Faculty and perhaps a meeting of the Graduate Faculty.

The Supervisor and Committee responsibilities need to be clarified.

Dr. Radonovich distributed a copy of an email from a student at Tuscaloosa regarding the US News and World Report.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Adriel Johnson)

Dr. Johnson asked the Committee about Mr. Halverstadt talking to the Executive Committee regarding the Computer Security changes. There was also a question regarding Phyllis Hollins and Ray Pinner talking to the Committee regarding various issues (i.e. Health insurance, etc.). There was some discussion regarding putting the Resource Manual on the web as well as having a hard copy available.

Dr. Waring made a request to the Provost regarding someone to work with the Committee to put this on the web. Dr. Radonovich stated he didn't have the staff resources for it.

1.3.3. Personnel (Joan Williamson)

Dr. Williamson discussed the Voter's Guide. She stated that Riley and Siegelman have committed to come to campus. There will be an open forum for questions.

1.3.4. Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon reported the Committee needs help to implement the Honor Code. When the Committee brings the bill back for third reading they would like to bring a companion bill for implementation. There were several suggestions. Dr. Franz suggests the Committee edit the statement on the application form. Include something to encourage faculty to reaffirm with students in their classes. Ms. Redmon will work on this and get something ready for the next Senate Meeting.

Ms. Redmon reported that there will be a turnitin.com demo for faculty.


The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 5, 2002)

1. Meeting of 5 September 2002

Attending: Waring, Smith, Reeves, Meister, Schnell, Karr, Reisenwitz for Williamson, Cobb for Redmon, Johnson, Franz and Radonovich

Absent: Williamson and Redmon

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring asked Dr. Radonovich about the Deans and Directors Reviews and the status of the reviews done in the last academic year. Dr. Radonovich responded that three are completed. He reported he still needs to write the reports. He stated the process went well and there were no negative comments. He reported we will do two deans and one director this semester. He would not reveal the names of the individuals because he has not met with them or sent them a memo yet.

Dr. Waring reported that Melinda Redmon is meeting with her Committee at this time. He stated we are looking forward to the third reading of the revised bill. He gave an explanation of what happened with the bill. He stated the Administration thought they had dealt with the bill and they did deal with the letter of it but not with the spirit of the wishes of the Senate. He stated the work is not done on this issue. It was discussed that the faculty would like to see something at, or as part of, registration or on a handout with test, etc.

Dr. Waring asked about the FAR form and Dr. Franz responded it has been off the burner but he will put it back on again.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported that things are ok this year but they are looking grimmer and grimmer for next year, legislatively. He stated the tax revenue is declining. He is pleased they were able to get salary increases done early to give many individuals a few more months of the salary increase. He stated he cannot announce the enrollment yet because they are just freezing numbers today. He stated the numbers are up however. This is due to the efforts of many people. It is due to recruitment and retention. He stated he is pleased with the Math Department and changing the precalculus and calculus classes. There is more help and interaction with students and efforts toward their success. Dr. Franz stated he has nothing new on the Shelby Building. He stated he will send more details and information as things move along and this group will have involvement with that. He stated he will have discussions here and elsewhere before things are finalized. He stated we have to obtain the money first.

Dr. Radonovich reported he will share a memo with the group regarding the Math changes. He reported the students success in precalculus had not been good in the past. Over the summer changes were made. The textbook is different and includes software. The course 115 has been added and students can go from there to Calculus. The decision of where to put students is decided after a computerized test (a new placement test) and based on ACT scores. The test can be taken a second time. Math 115 is a 3-hour lecture with a 2-hour recitation. Dr. Siegrist, Chair of the Math Department is teaching one of the Math 115 sections. The recitation will be added to all calculus courses. This involves drills, quizzes, and testing. Assignments are based on pretesting. These are accessible from any Internet access location. Tutoring services are also available 24 hours a day. Math 119 and 121 will have the same text as 115. They will be one hour a week recitation as opposed to two. Academic Affairs is absorbing the cost of making these changes. Syllabi are available on the web. Engineering, Science, and Math have worked together on this and agreed on contents for the precalculus and calculus courses. Dr. Radonovich stated this is not a time for math bashing but and time to generate support for them.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith reported the Undergraduate and Scholastic Affairs Committee has had an email discussion regarding the NC grade and limiting the number of NCs. After a certain number anything above that number becomes an F. What number should be used as the limit? Can the software handle a limit of NCs. Dr. Waring stated Mr. Verzyl reported the software cannot handle this without a significant rewrite. It was stated this could be a part of advising. Too many NCs are not good progress toward a degree. Dr. Franz wants to see more intervention. It was stated there are various approaches to take but there should be some consistency.

1.3.1. Finance and Resources (Adriel Johnson)

Dr. A. Johnson reported that he has been looking into some of the issues the Finance and Resources Committee is to address this year. He has located a document that the Committee developed about ten years ago when he was on the Senate then and the Faculty Resources Committee looked at some of these same issues. He stated the Wellness Center is not utilized by Faculty because it is operated by Student Fees. They also looked at the benefits issues about ten years ago and this is still and issue, however we need to determine how to deal with it and determine the specifics. There was some discussion regarding the makeup of the Benefits Committee and the Chair and Liaison. It was stated there should probably be key people to evaluate the issues and report to the Senate. Perhaps there should be concurrent resolutions from the Faculty and Staff Senates regarding some of these issues. He reported there were 24 items in the old Resource Manual that was developed about ten years ago. It was discussed that perhaps this could be revised, updated, and corrected, and then made available on the web, so that faculty could easily access the information.


The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (August 22, 2002)

 1. Meeting of 22 August 2002

Attending: Schnell, Meister, Reeves, Hillman, Waring, Williamson, Karr, A. Johnson, Smith

Absent: Franz, Radonovich, Miller

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring had asked for faculty input to issues the Senate needed to deal with in the coming year. Ideas came form various sources across campus. Dr. Waring had drafted a table putting together these ideas for the Committee work for the coming year. Dr. Waring gave an opportunity for the Committee Chairs to put forth ideas or start with the table. It was agreed to use the table. He stated the ideas had been put in a rough priority form. It was stated some items may need to be moved to Committees other than those under which they are currently listed. Dr. Waring ask for discussion from the Committee regarding whether some of these ideas are worthwhile or not. Dr. Waring went over each item sharing explanation and the source of the idea. Discussion ensued regarding various items in the table.

1.2. Reports from Administration


1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

As discussed above in planning for the coming year.


The agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 18, 2002)

1. Meeting of 18 April 2002

Attending: Drs. Miller, Schnell, Williamson, Waring, Fork, Smith, Hillman, Boyd, Landrum, Redmon

Absent: Franz, Radonovich, and Williams

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Miller thanked the group for making this a good year. He announced the ACUFP meeting hosted by UAH Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. He invited the Executive Committee to attend.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich were attending The Board of Trustees Meetings.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon presented a bill regarding the Honor Statement for consideration. Ms. Redmon explained this is the beginning not the end. There is more to the academic misconduct than the Honor Statement. The Office of Counsel recommended the use of the Honor Statement as opposed to the Honor Code. Along with this bill the Committee would like to make a recommendation to Dr. Radonovich to purchase the turnitin.com software. The Committee will also look at the penalty involved in Academic Misconduct. The Committee will also look at the procedures for misconduct. They will look at developing a form to use in the process. This will be the first in a series of bills. The bill passed at unanimously at first reading and will go on the agenda for second reading at the April 25, Faculty Senate Meeting.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Dr. Fork reported that Dr. Greenwood has a group working on formalizing faculty involvement in commercial businesses. Work is beginning on the formalization of policies regarding this issue. The consensus is that there should be faculty involvement in this process.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd reported the Committee looked at the Fifth Year Evaluation Form for Deans Fifth Year Evaluation. The format and length of the form is fine. The Committee had concerns that the form does not address external source funding and support for improving the college. There was also some concern that the vision for the future progress of the college is not addressed. It was recommended two more questions be added. 1) Has sought and obtained support from external sources for improving the college, and 2) Offers vision of progress for the college. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee unanimously accepted these recommendations and Dr. Boyd will send Peggy an email for a memo to the Administration regarding acceptance of the form with the above recommendations.

1.3.5. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

Dr. Landrum reported the Committee has approved some routine course approvals and may have a few more to approve soon. The Committee may have a few to approved over the summer. Dr. Landrum will handle this with Dr. Johnson.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith mentioned a topic for next year. The NC grade. There is a lack of limitations on the NC grade and some students are abusing it to keep a 4.0 GPA with no penalty. It was also mentioned that the NC grade could present a problem in Academic Misconduct cases. The Committee will look at this and possible solutions for it.


Dr. Williamson announced she would like the Senate Executive Committee to look at the lack of faculty involvement in setting the Academic Calendar.

The agenda for the next Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 4, 2002)

1. Meeting of 4 April 2002

Attending: Drs. Miller, Schnell, Williamson, Waring, Fork, Smith, Hillman, Radonovich, Boyd, Williams, Franz

Absent: Dr. Landrum, Ms. Redmon

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring filled in for Dr. Miller the first part of the meeting because Dr. Miller was organizing the Science Fair.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported there is not yet a final budget passed by the Legislature. The lobbyists have continued to work to get the Legislature to being the 2/3 - 1/3 split for all New Trust Fund monies.

Dr. Franz reported plans are still developing for the future Shelby Hall. He reported the Residence Hall is coming along now.

Dr. Franz briefly discussed budget planning and planning for the future.

Dr. Radonovich reported a search for the Vice President for Student Affairs has been initiated and he is chairing that Committee.

Dr. Radonovich reported there is a proposal for health care benefits for Graduate Students. Dr. Franz reported we would like to provide this at some time in the future. The proposal came to administration. It is offered other places and to be competitive we should provide it here also. This is not a Blue Cross/Blue Shield policy and it is less expensive to us. There was some discussion regarding cost to contracts and grants for GRAs and implementation time, etc. There will be more discussion with a possible implementation of fall semester or spring semester next year. The Research Council is in favor of this proposal. Peggy will obtain a comparison sheet from Delois Smith and send it to the Executive Committee.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

No Report

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Dr. Fork distributed a draft letter from Dave Brown regarding parking issues across campus and specifically addressing handicapped parking issues.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

No Report

1.3.5. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

No Report. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee recommended Dr. Radonovich send Dr. Landrum's comments regarding the Strategic Initiative to Dr. Nash.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith distributed a copy of the new form for readmission requests and asked the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to comment and then give their endorsement of the new form before he takes it back to the Provost for implementation. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee unanimously endorsed the form.


Dr. Williamson announced April 5 as the date for the next Alliance Meeting.

The agenda for the next Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 7, 2002)

1. Meeting of 7 March 2002

Attending: Drs. Miller, Schnell, Williamson, Waring, Fork, Smith, Hillman, Redmon, Radonovich, Boyd

Absent: Drs. Landrum, Williams, and Franz

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Miller reported the Constitutional Reform Meeting held on Monday evening in the Chan Auditorium was a successful meeting. The reported the attendance was good and the speakers were very interesting. He reported he learned a great deal. Dr. Williamson will follow up and ask about having the presentation put on a web site.

Dr. Miller reported he invited Ray Pinner to today's meeting but did not receive a response.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported he has had a request from Charles Nash regarding our response and comments about the Strategic Initiative. Dr. Radonovich reported he has not sent anything forward even though Dr. Landrum sent comments and responses to him. He stated he did not want to forward anything without instructions from the faculty to do so. Dr. Radonovich asked if the Faculty Senate wants him to forward the response to Dr. Nash? The Executive Committee asked Dr. Radonovich to send the response to Dr. Nash and copy Dr. Miller. The Senate Executive Committee will devote time at the next meeting to discuss this and make further response. Dr. Fork indicated he has a test course that he is collaborating with a UAB faculty that he would be willing to have used as a test course in this plan.

Dr. Radonovich reported that as a result of the Council of Deans meeting this morning the FAR report period for faculty is still March 31. We will compress the time the Chairs and Dean and Provost have but will not change the time period for the Faculty.

There was some discussion regarding Academic Year appointments, Calendar Year Appointments, and Administrators and potential problems with effective dates other than the Academic Year.

Dr. Radonovich was asked about the Calendar Issue. He reported the 2003 Calendar has been put on hold to re-examine it and see what can be done.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon reported there is a draft letter regarding the Honor Code and they are still gathering information regarding academic misconduct. There was inquiry made whether there is a way to put material on a faculty member's web page without it being downloadable. The Committee will check on this issue also.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Dr. Fork reported the Committee is still seeking to address the information regarding the Centers. He stated there should be a way to address the issue of openness in communication and the sensitivity. It was agreed Dr. Fork and Dr. Miller will draft a letter to Dr. Franz and Mr. Pinner requesting information. It will be signed by Dr. Miller and Dr. Fork. Dr. Fork will bring it to the next meeting. The issue of not being allowed at specific meetings will be addressed off line and reach a solution.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

No Report

1.3.5. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

Dr. Landrum was not present but submitted a written summary to Dr. Miller and to Peggy for the Record.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith reported he talked with Dr. Johnson about the draft forms and should have them for the next Executive Committee Meeting in order for the Committee to look at them and discuss them.


Dr. Williamson announced April 5 as the probable date for the next Alliance Meeting. She also stated we need to find a home for the Alliance and asked the Committee to think about that and wording for the legislation to place it.

The agenda for the next Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 14, 2002)

1. Meeting of 14 February 2002

Attending: Drs. Miller, Schnell, Williamson, Waring, Williams, Fork, Smith, Hillman, Redmon, Radonovich, Franz

Absent: Drs. Landrum and Boyd

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Miller reported he will be giving a presentation to The Board of Trustees tomorrow (February 15, 2002) and welcomed input from anyone of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. He reported he was considering discussing the various aspects of the quality of life for a Faculty Member.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported he is eager to receive information on the plagiarism issue. He stated he is concerned about this issue; he has done some research and would like a discussion regarding it. He reiterated we should state our objectives in this issue.

Dr. Franz had a response to the Senate Resolutions on the Amendments to the Faculty Handbook Appendix A regarding the Interim Review of Deans and the Evaluation Process for Review of Deans. Dr. Franz distributed a copy of the response that he and Dr. Radonovich signed to Dr. Miller. This response also included a draft evaluation form for review by the Personnel Committee. This pre-established evaluation form will give the deans a guide as to what will be asked in the evaluation process both at the interim evaluation and the Fifth Year Review. Dr. Franz reported that the administration has accepted the resolutions submitted by the Faculty Senate with a few modest modifications. There was a question regarding the deletion of the last sentence and whether or not Dr. Franz consulted with the lawyers on the discovery issue. Dr. Franz explained that if the interim evaluation is placed in the folder, then we run the risk of skewing the fifth year review. If the fifth semester information is placed in the folder it becomes more of a formal procedure with room for rebuttal, etc. The understanding of the fifth semester evaluation is for the purpose of new feedback to give opportunity to change or improve. Dr. Franz stated that if there is a problem in the interim evaluation it will come up again in the Fifth Year Review. He stated the good could be overshadowed by problems that are focused upon if there were problems in the interim evaluation and it is then included with the Fifth Year Review. Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich both stated the Faculty Senate did a very good job on the Resolutions. The Personnel Committee chaired by Dr. Lynn Boyd was commended for their good work on the resolutions and on resolving issues of concern. Dr. Franz reported that he and Dr. Radonovich took the memo with the resolutions to the Deans and they accepted it. They do not like the fifth semester evaluation but they have accepted it with the changes suggested in Dr. Franz's memo. Dr. Radonovich mentioned that another problem with including the Fifth Semester Evaluation in the file would be that the Review Committee might feel they only had a two and one half year period to review instead of the five-year period. Dr. Franz stated the discoverability is still unclear.

Dr. Williams moved, seconded by Dr. Waring and agreed by all the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to accept the resolutions as modified and approved by the Administration.

Dr. Franz reported that the Board Meeting will be highlighting students and faculty mentoring of students. The Board will be given a tour of campus. There is not much on the agenda affecting us.

Dr. Franz reported the matters in the Legislature are stalled at the moment.

Dr. Franz reported that Senator Tom Butler has been very helpful to Education and he is coming to present a proclamation to the ATO Fraternity as part of the Board activities.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

Dr. Redmon reported the Committee has a draft letter regarding the Honor Code. She reported someone from the Office of Counsel will come to the next Committee Meeting to discuss the Honor Code and Plagiarism issues. The Committee is doing research on other universities that are using turnitin.com and will give data to Dr. Radonovich. She reported the Committee may need to look at the penalty for students who have charges of cheating and plagiarism brought against them.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Dr. Fork reported the Committee has sent a letter to Dave Brown regarding the handicapped parking issue. Dave Brown has looked at the letter and has agreed to respond.

Dr. Fork had a question regarding Patents and the way the University handles patents applications. He discussed the low cost short-term patents. It was suggested data be collected and look at whether these are cost effective, whether we are using the most cost effective methods, how many should be allowed, and the best way to handle them. Dr. Franz will have Dr. Greenwood talk with Dr. Fork.

There was some discussion regarding centers and their allocations and cooperation and cohesiveness between academic colleges and centers.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd was not present but Dr. Miller reported the Committee is working on a memorandum to the Provost regarding promotional raises. The Committee is trying to get information from other institutions.

1.3.5. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

Dr. Landrum was not present but sent a report that the Committee facilitated a resolution regarding the Nursing and HPE courses and will approve them when the new course request forms are submitted.

The Committee reviewed the UA revisions to the UAS Strategic Plan and submitted comments and recommendations to the Provost.

The Committee had previously approved a set of special topics courses in CS.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith reported he modified all the documents relating to the readmissions process. The Administration agreed on a time limit on the readmissions. These will be done during the semester. They will go to the deans and there will be a place on the form for the dean to sign. The review will be done just after final exams. When the forms are modified Dr. Smith will bring them to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for review. He did not feel a bill was needed. Dr. Smith stated the he would still like a recommendation from the Administration before the Committee reviews them. He has not gotten a commitment on that request yet.


Dr. Williamson moved, seconded by Dr. Hillman that the Faculty Senate Meeting be moved from February 21, 2002, to February 28, 2002. The Executive Committee voted unanimously in agreement to move the meeting.

Dr. Williamson announced Higher Education Day and encouraged everyone to attend and to call or email his or her reservations for a seat on the bus.

The agenda for the next Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 24, 2002)

1. Meeting of 24 January 2002

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Waring, Landrum, Hillman, Radonovich, Franz, Fork, Schnell, Boyd, Williams

Absent: Dr. Miller, Smith

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Miller was not present; therefore, Dr. Waring presided over the meeting.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported Governor Siegelman deserves credit for the tax packages that further prevented proration. He reported the Governor's budget allows for approximately a 3% increase in the base budget. This would not result in a 3% salary increase when it is extrapolated out over faculty and staff salaries. It is a positive step however because it is not a decrease. We still have to see what the Legislature does with the budget.

Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich were asked about the Faculty Activity Report and the status. They reported that they had tried to merge the recommendations from the Faculty Senate and from the Deans. They had developed a one year document. The Deans were attached to the cumulative multiple year document. Some feel it is important to be able to look at multiple years for the purposes of raise recommendations. There are also some that have accreditation issues related to the multiple year document. Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich will look at the multiple year document one more time and see what can be extracted. One idea is to have a standard curriculum vita that would serve the purpose of the Faculty Activity Report and would serve as a base for other uses. It would need to include the teaching data. All agreed that his has been a point of division and contention between the faculty and the deans. Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich are committed to spending time to come up with something that is workable to all.

Dr. Franz reported they have accomplished a better deal for retired faculty at the Recreation Center. They will now be able to have membership for half price.

Dr. Williamson asked Dr. Franz about the Faculty and Staff Senates sponsoring and Town Hall Meeting somewhere on campus for a seminar on Constitutional Reform. It would be a two to three hour meeting/seminar at no cost to us. We would need to supply the facility with multimedia capability. Dr. Franz expressed his main concern is that Tax Reform be part of the Constitutional Reform. There are parts for the Constitution that it is important to us to keep in it.

Dr. Radonovich reported he has researched the plagiarism issue and he is willing to do what the Faculty Senate Executive Committee recommends regarding the purchase of the software to deal with this issue. He stated it is a growing and important issue that needs to be dealt with and he reiterated the need to inform the students of the policy we develop early in the process.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

Dr. Redmon was not present but called in her report that the Committee is writing a letter to Dr. Radonovich to ask him to purchase turnitin.com for the plagiarism issue. The Committee is also working on the wording for the Honor Code policy proposal.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Dr. Fork reported the faculty on his Committee would like to see a kind of Faculty Activity Report Form for Center Directors. They would like to know how funds are distributed and the effectiveness

of the use of the funds. They would like to know how decisions are made. Dr. Franz pointed out this could be divisive. Dr. Fork pointed out there is the potential for a perception of unfairness. It was suggested the Finance and Resources Committee meet with Dr. Greenwood and get the information first before presenting this to a larger group.

Dr. Fork distributed a letter to Dave Brown regarding the handicapped parking next to the Nursing Building.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd distributed copies of Senate Bill 291 and explained the revisions. Dr. Williams moved, seconded by Dr. Williamson to move the bill to the floor at first reading. The bill passed unanimously at first reading and will be placed on the agenda for the Faculty Senate Meeting at Second Reading.

1.3.5. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

Dr. Landrum reported he looked at the Strategic Planning Initiative. It appears the strong collaboration language of must and will was taken out and replaced by language stating where the faculty felt it was in the best interest they would seek collaboration. He stated they do emphasize information sharing so that it would be easier to determine if collaboration would be beneficial. Dr. Franz asked the Senate to consider the importance of the collaboration language. Dr. Landrum will send an informal email to Dr. Radonovich as a recommendation.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

No Report.


The agenda for the January 31, 2002, Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 3, 2002)

1. Meeting of 3 January 2002

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Waring, Redmon, Landrum, Hillman, Radonovich, Franz

Absent: Dr. Miller, Fork, Schnell, Boyd, Williams, and Smith

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Waring reported he went to a System Task Force Meeting to investigate the feasibility of a common software package for the Student Information System. There was a presentation by SCT and Oracle. Having a common software package would streamline the student communication and information. It would provide more accuracy in the data collection and reporting.

Dr. Williamson reported the UA Faculty Senate had passed a resolution in support of Constitutional Reform. It was suggested that the UAH Faculty Senate might want to pass a similar resolution in support of Constitutional Reform coupled with tax reform and keeping the earmark for the Education Trust Fund. There was some discussion of such a resolution and whether it would be a good idea to pass it at the Chancellor's Address Meeting next week. The Executive Committee decided to leave that decision to Dr. Miller. It was reported the Council of Presidents passed a resolution supporting Constitutional Reform.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz reported he was going to Montgomery to meet with the Governor regarding the budget and he would be asking for the two thirds/one third split.

Dr. Franz was asked for advice on points to discuss with the Chancellor when he is here next week.

Dr. Franz was asked about the Faculty Activity Report Form, and reminded that faculty need to know which form to use because the time is approaching for these forms to be completed.

Dr. Radonovich reported there was a Deans] Retreat all morning prior to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to discuss and plan regarding the SACSCOC Accreditation Issue. He stated one of the items that came out of the meeting affecting faculty was a recommendation from the last SACSCOC visit.

There was some discussion regarding faculty promotional increases and the policy for faculty promotional increases. This related back to an earlier report from the last ACUFP meeting. Dr. Waring was asked to gather data for Dr. Radonovich regarding faculty promotional increases for other institutions.

1.3.Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

Dr. Redmon reported that the Committee is putting together a policy for the Honor Code. Someone from the Office of Counsel is supposed to meet with the Committee at the next meeting.

The Committee is also looking at the plagiarism issue. They have looked at the turnitin.com, which is $4000/year, and the program will check words, phrases, etc. for faculty members. Dr. Radonovich stated that we do not have the $4000 but he would be willing to find a way to get it if this is what would be best. He asked that the Committee check with those who have used the program and check on a plagiarism policy that would be clear to the students. Dr. Radonovich suggested that if the Committee checks and finds this is the best way to go, they write a memo from the Executive Committee to the him regarding the program and he would come up with the $4000.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

No Report

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

No Report

1.3.5. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

Dr. Waring gave Dr. Landrum the latest copy of the Strategic Planning Initiative with the suggestions from the UA campus. Copies will go to the Executive Committee and the Curriculum Committee for review. Dr. Landrum reported the Committee has approved a few course changes, and there is one from Nursing that is still pending.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

No Report.


The agenda for the January 10, 2002, Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 29, 2001)

1. Meeting of 29 November 2001

Attending: Drs. Miller, Williamson, Waring, Redmon, Schnell, Smith, Boyd, Radonovich, Franz

Absent: Dr. Landrum, Fork, and Hillman

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Miller reported Dr. Waring and he went to the ACUFP meeting on November 9 and 10. Information from the meeting included reports from various universities.

Dr. Williamson and Dr. Miller reported there would be a Town Hall Meeting this afternoon (November 29) at 4:00 p.m. in the UC sponsored by the Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and Student Government Association. Six Legislators will be present.

A question was posed regarding the bi-weekly pay period. Some discussion followed. Dr. Miller will invite Mr. Ray Pinner to the next Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting for discussion regarding this topic.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported and answered questions regarding the Learning Community Proposal.

Dr. Radonovich reported there is a revised summer session proposal under evaluation and answered questions related to that proposal.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

No Report.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Dr. Fork was on travel and was unable to attend the meeting. He sent a report that was distributed to the Committee Members.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd and Dr. Miller reported Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich met with the Deans regarding Senate Bill 290 and 291. Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich then met with members of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and discussed concerns regarding these two bills.

Senate Bill 290 will be on the agenda for the next Faculty Senate Meeting (December 6, 2001) at third reading.

Senate Bill 291 was referred back to the Personnel Committee for further revision and refining.

There was some discussion regarding the Conflict of Interest issue and the best avenue for the Committee to pursue regarding this topic.

1.3.5. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

No Report.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith reported the Committee has continued to look at the Readmission Policy. There is currently no input from the department or college to the Committee before a student's petition comes to the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee. The Committee is working with Dr. Johnson regarding this routing issue in order to get the right recommendations to the Committee before the Committee acts upon the petition. The question was posed of whether we need a Senate Bill or a Sense of the Senate Resolution. It was suggested a form might solve the problem and Dr. Smith should work with Dr. Johnson and Dr. Radonovich to develop the best solution.

Dr. Smith reported the Committee has researched the issue of the Last Day to Withdraw from a class. The Committee members talked to professors and many are against making the last day of class the Last Day to Withdraw. The consensus was that the current policy does have some constraints. Dr. Smith distributed Senate Bill 292 for first reading. This bill changes the Last Day to Withdraw to the end of the tenth week of classes. This will give time for the students to have their midterm and receive feedback on the midterm so they can make an informed decision regarding withdrawal. After some discussion, Dr. Williams moved, seconded by Dr. Redmon, to call the question. The vote was 7 in favor and 1 opposed. Senate Bill 292 passed at first reading and will be placed on the agenda for the December 6 Faculty Senate Meeting.


The agenda for the December 6, 2001, Faculty Senate Meeting was set.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 1, 2001)

1. Meeting of 1 November 2001

Attending: Drs. Miller, Williamson, Waring, Redmon, Schnell, Fork, Radonovich, Boyd,

Absent: Dr. Landrum and Smith

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Miller reported there will not be a Faculty Senate Meeting next week it will be moved to November 15 due to The Board of Trustees Meeting and the ACUFP meeting. Dr. Miller and Dr. Waring will be out attending these meetings.

Dr. Miller reminded the Committee that the ACUFP meeting is scheduled to be held here at UAH in the spring. We will reserve rooms and work on the details once the dates are set.

Dr. Miller reported since the Chancellor has accepted the position in Georgia, the Faculty Senate does not have a speaker for the January meeting, but we are still working on getting another speaker.

Dr. Williamson reported we have several new members and some special events have been occurring to get information out to prospective members.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz did not have a report and did not remain for the meeting.

Dr. Radonovich reported he had established a task force to work on the Learning Communities concept. The task force (Dr. Fix, Dr. Kirkpatrick, Dr. Aunon, Dr. Johnson, Ms. Smith, and Mr. Verzyl) met and worked on an inexpensive way to start the Learning Communities. The concept is to link three courses together for incoming freshman. The same group of freshman (about 25 students) would be able to take the same three courses, would be able to establish study groups, and could establish other ways of helping each other complete the courses. Dr. Radonovich has a two-page handout but it has not yet been approved by Dr. Franz, therefore he could not distribute the information.

Dr. Radonovich reported he has received a request from SACSCOC to extend the date for our visit from 2005 to 2006 due to the backlog resulting from the change in the process. Dr. Radonovich reported we responded in the affirmative. Our self-study year will now be 2003. We will formulate our plan next year.

Dr. Radonovich was asked about the minority position. Dr. Radonovich responded the number of minority students are up and the number of minorities in administration are up. The number of minority faculty have stayed about the same. The students need role models. The Colleges have put forth a good effort and we are in full compliance, but we still need more role models. Part of the problem is that there are fewer Ph.D.s in some areas. Dr. Radonovich stated there has been a minority position designated internally with a February deadline for prospective candidates. The three criteria used are: 1)qualifications, 2)enrollment in the unit; 3) need for a role model. This position will not substitute for any current vacancy in the colleges. We will not advertise externally.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon reported the Committee is still working on the Academic Misconduct issue.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Dr. Fork reported the Committee is still working on the Handicapped Parking issue.

He reported the Committee appreciates the budget information received from Dr. Franz. The Committee would like to see more details on how the budget is handled across campus.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams was not present but called in the results of the Faculty Appeals Committee elections.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd reported the Committee is still dealing with the conflict of interest issues.

Dr. Boyd distributed copies of the two bills the Committee submitted at first reading.

Dr. Boyd explained that Senate Bill 290 is adding an interim review for deans every fifth semester or half way through the five-year term. This would simply be a questionnaire distributed by the Office of the Provost and returned to the Provost. The Provost would then issue a report. The purpose is for feedback to the dean.

Dr. Boyd explained that Senate Bill 291 is adding more details and clarification to the current process for the fifth year review of deans. This formalizes the traditional practices of the process.

Senate Bill 290 passed unanimously at first reading and will be placed on the agenda for the next Faculty Senate meeting.

Senate Bill 291 passed unanimously at first reading and will be placed on the agenda for the next Faculty Senate meeting.

1.3.5. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

Dr. Landrum was not present but sent his Committee Report which Dr. Miller distributed.

1.3.6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith was not present.


The agenda for the November 15, 2001, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 11, 2001)

1. Meeting of 11 October 2001

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Waring, Williams, Landrum, Redmon, Schnell, Fork, Radonovich, Franz, Boyd, Smith

Absent: Dr. Miller

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Miller was out of town and Dr. Waring presided for the meeting. Dr. Williamson requested assistance with a new name for the PAC.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz and Mr. Pinner presented plans for the future cafeteria renovation.

Dr. Franz answered questions regarding the Lowe House. Functions will be held there. The current President will not live there. There will be a charge for outside functions to be held there. There will be some faculty and staff functions there. Rules for events to be held there are currently being written.

There was a question regarding recruitment goals for next year. Scott Verzyl has set a goal for his staff for next year for a 30% increase.

Biweekly pay and the problems with that were discussed.

The Technology Hall entrance problem has been resolved for now. SCI has opened the area west of the building for traffic.

There was some discussion regarding the possibility of further decrease in appropriations. It is not definite what will happen yet. Dr. Franz stated again that he does not want to go back to the units for further budget cuts.

Dr. Franz reported Chancellor Meredith is one of three finalists for the Georgia Chancellor position.

Dr. Franz distributed budget information to the Senate Executive Committee and asked Peggy to send copies to the Senate Finance and Resources Committee Members. Dr. Franz explained these are increments/changes and not the entire budget. Dr. Franz explained some of the items on the budget. He explained some of the decreases and increases. He explained that we started this year with a 2.87% reduction from the budget of last October. Dr. Franz stated if there are questions please call Ray Pinner or Dr. Franz.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports (Items to Investigate this Year)

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon reported the Committee has discussed Academic Misconduct. The Committee is investigating subscribing to a service that would identify plagiarism in student papers. The Committee is also looking at the possibility of an Honor Code for the University.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Dr. Fork reported the Technology Hall traffic problem has been solved for now. The Committee is looking into the Handicapped Parking issue. Dr. Fork reported the Committee will look into this and make a recommendation at the next meeting. Dr. Fork discussed the challenge to the University regarding security issues as a result of the 9/11/01 events. The Committee will look at making a recommendation regarding a University Sanding Committee regarding Academic Freedom and Security.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams presented a bill regarding a revision to the University Campus Planning Committee selection criteria to state that the membership would have one faculty member that is a current Faculty Senator.� The bill passed the Faculty Senate Executive Committee at first reading unanimously.

1.2.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd reported the Committee was not able to meet and she did not receive enough feedback to present any bills today. The Committee will have bills to present at the next meeting.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

Dr. Landrum reported the Committee is looking at the System Strategic Initiative. Dr. Landrum reported they have some questions regarding definitions of terminology used and other concerns.

1.2.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith reported the Committee was given four charges initially.

He stated the Committee was requested by Dr. Johnson to double their efforts and meet twice as many times during the year to deal with readmits. It was suggested the Committee may look at the way readmission process.

The Committee is discussing the withdrawal policy and a final withdrawal date.

Dr. Smith reported Dr. Johnson has learned there may be a problem in the honors computation, and transfers may have been incorrectly judged on the final 60+ hours regardless of whether the hours were at UAH.

Dr. Smith reported the probation reporting issue may be solved. The letters are being sent to department advisors now.

He reported the Committee is looking at putting a two-page document regarding plagiarism on the web with other links. Since the Faculty and Student Development Committee is looking into this issue also, Dr. Smith agreed to hand this issue over to the Faculty and Student Development Committee.

The Committee is looking at the consequences for academic misconduct. It was suggested maybe the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee will work with the Faculty and Student Development Committee on some of these issues since many of them are overlapping.


The agenda for the October 18, 2001, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 20, 2001)

1. Meeting of 20 September 2001

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Waring, Williams, Landrum, Redmon, Schnell, Fork, Miller, Radonovich, Franz

Absent: Drs. Boyd, Smith

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Miller reported regarding The Board of Trustees Meeting on September 12 and 13.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich had no report.

Dr. Franz had no report but opened the floor for questions.

There was a question regarding when the Faculty Senate would receive the response to the Faculty Activity Report Form. Dr. Radonovich reported he has reviewed it and the Council of Deans has reviewed it and the Council of Deans provided him with another draft. Dr. Radonovich reported he has passed along the information to Dr. Franz for review and maybe Dr. Franz would have a response within the next week or so. Dr. Franz did not believe he could respond within a week due to how much material he has to deal with in that time frame. Dr. Franz also indicated from his perspective it appears there are quite a few differences between what the Faculty Senate requested and what the Council of Deans requested. Dr. Franz wants to review the document carefully.

There was some discussion regarding the boxes and tables requested by the Council of Deans. There was discussion regarding the lack of flexibility and the cumbersome nature of the report with the tables and boxes and with the tracking system proposed.

There was a question regarding the Strategic Planning Initiative Document and whether there is a new deadline for the response to this document. Dr. Radonovich reported there is a new deadline for the responses to the document. Dr. Radonovich read from the minutes of a recent Chief Academic Officers meeting that stated the new deadline for the feedback from the Faculty Senates would be February 19, 2002. Dr. Franz gave some background information for the document and asked Peggy to get copies of all the material for the Faculty Senate Executive Committee so the Committee could review it and find any points of concern.

There was some discussion regarding the Dean Evaluations. There was some concern that the language in the Faculty Handbook might need to be revised to be more specific regarding how the process is conducted. There was some discussion regarding an informal mid cycle review/evaluation for deans for feedback purposes.

There was a request for an examination of a possible revision to the Faculty Handbook to include a statement regarding proper disposal of copies of confidential material regarding students. The Governance and Operations Committee will look at the Handbook regarding this issue.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports (Items to Investigate this Year)

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)

Ms. Redmon reported the Committee met and discussed Faculty and Student Retention. One issue related to this is the issue of handicapped parking. The Finance and Resources Committee will look into this as they examine the overall parking issue.

The Committee also discussed the issue of Academic Misconduct at the University. They are examining the recommendation of the University adopting an Honor Code.

The issue of payroll problems, especially related to contracts and grants, was discussed relating to faculty retention. The biweekly payroll issue in general was discussed related to faculty retention also. It as suggested the Faculty Senate Executive Committee examine this matter and invite someone from the Office of Counsel to attend the meeting and answer questions.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Dr. Fork reported the Committee is examining parking issues and he is waiting for something from Dr. Franz regarding the Technology Hall entrance/exit issue.

Dr. Fork reported there is also some concern for an inequity of raises at a time when there are not any. There are rumors of raises through job description changes, etc. It was suggested if such a problem truly exists that it be referred to the Ombudsperson. It was suggested that a generic report regarding how many and why be requested.

Dr. Fork reported the Committee discussed contracts and what power a faculty member has in making the decision regarding whether the contract is awarded through a Center or to the faculty member and what course of redress does the faculty member have.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams reported he has looked at the Campus Planning Committee and it membership and the Campus Priorities and Resources Advisory Committee and its membership. Both Committees are currently ok with regard to Faculty Senate Membership. The Committee may look at revising the selection process for the Campus Planning Committee to insure one of the six faculty members elected will be a Faculty Senator.

1.2.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd was not present but the charges discussed for the Committee were distributed to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

Dr. Landrum reported the Committee did not meet. They will meet next time and look at the Strategic Planning Initiative Document.

1.2.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Dr. Smith was not present.


The agenda was discussed for the September 27, 2001, Faculty Senate Meeting. Someone will be invited to speak to the Faculty Senate regarding the budget for 2001/2002. Mr. Gary Smith will be invited to speak to the Faculty Senate regarding Legislative Issues.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (August 30, 2001)

1. Meeting of 30 August 2001

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Waring, Williams, Landrum, Boyd, Redmon, Smith, Schnell, Floyd for Fork, Franz

Absent: Drs. Miller, Radonovich

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report -Information

Dr. Miller was out of town. Dr. Waring presided at the meeting.

Dr. Waring had everyone introduce themselves to the Committee.

Dr. Williamson announced the annual ACCUFP meeting will be hosted here this year.

Dr. Williamson also announced our need for continued support and push for the PAC.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich was in Birmingham at a Systems Chief Academic Officers Meeting.

Dr. Franz reported on the budget information he had shared at the Administrative Council Meeting.

Dr. Franz reported he attended the Governor's address and that we were mentioned in the Governor's address. He reported it was an uplifting speech. The Governor is now an advocate for tax reform and constitution reform.

The Library dedication will occur in October.

The Fitness Center will open to the public on September 1.

Enrollment is up-we do not have final numbers.

Dr. Franz will look into the availability of solutions for the danger caused by only one entrance and exit for Tech Hall at peak times.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports (Items to Investigate this Year)

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Melinda Redmon)
1.2.2. Finance and Resources (Richard Fork)

Faculty/ Staff Parking (Look into possibility of designated parking, factors, costs, etc. involved).

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Review Campus Planning Committee and Campus Priorities and Resources Advisory Committee. Review Senate Governance of other University Standing Committees.

1.2.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Deans/Directors Review Process (Does it meet National norms and standards, etc.)

Diversity Issues (What can we do to improve diversity on our campus, what is our part, etc.)

1.2.4. Curriculum (Brian Landrum).

Strategic Planning Initiative (Look at it carefully and develop a response)

1.2.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith)

Withdrawal Date (Look at moving the date to the last day of class)

Criteria for Graduation with Honors (Review the criteria; Is it fair? Does it discriminate?)

Plagiarism (Academic Misconduct) (Look at the guidelines and consequences)

Academic Warning Process (The Chair and Faculty Advisor should be in the notification line)


Deferral to the Faculty Senate President upon his return to set the agenda for the upcoming meeting and develop the charge to the Faculty Senate Committees.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 19, 2001)

1. Meeting of 19 April 2001

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Radonovich, Delugach, Waring, Williams, Neff, Boyd, Hays, Smith, Lawton, Franz

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Williamson discussed the Strategic Initiative and the response to the document. She discussed shared programs, joint programs and cooperative programs. Dr. Radonovich provided a list of currently joint, shared and cooperative programs in the System.

Dr. Williamson discussed the goals and accomplishments of the Faculty Senate this year.

Dr. Williamson discussed The Board of Trustees meeting and her speech to them on Friday.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz was involved in Board of Trustees Meeting activities.

Dr. Radonovich reported regarding prorationing/budgeting with regard to efforts to meet the need for summer and fall schedules. He briefly discussed the frozen positions and prioritized needs for various colleges.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Smith)

Dr. Smith reported the Committee is still working on faculty concerns and a survey. The Committee accomplished the other charges given to it this year (i.e., the on-line requisition system).

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (Peggy Hays)

The Committee made progress with regard to the Distance Learning issues.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams reported the ballot is out for the Faculty Senate Officers and votes are due by Friday, April 20, 2001. The Officers will be ratified at the last Faculty Senate Meeting April 26. The University Standing Committee Ballot will be ready for the last Faculty Senate Meeting April 26. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is looking at the Faculty Senate Committees and making recommendations for those.

1.2.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

The Faculty Activity Report Form was passed at third reading at the April 12, Faculty Senate Meeting and will be forwarded to Administration.

1.2.4. Curriculum (David Neff).

Much activity to complete catalog revisions.

1.2.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Stephen Waring)

Sense of the Senate Resolution regarding Faculty Handbook Procedures was passed at the April 12 meeting. The Provost will proceed in the best possible way.


The Committee set the agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting April 26, 2001.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 1, 2001)

1. Meeting of 1 March 2001

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Radonovich, Delugach, Waring, Williams, Neff, Boyd, Miller, Hays, Smith

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Williamson talked about the UASPAC. She talked about the Action Committee that has representatives in each building and possible contests between each unit with the winner receiving dinner made by Drs. Franz, Radonovich, and Williamson.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz was in Montgomery. Dr. Radonovich gave a brief report on the proration issue.

1.3.Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Smith)

No Report.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (Peggy Hays)

No Report.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams reported the Committee still has a bill on the floor for the March 15, 2001, Faculty Senate Meeting at second reading.

1.2.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Williamson and Dr. Boyd opened discussion regarding how to handle the amendment proposed at the last meeting and the bill will continue at second reading. Suggested wording approved: The annual reporting period is found in Section 7.8.1 of the Faculty Handbook. This Faculty Activity Report/Self Evaluation Form will cover one to five (1 to 5) years to be determined in each college by a vote of the faculty in that college.

1.2.4. Curriculum (David Neff)

No Report.

1.2.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Stephen Waring)

No Report. We will be working on a bill for the future. It may be passed to Governance or Personnel Committee.


The Committee set the agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting March 15, 2001. (Presentation by President Franz and Vice President Ray Pinner)

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 15, 2001)

1. Meeting of 15 February 2001

Attending: Drs. Boyd, Waring, Hays, Delugach, Neff, Williams, Lawton

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Williamson was at The Board of Trustees Meeting. Dr. Waring presided over the meeting.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich and Dr. Franz were attending The Board of Trustees Meeting.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Smith)

Dr. Smith was not present.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (Peggy Hays)

No Report.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams reported the Committee worked on revisions to the Faculty Handbook wit regard to the new Reporting Period for Academic Affairs. Dr. Williams presented Senate Bill 288: Revisions to The Faulty Handbook Section 7.8.1. The bill passed at first reading and will be on the agenda for the Faculty Senate Meeting February 22, 2001.

1.2.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Waring presented the final draft of Senate Bill 287: Revised Faculty Activity Report Form/Self Evaluation. Dr. Williamson had formed a subcommittee of the Personnel Committee to bring together concerns from the Senate Executive Committee, the Personnel Committee, and the Council of Deans and Directors to produce a suitable document for presentation at first reading. Dr. Waring presented the Senate Bill and covered all changes and took further corrections and changes. The Bill passed at first reading with the minor friendly modifications.

1.2.4. Curriculum (David Neff)

Dr. Neff gave no report here but will submit a written report to Peggy later.

1.2.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Stephen Waring)

No Report.


The Committee set the agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting February 22, 2001.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 25, 2001)

1. Meeting of 25 January 2001

Attending: Drs. Radonovich, Cobb for Boyd, Waring, Hays, Delugach, Smith, Williamson, Neff, Williams

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Williamson talked about the Faculty Activity Report and the information obtained from attending a Deans and Directors Meeting on January 18, 2001. The Deans and Directors discussed the Draft Faculty Activity Report Form and had suggestions regarding adding back information to the draft document. They would like the goals and objectives section back in, as well as the five-year publication record.

There was some discussion in the Personnel Committee regarding the recommendations from the Deans and Directors. Dr. Cobb reported for Dr. Boyd regarding the Committee meeting. The Committee is not interested in having an instruction or help booklet. The draft form is quantitative because the Committee saw this as one piece of an evaluation not the evaluation itself. The Committee felt the goals and objectives should be a separate part. The Committee was also looking at this document as a possible database feed which was the other reason for making it more quantitative.

After further discussion it was determined that the Senate Executive Committee should investigate various questions and possibilities further. One of the main questions, what is the purpose of the form? The Committee will investigate questions and various aspects of the draft form before proceeding with any recommendations.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported regarding the new policy for one reporting period for Academic Affairs reports (i.e. Faculty Activity Report, Annual Evaluations, Annual Reports). The one reporting period has been discussed and accepted at all levels now.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Smith)

Dr. Smith talked briefly about the development of a survey questionnaire for faculty to determine the issues faculty see as important and needing attention. The Committee will ask for questions/problems and possible solutions from faculty. They will develop questions and present them to the Executive Committee. One question was discussed briefly regarding the student appeals process and faculty input. There was a question of whether some of the information should be included in the Faculty Handbook that is currently in the Student Handbook. The Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee will look at the process and the Governance and Operations Committee will look at whether the Faculty Handbook should be changed.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (Peggy Hays)

No Report.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.2.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

No Report.

1.2.4. Curriculum (David Neff)

No Report.

1.2.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Stephen Waring)

Dr. Waring reported the Committee met and approved the Course Audit Bill to present at first reading today. The Committee struck a couple of lines from the bill and changed the deadline to the end of the fourth week instead of the end of the eighth week. The bill passed at first reading.


The Committee set the agenda for the upcoming Faculty Senate Meeting February 1, 2001.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 4, 2001)

1. Meeting of 4 January 2001

Attending: Drs. Radonovich, Boyd, Waring, Hays, Lawton, Miller, Delugach, Smith, Floyd, Williamson

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

No Report

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Radonovich reported he has proposed a new Report Period for all reports and will be discussing it with the deans next week. The report period would cover May 15 (year) - May 14 (year). The reports would cover the presiding summer and the current fall and spring. The Faculty Activity Report and the Annual Evaluation would be due in Academic Affairs on June 1. The Annual Report would be due to Academic Affairs on July 1. There was some discussion and questions. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee was in favor having one report period for all reports.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Smith)

Dr. Smith talked briefly about the task force regarding the On-Line Purchase Requisition.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (Peggy Hays)

No Report.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.2.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd and Dr. Williamson opened the floor for the Executive Committee to discuss the Draft Faculty Activity Report Form. Dr. Boyd shared a summary of some of the email comments received to date. Some of the concerns included not having more than one years information on the form, Section V Time Allocation, signatures, having a form and an instruction sheet or help page, adding information to Section V.

1.2.4. Curriculum (David Neff)

No Report.

1.2.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jim Miller)

Dr. Miller reported the Committee will meet tomorrow and consider readmits and the proposed Course Audit Bill.


The Committee the Chancellor's Address January 18, 2001. That will be the entire Senate Meeting for that date.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 30, 2000)

1. Meeting of 30 November 2000

Attending: Drs. Franz, Radonovich, Boyd, Neff, Williams, Hays, Lawton, Miller, Delugach, Smith, Floyd, Williamson

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Williamson discussed the UASPAC and upcoming issues. We are emphasizing local PACs and encouraging cooperation with other PACs.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz talked about the letter offering $400 additional pay in the first January paycheck for faculty and staff choosing this option.

Dr. Franz talked briefly about the budget and a meeting of the Council of Presidents. He discussed the use of the ACHE formula in funding.

There was some discussion regarding the long range strategic planning document. The Board passed a summary presented by C. Nash. The detailed document may have items that should be revised or deleted.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Smith)

No Report.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Peggy Hays)

No Report.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd sent a revised FAR document to the members for review and input. There was some discussion regarding the timeframe for the various reports (i.e. FARs, Annual evaluations, Annual Reports, etc). There was discussion regarding having them all on the same schedule. They will continue to review these and present a bill.

1.3.4. Curriculum (David Neff)

No Report.

1.3.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jim Miller)

No Report.


The Committee set the agenda for the December 7, 2000, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 2, 2000)

1. Meeting of 2 November 2000

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Hays, Boyd, Neff, Miller, Smith, and Floyd

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Williamson discussed the information Gary Smith made available at the last Senate Meeting. She plans to make copies of that material available for Faculty Senate Members to distribute to their college faculty.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Not Present-Dr. Radonovich was in Birmingham at a SACSCOC meeting.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Smith)

Dr. Smith and Dr. Williamson briefly discussed Dr. Franz's plan for an open forum on the on-line requisition issue. There is no date set for that yet. Dr. Smith will also work on obtaining information regarding the use of the Annual Report and a possible bill to sequence the timeline for the Faculty Activity Report and the Annual Report.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (Peggy Hays)

No Report. The Committee will be looking into the origin of policies for Distance Learning Issues.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Hays reported the Committee has examined the membership of the Animal Care and Use Committee and the membership has changed and there is a Faculty Senator on the Committee. There is no need for any change at this time.

1.2.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd reported the Committee will meet next week and continue to work on the Faculty Activity Report. There was some discussion of having a working meeting for the Faculty Senate to work through a draft revision of the Faculty Activity Report.

1.2.4. Curriculum (David Neff)

Dr. Neff reported the Committee met and approved some course approval forms and revised the draft bill regarding inter-college programs. The bill was presented to the Executive Committee for first reading. Dr. Smith proposed a friendly amendment to remove the last sentence and to remove the phrase and/or courses after the word disciplines in the first sentence. The bill passed at first reading with the friendly amendment.

1.2.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jim Miller)

Dr. Miller will take the bill regarding change from credit to audit proposed by Dr. Bower to the Committee at their next meeting and then present it to the Executive Committee for first reading at their next meeting. Dr. Miller will present the bill rescinding the WX grade at the upcoming Senate Meeting.


The Committee set the agenda for the November 9, 2000, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 12, 2000)

1. Meeting of 12 October 2000

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Radonovich, Delugach, Williams, Hays, Boyd, Neff, and Franz

1.1. Faculty Senate President's Report Information

Dr. Williamson reported that Gary Smith was invited to come to today's Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting; however, he could not make it because he had to go to Birmingham today. He will be at the Faculty Senate Meeting Thursday, October 19, 2000, unless the Committee votes otherwise. He will give information and answer questions regarding the System PAC. The Executive Committee will present a Sense of the Senate Resolution supporting the System PAC.

Dr. Williamson has also asked Dr. Franz to share his budget presentation he did for The Board of Trustees.

1.2. Reports from Administration

Dr. Franz spoke briefly regarding his trip to Montgomery and the discussion of UAH as the pioneer/guinea pig in the Performance Based Budget study. Dr. Franz continues to work closely with the Legislature regarding the definitions and parameters of the Performance Based Budgeting Issue. There are some differences of opinion on the benchmarks and how they should be used.

Dr. Radonovich reported ACHE approved the Biotechnology Ph.D. and the MS in MIS at the October meeting.

1.3. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.3.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Smith)

Dr. Smith was not present. Dr. Williamson reported that Dr. Smith and she met with Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich regarding the On-Line Requisition issue and Dr. Franz has established an ad hoc Committee to look into the problems. Dr. Franz has also approved the use of paper requisitions for at least the next three months while the Committee is investigating the problems and possible solutions.

Dr. Delugach reiterated the need to get information from users before something new is implemented. He also discussed the fact that there are resources available on campus that could help with analysis and study of new programs, new software, new hardware, and new procedures. These resources are available in the faculty and staff.

1.3.2. Finance and Resources (Peggy Hays)

Dr. Hays distributed a written report and commented on various aspects of the written report. She also distributed a Five-Year Plan proposed by Don Halverstadt regarding the Internet and the Network. Some discussion ensued regarding the Internet Policy versus the Distance Education Policy.

1.3.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams distributed a written report regarding the status of the University Standing Committees and the faculty and Faculty Senate membership and responsibilities on those Committees.

1.3.4. Personnel (Lynn Boyd)

Dr. Boyd reported that Dr. Radonovich sent some information to her regarding the ACHE plan for the Faculty Database. The summary of the information was that the Commission has revised the form and will start Phase I with teaching load information only.

Dr. Boyd also reported that Dr. Radonovich has sent some sample copies of one page Faculty Activity Report Forms. The Committee will work on revising the Faculty Activity Report Form first and then move to the ACHE Faculty Database Information.

Dr. Radonovich reported the Faculty Database was not discussed at the ACHE meeting he attended October 6.

1.3.4. Curriculum (David Neff)

No Report.

1.3.5. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Jim Miller)

Dr. Miller was not present. Dr. Williamson reported that the Committee was going to work on a bill to rescind the Senate Resolution regarding the Faculty Initiated Student Withdrawal Policy. Dr. Delugach moved and Dr. Williams seconded with all in favor that Dr. Williamson write a bill rescinding Resolution 99/00-03: Faculty Initiated Student Withdrawal Policy and put it on the agenda for the next meeting at second reading.


The Committee set the agenda for the October 19, 2000, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 20, 2000)

1. Meeting of 20 April 2000

Attending: Drs. Hanks, Delugach, Richards, Swain, Williams, Johnson, Bliss, Sherman, Williamson

1.1. DISCUSSION Information

House Bill 204 was discussed. Items from the Administrative Council Meeting were discussed. The Board of Trustees meeting was discussed.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Committee assignments and Committee Chair possibilities were discussed. Joan has contacted individuals regarding Committee preferences and willingness to serve as Chair. The elections for the Senate Officers and requests for individuals for the University Standing Committees Ballot are in process. These are to be ready for confirmation at the April 27 Senate meeting.

1.2.4. Personnel (Dan Sherman)

The Committee has been studying the Blue Cross Blue Shield pharmaceutical issues. Dr. Sherman will be attending the next meeting of the Employee Benefits Committee.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

Dr. Richards reported the Committee has been busy and will be busy during the next week. There will be a meeting Friday, April 21, 2000 at 12:30 p.m. to discuss modifications to Education 309, a new course MIS 470, a new course CM 345, Psychology's proposal for renumbering courses, a certificate in Computer Mediated Cognate, International Trade Cognate problems, and HPE and Music proposals.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Dr. Bliss asked about the outcome of Senate Bill 283 in his absence from the last Senate Meeting. The bill will be on the agenda at Third Reading at the April 27 meeting.


The Committee set the agenda for the April 27, 2000, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 6, 2000)

1. Meeting of 6 April 2000

Attending: Drs. Hanks, Brookman, Jarem, Swain, Williams, Lawton, Bliss, Delugach, Richards

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

Legislative Update and House Bill 204. The next few weeks are critical for contacting Representatives and Senators regarding the vote on House Bill 204. This legislation would bankrupt the State and deplete the funds from the Education Trust Fund for the future leaving no funds for any aspect of education other than K-12 teacher pay raises.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report

1.2.4. Personnel (Dan Sherman)

No Report

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

Dr. Richards reported there have been some approvals for NC grade options and the proposal for the changes to the Foreign Language curriculum have been approved.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Dr. Bliss reported the Committee met to discuss Senate Bill 283 that will be brought to the table today.


Dr. Hanks brought a Resolution Honoring Reva Bailey to the table for vote. It passed unanimously and will be on the agenda for Thursday's Senate meeting.

Dr. Bliss introduced and gave background information on Senate Bill 283. After some discussion the vote was 5 to 3 to pass the bill at first reading and place it on the agenda for the next Senate meeting.

The Committee was reminded we need nominations for the President Elect and Ombudsperson by Thursday, April 13.

The Committee set the agenda for the April 13, 2000, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 9, 2000)

1. Meeting of 9 March 2000

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Lawton, Sherman, Swain, Bliss, Richards, Williams, Cobb for Brookman, Hanks

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

Dr. Williamson gave an update on the Registrar Search.

Dr. Franz discussed the parking lot issue and suggestions he had received. He also discussed the legislation that is before the House Ways and Means Committee regarding mandated, locked in pay raises for K-12 teachers.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

The Committee has written a memo regarding the Distance Learning issues.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report

1.2.4. Personnel (Dan Sherman)

Dr. Sherman reported the Committee had been asked to review the TIAA/CREF for staff. The results indicated that salaried staff can participate with matching and other staff can participate but without matching.

The Committee was also asked to check into the prescription drug option.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

Dr. Richards reported the Committee's meeting scheduled for last week was cancelled due to the Service Awards luncheon. He sent emails for response on some issues. The University 011 has undergone some modification to become University 101. He will approve that today. HPE had some generic offerings that will be split into specific offerings. He will approve those today.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Dr. Bliss reported the Committee looked at the Senate Bill that changed the midterm progress grade reports and saw no need at the time for any further change. The Committee has since taken a closer look and have been informed that the S, and U, options should be reinstated for these reports. The Committee will look into this and will solicit some student input also.

Dr. Bliss also reported that he called a meeting of the Education Technology and Distance Education Committee. They did not choose a chair at the meeting but Dr. McManus has since asked Dr. Emslie to serve as Chair. Dr. McManus has sent some information out and asked C. Lundquist to put together information regarding patents.


The Committee set the agenda for the March 16, 2000, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 17, 2000)

1. Meeting of 17 February 2000

Attending: Drs. Williamson, Lawton, Sherman, Swain, Bliss, Richards, Williams, Brookman

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

The Committee discussed the work on the University Committees and reports were given on those that have met.

The Campus Planning Committee met and information was given to the members of the Planning Committee on the building projects.

The Commencement Committee met. Peggy distributed a chart that explains a change in the Faculty Processional. There was some discussion regarding the Commencement dates being tentatively set for Mother's Day for the next five years.

There was a report on the progress of the Registrar Search/Screening Committee.

The Information Services Users Advisory Committee met and are drafting a Computer Users Manual.

Some discussion ensued and concerns were expressed regarding the Education Technology and Distance Education Committee and the fact it has not met yet and there are many policies that need to be developed as more and more faculty delve into this area.

There was some discussion and concern expressed regarding the new reporting grade options that are on the reporting form for the mid semester progress reports.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

The Committee has communicated by email to finalize the recommendations on the Distance Learning issue.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report

1.2.4. Personnel (Dan Sherman)

Dr. Sherman reported the Committee finalized the recommendations on the Faculty Database. Dr. Sherman distributed the list of recommendations and discussed them. Dr. Sherman put the document forward as a Sense of the Senate Resolution and the Executive Committee accepted it and placed it on the agenda for the next Faculty Senate Meeting.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

No Report

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Senate Bills 281 and 282 will be on the agenda at third reading.


The Committee set the agenda for the February 24, 2000, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 27, 2000)

1. Meeting of 27 January 2000

Attending: Drs. Hanks, Williamson, Lawton, Sherman, Jarem, Swain, Delugach, Bliss, Richards

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

The Committee discussed the work on the University Committees and the results of the Governance Committees work in that area. The Committee also discussed the hopeful attitude in the Budget situation and the work of the Legislature. Dr. Franz reported on the hearing at which he testified.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

Dr. Jarem reported the Committee met and discussed the distance education issue. The consensus of the Committee was that faculty should have ownership of courses depending on the contribution of the University. There was some discussion of how much release time should be given for teaching distance education courses. Dr. Jarem is drafting a resolution for the Committee to review.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report

1.2.4. Personnel (Dan Sherman)

Dr. Sherman reported the Committee met and discussed the statewide faculty database. He is drafting recommendations to bring to the Senate later.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

Dr. Richards reported the Committee met and discussed Psychology 201 and using it as a general education requirement. The Committee also discussed Music 106 and changing the title and modifying the description.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Dr. Bliss reported the Committee has met via email and dealt with the three bills that are on the table today and the list of issues for consideration regarding the A, B, C, D, NC Grading Option. This will be distributed to the Senate.

Dr. Bliss brought Senate Bill 280: Standardization of NC Grade Option to the table for consideration at first reading. After some discussion it was determined this bill was not needed because the Curriculum Committee considers this when course changes come through.

Dr. Bliss brought Senate Bill 281: Course Repeat Limit for NC Grade Option to the table for consideration at first reading. After some discussion, two friendly amendments were suggested and the bill passed at first reading and will be placed on the agenda for the upcoming Senate Meeting.

Dr. Bliss brought Senate Bill 282: Establishment of Faculty-Initiated Student Withdrawal to the table for consideration at first reading. Dr. Bliss introduced the bill and gave some background for it. There was some discussion regarding listing criteria. After a friendly amendment the bill passed at first reading and will be placed on the agenda for the upcoming Senate Meeting.


Dr. Hanks brought a Sense of the Senate Resolution: Program Viability Review to the Table for consideration by the Executive Committee. The Sense of the Senate Resolution was passed and will be on the agenda for the upcoming Senate Meeting.

The Committee set the agenda for the February 3, 2000, Faculty Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 11, 2000)

1. Meeting of 11 January 2000

Attending: Drs. Hanks, Williamson, Lawton, Sherman, Jarem, Swain, Delugach, Bliss, Brookman, Richards

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

The Committee discussed faculty activity reports and related issues, the NC grading policy and withdrawal deadlines, the Legislative agenda, the V. P. for Student Affairs, distance learning issues, strategic planning task forces for the System and their activities, learning communities (i.e. cohort groupings of students and living and learning centers).

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

Dr. Jarem reported the Committee will be meeting next week. He has requested any documents that might be available with information on Distance Education and related issues. Some ad hoc Committees did some work in the past and he would like to obtain the information from those for his Committee to use in their investigations.

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report

1.2.4. Personnel (Dan Sherman)

This Committee will be reviewing Faculty Activity Reports and related issues.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

Dr. Richards reported the Committee met on December 9 and reviewed MIS Program Changes. The changes were approved. The new class schedule proposed by Fran Johnson was supported by the Committee.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Dr. Bliss reported the Committee continues to work on the NC Grading issue and the Administrative Withdrawal issue. They will bring forward information on these in the near future. The Committee reviewed 39 cases of bankruptcy and/or readmissions. The Committee feels the new deadline for getting all applications in at the same time is working well.


The only agenda item for the next meeting (January 13, 2000) is the Chancellor's Address. The next Executive Committee meeting will be January 27, 2000.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 4, 1999)

1. Meeting of 4 November 1999

Attending: Bliss, Delugach, Iris Warren for Janet Brookman, Lawton and Williams

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

Dr. Williams presided over the Executive Committee Meeting because Dr. Hanks was attending a conference.

Dr. McManus reported there is an individual Dr. Dees Stallings on campus today to talk about distance education and options available. Dr. McManus encouraged the faculty to attend the session this afternoon.

Dr. McManus reported he will bring some issues to the Personnel Committee-issues that need addressing in the Faculty Handbook. We currently have clinical titles for faculty and instructor and lecturer ranks. There is no promotion provision in these nontenure-earning ranks. Dr. McManus reported he has discussed these with the deans and they agree we need these categories developed in a controlled way. Dr. McManus has worked on a draft to broaden the clinical track to include instructor, Instructional Assistant Professor, etc. There will have to be a limit to what a department can have in this category. Based on what we currently have the limit of 20% has been set. The department would be limited to 20% of the tenured and tenure-earning faculty in the departments with majors. These categories would also apply to part-time faculty.

Also the faculty with half appointments in a Center and half appointments in a department need to be better defined in the Handbook. Dr. McManus will be delivering these items to the Personnel Committee for work.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

Dr. Swain could not attend but sent a written report that the Committee had met with Dr. Fisher and learned a fair amount about the history of the athletic center project and various issues related to the cost to the faculty. The electable benefit is still the current thinking of the administration. The cost is a function of the tax code combined with the particular feature that the operation of the upgraded facility is being financed by selling memberships to the general public. This facility will help in the recruiting and retention aspect. This facility will also bring the public into UAH which allows them to see it as a value and make it a destination.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams brought a bill to the Executive Committee for first reading. This bill is a result of Dr. Hanks request that the Committee look at the University Standing Committee structures and meeting frequency. Dr. Williams formed a subcommittee headed by Dr. Wilkerson. The Subcommittee produced a Senate bill amending the Senate Bylaws. This bill is presented for first reading and it will be on the agenda at second reading for the next Senate meeting.

Dr. Williams lead a brief discussion regarding nominations for President-Elect to replace Jane Cash and the individuals eligible. The consensus is that nominations will be taken from last year's Senate and this year's Senate. The person elected must be a member of the Senate during his or her term of office.

Dr. McManus was asked if he would convene the Educational Technology and Distance Education Committee so they can elect a Chair.

1.2.4. Personnel (Bill Garstka)

No Report.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

No Report.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Dr. Bliss reported the Committee is still looking at the Administrative Withdrawal and the A, B, C, NC grading. Dr. Bliss has a list of issues to go over with the Committee and then with the Office of the Provost. The Committee will meet tomorrow at 2:30 p.m.

1.2.6. Ombudsperson (Bob Lawton)

Dr. Lawton reported some students have complained that they registered for a Biology Course and were not charged a lab fee. The lab fee was changed during the semester and they have now received a bill with the newly assessed lab fee. He referred them to the SGA and the Bursar.


The Committee set the agenda for Senate Meeting 413, November 11, 1999.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 14, 1999)

1. Meeting of 14 October 1999

Attending: Bliss, Hanks, Delugach, Garstka, Jarem, Lawton, Richards, Swain, Williams

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

Dr. Hanks reported he attended the Administrative Council Meeting the morning of October 14. One point of interest was a tailored plan similar to Louisiana's for funding education scholarships, as a result of the failure of the lottery. This would take increase from the Education Trust Fund for the next several years to establish a scholarship fund. This would mean no raises for education for several years.

Another point was a proposal by AEA to bring teacher salaries to the National Average. This presents competition for Education Trust Fund monies. Higher Education would want to propose the same sort of deal.

Dr. Hanks informed the group that Jane Cash has resigned effective Spring Semester and the Senate will need to recruit a new President-Elect and hold a campuswide election prior to the end of this semester.

Dr. Hanks announced Dr. Janet Brookman has agreed to serve as Parliamentarian for this year.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

Dr. Swain reported the Committee met at the Athletic Center. The next meeting will be October 28 at UC with Dr. Fisher. The Committee could not meet with Jim Harris due to some prior commitments on his part so they met with Mike Altman. There was some discussion regarding the description of the facilities and who has been involved in decision making processes. There is some information that has been difficult to obtain, i.e. , who uses the facilities and how often. There was some discussion regarding the Recreation Center as a Benefit and cost details.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams reported the Committee met and received the ballots for Faculty Appeals and counted the votes. A memo was sent out with an announcement of the winners. Dr. Williams established a Subcommittee of Dr. Wilkerson, Hays, and Abushagur to look at a Sense of the Senate Resolution about University Committees and the frequency of meetings. They may also look at possible co-chairs for Committees and a rewrite of the Mission Statements for University Committees.

1.2.4. Personnel (Bill Garstka)

Dr. Garstka reported the Committee met and is looking at the status of the two resolutions related to the Faculty Activity Report and how to deal with this. He met with Dr. McManus and he received some further information and explanation of the status of these two resolutions.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

Dr. Richards reported the Committee will be meeting on October 28 and he has received three documents with course changes. The Committee will also discuss the viability issue. There was some discussion regarding some departments who may be renumbering or revamping courses for the future.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Dr. Bliss reported he has been gathering information on the Administrative Withdrawal issue and the A, B, C, NC grading issue. He met with Dr. Franz and Dr. Johnson. It has been suggested by the Council of Deans that this be a department by department decision since the mechanism for doing it is already in place. The Committee will meet tomorrow at 3:30 p.m.

1.2.6. Ombudsperson (Bob Lawton)

Dr. Lawton reported some discussions regarding the work on the lake and the streams north of the lake. He has had discussions with Mr. Quick, Dave Brown and the Corps of Engineers.

Dr. Lawton reported he had some discussions with Gerry Moore regarding the HMO discontinuation and other available option. It appears there is a lack of options in North Alabama. Dr. Lawton will discuss the possibility of a United Health Care option with Gerry Moore.


The Executive Committee discussed the dates for the Chancellor's Address and President Franz and Vice President Quick's presentation. The Committee chose January 13, 2000 for the Chancellor's Address and March 16, 2000 for President Franz and Vice President Quick's presentation.

The Executive Committee discussed a resolution honoring Reva Bailey. It should be ready for the Senate Meeting.

The Executive Committee discussed a revision to the Senate Resolution regarding salaries. Three lines were added to the resolution to include staff salaries in the request. The Staff Senate will present a similar resolution including faculty salaries in their resolution.

The Committee set the agenda for Senate Meeting 412, October 21, 1999.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 16, 1999)

1. Meeting of 16 September 1999

Attending: Drs. Bliss, Cash, Garstka, Jarem, Lawton, Richards, Swain, Williams

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

Dr. Hanks was in Tuscaloosa at The Board of Trustees meeting. Dr. Cash called the meeting to order and discussed Dr. Hanks report from the Administrative Council Meeting of September 14. There was one suggestion to pass along to the administration to be sure to recognize contributors to changes in policies, etc.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

The Committee met and Dr. Swain reported he had one hundred percent present. There was much interest expressed on the new Recreation Center. The action plan is to meet with the Athletic Director and get information and also to survey the faculty that are currently using the Spragins facility.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

Dr. Williams reported the Committee met and studied the University Standing Committees and their role and utilization, authority, etc. Who do the decisions go through? The Committee felt certain Committees should meet on a regular bases. We may need to change the bylaws. The Senate Bylaws do say that the Committees should meet once a semester. The suggestion was made to assign the governance of the various University Committees to each of the Senate Committees. Dr. Williams suggested we may need a resolution and a change to the Senate Bylaws to include the governance of the University Standing Committees. Dr. Williams asked that Peggy send a copy of the University Committees Reference Manual to each of the Senate Executive Committee Members.

1.2.4. Personnel (Bill Garstka)

Dr. Garstka reported the Committee has not yet met but he has been fact finding and he will be meeting with Dr. McManus on Monday.

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

Dr. Richards reported the Committee has not yet met but he has inquired if there are any pressing issues.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Dr. Bliss reported he has been fact finding and waiting for some clarification on the A, B, C, NC and A, B, C, D, NC grading. The Committee is also looking at the withdrawal issue.


The Committee voted to move the meetings to Optics Building Room 234.

The Committee set the agenda for Senate Meeting 411, September 23, 1999.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (August 26, 1999)

1. Meeting of 26 August 1999

Attending: Drs. Bliss, Cash, Delugach, Garstka, Hanks, Jarem, Johnson, Lawton, McManus, Richards, Swain,

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

Dr. Hanks announced the Senate needs a Parliamentarian. He asked the Executive Committee to think about it so the position could be filled.

Dr. Hanks reported on the Academic Council Meeting he attended. Topics discussed at that meeting were: Retention, Affirmative Action and Viability. Some new programs were discussed: Biotechnology and the Space Sciences.

There was some discussion of Business Items for the coming year and assignment of those to the specific Committees: Faculty Activity Reports (Personnel), Viability (Curriculum), Intellectual Property and Distance Learning (Finance and Resources), Faculty and Staff Recreation Center Access (Student and Faculty Development), Grading Policy for some 100-level courses (A, B, C, NC) (Scholastic Affairs), Withdrawal Deadline/Administrative Withdrawal (Scholastic Affairs), Animal Care and Use Committee (Governance), University Committee Meetings (Governance)

Dr. Hanks will attend the first Board Meeting for this year in two weeks.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development (Jim Swain)

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources (John Jarem)

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams)

No Report (Not Present)

1.2.4. Personnel (Bill Garstka)

No Report

1.2.4. Curriculum (Phil Richards)

No Report

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs (Jim Bliss)

Dr. Bliss reported the Committee has handled 29 readmits and 18 academic bankruptcies over the summer.

Dr. Bliss presented a proposal for discussion and recommendation. The proposal consisted of establishing a specific date each semester for the Scholastic Affairs Committee to review readmissions and academic bankruptcy cases. This date would be the second day of regular ("open") registration. The deadline for receipt of readmissions and academic bankruptcy petitions would be the first day of regular ("open") registration. These dates and deadlines would be announced and published in the Schedule of Classes. Any petitions arriving late would be tabled until the following semester. This would eliminate the problem of petitions dwindling in during the summer and the difficulty in convening the Committee during the summer.

The recommendation is to obtain approval from the remainder of the Scholastic Affairs Committee and forward the proposal to Academic Affairs for action.


The Committee set the agenda for Senate Meeting 410, September 2, 1999.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 8, 1999)

1. Meeting of 8 April 1999

Attending: Dr. Delugach, Dr. Hays-Proxy for Dr. Brookman, Dr. Swain, Dr. Richards, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Comfort, Dr. Bliss.

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

Dr. Delugach presented information from the Staff Senate for discussion in the Executive Committee. The Staff Senate have proposed some payroll changes, namely having the December Paycheck paid before the Christmas Break as in the past and a proposal for twice monthly payroll. After some discussion it was determined that there should be more research on the part of the Staff Senate as to consequences and ramifications that could result.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations

No Report

1.2.4. Personnel

No Report

1.2.4. Curriculum

Dr. Comfort reported the Committee is in the process of finishing the year and tying any loose ends. Most of the issues are fairly routine and most have been resolved.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs

No Report


The Committee set the agenda for Senate Meeting 409, April 15, 1999 and discussed the possibility of the combined meeting of the new and old Executive Committees for April 29 or May 6. The Executive Committees will decide at the April 15, 1999, Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 18, 1999)

1. Meeting of 18 March 1999

Attending: Dr. Delugach, Dr. Brookman, Mr. Warren, Dr. Swain, Dr. Richards, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Comfort.

1.1. DISCUSSION - Information

Dr. Delugach commented on information received from the System Office regarding the House and Senate Members and their backgrounds, education, and affiliation.

Dr. Delugach commented on an email received from Dr. Garstka regarding the Mid Semester Progress Report. Basically Dr. Garstka already gives the students more feedback than is required and in more detail than that of the Mid Semester Progress Report.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations

No Report

1.2.4. Personnel

No Report

1.2.4. Curriculum

The Committee met on March 11, 1999, and approved thirteen new courses. Some of these were Graduate and Undergraduate cross-listed. University 011 was discussed. Nine courses were deleted. Six courses were cleaned up or changed. There were three deferrals, one involved Math 105 and the requirement for Nursing students. The second teaching field in Science was removed.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs

No Report


The Committee set the agenda for Senate Meeting 408, March 25, 1999. The Committee was reminded the last Executive Committee Meeting is April 8 and the last Faculty Senate Meeting is April 15. The Committee was also reminded of the nominations for officer for the Faculty Senate.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 25, 1999)

1. Meeting of 25 February 1999

Attending: Dr. Delugach, Dr. Brookman, Mr. Warren, Dr. Swain, Dr. Richards, Dr. Bliss, Dr. Comfort

1.1. INFORMATION - Board of Trustees Meeting

Dr. Delugach informed the Executive Committee that the Board of Trustee will have their institutional meeting at UAH on May 6 and May 7, 1999. The institutional presentation is on Friday. Dr. Delugach encouraged members of the Committee to give him ideas and input for his presentation to the Board. He also invited the members to attend the portions of the meeting that are open.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations

Presented Senate Bill 278: the amendment to the Faculty Senate By-Laws for Section III.K: Past President. The bill passed at first reading and will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting..

1.2.4. Personnel

No Report

1.2.4. Curriculum

The Committee met February 18 and took care of 24 actions.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs

Dr. Bliss reported the Committee met February 18 and primarily talked about the A, B, C, NC grading. They also took care of some academic bankruptcy and readmission cases. He met with Dr. Johnson and Dr. Franz and the Committee decided the system is feasible and might work well. The Committee suggests the departments make their own decisions but that there must be a system for consistency among sections. There are a couple more issues for the Committee to resolve and the Committee will then come forward with a draft bill.


The Committee dealt with some issues of University Standing Committee needs and nominations for Faculty Senate Officers and set the agenda for the next meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 4, 1999)

1. Meeting of 4 February 1999

Attending: Dr. Delugach, Dr. Brookman, Mr. Warren, Dr. Swain, Dr. Richards, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Bliss, Dr. Comfort and Dr. Schoening.

1.1. DISCUSSION - Sale of Noojin House

Dr. Schenker reported that Dr. Brindley has been discussing the sale of the Noojin House with the city. The City Council Members are interested, some of them are very interested. They are looking for a park cite. He asked that the Senate encourage the administration not to move too hastily selling to the highest bidder and give an opportunity to work with the city.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources

No Report

1.2.3. Governance and Operations

Discussed the involvement of the Past-President in the Executive Committee. There was one suggestion to have the Past President serve as the Parliamentarian. Dr. Delugach asked the Committee to think about this and send him any comments.

1.2.4. Personnel

Dr. Schenker presented the Senate Bill 277: Confidentiality of Faculty Activity Reports. Dr. Schenker moved the bill to the floor, seconded by Dr. Brookman. Dr. Schenker gave some background for the bill. The goal is to maintain some level of confidentiality with the electronic version of the report. There was some discussion on this and it was suggested this information should only be available on a need-to-know basis. One suggestion was to log each access of the information. Dr. Delugach asked that the Provost's Office give the Executive Committee a report on what measures were used, etc. before implementation. Dr. McManus assured the group the system will be tested before it is put out for use. The bill passed at first reading with one friendly amendment to add "as determined jointly by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Provost's Office" after measures.

1.2.4. Curriculum

The Committee met and took care of 63 actions and had one inaction.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs

Dr. Bliss reported the Committee met and passed several actions. They discussed concerns for the A, B, C, NC grading. They will be meeting with Fran Johnson next week. They are looking at Advisement Center Evaluations and the charges given to the Committee at the beginning of the year.


The Committee confirmed the details of the report from Dr. Franz and Mr. Quick for the next Senate Meeting. They decided the meeting would be held in Administrative Science Building Room 114 instead of Pei-Ling Chan Auditorium.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 14, 1999)

1. Meeting of 14 January 1999

Attending: Dr. Delugach, Dr. Brookman, Mr. Warren, Dr. Swain, Dr. Richards, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Bliss, Dr. Comfort and Dr. Schoening.

1.1. DISCUSSION - Report from Library Committee and Sale of Noojin House

Dr. Delugach would like a report from the Library Committee soon-perhaps at the next meeting.

There was some discussion regarding the sale of the Noojin House. Some background, history, etc. of the Noojin House was presented.

There was some discussion regarding the closing of the RSIC or other changes. The RSIC is important to us and we are working to do what we can to make sure it stays in some form.

Dr. Delugach polled the Committee on the possibility of moving the Senate Executive Committee Meeting to April 8 and the Senate Meeting to April 15 so as not to interfere with the Research and Teaching Awards scheduled on April 22.

Dr. Delugach reported the System Planning continues. The Presidents, Provosts and Faculty Senate Presidents have met three times with the Chancellor and a consultant and had discussions and worked toward developing planning strategies.

Dr. Janet Brookman gave the Committee some background on the UA System Joint Program in Nursing.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development

No Report

1.2.2. Finance and Resources

No Report

1.2.3. Personnel

The Committee is developing a Confidentiality bill relating to the Faculty Activity Report.

1.2.4. Curriculum

The Committee approved a proposal from the English Department to grade EH 003, EH 101, EH 102 with A, B, C, or NC (No Credit). NC designation does not affect student's grade point average. Provost office will work with Financial Aid to assure that a student's financial aid is not adversely affected by the fact that no credit hours are awarded in the event of an NC grade. (required by the statewide articulation guidelines. Also, this system is in use by UA and UAB with good results). Took action on 200 level Classical Greek courses was deferred to next meeting when complete enrollment data for the first 100 level course would be available. Approved the use of MU 201 for fulfillment of Area V GER. PHL 335 addition was referred back to the Philosophy Department for clarification of status of deletion of a similar course (or requirement) in the Sociology Department. Approved course number designation changes for four English courses. Course description changes for four Accounting courses. Approved four course deletions for two ATS and two ES courses (same courses cross-listed). For HPE courses approved the following: Addition of four new courses, Title changes for 15 courses, Deletion of 26 courses.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs

Dr. Bliss reported action on five bankruptcy cases, ten readmissions and deferred 7 cases that were filed inappropriately. There is a need for deadlines expressed to S. Williams. We are still working on affect of policies form last year. Assessing effectiveness of Advisement Centers.


The Committee confirmed the details of the Chancellor's Address for the next Senate Meeting.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (November 19, 1998)

1. Meeting of 19 November 1998

Attending: Dr. Delugach, Dr. Brookman, Mr. Warren, Dr. Swain, Dr. Richards.

1.1. DISCUSSION -- Legislature

Dr. Delugach reported he talked with other Faculty Senate Presidents and most of them use the President and President Elect officers and also include the Past President. The Past President office holds no power and is not a voting member but is still part of the board and serves as a memory bank and historical data person for the Senate. Dr. Delugach passed this to the Governance Committee for action.

Dr. Delugach briefly discussed performance based funding and a resolution passed by ACCUFP, This is something ACHE has discussed. Dr. Johnson briefly described the system used in Tennessee and agreed to obtain more information about this for the Executive Committee.

The System continues their efforts on long range planning and strategies to eliminate barriers to taking courses at other campuses. Distance learning, cooperative, joint and collaborative courses are being discussed and developed. There is some definition needed for these terms in order for fairness and cohesiveness.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development

Dr. Swain reported the Committee interviewed Delois Smith of Student Services and a report is forthcoming.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources

The Committee is still waiting for information on salary figures after the salary increases of this year.

1.2.3. Personnel

The Committee looked at the Promotion Committee makeup and found no solution better than what we already have. They continue to investigate the Faculty Activity Report. The main question has been who will have access to the reports. A bill will be drafted.

1.2.4. Curriculum

The Committee has worked via email and has approved some petitions. They have no bills forthcoming.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs

Dr. Bliss distributed Bill 276 UAH Mid-Semester Progress Reports for Courses Numbered 0-299

There has been some concerns for the results of these reports and the actions taken as a result. The concern of the students has been there is not enough detail and feedback now. The bill distributed asks for A, B, C, D, F or N scale. After some minor editorial changes the bill passed at first reading and should be on the Agenda for the December 3, 1998 meeting.

The Committee has also been receiving bankruptcy cases and acting on those.


The Committee set the agenda for the December 3, 1998, meeting. The Mid-Semester Progress Report for Courses Numbered 0-299 will be at Second Reading.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 1, 1998)

1. Meeting of 1 October 1998

Attending: Dr. Delugach, Dr. Brookman, Mr. Warren, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Comfort, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Swain, Dr. Richards.

1.1. DISCUSSION -- Legislature

Dr. Delugach reported on the Board Meeting and the System's strategic planning. Dr. Delugach also reported on the Council of Deans and Directors meeting including the web based registration demonstration and some concerns with this. He also reported on budget requests approvals, decentralization of graduate admissions, a new goal for the institutional goals to include distance education and technology support, and the System's year 2000 status report.

There was some discussion regarding a rising junior exam and the pros and cons of such a tool.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development

The Committee has invited Dr. Belcher to talk to them.

1.2.2. Personnel

David Frees gave the demonstration of the Faculty Activity Report and Dr. Schenker is looking for feedback from the faculty on any issues related to the Faculty Activity Report.

1.2.3. Scholastic Affairs

The Committee is working by email. They will have some bills later in the semester. They will be addressing the issues resulting from the Articulation changes and some issues brought to them by Dr. Johnson and Dr. McManus.

1.2.4. Curriculum

The Committee is working on the catalog and still doing most of their business via email.


The Committee voted to cancel the Senate Meeting for October 8, 1998 to create more time for Committees to work on bills and other business.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 29, 1998)

1. Meeting of 29 October 1998

Attending: Dr. Delugach, Dr. Brookman, Mr. Warren, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Swain, Dr. Richards.

1.1. DISCUSSION -- Legislature

Dr. Delugach reported on a Diversity Issues Workshop and the need for faculty to address these issues and give their recommendations. Dr. Delugach reported on some concerns regarding Sections 7.9.6 and 7.10.4 of the Faculty Handbook and asked the Personnel Committee to look at these issues.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development

The Committee met twice. The Committee interviewed Dr. Belcher on October 13. The Committee was impressed by what they discovered. They met on October 22 to review their findings and draft a summary. They have tabled any actions regarding the Enrollment area until the Spring when they will have a chance to see some the ideas of Dr. Belcher implemented. Their next target is Student Services. They have November 12 as a possible date for interviewing them.

1.2.2. Finance and Resources

The Committee is still waiting for information on salary figures after the salary increases of this year.

1.2.3. Personnel

Dr. Schenker reported he sent and email out regarding the Faculty Activity Report. He has only received a few responses that he has forwarded to David Frees. The Committee plans to use the November Meeting for a tentative discussion and review and any recommendations. The Committee will work on forming a policy for the use of the database.

1.2.4. Curriculum

The Committee is working via email. They have requested information from Dr. Belcher and trying to set a meeting.

1.2.5. Scholastic Affairs

Dr. Bliss reported they have had cyber meetings. They have looked at the "D" grade policy and did not take any action because they feel the current policy handles the issue. They are drafting a policy regarding Mid Semester Reports and changing the U and S grades to actual letter grades. They have requested information from Dr. Belcher.


The Committee set the agenda for the November 5, 1998, meeting. The Sick Leave Policy Bill will be at third reading.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 10, 1998)

1. Meeting of 10 September 1998

Attending: Dr. Delugach, Dr. Brookman, Mr. Warren, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Comfort, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Swain, Dr. Richards.

1.1. DISCUSSION -- Legislature

Dr. Delugach encouraged the Committee to continue to be involved in the Legislative actions. He encouraged everyone to vote. He encouraged everyone to stay within the legal realms of involvement. He announced that there is a Legislative forum planned that will be announced later.

1.2. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.2.1. Student Faculty Development

The Committee has invited Dr. Belcher to talk to them possibly September 24. The Athletic Committee has requested a chance to give a presentation. This is to be arranged.

1.2.2. Personnel

Dr. Schenker reported the Committee met a week ago and discussed the Faculty Activity Report and they are in touch with David Frees and he is scheduled to give a presentation on September 24 at 1:00 p.m.

The Committee revisited the sick leave policy. They withdrew a bill last year to gather more information. A draft bill was presented for first reading. The new text for the bill was taken from the UA Faculty Handbook. The three main changes are stronger wording using will instead of may, multiple periods of sick leave included and taking the responsibility of finding a replacement from the faculty member to the chair or dean. The bill was passed at first reading and will be on the agenda at second reading.

1.2.3 Scholastic Affairs

The Committee met briefly and is tabulating numbers and working by email. They will have some bills later in the semester.

1.2.4. Curriculum

The Committee's first order of business is the catalog format. Dr. Comfort is establishing email contact with all the members.

Dr. McManus brought to items for the Scholastic Affairs Committee to consider "D" Grade Transfer Policy and Summer Sessions


The Committee established the agenda for the next Senate Meeting September 17, 1998.

Regular Order of Business

Question and Answer Session by Don Halverstadt

Senate Bill 275 Sick Leave Policy at Second Reading

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 30, 1998)

Meeting of 30 April 1998

Attending: Dr. Bower, Dr. Brookman, Dr. Delugach, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Leonard, Dr. Schenker(Proxy), Dr. Schoening, Dr. Swain(Proxy), Mr. Warren.

DISCUSSION -- Elections

Dr. Harwell has resigned from the Senate. Dr. Hanks has been nominated for President-Elect and needs to be replaced as Chair of the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee.

DISCUSSION -- Next Senate Meeting

Chairs are requested to contact their committee members to encourage attendance at the next senate meeting.

DISCUSSION -- Next Executive Committee Meeting

Next Executive Committee meeting is tentatively set for 14 May 1998, 11:00 a.m.

BUSINESS -- Set agenda for Meeting on 7 May 1998

Committee Items and Chair Reports

Dr. Delugach (President-Elect)

Solicited input for ACCUFP meeting with ACHE regarding statewide concerns.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (April 16, 1998)

1. Meeting of 16 April 1998

Attending: Dr. Brookman, Dr. Haralick, Dr. Swain, Dr. Leonard, Dr. Delugach, Dr. Schoening, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Bower

1.1. Discussion -- Diners Club Cards

The question has been raised as tot he extent of the personal information disclosed by the University to Diners Club for the recent distribution of corporate cards. According to Vice President Quick, only name and address were disclosed. Advance notification was given by internal memo. Diners Club is the only card that offers collision coverage on car rentals.

1.2. BUSINESS -- Resolution from the Library Committee

A resolution from the Library Committee was distributed. It was recommended the resolution be forwarded to the Faculty and Student Development Committee for further review before any action.

1.3. BUSINESS -- Disposition of Senate Business during the Summer.

With the changes that may be forthcoming resulting from implementation of the Articulation Law, it may be necessary for the Senate to conduct business during the summer. Today's agenda includes a Sense of the Senate resolution dealing with this issue.

1.4. Discussion -- Senate and University Committee Ballots.

University Elections will take place ASAP. Nominations for Senate Officers are needed for the next Senate meeting.

1.5. Business -- Set Agenda for Meeting on 23 April 1998.

Sense of the Senate Resolution regarding Disposition of Senate Business During the Summer.

Nomination of Senate Officers for 1998/99 by new Senate.

Approval of Senate Committees for 1998/909 by new Senate

Election of Senate Committee Chairs for 1998/99 by new Senate Committees.

1.6. Committee Items and Chair Reports.

Personnel--Dr. Schenker reported the Committee is still reviewing the Faculty Sick Leave Policy and it will likely be next year before it comes out of Committee.

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee--Dr. Haralick reported the Committee processed some 35 items.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 27, 1998)

1. Meeting of 27 March 1998

Attending: Dr. Williamson for Dr. Brookman, Dr. Haralick, Dr. Swain with Dr. Leonard's Proxy, Mr. Warren.

1.1. INFORMATION -- Legislative Action Update

Higher Education Partnership Petition deadline extended. No action this week. Legislature is not in session next week. Keep the pressure on.

1.2. BUSINESS -- Set Agenda for April 9, 1998 Meeting

Beginning with Agenda Item Number 7

SB 268: Policy on Faculty and Staff Awards at Third Reading

SB 269: Faculty Activity Report Performance Scale at Third Reading

SB 272: GPA Computation for Graduation with Honors at Third Reading

BUSINESS -- Discussed possible candidates for President-Elect and Ombudsperson

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (March 19, 1998)

1. Meeting of 19 March 1998

Attending: Dr. Brookman, Dr. Delugach, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Leonard, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Schoening, Dr. Swain, Mr. Warren.

1.1. INFORMATION -- Legislative Action on Education Budget

Higher Education Partnership Petition: Sign and return to Gary Smith by 25 March 1998.

1.2. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 268: Policy on Faculty and Staff Awards

Dr. Bower presented Senate Bill 268 for consideration; moved by Dr. Hanks and seconded by Dr. Delugach.

After discussion the bill passed at First Reading: 8-0-0.

1.3. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 269: Faculty Activity Report Performance Scale

The Personnel Committee presented Senate Bill 269 for consideration; moved by Dr. Schenker and seconded by Dr. Hanks.

After discussion the bill passed at First Reading: 8-0-0.

1.4. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 270: Student Classification

The Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee presented Senate Bill 270 for consideration; moved by Dr. Hanks and seconded by Dr. Schenker.

After discussion the bill passed with revision at First Reading: 8-0-0.

1.5. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 271: Graduation with Honors Criteria

The Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee presented Senate Bill 271 for consideration; moved by Dr. Hanks and seconded by Dr. Schenker.

After discussion the bill passed with revision at First Reading: 8-0-0.

1.6. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 272: GPA Computation for Graduation with Honors

The Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee presented Senate Bill 272 for consideration; moved by Dr. Hanks and seconded by Dr. Haralick.

After discussion the bill passed at First Reading: 8-0-0.

1.7. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 273: Indeterminate Academic Status Policy

The Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee presented Senate Bill 273 for consideration; moved by Dr. Hanks and seconded by Dr. Swain.

After discussion the bill passed at First Reading: 8-0-0.

1.8. DISCUSSION -- Senate Bill 267: UAH Sick Leave Policy

The bill remains on the table. Consideration must be given to the overall impact of such a policy and the problems with the present policy that it is intended to solve.

1.9. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 274: Amendment to Section VI, Part A, of the Faculty Senate By-Laws

Dr. Brookman presented Senate Bill 274 for consideration; moved by Dr. Brookman and seconded by Mr.. Warren.

After discussion the bill passed at First Reading: 8-0-0.

1.10. BUSINESS -- Set agenda for Meeting on 26 March 1998

1.11. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.11.1. Dr. Haralick (Undergraduate Curriculum)

Reported the committee approved 22 courses.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (February 5, 1998)

1. Meeting of 5 February 1998

Attending: Dr. Bower, Dr. Brookman, Dr. Delugach, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Haralick, Dr. Leonard, Dr. Schenker, Dr. Schoening, Dr. Swain, Mr. Warren.

1.1. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.1.1. Dr. Haralick (Undergraduate Curriculum)

Reported a bill for first reading and approval of three courses.

1.2. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 266: Committee on Educational Technology and Distance Education

Motion by: Dr. Haralick, second by: Dr. Brookman

After discussion and revision the bill passed at First Reading: 9-0-0.

1.3. BUSINESS -- Set agenda for Meeting on 12 February 1998

1.4. BUSINESS --

Policy Regarding Ethical Standards in Research (SR 96/97-11) and Policy for Dismissal of Faculty for Just Cause (SR 96/97-09)

The changes to the resolutions were discussed. The further discussions were postponed until Mr. Rieder and Mr. Spearing from the Office of Counsel can attend.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (January 22, 1998)

1. Meeting of 22 January 1998

Attending: Dr. Bower, Dr. Brookman, Dr. Delugach, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Haralick, Dr. Swain,

Dr. Schoening, Mr. Warren.

2.1. Committee Items and Chair Reports

2.1.1. Dr. Swain (Faculty and Student Development)

Reported Sense of the Senate Resolution for first reading.

2.1.2. Dr. Haralick (Undergraduate Curriculum)

Reported on a proposed bill to establish a standing committee for oversight of distance learning programs at UAH.

2.2. BUSINESS -- Sense of the Senate Resolution Endorsing the Student Judicial Code

Motion by: Dr. Swain, second by: Mr. Warren

The resolution was placed on the agenda for the next Senate meeting: 7-0-0.

2.3. BUSINESS -- Set agenda for Meeting on 29 January 1998


Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (December 11, 1997)

1. Meeting of 11 December 1997

Attending: Dr. Bower, Dr. Brookman, Dr. Delugach, Dr. Dimopoullos, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Haralick,

Dr. Leonard, Dr. Swain, Mr. Warren.

1.1. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.1.1. Dr. Hanks (Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs)

Reported two bills for first reading.

1.1.2. Dr. Dimopoullos (Personnel)

Reported a bill for first reading.

1.2. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 263: Pass/Fail Grading

Motion by: Dr. Hanks, second by: Dr. Leonard

The bill passed at First Reading: 6-2-1.

1.3. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 264: Academic Action Threshold

Motion by: Dr. Hanks, second by: Dr. Delugach

The bill passed at First Reading: 9-0-0.

1.4. BUSINESS -- Senate Bill 265: Performance Evaluation Criteria

Motion by: Dr. Dimopoullos, second by: Dr. Haralick

Motion to table the bill and refer to committee: The motion to table passed: 9-0-0.

1.5. BUSINESS -- Set agenda for Meeting on 15 January 1998

1.6. INFORMATION -- Policy Regarding Ethical Standards in Research (SR 96/97-11) and Policy for Dismissal of Faculty for Just Cause SR 96/97-09

The resolutions were received from Dr. McManus with recommended changes. The resolutions will be on the agenda for the Executive Committee and Senate for discussion and disposition.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (October 16, 1997)

1. Meeting of 16 October 1997

Attending: Dr. Bower, Dr. Brookman, Dr. Delugach, Dr. Dimopoullos, Dr. Hanks, Dr. Haralick, Dr. Leonard, Dr. Schoening, Dr. Swain, Mr. Warren.

1.1. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.1.1. Dr. Swain (Faculty and Student Development)

Reported the committee has determined that undergraduate students are not covered by the University Patents and Copyright Policy.

1.1.2. Dr. Dimopoullos (Personnel)

Reported Dr. Graves is serving for Dr. Nelson.

1.1.3. Dr. Haralick (Curriculum)

Reported a discussion of issues impacting teaching effectiveness.

1.2. BUSINESS -- Joint Resolution on Articulation

The Sense of the Senate Resolution was discussed and placed on the Senate agenda for consideration.

1.3. BUSINESS -- Set Agenda for Meeting on 23 October 1997

1.4. INFORMATION -- Legislative Activities Coordination

Dr. Bower reported on coordination activities with the UA Faculty Senate on legislative activities.


Dr. Bower reported the next meeting of the Alabama Association of College and University Faculty Presidents will be 7 and 8 November in Mobile.

Faculty Senate Executive Committee Meeting (September 4, 1997)

1. Meeting of 4 September 1997

Attending: Dr. Bower, Dr. Delugach, Dr. Leonard, Dr. Hanks, Mr. Warren (Proxy), Dr. Haralick, Dr. Swain, Dr. Dimopoullos.

1.1. INFORMATION - Dr. Bower's Absence 8-10 September 1997

1.2. BUSINESS - Survey

A proposed survey was discussed and modified for use in the 11 September Senate Meeting.

1.3. BUSINESS - Dr. Franz and Mr. Quick's Reports

The agenda for the 12 February 1998 meeting of the Senate was set aside to 12 March 1998.

1.4. BUSINESS - SR 96/97-10 -- Term Limits for Chairs

This resolution has been returned to the Senate disapproved by the Provost. The issue was discussed. The issue was referred to the Personnel Committee for further action (6-0-0).

1.5. DISCUSSION - Address to Faculty by Govenatorial Candidates

A suggestion that the Faculty Senate invite the leading Govenatorial candidates to speak to the University early next year was discussed. The consensus of the Executive Committee was that the we should pursue the possibilities.

1.6. BUSINESS -- Set Agenda for Meeting on 11 September 1997

The Agenda was set.

1.7. Committee Items and Chair Reports

1.7.1. Dr. Hanks (Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs)

Reported the committee is looking at a special admissions status.

1.7.2. Dr. Dimopoullos (Personnel)

Reported Dr. Graves is serving for Dr. Nelson.