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Faculty Senate (May 13, 2010)
SC 107 - 12:45 p.m.
Present: Mok, Fong, Stewart, Rountree, Kovacs, Bollinger, Neff, Gyasi, Johnson, Sanders, Hawk,
Sitaraman, Banish, Gaede, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin,
Vaughan, O'Keefe, Warboys, Boyd, Scholz, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Wu, Miller,
Absent with Proxy: Gupta, Evans, Bao, Johnson, Sears, Smith, Heikes, Gholston
Absent without Proxy: Anderson, Lin, K. Newman, Baird, Zhang, Aygun, Kunin, Lieu
Dr. Etzkorn called the meeting to order at 12:47 p.m.
President--Dr. Williams reported a memo was sent thanking everyone for this year and the achievements--selected list--great accomplishments of faculty, staff and students. All achieved in tough times.
Heard from the Governor and he will be here on campus next Thursday to make an announcement. He will announce $8M toward a Systems Study Building.
Question: Is there a New Sorority on campus--no answer yet.
Question: Where will the new building be located? The plan is down by the lake on the right side hiding VBRH from Sparkman Drive.
Provost--Dr. Karbhari thanked the faculty for the semester--it has been rough for all and he thanked everyone for the extra efforts made and the students got the attention needed and will graduate on time.
He encouraged everyone to attend the Commencement ceremonies Friday and Saturday.
Dr. Karbhari requested the assistance of the faculty on a topic he stated he would rather not bring up but rumors cause the need to request assistance. The topic is treatment of women faculty on campus by male faculty and faculty- student relationships. There are no formal complaints. If we had received formal complaints we would take action but there is significant activity to cause concern and we would like your assistance on it. Some faculty believe we are still in the 18th century and that is not appropriate. All faculty male and female should be treated the same. Also students being told they should not be here because they are female is not appropriate.
There is a section in the Handbook, Section 7.20 that addresses faculty-student relationships. There will be relationships that might develop but a person in authority should not be having such a relationship. Things have been brought forward that faculty are looking, gawking, keeping track of notches, counting, getting students to do things. Look at clauses in 7.20 and make sure all faculty are aware and make sure all faculty understand seriousness of this. We are very short on patience for anyone caught in this area. Asking all to help in making sure people across the board understand appropriateness. The policy is strong but could be strengthened. We need to pay attention to how we talk to colleagues--if things are being said that are inappropriate make sure it is stopped and stopped quickly.
What procedures are followed if someone makes a comment in class--report it to the Provost office and start procedures. Not appropriate and should never be.
Are there other areas in books to deal with speech--only that dealing with appropriate behavior. Some things done in fun but do not take further. Student contact is Dean of students.Dean of students talking to groups of students and assuring nothing is done to a student who reports such activity. Educate across campus. Anything you can do to tighten rules and better educate would be appreciated. Drop email or drop by and help stop now.
Senate: The Realignment Processes have excited a great deal of unhappiness and unrest--what is the current process. The two committees are ongoing--CS and ECE and the committee has been meeting quite a while--no report yet but will receive the report when it is ready.
LBAR and SCI when committee is ready to give recommendations will receive. Not really deadlines. One Committee has been working for a while and the other just started. No strict deadline--but would prefer that it is not 10 years from now--when the work is completed.
Senate: Passed resolutions--13 months ago--Do not have response--Provost: It was handled by campus counsel. Will check.
Minutes--Moved to accept Executive Committee Report. Dr. Wessling moved seconded by Dr. Banish to change to receive. Vote was Unanimous
Moved by Dr. Rountree, seconded by Dr. Warboys to receive the report--Vote was unanimous
Executive Committee Report--Request for clarification of discussion statement in report about post tenure review. Change to Handbook Committee supports instead of Faculty. Those present at Handbook Committee came to consensus regarding post tenure review. Those in attendance at meeting supported.
Vote was Unanimous
Dr. English moved seconded by Dr. Boyd to receive the report--vote was unanimous
Dr. Etzkorn stated she invited Ray Pinner to the meeting but he could not be here--will call him at some point for a discussion so he can discuss the budget with the Senate.
Governance and Operations--Dr. English reported the President Elect for 2010 is Dr. Newman. Did not have a majority vote for Ombudsperson. Top two vote getters were Dr. Scholz and Dr. Seemann--run-off election for position as soon as ballot is constructed. Trying to fix Macintosh problem and will have to ask for alternative ballot until repaired. Committee Chairs need to be elected by the end of this meeting.
Senate Bill 337--Benefits for Shooting Victims. Dr. English moved, seconded by Dr. Rountree to call the question--the vote was Unanimous. The Vote on the bill was unanimous.
Senate Bill 336--Senate Membership Exceptions. Dr. English explained the bill--clarification of membership--director to serve--Dr. Sanders was going to lose her seat and wanted her to be able to serve. Call the question Dr. English moved, seconded by Dr. Rountree--1 abstention, 34 in favor.
Vote on the Bill--1 abstention, 2 against,--32 in favor
Dr. Newman moved, seconded by Dr. Rountree to 3rd reading, the vote was 32 in favor, 2 against.
The vote for the bill was 31 in favor, 2 against, and 2 abstaining. The Bill passes at 3rd reading
Senate Bill 335: College/Department Combination Process
Dr. Newman--spoke stating the bill has a strange history--started as a bill Dr. Newman introduced--survey 40% responded 100% opposed to merging at this time--the bill has 6 "whereas" but the now therefore be it resolved is not mine and do not think it is strong enough--problem with statement of committee endorsement--no need to process without procedures in place. Should have what other sister campuses have. Committees illegitimate and Senate should not charge anything. Have substitute bill. Introducing amendment to now therefore be it resolved words. Read amendment to bill. Wessling seconded. Asked for ruling from Parliamentarian.
Discussion of amendment being appropriate. Problem with point 3 being universal ruling. Friendly amendment to unfriendly amendment. Dr. Banish called the question, seconded by Dr. Rountree
Call the question--majority in favor
Vote on amendment--3 abstaining, 29 in favor
Vote on the bill--6 abstaining, 28 in favor
Dr. Newman moved to 3rd reading, seconded by Dr. Banish--the vote was 29 in favor, 3 against, 2 abstaining
The vote for the Bill--with the friendly amendment- academic units- 9 abstaining. 26 in favor
Senate Bill 334 : Information Security Regarding A-Numbers. The vote was Unanimous.
Senate Bill 332: Program for Teaching Excellence--Lynn Boyd explained she wrote this and it was voted down before--Dr. Gupta wanted to bring it back
Passing bill involves faculty in process--Rich clarified sentiment that thought the bill was asking permission and we should take lead and provide information instead of asking Provost to form committee to provide information. Dr. Banish--would you accept that Committee (Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs) develop plan and present to the Provost? Already handled by Faculty and Student development---not appropriate for Undergrad Scholastic Affairs. Junior faculty could benefit from this. Doing it now allows it to be put in the budget.
Vote--28 in favor, 6 abstaining
Dr. Gaede moved seconded by Dr. Warboys to 3rd reading, vote was 34 in favor, 1 abstaining
Vote for the bill was 7 abstaining, 27 in favor
Senate Bill 333--Course Buyout Policy: This was Jennifer's bill resurrected. Finance and Resources Committee tried to look at this but were not making headway. Sent emails to deans and did hear from Science and Engineering and Liberal Arts but Liberal Arts not really under buyout issues. Made announcements in Senate to contact me and put email on board and received no emails and accomplished nothing. Rich talked about tabling and that Committee present plan after research. Dr. Wessling seconded the motion to table. 18 in favor, 3 against, 12 abstaining.
Senate representative to Research Council ask Vice President for Research to form Committees to look at integration of centers and academics.
Dr. Gaede moved, seconded by Dr. Wessling to adjourn.
Vote was 12 in favor, 16 against adjourning.
Emergency Bill from Dr. Newman--Realignment--friendly amendment to have positive spin. The rationale and ongoing processes not been communicated to faculty hence.Change to "Whereas any process of realignment will require the engagement and support of the affected units." Discussion. Dr. Boyd moved seconded by Dr. Magnuson to call the question on bill as amended. Vote was 35 in favor
Vote on Bill-25 in favor, 3 against, 2 abstaining
Dr. Newman moved to second reading. Vote was 26 in favor, 6 against, 1 abstaining
Vote on the bill was 28 in favor, 7against
Dr. Miller moved, seconded by Dr. Newman to 3rd reading. Vote was 28 in favor, 6 against.
Vote for the bill was 7 against, 28 in favor. Bill passed
Dr. Gaede moved, seconded by Dr. Rountree to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
Faculty Senate (April 22, 2010)
SC 107 - 12:45 p.m.
Present: Gupta, Bao, Stewart, Rountree, Kovacs, Bollinger, Neff, Gyasi, Johnson, Sanders, Hawk, Sitaraman, Banish, Gaede, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin, Vaughan, O'Keefe, Warboys, Boyd, Scholz, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Wu, Miller, Lieu
Absent with Proxy: Mok, Evans, Seemann, Joiner, Showalter, Ferguson, Mecikalski, Heikes
Absent without Proxy: Anderson, Edmondson
President Williams reported the major issue right now is the budget. There is a budget on Governor's desk for signature. Two issues: The Education budget had a 7.5% cut from 09-10 which resulted in operating for 10-11 continued at level, which is what we are working with this year. We have emphasized the way out of the situation is recruitment and retention and research increase. Will take over $80M this year. Increases in Advancement--up 60% over last year. Progress in right direction. Second issue is the PACT bill--on the Governor's Desk for signature. No tuition cap imposed on UA System and Auburn. Not restricted on level of tuition next year. Every other 4 year and 2 year institution received a legislative cap on tuition for many years. We will probably hear more about this. This will not improve relationships between institutions. The decision was not made by universities. This allows more freedom to set the budget for next year. Presentation of the budget will occur at the June Board meeting. Recent Board meeting was here where we presented the master plan that had been in development for over a year. The plan is on the web. It includes plans for expansion for parking, housing, and the student center. We will continue to look at the plan as we seek to grow the university. We will seek to have the maximum input.
In the immediate aftermath of Feb 12 we announced that we are well aware the crisis response communication did not work as it had for weather related incidents. Recently Witt Associates skilled in emergency communication were engaged by the System to evaluate what happened. They finished the evaluation and have a report and it will be presented to the Chancellor and the System. The Board will review it and we will receive it from the Board. When it is accepted we have asked that the company make a presentation to the campus and we can make our response to recommendations that come out of that report. Hope to make that after graduation so as many faculty, students and staff can have input.
There was some discussion of new academic space and that we have spent quite a bit in recent months on enhancing, expanding or improving academic space.
There was some discussion regarding the admitted day numbers down and what do we know. Last information from Rick Barth was that we are down a couple of percent over past years. There was an immediate drop off after Feb 12 and then consistent climb after that and a level-off. Transfers are up and freshmen stagnate.
Provost Karbhari reported at the Board meeting recently the MSIAS passed final approval by the Board so we will start the program in the fall. He explained the degree and the departments involved.
There was a comment to Dr. Karbhari and Dr. Williams that some members of Senate received information from Counsel on the Realignment bill but no word from your office. Response: We will follow Counsel's advice.
Minutes of meeting 506 were approved, motion by Dr. Gupta, seconded by Ms.Vaughan with 1 abstention
Executive Committee Report is accepted--Motion by Dr. Wessling, seconded by Dr. Gupta with 1 opposed
Scholastic Affairs-No Report
Personnel-No Report
Finance and Resources-Dr. Stewart reported that Questions were sent about the bond issue-communications from Ray Pinner received on that. Original Plan when construction started--downsides payment before building occupied and have to roll into payment. Delayed bond issue--$140,000 in interest saved, paying for construction with reserve. Delayed to save--Approved by board $27.3M plus cost of issuance, cost $29.2M. Food services provide $2.5M. Dr. Stewart reported that after recent meetings he relunctantly believes administration is not working with Senate in good faith so he is resigning the position as Chair effective immediately.
There were quotes from financial reports and the University's reserves and assets and where did the money come from. There was a request for help from the Senate regarding issues of renovations and maintenance in Roberts Hall as promised. There was a suggestion to look at documents from the Board Property Committee. Would like Finance and Resources Committee to work on this. Plan for follow-up on these things discussed here. Document specifics and ask the Administration to explain how they can build a reserve and deny raises and positions. The request was to ask Administration to come straight away and respond.
There was discussion regarding the problems, how to respond, what the focus should be, what does this body want and how to accomplish the goals. The Senate has to try to understand the situation first on own. Look at the whole picture.
There was a suggestion that a Bill is the way to proceed with this--it is important to leave a trail
Dr. English volunteered as Chair of Finance and Resources for the remainder of this year.
Discussion continued: We need shared governance. Go back to bylaws and increase power. We have not set forth goals and strategic plan and what we want and our vision for the University. We could do it and present it in an advisory sense. Should hear from faculty. We are scholarly leaders of the University. Present a vision of the faculty and the way to move forward with that vision.
Suspended discussion
Emergency bills to floor by Dr. English--Senate Membership Exceptions Bill was moved by Dr. Rountree and seconded by Dr. Newman--objection by Dr. Gupta we are looking at the Bylaws for now and coming with an emergency bill at the end of the year without a chance to look at it and think about it is premature. Taking two directors positions exempt. Premature and not in the best interest of the Senate. There was discussion regarding the reporting issue etc. Assuming these positions are higher than a Chair position. This is Just for now. Dr. Banish, seconded by Dr. Rountree called the question 19 favor, 2 against, 5 abstaining
Bill vote--20 in favor, 5 against, 5 abstaining
The bill passed at first reading
Dr. Sanders explained the Director position situation.
Objection clarified as on principle.
Benefits for victims Bill. Moved by Dr. Gupta, seconded by Dr. Wessling. Consensus. Friendly amendment lines, 25 and 26 take out "paid ultimate price" "and to families of those who were injured or killed". Why limited to those 3. List 6 people. Accepted. Call the question moved by Dr. Rountree, seconded by Dr. Banish by consensus
Bill Vote--Unanimous, passed at first reading.
Discussion Continued.
Governance and Operations come up with vision statement for Senate. Vision statement for university as seen by the faculty.
Invite trustees to come talk. Need to have coherent plan to talk about. Ad hoc Committee Dr. Banish moved and seconded by Dr. Rountree. 8 against, 21 in favor. Forming ad hoc Committee to form plan. Gaede Rountree, Miller Banish, Sanders, Scholz, Sitaraman, Hawk. Dr. Hawk will bring together. Committee and decide whether to bring in other people. Coordinate effort to involve all faculty so there is a response to the needs of faculty. Not decisions by Committee. Strategic plan. Vision about true shared governance and then strategic plan. Report first meeting of fall semester.
Mission bigger picture--what do we want. More input. Want voices to be heard. Speak with one voice. Vision of where university is going. What is involved in moving forward-what is the mission of the faculty and how it fits with the University. Game plan. Action plan. Faculty concerns that we need to advance in a systematic way.
Governance and Operations-Dr. Gupta reported the Elections for Senators were conducted and is complete. The Committee will send preference request for Committees for next year's Senate tomorrow. Call for nominations for President-Elect and Ombudsperson. This all needs to be complete by the end of the month. Bylaws section one, two, and three have been worked on and we will get a draft to the Executive Committee in the next few weeks.
Curriculum-approved 5 courses
Faculty and Student Development-Committee will work on a survey to address issues of faculty retention.
Dr. Gaede moved and seconded by Dr. Gupta to adjourn.
13 for 6 against. Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #506 (March 25, 2010)
BA: Gupta, Mok
LBAR: Stewart, Rountree, Kovacs, Bollinger, Neff, Gyasi, Johnson, Sanders, Hawk, Sitaraman
ENGR: Anderson, Gaede, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: O'Keefe, Warboys, Ferguson
SCI: Boyd, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Miller
BA: Bao, Evans
LBAR: Seemann
ENGR: Joiner
NUR: Showalter
SCI: Mecikalski, Scholz, Edmondson, Wu, Lieu
0. President Etzkorn called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of meeting 505 were approved with corrections. Motion by Dr. Gupta, seconded by Dr. English. 28 in favor and 1 opposed.
2. Senate Executive Meeting Minutes accepted with a correction. Motion by Dr. Gupta, seconded by Dr. Rountree. 24 in favor and 2 abstentions.
3. Drs. Williams and Karbhari were tied up with a Consulting Firm sent from the System Office regarding emergency management information.
No reports from Administration.
4. Committee Reports
Curriculum-No Report
Personnel-No Report
Faculty and Student Development-Dr. Warboys reported they are looking at Promotion and Tenure and retention. The Handbook Committee is also working on Promotion and Tenure.The Committees need to work together. There was some discussion regarding looking at the promotion and tenure and retention. There was a request to send a survey regarding retention.
Finance and Resources-Dr. Stewart reported the Committee is still looking at the buyout policy. Dr. Stewart contacted the deans to find out the current policy and what is the actual practice to report to the Senate. He received emails from Science and Engineering. He read the emails to the Senate. If you wish to give him input on the current practices and issues please to that with an email to stewartd@uah.edu. Dr. Stewart is trying to find out what is happening and what the issues are.
Scholastic Affairs-Dr. Rountree reported the Committee met with Diana Bell and others to discuss efforts to improve student success. Students are referred to the Student Success Center to meet with an advisor. There are many coaching sessions to help students with various techniques for studying. They want to get students who need help from the beginning. The Faculty Senate can play a part. We need referral of students by Faculty. Pluses were identified. Get students back on track. Downsides were discussed as well. Some professors are concerned if they report a student by sending them to the Success Center the student will feel it is arm twisting by the Professor. Get ideas and points to the Committee Approximately 200 of the Freshmen students were referred for assistance. Focus on things to do for the first, second and third semester students. Students on warning automatically go. Contact students who do poorly on midterms. Discussion of what is being done and what to do to assist students. Engineering is working with Student Success Center. There was a request for more information from the Student Success Center.
Scholastic Affairs and the Executive Committee met with Janet Waller to discuss the Scheduling Software. The software is being used to schedule rooms not time for faculty to teach. The software is capable of scheduling time but they are not doing that now. Having them schedule faculty time is not an eminent danger. For the record the Committee tried to meet with Janet earlier and she would not return the calls. The Provost would not allow her to return the calls. This is in direct defiance of the President saying the Senate could talk to any administrator.
Governance and Operations-Dr. Gupta reported the Committee requested nominations and have received some but there were complaints as well. The Committee issued an opt-out and three departments opted out. For the others a nomination acceptance email was sent. After the elections will send a preference for Committee Assignments request. Also looking at revision of Bylaws-the first three sections this year. It is not completed.
Handbook Committee-The Handbook Committee is meeting and working hard to come up with a consistent set of procedures. They are trying to meet the timeline. Cindy Gramm is heading this Committee and the process of revising. There was a question of whether the Handbook once it is revised would come before the Faculty Senate. The Handbook Committee will submit the revised Handbook to the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee will decide how to deal with it after that.
5. There was a discussion regarding the appropriate way to handle the realignment. There was a discussion of concerns with how it has been handled thus far and the response to the faculty's questions and concerns. There was discussion on how to develop a healthy relationship with the administration. There was some discussion on changing the letter to the President and Provost before meeting with them again and asking them to explain the role of the faculty in the implementation of the restructuring. But the final conclusion was to leave the letter as it is and bring up any additional questions at the meeting with the President and Provost if needed.
There was a motion by Dr. Boyd and seconded by Dr. English to meet next week with the Provost and President if they are available to have a discussion. Ask for 48 hours notice if they cannot be there. 26 in favor and 2 abstentions. Dr. Etzkorn will send a copy of the letter that was sent to the President and Provost to the Senate when she returns.
6. New Business: Lynn Boyd has cards for Steffi and Joe for everyone to sign.
There was discussion regarding the A#s being attached to the reimbursement list published on the web. There was a discussion of the need for a stronger security system and a request for new A#s. Drs. English, Warboys, and Miller will do a bill for this issue.
7. The Meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m. Motion by Dr. Gaede, seconded by Dr. Gupta.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #505 (March 4, 2010)
BA: Gupta, Mok, Evans
LBAR: Stewart, Rountree, Kovacs, Bollinger, Gyasi, Hawk, Seemann, Sitaraman
ENGR: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Warboys, Showalter
SCI: Mecikalski, Scholz, Edmondson, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Wu, Lieu
BA: Bao
LBAR: Neff, Johnson, Smith, Heikes, Sanders
ENGR: Joiner
NUR: O'Keefe, Ferguson
SCI: Boyd, Miller
0. President Etzkorn called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. The Faculty Senate presented the Police and Public Safety Officers from UAH, UAB and UA with a certificate and thanked them and applauded their work related to the shooting and the protection of the campus since the shooting.
2. Draft Minutes of meeting 504 were approved. Motion by Dr. Gupta, seconded by Dr. Banish.
3. Senate Executive Meeting Minutes accepted. Motion by Dr. Gupta, seconded by Dr. Rountree. Some clarification of wording was requested.
4. Dr. Williams thanked the Senate for recognizing the Police.
Dr. Williams is visiting departments and units across campus and giving a brief summary of the response when requested and listening to concerns. Seeking advice on how to build on the support and bring good out of this tragedy. This will always be a part of our history and will affect us for a long time. We must focus on the positive aspects and engage everyone to build on the positive.
There was discussion regarding the university reaction and the emergency management team. Kevin Bennett is the Director of that team. That group meets on a regular basis and works with local police and emergency services. They are focused on weather related incidents because that is more commonly what we deal with. They were not expecting this but the liaison developed helped in this situation. They set up a crisis management room in Madison Hall and developed a communication plan. Ray Garner was in charge of PR for the University. Set up a place for media. Ray Garner was the communicator of facts. Dr. Williams spoke for the University. Identification and information was in the hands of the police. No statements were made until they knew no students were involved. It took about two hours to complete the search of Shelby Center. An internal group is looking at what was done--what was right and what was wrong. An external group will look at it and give input. Until we have all the information we will not make changes or put anything out. Mark Spencer was here the Saturday after the event to assist with crisis management. The Northern Illinois President recommended him. He has expertise in this area and in these situations. He assisted with communication, etc. He had an advantage of being independent. We had direct input through two universities which helped tremendously--they had experience. We are now focused on putting things together again, getting classes out on time. We are focused on student achievement and success. We will not neglect the community outreach. Thank yous will be done appropriately.There were concerns about recruiting. We are in the process of bringing in a company to minimize the effect. Community and student feedback is positive. We need faculty to help recruit.
There was a discussion of phraseology and calling the shooting what it was.
Dr. Williams related that we take concerns seriously and the police are aware of the concerns.
He reported he received Bob Rieder's response to the restructuring resolution last week and will be sending it to the Faculty Senate President soon. (There was some discussion and disagreement regarding the wording of this portion of the minutes). Dr. Newman moved, seconded by Dr. Bollinger to correct the minutes to read He reported he received Bob Rieder's response to the restructuring resolution last week and a copy is in the mail to the Faculty Senate President. The vote was 16 in favor, 1 against, and 9 abstentions.
5. Dr. Karbhari thanked the Senate for their support and assistance through this difficult period. Please continue.
The Email migration is delayed until March 15. Go ahead and send concerns to Diane Cunningham and her staff.
Dr. Karbhari thanked the Executive Committee Members for looking at the Email Policy.
There is currently a review of a computer user policy which will go to the Administration soon.
6. Dr. Etzkorn requested a moment of silence for Dr. Maria Davis who was a member of the Senate. She also requested we keep the Biological Science Faculty in mind as they are experiencing this difficult time.
7. Committee Reports
Curriculum-No Report
Personnel-Dr. Anderson reported the Committee met with the Provost on behalf of the Music Department regarding classifying part-time faculty as adjunct faculty with levels. The conclusion was that the effort was not worth it for the position. It could be done without the paperwork that would be required for changing all the positions.
Faculty and Student Development-Dr. Warboys reported they looked at the email policy. The comments were gathered and sent to the Administration. They focused on things like the cost for running independent servers and the retention of email accounts and any discrepancy.
They are looking at faculty retention and Promotion and Tenure.
Finance and Resources-Dr. Stewart reported on the meeting with the Deans about the budget. They talked about proration and they looked at the college fund balance for help. The lower the fund balance the less the college would contribute. Reviewing the buyout policy. Summer-formula-incentives. Transparency is the goal. The Committee met and covered the REU 13 proposals. 9 awards and possibility of more.
They contacted the deans and asked for information on the buyout policy. They have received limited cooperation. Not succeeding at this point. I will forward your questions and concerns to the Provost.
Scholastic Affairs-Have not met. Will meet next week. Diana Bell working with students in trouble and what we do and what should be done. Send email if you have issues.
Governance and Operations-Committee met. Elections conducted by Senate email going to departments--departments nominating and after nominations come will contact each person and send ballot. When done from the Committee it is done without preference. Will ask everyone this year to take look and suggest structure for the future. Working on bylaws.Concentrating on the first 3 sections. Looking at similar universities and what they have. Consistency in certain things. Goal is to complete this semester.
The Senate gave support to the President of the Senate to write a letter on behalf of the Faculty thanking others who have supported and assisted during and after the shooting.
Concerns were discussed regarding IT services and assistance.
There was discussion regarding the restructuring and clarifications.
There was discussion and clarification regarding the elections process.
The Meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Motion by Dr. Gaede, seconded by Dr. Gupta.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate Meeting (January 28, 2010)
Present: Gupta, Mok, Evans, Bao, Stewart, Rountree, Kovacs, Bollinger, Neff, Gyasi, Johnson, Sanders, Hawk, Seemann, Sitaraman, Cerro, Anderson, Gaede, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin, Vaughan, Warboys, Showalter, Ferguson, Mecikalski, Boyd, Davis, Scholz, Edmondson, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Wu, Miller, Lieu
Absent With Proxy: Smith, Banish, O’Keefe
Dr. Etzkorn called the meeting to order at 12:45
President Williams—The Provost was called away but I have his points. Budget status in Montgomery—Governor put budget forward. Interest in where some numbers come from. Present to Legislature and they do their own work. Still uncertainty. Still issues with resolutions to PACT part. Should treat all same on special considerations cannot treat some different. Will have to bring our budget to table before we know what legislature will give to us. Already beginning process within university. Deans meeting with Ray Pinner and the Provost and also involves Faculty Senate. Two representatives from the Senate in those negotiations. Make you aware through departments of constraints etc. Board Meeting—next week Birmingham. Initial settings for budget etc. plans for facilities, planned greenway on agenda for approval, walkway and etc. Wilson Hall—open take time to go and see. LBAR, NUR, CONT. Ed. Those who see will not recognize very different from before. Not much to outside due to restrictions in budget. Took couple million off plan and left outside as was. Invested soundly in quality of interior. Residence Hall—topped out, windows going in. progress impervious to weather. On schedule—expect to finish on time. Issues will be brought up at Board. Final approval MS and PHD Modelingand Simulation. Aerospace Engineering proposal. Organizational Psychology as part of the MS in Psychology. Gmail migration in progress. Engineering Dean search in final stages. 2 candidatesthis week. Thanked senate for 2 bills on senate today.
Email Policy—question from Tim—deferred to Letha—met with Provost and took information from committee. Concerned about owning of data—English, Etzkorn, Provost, Cunningham, Woodward, Gaede met. Personal and honorariums, etc. Will consider all concerns. Not policing policy—rules if someone complains have policy to fall back on. Privacy issues—looked at other policies and universities. Email can for cause be examined. How long and who can retain email once retire, leave, etc. Will it come before full Senate before implementation? No, will give chance to respond. Can change policy later. Rush because of information act request. FERPA and proprietary information same category.
Realignment: 9months since first realignment resolution 8 months since other package. No comment to this body on this and no comment today. Administration must do better—policy should not languish. What is administration’s position on realignment? Dr. Williams’ response: Still with Counsel—will ask Counsel for speedy response and will be talking to Dr. Furgason this afternoon and will proceed once receive reaction to Dr. Furgason’s report this afternoon. Asked to make commitment not to push anything through until receive policy and response. Dr. Williams responded—until Counsel has given views on proposal would not be wise to commit to anything.
Minutes—approved with correction of spelling of Dr. St. John’s name—33 in favor and 1 abstention
Executive Committee Report—Dr. Gupta moved to accept – Question regarding limiting senator time—nothing done on this just considering. 2 abstentions
Finance and Resources—reviewing REU proposals. Drs. Wessling and Stewart attended Budget meeting—Dr. Wessling reported—for many years no organized process for budgets. The Provost is trying to come up with methodology for making budgeting for all departments equitable—how many GTAs how many PhDs, all under consideration—15 page draft of algorithm—reviewed by all Deans—recognized this is start and will be other meetings to continue discussions. Summer school budget discussed—separartely from other—eventially will know on continuous basis what for summer. Not trivial process—think people trying to be circumspect and trying to do good job and be fair to all parties. Decisions not pre-made—decisions brought up and figorously discussed and will continue—baselines also part of it. Flexibiity in budget—work in progress—conscientious effort. Open and frank discussion. Need process and mechanism. Question of whether budget presentation to Senate from Finance and Resources—yes will try. If know what questions want answered let David Stewart know and will see if mechanism to get answered.
Personnel-no report
Curriculum—approved one course for PSY
Faculty and Student Development—discussion on email most of report—ANGEL site established
Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs—met with Gail Seemann—wanted to get feedback on new policy—when conduct test for students—had used campus mail and slow and new policy scan and email. Disability services hours only her—not adequate facilities-2% registered as disabled—more than half the national norm. Huntsville high in autism. Will feed information about scantron back. Discussing Honor codes,Janet Waller to meet with Committee on software.
Governance and Operations—met and set up website to communicate on ANGEL—planning to meet in two weeks to talk about Bylaws—decided not possible to handle total Bylaws in one pass—first 3 sections now and some editorial matters. Elections—March and April will set everything up.
Mention move of Commencement—moving to earlier, right after finals—students not get actual diploma—PhDwould, others would not.
Gordon Stone—Wish could bring better news—make more aware—Higher Education partnerships—communicate positives and refute negatives related to Higher Education.
3 things—budget-suffering through worldwide economic problem—more dramatic in Higher Education 31.5 % cut from Higher Education since 2008. Stimulus money helped last year. 2 year prop. Jobs bill—has money in it for this years budget to prop up—inflated—seen nothing from us because budget not real-being patient. No reason to stir anything up until we see what is real. Still too early to talk about and not too early to make point we are down in funding. Message we are important part of economic development for State. Huntsville dependent on what you do and different from other parts of Alabama. Message is treat us equitable—be fair. We don’t argue K-12 needs funding and deserving but don’t discriminate.
2—Posturing from State Board—change way fund education and use per student basis—advantageous to K-12. Make sure people setting policy understand difference. Things in universities different. We have to be cautious and let those in Montgomery know we are watching them so they do not take easy way out. 150,000 voters in Higher Education. Alums host local politicians. Higher Education day on March 4. Encouraged to allow if possible students to attend.
PACT Issue—personal investor in PACT program—understand solving easy way or the right way. Not university’s responsibility to be safety net when other program does not work. Proposal is to cap tuition for those students and go and AEA on board with that—struggle to limit that. Tution has nothing to do with problem—if look at what Board had established as increase was 7.2% and what we have increased is 7.2%. We are at regional average. Not out of proportion. Find a way that does not do damage.
If want to have a luncheon for local delegates would assist. If want on list 1 dollar/month.
Some discussion regarding enrollment being down and funding. Follow trends.
Some discussion regarding community colleges and starting as political—payback for involvement—evolved now to more than what started. Some bleed over and competition with universities. Changed now –not political. Past aligned with AEA and contrasted what we do. Traditionally had salaries set by Board of Education. Not succeeded in removing community colleges from State Board. Not painting as anti Higher Education.
Vaughan—going to institute swipe card system for better entry into Library—article in Exponent good explanation call Library with questions—still work in progress—bring charger card to get into Library—glad to go into more detail later but exponent has detail—protecting people and resources. If have comments or questions send to Letha before Monday. Not keeping people out but means of governing what happens and who comes in.
Senate Bill 332—comment—agree with spirit but both bills passive—would like to see Senate and others take more active voice in requesting resources. Like to see Committee look at what need to do job and present that. Question and discussion of what bill asks. Chance stance –be proactive. Start with own Committee and go forward—
Vote—14 in favor, 16 against, 6 abstentions. Bill failed at second reading.
Senate Bill 333—change bill language—tighten language because could end up not being Faculty Committee. Say nonadministrative academic appointments. Why not make Senate Committee reporting to Senate instead of Provost’s Committee. Want to see come through Senate—follow Bylaws.
Discussion regarding Provost already changing and Department getting less. Handle by Finance Committee. And come back to Senate. Comment trying to take over too much of responsibility of Administration. Need input but not be ones doing policy. Need people who are research active. Finance and Resources would need to bring in others to work on. Would be willing to have Provost suggest others.
Dr. English called the question—26 in favor, 2 abstentions
Vote on bill—3 in favor, 21 opposed, 6 abstentions, bill failed at second reading.
Drs. Gupta and Rountree moved and seconded to adjourn.
Faculty Senate Meeting (January 7, 2010)
12:45 P.M. in SC 109
Present: BA: Gupta, Mok, Evans
Absent with Proxy: Bao
LBAR: Stewart, Rountree, Bollinger, Neff, Goebel, Johnson, Heikes, Reeves, Seemann, Sitaraman
Absent with Proxy: Kovacs
ENGR: Banish, Gaede, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Gholston, Wessling, Lin
Absent with Proxy: Anderson, Joiner, Cassibry
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: O'Keefe, Warboys, Ferguson
Absent with Proxy: Showalter
SCI: Boyd, Scholz, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Wu, Miller, Lieu
Absent with Proxy: Mecikalski
Called to order by Senate President Dr. Etzkorn 12:45 p.m.
The Faculty Senate asked Dr. Williams to address the Censure Bill
Dr. Williams--Censure motion is a carefully worded document-may read some of the comments and responses for the sake of time
Better communication-work together and take proactive role
Addressed individual concerns in bill
Quoted from bill and addressed concerns with dates when information supplied.
Information emailed and available.
Bond issue information available.
No exclusion policy-- not a no exclusion policy and never was.
As of today half of requests been approved for medical, financial and other reasons and has requested more information on others. Waiting on more information
Explained December 3rd why material not provided but much material supplied before Censure motion.
All information supplied.
If more material Faculty Senate wishes will be glad to supply.
Thank you to Senate and to Faculty for working with me over last two years plus. Since I came we have traveled through the worst economic times most have ever experienced. Has not been easy.27% reduction in state appropriations but working together we have preserved Academic part and sometimes at the expense of others. What we've accomplished included in letter of October 6 for 23 questions. Neither laid off or furloughed full time faculty members. Continued to hire top faculty and hired top notch for Business and will do same for Engineering. All 5 colleges have more faculty today than had two years ago. Increased from 305 to 313. Number of tenure track and tenured faculty up in same time period. Budgets larger than were two years ago. Substantial investments made in certain areas such as SSC and IT solutions. Reductions in areas other than academic colleges. Closings taken in areas other than colleges. Recruited best class in history of institution. All can be proud of efforts and accomplishments and can look forward to continuing. This information/my response will be sent out to all.
Is there a contingency plan for failure to fill dorms, etc. Mr. Pinner addressed-there is some leeway in business plan and will be going to market with bonds and will know more then. Will decide what to do when we go to market. Will be no burden on other part of budget to make up loss but will be made up with profits from other years. Will not be made up by cuts from Academic side.Will come from housing operation.
Question of $2.8M year deficit and what happens if coupled with drop in enrollment. There are 30 year bonds and we do not know the numbers yet so we don't know if we will have a deficit. Will evaluate all that every year. Do estimate every year of housing and student enrollment. Present in June and final in September. Starts in January. Evaluate regularly.
Dr. Williams was asked to speak to Shared Governance and effective communication.
His response was that the University is a complex organization. Academic Affairs is the heart of the university but supported by many other parts of university. Shared governance depends on what part talking about. When talking about students this is the leading role of faculty. Role for students through SGA and role of Deans through Provost. Other parts of university different share and different ways to do it. Research Council attempts to broaden discussion of research issues. Student Affairs-how active SGA is between staff and students. Advancement different degree.Staff Senate and students and faculty not so much in Advancement.
Communication-October 6 communication responding to Senate Executive Committee. Laid out issues there. Whoever discerns way to communicate what needed to those needed would be great. Availability greater now but does not mean read and used appropriately. Have tried in many different ways to communicate with all. Have attended meetings of all groups and invited to come to Lowe House. Tried to communicate. Said would value suggestions from Faculty Senate of how would improve and would meet with small groups, individuals, etc. who contact to speak to. Would be happy to address or talk with any group who wishes to speak to. Provided extraordinary amount of information from President's office, Provost Karbhari's Office and Ray Pinner's office. Would value feedback and what other information needed.
Some expressed frustration that we would like to know what can we survivecan we survive drop in students and how much. Don't know what Governor will do to budget. Tuition is one piece in $160M budget.
Is there a provision in the bond policy to have this policy? Not issued bonds yet. Expectation but nothing in legal documents that lock into policy for any period of time.
Explained reasons for decisions and reasons for policy.
Distinguish selves from other universities. Student life needs improvement. We are doing what can to increase enrollment and improve recruitment and retention. Ways to attract and keep to unique experience here. Significant evidence that retention rates increase when students live on campus. Graduate adults and that does not take place in classroom but everywhere-dorms, teams, etc.
Issue is requirement-impression with policy is not open arms for nearby students. Some finding it insulting that have to ask for exclusion/exemption. Difference between encouraging and requiring.
Follow up with issues of open doors and getting in buildings, etc. ordering equipment, etc. issues going on for years. Solving problems. Assistance to alleviate frustrations.
Acknowledge infrastructure is thin. Presented data at town meeting last spring. If we charge same for what we do as Tuscaloosa would have brought in $11M. We are facing challenges in infra structure and providing support for Academic Affairs. In further cutting areas outside academic part have done nothing to help situation. Do not know what will happen with budget. We do have contingencies but cannot predict when do not know what will happen.
There was a statement made that there is a difference between information and communication-Asking for accountability in response that gets to detail that tells where things come from and how doing things.
Communication is exchange of views on information. Development of the Mission Statement and Budgets were mentioned. Dr. William responded that the Mission statement came from group of faculty, staff and students. Budgets are the responsibility of certain people in certain areas.
Dr. Kharbhari-reported we have been successful to recruit a Dean of Business-Caron St. John joining us the first of March
Search for Dean of Engineering is ongoing.
Tale a walk in Wilson Hall-the remodel is done and the building is open, it is an outstanding facilities.
Received report from Bob Furgason-emailed to all yesterday with position on web where it is placed. Met with Deans yesterday and they will talk to faculty in colleges and take it from there.
Minutes--Dr. Gupta moved seconded by Dr. Rountree to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved with 1 abstention.
Executive Committee Report--Dr. Gupta moved seconded by Dr. Rountree to accept the Executive Committee Report.
Committee Reports
Scholastic Affairsmet with Provost to discuss scheduling software. Plan to meet with Janet Waller.
Faculty and Student Development-New Chair of this Committee Ina Warboys reported this is the first time we've seen each other-we will report on email policy next week
Curriculum-no report.
Personnel-no report.
Finance and Resources-no report.
Senate Bill 331--Comments: Statement that Business plan supplied Oct 29not understanding-received something in writing in the last month from Ray Pinner saying not available.
Dec. 2 parking: ways to reduce parking cost?
Read article in newspaper read statement-similar residency requirements statement in article. Distributed information on universities with policies and none found with such a policy as ours-only one has such a policy. Policy developed over 8-9 year period statement-does not match what John Maxon said. Retention statement-faculty should be part of policy for that. No faculty part of setting this policy.
Comment: The Censure motion is a confrontational motion-in all instances keep channels open-keep diplomacy open. Like to propose forming small working group to bridge gap nominate few members to join with dialogue. Engagement in small numbers to facilitate communication.
Call the question-- Dr. Gaede moved, seconded by Dr. Heikes
Vote for call the question: 21 in favor, 5 opposed, 5 abstaining
Vote on Censure Motion-secret ballot vote: 20 votes no, 18 votes yes, bill fails.
Dr. Wessling moved seconded by Dr. Gupta to adjourn 2:05 p.m.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate (December 3, 2009)
12:45 p.m. BAB 121
BA: Gupta, Mok, Bao
LA: Stewart, Rountree, Kovacs, Bollinger, Neff, Goebel, Johnson, Sanders, Heikes, Reeves, Seemann, Sitaraman
ENG: Anderson, Gaede, Joiner, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Cassibry, Wessling
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: O'Keefe, Warboys, Showalter, Ferguson
SCI: Boyd, Edmondson, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Miller, Slater
Absent with Proxy:
BA: Evans
LA: Smith
ENG: Banish, Gholston, Lin
SCI: Mecikalski, Bishop, Scholz, Wu, Takahashi
Dr. Letha Etzkorn called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
Dr. Williams reported regarding the University Housing Policy--We recognize the Faculty Senate and Communities concern for the Housing Policy. Mr. Ray Pinner has forwarded documents regarding Housing. Mr. John Maxon has placed information on the web regarding the policy and exemptions for policy and committee to look at the request. New dorm, Chick Filet and Papa Johns and Convenience Store. No student has complained about student life and activities being too busy. Need for increase in student life is evident since came here and should be to those been here and will be here. We hope these things will contribute to student life. Not and never was a no exclusion policy. Certain students always exempt: Marriage, hardship, children living with them. May petition for exemption. All have right to petition. New dollars available through financial aid office. All request for waivers reviewed and acted on by committee. The Committee that has student and faculty member. 15 requests. 6 acted on 9 requested more information. As of date no exemptions denied. Following numbers reported yesterday.--total admitted--700 same time last year 707. 1% decrease from last year. 15 applied, 6 granted, 9 under consideration. Personal letters requested. Did not meet deadline--contain personal information and was unwilling to forward those letters to open forum. Consulted with Legal Counsel upon recommendation forwarded letters and emails to head of Faculty Senate. There for you to review. Primary reason for implementation of policy is freshmen and sophomore retention. IPEDS data received and contain graduation and retention rates. Concern for these numbers. Provost has data if interested.
December 8 and 9 Space Policy Workshop. Experts on campus. Outstanding meetings
December 9 Pratt and Whitney open new works on campus
Energy forum.
Graduation in two weeks. Dr. Kristina Johnson will address.
After year of intensive work on HR and Legal, Partner benefits implemented on recommendation from this group. Extraordinary amount of effort in putting policy together.
Sunday 4-6 holiday party.
Dr. Karbhari reported the progress on the searches for the dean of engineering and dean of business--4 candidates in business, engineering one candidate and three more to bring.
Campus planning--centralized scheduling--trying to get accurate count of classroom space and determine needs and put into database. Classes still scheduled in departments information being gathered and being put in and so can assist in scheduling and meeting needs. In future will come time need rules from departments regarding classrooms. Putting rumor to rest.
Dr. Severn reported regarding Commencement--long thought time between exams and graduation too long. Do that so can award actual diploma--think has impact on attendance of faculty and students. Looking into having graduation immediately following exams. Downside is that while we can audit and determine if student is qualified but not whether successful. There will be handful of students cross stage and not graduate. Not true for graduate students. If anyone has strong feelings either way drop Dr. Severn a line.
Question--Implementation of email policy date--no date in place--being studies by committee of Senate and Counsel--will get feedback and move forward
Bills studied by Counsel and when receive anything will let you know.
Dean searches cost--do not have numbers now--funded by the University.
Of those admitted how many will come--hard to say because of status of financial issues nation wide.
Approving Minutes--Minutes accepted
Executive Committee--Change name Jeet Gupta. Asked if Review Committee had disapproved Housing Policy President said yes.
3 abstentions for accepting Executive Committee Report
New Committee Chairs introduced and welcomed.
Governance and Operations: Dr. Gupta--no report--have requested meeting of Committee soon so can organize work of Spring. Request to Committee members would like to meet after this meeting briefly.
Finance and Resources: Dr. Stewart-3 goals-compare budget under Dr. Franz and Dr. Williams and impact on Academic Affairs. Answer to questions to those not answered and to Administer REU Program.
Curriculum: Dr. Coe reported the Committee approved an internship course.
Personnel-no report
Faculty and Student Development---Ina Warboys requested if you are on the Committee meet afterward--examining email policy and looking at OSP
Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs-Dr. Rountree reported the Committee met to consider Academic Bankruptcies and Readmissions--will meet with Janet on new Scheduling software.
Senate Bill 331 Censure Bill-- Dr. Gupta requested to make a statement--He discussed the Role of Faculty Senate--detrimental aspects of this resolution--within University and impact on System and Board--and impact in the Community. Do not believe this bill is n best interest. We must get involved way before decisions made and not after crying over spilled milk. Asking to change policy would be like asking faculty to change what had already taught. We must be shared governance--to achieve faculty must work with faculty, staff and administration in proactive not reactive manner. Before vote on resolution must become clear on goals and way to achieve shared governance. If have issue with housing policy address that and not propose another motion that would be detrimental to the Senate. We should have acted at beginning and we are at fault. Was committee and is current committee. Perhaps need to work with committee to achieve desired results. Work with administration to develop policy to address what would happen if enrollments do go down. Recommend do not consider. Recommend ask for shared governance.
There was discussion regarding some inaccurate statements in the previous discussion and attempts at shared governance. And when the Senate became aware of the policy.
There was a parent present who stated they had been denied regarding the housing policy exemption.
There was some discussion regarding the requests for information and discussions with Mr. Pinner and Mr. Maxon and information received and when it was requested and when it was received and what was not received.
This policy affects us internally and the community almost as no issue does.
We do need a better student life and have put a friendly face on university but this policy will take away that friendly face. Not voting for this would send a message to the community that we do not have compassion or we lack compassion.
There was discussion regarding how this policy would help Calhoun and how they are hiring expected more students.
There was discussion regarding how this goes in opposition to increasing enrollment to 10,000. Also how the Review Team had concerns and there are recruitment concerns. There was concern for how we could lose money next year and how this impacts some Colleges even more than others.
There was discussion regarding how this is the tip of the iceberg and that there is a much larger number out there who have already resigned themselves and will not come.
There was some discussion regarding concern for the statement about improving campus life. We do need more student life but the problem is not with having more dorms. This is a gamble and has the potential for putting forth a negative face. It is his job to make informed decisions on such matters. There was concern that there is no contingency plan and also concern for why the business plan is secret.
There was concern expressed again regarding losing candidates due to this information. It was suggested we need an opt in friendly policy.
There was discussion regarding what we get out of this and that censuring the President does not change the policy. Why did we not know until recently about all this either there is a problem with the mechanism for informing or something else is amiss.
Perhaps the contingency plan is what is needed and if we censure the President without changing the policy have we achieved the desired result?
There was discussion of the Faculty needing a voice and Shared Governance. There was concern for the corporate logic and the use of corporate logic in operations. We should not measure things like growth and use language of corporate to measure success. If we use this policy we are saying to the public we only want those who can afford to come here and will take loan. You should go to lesser place or affordable place to you.
Ask for contingency plan and has anyone done it and should we come up with it.
Policy decision--process-friendly amendment--Line 81 censure Dave Williams for failure to provide requested information. Slater moved and Gaede seconded, 6 in favor 12 against, 15 abstained.
There was discussion of separate issues--frustration of lack of communication to faculty
Frustration and resentment of housing policy
Make messages separate and clear
Motion expressing displeasure of housing policy--already passed
Separate emotion of frustration with communication and policy-could be acted on in positive manner.
Not sure what censure will do--confuse community.
Could we explain why censuring--go back and make clear.
Comes down to censuring President or not.
Go back to letter--answers not satisfactory go further asking for further responses and more information.
If students gave answers like President gave on test would you accept? No
Censure says we are important and you need to listen.
At minimum pass at second reading
Call the question- Dr. Rountree moved, seconded by Dr. Heikes
Secret Ballot vote
Read from bylaws--point of information.-Dr. Lynn Boyd and Dr. Jennifer English counted. The votes 26 yes 15 no
Moved to 3rd reading by Dr. Heikes and seconded by Dr. Wessling
22 in favor of 3rd reading, 12 opposed, 2 abstaining, not 2/3 vote, 3rd reading will be in January
Dr. Gupta moved, seconded by Dr. Gaede to adjourn at 2:05
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #501 (October 29, 2009)
BA: Gupta, Mok, Evans
LBAR: Stewart, Rountree, Bollinger, Neff, Goebel, Sanders, Reeves, Sitaraman
ENG: Banish, Joiner, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: O'Keefe, Warboys, Ferguson
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Scholz, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Takahashi, Miller, Slater
BA: Bao
LBAR: Heikes, Smith, Johnson. Kovacs, Seemann
ENGR: Anderson, Gaede
NUR: Showalter
SCI: Mecikalski, Edmondson, Wu
0. President Etzkorn called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Sandra Parton--gave a report on the enhancement to the retirement programs. Starting in January you may enroll in VALIC or TIAA CREF. TIAA CREF is a closed investment. Sam Shuler from VALIC--Distributed information--talked about this as an option. Adding a different option--will be available to match in January. Educate employees. It includes a retirement manager--how you access account through secure measures. This is in addition to offering the retirement program. Sandra will send an email tomorrow or Monday. Adding eligibility option for dependents.
2. Dr. Severn reported--Dr. Williams is in Washington--Dr. Karbhari is in Birmingham
NISPs on Aerospace will be presented next week. They include a Consortium Collaboration with UA. Kader Frendi and Brian Landrum will handle this.
IT Solutions going to GMail and Google Calendar--policy to come forth soon. Looking at licenses, efficiency etc. Coordinate what do.
Visit of Review Committee Monday and Tuesday. Meets with Executive Committee Monday at 10:15
Nursing Accreditation went well.
One Senator expressed concern for number of counselors for students. Anything in program to add counselors. Dr. Severn reported we are holding positions and understand the concern.
Some expressed concern for going to GMail and the security.
Someone suggested bringing Diane Cunningham to a Senate Meeting.
Dr. Severn was asked about the other six bills sent to the Provost. Please convey to the Provost the purpose to come to Senate is to talk about disposition of bills. Disappointed that no information was sent.
Questions about exemptions for Housingmedical, age, financial aid, hardship.
It was stated the informal survey was a dumb ideaconvey to person who made decision.
Housing issue will not go away--Radonovich--hear from Huntsville people all the time.
3. Approval of Minutes to Meeting--Rountree--outside reviewers cost --cost of plane ticket --in minutes--Reeves, Gupta, seconded moved to accept.
4. Executive Committee Reports--move to accept--English, Boyd seconded
5. Committee Reports
Curriculum-Dr. Coe reported H400 and Honors approved
Personnel-Dr. Boyd reported Committee met Oct 21 discussed activities this year--look into process hiring two recent administrators -Dean of Students, Space Policy--no internal announcement--period open short, present bill. Send input to Personnel Committee.
Faculty and Student Development-Dr. Reeves reported have not met yet--issues to deal-mentoring young faculty and keeping them--issues with OSP, Purchasing and Contracts and Grants and look into some of those.
Finance and Resources-Dr. Boyd reported had meeting--sent letter asking for detailed budgets and cost of centers, etc. Looking at budget changes from Franz to Williams--budgetary changes and salary and position changes--other items are in the report from the Executive Committee.
Scholastic Affairs-Dr. Newman distributed highlights of meetings--met with administration and presented information--Auburn has no policy--UA has exceptions--2 institutions that don't have exemptions/exceptions are UAHuntsville and LeHigh--According to documents received hour ago counting on housing and meal plan to cover cost of housing. Comparison of colleges--data distributed. Concern for departments with 100 level courses. Shared transfer from AA to housing--Mr. Maxon expressed concern that this is not under purview of UGSA Committee. This does concern faculty as recruitment and retention. One reason to move to policy is to support bond issue.Business plan to Moody to living on campus and removing 30 mile restriction. Will supply at one time but not now. Ask twice and did not receive. Dr. Etzkorn asked today and given folder from Mr. Pinner with Moody Plan and Board materials. Memo to President Williams from Ray Pinner and given to Board. Ray Pinner committed to provide full response by next Tuesday. Bob Jones feeder school--the new policy is very unpopular with them. Counselor said great move for Auburn, Calhoun and UNA Parents want to change the policy. Bills to come up later. Asked about what happens when enrollment goes down--no plan. Direct concerns from parents to Board. Dr. Evans talked about Moody's and rating and interest rate and removing 30 mile exemption and requiring students to live on campus in order to get the rate to the point wanted. Dorla read challenges from Moody's. Request of Committee--look at documents and ask if university committed. Took effort to get John Maxon to come to Committee Meeting. The Senate thanked Tim for the work of the Committee.
REU at present budget not cut. Work with Honors more closely. Finance and Resource working on changing policy for REU
6. There was a request to suspend other reports and move to bills--English, seconded-Newman
7. Bill 328-Resolution Release of Moody's Plan: on floor--Banish, Reeves seconded called question, passed second reading--unanimous passed at 3rd reading, 37 in favor
8. Bill 329-Resolution Faculty Input on First Time Student Housing: on floor--Reeves-Banish seconded, called question--37 unanimous 3rd Reading
9. Bill 330-Realignment Preservation: on floor--second whereas typo--faculty--correct--English, Rountree seconded, 37 unanimous 3rd Reading
10. English-Report--working on Website-fixed--if anyone has ideas send to Dr. English--will take under advisement--Executive Committee have report in Exponent as necessary--writing article regarding housing issue using data from UGSA as well as faculty feeling--Vote on whether article appropriate.
Why only the Exponent--this is what Dr. English is comfortable with. Only about housing policy--how it affects faculty. Report. Let people know we are looking at it. Has to be submitted tomorrow afternoon. Suggestion to have reporter come to meeting. Some concerns for that. This is a report from us showing we are involved and care. More authority coming from Senate. Letter from Jennifer.
11. Rich Miller--new business--asked what do you want --read letter--Mission--role in university--proactive--non passive--have special meetings--come up with goals, strategies, plans--why are we here? SHARED GOVERNANCE! Two weeks from today meeting November 12, 12:45 -- get this room.
12. Meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #500 (October 1, 2009)
BA: Gupta, Mok, Evans, Bao
LBAR: Stewart, Rountree, Kovacs, Bollinger, Neff, Goebel, Johnson, Sanders, Reeves, Seemann, Sitaraman
ENG: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Joiner, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Gholston,
LIB: Moore
NUR: Showalter, Ferguson
SCI: Boyd, Scholz, Edmondson, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Takahashi
LBAR: Heikes, Smith
ENGR: Cassibry
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Warboys
SCI: Mecikalski, Miller, Wu
ENGR: Wessling, Lin
SCI: Bishop
0. President Etzkorn called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. President's Report:
Dr. Williams reported the Board of Trustees meeting occurred two weeks ago. The budget was approved. It will involve proration. There will be a memo from Ray Pinner on how to handle the proration. The Expanded Executive Committee has been working some months planning for the cuts. They have been looking at ways to handle the cuts. There will be some cuts but more growth. We have increased the credit hours by 5% coupled with tuition raise brings $1M beyond what was budgeted to help plug the hole. Further growth will help. Deans are working with Chairs putting together a plan to grow out of the proration.
The Board approved the Center Mike Griffin is heading. Griffin will answer any questions. Visitors O'Reilly, former President of India, General Cartwright. Governor on campus . Visitors are coming to see Griffin. Visitors tell what they want to do and how public they want the visit to be.
Request: Tell us about the outside committee. The Provost will address that. Deans attended meeting where this was discussed. The System and the President are paying for this review.
2. Provost's Report:
Dr. Karbhari reported the MSIAS was approved--this is an interdisciplinary degree and is being sent to ACHE. Formed a unique partnership with UAB where we will have independent masters and they will have an independent masters and we will collaborate where faculty feel it is beneficial. Building on expertise in areas.
Some might be involved in podcasts this fall. It is successful and faculty like it. We will be setting a meeting and talk about advantages and disadvantages and make it available for other faculty.The system is very simple. Use it as supplemental material and students like it.
The outside committee is made of 6 members headed by Robert Furgason. Information about Dr. Furgason. Members from each specialty area of each college. Talked about who individuals are and where they are from. Highly experienced set of people coming. Have been meeting with Deans and deans meeting with chairs and faculty to put together plan and give background, where want to go and how to get there. Benchmarking done and done by each college; because different for each college. Due October 22 week to send to review committee so can look at before here on November 2nd and 3rd and then will listen to each college give presentation. Short time frame--need review and been working strategic plan for while and look at where we are and where will be gives snapshot. Let experts come and tell us how they view what we are planning and doing. Ask deans to put together plan specific to their own college. We have talked about examples but college put together for their own area. Open to each college to put together what it feels best for its own college. Allowing college to move forward on how they feel and what they believe to be the best. Metrics can be different from college to college. Charge of Committee to review what we are doing and what we plan to do and if we are going in the right direction. Focused on Academic Affairs. Hoping we make plan and they comment back to us on whether what we are doing is on target. Go to larger area and tell us how we should be doing. We are sending report to them. We do benchmarking. Asked each dean to come up with benchmarks for their college--to judge their own college. SUG given as overall general guideline. Nothing to stop college from gathering other data and showing where we position ourselves. SUG gives good baseline. How long will Committee be working? They will be here 2 days. Get report week before. Before leave give brief report. Will go back and write a report and send to us. We can go back with questions, etc. Just to review and come out with Strategic Plan. Will they give any information on external funding--will they give additional advice. Will depend on how College sets up time with Committee. Comment on plans making.
Question: If Committee recommended merge what would you do? Response: Would have to take a look at it and see where to go from there. Cuts have been talked about with Deans. Question: Are you willing to say who will involve and how will handle? Would talk to faculty in specific area. Comment: Realignment Committee outlined--should study and become familiar as starting point. Question: What is the cost for this? Response: cost of flights here and overnight stay. Few thousand dollars. Committee put together in summer. Comment: Seems have not given Deans very much time to put together best report. Some don't have data. Response: Not quite true. SUG institutional sites were given. Data available to deans for some time.Sharing what data have with deans. Deans told IPEDs and Delaware are viable--some concerns with some other data. Comment: This appears to be an ad hoc process--concern for ad hoc processes. Political concerns come forth when ad hoc. Response: We hear your concern.
Resolutions--response received 4 and reported on what did on each one. Reply sent back to Senate. Partner Benefits studying and hoping for response.
President intends to provide detailed response to Letter by October 6.
3. Senate Bill 325: Input and Report on Parking. Motion to bring to floor by Dr. Gupta, seconded by Dr. English
Dr. Gupta, seconded by Dr. Seemann called the question 30 in favor, 3 against, 1 abstain, passed on third reading
4. Moved to approve minutes by Dr. English seconded by Dr. Reeves; minutes approved
Dr. Gaede moved seconded by Dr. Rountree to accept the Executive Committee minutes.
5. Committee Reports:
A. Dr. Seemann reported the Finance and Resources Committee met and funded 7 proposals for Distinguished Speaker Series. The Committee talked about the REU program and will look more detailed at the budget and plans to use the committee to degree of rumor control. Create gateway to address concerns. Control stories and lead to answer right questions. Number of items gong to fall on agenda. Meet with Ray. Marble company used. Griffin hiring Dr. Horack's wife and where the money came from. The Center is reporting to the President. 3 centers report to the Provost. The Board approved the Center reporting to the President. No conflict.
B. Dr. Anderson reported as part of the Personnel Committee Chair he had a discussion with the Provost about Director of Space Policy--some issues with website. Two Eminent Scholars combined to make one with approval of donors. Asked to look at SIE.
C. Dr. Coe reported the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee approved the first aid for first responders.
D. Dr. Reeves reported the Faculty and Student Development Committee will meet.
E. Jennifer English reported that Dr. Miller is going to schedule a meeting for Governance and Operations The main goal is to rewrite or revise bylaws for the Faculty Senate.Will get survey about bylaws. How many senators from each college or department. Serve as tool to start. Get input to see what faculty want. If you have items want to change get with Rich or Jennifer or member of Committee.
F. Jennifer English reported the Handbook Committee is on completing the revision to the Handbook.
G. Dr. Newman reported Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs met 2 or 3 weeks ago. Residency policy and centralized scheduling. Residency policy no one wants to take credit and talk about it.
6. Dr. English moved seconded by Dr. Seemann to approve Senate Bill 326: Accounting for Senate Bills and Resolutions. The Bill empowers the Senate to take over responsibility.Some thought the resolution was not needed. Some thought if going to pass the resolution it should include a list of what was sent. Dr. Gupta moved to amend. There was no second.
Vote: 32 in favor and 2 opposed. Passed at second reading
Dr. Newman, seconded by Dr. English moved to 3rd reading.
Dr. English seconded by Dr. Rountree called the question.
32 in favor and 2 opposed. Passed 3rd reading
7. Senate Bill 327: Scholastic Effect of Residency Policy and Housing Plans and Procedures:
Dr. English moved, seconded by Dr. Gholson to move the bill to the floor
Dr. Newman talked about statistics of how many came from inside 30 mile radius. With such data policy of residency should be looked into. Housing Director doesn't think in purview and this gives Committee power to look into. Called Director of housing and said not his policy but President's policy--Provost said could not table because John reports to Ray Pinner. Likely to be devastating to enrollment. Dr. English seconded by Dr. Seemann called the question
Vote: 32 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstention
Dr. Newman seconded by Dr. Banish moved to 3rd reading
Dr. Gaede seconded by Dr. English called the question
Vote: 33 in favor and 1 opposed.
8. Dr. English seconded by Dr. Banish moved to adjourn.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #499 (September 3, 2009)
BA: Gupta, Mok, Evans, Bao
LBAR: Stewart, Rountree, Kovacs, Bollinger, Neff, Goebel, Sanders, Reeves, Seemann, Sitaraman
ENG: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Joiner, English, Milenkovic, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Moore
NUR: Warboys, Showalter, Ferguson
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Scholz, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Slater, Miller, Takahashi
LBAR: Johnson, Heikes, Smith
LIB: Vaughan
SCI: Mecikalski, Edmondson, Wu, Zhang
0. President Etzkorn called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. The Senate agreed to suspend the agenda and allow Delois Smith to present first. Delois distributed a flyer on the Better Together Conference. The University is very much a part of this. Rev Joffrion Spoke about the speakers at the conference and the students attending from A&M, Oakwood, and UAHuntsville. The students will interface with community leaders. Have your students register. Delois will come to your classroom. Van Strickland and Frank Broyles were also present. This is about effective communication and exposing disparity and things that are already in palce.
2. Draft minutes of Meeting Number 497 and 498 were approved. Motion by Dr. English, seconded by Dr. Newman.
3. Senate Executive Committee Report approved as corrected-changing the date at the header. Motion by Dr. Rountree, seconded by Dr. Newman. Correction by Dr. Gupta and seconded by Dr. Boyd.
4. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams reported the Governor took $2M from the budget. Ray Pinner has handled this and no further cuts were required of Academic Affairs at this time. There was a visit to the Expanded Executive Committee by a Financial Advisors from the System Office and those to the Governor and the message for next year is we are looking at 6-10% proration. We met the budget this year. We made painful decisions. What we are expecting in October is that 4.5M to be taken from next year's budget. We plan to meet the budget but we did not take into account another 6-10% proration. The immediate focus of the group is to determine ways to meet the cut. In addition to this the retirement and health care cost are going up. The message is the same. Taxes will not go up so the Education Trust Fund will not grow. We borrowed money this year so we owe money. There are 69 K-12 schools underwater. The pressure is on the Universities to take less. The Governor will not give out the Stimulus money until a deal is made on the PACT. This has taken us down to about $35M from the State. The solution is to grow. Take heart in areas where we have control and where it looks good. Gifts are up. All the areas we control look good for next year. We are filling the hole that will appear on October 1. Academic Affairs covered continuing cuts with one time funding. In a couple of years will have to take it from somewhere else. Take what Rick has done and multiply it by 4. Grow by 4 times. We lose 23% of freshmen class. Millions of dollars disappear. We lose 23% of the freshmen class, 10% of the sophomores and juniors and 8-9% of the Juniors and Seniors. We lose money because students leave. We have the lowest retention rates in the State. The colleges should look at and preserve numbers as best they can. F&A is targeted for IT, maintenance and more research. Two areas this group has control over-recruiting and retention. Filling the hole of get 1. We are in good shape in comparison to others. We are financially sound. Ray Pinner did a good job. Not lost or closed any part of the University except University Relations. Hired 30 faculty over two years. Some students are academically challenged but not all. We need to go after those that are dropping out. We have raised our ACT average. We are increasing quality, quantity and diversity of students. We need to think about next year now. We will work under predictions we have been given. Focus on thing we have done well and thing we will do well.
Faculty Question: Will units be rewarded for doing well at retention.
Answer: President deferred to Dr. Karbhari. Dr. Karbhari is working with the Deans on this matter.
Faculty Statement: There are problems with the Research support system that make it difficult to accomplish tasks.
Response: President Williams stated he is aware of concerns of various areas. We will investigate inefficiencies in the University. We will find out if this is an OMB requirement or State law, etc.
Faculty Question: Are they talking to those in the trenches, the faculty?
Response: President Williams asked that the faculty send am email with details. John Horack is in charge now. Send the email to Dave Williams, John Horack or Bill Killingworth. We are attempting to correct problems.
Dr. Karbhari commented that we now have Post Doc categories in place. We have corrected some of the problems with travel and we have a new policy approval for travel of 7 days or less. The authorization stops at the Dean level. We are moving ahead in some areas to minimize blockages.
Faculty Question: What has Bill Killingsworth found could save money, improve processes, classroom utilization, five year budge plans and scenarios.
Where are fees for parking for part-timers?
Dr. Williams believes the responsibility lies with the person responsible within the areas as to whether the area should be closed. Bill Killingsworth is part-time in this position.
If we do something different for part-timers it would be a change in the way we do things. If we do it for one group what about another. What does it take to implement a multilevel parking policy? The issue of what part time faculty are paid is a college decision. The college decides who they hire and what they pay.
Faculty Question: Is there a category of people that are an exception based on the booklet from Public Safety?
Response: Dr. Williams is unaware of a special category.
Faculty Statement: Shouldn't the process be changed to solve the problem not the other way around. Shouldn't it be a fair system? What about fairness, justice, and the ripple affect.
Response: The responsibility of adjunct/part time faculty lies with the college and the dean. It is the choice of the college to hire part-time versus full time faculty.
Faculty Statement: a discount or sliding scale solves the immediate problem and it is something we can do vs. what we cannot do.
Faculty Statement: It should be a perk of part time faculty to park free. We should not pay police as part of the parking fees.
Faculty Request: Think about a parking fee model that is different. Those who use less pay less. A model that is fair and equitable.
Response: We will ask Ray to look at it. Right now it fills a hole in the budget.
Question: What would happen if only full time faculty teach?
Response: It would change the curriculum. The numbers would go up and teaching load would change.
Comment: We cannot access an org chart now. Response: We will check on that. Comment: Could we have names attached.
5. Dr. Karbhari's Report
Dr. Karbhari welcomed everyone back and thanked them for everything they had done. The numbers are up. Headcount is up 3.4%. Credit Hours are up 5.2%. We are not at the end of the add/drop period. The numbers are close to 250-300 new students from fall 2008. Thank you for the work you did with Rick.
We are looking at the G-Mail system and will be implementing it in a phased manner. Diane is talking to the Deans and is ready to transfer over and will be phasing it based on those that are ready. Thanksgiving would be the earliest we could make this happen. Certain groups need to move faster than others. It will be done on an opt out basis. Certain ones can opt out until concerns are addressed for that area. Servers and the network are inadequate.
Question: Will GTA Stipends increase? Response: the rates are set by the colleges. The stipends are low. We are talking to the Deans about what the rates should be and increase the numbers within the budgets.
6. A motion was made by Eric Seemann and seconded by Clarke Rountree to suspend the Committee Reports and move to the emergency resolutions.
Clarke Rountree brought an emergency resolution to the floor and talked about his role as Chair and the department and part timers. He talked about the effect on the quality of instruction. This is not a college problem. This was a decision made unilaterally that has caused the problem. The resolution regarding Parking Fees for Part-Time Faculty was moved to the floor by Michael Banish and seconded by Eric Seemann. Tim Newman called the question.
Vote: 1 opposed
36 in favor -- passed at first reading
Tim Newman move, seconded by Andree Reeves, to second reading
Vote: 36 in favor
1 opposed
Michael Banish moved, seconded by Andree Reeves, to third reading
Jennifer English called the question
Vote: 36 in favor
1 opposed.
8. Eric Seemann moved, seconded by David Neff to bring the second emergency resolution to the floor. This resolution Input and Report on Parking is asking the Administration to, in thefuture, seek input from the affected parties before making a decision. Clarke Rountree moved, seconded by Rolf Goebel to first reading. Dr. Bollinger called the question.
Vote: 35 in favor
2 opposed
Jeet Gupta moved, seconded by Clarke Rountree, to move to second reading
Vote: 34 in favor
3 opposed
9. Andree Reeves moved, seconded by Clarke Rountree, to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #498 (May 14, 2009)
Special Meeting
BA:Burnett, Bao, Schnell for Wilhite
LBAR: Heikes, E. Smith, Bell, Berbrier, Reeves, Seemann, M. Johnson
ENG: Kulick, Coe, Banish, English, Gaede
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, O'Keefe, Showalter, Ferguson
SCI: Davis, Wu, Zhang, Takahashi, Scholz
BA: Wilhite
LBAR: Harwell, Johnson
SCI: Edmondson
BA: Mok
LBAR: Pritchard, J. Smith, Ragsdale, Gyasi
ENG: Anderson, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin
NUR: Linsky
SCI: Mecikalski, Bishop, Etzkorn, Newman, Ravindran, Miller
0. The meeting was called to order at 1:20 pm by Dr. Rhonda Gaede, Faculty Senate President. A quorum was present, as more than 21 members of the 2008/2009 faculty senate, including proxies, were present.
1. Provost's report: Thank you to the realignment committee, they did a thorough job that gives us a good first step.
2. Dr. Gaede said, I want to clarify if the agenda is the same for special meetings or not, do we have to have committee reports? Gail Pritchard moved and Michael Banish seconded that we skip committee reports and go directly to the business at hand. The vote was unanimous in favor.
3. First item on the agenda was the proposed faculty senate bill on procedures for realignment. Dr. Gaede asked Dr. Tim Newman to speak about the bill. Dr. Newman said the bill ensures strong faculty input into realignment. We investigated how other universities do this. Thanks to Dr. Carmen Scholz for doing most of this research. Andree Reeves said, thanks to Dr. Newman for being a great committee chair.
Dr. Michael Banish, there are 2 small corrections to the bill, one in section 2.2, 7th line, "this vote shall be," section 2.3.1, add "of" between "evaluation" and "current."
Call the question. The vote was unanimous. Since the executive committee vote was unanimous, and the vote at second reading was unanimous, there was no need for a third reading, and the bill was passed.
4. Next item on the agenda was the sense of the senate resolution relative to supporting the conclusion of the realignment committee that no realignment should take place before Fall, 2010. The original version was read:
That the Faculty Senate concurs and supports this conclusion.
then an amended version was read that further resolved:
That the Faculty Senate supports realignment of an academic unit prior to Fall 2010 for realignments that have already been in negotiation within their college, if and only if the majority of the faculty of the affected academic unit, by their own accord, also support and have been actively engaged in the realignment process.
There was a discussion about how the sense of the senate resolution might affect the already agreed to liberal arts reorganization. Multiple people from liberal arts said they felt that this realignment should not take place, that it was better to have it stopped. Others argued that it was inappropriate to completely bring realignments to a halt, as long as they followed the detailed realignment procedure from the previously passed realignment procedures bill.
Andree Reeves moved that we proceed to vote on the original resolution. Jack Schnell seconded. All were in favor except one opposed and one abstention. Since the vote was not unanimous and a sense of the senate resolution requires unanimity, the resolution did not pass.
There was more discussion about the amended version of the resolution. Several people expressed reservations about it, that it might result in the committee's report being weakened rather than supported, as some stated was the primary intent of the original resolution. There was a discussion about how there was a need to slow realignment down so that it does not happen before the board of trustees meeting in June. There was a discussion as to whether the revised sense of the senate resolution might give a loophole such that the liberal arts realignment could proceed immediately. Some people said that this resolution is just extra in any case, and it is better not to have the resolution passed than to pass a resolution that weakens the committee report. There was a discussion as to whether a different resolution could be passed that said, just slow down. There was a discussion as to whether the resolution could be changed to a bill. Dr. Gaede said it would have to go back to the executive committee for this. Someone asked to have a resolution that just endorses the report. Some responded that the committee report is controversial in some areas, it is likely that many people do not agree with all parts of the report. There was a discussion that sense of the senate resolutions should not be controversial and no one should be coerced into voting for one. There was a discussion that no one felt that they were being coerced.
5. There was a move to adjourn. All were in favor except 3 opposed, so the move to adjourn passed at approx. 1:55pm.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:42 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #497 (April 30, 2009)
BA: Burnett, Bao, Mok
LBAR: Johnson, J., Pritchard, Smith, Bell, Gyasi, Johnson, M., Heikes, Reeves, Seemann
ENG: Banish, Joiner, English, Kulick, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry, Lin, Gaede
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Linsky, Showalter, Ferguson
SCI: Mecikalski, Davis, Scholz, Edmondson, Zhang, Etzkorn, Newman, Wu, Miller, Takahashi
BA: Wilhite, Schnell
LBAR: Harwell, Ragsdale, Smith, J.
ENG: Anderson, Wessling,
NUR: O'Keefe
BA: Evans
LBAR: Kovacs, Neff, Goebel
ENG: Milenkovic
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Ravindran, Lieu
0. President Gaede called the meeting to order at 12:47 p.m.
1. Draft minutes of Meeting Number 495 and 496 were approved. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Bell.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report approved as amended. Amendment made by Dr. Reeves that she was in attendance. Motion to approve by Reeves, seconded by COE.
3. Special Senate Executive Committee Report for Partner Benefits was approved. Motion by Bell, seconded by R. Miller.
4. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams was not present.
5. Dr. Karbhari's Report - Dr. John Severn gave report.
a. The University has decided to stay in step with local schools and cancel large gatherings until Monday. This includes the Service Awards Luncheons and both Town Hall meetings scheduled for Friday and Monday. An email will go out to the campus. The Chancellor has requested that the University prepare a contingency plan for Commencement in the case of postponement.
b. Dr. Severn was asked to comment on the status of the schedule for fall. He reported that there will be no changes.
c. A question was asked as to how the new schedule and the transition to Gmail will be implemented. Comments were made: the implementation needs to be phased, other universities have it only for students, are there any FERPA issues with using Gmail. Suggested that we run parallel systems for a while until we are sure everything works. Someone asked that the administration work with those who are directly affected to prevent a lack of communication.
6. A motion was made by Lawson to suspend the rules to read the bills first then have committee reports. Banish seconded. Motion carried.
7. Senate Bill 321: Faculty Handbook Policies and Procedures
Discussion: Senate is demanding, not asking, that the Faculty Handbook be followed regarding promotion and tenure letters and that the administration follow all procedures in the handbook.
Is there punishment for breaking the rules and not following the handbook? Can someone sue? Faculty Handbook review committee is looking into what it means to have policy and not follow it. An idea was suggested that the committee could look into putting something into both faculty contracts and administrator's contracts. But the senate must be careful working with legal counsel. They are looking out for the university. The faculty need their own legal posturing as well.
Call the question: Deborah Heikes
Second: Andree Reeves
Favor: All unanimous
Jennifer English moved for 3rd reading because it was not unanimous in the executive council. Letha Etzkorn seconded. The call to question vote was unanimous.
8. Senate Bill 322: Policy and Procedures for Termination of Academic Programs (Update of Passed SB 187).
No discussion.
Melinda Lawson called the question.
Vote was unanimous.
9. Senate bill 323: rights and Privileges of Faculty with Tenure in Terminated Programs (Update of SB 190).
Discussion: Gyasi asked that the space after often be removed on line 23.
Vote was unanimous.
10. Senate Committee Reports
1. Faculty and Student Development
No report.
2. Finance and Resources
No report.
3. Governance and Operations
No report.
4. Personnel
No report.
5. Undergraduate Curriculum
No report.
6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs
No report.
7. Faculty Handbook Committee
No report.
11. Misc. Discussion
Yoshi Takahari spoke about the antagonism on both sides and that it needs to stop. He urged the senate to find a way to move forward with the administration in concert with them rather than in antagonism. Linda Vaughn agreed.
Mai Wok asked what is the procedure for realignment, what happens after the committee report?
Gaede reported that they are not sure exactly. There will be a negotiation of ideas.
Newman reported that the committee will deliver the report to the executive committee and president and provost. The senate must use the final report and stay engaged.
Gaede said the senate must do best practices, produce changes in the structure and produce policy.
12. New Business
A. Sense of Senate Resolution introduced from the floor by Michael Banish.
Discussion: Letha Etzkorn has discussed with the chair of the realignment committee and supports it fully.
Call to question vote was unanimous.
B. President Gaede reported that there will be at least one bill and perhaps more coming from the realignment committee.
She also reported that there may need to be meetings over the summer. The new faculty senate members will not take office until august.
C. The proposed candidate for President-elect has had to remove his name. Called for anyone else interested to let her know.
A motion was made to adjourn by Melinda Lawson and seconded by David Coe. The meeting was adjourned at 1:42 p.m.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #496 (April 16, 2009)
BA: Schnell, Burnett
LBAR: J. Johnson, Harwell, Pritchard, Bell, Gyasi, M. Johnson, Reeves
ENG: Gaede, English, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Ferguson, O'Keefe
SCI: Mecikalski, Bishop, Zhang, Etzkorn, Takahashi
BA: Wilhite, Bao
LBAR: Heikes, Seemann
ENG: Coe
NUR: Linsky, Showalter, Lawson
SCI: Wu, Miller
LBAR: Ragsdale, Smith
ENG Banish, Anderson, Kulick, Gholston
SCI: Davis, Edmondson, Ravindran
0. President Gaede called the meeting to order at 12:46 p.m.
1. Senate Bill 320: Partner Benefits
After some discussion regarding the history, laws, what benefits would be gained, the definition of domestic partner, etc. Dr. Reeves called the question.
The second reading of the bill passed 27 in favor and 4 opposed.
Dr. Bell moved, seconded by Dr. Reeves to take the bill to third reading.
The vote was 27 in favor and 2 opposed.
Dr. Reeves called the question.
The bill passed at third reading 27 in favor and 4 opposed.
Dr. English moved, seconded by Dr. Schnell to adjourn.
11. The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #495 (April 2, 2009)
BA: Schnell, Burnett, Bao
LBAR: J. Johnson, Harwell, Pritchard, E. Smith, Bell, Gyasi, M. Johnson, Reeves, Seemann
ENG: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Kulick, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Ferguson, Lawson
SCI: Mecikalski, Bishop, Davis, Scholz, Zhang, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Wu, Miller
BA: Wilhite
LBAR: J. Smith
ENG: English
NUR: Linsky, Showalter, O'Keefe
SCI: Edmondson
LBAR: Ragsdale
SCI: Takahashi
0. President Gaede called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Draft minutes of Meeting Number 494 were approved. Motion by Michael Anderson seconded by Diana Bell.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report approved. Motion by Gail Pritchard, seconded by Diana Bell.
3. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams reported the Chancellor will be back on Friday to meet with the Executive Committee in a follow-up.
No progress in Montgomery on the budget. Not any better. We met the proration and are planning ahead-looking forward. Making sure we meet the projections for next year. We are trying to continue communicating where we have a mode to communicate. There is another town hall meeting at the end of April. Providing more opportunities for dialog.The Strategic Planning Committee reports are up on the web. We will have more open meetings during the semester to share information in more detail.
Do not have number in mind for tuition increase.
Stimulus package is one time money and may be used to cushion tuition increase. The package came from Washington with language regulating-mitigating tuition increase. May be mitigated by the Governor's office.
There was a question regarding cuts and Dr. Williams stated cuts are decided in units.
There was a questions regarding the cost of the master plan and why now. Master plan each 5 years cost about $350,000 + expenses--mandated by the Board of Trustees.
4. Dr. Karbhari's Report.
Dr. Karbhari reported he has initiated a National Search for the Dean of Engineering.
He reported UAB is going through a similar process to us on restructuring. We look forward to input from the Realignment Committee. Plans are coming in for the potential budget cuts of 7%. Not across the board cuts. Not cutting some areas because crucial to the core. The Deans are handing in responses. Some are still awaited.
5. Report from Ray Pinner:
Ray did a presentation for the budget. He talked about F&A and explained the differences and regulations. We budget conservatively. The unrestricted revenue is about $104M. We have about $5M in utilities and then scholarship + debt + benefits are about $20M that cannot be touched.
Ray talked about the tuition differences between us and others in the system. The goal is to get us closer to the 3:1 ratio between in state verses out of state. There is a gap of $12.6M reduction. Increasing parking to over $100 this year. Everyone will be the same rate. Ray asked everyone to send suggestions.
We received guidance on the stimulus package yesterday. This is subject to interpretation by Montgomery. Recurring expenses have to be cut. We will share further information later when it is available.
There was some discussion regarding uses of stimulus package monies.
There was some discussion regarding bond issues and food services.
There is a plan to change food services and a committee has looked at it and checked into the issues. They will get survey information.
6. A. Senate Committee Reports
1. Faculty and Student Development
No Report.
2. Finance and Resources
The Committee Report was included in Ray Pinner's report.
3. Governance and Operations
The Committee has a Sense of the Senate Resolution
4. Personnel
The Committee has a Senate of the Senate Resolution
5. Undergraduate Curriculum
Dr. Pritchard reported they have two more course approvals.
6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs
Dr. Heikes resigned from the Senate.
There is a bill from the Committee.
7. Faculty Handbook Committee
No Report
8. Realignment Committee
No Report.
B. University Committees
No Report.
C. Officer Reports
1. President
2. President-Elect
3. Ombudsperson
7. Senate Bill 319: P Grade in Banner
The bill passed unanimously.
8. Sense of the Senate Resolution regarding Promotion and Tenure
There was some discussion regarding t he Handbook and this being a larger issue. The resolution was dropped for a rewrite for the next meeting. Please send thoughts to Dr. English.
9. Sense of the Senate Resolution regarding Nurse Practitioners
Melinda Lawson explained the resolution. We will hold this bill for an email vote.
10. Sense of the Senate Resolution regarding Partner Benefits
There is a Committee working on campus in coordination with UA and UAB. They have put it through HR. Dr. Wessling moved, seconded by Dr. Schnell to postpone this until later. The vote was 11 in favor and 13 opposed. The motion failed.
Dr. Wessling moved, seconded by Dr. Schnell to adjourn. The move failed.
It was requested a special meeting would be called to deal with this resolution.
Dr. Schnell moved, seconded by Dr. Wessling to adjourn.
Diana Bell announced the new Student Success Center would hold an open House on Study Day and have a Tutoring Blitz. Faculty were invited to help with tutoring. If anyone is interested in volunteering they should contact Kellie Crawford at 3384.
11. The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #493 (February 12, 2009)
BA: Burnett, Bao
LBAR: Bell, Pritchard, J. Johnson, Norman, Gyasi, M. Johnson, Heikes, Reeves, Seemann, Berbrier, Smith
ENG: Anderson, Gaede. English, Gholston, Cassibry, Coe, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Showalter, Ferguson, O'Keefe, Linsky
SCI: Mecikalski, Bishop, Davis, Scholz, Edmondson, Zhang, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Miller
ENG: Kulick
LBAR: J. Smith, D. Ragsdale, Harwell
BA: Wilhite
ENG: Banish
SCI: Takahashi
0. President Gaede called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft minutes of Meeting Number 492 were approved with an amendment. Motion by English, seconded by Gholston.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report approved. Motion by Linda Vaughan, seconded by Rose Linsky.
3. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams reiterated we are facing challenges at this university. This is not news to you. It started last summer. Starting with open meetings where requested. Start thinking about how to do things differently. Trying to get a dialogue going. Pleased you have put together a Committee to look at where to go and what to do. There will be several million more dollars cut. The financial situation is challenging. These are real dollars gone and will not come back. There are 43 jobs gone. University Relations is gone.Restructured Student Affairs. Made changes in CNS. Have no choice. The System has mandated we will not operate in the red. We must meet the budget needs. We may be in proration again. Do not hold out great hopes for the stimulus package. Not recurring, only for 2 years. We will not count on stimulus package. Got to do something. If we don't do more with less and change--someone will do it for us. Please come up with ideas. We hired you because you are bright--come up with ideas. Look at others and see how they operate.
There will be further cuts in personnel. Must take decisions. Have to do more with less--no choice. Thank you for your Committee. Need to start discussions yesterday.Need decisions by March 2. You as a group can find ways to do this.
Provost and Ray working hard on budgets. Deans have been given information on cuts. As soon as have ideas will put on web. Cannot count on tuition increase. Get working with Board on data. If cannot raise tuition will be further cuts--significant.
Send ideas out--need more ideas and think about. Not allowed to run in the red. Have no choice--give ideas.
Question: Centers--are they a part of the realignment? They are in the considerations. We are working on a metric. Looking at F&A. Some cuts taken--others still to be identified. Some areas shielded because if touched will harm the university. We will keep information going out as we get it. Have requests in for stimulus package.
Applications are up 8%--want to see these become admits. Research is up 16% in awards. Advancement report is good. Expect to see expenses up in Research and return on F&A. All showing encouraging signs. We must turn applications into yield. We are spending on recruiting--down from others. Need to be competitive.
Endowment base for scholarships challenged. Board approved bond issue for Wilson Hall and selection of architect drawings for new dorm. Approved signature authority for VPs,and NISP for Modeling and Simulation.
New UC--would love to have and look at in long term plan, but no money for it.
Question: Word Charge--realign. Chancellor asked me to look at the university and see where changes are needed and are we serving the community.Examples--biotech, modeling and simulation, Hispanic community--we need to look at as we put together plans. How do we best serve the community? Is what we have now the best for the community and its needs and the needs of the students, etc. why not? Wants to know what we already have and think about ideas.
Dr. Williams and Dr. Karbhari have spent time getting to know leaders in the community. Met with Hospital leadership. Reaching out to North Alabama health care management.
4. Dr. Karbhari's Report.
Dr. Karbhari reported a task force on health care should be reporting in the next few weeks.
Restructuring and budget issue closed related. Opportunity to examine and ask questions if starting fresh how would we do it. Give ideas. Open meeting first couple of weeks of March.
Co-ops--opportunity for all class levels. Large source of financial aid for students.
DL Committee in place with Dawn Utley and Karen Clanton chairing. Not for implementation but look at policies and issues. We have been having sessions on Fridays. Next Friday will be Don Bowyer and DL in Music. Encourage all to attend--get ideas.
Budget models are being worked on with deans and it creates a model instrument for planning for next year. Link what we do with what we get.
Thank you for your help with the Open House. And for working with Rick. Appeal to students on a personal level. Talk to students where you can.
When we need an instrument to communicate with the faculty. Not necessarily email.
We are getting quotes and looking at software that will allow us to set up schedules and look at overlaps and conflicts. Need to have classes available and rooms available.Coordinate classes. Put under registrar. Allocate space, etc.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports
1. Faculty and Student Development--No Report.
2. Finance and Resources--No Report.
3. Governance and Operations--No report.
4. Personnel--No
5. Undergraduate Curriculum--No
6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs--We have a bill on the agenda today.
7. Faculty Handbook Committee--No Report.
B. University Committees
No Report.
C. Officer Reports
1. President
2. President-Elect
3. Ombudsperson
6. Senate Bill 316: 64 Hour Policy (Second Reading): This bill is about transfer hours and allowing them at any time. Motion by Amy Bishop and Diana Bell. The vote was 21 in favor and 5 opposed.
7. Sense of the Senate Resolution: Sharing Governance
Motion by Amy Bishop and Louise O'Keefe. The vote was unanimous.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Special Called Meeting (February 3, 2009)
BA: Burnett, Schnell, Wilhite
LBAR: Bell, M. Johnson, Heikes, Harwell, Reeves, Berbrier, Sanderson
ENG: Banish, Gaede, Coe, Wessling, Cassibry, Kulick, English, Gholston
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, O'Keefe, Linsky
SCI: Etzkorn, Scholz, Miller, Davis, Bishop, Wu,
BA: Bao
LBAR: Pritchard, Smith, E., Seemann, J. Johnson, Ragsdale, J. Smith, Gyasi
ENG: Lin, Anderson
NUR Showalter, Ferguson
SCI: Edmondson, Mecikalski, Zhang, Ravindran, Takahashi
Dr. Karbhari and Severn were present.
0. President Gaede called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. The Sense of the Senate Regarding a Realignment Committee was presented.
Dr. Reeves presented an amendment to add
That this Academic Realignment Committee develop a set of formal procedures for faculty involvement to protect academic integrity in cases in which a realignment occurs.
After discussion and questions and answers the vote was unanimous in favor of the amendment.
Dr. Berbrier proposed an amendment to change the date of the report to 09-10. After discussion the amendment failed to pass.
Dr. Wessling proposed an amendment to the third Whereas to read The faculty desire formal input and influence into the process.
After discussion the amendment passed unanimously.
Dr. Heikes proposed taking out the parenthetical "not including department chairs" and put in "faculty representative eligible for Faculty Senate" and "with the vote conducted by the Governance and Operations Committee" in lines 15 and 16.
The amendment passed unanimously.
Dr. Banish proposed an amendment to have the faculty representative be one from each department. The amendment failed to pass.
The vote for the resolution was 30 in favor and 3 abstentions.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #492 (January 15, 2009)
BA: Schnell, Burnett, Bao
LBAR: Bell, Pritchard, J. Johnson, Norman, Gyasi, M. Johnson, Heikes, Reeves, Harwell, Seemann, Smith
ENG: Banish, English, Kulick, Gholston, Cassibry, Coe, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Showalter, Ferguson, O'Keefe,
SCI: Bishop, Davis, Edmondson, Zhang, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Miller, Takahashi
BA: Wilhite
LBAR: J. Smith
NUR: Linsky
SCI: Scholz
LBAR: Ragsdale
ENG: Anderson
SCI: Mecikalski, Wu
0. President-Elect Etzkorn called the meeting to order at 12:46 p.m.
1. Draft minutes of Meeting Number 491 were approved. Motion by Bell, seconded by English.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report approved.
3. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams was not present.
4. Dr. Karbhari's Report.
Dr. Karbhari reported that enrollments are up 3-4%, credit hours are up 5.9%. Hope next year's enrollment will go up as well. We have established a Committee to look at Distance Learning. Karen Clanton and Dawn Utley will co-Chair the Committee. The Committee will look at academic issues, concerns, and how to go forward. We will seek representation from the Senate. We need to look at concerns and how we address those on our campus. There are a series of presentations taking place each Friday. The one last Friday was individuals from Nursing and the one this Friday will be the in TH and is the VP from Georgia Tech.
Dr. Karbhari reported MAE is undergoing a Title IX review right now and they are doing very well. Recommendations will come from this that will help us all. We were picked by NASA because of our proximity to NASA here.
6. A. Senate Committee Reports
1. Faculty and Student Development
Dr. Reeves reported the Committee met on Thursday.
2. Finance and Resources
No Report.
3. Governance and Operations
No report.
4. Personnel
Dr. Bell reported the Committee is looking into extending benefits to partners. There is a meeting in January 2009 with HR and the Senate is on the agenda. Anything attached to state funds cannot be extended because of the Alabama law. Athletic events and the Library. We are working on the Fitness and Tuition Assistance.
5. Undergraduate Curriculum
The Committee recommended approval of 3 new courses.
6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs
No Report.
7. Faculty Handbook Committee
No Report.
B. University Committees
C. Officer Reports
1. President
Dr. Gaede is holding organized forums for faculty opinions, ideas, etc. The first one is next week. They will be held in different places on campus and at different times.
2. President-Elect
3. Ombudsperson
7. Senate Bill 312: Amendment to Student Attendance Policy (Third Reading): Dr. Wessling proposed an amendment to line 36 "before the first week of classes the Office of the Provost" After discussion the amendment failed 11 in favor and 13 opposed.
The bill passed at third reading
21 in favor; 8 opposed.
8. Senate Bill 313: Academic Action Threshold Revision (Third Reading): The bill was corrected to read 1.9 for Freshmen and 2.0 for others.
9. Sam Parks distributed information about Higher Education Day and announced they will have 3 buses to go to Montgomery and all faculty to go with them. The cuts are devastating to Higher Education. Sam talked about the difficulty in getting students to go and asked that faculty please excuse students to attend. He asked that anyone email him with questions or wanting more information at parks@uah.edu.
10. Sander Patterson talked about Admissions. There are improvements. The retention is good. Graduate enrollments are down. The undergraduate enrollments are up. Faculty have helped. Sandra has strategic plan handouts for those interested. We have outlined what faculty can do in recruiting students. It is vital to assist each other in recruiting. There comes a point where recruiters have done their job and it is up to the faculty at that point. Connect with students and communicate enthusiasm. A list goes to Deans each week and should be sent to the Faculty. The Deans are not sending it to the faculty.
Sandra reported the CRN software is getting up and running. Help put information in and extract information out.
Faculty have helped with phonathons and they have been successful. If you are interested in helping contact Sandra's office. You can help with phonathons, chat rooms, faculty chat night, open house programs, and visit days. Sandra requested that suggestions be sent to her.
Sandra talked about purchasing lists but the lists are not perfect and she needs all to refer students to her office. The lists have flaws. If the student marks and major and it happens to be a major we do not have they will not show up on our lists.
They are doing high school visits and community college visits.
Communicate what you do and events, etc. to Sandra.
You can go to College Fairs. You can allow students to visit class. Send a list to Sandra if you are interested.
9. The meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #491 (December 4, 2008)
LBAR: Bell, Johnson, Gyasi, Heikes, Smith J., Harwell
ENG: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Coe, Wessling
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Showalter, Ferguson, O'Keefe, Linsky
SCI: Mecikalski, Bishop, Zhang, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Wu, Miller, Takahashi
BA: Schnell, Burnett, Bao
LBAR: Pritchard, Smith, E., Reeves, Seemann
ENGR: Gholston, Cassibry
SCI: Maria Davis
BA: Wilhite
LBAR: Ragsdale
ENG: English, Kulick, Lin
SCI: Scholz, Edmondson
0. President Gaede called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Draft minutes of Meeting Number 490 were approved. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Linsky.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report approved.
3. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams was not present.
4. Dr. Karbhari's Report.
Dr. Karbhari reminded everyone that Commencement is next week.
The Huron Report is in and Dr. Karbhari will meet with the Committee and then put it on the web and implement announcements on that.
Health Sciences Committee is progressing with faculty from different colleges. They will present a report soon.
Dr. English is chairing the Gender Equity Committee. Dr. Karbhari hopes to give the charge next week.
Dawn Utley will chair a team on Distance Learning. We will determine the things to look at. We will have a series of seminars from speakers from here and outside in January.
The review of Deans is underway. We are doing the five year review of Dean Luquire, Fix, and Raines. The Committee is charged and will be contacting faculty soon. In addition to forms for the evaluation the Committee will have sessions to have faculty, staff, and student come talk to them.
There was some discussion and questions regarding the schedule and exams.
Dr. Severn announced the Commencement is divided into two parts. Friday night is the PhDs, Honorary Degree, and speaker. The Commencements will be shorter. The faculty will be in rank order and traditional on Friday night but will be by department on Saturday. Students will march through the faculty on Saturday in the front hallway.
6. A. Senate Committee Reports
1. Faculty and Student Development
No Report.
2. Finance and Resources
Dr. Wessling reported the Committee received the proposals for the REU. They are evaluating about 25 proposals.
3. Governance and Operations
No report.
4. Personnel
Dr. Anderson reported the small Committee looked at the partner benefits issue and what we can do.
5. Undergraduate Curriculum
The Committee is looking at some things coming in recently.
6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs
Dr. Heikes reported t he Committee will have two bills today, one on attendance and one on the Academic Action Threshold.
7. Faculty Handbook Committee
Linda Vaughan reported the Committee will meet on Monday to talk about one chapter and extended the deadline to 2009.
B. University Committees
C. Officer Reports
1. President
Starting in January Dr. Gaede will hold forums for faculty to address various issues. There is some faculty unrest.
2. President-Elect
7. Senate Bill 312: Amendment to Student Attendance Policy (Second Reading): Add "Make arrangements no later than one week in advance" in line 29. "must not be penalized" in line 24.
26 in favor; 3 opposed.
8. Senate Bill 313: Academic Action Threshold Revision (Second Reading): Departments are notified if students drop below the threshold.Amendment 1.7 and 2.0. 22 in favor, 4 opposed. Bill: 23 in favor and 3 opposed.
9. A motion was made to adjourn by Melinda Lawson and seconded by Rose Linsky. The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
UAHuntsville Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #490 (October 30, 2008)
BA: Burnett, Bao
LBAR: Johnson, Bell, Johnson, Heikes, Reeves, Seemann, Smith J., Smith, D., (Pritchard)
ENG: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Kulick, Coe, Gholston, Cassibry
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Showalter, Ferguson, George (O'Keefe)
SCI: Davis, Scholz, Zhang, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Wu, Miller, Takahashi
BA: Schnell
LBAR: Pritchard, Smith, E.
NUR: O'Keefe
SCI: Bishop, Edmondson
BA: Wilhite
LBAR: Harwell, Gyasi, Ragsdale
ENG: English, Wessling, Lin
NUR: Linsky
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd
0. President Gaede called the meeting to order at 12:46 p.m.
1. Draft minutes of Meeting Number 489 were approved. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Bell.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report approved. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Etzkorn.
3. Gordon Stone's Report (Higher Education Partnership)
FY 08 did not have proration because we borrowed $400 million from the Proration Prevention Fund and because the state closed the books early. However, that makes us start FY09 with a negative balance and makes it harder this year. Ask everyone to vote yes to Amendment 1 on Tuesday. We have two savings accounts to assist with education where the state sets money aside in surplus years for use in shortage years. The Rainy Day fund is at present tied to 05 statistics. Amendment 1 will tie it to the previous year. This will allow the amount in the savings account to be increased. This is a better model to deal with the account, and the state has to pay it back in a set amount of time. The polls show that right now, it is a close race and that Alfa is against and is working hard with its members.The trust fund was established by a constitutional act and therefore, it takes a constitutional act to change it. Right now, $3.25 billion is in the two accounts and we will probably borrow $400 million. Mr. Stone then handed out papers about Higher Education Partnership and the Amendment 1.
4. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams was not present.
5. Dr. Karbhari's Report.
We are still waiting to hear the level of cuts. Trying to come up with ways to raise money externally. If you have ideas that can help, send them to the "why not" website. The Provost is having weekly lunches in the Charger Cafe with faculty to discuss any issues. If you hear rumors, please tell him. The budget information is now on the website. If you have questions, let him know.
Question was asked -- what is a natural expense? Provost reported that he was not sure but would find out.
Question was asked -- what is happening with the paper towels? Discussion followed about why the dispensers were being removed. Provost will let the Faculty Senate know.
Question was asked -- what is the latest with the centralized audio visual system? Dr. Luquire is putting together a budget for review of feasibility. Over time, every room will have the same system for ease of use.
Statement was made -- it is troubling to the faculty member that we are discussing removing paper towel dispensers and not addressing the major problems of the university. There is so much dead weight OSP, Shipping and Receiving, Purchasing, CNS. This should be addressed. The Provost responded that he is still reviewing the faculty surveys and will meet with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to determine how to implement the best strategies and move forward.
6. A. Senate Committee Reports
1. Faculty and Student Development
Looking into partner benefits at other schools. Alabama law does not allow same sex partner on insurance, but there are institutional things that we can implement such as the fitness center, and tuition payment.� There will probably need to be some type of form to establish the relationship for the benefits.
2. Finance and Resources
Reminder -- Proposals for REU are due December 1.
3. Governance and Operations
No report.
4. Personnel
No report.
5. Undergraduate Curriculum
No report.
6. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs
They are working on the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs and the Academic Action Threshold. The academic action threshold is defined as the GPA below which a student is subject to probation, academic warning or dismissal (in that order). It is currently 1.6 for freshmen, 1.8 for sophomores and 2.0 for everyone else. Delois Smith has submitted a recommendation that the threshold be changed to 1.8 for freshmen and 2.0 for everyone else to hopefully help with retention. The committee will look at UAHuntsville's retention rates from the last time that the threshold was changed to see what happened.
The committee is also still looking at an attendance policy.
7. Faculty Handbook Committee
The committee proposed an amendment to extend the review period from May, 2009 to December, 2009. There is too much information to compile and they are unable to have it ready by May.
A motion was made by Andree Reeves to extend the review period to December, 2009 and seconded by Melinda Lawson. There was no discussion. Unanimous vote.
B. University Committees
1. Commencement
December 12-13, 2008 and May 8-9, 2009
C. Officer Reports
1. President
Nothing additional
2. President-Elect
Wants the senate to think about looking carefully at the rules and by-laws to see if there needs to be an update.
3. Ombudsperson
What are his duties? These need to be defined.
7. A motion was made to adjourn by Melinda Lawson and seconded by Jason Smith. The meeting was adjourned at 1:31 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #489 (September 25, 2008)
BA: Schnell, Burnett, Bao
LBAR: Johnson, Harwell, Pritchard, Bell, Gyasi, Johnson, Heikes, Reeves, J. Smith
ENGR: Anderson, Gaede, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling
NUR: Lawson, O'Keefe, Showalter, Ferguson
SCI: Bishop, Scholz, Zhang, Etzkorn, Ravindran
BA: Wilhite
LBAR: E. Smith, E. Seemann
ENGR: Kulick
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Linsky
SCI: Boyd, Edmondson
LBAR: Ragsdale
ENGR: Banish, English, Coe, Lin
SCI: Mecikalski, Davis, Wu, Miller, Takahashi
0. Senate President Rhonda Gaede called the meeting to order at12:47 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 488 were approved. Motion by Lawson, seconded by Schnell
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Lawson seconded by Reeves.
3. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams was not present.
4. Dr. Karbhari's Report.
Faculty Senate is an important part of the University. It is essential to the function of the University. Thank you for taking time to take part in the governance of the university. We are doing well in spite of budget cuts. A consulting company did a review of the IT segment and made recommendations. We have put together a committee and will look at the result and give recommendations. As we move forward we want to have proper input from faculty. We need to keep doing a good job and stay focused. We will make Committee memberships known to faculty. We are working on resolving ANGEL issues. We will eliminate the use of SS#s. It is a two stage process. We will move quickly.
Dr. Radonovich reported ACHE last Friday approved the extension of the post implementation of CE PHD. We promised 4 PHDs per year and we have been doing 2. We will start measuring next year. Try to produce 4 between us and UAB for the next 4 years. Missy Smith new commissioner from Huntsville. Will visit campus in October. Interested in Distance Learning. Have begun work on P&T guidelines plan to include in the Faculty Handbook when it is done. Have hard copy for Linda Vaughan in hand and will have electronic version soon and will forward to Linda.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No report. FAR college specific item.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: one course in music for approval.
Discussion of pass fail grade and should we have universal policy. Should be unit specific and faculty determines pass/fail. Not consensus for work on it.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Burnett reported that in the fall the Committee solicits proposals for the REU program. The Provost increased the budget and can give more awards this time. The Committee went to the symposium and requested an increase based on the result. Bernhard Vogler runs the program. Write proposals and submit.
9. Faculty Handbook Committee: Dr. Reeves reported the Committee met and she read the report.
B. University Committees: Commencement Committee met yesterday. Discussed fall services Friday night large event 2 events Saturday for college specific. Hope faculty will participate in as many activities as possible. Spring May 8 and 9. Dr. Severn will be Marshall and we are working on more protocol and Mace Bearer is a faculty activity not a student activity until changed.
C.Graduate Council-question about course repeat for grad students. Should not be extended to grad students. Graduate Council will be asked to consider.
Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
6. Brent Wren and Jim Harris-- Distributed Athletic Handbook. Jim Harris--appreciates faculty here and those who assist in student athletes. 16 varsity sports 8 men's and 8 women's 223 athletes. Many awards and recognitions reported. Committed to true academic athletes. Committed to selling UAH to all prospective students. Athletics window to see caliber of students. Students Athletes good ambassadors everywhere. Page 7 of the handbook has the rule on attendance. Only time student athletes permitted to ask to miss class when attending varsity contest. Not allowed to ask otherwise. Faculty notified and asked to excuse for competition. Asked for your assistance to write policy to cover all students missing for competition.Should be allowed to make up work, make up tests, etc. Students should not have to choose between attending class and attending function. NCAA policy on attendance. Part of strategic plan to hire person to advise student athletes. Have to play based on schedule given. Try hard not to schedule weekday. NCAA requirements, Gulf South Conference and student policy put serious restrictions on student athletes. Key word university business and all students. University business defined by Provost Office. Questions and discussions. Some discussion regarding lab courses and team projects. Have to discover problems early and work out solution. We are one of few in NCAA conference that do not have policy and only one in Gulf South Conference that does not. Concern expressed for pressure on Athletes from coaches. Communicate so coaches can be dealt with. Suggested meeting coaches. Brent wants to know issues--communicate and problems will be solved.
7. Student killed on campus on bike. No policies on bikes on campus.
8. Sent results on faculty survey. Many comments pertinent to Handbook and Committee will take and incorporate. Some other issues should address. Would like to know. Banner issues--make it work for us and not us for it.
9. UAHuntsville License Plates and parking fees. President asked Mike to work on and rework. They are working on it. Designated faculty parking. Tiered or zoned parking system.Plan--larger rooms for activities and place for commencement, etc. Student Center needed.
10. English and Reeves move to adjourn.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #488 (August 28, 2008)
ADSC: Bao, Burnett
LBAR: J. Johnson, G. Pritchard, D. Bell, K. Gyasi, D. Heikes, A. Reeves, J. Smith
ENG: Banish, Gaede, Kulick, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: O'Keefe, Linsky, George, Showalter, Ferguson
SCI: Mecikalski, Bishop, Davis, Edmondson, Zhang, Etzkorn, Wu, Miller
ENGR: Anderson
NUR: Lawson
ADSC: Wilhite, Schnell
LBAR: Harwell, Smith, M. Johnson, Ragsdale, Seemann
ENGR: English, Coe, Lin
SCI: Ravindran, Takahashi
0. Senate President Rhonda Gaede called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 487 were approved Motion by Letha Etzkorn, seconded by Louise O'Keefe.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Diana Bell seconded by Gail Pritchard.
3. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams was not present. He was with Chancellor Portera.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich had no report. He thanked the Senate for eight years of cooperation He reported he will be working with the Faculty Handbook Committee and will be attending the Executive Committee Meetings.
Dr. Severn announced the Foundation Teaching Awards Lecture on Friday, September 19 with Troy Skinner from Engineering and Molly Johnson from Liberal Arts. Announcements and Flyers will be sent out. The Lecture will take place in SC 107 and will be followed by a wine and cheese reception upstairs in the SC.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was accepted.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Governance and Operations: No Report.
4. Personnel: No Report.
5. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Heikes reported: The Committee will be looking at the Withdrawal Policy and the Academic Action Threshold. Dr. Gaede gave a definition of the Academic Action Threshold.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Burnett reported the Committee will be administering the REU Program. He will send out a request for proposals and will go through and select winners. There will be a poster session this Friday from 2-4 p.m. with last year's participants. It will be held in the Shelby Center third floor faculty lounge.
9. Faculty Handbook Review: Linda Vaughan requested that faculty encourage their colleagues to contact the Handbook Committee and make recommendations and suggestions.
She also encouraged faculty to tell their colleagues the Library is here to help. Linda would like to talk to faculty about what is available. Linda is willing to come to classes and talk. If you need to bring a class to the Library use the form on line to request. Construction is going on in the Library on the Coffee Shop and Art Gallery. There was also some discussion regarding the SuperTeaching Classroom. Linda advised faculty to go to superteaching.org for more information or contact Mark Moorehead or Wilson Luquire.
B. University Committees:
No Reports.
Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Gaede mentioned the "Why Not" web site through ChargerNet and indicated she could walk individuals through the process to change their password. Dr. Gaede encouraged faculty to get involved in strategic planning.
Dr. Gaede had everyone introduce themselves.
Dr. Gaede reported the survey results are in and she is trying to decide how to present the results. She received 180 responses from 332.
Dr. Gaede reported the Faculty Senate will meet twice this year with the Staff Senate. The first time on October 22 at the Staff Senate Meeting time of 11:00 a.m. and the second time at the Faculty Senate Meeting time.
Dr. Gaede reported Jeff Sands will come and talk about achieving goals and in January Rick and Sandra will talk about recruiting.
6. ANGEL-BobbiJo Rissmann: Talked about ANGEL-Banner works with ANGEL--working together part is taken care of behind the scenes. You automatically get an account.Courses are automatically populated. During add drop there is about a day delay for updating. It talks to Banner with grades.
What tools are available in ANGEL?
Content, Assessment, Communication, Multimedia.
Tools integrated in ANGEL
How to get started in ANGEL.
Online Resources
For assistance contact angel@uah.edu
Will start some workshops next week for automation features, etc.
7. Dr. Gaede adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m. Motion by Francis Wessling and Seconded by Rose Linsky.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #487 (April 17, 2008)
ADSC: Schnell
LBAR: Rountree, Pritchard, E. Smith, Gyasi, Reeves, Sitaraman
ENG: Gaede, Jovanov, Gholston, Cassibry, Wessling, Lin, Karr
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, O'Keefe, Linsky, George, Thompson, Ferguson
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd, Magnuson, Davis, Scholz, Aygun, Etzkorn, Wu, Ravindran, Miller
LBAR: D. Harwell, M. Johnson, Bollinger, Heikes,
ENGR: Banish, Anderson, Coe
SCI: Edmondson,
ADSC: Wilhite, Burnett
LBAR: J. Johnson, Moore, Ragsdale, Neuschatz
ENGR: Kulick,
SCI: Bishop, Elsamadicy
0. Senate President Lynn Boyd called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 486 were approved. Motion by Joyce Thompson, seconded by Rose Linsky.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Melinda Lawson seconded by Shari George.
3. President Williams' Report.
He reported he has been in active communication with the Chancellor and people at system office. Putting through a 5 year tuition plan and presenting it to the Board in June. Message that we have done our part in efficiency and efforts to save and at some expense of education of students. Has to cost more or sacrifice education. Working with Lew Radonovich on a plan and things we have already done to save and tuition increase. We have not invested in recruiting students--have not done it aggressively. If come here and work hard will get job. If student cannot take care of $21,000 debt for education after getting a $50,000 job then we have failed. If we market self properly then can get $32,000 education here. Some cannot afford and it is the job of the community and us and Financial Aid to increase scholarships and provide ways. Do not like being the bargain. Need to pay for education. Areas of university need to be looked at. Faculty and staff going above the call recognized and those who are not looked at seriously. Everyone evaluated and look at and say to those performing you are doing great and should be rewarded and those not performing no merit increase. We all work together. Call offices and do not get answer. Service offices. Anyone who calls service office should get an answer. Think of ideas you can use to raise money.How many of you are running external short courses. There are numerous examples around the country. Dr. Williams ran short course and brought in $220,000 with course and paid CE and rest was department. It was voice the Faculty feel burdened with administrative duties and sometimes do not feel they have time for these other things. Dr. Williams responded "you" have to set your priorities. Don't believe in cuts across the board and say all the same and do not give merit increase across the board and say all same. Maybe someone is not doing their job, that overburdens others.
It was voiced that growing international student population seems a good idea. Some blocks and hindrances to international students coming here and staying here. Attitude to work together and serve each other needs to happen and not here yet. Setting expectations and rewarding those who meet and exceed and dealing with those who do not meet expectation. Will communicate with you as much as can as receive information. The Chancellor keeps Dr. Williams informed. Going to be right behind Tuscaloosa. Should be able to attract students and we need to work on that. Will invest in recruitment. Need to know difficulties in doing your job. It is expensive to educate students and we are cheap. Told trustees that. People will pay and we will help those who cannot. Hire more in recruiting and advancement. They give return on dollar. Have to give time. Rick is professional and he will come to department and talk to you about what to do and how it works.
Thanked for faculty turn out at inauguration. Success of goals will bring in money 88743210. CE working with to bring in money. Faculty teach through CE instead of using non professional. Faculty do not work 8 to 5. Your sacrifice needed. For all problems good benefits. Can still relate to what you do. Thank you for what you do.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Thursday Chancellor met with Chief Academic Officers and Chief Financial Officers and presented we would receive minimum of 10% cut in State budget. Tuition increase would be hard sell. Made suggestions for 9, 10, 11 month appointment for staff. Scheduled time to meet with President, Deans, and Directors. Prior to this went through 5% scenario. This now contingency plan and asked to derive 5% cut and 7.5% cut. This is based on analysis by Ray Pinner's division. Did minimum of 6% to 10% and include tuition increase. Dr. Radonovich made an appeal to others that Academic Affairs should not be cut same as others for many reasons. 85% budget in AA goes to salary and fringe benefits. This is serious constraint. Of the rest of 15% 10% is fixed cost that do not have variables on. We will grow our way out of this no matter what happens. Until that growth comes, do not want to create catastrophic situation of decreasing teaching, etc. Think positively about it.Last year Alabama among top ten states in funding for Higher Education. Past two years good also. Increases in top ten. It is hard but it is an opportunity to evaluate. If have to think in direction of cutting classes, etc. please minimize that thinking.
It was pointed out that with some Co-op programs the company pays finders fee to university and the company takes it as write-off.
Other sources of income. Have students do marketing research on potential patents and money makers. Tuscaloosa done well in marketing themselves out of state and good source of income. Right kind of thinking. Will seek tuition increase.
Dr. Radonovich was asked why are you so confident in growth. Dr. Radonovich stated that in the past watched growth pattern. See our potential and the right things in place. I think it is imminent. Experience and little bit of intuition. This region needs what we do. Doing important things right. Some carry over from this year to take care of some things for next year. Carries through short time but need creative ideas to continue.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was accepted.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Governance and Operations: Sampson Gholston agreed to be on the ballot as Ombudsperson.President Elect-still working on that position. Melinda Lawson will be Parliamentarian. Dr. Gaede is soliciting issues and ideas for next year.
4. Personnel: No Report.
5. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. George reported the Committee approved requests from Nursing and Economics.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Rountree reported they had a proposal for the Course Strike Policy and it was tabled.
8. Finance and Resources: The Committee received proposals for Distinguished Speakers and will meet and discuss and we should be able to fund them all.
B. University Committees:
No Reports.
Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: Dr. Karr reported he will be retiring. He has been the Ombudsperson for the past few years and it has been an interesting position. Those rewriting the Handbook have a challenge to get the deans to follow procedures in the Faculty Handbook.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Lynn Boyd: Alabama System Board Meeting last week.
Approved Tuition increase at UAB medical and dental school.
Espy had impassioned speech talking about investments in higher education paying off. Working hard in Legislature to minimize cuts
President Williams gave speech at Inauguration and plan for next five years
Staff Senate contacted and invited to Picnic and asked for help. Committee of ten senators to organize picnic. Picnic will be May 14. If interested please tell Dr. Boyd.
Added item to agenda. Discuss revisions to earlier resolution from this year.
Cuts in funding next year state funding 10% cut. Budget adjustment to accommodate those cuts. Communicate to administration to let know how painful this is. Department asked to cut 25% anything not faculty or staff in Biological Sciences. Department is looking at cutting GTAs and part-timers and this goes contrary to directives to grow and cutting classes undermines direction we want to go. Cutting in academic units not best way to go.
6. Sense of Senate Resolution--Form Handbook Review ad hoc Committee for AY those serving on this committee would not have to serve on other committees. Make sure handbook accurate and no internal inconsistency and review for clarity and if policy needs to be reviewed and revisited then recommend to Senate Committee. Where needs amending do so otherwise make sure followed. Unanimous.
Clarification--friendly amendment to clarify who faculty representative is--same as for Senate representative.
Rita Ferguson
Yeqing Bao
Jeff Kulick
Andree Reeves
Rich Miller
Linda Vaughan
8. Dr. Boyd adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #486 (February 21, 2008)
LBAR: Rountree, Pritchard, Neff, Gyasi, M. Johnson, Moore, Jones, Reeves,
ENG: Banish, Jovanov, Wessling, Lin, Karr
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: O'Keefe, George
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Magnuson, Edmondson, Aygun, Ravindran, Park, Miller, Elsamadicy
ADSC: Burnett,
LBAR: J. Johnson, Bollinger, Heikes, Neuschatz, Sitaraman
ENGR: Anderson, Kulick
NUR: Lawson, Linsky, Thompson
SCI: Mecikalski, Scholz, Etzkorn,
ADSC: Wilhite, Schnell
LBAR: Ragsdale
ENGR: Frendi, Gaede, Gholston,
0. Senate President Lynn Boyd called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 485 were approved with change. Motion by Clarke Rountree, seconded by David Neff.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Shari George seconded by Linda Vaughan.
3. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams reported we do not know the final information on the budgets and cuts yet. The current bill has about 14% or slightly less. Yesterday the Presidents and the Board gathered to make a statement to the Legislators. They made it clear that endowments cannot be used to offset shortfalls. University Endowments have legal restrictions. Right now we need to be aware that the cuts are eminent. Dr. Williams is encouraging VPs to go through an exercise of 5% cuts. They are to look for where they can make cuts. The VPs are also encouraged to find out where they can find increases. Three areas that are under our control are: 1) enrollment, especially out of state enrollments, 2) external funding through research, foundations, etc., and 3) Advancement/Development. All of us are responsible for these and have opportunities to increase in these areas. The New VP for Advancement should be finalized within the next few days. Hope to make an announcement. We will invest in these revenue generating areas. At the appropriate time when we are aware of the actual details of the budget and budget cuts we will make a formal presentation to the campus. Take the message back to your colleagues to work to bring in more revenue. I have instructed the Inauguration Committee to take 10% off the top of what is in the budget. I must be an example. I want the inauguration focused on the University and the faculty and students.
Mission Statement: There were three versions of the Mission Statement sent out with an opportunity for faculty and staff to comment. I have received about 100 responses. There is strong support for a shorter version. We will sit with the Committee and hash out which version is the best and has the most support.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported that all three resolutions submitted by the Faculty Senate this year have been approved and signed. There was one fall out issue from the abolishing of the NC Grading. Freshmen Composition has a problem with it and not being able to give Ds. Dr. Severn is working on this.
Dr. Radonovich announced that the Board approved the BS in ESS. We want to get this to ACHE for the June Meeting. We would like to have is approved to offer it Fall 2008.
There was some discussion regarding why it is ESS instead of ATS. Dr. Radonovich pointed out they have taken a more holistic view seeing the earth as a system.
Dr. Radonovich talked briefly about the Inauguration activities. He announced the final schedule should be out shortly. The event is a week long. He encouraged faculty to attend the events and where possible and appropriate encourage students to attend. This is a great opportunity for showcasing faculty and student achievements. He announced classes are cancelled on Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for participation in the actual installation ceremony. He announced that you may order regalia through the UAH Bookstore if you do not currently have it. Invitations should go out to all faculty and research personnel. We are trying to make sure everyone is informed.
Dr. Radonovich stated he is working with the Deans on the 5% cut scenarios in order to be prepared for what may happen.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was accepted.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Governance and Operations: No Report.
4. Personnel: No Report.
5. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. George reported the Committee approved two new courses.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Rountree reported they have a bill on the agenda.
8. Finance and Resources: The RFP for Distinguished Speakers was sent out. The Committee will meet in April to make the selections. The awards will be $1000-1500.They have a $10,000 budget.
B. University Committees:
No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Parliamentarian: No Report.
2. Ombudsperson: No Report.
3. President-Elect: No Report.
4. President: Dr. Boyd reported Rhonda Gaede is the new President Elect. She is working on Teaching Technology Resources.
There was a Commencement Committee Meeting. This spring Commencement Mack Portera will be the speaker. There will be one honorary degree awarded and there will be ~800 students.
The Smoking Policy was approved and Mike Finnegan is to handle the implementation.
The Abolishing the NC Grading Resolution was approved.
The Faculty Student Relationship Policy was approved.
At the Board Meeting the DNP was approved and is moving forward.
The Wilson Hall renovations are starting.
A land sell next to Tech Hall was approved.
6. Senate Bill 312: Amendment to Student Attendance Policy (Second Reading)
The bill was brought to the floor with a motion from Dr. Magnuson, seconded by Dr. George.
There was some discussion regarding concern for the obligation is puts on the faculty.
Two amendments were proposed and withdrawn.
There were discussions regarding the motivation of the bill. There was some concern for the bill being too broad.
The vote for the bill was 5 in favor, 22 opposed, and one abstention. The bill failed at second reading.
7. Rich Miller talked about a bill in the legislature regarding weapons (guns) on campus. This is an important issue and we need to take a stand and express an opinion to the Legislature. The information will be sent out to the Faculty Senate for them to respond so that a letter can be sent.
8. Dr. Boyd adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #485 (January 24, 2008)
ADSC: Wilhite, Schnell
LBAR: J. Johnson, Rountree, Neff, Gyasi, M. Johnson, Ragsdale, Jones, Reeves, Neuschatz, Sitaraman
ENG: Banish, Gaede, Jovanov, Gholston,Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, O'Keefe, Linsky, George
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Magnuson, Scholz, Etzkorn, Aygun, Ravindran, Miller, Elsamadicy
ADSC: Burnett, Bao
LBAR: Bollinger, Heikes
ENGR: Anderson, Kulick, Karr
SCI: Edmondson
LBAR: Pritchard, Moore
ENGR: Frendi
NUR: Thompson
SCI: Mecikalski, Ai
0. Senate President Lynn Boyd called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 484 were approved. Motion by Carmen Scholz, seconded by Andree Reeves.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Jack Schnell seconded by Shari George. One abstention.
3. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams reported we are in the later stages of hiring the VP for Advancement. We are conducting second interviews in the next couple of weeks.
The Provost Search is ongoing. The Committee is currently looking at names.
Rick Barth and Sandra Patterson are on campus now. There was a presentation in the Council of Deans this morning. There is more involvement for yourselves in this. We have an opportunity to grow enrollment. We can fill needs of the community. Meet Rick and Sandra and work with them. Faculty participation is critical. You are in contact with students and prospects and can help with retention.
The building continues on campus. They are making great progress on the parking facility. We are going to the Board with information regarding the renovation of Wilson Hall. We will look at Madison Hall as well. We are well aware of the needs in Morton and Roberts Hall. We are looking at the needs and the financial situation in the State. We will be looking at the budget next year. We will be making a contingency plan for what to do depending on what the Legislature presents. We will focus on bringing in more money instead of looking at what we cannot do.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported the Inauguration will occur at the same time as the Board Meeting here on campus in April. The schedule for this will be out soon. We can discuss details at the next meeting. It is a full week of activities. Classes are cancelled-- from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. on Friday April 11. Thursday will be a full day symposium on "Roles and Responsibilities of a Research University." Invite classes to come where it is relevant. Wednesday will be the "Best of UAH" with displays. There will be written information and more information from Dr. Radonovich on this soon.
The Chief Academic Officers met. One of the topics was the Performance Indicators. They want to have several years of data. We are not on target for some of the goals.The enrollment goals are difficult to achieve. The six year graduation rate has not increased. There was some questions regarding capping programs and performance indicators and how that works. Dr. Radonovich stated we should not be capping enrollments.
Dr. Radonovich reported the DNP is going forward as a joint program. A joint program as defined in the Board and ACHE manual. A joint program is more than shared and collaborative. All institutions are participating and functioning. It now includes UA. The leadership will rotate between the three institutions. The faculty have done an outstanding job. It will be submitted to ACHE for their next meeting.
Melinda made a plea for people to become politically active to request the Legislature remove/reduce restrictions on Nurse Practitioners. She will send information to Peggy to send to others.
The Provost reported the President and Provost and a representative from the campus, Dr. Lee Williams, will be involved in a system-wide diversity meeting. Dr. Radonovich reported he has shared a copy of the Chancellor's talk on this topic. We will continue efforts to enhance diversity.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was accepted.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Reeves reported the Committee is looking at ways to help faculty who are not doing as well in teaching. Dr. Bell is looking at this as well. They are looking at some sort of Teaching Resource Center for the future.
The Committee also looked at the visa issue. The Provost is investigating this issue.
The exit interview was discussed and who the faculty talk to.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. George reported the Committee approved two new courses for HPE and did it in record time.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Rountree reported they have two bills on the agenda that were started in the fall semester.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Etzkorn reported the REU is finished with 29 proposals and 10 funded by the Provost and 6 by the Space Grant Consortium. The College ofScience submitted the most proposals. Distibution of awards were fairly equal to those submitted.
B. University Committees:
Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Boyd reported she will be going to the Board Meeting in February. The Board Meeting will be here in April. She will give a presentation. She asked if anyone had anything they want her to convey to the Board to please let her know. April 11 is also the inauguration ceremony.
Dr. Boyd reemphasized participation in recruiting and advancement issues.
Dr. Boyd reported we were invited to have representation on the Research Council and Carmen Scholz and Richard Fork have agreed to accept this appointment.
6. Gloria Greene and Chih Loo (Effort Reporting Form)
C. Loo and Gloria Greene are traveling around campus to talk about a new form for Professors on Contract and Grant Accounts. Only those who charge to Contracts and Grants will use this form. Now every two weeks everyone does a Budget Labor and Leave Report. This is not the best accounting procedure according to OMB regulations. Semester reporting is better. Faculty are on a semester reporting and staff on a quarterly. Ten days after the semester ends, log onto the website pull the report to committed effort with actual effort side by side. If they agree hit the button and you are done. If they do not agree then make the changes and submit a retro. Then you go back and verify. Two or three time for about 5 minutes and the report is done. The Federal Government requires we be more stringent on compliance. This enables us to better comply and answer questions from auditors. Time is in percent for effort reporting. C. Loo distributed information to the Senators.
7. Sense of the Senate Resolution in Support of College of Administrative Science Changing the Name to College of Business Administration.
Dr. Schnell presented the Sense of the Senate Resolution. The Faculty of the College met and unanimously supported the name change to help attract students and to have a name more accepted by the community. We would like you to support the name change by offering this resolution.
Rhonda Gaede moved, seconded by Melinda Lawson to accept the resolution. The vote was unanimous.
8. Senate Bill 311: Abolishing NC Grading
Dr. Gaede moved the bill to the floor.
Dr. Wilhite spoke to the fact that he teaches 100 level classes and some of these students are young and immature. For many of them it is the first time they have dealt with some of the issues they encounter and they are overwhelmed. The ARC has just gotten started and they are targeting the strugglers. He stated he is shocked this is coming from Liberal Arts. He proposed to let departments decide.
Some are concerned it is not serving a useful purpose.
There was some discussion regarding a failure in administrative system to stop multiple NCs and wrong use of it.
There was some discussion regarding the Articulation Agreement and forcing English to give NC as opposed to D.
Dr. Gaede moved, seconded by Melinda Lawson to call the question.
The vote was 25 in favor, 10 opposed and one abstention. The bill passed at third reading and will be sent to the Administration for action.
9. Senate Bill 312: Amendment to Student Attendance Policy
Dr. Rountree brought the bill to the floor. The bill was initiated out of concern for students participating in university sanctioned events and activities being penalized b y some instructors. It was recommended we make a university policy to make allowances for those participating in university sanctioned events. The request came from Dr. Wren who is involved in Athletics and found that students were losing a letter grade in some instances. We need consistent practices across the board. We are one of few universities without a policy covering this. We need to council students especially in lab courses.
There was some concern that a blanket policy includes too many events and borders on micromanaging the mechanics of how faculty teach a course. Where do we draw the line?Some concern for opening the door for lawsuits and discrimination. Suggested that faculty be encouraged to accommodate but leave it up to the faculty member.
Dr. Gaede moved to table the bill.
10. Dr. Boyd adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m. Motion by Melinda Lawson seconded by Dr. Wessling.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #484 (November 29, 2007)
ADSC: Schnell, Burnett, Bao
LBAR: J. Johnson, Rountree, Pritchard, Bollinger, Moore, Johnson, Ragsdale, Heikes, Reeves, Sitaraman
ENG: Banish, Gaede, Jovanov, Kulick, Gholston, Karr, Frendi, Wessling,
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: George
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd, Bishop, Edmondson, Aygun, Etzkorn, Ai
ENGR: Anderson, Lin
NUR: Lawson, O'Keefe
SCI: Scholz
ADSC: Allen
LBAR: Gyasi, Neuschatz
NUR: Thompson, Linsky
SCI: Magnuson, Ravindran, Miller, Elsamadicy
0. Senate President Lynn Boyd called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 483 were approved. Motion by Shari George, seconded by Andree Reeves.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Linda Vaughan seconded by Shari George.
3. President Williams' Report.
Dr. Williams reported he enjoyed the discussion regarding the Senate Bill on abolishing the NC Grade. This goes to the meat of what we are about. Your job is to make decisions of this kind.
We are working with Ron Greenwood and Ray Pinner on issues with OSP and Business Services. We ask for your support as we work on this. When you bring proposals, bring them in a timely manner. It takes time to take care of all the details of these items in the appropriate manner. When there is more work in advance there is less push back from the offices in process. We are hoping for a clear policy on the responsibilities of the OSP and the faculty. Send emails with information, problems, data, etc. Also please let me know when things work well.
We are getting a better handle on the Enrollment Management area as well. The retention and graduation rates are better but not what we want them to be. We are in the process of hiring an Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management and a Director of Admissions. We are close to making offers. We hope in the new year to involve you in the plan for Admissions and ongoing enrollment. We need to invest in people to help you in retaining students. There was discussion of a presentation by Financial Aid to assist faculty in knowing how to help. We will encourage presentations from any of the administration. We need to better utilize the resources available and communicate. You are the best people to identify students with problems and refer them to the right place. The Academic Resource Center is a clearinghouse to help with getting students the help they need. There is concern expressed for taking care of transfer students as well as freshmen.
Delois Smith is hiring an Assistant Vice President and one of the task will be working with transfer students. We also need to address the scholarship issue with transfer students.
We are interviewing for the Vice President for Advancement. The ad is out for the Provost Search.
We have established a Committee for reviewing the Mission Statement. We need a concise mission statement. It will be general and not department detailed. It will be something to set us apart. It will need to prioritize and then we can set goals and move forward with a strategic plan. We need to increase enrollment and increase the endowment.Send your suggestions to Dr. Williams.
Dr. Williams is meeting with departments and listening to concerns and answering questions.
Richard Amos addressed the Sr. Administrators and Deans. We are working on plans to respond to the needs of the community. We are working on plans we can take to Redstone on how we can help. We have asked for ideas from the Deans and the Executive Council.
Safety is an ongoing issue. We are working on an emergency preparedness plan. There are brightly colored documents out for your information. We are working with individuals to draft and send forth a document with a plan.
Dr. Williams invited everyone to the Lowe House for Open House this weekend.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported he too appreciated the discussion on the NC Grade issue. However it comes out, we are working to find ways for students to be successful and reach their goals.
Dr. Radonovich announced there will be a resolution coming from Dr. Schnell regarding the name change for the College of Administrative Science to the College of Business Administration.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Heikes reported the Committee has a bill to bring forward today.
8. Finance and Resources: No Report
B. University Committees:
Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: There was a Board Meeting last week. It was the UA Institutional Presentation Meeting. They are looking good. Their numbers are up. They are receiving more out of state students. They have invested in a number of out of state recruiters. The only controversial item was a land sale.
The Faculty Senate Meetings next semester will take place in Shelby Center Room 109.
There was an announcement from David Kyle, HPE, and the Fitness Center for individuals to sign up for "Just Move It". The kick off will take place January 28 at the UC Exhibit Hall.
6. Senate Bill 311: Abolishing NC Grading
Dr. Rhonda Gaede moved the bill to the floor and Dr. Andree Reeves seconded the motion. Dr. Banish distributed information on graduation rates in colleges. He made the point students do not graduate in four or five years. There is a problem with the graduation rates. This is a more serious problem and more important than NC and whether we give Ds and Fs. There are strong feelings with doing away with the NC grade. We may help students and not necessarily help retention. Dr. Radonovich addressed the retention rate information. There are many factors involved in this, such as working, etc. There was some discussion regarding concern for the label we place on students and the message that is sent regarding the quality of the degree. There was discussion regarding other ways to deal with problems, such as the Academic Resource Center and other ways to help students succeed. There was some concern expressed for the message to students of responsibility and encouraging them not to complete the course or to stop coming to class or to stop trying.There was some discussion regarding teaching them avoidance. There was some discussion of enforcing what is in the catalog and doing a better job advising. There was some discussion regarding letting departments make the decision and not abolishing the option across the board. There was some discussion of other issues involved and what happens to students who transfer, etc. There was some discussion of how many other schools offer this option and how they control it.
Dr. George called the question.
The vote for the bill was 16 in favor, 15 opposed, and 1 abstention. The bill passed at second reading.
7. Senate Bill 310: Smoke Free Building Environment
Dr. Banish moved the Bill to the floor, seconded by Dr. George. Dr. Reeves called the question. The vote was unanimous in favor. The bill passed at third reading and will be forwarded to Administration for review and approval.
8. Dr. Boyd adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m. Motion by Dr. Banish, seconded by Dr. Wessling.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #483 (October 25, 2007)
ADSC: Schnell, Burnett, Bao
LBAR: J. Johnson, Rountree, Bollinger, Moore, Gyasi, Johnson, Ragsdale, Heikes, Reeves, Neushatz, Sitaraman
ENG: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Jovanov, Kulick, Karr, Frendi, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Linsky, George, Thompson
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Magnuson, Scholz, Aygun, Etzkorn, Ai, Miller, Elsamadicy
NUR: O'Keefe
SCI: Edmondson, Ravindran
ADSC Allen
ENGR: Gholston
0. Senate President Lynn Boyd called the meeting to order at 12:47 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 482 were approved. Motion by Melinda Lawson, seconded by Gerald Karr.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Melinda Lawson seconded by Andree Reeves. One abstention.
3. President Williams' Report.
The Shelby Building is open. It is a testament of the generosity of Senator Shelby and the hard work of Dr. Franz and others. It raises the expectations for the future buildings. It will be open in the spring for classes. If we continue to grow we will need more facilities and we need to renovate Wilson Hall and Madison Hall and Morton hall. We had hoped to receive help from the State but the amount was much less which makes it difficult to do the things we need to do.We may have to take a bond ourselves. There is ongoing housing need when we grow. We need to improve the Student Center. VBRH needs work. We are talking about a $125 to $150M price to get to where we need to be. We must use contacts and work and be optimistic. We are well aware of the infrastructure needs. We have active searches ongoing for the Provost, V.P. for Advancement, Assistant V.P. for Enrollment Services and the Director of Admissions. We need to grow and serve as the population grows. Our area is growing and we need to react to the needs based on the growth.
Dr. Williams has been meeting with Legislators on and off campus and learning the Alabama political system.
Dr. Williams is working on a plan to revisit t he mission statement. We will have a Committee to look at it.
We are also looking at the crisis management. We are not as well prepared as we should be.We had a meeting with the Executive Council and Chief Gailes and looked at some software systems for our use. We need to move quickly to get a plan in place so that we can respond more efficiently.
The President's Council is tonight in the UC.
The inauguration is April 11.We want to show off strengths of the University during this ceremony. April 10 we will have talks and April 11 will be the inauguration with a party afterward.
There was a question regarding the tactical changes such as CNS. The hope is that this is a potential solution. We will give Dr. Luquire what he needs. The light rail will help. We must make investments in that area. There was discussion regarding Purchasing and OSP. It has been suggested that Ray and Pat talk to faculty about how they do things and then be given a chance to respond to faculty concerns.
There was discussion regarding the expectation of back and forth communication. There must be an understanding of the role and responsibility of each party. Dialogues are needed for the requirements and responsibilities of each party.
There was some discussion regarding visa problems and Dr. Severn and Dr. Radonovich clarified the issues and have dealt with the problems. Dr. Radonovich will schedule an appointment with Marisa to discuss other solutions.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported the issue of clickers for the classroom has come up again. There is interest in a new program. Dr. Severn will work with the Bookstore Advisory Committee to resolve this issue.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development:Dr. Reeves: A subcommittee met and talked about the visa problem and what is available for faculty development. There was a suggestion to talk to the faculty and students involved in the process.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Kulick reported they have been collecting information regarding OSP issues. He has interviewed some faculty. If you have any issues please send an email to Dr. Kulick.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Heikes reported the Committee has a bill to bring forward today.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Burnett reported you should have gotten an email regarding the REU program. This is a good program and he encouraged the faculty to submit proposals. There was a question regarding responses to those not receiving the award.Dr. Burnett will check with the Committee and determine if it is possible to send letters to those not receiving the awards and let them know what were the problems with the proposals. It was suggested K. Taconi be invited to sit on the Committee for review of these proposals..
B. University Committees: Dr. George reported The Honors Council is still accepting proposals for the seminars for 09-10.
Dr. George reported The Faculty/Staff Traffic Appeals Committee met.
Dr. Gaede reported the ETDE Committee, the CNS Advisory Committee, and the Library Committee be combined to one Committee.
Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Suspended the agenda for a report from Gordon Stone.
6. Gordon Stone(Representative from the Higher Education Partnership)
The HEP was formed ten years ago. The partnership works with the Presidents and lobbyists regarding Higher Education Day. We have had 2000+ attendees each year for the past four years. This year Higher Education Day is March 6. This is a Thursday. We ask faculty to work with students that need to attend. One of the Legislators is on tape as saying keep doing what you are doing. It is impacting the decisions in Montgomery. We are dealing with and recommending reasonableness in funding all of education appropriately. The issues are sensitive economy, new programs, the math science initiative, tuition and fees. Contact information for Gordon is 334-220-2161 and information can be found at higheredpartners.org.
7. Senate Bill 310: Smoke Free Building Environment
Melinda Lawson introduced the bill and discussed some of the background. Basically it is to eliminate the problem of second hand smoke in entry ways and air intakes so that it does not trigger health problems for individuals. This is also consistent with new city ordinances. Dr. Wessling seconded the motion.
The bill passed at second reading with 28 in favor and 4 opposed.
8. Senate Bill 311: Abolishing NC Grading.
Dr. Heikes introduced the bill. Dr. Gaede moved to table the bill and Dr. Reeves seconded the motion. There were 3 opposed and 2 abstentions, 27 opposed.
9. Dr. Boyd adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m. Motion by Dr. Gaede, seconded by Ms. Lawson.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #482 (September 27, 2007)
ADSC: Schnell, Burnett, Bao
LBAR: J. Johnson, Rountree, Bollinger, Moore, Johnson, Heikes, Reeves, Neushatz, Sitaraman
ENG: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Jovanov, Kulick, Karr, Frendi, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Linsky, George, Thompson
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Magnuson, Edmondson, Aygun, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Ai, Elsamadicy
NUR: O'Keefe
SCI: Scholz, Miller
ADSC: Allen
ENGR: Gholston
LBAR: Pritchard, Gyasi, Ragsdale
SCI: Mecikalski
0. Senate President Melinda Lawson called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 481 were approved with one correction. Motion by Melinda Lawson, seconded by Clarke Rountree.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Melinda Lawson seconded by Kader Frendi. One abstention.
3. President Williams' Report.
President Williams was out of town.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported he has decided to make a temporary appointment for the Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness Position. He will appoint Dr. C. David Billings to the position from January to June. He will seek a permanent person to start July 1.
He reported the name change for the Masters degree in Business was approved and the name change for the College of Administrative Science was approved. It will probably be College ofBusiness. Dr. Billings and Simpson are talking to A&M. The Board approved the NISP for a BS in Earth System Science. This will likely come to ACHE in the spring.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Reeves: No Report yet--we are working on the Faculty with poor SIE scores issue.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Kulick reported they have been given the task to look at OSP issues. He will collect data. Email information to Dr. Kulick.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. George reported they are expecting to receive a request for approval within the next month or so.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Heikes reported the Committee is working on the NC Grades issue. She distributed information regarding retention. The Committee is also working on an attendance policy regarding students participating in UAH sanctioned extracurricular activities.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Burnett reported Dr. Radonovich is going to approve the funds for the REU Program. He announced to the faculty to be on the lookout for the request for proposals for the REU.
B. University Committees: The Honors Council is still accepting proposals for the seminars for 09-10. Dr. Mebane sent out and announcement.
The Faculty/Staff Traffic Appeals Committee meets today.
The Bookstore Advisory committee is looking at standardization of clickers across campus.
The Campus Planning Committee meets Monday regarding signage on campus.
The Student Affairs Advisory Committee meets on October 5.
Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Boyd reported Melinda Lawson and she attended the Board Meeting. They approved the DNP Proposal which is a joint program between UAH and UAB. It now goes forward to ACHE. They approved the name change for Administrative Science as well as the Masters Degree name change for Administrative Science.
They approved the NISP for the Bachelors Degree in Earth Systems Science.
Dr. Boyd announced that Dr. Gerald Karr is the Ombudsperson and asked everyone to announce that to their colleagues.
Dr. Boyd reported the SGA has a resolution opposing the UAHuntsville name.
Dr. Boyd announced she would like all the Senate Meetings to end on time.
6. Ray Pinner (Budgets and Finance Report)
Ray presented slides that were presented and approved at the September 14 Board Meeting. Ray had some copies of the slides for distribution and stated anyone else needing a copy could email him. He stated if anyone wants more detail on the budget to let him know.
There was some discussion regarding Security and Immigration and staffing. Dr. Radonovich will talk to Dr. Greenwood and obtain clarification. It was suggested the Faculty and Student Development Committee look into the matter more closely.
There was some discussion regarding salaries and the use of SUG data and closing the gap.
Money was added to the institutional funds for startup but not nearly enough.
7. Dr. Bhavani Sitaraman made a motion to bring the NC Grading Bill to the floor to put it on the agenda for the next meeting. Dr. Reeves seconded. The Senate would like the opportunity to discuss and look at data and make a rational decision.
The vote was 3 opposed, 3 abstentions, 25 in favor. The Bill will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
8. Dr. Boyd adjourned the meeting at 2:00 .m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #481 (August 30, 2007)
ADSC: Schnell, Burnett, Bao
LBAR: J. Johnson, Rountree, Pritchard, Bollinger, Johnson, Ragsdale, Heikes, Neuschatz, Sitaraman
ENG: Banish, Gaede, Jovanov, Kulick, Gholston, Karr, Frendi, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, O'Keefe, Linsky, George, Thompson
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Magnuson, Aygun, Ravindran, Ai
LBAR: Gyasi
ENGR: Anderson
SCI: Etzkorn, Miller, Mecikalski
ADSC: Allen
LBAR: Moore, Reeves
SCI: Elsamadicy
0. Senate President Melinda Lawson called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 480 were approved Motion by Melinda Lawson, seconded by Linda Vaughan.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Melinda Lawson seconded by Linda Vaughan. One abstention.
3. President Williams'Report.
President Williams reported he will meet with the Faculty Senate tomorrow to bring them up to speed on the changes that are taking place. He stated he will work under the same arrangements as before unless he is asked to change it. He will be involved as much as the Senate wants him to be. The Faculty are central to the university and it is important for you to convince others of what is important. You decide the priorities for the university. Academically we look to the faculty as leaders. We want to change the things that are not working well and enhance those things that are doing well.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported the Distinguished Lecture Series is now part of the budget and will continue. The REU program will also continue and the funding is in this year but is not yet part of the budgetary process. He will assure it is in the budget in the future. The REU was a smashing success again. We need to make sure John Gregory knows that we need the matching funds.
The May Commencement Walk Policy for undergraduates is in place. There was a question and some discussion regarding a provision in the policy for students who do not meet the 2.8 GPA criteria. Dr. Radonovich stated we have to use our good judgment. If there is a chance the student will not pass a class we have to use our best judgment in handling that situation. They are delineated in the program as pending. If there are other concerns please let Dr. Radonovich know and we will try to deal with them.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Kulick reported they have looked at the truancy of Faculty Senators and how to handle this issue (maybe a truancy officerJ). The Senators are encouraged to attend the Committee meetings. There was some discussion regarding the Motorcycle Parking Policy. The current policy is that motorcycles can park anywhere but this has created some safety issues.
5. Personnel: Dr. Magnuson reported on behalf of Dr. Andersons that there are two things on the agenda for the Committee. The Faculty Student Relationship Policy Bill at third reading is one item. Delois Smith will speak the Bill and the desire to stop the bad without hindering the good. The Committee is also discussing the Faculty Handbook update.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. George reported they have worked on the approval of a course in Marketing over the summer. They will review and report on program and course changes throughout the year. They will review the ARC and will take a look at any eliminating or canceling of programs.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Heikes reported the Committee will take a look at eliminating the NC Grading. She has received a proposal from Liberal Arts. She asked that faculty members email any strong opinions regarding this to Dr. Heikes. The Athletic Director has asked them to look at a class attendance policy or an amendment to the class attendance policy for the athletes. Some athletes are being docked for participation in activities. The Committee will continue to review bankruptcies and readmissions.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Burnett reported there are two main activities for this year: The Committee will be administering the Distinguished Speaker Series and the REU program.
B. University Committees: The Honors Council met and discussed the timeline for proposal for fall 2009 and spring 2010. The deadline for the letter of intent is October 16. There is some honorarium to those who present. There was a request that this information be emailed to all faculty.
Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Boyd reported there is a new protocol practice for the Administration attending Faculty Senate Meetings. The administrators will attend and give a report and field any questions and then leave after that unless they are specifically asked to stay. President Williams requested that he be notified in advance if he will be asked to stay beyond the report and questions.
Dr. Boyd also reminded the Senators that they need to attend meetings and participate in the Faculty Senate. She reiterated they need to communicate information from their colleagues and to their colleagues.
6. Delois Smith (Student-Faculty Relationships
Mrs. Smith was appreciative of the work on the Senate Bill 309 and the Faculty-Student Relations policy. As a counselor Mrs. Smith pointed out some examples of some bad situations as a result of the kind of relationships being addressed in the bill. She suggested some stronger language. Strongly discourage was suggested. The student loses. There is the potential for violating trust. There is always a conflict of interest and the power is unequal. Mrs. Smith gave several examples of difficult situations and undesirable outcomes. She has received comments several times about not having a policy in place. We need stronger language in the Handbook. We need everyone to be cautious and aware. Having a policy will assist the process. In the past we have had to craft the policy as we went.
7. Adriel Johnson (African American Faculty Council)
Dr. Johnson commended the Senate and Lynn Boyd. Dr. Johnson reported in surveying the African American Faculty they want to work along side the Faculty Senate with the some things that have been overlooked. There are eight faculty members that are part of the Council. They meet and talk about what is important to do and work on collegial activities. They look at issues that impact all and specifically minority faculty. Dr. Johnson talked about the new opportunity to impact shared governance. Dr. Johnson talked about diversity and what diversity really means and how African Americans are sometimes lost in the shuffle because diversity encompasses such a broad spectrum. He reported the Council is looking at a strategic plan for diversity. He encouraged the faculty to be active participants. Dr. Johnson submitted a mission statement for the minutes for faculty to look at later and talk about it.
8. Senate Bill 309: Faculty-Student Relationships (Third Reading)
The bill was brought to the floor for discussion. A friendly amendment to line 17 was proposed to add "or coming under your supervision". Motion by Lawson, seconded by George. Passed.
Friendly amendment to Line 25 to add "Such cases". Motion by Gaede, seconded by George.
Line 16 add "sexual or romantic". Motion by Gaede, seconded by Schnell.
Call the question by Lawson, seconded by George.
Vote 7 in favor, 17 opposed. Failed
Friendly amendment to line 3 to add "sexual or romantic". Motion by Wessling, seconded by Lawson.
Line 4 add "V.P. for Student Affairs". Motion by Banish, seconded by Lawson.
Call for Question by Lawson, seconded by Wessling. Passed
Vote for bill--In favor 28 with 1 opposed
9. Linda Vaughan (Library Information)
Linda reported that they are trying to help students be online resource savvy. She stated they will come to your class or you can have your class come to the Library. They would like to help the students know how to use the resources available to them.
She reminded everyone of the Fall Frolic today at 4:30 p.m.
10. Dr. Boyd adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #480 (April 26, 2007)
ADSC: Tseng, Burnett
LBAR: J. Johnson, Ferris, Bollinger, Meister, Gyasi, Reeves,
ENG: Anderson, Lin, Karr, Wessling
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, O'Keefe, Anderson, Foote, Linsky, George, Thompson
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd, Bishop, Weimer, Scholz, Delugach, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Ai, Elsamadicy
ADSC: Gramm, Schnell
LBAR: Rountree, Moore, M. Johnson
ENGR: Frendi
SCI: Magnuson, Aygun, Miller
ADSC: Allen, Patnayakuni, Bao
LBAR: Pritchard, Ragsdale, Heikes, Neuschatz, Sitaraman
ENGR: Banish, Anderson, Kulick, Joiner, Gholston,
SCI: Paddison,
0. Senate President Melinda Lawson called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 479 were approved Motion by Andree Reeves, seconded by Joan Dodson.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Andree Reeves, seconded by Lynn Boyd. Two abstentions.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported there is no definitive information with regard the budget or the bond issue.
He reported they are fine tuning moves to coincide with the opening of the Applied Sciences Building. They hope it will be open in the fall. They have a contingent plan if it is not open by the start of fall semester.
The entrance is almost complete.
There was some discussion regarding University Place School. There is a desire for an intermediate performing arts building. One similar to Vanderbilt. There is support from a donor.We are trying once again to find out if there is interest in selling the school. The School Board voted to empower the Superintendent to make this type of decision.
We are working on an emergency plan using cell phones with a text message. Delois Smith is coordinating this. Dr. Delugach was asked to participate in advising. We may need to change the policy and direction of cell phones. The public school closing also would be a use for this. Call Delois with thoughts and concerns regarding this.
There was some discussion regarding the University Pre-School. It is not a forgotten project but it is not urgent at this point.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reiterated the Wilson Hall plans and reported they are interviewing architects.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Anderson reported there is a bill on the floor today. The Committee requests the Provost change the Checkout Form/Separation Form to include an exit interview with the Provost or Ombudsperson. This was presented as a motion and seconded by Dr. Dodson and the vote was unanimous.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Delugach reported the Distinguished Speaker proposals have been reviewed and awarded $10,500 which was $500 over the budget and the Provost has taken care of that and the departments are being notified..
B. University Committees:
Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
6. Senate Bill 309: Faculty-Student Relationships (Second Reading)
Dr. Anderson explained that this issue was brought to the attention of the Committee by Delois Smith. She wanted the Senate to do something regarding a policy. She deals with distressed students in relationships with faculty and the relationship has gone bad during the semester. We need a policy to keep relationships limited. There are several alternatives. It has boiled down to the bill you have today. Dr. Anderson explained the different parts of the bill.
There was some concern for the nonprofessional language. Substitute "unprofessional" "sexual, romantic and/or unprofessional"/"sexual or romantic".Friendly amendment, add "advisory or supervisory." Add "under your supervision". Change "is" to "are" in next line. Dr. Wessling withdrew the friendly amendment about advisory or supervisory. The vote was 1 opposed, 1 abstention, 37 in favor. The bill passed at second reading. It will be on the agenda for the first meeting fall 2007.
7.University Standing Committee ballots were distributed and the faculty voted and returned the ballots.
8. The Committee Chairs were elected and ratified.
9. Ms. Lawson adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #479 (March 29, 2007)
ADSC: Tseng, Patnayakuni
LBAR: J. Johnson, Moore, Meister, M. Johnson, Heikes, Reeves,
ENG: Frendi, Lin, Karr, Wessling, Jovanov
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Anderson, George, Thompson
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Paddison, Delugach, Ai, Elsamadicy
ADSC: Gramm, Schnell
LBAR: Ferris, Bollinger, Neuschatz
SCI: Ravindran, Mecikalski
LBAR: Pritchard, Ragsdale, Sitaraman
ENGR: Banish, Anderson, Kulick, Joiner, Gholston,
NUR: Foote
SCI: Magnuson, Weimer, Paddison, Aygun, Miller
0. Senate President Melinda Lawson called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 478 were approved with taking out the phrase about the Barry Scott Position. Motion by Shari George, seconded by Andree Reeves.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Kader Frendi, seconded by Shari George. One abstention.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported the budget is in flux at this time. What came from the Governor was not acceptable and it is with the Legislature now. In his budget we were not treated well at all--The Bond issue is horrendous. There are good people in the Legislature working on our behalf. We may not know the final outcome for the budget until July this year because of the extended session. We will continue to plan ahead.
The construction is going well. We have worked out plans for Wilson Hall space. Nursing, Liberal Arts, and Continuing Education has worked together well. There are useful changes.We will basically flip the front and back. The Applied Sciences building is projected to open in the fall. We have had problems with the current contractor.
The Intermodal Transportation Center plans are going through the Board. There are drawings for you to see. There will be about 500 spaces. The architecture is great. There will be a waiting area. The Police Station will be there. There will be 3 floors. The stairwells will be glass for safety reasons.
There was discussion regarding the preschool. There are a couple of location possibilities.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich thanked Harry Delugach for the good work on the Search for the ITA. We have hired Bobbi Jo Rissmann. We have also hired Alan Whitten for one third time over the summer to assist with the transition and do a trial fun on the new WebCT/Blackboard software. Bobbi Jo's office will be in the Library. If any of you can assist with finding her significant other a position here in town it would be appreciated. This is an issue we need to do some work on and that is finding suitable employment for spouses and significant others.We need to be more creative in bringing faculty and staff on board.
We also need to do some work on a policy on maternity and paternity leave. We need to work on these and put something in the newer version of the Faculty Handbook. This should not be a major project. We need to refine the policies and do a reprint of the Handbook.
There was some discussion regarding clickers in the classrooms and the Committee to look into this issue.
Dr. Radonovich talked about taking a tour of the Applied Science building and how impressive the building is and the size of the offices and the classrooms and laboratories. This is a great facility that will provide great new labs for the freshmen students to use.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Frendi reported there was one item to nominate two faculty members to the QEP Oversight Committee. The Committee has nine members and two faculty. The nominations are Jeff Neuschatz and Jennifer English.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Shari George reported the Committee is still very busy. They have six requests for program changes.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Delugach reported the Distinguished Speaker RFP is out. He expects to meet and turn around the results quickly.
B. University Committees: Honors Day is April 10 and Honors Research Day is April 20.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
6. Smoking Policy Presentation (Marcia Green)
Marcia is requesting the Faculty Senate pass a resolution to update our smoking policy. ETS or second hand smoke is a known carcinogen and affects the health of nonsmokers. Our campus allows smoking everywhere except inside buildings. This means smokers are allowed to smoke at entrances and near air handlers which allow smoke to enter the buildings and nonsmokers have to pass through the smoke to enter the building. Smokers take breaks in unsafe places. Nonsmokers who are sensitive to smoke are exposed. This is intended to provide a safe environment. This promotes healthier lifestyles and a cleaner campus. The benefits are healthier employees, cleaner environment, stabilizing insurance cost, maintenance cost, and downtime from work, and increase productivity. There is no safe limit of ETS. Those exposed have a higher rate of cardiovascular problems and respiratory problems creating a greater liability for UAH.
Marcia's preferred choice is no smoking within 25 feet of any building. Another option is to designate smoking and nonsmoking entrances. There was some discussion regarding having a non smoking campus. There was some discussion regarding enforcement of the policy.
There was some discussion regarding policies at other campuses. A number of campuses have upgraded their policy to no smoking within 25 feet of any building and some have non smoking campuses.
For so long the campuses have catered to the 17-25%--the smokers. We need to consider the health and well being of the campus.
7. Office of Sponsored Programs Update (Gloria Greene)
Gloria talked about the surveys that were done and the value mapping and flowcharts being used. She talked about the faculty involved with the Committee. They want to give these changes a year and then take another look at how they are doing. She distributed a draft of a Bulletin the Office will put out and will send to those who want to be on the listserv.Individuals can sign up for listserv. Deans and Coordinators will be the first to get the bulletins and those on the listserv. The Office will set up seminars to help groups or those working together to submit one good proposal. We are open to recommendations for making improvements. The C&G Coordinators can help with accounting. The Administrators can also assist.
8. UAH Faculty and Staff Clinic Update (Louise O'Keefe)
Louise O'Keefe reported the Faculty and Staff Clinic will open at the end of April. It will be housed in Spragins Hall. It will open in the morning from 7:30-11:30 a.m. It may open later in the future and there may be more hours in the future. Louise has hired an assistant. The Clinic will serve the faculty and staff. This should save time and money. It will either be free or a $5 co-pay. Services will include minor illnesses, minor injuries. It will not replace private physicians. The overseeing physician will be Dr. Holsenback.Each individual will have to do the usual paperwork the first time in. We will see Full time, part-time, adjunct, visiting, etc. A Nurse Practitioner may see you as well to handle blood work, blood pressure, etc. We will refer you to physicians.
It was announced Ms. Lawson received the Teaching Award from the SGA.
9. Ms. Lawson adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #478 (February 8, 2007)
ADSC: Tseng, Patnayakuni
LBAR: J. Johnson, Ferris, Bollinger, Moore, Meister, M. Johnson, Heikes, Reeves, Sitaraman, Neuschatz
ENG: Joiner, Gholston, Frendi, Lin
NUR: Lawson, Anderson, George, Thompson
SCI: Boyd, Bishop, Paddison, Delugach, Ai, Miller
ADSC: Gramm, Schnell
ENGR: Anderson, Jovanov, Karr, Wessling
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Foote
SCI: Magnuson, Mecikalski, Weimer, Ravindran
LBAR: Pritchard, Ragsdale
ENGR: Banish, Kulick
SCI: Aygun, Elsamadicy
0. Senate President Melinda Lawson called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 477 were approved. Motion by Shari George, seconded by Kader Frendi.
2. Senate Executive Committee Report accepted. Motion by Kader Frendi, seconded by Faye Anderson.
3. President Franz's Report.
President Franz was not present.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported the Council of Deans recently met and expressed a desire to explore future use of "clickers" in classrooms. Clickers are devices which student use to electronically respond to a question from their professor. The results are then anonymously displayed on a screen for analysis and feedback. The Council would like to investigate whether an official institutional policy on the use of clickers should be developed. Provost Radonovich asked for a faculty member with experience with clickers to advise this process.The Executive Committee will recommend someone.
Dr. Radonovich asked Harry Delugach to report on the Search Committee for the replacement of Barry Scott who was in charge of the WebCT. The Search is progressing, focusing on candidates currently working in the WebCT/distance learning areas.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Shari George noted that two new Nursing Courses have been approved. Submissions are tapering off as the time for the new catalog approaches.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report. If anyone is interested in serving on the "Clicker" Committee, email Melinda.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Delugach noted that the REU proposal process is no completed. 15 of the 34 submissions were approved and funded. Ten were funded from the Space Grant Consortium. A list of approved proposals will be sent to faculty members soon. There is also an RFP out now for the Distinguished Speaker Series--submissions are limited to one per department.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
6. UAH Financial Report (Ray Pinner)
Ray Pinner gave a brief overview of the upcoming budget. This will be "another good budget year". The third in a row. A bond issue estimated between $500 million and $1 billion is expected, with roughly of that being devoted to higher education.
07 appropriations up about 7% and tuition and fees up about 3.4%.
The head count is 7034 students.
Faculty and staff compensations are the top priority.
The most recent tuition raise is 3.4% for undergrads and 3.5% for graduate students.
The total UAH budget will increase this year by about $10 million.
The utility budget is greater than $4 million. The Applied Science Building will go on line this fall and the utilities will be more than $1 million a year for that building.
Support for program enhancements $200K for QEP and SACSCOC enhancements.
PEEHIP--we pay 1.2 million to fund retirement health costs
Health Insurance--proposed $500K. Now $390K
The faculty and staff clinic is on track, to open sometime in April.
The floor was opened for questions for Ray. A question was asked about the settlement money from Nektar Theraputics. So far $15 million has been received, with 12.75 million currently in an endowment. While a final decision has not been reached on what to use this endowment for, it will likely go towards scholarships or graduate student stipends, either way with a focus on promoting biotechnology studies.
Other issues: Concern with Banner.
Budgets are available through e-print one time a month
Suggest a good time for Banner budget and account statement training. It was pointed out that not having interpretable account information is one of the most frustrating aspects of faculty research.
Criticisms of Computer & Network Services were also raised. Complaints involved network speed, inconsistent responses from CNS about problems, and the fact that CNS falls under the administration aspect of the University, not faculty and research. Ray noted that more bandwidth is in the works, and requested a written document be sent to him about these issues. He will investigate further.
Concerns were also raised about the state of high co pay amounts on the current health insurance plan. The question was asked if the Benefits Committee had been included in the health insurance discussions.
7. Senate Bill 308: Course Repeat Policy Revision
Shari George opened by summarizing the history of this bill. Some questions still exist Dr. Severn was unable to immediately say how Banner would handle the changes proposed by the bill.Harry Delugach noted that there has been some controversy among faculty over this bill. Concerns were also raised on what this bill implies about the individual responsibility of students and advisors. Another issue was whether previous grades of a B should be allowed to repeat a course in hopes of an A. No amendment was proposed. The bill passed at third reading 19 in favor, 8 against, and no abstentions.
8. Sense of the Senate Resolution
The Sense of the Senate Resolution passed unanimously.
9. Ms. Lawson closed with a reminder about how privileged we are to be involved in the governance of the University, and how important it is that we actively contribute. She adjourned the meeting at 1:52 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #477 (January 11, 2007)
ADSC: Schnell, Tseng
LBAR: Pritchard, Bollinger, Moore, Meister, M. Johnson, Ragsdale, Heikes, Reeves, Sitaraman, Neuschatz
ENG: Joiner, Kulick, Gholston, Karr, Frendi, Wessling, Lin
NUR: Lawson, Anderson, George, Thompson
SCI: Boyd, Paddison, Delugach, Ai, Miller
ADSC: Gramm, Patnayakuni
ENGR: Gaede
LIB: Vaughan
LBAR: J. Johnson, Ferris
NUR: Foote
SCI: Weimer, Aygun, Ravindran, Magnuson
ENGR: Banish, Anderson, Jovanov
SCI: Mecikalski, Bishop, Oluseyi
0. Senate President Melinda Lawson called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 476 were approved. Motion by Kader Frendi, seconded by Shari George.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted Motion by Kader Frendi, seconded by Sharon George. Motion by Francis Wessling and seconded by Kader Frendi.
3. President Franz's Report.
Since I last met with you we had the SACSCOC meeting in Orlando.IT was a long meeting. At the end of the meeting they read the names of those who were reaffirmed. We were reaffirmed.Dr. Franz thanked all those involved in the process.
We have many projects proceeding on the campus. The Applied Sciences Building is behind schedule because of contractor problems. They are behind by about one month. The lake and entrance are ahead of schedule and will be finished before the building. The Charger Caf renovation is under way and the Cafe is still open. This should be finished by Summer. In the Sanderson Subdivision there have been six houses moved and another is on the platform to move. There are two more to be purchased.
Dr. Franz talked about seeing a special with Tom Sever from the NSSTC.
We will take preliminary information on the Intermodal Parking to the Board.
The MLK Program will occur today at 4 in the UC.
The Drop in Clinic for Faculty and Staff has been established. Louise O'Keefe will be heading it up.
There was some discussion regarding the official start date for Faculty and it was suggested that the early date be made the official start date for the academic year and for the pay period.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich was at a meeting in Birmingham.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The reports were distributed with the minutes.The reports were approved.
2. Faculty and Student DevelopmentNo Report.
4. Governance and Operations:
No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No ReportSenate Bill 308 will come to the floor later.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources:Dr. Delugach reported the REU is on track.He thanked the Administration for support. There are 33 proposals and all but one are viable.The Committee is trying to chase down funding. The Space Grant Consortium will fund some. We will try to get the decisions by the first week in February.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: The Search Committee is moving along and you should be receiving information soon..
6. Senate Bill 308: Course Repeat Policy Revision
Shari George talked about the purpose of the change in the policy. It is for clarification purposes. There is no substantive change. The Committee worked on the wording for clarification. Dr. Severn addressed the major change that in the past students had to apply for the Course Repeat and now is would become automatic. A good number of the students don't read the Handbook and the policies. Most institutions use an automatic system for this. There was some discussion regarding the courses that repeat that should not be counted in this. There was a suggestion to have an opt out. Allow the students to declare it later in the semester. There was some discussion regarding whether Banner will give a message. There was some discussion regarding where the number five came from.There was discussion regarding allowing a student to choose the grade in order to choose or will the higher grade be used. Dr. Boyd proposed a friendly amendment after line 32 that failed.
Dr. Wessling proposed a friendly amendment at the end of the bill to state: This course repeat policy will automatically be applied unless the student notifies the Registrar otherwise upon registration.
The bill with the friendly amendment passed at second reading 25 in favor, 4 against, and 1 abstention.
It was announced Ray Pinner will be at the next Senate Meeting to give his presentation to the Senate. Please send him any questions or topics you would like addressed.
Dr. Miller brought up an issue regarding problems with the network. A specific suggestion put in the form of a resolution from the Senate was discussed.Dr. Miller was advised to send his comments and questions to Ray for addressing at the next meeting
7. Melinda Lawson adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m. Motion by Dr. Reeves, seconded by Dr. Frendi.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #476 (October 26, 2006)
ADSC: Schnell
LBAR: Johnson, Pritchard, Bollinger, Meister, Martin, Ragsdale, Heikes, Sitaraman
ENG: Joiner, Jovanov, Fork, Gholston, Karr, Frendi, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Foote, George, Thompson
SCI: Delugach, Ai, Miller
ADSC: Gramm, Tseng
ENGR: Anderson, Gaede, Kulick
LBAR: Reeves
ADSC: Patnayakuni
LBAR: Ferris, Moore, Neuschatz
NUR: Anderson
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd, Bishop, Magnuson, Weimer, Paddison, Aygun, Ravindran, Oluseyi
0. Senate President Melinda Lawson called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 475 were approved. Motion by Sharon George, seconded by Deborah Heikes.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Kader Frendi, seconded by Sharon George.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz was out of town.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported there are numerous things in the works but not completed yet. He offered to answer any questions.
He reported that Barry Scott, who has been the WebCT manager has resigned to take a job with a contractor on the Arsenal November 24. There are a large number of faculty and students who use WebCT so we would like to continue it. There is also now a package added to Banner to interface with WebCT and there are operations with the UA Telecampus that operate with WebCT. WebCT competed with Blackboard but has now been bought by Blackboard. Our fees will go from $30,000 to $162,000 partially because WebCT will maintain their own server and allow us to continue to operate as we have been. Faculty are accustomed to using WebCT and are not likely to want to change or use something else. Faculty will need assistance so Dr. Radonovich would like to have the operation continue by having CNS continue to operate the WebCT and do a search to hire someone that will do Instructional Development with faculty. CNS will continue the current operations with WebCT. Dr. Radonovich would like to have the Instructional Development person full time and have the mechanics and technical part run by CNS. Dr. Radonovich asked faculty to send him any thoughts they may have on this.
It was suggested they look at other alternatives using things such as email and web pages and things other than WebCT. It was pointed out that most of what is done on WebCT can be done on turnitin.com. It was pointed out that WebCT offers e-packs for courses that go along with the textbook. It was suggested that the appropriate Senate Committee take a look at the options and get back to Dr. Radonovich. There was some discussion regarding how Distance Learning will be impacted by this.
Dr. Radonovich stated he will be sending out information about the continuation of WebCT in about a week.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The reports were distributed with the minutes. The reports were approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Frendi reported the Committee will meet next week and continue to look at those thing they have been assigned for this year.
4. Governance and Operations:
Dr. Fork reported the Committee met and a representative is needed from the Senate to sit on the EOAA and the Humans Subjects Committee. They will continue to look at and address changes to the Senate Bylaws.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Ms. George reported the Committee received information from Dr. Severn for the Course Repeat Policy revisions. They are close to completing the revision to this policy.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Heikes reported the Committee is also looking at the Course Repeat Policy, a posthumous grading policy and they would appreciate any comments or suggestions regarding the posthumous grading policy. They also have a bill on the agenda at second reading today.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Delugach reported the Committee has looked at the REU program and made revisions to it. The Committee came up with ideas for the new proposal process and streamlined it. They will be finalizing these guidelines and processes next week and will send an announcement to faculty. It will require about a one and one half page; proposal. They also made changes to streamline the pay process and provide a stipend as opposed to hourly pay. They are looking at funding a couple of dozen proposals. The faculty were requested to talk this up in their colleges.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
6. Linda Vaughan Discussion Regarding Library Hours.
Linda stated that since she requested a slot on the agenda that Dr. Luquire had submitted a proposal to Dr. Franz that if there was an extension in the Library Hours that there be shared cost of additional staff to man the Library during those hours. The proposal would have the Library open from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. Prior to this proposal Linda's colleagues were recommending that there not be an extension of the hours. They are currently open until 12:00 midnight and generally if they do a headcount there are 5-7 individuals in the Library at that time. Extended the hours could pose a risk to the building and the employees with no security other than the Library staff. They are currently open 94 hours a week. Most of the material is available on line. About 85% of the resources are available on line. The Staff has not seen a demonstrated need by faculty and students for extended hours. The Library Personnel are asking you not to consider extending the hours but also be aware that there is a proposal now for shared cost of staffing extra hours and an expanse of security by having them rendezvous in the circle in front of the Library instead of where they currently rendezvous between midnight and 2:00 a.m.
7. Senate Bill 306: Academic Misconduct: Unauthorized materials in Exams.
Dr. Heikes presented the bill. Dr. Radonovich was asked to give a brief background of the origin and need for the bill. Dr. Radonovich discussed the problem with student using devices in exams. He talked about articles that have been out about this kind of activity. Many in the academic world are alarmed by these activities. Faculty can include statements on their syllabi about this information but we also thought it would be wise to include a policy and have the syllabus information as the fallback or default.
There was some discussion and concern that the statement about the disability waiver was too general and should be more specific. Dr. Delugach offered a friendly amendment and then withdrew it and replaced it with Only students with a current University issued disability waiver may be exempt.
The vote in favor of the bill was unanimous with no abstentions. The bill passed at second reading and was declared to be administratively passed at third reading since the vote was unanimous. The bill will be forwarded to the Administration for action.
Dr. Delugach requested that faculty be considerate of other faculty and stay strict to the class time. Do not run over with your class because it impacts others.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #474 (April 20, 2006)
ADSC: Tseng
LBAR: Pritchard, Bollinger, Meister, Martin, Coward, Heikes, Reeves, Marcus, Neuschatz, Colclough
ENG: Jovanov, Tippett, Gholston, Karr, Wessling, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, McClellan, Anderson, Newman, Foote, George
SCI: Boyd, Weimer, Paddison, Aygun, Ravindran, Ai, Oluseyi
ADSC: Gramm, Schnell, Patnayakuni
LBAR: Ferris, Bollinger
LBAR: Jones, Johnson, Ferris, Moore, Sitaraman
ENGR: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Kulick, Frendi, Frederick
NUR: Busby
SCI: Mecikalski, Bishop, Magnuson, Cox, Delugach, Friedman, Miller
0. President Andree Reeves called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 473 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Karr.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Boyd, with one abstention.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported regarding the Chamber Leadership Connect. This is a way the community has for educational young professionals to socialize. It is hard for singles to get together and socialize.
The North Alabama Regional Science and Engineering fair is here. The fair was a great success except for the tornadoes.
The Liberal Arts Tournament went great.
The Board Meeting went fine. We showcased the University happenings. Dr. Greenwood did a good job. We are responding to community needs and focused on BRAC, Rotorcraft, etc.
Dr. Franz discussed the Sanderson Subdivision and that we own 28 of the houses. We will be taking out the two on the end and then three others after that. Mike Finnegan is a super guy. He negotiated moving the houses.
The Athletic Fields are coming along and are being seeded and sodded.
The Fraternity and Sorority houses are coming along and should be ready by the fall.
Last week we participated in the mediation with Nektar from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. We hope it works.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Emil Jovanov reported he went to the IEEE Congressional Day in Washington. They were putting pressure on representatives to increase the support for Science in the budget. It was a great experience and I learned a great deal. Shelby and Cramer and the administration are aware of the increase needed for Science to maintain an edge. We have to be more active and organize ourselves and pressure until the budget is accepted, particularly now before we enter the final phase. We can get organized through organizations and provide the pressure. We need to start a process to help the PIs get more funding. We need to see more support and willingness to support PIs.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations:
The University Committee and Officer elections are underway. The University Committee elections will take place today.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: The Committee will meet next Thursday.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Reeves reported she gave a report to the Board that the Faculty are the University--the core.
Dr. Reeves thanked Dr. Franz for being a good President and easy to work with. We do not have the problems that other have with their administration. She thanked him for being receptive.
6. Gloria Greene: Improvements to Office of Sponsored Programs:
Gloria reported they did a survey regarding the difficulties with the Office of Sponsored Programs. They determined there were no clear cut procedures for PIs. They looked at value stream mapping with looks at the process and looks at the non-value added steps or processes. A Committee of thirteen individuals from different colleges and departments on campus looked at the process. They looked at pre-award first and created a flow chart to explain who does what. It explains the budget and policies and procedures were developed. You can now see what OSP's role is and what your role is. They developed a checklist and changed the internal coordination sheet. Responsibilities were divided so that your responsibilities versus OSP's responsibilities and the university's responsibilities. The cost share was clarified. Course buyout was made clear. We want to make this effective fall 2006. Gloria distributed copies of the presentation and offered to email a copy if someone did not get one. Two to three days for submission of proposals. Gloria stated she would appreciate feedback to make this process as easy and stressless as possible. We are working toward a paperless process. We are redoing the website.We will also work the post award system and refine it.
There were some questions and answers.
Some of the problem was the perception of assistance. OSP will develop a more helpful attitude.
When PIs update forms they should be sure to give OSP the latest website for solicitation.
There will be more administrative support for colleges--there will be one for Engineering, one for Science, and one for the other colleges.
7. Election of University Standing Committees:
Dr. Tippett asked the Committees to convene after this meeting to elect Chairs.
The Faculty Senate voted on University Standing Committees and turned them in to Dr. Tippett. He will count the votes and send the results to Peggy.
Chairs for Faculty Senate Committees:
Student and Faculty Development--Kader Frendi
Undergraduate Curriculum--Sharon George
Personnel--Michael Anderson
Finance and Resources--Harry Delugach
Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs--Julie Ferris
Governance and Operations--Jeff Kulick
President--Melinda Lawson
President-Elect--Lynn Boyd
Ombudsperson--Gerald Karr
Parliamentarian--Jeff Neuschatz
Past President--Andree Reeves
8. Dr. Reeves adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m. after a motion by Melinda Lawson, seconded by Gerald Karr.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #473 (February 16, 2006)
ADSC: Tseng, Schnell, Patnayakuni
LBAR: Coward, Martin, Heikes, Reeves, Marcus, Neuschatz, Colclough, Meister
ENG: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Kulick, Karr, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, McClellan, Newman, Foote, Busby
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd, Bishop, Paddison, Delugach, Ravindran
ADSC: Gramm
ENGR: Frendi
LBAR: Ferris, Bollinger
SCI: Friedman
LBAR: Jones, Moore, Pritchard
ENGR: Frederick, Jovanov, Tippett
SCI: Weimer, Cox, Miller, Oluseyi
0. President Andree Reeves called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 472 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Gaede.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Mecikalski, with one abstention.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported regarding the lawsuit with Nektar and Milton Harris. Dr. Franz talked about our policy and the fact that if someone creates Intellectual Property while employed at UAH it is the property of UAH. The policy is in the Faculty Handbook and other places. UAH has a generous sharing of royalties, about 40% goes to the individual. Dr. Harris developed a polyethylene glycol substance that would attach to the drug and help extend the time it would work in the body. He patented this process in 1992. A company was formed (Shearwater) and Dr. Harris remained here until 2000. Last year Nektar, the company that had taken over Shearwater informed us they would no longer pay the royalty fees. We filed a suit and in doing research in preparation for that we discovered the faculty member had obtained another 20+ patents that we had not been informed of. We found nothing to indicate that we should not have been informed of this. It should have been disclosed. It is our property. We had one day to respond to add the faculty member to the suit or not. There is a substantial amount of money involved. Shearwater was sold to Nektar for $197M. We have a responsibility to file the case and protect UAH's interest. This was filed on behalf of the Board. The Board members are highly supportive. There has been mediation suggested and we will of course try that.
Dr. Franz reported that Mr. Rieder will go around to departments to make faculty aware of the process and policies, etc.
Dr. Franz reported that the BRAC is upon us and there are projections of the number of people coming and the impacts. There will be Engineering, Science, and Business vacancies.There will be some 2700 positions affected. There is a proposal to the Army to create co-op positions to fill the need.
The enrollment is steady. There are some challenges in enrollment. Nursing Enrollment is down. Visas for International Students have created some problems.
Dr. Franz reported that Dr. Ranganath, the Computer Science Chair, has done a great job in recruiting International Students. He went to India and talked to some 1400 students, some graduate and some undergraduate, some in engineering and some in science. We have applications for over 50. We believe we could get 100 a year.
We also have the Japanese Consortia and have over 50 students in this program now.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich deferred his time to Dr. Fix to give the presentation regarding the QEP.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: The Committee will have Bill 305 at first reading.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: Ms. Lawson reported individuals should have received information regarding the Distinguished Speaker Series. Information will be coming out about the REU.
B. University Committees: Dr. Banish encouraged people to check out the Library Website and the new Search Engines.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report
6. Senate Bill 305: Change in the Bylaws Concerning Senate Membership:
Dr. Karr explained Bill 305 and distributed information about the history of the Bylaws and Faculty Senate Membership. He explained that things have changed significantly in 30 years and the Bylaws should reflect those changes and be brought in line with the times and with other universities. There was discussion regarding the bill and the Faculty Senate and representation on the Senate.
The vote was 7 in favor, 17 opposed, and 6 abstentions. The bill failed at second reading.
7. QEP Presentation:
Dr. Fix distributed a copy of the Executive Summary of the QEP. Dr. Fix reported we had our SACSCOC off site review in the fall. We received comments. We responded with a focused report and the QEP that was sent in at the same time. We have been able to recommend two reviewers who have expertise in the area of QEP for the onsite review that will take place March 13-15, 2006. The main thing we have to do now is to let people on campus know about the Quality Enhancement Plan. We have started many things to spread the information. Dr. Fix will ask for advice at the end of the meeting on more ways to get the word out. The entire Quality Enhancement Plan was sent to some of the campus but it was not distributed to the entire campus. If you want a copy you may notify the SACSCOC Office and receive a copy. The heart of the Quality Enhancement Plan is the Academic Resource Center (ARC) and the focus is on improving freshmen learning. We may branch out and expand later. The ARC will be responsible for three things. They will coordinate the peer mentoring program, the peer tutoring program and they will be a clearinghouse for other academic and learning resources and services on the campus. The peer tutoring program follows the supplemental learning model that has been used successfully before. We will hire a full time coordinator for the ARC who will report to the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies. The Coordinator will be someone with experience in working with Student Affairs and will help choose the mentors and tutors for the program. There will be 20 mentors to work with about 200 freshmen to start. The freshmen will be assigned randomly in order to assess the results properly. They will be clustered by major. They will meet together and create engagement. The mentor will assist with time management, study skills, and survival skills.There will be regular contact the rest of the year to find out how things are going for the students, etc. The mentors will be trained to know when to hand the individual off to a professional counselor, etc. The Coordinator will work with department to hire tutors to be imbedded in courses. They will be model students and will offer study and help sessions. They will work with the instructor closely, thus, helping faculty as well as students. There will be an Oversight Committee. They will establish goals and evaluate the Coordinator among other things. There will be an Assessment Committee who will carry out surveys and evaluate the program and make recommendation for improvement, etc.There have been substantial resources devoted to the program. There will be space in Madison Hall to house the program. This is considered a neutral space. There will be a full time Coordinator and a half time secretary that will be new positions. The mentors and tutors will be paid. This will be about $100,000 a year. We will retrieve part of this by improving retention. This spring we will be informing the campus of the plan. In fall 06 we will hire the Coordinator and select the Assessment Committee. Tutors and mentors will be selected and trained in 07 and we will begin the program in 07-08. In 08 we will assess and continue for 5 years. In summer 2011 the Assessment Committee will recommend continuing, changing, etc.
Right now we have to get the information out.
We will send the Executive Summary to all Faculty and Staff.
We will print it in the Exponent.
We will make pocket size cards for everyone.
We will have a link to the Executive Summary and the ARC on the UAH website
We will have it on WebCT
We will place signs around campus
We will meet with faculty in departments or colleges or both.
The Faculty will be asked to talk to their classes and perhaps put something on their syllabi.
There was a point made that there were no faculty or students on the Oversight Committee and that it had been suggested a couple of faculty be placed on the Committee. This was accepted by Dr. Franz.
There was some discussion regarding the way the mentoring and tutoring will be done. It was clarified the random selection of students will be for the mentors. The tutors will be assigned to class sections and all students in that section will have the benefit of that tutor.
8. Dr. Reeves adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m. after a motion by Melinda Lawson, seconded by Gerald Karr.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #472 (January 19, 2006)
ADSC: Tseng, Schnell, Patnayakuni
LBAR: Ferris, Pritchard, Bollinger, Martin, Heikes, Reeves, Marcus, Neuschatz, Colclough
ENG: Banish, Anderson, Gaede, Kulick, Tippett, Karr, Frendi, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, McClellan, Newman, Foote, Busby
SCI: Boyd, Paddison, Delugach, Ravindran, Freidman
ADSC: Gramm
ENGR: Gaede
LBAR: Coward
SCI: Bishop, Cox, Miller, Mecikalski
LBAR: Jones, Moore, Meister
ENGR: Frederick
SCI: Weimer, Oluseyi
0. President Andree Reeves called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 471 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Gaede.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Neuschatz, with one abstention.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz was not present.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich was not present but Dr. Severn gave a report on his behalf. There were three core liberal arts programs in which we were nonviable and for which we have been granted waivers.
The REU Program will be directed by Bernhard Vogler. Dr. Radonovich plans to discuss this at the next Executive Committee Meeting.
The 2007-08 Calendar is done. There was some concern for fall break and coinciding with schools. For this calendar it was left TBA. The Senate reminded Dr. Severn that they would like input on planning the calendar. He will discuss that with the Provost.
Dr. Severn gave a brief report on the QEP. It will involve a mentoring and tutoring program. There will be an Academic Resource Center created with a full time coordinator/director, who will answer to the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies. They will hire tutors and mentors who will be trained. There will be about 20 students per mentor and about 10 mentors. The students will be randomly selected incoming freshmen. The tutoring will focus on predominately 100 level classes (i.e. biology, history, psychology).The tutors will work with the class and with the teacher. They will be upperclassman in the same or similar majors and will sit in the course and work with the students. There will be various measures of success and assessment. This will also be a clearing house for all academic services on campus.
5. A.Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The reports were distributed with the minutes. The reports were approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Tippett reported on the issue regarding the grading period and the new Banner System and the problem it created for Distance Learning Courses and getting grades in. He could not meet the deadline which caused students to receive an "I" unnecessarily on their records. He was informed to write a memo requesting the "I" be removed and the appropriate grade placed on the student's record. Dr. Tippett asked if there were other situations that caused a similar problem to please send this information to him.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee analyzed the results from the OSP Survey and made three recommendations. Basically the PIs at Centers were more satisfied with OSP and the dissatisfaction was with preparation and Accounting. The Office of the Vice President for Research is already doing something about the first two recommendations. There will be staff hired to assist with Contract and Grant work in the Colleges. The Vice President for Research was very responsive and is eager to make changes. OSP has already started some VSMapping.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: No Report. They will meet after this meeting.
B. University Committees:
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: The Health Survey regarding a possible Clinic for Faculty and Staff on Campus has gone out and is due back on February 3.
President: No Report
6. Health Fitness (Dr. Dorothy Foote)
Dr. Dorothy Foote from Nursing talked about the "Just Move It" campaign to get faculty, staff, and students to get more exercise and therefore be healthier. Nursing, theWellness Center, the Fitness Center, Intramural Athletics, the Counseling Center, and Multicultural Affairs are teaming together to sponsor this initiative. They ware trying to get people to develop a healthy lifestyle. There will be two teams, the blue team and the white team. You will be able to sign up (on line) for the team you would like to be on. You will be able to get an index reading to know what you need to do to become healthier. Individuals receive points for every minute of exercise. The activity will begin on February 17 and will end on April 17 with the culmination on April 20 at the OMA Picnic with games, prizes, races, etc. (An Old Fashioned Field Day).
7. Dr. Reeves adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m. after a motion by Rhonda Gaede, seconded by Melinda Lawson.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #471 (November 3, 2005)
ADSC: Gramm
LBAR: Ferris, Pritchard, Bollinger, Meister, Heikes, Reeves, Marcus,
ENG: Banish, Joiner, Kulick, Tippett, Karr, Frendi, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Newman, Foote, Busby
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd, Wiemer, Paddison, Cox, Delugach, Ravindran, Miller
ADSC: Schnell, Tseng
ENGR: Gaede
LBAR: Martin, Moore, Coward, Neuschatz, Colclough
NUR: McClellan
ADSC: Patnayakuni
LBAR: Jones
ENGR: Anderson, Frederick
SCI: Bishop, Oluseyi
0. President Andree Reeves called the meeting to order at 12:46 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 470 were approved with changes. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Frendi.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Dr. Delugach, seconded by Ms. Lawson.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz talked briefly about the Knight vs. Alabama case.
Dr. Franz talked about the increases in the health care cost now in effect and how much the increases are. He stated he would share a copy of the information shared with the PRAC Committee with the Faculty Senate. He discussed some of the new ideas that were presented for the future. He was asked about the possibility of a cafeteria plan. There is one change being implemented for this year but the other ideas have to wait until the future.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported he provided funds for Testing Services to order new software for the Scantron to deal with the problems that had been occurring. Melinda Lyles made a request that the Scantron be used for major testing only. There have been several requests for short quizzes in small numbers and this is expensive and time consuming.
Dr. Radonovich reported the REU Program has been approved. He met with J. Gregory and G. Karr and is waiting for the Senate Executive Committee to get back to him on a couple of matters.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations:
Dr. Tippett reported the Faculty Appeals Committee elections are going on and he is still accepting ballots until 5:00 p.m. Friday.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the OSP surveys were sent out and she encouraged the faculty members who received it to fill it out and encourage their colleagues to do so as well. Dr. Reeves and Dr. Snider sent an email out yesterday to encourage individuals to complete the form and return it.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: The Committee will meet next Thursday to talk about the Internet TOEFL. The Committee met with the Graduate Council to discuss this matter. They are gathering information and will talk about it next week. They will discuss whether to raise the expectations for the TOEFL and how to handle the Internet TOEFL.
8. Finance and Resources: No Report.
B. University Committees:
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
President: No Report
6. Quality Enhancement Plan (Dr. Jack Fix)
Dr. Fix talked about what the QEP is and presented information on a PowerPoint presentation. He talked about the Committee and its composition. The Committee took the theme of research-based decision-making. They gathered data. They sent out a survey to faculty teaching freshmen and freshmen students. There were 121 faculty surveys sent and 100 returned, which was 83%. There were 1400 student surveys sent and about 185 returned, which was about 13%. The Committee reviewed the responses and identified some factors that were very important to freshmen success.
Dr. Fix presented some questions and some areas to think about and asked the faculty for responses to these. Faculty members gave their ideas of things that might be considered as solutions to enhance freshmen success.
Students mentor students--those that are good mentor those who are having trouble.
Study groups. Study groups are affected by how assignments are made. Examples of successful study groups were given. The study groups have to be structured and managed.
Time management. Students and faculty have to know the culture of it being ok that if a student is working a large number of hours it is ok not to be a full time student.
Class size is important. Larger classes are more difficult.
There is a general misunderstanding of what it means to be in college.
Involve Student Affairs.
Making students aware of what is available and how to use it.
Dr. Fix pointed out the scope must be narrow and we have to make it a manageable program.
Expand Orientation. Mandate University 101.
Give a packet of information to students from the faculty at the beginning of the semester.
Make sure the faculty and students are aware of what is available to them.
Use the Residence Halls and put people together to force them to study together.
Enable people.
Indoctrination into the program by department.
Something like Orientation or 101.
Something like RELACS across campus.
Limit GTAs and Part-Timers in freshmen classes.
Make it known that teaching is an important aspect of faculty evaluations.
Have workshops and video-tape lectures.
Send faculty to workshops and conferences.
Evaluation will be an issue to deal with.
Cannot separate student learning and faculty skills and focus. Time management and what faculty do.
Connectivity to UAH faculty are a part of this.
Strategic is the expectation of the student and the faculty.
7. Development and Fund Raising (Dr. Derald Morgan and Cindy Branham)
Dr. Morgan stated they want to support the passion of the Faculty. We have proceedings and policies in place to follow. Please work with Advancement and they will help you achieve your goal. Check with Advancement first and they will work with you and help you. Cindy stated she would love to work with the faculty. She stated she does discussion groups and would come and talk to faculty in meetings, etc. She stated they have a large database and will work with the faculty for finding funding sources. Dr. Morgan and Cindy distributed a summary sheet of the offices under Advancement and their functions.
8. Dr. Reeves adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m. after a motion by Melinda Lawson, seconded by Lynn Boyd.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #470 (October 20, 2005)
LBAR: Bollinger, Ferris, Pritchard, Neff, Meister, Sanders, Reeves, Neuschatz, Colclough, Martin
ENG: Anderson, Gaede, Joiner, Kulick, Tippett, Karr, Lin
LIB: Ong
NUR: Lawson, McClellan, Newman, Foote, Busby
SCI: Boyd, Wiemer, Bishop, Paddison, Delugach, Ravindran, Ai, Miller
ENGR: Frendi
LBAR: Moore, Heikes, Coward, Marcus
LIB: Vaughan
SCI: Cox, Friedman, Oluseyi
ADSC: Tseng, Schnell, Patnayakuni, Gramm
LBAR: Jones
ENGR: Banish, Frederick
SCI: Mecikalski
0. President Andree Reeves called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 469 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Gaede.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Boyd.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported there will be a survey/questionnaire going out regarding OSP services. This is a survey regarding OSP and Contract and Grant Accounting services and will go out to all PIs.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported our Testing Services is designated as the official test site for TOEFL, GRE, GED, exams. We have been approved and will become the official site with testing beginning in Janaury.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Delugach reported the Committee was asked to find out from the University Judicial Board a summary of actions. The University Judicial Officer does have summary statistics and does not have a problem publishing those in appropriate venues on campus for faculty perusal. The question was where to publish and how often (Insights? Exponent?once a semester? or once a year?)
The Committee is still working on getting information regarding turnitin.com and its use and effectiveness.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee is working with the Vice President for Research on the survey questionnaire regarding OSP and Contracts and Grants Accounting services. The survey with a memo is supposed to go out next Friday, October 28, 2005, and be returned to Peggy Bower by November 4, 2005. Mary Spann will compile and analyze the data for the appropriate offices.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reported that the Committee is working on changing the Course Approval Form. The Committee is considering having two forms, one for graduate and one for undergraduate.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee will meet next Thursday in Morton Hall 300. They will discuss the TOEFL with the Graduate Council.
8. Finance and Resources: Mrs. Lawson reported the Committee will meet next Thursday in the Nursing Building 300 to discuss the Distinguished Speaker Series information.
B. University Committees: Dr. Ferris reported the Publications Committee is working to retain a manager for the Exponent. They have had difficulty retaining a manager.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
President: No Report
6. Presentation by Gordon Stone: Mr. Stone stated this is his 9th year as Executive Director for the Higher Education Partnership. Mr. Stone pointed out the difference we have made by taking active roles in the partnerships. Universities have had an impact on public policy and in the elections. We were very successful in some very difficult years. Our level of political respect has increased. It is important to have as many people involved at any one time as possible. Mr. Stone stated individuals can become part of the partnership with a $12 fee for the basic membership and $60 dollars for the next level which carries some benefits and $120 level which carries benefits including liability insurance. This in conjunction with other thing has worked to make a difference for Higher Education. The Partnership is currently having a membership contest. Mr. Stone reported that the statistics show that people respect the universities and consider higher education a priority. Mr. Stone talked about the benefits to Alabama and Economic growth provided by Higher Education. Mr. Stone announced the website for the Higher Education Partnership. He also announced Higher Education Day in Montgomery, March 2, 2006. He stated they are considering some new items for Higher Education Day that might include a tour and information about how the government in Montgomery works. Mr. Stone pointed out that we have differences but it is important for us to rally together to deal with the important issues for us.
7. Dr. Reeves adjourned the meeting at 1:35 p.m. after a motion by Melinda Lawson, seconded by Lynn Boyd.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #469 (September 22, 2005)
ADSC: Patnayakuni, Gramm
LBAR: Bollinger, Ferris, Neff, Heikes, Reeves, Marcus, Neuschatz, Colclough
ENG: Gaede, Joiner, Kulick, Tippett, Karr, Frendi, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson
SCI: Wiemer, Bishop, Paddison, Delugach, Ravindran, Ai
ADSC: Tseng, Schnell
ENGR: Banish, Anderson
LBAR: Moore, Meister, Martin, Coward
SCI: Cox, Oluseyi
LBAR: Jones, Eaker
ENGR: Frederick
NUR: Williamson
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd, Miller
0. President Andree Reeves called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 468 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Bollinger.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported they had a good Board Meeting and Dr. Reeves attended her first meeting as the President of the Faculty Senate. The Board approved the degrees conferred in May.
Dr. Franz reported the Fraternity and Sorority Housing Groundbreaking was very good. There was approximately 500 people there. This will add a new dimension to campus life.
Dr. Franz stated we had another good year for salary increases.
Dr. Franz reported enrollment is up slightly and credit hour production is up.
Dr. Franz stated he is sorry for the problems that occurred in Banner during the fall registration and they have determined it was a capacity problem. He has authorized additional equipment and it should be ordered and installed this semester so that we can attempt to prevent the same problem from occurring during spring registration.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported that work continues on the Banner Problems.
Dr. Radonovich introduced Dr. John Severn as the Acting Associate Provost, filling in for Dr. Fran Johnson since her retirement and until recruitment for a replacement begins.
There were some questions regarding the continued problem of access to Banner. The Provost will work on this.
Dr. Radonovich announced that the Faculty Senate's concern for promotional increases has been addressed and the increase for faculty from Assistant to Associate is now $3000 and from Associate to Full Professor is now $5000. These increases were effective this year. Both increments were increased to $3000 in the 03/04 year.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Delugach reported the Committee is following up on the monitoring of Student Integrity using turnitin.com. The Committee will gather some data on the use and training in turnitin.com. The Committee will also request some summary information on the University Judicial Board Cases. The Committee is asking The Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee to look at the impact of the NC grade and the data on NC grades. Dr. Franz suggested the Committee find outliers and determine if they have and are receiving appropriate counseling. Find out if the NC grade is actually assisting retention.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Tippett reported the Committee has achieved Senate Representation on all University Standing Committees.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede discussed the definitions for Prerequisite, Prerequisite with Concurrency and Co-requisite. The definitions are in the catalog. We need to get the catalog to line up with the definitions. There was some discussion regarding a statement in the catalog under the prerequisite with concurrency section. There was some discussion regarding making the catalog line up with the Banner terminology and vice versa.
Dr. Gaede reported the Committee is looking at the Course Approval Form to determine if it is serving too many purposes.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee will meet next week in Morton Hall 101A.
8. Finance and Resources: Melinda Lawson reported the Committee met and discussed the Distinguished Speakers Series requests for this time and the request that goes out and possible changes to that request.
B. University Committees: No Reports
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
President: No Report
6. Pending Resolutions/Recommendations from the Faculty Senate to the Administration (SR 04/05-05: Establishment of Research Experience for Undergraduates, REU), (SR 04/05-04: Sanctions for Academic Misconduct), (SR 04/05-01: Inclusion of Sexual Orientation in the Anti Discrimination Clause), (Morton Hall Parking Policy Recommendation).
Dr. Franz reported that the Morton Hall Parking Policy Recommendation was tried and did not work. Mike Finnegan was charged with examining the situation and is to come back with recommendations. He reported there is consideration of a shuttle bus for transporting students around campus.
Dr. Franz reported the Sexual Orientation statement has been included in the Anti Discrimination Clause.
There was some misunderstanding on the REU but it was clarified in the meeting and Dr. Franz stated they will approve this.
The Sanctions for Academic Misconduct have not been approved yet.
They have not resolved the crossing from Spragins Hall to the Nursing Building issue.
7. Student Success Rates and How They Affect Faculty
There is some concern among faculty regarding the use of Student Success Rates. Are they used in determining pay increases and Promotion and Tenure? It appears to some faculty this may be an invitation for grade inflation and it may violate Academic Freedom.
Dr. Radonovich explained he does two things with the Student Success Rates. He looks at the sum of the grades excluding Ws. He gets a sense of the student success rate overall. He looks at the lower division courses, primarily freshmen courses. He looks for how successful the students are. He looks for significant problems. How much significant effective learning is taking place? He looks for serious problems and is it consistent, and if it is, then he takes action. He will generally start with the dean and they will take action to correct the problem. He has not used it in Promotion and Tenure because this is just one piece of data and a large compilation of data is used in Promotion and Tenure. It is not usually used in determining salary increases either. Student Success Rates are a way of looking at problem areas and where resources should be directed. Dr. Franz shared the example of Math and how corrective action was taken in problem areas and Student Success Rates were improved. These issues are usually dealt with at the department level but the concern is with Student Success Rates and Retention and Deans and Department Chairs are encouraged to take action where needed.
8. Bookstore Information--Jeff Davis
Mr. Davis distributed information and coupon for the faculty. He reported the Bookstore has been remodeled and the students like it much better. He shared that he would like to come and talk to faculty at their department meetings and share information about the bookstore and find out how the bookstore can better serve them and work with them. Mr. Davis reported this has been the best year regarding information coming in to the bookstore in a timely manner and with students being able to get the books they needed and being able to get used books for their classes. He reminded the faculty that book orders are due October 14 for spring semester.
9. Library Information-Linda Vaughan
Linda Vaughan requested that faculty when telling students not to use the Internet for research consider the fact that the Library is almost completely internet based not and tell the students specifically that they being encouraged to use academically sound internet sources and not Google or Yahoo. She reported she would be glad to give a more in depth overview of what is available and talk about the new Super Search at another time.
10. There was some discussion regarding difficulties with OSP and a request for a dialogue between faculty and OSP. It was suggested that Dr. Radonovich and Dr. Franz talk with Dr. Greenwood and then arrange a discussion off line with OSP. Dr. Reeves asked the Personnel Committee to research the issue.
11. Dr. Reeves adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #468 (April 28, 2005)
ADSC: Bryson, Tseng, Patnayakuni, Bao, Gramm, Schnell
LBAR: Bollinger, Neff, Meister, Coward, Heikes, Reeves, Marcus, Neuschatz, Colclough
ENG: Anderson, Gaede, Kulick, Karr, Tippett, Frendi, Lin
NUR: Williamson, Newman, Warren, Lawson, Foote
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd, Leahy, Newman, Delugach, Ravindran
ADSC: Wren
ENGR: Jovanov
LBAR: Early, Wilkerson
LIB: Vaughan
SCI: Cox, Friedman
ADSC: Pendley
LBAR: Jones, Brown-Givens, Ferris, Eaker, Martin
ENGR: Smith, Banish, Frederick
SCI: George, Paddison, Pakhomov, Oluseyi
0. President Gerald Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 467 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
3. President Franz's Report.
No Report.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported regarding Dr. Fran Johnson.
Dr. Radonovich reported regarding Glenda's illness and absence.
Dr. Radonovich talked about the 6% increase for K-Ph.D.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations:
Dr. Williamson reported the Committee will deal with ballots in this meeting.
5. Personnel: It was reported the Committee is drafting two bills.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee has dealt with eight bankruptcy cases and two withdrawals.
8. Finance and Resources: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Williamson reported the Benefits Committee approved a new insurance option
Dr. Reeves reported there is now a Credentials Committee for putting people on the Graduate Faculty.
Dr. Gaede reported there are issues with the Bookstore and they need to address the faculty on this.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
President: No Report
6. Part Time Faculty Evaluation Policy
This draft policy was presented and considered by the Faculty Senate. There was some discussion regarding categories and defining part time faculty. It is defined in Section of the FacultyHandbook. It was moved to accept the policy as amended. There were 31 in favor and 2 abstentions.
7. Outside Teaching Policy
There were objections to this policy with regard to it being intrusive and patronizing. There was discussion regarding the need for such a policy. There was discussion that the policy we have is adequate. There was some discussion regarding infringement on academic freedom and free speech. It was proposed that outside teaching be made part of the existing consulting policy. There was a point of order that this was not presented as a bill and therefore could be taken to Committee and written differently. The item was tabled by Dr. Reeves, seconded by Dr. Gaede. The vote was 28 in favor of tabling, 2 opposed, and no abstentions.
8. Committee Chairs Confirmed
Dr. Williamson talked about the bylaws and Faculty Senate Committees. The Committees need to elect Chairs. An individual on each Committee has been asked to convene the Committee to elect a Chair. The Chairs are: Harry Delugach, Faculty and Student Development, Melinda Lawson, Finance and Resources, Donald Tippett, Governance and Operations, Lynn Boyd, Personnel, Kathy Newman and Rhonda Gaede Co-Chairs, Undergraduate Curriculum, Jeffrey Neuschatz, Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs.
9. Nominations for President Elect and Ombudsperson
The nominations for President Elect-Melinda Lawson, and Ombudsperson-Lloyd Hillman were accepted. No other nominations were made. The vote was 28 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions.
10. President Karr adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m. Motion by Dr. Bollinger, seconded by Ms. Lawson.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #467 (April 5, 2005)
ADSC: Bryson
LBAR: Brown-Givens, Bollinger, Meister, Shuck Hall, Heikes, Reeves, Neuschatz, Colclough
ENG: Anderson, Kulick, Karr, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Williamson, Newman, Warren, Lawson
SCI: Mecikalski, Ravindran
ENGR: Gaede, Frendi
LBAR: Early, Martin, Wilkerson, Coward
SCI: Friedman
ADSC: Pendley, Wren
LBAR: Jones, Eaker
ENGR: Smith, Jovanov, Tippett, Frederick
SCI: Boyd, Leahy, George, Paddison, Cox, Newman, Hillman, Pakhomov
0. President Gerald Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 466 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
3. President Franz's Report.
No Report.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported he should finish several items this week. There is currently a plan for Faculty Evaluation for Part Time Faculty before the Deans. This will come to the Senate Executive Committee at their next meeting. We need an institutional policy for evaluation.
The ACHE viability issue for Core Liberal Arts courses is up again. We are working on this. We have collected some national data on Physics and we can't figure out how some of the institutions are viable with ACHE when we are not. We are the same as some of these institutions. We will keep you informed.
Other items are in various stages of completion.
We will apply as much as possible in the budget to salaries. We hope for an increase in the budget from the State. We are optimistic.
We offered the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services position to two individuals and they both declined. We are closing the search and we will announce what we will do very soon. There is a shortage in the Enrollment Services area right now nation-wide.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations:
Dr. Williamson reported the Committee is currently working on elections.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Reeves reported the Graduate Council met on March 14 at 7:30 a.m. They added a Library representative to the Committee. They discussed stipends and passed the upper limit for each level per semester. They had some student petitionsone passed and one was declined. The catalog changes are available at the web site. The Committee talked about courses for one and two credit hours. They looked at a draft manual for how to get through graduate school.They also talked about strategies for advising.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
President: No Report
6. Banner Presentation.
Mr. Don Halverstadt was present to talk about Banner. Two years ago there was an option to use Oracle or move up to Banner. Oracle was too expensive. Banner is a replacement for our current system. Everything is in a database. We won't have to come out at night to consolidate information. This gives us a 24/7 system. Access is through a browser. There are currently two systems the self service and the administrative. The faculty system is split with faculty self help and they only see the students in their class. The Administrative is for the faculty advisor and they are able to take off holds, etc. The administrator can change a series of things and this is limited to a very few people. Mr. Halverstadt reported we are working through the Provost Office for a list of people to train. This program can handle all types of machines. You need JAVA Script on the machine. You should know that if you give someone your access information to help you, they then have access to all the records you have access to. The Standards are important because all areas are going to work together. We needed a consistent way to put information in. Students, faculty, and staff will get an ID number to get away from using the SS #s. You will be able to do searches on this system. We are trying to determine those already established and use those. If there are those that do not yet exist we will create a crystal report and we will be able to deliver information to you in various programs such as excel, access, etc.
There was a question regarding handling students with more than one major. Mr. Halverstadt did not know the answer to this question but will find out.
Mr. Halverstadt this is a password secure systems. They are working on sign on and security issues. There is no direct access to data in BRAVO.
The change to an ID number for faculty and staff should occur sometime between October and January.
There was some discussion regarding login and prevention of the computer remembering the password.
Faculty will be entering grades in Banner in December.
7. President Karr adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m. Motion by Dr. Bollinger, seconded by Ms. Lawson.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #466 (March 10, 2005)
LBAR: Brown-Givens, Meister, Coward, Heikes, Reeves, Colclough, Shuck-Hall
ENG: Anderson, Gaede, Jovanov Tippett, Karr, Frendi
NUR: Williamson, Newman, Warren
SCI: Boyd, Cox, Ravindran, Friedman
ADSC: Bryson
ENGR: Kulick, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson
SCI: Mecikalski, Newman
ADSC: Pendley, Wren
LBAR: Jones, Eaker, Bollinger, Early, Neuschatz
ENGR: Smith, Frederick
SCI: Leahy, George, Paddison, Hillman, Pakhomov
0. President Gerald Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 465 were approved. Motion by Dr. Reeves, seconded by Dr. Williamson.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Dr. Reeves, seconded by Dr. Williamson.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz report he was in Montgomery yesterday for a Chamber trip. There were many people there from the Senate The Governor's plan to move $70M from the Education Trust Fund balance was opposed by the Senate and House. Dr. Franz reported the Governor been good to us. The $70M issue is not such a good thing. They have tried to stretch issues to cause them to have some education connection. It is hard to say no but the real answer is to develop more revenue on the general budget side and not to patch problems. No one said anything bad about the education budget and funding of education. Much stuff was put together with one time money. It is scary because things get transferred to education fund and then next year we won't raise taxes, etc. and then a shortfall is created and then we have real problems. Seth Hammett is insightful and has a good sense of what is going on inAlabama. There was a question of whether he is against tax increase--and the answer was no but the governor says he will veto anything that comes to him to raise taxes. We do have ways to raise revenue.
Dr. Franz thought the Faculty Senate would be interested in seeing the layout for the fraternity and sorority houses. The houses will be of 10 beds each and a common living area.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich offered to answer any questions the Faculty Senate might have had regarding Dr. Franz presentation and pictures of sorority and fraternity housing, because Dr. Franz had to leave.Dr. Radonovich reported that the wives of Mark Smith and Jim Hudson were donors. Sorority Housing was a positive force in their lives and the want to see it on our campus. There was a question of whether there will be house mother/father, and the answer was no. These houses are designed to provide a place to meet, a place to hold social functions, and a residence for 10 suites. They will be managed similar to dorms and the rates will be similar to the dorm. The Fraternity or Sorority as a whole have to come up with funds $60,000. There was a question regarding thee effect of these houses and the entrance for them on enlarging the pool at UFC. Dr. Radonovich believes it could still be done.
Dr. Radonovich reported we made an Offer to Mr. Bush for Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services. The written offer will go out tomorrow.
Dr. Radonovich reported we are still having the Performance Indicator battle regarding Licensure.We are still battling on Engineering and Business. It makes no sense counting the CPA. Bachelor's degree students do not qualify to take the exam. It is senseless to use this as a measure and to set goals based on it. We are not battling Nursing because it is already reported and we are not battling Education because students have to get 100% on all three areas and it is published As soon as we are successful in resolving these issues I will send you a new and final version. The Fundamentals of Engineering exam is not legitimate because no passage is required just that they take the exam. Some schools and departments have stopped requiring the exam. Civil Engineering has the requirement because of work on structures. It is required for those who are in the HVAC area.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations:
Dr. Williamson reported we have sent out the request for volunteers to serve on University Standing Committees. This is one of our two prong parts of shared governance.She encouraged the faculty to talk to young faculty to advise them to get on these Committees and learn about university business. After the spring break we should have new senators. It is important to have the faculty voice on these matters.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reported they have one final item for the catalog and continuing to deal with course approvals. Dr. Gaede reported that the resolution that was passed regarding the student classification would be amended to 0-30 hours is a freshman.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources:No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Reeves reported the Graduate Council will meet 7:30 a.m. Monday morning.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
President: No Report
6. Higher Education Day Report.
Dr. Karr reported Higher Education Day was last Thursday. He reported a bus went from UAH with about 39 people. This was the second largest turn out for Higher Education Day. We were supportive of the Governor's budget. We were not supportive of taking money out for other things. It was stressed that next year's budget should include 4% or higher if K-12 gets more.Everyone was encouraged to attend these future events as it is educational and informative. It is also important that we have a good showing because it does make a difference.
Dr. Karr and Dr. Reeves went to the House Chambers and sat in the gallery while they were in session. House members were debating some issues on the docket.The bill to take the money out of the trust fund was on the floor. The House and Senate were speaking against it. They voted yesterday 97-4.Some information was shared about one of the issues debated and the nature of the debates. It was expressed this was an educational experience.
7. Report from ACUFP Meeting
ACUFP--meets twice a year. The meeting in the spring coincides with Higher Ed Day. After the Higher Ed Day rally Dr. Karr and Dr. Reeves went to the ACUFP meeting. They dad various people from the Legislature and from ACHE and the lobbyist from the system.Gordon Stone was there. Person from ACHE could not answer questions.Questions asked about program duplication. Dr. Radonovich reported the moratorium on new programs should end September '05 unless extended by the Legislature. He also stated that Core Liberal Arts viability is being discussed in this meeting going on today and tomorrow.Core Liberal Arts programs that were given an extension are going to be required to respond to the viability issue once again. We do not know what we will do yet. Music is one program and it is essential to getting a Liberal Arts degree. Dr. Radonovich believes having music on campus is more important than having 7.5 graduates per year. The possibilities are to request an extension or waiver. Exemptions and Extensions have been sought and granted in the past. It was asked if the numbers have ever been challenged because they do not seem reasonable or logical.Numbers have not been challenged because it is legislated state-wide. It was stated it appears there is a conflict between the State Higher Ed and ACHE. The fight is with the Legislature.
Dr. Karr reported there was a budget presentation explaining the problem with the budget. Years ago when we went through proration all of education had to cut back. K-12 chose to cut one feature and Higher Ed proposed to cut back on PEEHIP for retirees.Last year Higher Ed had to come up with extra money to pay for PEEHIP. K-12 did not. This year there is excess in the trust fund that is being fought over. One issue is to clear the books for Higher Ed by returning money paid for PEEHIP. This requires using the excess funding. Other elements are trying to use the funds. The Governor's proposal is to use the money to support the general fund budget. Something has to happen with the general fund budget.
Dr. Karr reported at the ACUFP meeting all Faculty Senate Presidents come together from around the State and compare notes.One of the things that is interesting is how the Senate in some schools has had influence. A&M went through the process of firing the President. The Faculty Senate took the position of not endorsing any candidate for Presidency. Wise for them because of the battle in the Board for who would be President. UNA has a new president. The previous president was not someone they supported. Some schools do not allow faculty to speak to Board Members. In some places all faculty are polled every year on the effectiveness of administrators and the poll is distributed. Auburn has a University Senate which includes administrators, faculty, staff, and students. The Faculty controls the senate as officers.Sometimes at some places administration plays a role in the Senate and some do not. The Auburn Senate was instrumental in asking for the resignation of the President and the Board Members.
10. President Karr adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m. Motion by Dr. Gaede, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #465 (February 17, 2005)
ADSC Pendley
LBAR: Bollinger, Meister, Neff, Heikes, Reeves, Neuschatz, Colclough
ENG: Smith, Anderson, Jovanov, Karr, Tippett, Frendi, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Williamson, Newman, Warren
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd, Paddison, Ravindran, Pakhomov
ADSC: Bryson
LBAR:Early, Coward
SCI: Leahy, George, Cox, Friedman, Hillman
LBAR: Jones, Brown-Givens, Eaker, Martin
ENGR: Gaede, Kulick, Frederick
SCI: Newman
0. President Gerald Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 464 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Bollinger.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported there were some questions regarding Liability Insurance provided by the University. In researching the topic for answers to the questions, Dr. Franz discovered the fact that we have Liability Insurance for our faculty and staff was not noted anywhere. Dr. Franz read a statement prepared by Mr. Rieder to be placed in the Faculty and Staff Handbooks.
Dr. Franz discussed the good response to the Campus Master Plan and the write up in the paper about it. He read a quote from the article in the paper.
Dr. Franz reported the NCRH II is on target.
Dr. Franz discussed the preparation of the sports practice fields with labor being donated by the county and materials donated by others.
The fraternity and sorority houses project is progressing. There will be five houses.
Dr. Franz reported the Governor's proposed budget is far ahead of anything we've had in many years. It is very responsible.
There was some discussion regarding the budget and faculty positions. Dr. Franz briefly discussed the strategic plan. He stated the Priorities and Resources Advisory Committee will be involved in the decision making processes.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich announced the Senate Resolution regarding Student Classifications has been approved.
Dr. Radonovich reported the Chief Academic Officers meet Monday. They are optimistic about the budget and Higher Education. There was some discussion regarding any cooperative effort of four year institutions and junior colleges and the Articulation and General Students. There was some discussion regarding any efforts for cooperation with K-12.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Lawson reported the Committee will have a bill on the agenda later in the meeting.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: They have dealt with several course approvals.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee will have a bill on the agenda in this meeting.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
6. Higher Education Partnership Presentation.
Whitney Wood distributed information regarding Higher Education Day scheduled for March 3, 2005. There are 14 participating institutions. This is the year for Higher Education. We will meet on the State House Steps. All were encouraged to come. Faculty were asked to encourage students to attend. Whitney talked briefly about the partnership and distributed some information regarding it.
7. Long Term Care Presentation
Gerald Frank presented information regarding long term care. He asked faculty to place their name on a sign up sheet if they wished to receive more information. He informed the group that each policy is tailored to the needs of the individual.
8. Senate Bill 299: Sanctions for Academic Misconduct
Ms. Lawson presented the bill with an introduction and information of its origin. This is basically a change in how the process is implemented. It is focused toward student going through the judicial system. It does not preclude other rights faculty have in administering sanctions for academic misconduct. If it goes through the judicial process it has other sanctions imposed.
There were some questions and discussion regarding the wording and the word "must" and the consequences for not complying. There was some discussion regarding the six month period. There was some discussion regarding the process.
There was a friendly amendment to line 23 to change the word "significant" to "selected"--this amendment was later withdrawn to leave the wording as is.
There was some discussion of where this change will appear.
There was a friendly amendment to line 34 to state "second documented and confirmed" episode.
Dr. Reeves called the question.
The vote was 30 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at third reading.
9. Senate Bill 304: Establishment of a Campus Wide Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Dr. Pakhomov introduced the bill and explained the original proposal came from Dr. Karr. This kind of activity has been supported by NSF and it is a good experience for the undergraduate students. Physics and Chemistry have a program. Every department can submit something. With this we can have a program for all department and all areas. We have all the ingredients for implementation. We can start this summer term. We have a person in mind and who is willing to do the job of the director.Bernhard Vogler is willing to direct the program. We have a Committee (the Finance and Resources Committee of the Faculty Senate) who is will to serve as the advisory Committee for this project. We have a source of support from the Space Grant Consortium. They will match funding this year. This is time sensitive because of the Space Grant support. We need to pass the bill to get this started and then we can take more time to work out the details.
Ms. Lawson called the question.
The vote for the bill was unanimous at 21 and the bill passed at second reading and was administratively declared passed at third reading.
10. President Karr adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #464 (January 20, 2005)
ADSC Pendley
LBAR: Bollinger, Meister, Shuck-Hall, Reeves, Neuschatz, Colclough
ENG: Smith, Anderson, Gaede, Kulick, Karr, Tippett, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Williamson, Newman, Warren
SCI: George, Cox, Ravindran, Friedman, Pakhomov
ADSC: Bryson
LBAR: Eaker, Early, Martin
SCI: Leahy, Newman, Hillman
ADSC: Wren
LBAR: Jones, Brown-Givens, Wilkerson
ENGR: Jovanov, Frederick
SCI: Mecikalski, Boyd
0. President Gerald Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 463 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz was out sick.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported on the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services Search. The Search Committee has narrowed the pool to six and has conducted telephone interviews with those six. The Committee is contacting references and will recommend three names to Dr. Radonovich to bring to campus for interviews.
Dr. Radonovich reported the Performance Indicators are finished. There was one additional parameter provided as requested by Charles Nash. You will receive a copy when these are completed. If you want to see a copy Gerald Karr, Andree Reeves, and Joan Williamson have a copy.
The Telecampus Task Force met and there is a report in the Executive committee Meeting Minutes summarizing the information about the Telecampus and the work of the Task Force.There was a report that a State Public Television Station is writing a proposal to assist in developing the telecampus. Dr. Au'n and Dr. Radonovich are the representatives for the campus. The University of Alabama has decided to do this whether anyone else decides to join or not. The other campuses are staying involved at this point. The students would still belong to the home campus and we would have a say in what we offer and what our students take.
There was a question of a common schedule for all three campuses. This not being done at this time but it may be something that should be considered.
A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Lawson reported the Committee will meet next week.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reminded people that January 21 is the last day to get changes in the catalog. January 27 is t he last day for the Curriculum Committee to consider changes. The official copy of the catalog is the hardcopy. The dynamic version shows all the changes since the last printing.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee had a meeting yesterday to discuss the research experience for undergraduates. There is a proposal from Dr. Karr regarding a campus wide undergraduate research experience. The Committee will work on it and present something to the Executive Committee.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
6. Senate Bill 303: Revised Student Classification (Second Reading)
Dr. Gaede presented the bill. There was some discussion and a friendly amendment regarding changing the numbers to 1-29, 30-59, 60-89, 90 and above. After some discussion the friendly amendment was withdrawn. Ms. Lawson called the question, seconded by Dr. Reeves. The vote was 26 in favor, which was unanimous. The bill is declared passed at third reading and will be sent to Administration for action.
7. Dr. Williamson talked about the Higher Education Partnership. She explained the different levels and the benefits with each. She distributed forms and informed individuals to complete the form and return them to Faye Hartman in Madison Hall 118. She asked them to share the information with their colleagues and told them about the Higher Education Partnership website that might answer other questions-http://www.higheredpartners.org.
8. President Karr adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #463 (November 18, 2004)
LBAR: Givens, Bollinger, Early, Maier, Martin, Reeves, Colclough
ENG: Anderson, Gaede, Jovanov, Karr, Frendi, Frederick, Tippett, Lin
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Williamson, Newman, Warren
SCI: Leahy, Paddison, Cox, Friedman
ADSC: Bryson
LBAR: Eaker, Meister
SCI: Mecikalski, Pakhomov, George
ADSC: Pendley
LBAR: Coward, Wilkerson, Jones, Neuschatz
ENGR: Smith, Kulick
SCI: Boyd, Newman, Ravindran, Hillman
0. President Gerald Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 462 were approved. Motion by Dr. Frendi, seconded by Ms. Lawson.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Dr. Leahy, seconded by Ms. Lawson.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported we are moving ahead on all fronts.
He gave an opportunity for questions and answers.
He encouraged people to check out the Charger Cafe if they have not already done so. The students love it.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
No Report.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee met and finished the review of all University Standing Committees. The Committee will have one bill on the agenda today.
5. Personnel: Dr. Wren reported the Committee continues to work on various issues..
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Early reported the Committee approved a number of changes and have a number yet to do.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Leahy reported the Committee met to discuss the parking issues related to the areas around Morton Hall and Roberts Hall. There were a couple of alternative proposals. One is listed in the handout distributed by Dr. Leahy. This option involves a curfew. Dr. Pakhomov will give the proposal to Peggy to forward to the Administration for action.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
President: Dr. Karr reported he attended the Board of Trustees Meeting on November 4 and 5. He reported that the President of UA presented their plan for the future. They plan to increase enrollment to 28,000 by 2013.
Dr. Karr reported that Dr. Reeves and he attended the ACUFP meeting at Alabama A&M last week. It was interesting. He said they now better understand the importance of the Faculty Senate having a good relationship with the Administration especially in times of Administrative crises.
Past President: No Report.
6. Library Resources/Library Technologies--Linda Vaughan
Linda Vaughan reported that students do not know how to use the Library resources. This effects your teaching. She distributed a letter from the Dean of the Library. The Library has undergone a review. They put emphasis on the subject specialists. The specialists will go to departments and talk to the classes about what is offered in the Library and how to use it. Faculty members can use the online form to schedule the subject specialists. We want to be sure we get to go to as many classes as possible. They can also give an orientation. They are involved with SACSCOC and they are a resource to all areas. If the Library does not have something they can get an interlibrary loan.The specialists need a minimum two week notice to schedule the talk to the classes.
Linda talked about and showed the Library Action Figure that is now out.
Linda announced that Belinda Ong will have the Elseveier representatives here in January.
7. Senate Bill 302: Campus Priorities and Resources Advisory Committee
As part of the SACSCOC review the Governance and Operations Committee has been
reviewing and evaluating everything in relation to the University Standing Committees and shared governance. The Senate Committees were reviewed and now all the University Standing Committees have been reviewed. The Governance and Operations Committee has developed a bill to change the composition of one of the University Standing Committees. Dr. Williamson brought the bill to the floor and explained the change in the composition of the Committee. The bill only changes the faculty composition of the Committee and actually just brings the faculty composition in line with the current practice. The composition will now be the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Staff Senate Executive Committee. These are the elected bodies that fully represent the entire institution. They are elected by their peers and they represent a forum to get information back to the faculty and staff.
Call the Question Dr. Reeves, seconded by Ms. Lawson. The vote was unanimous.
The vote for the bill at second reading was unanimous. The bill was administratively passed at third reading.
8. President Karr adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #462 (October 28, 2004)
ADSC Pendley
LBAR: Givens, Eaker, Bollinger, Martin, Coward, Reeves, Neuschatz, Colclough
ENG: Anderson, Gaede, Jovanov, Kulick, Karr, Tippett, Lin, Frendi
LIB: Vaughan
NUR: Lawson, Williamson
SCI: Mecikalski, Leahy, Boyd
ADSC: Bryson
LBAR: Early, Meister/Maier
NUR: Newman, Warren
SCI: Cox, Newman
ADSC: Wren
LBAR: Wilkerson, Jones
ENGR: Smith, Frederick
SCI: George, Ravindran, Friedman, Hillman, Pakhomov
0. President Gerald Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 461 were approved. Motion by Dr. Frendi, seconded by Dr. Neuschatz
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Dr. Gaede, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz distributed a copy of the five year plan for the university. This has been presented to the Board and we are waiting for approval. Dr. Franz reported he shared this with theDeans today and he will share it with the President's Council tonight. There are some things listed on the plan that do not show up in the sketches because they fall in the 5 to 20 year plan. Some of them are the Liberal Arts Building, the Performing Arts Building, other residence halls, a new student center, etc. Dr. Franz discussed some of the aspects of the sketch and answered questions regarding things such as the Applied Sciences/Shelby Building, the Intermodal Transportation Building, athletic fields, Preschool Learning Center, rerouting of streets, greenways, purchasing the remaining eight houses in the Sanderson Subdivision.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported we will initiate a Distinguished Teaching Lecture Series. We will use past winners of the Distinguished Teaching Award to give a lecture or panel discussion on effective teaching and learning techniques. There will be a reception. The UAH Foundation is supporting this effort. We want to share good teaching techniques with as many faculty as possible. We will be sending out details of this event soon.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee will meet next week and complete reviews of the University Committees and make recommendations.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reported the Committee will present a bill to the Executive Committee at their next meeting. The way we classify freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors is not congruent so there will be a slight modification to that classification process.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee will meet next week to talk about the new changes regarding the transition to Banner. They will also discuss the request from Ms. Robinson regarding adding a disability statement to course syllabi.
8. Finance and Resources: No Report.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
President: No Report.
Past President: No Report.
6. President Karr adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #461 (September 9, 2004)
LBAR: Givens, Bollinger, Early, Maier, Martin, Coward, Reeves, Neuschatz, Colclough
ENG: Anderson, Gaede, Jovanov, Kulick, Karr, Frederick, Lin, Frendi
NUR: Newman, Williamson
SCI: Mecikalski, Leahy, Friedman, Hillman, Pakhomov
LBAR: Eaker
NUR: Warren, Lawson
LIB: Vaughan
SCI: Ravindran, Newman
ADSC: Pendley, Bryson
LBAR: Wilkerson, Jones
ENGR: Smith, Tippett
SCI: Boyd, George
0. President Gerald Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 460 were approved. Motion by Dr. Hillman, seconded by Dr. Gaede
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Dr. Gaede, seconded by Dr. Hillman.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported he sent his comments from Convocation out to all faculty and staff.
He reported enrollment is up. The credit hours are at an all time record. There are no space campers in the numbers this year.
Dr. Franz reported there have been changes in the food service for Charger Cafe. They now offer an all you care to eat buffet. There have been compliments from students.If you buy a card or have one of the plans put on your charger card you can eat for $5.00. There is no carry out. Anyone with a Charger Card can go to the UC and for $25 get $5.00 x 5 meals.
We need to get a complete copy of the regulations and policies for the UC from Mr. Rieder.
Dr. Franz will present the Master Plan to this group.
There was a question regarding the request from the Faculty Senate for equalized parking.
Dr. Franz responded he does not want to do that to the students. We raised tuition and he does not want to add another burden to that. There was a discussion regarding parking at Morton Hall that followed. There was a suggestion or putting a sign in the Morton Hall Parking Lots to say "No Overnight Parking". This was a well received idea.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich apologized for missing the Senate Executive Committee Meeting. He distributed a copy of a proposed Outside Teaching Policy that he will discuss at the next Senate Executive Committee Meeting and seek your input.
The credit hours are up by 2%.
Dr. Radonovich discussed a plan to change this year's Teaching Awards to have the previous year's recipients give a general information lecture to faculty with a reception afterward.They will talk about their techniques that work well for them.
Dr. Radonovich mentioned the changes in personnel. Karen Clanton is the new Director of Continuing Education. Dr. James Miller is the new Director of Institute for Science Education.
Scott Verzyl left and Janet Waller is Acting Registrar, Ginger Neuschatz is Acting Director of Admissions and Recruiting, and Debbie Stowers is Acting Director of Institutional Research.We are sad to see colleagues leave but we will see this as an opportunity.
Dr. Radonovich talked about the Task Force set up by the Chancellor to explore the Telecampus. There will be distance learning at the System level. This Task Force is now a Screening Committee. The Committee has met one time. There is a proposal before the group. They have collected data. Dr. Radonovich will send Gerald Karr the information when it is together and he will share it with you. UA developed a portal and they have agreed to allow the System to use it after the agreement is in place. No one is forced into it as it is proposed now.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee will meet next week.
5. Personnel: Dr. Wren reported the Committee will meet next week. The Committee has a bill on the agenda at third reading.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reported the Committee will meet next week.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee will meet next week.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee will meet next week.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report
President: Dr. Karr requested the Faculty Senators talk with their colleagues and give feedback on a Fall Commencement.
Past President: No Report.
6. Senate Bill 300: Inclusion of Sexual Orientation in the Anti-Discrimination Clause at UAH:
Dr. Wren brought the bill to the floor and explained the bill was developed based on concerns expressed. The bill has gone through the first and second readings and passed but not unanimously so it is back for a third reading. There was a question regarding the definition and how the university will define this and who will decide how it is defined and put into practice. It was explained that we have EEO officers for faculty, staff, and students and we have procedures and appeal procedures in place and published in the Handbooks. The Office of Counsel is where the process usually ends and then the appeal process would go to the President. It was explained that it would be an advantage to have our policy coherent with other institutions. The administration asked that they be notified if anyone knows of practices currently that should be dismantled. The bill passed at third reading.
The vote was 26 in favor, one abstention and one opposed.
7. Gloria Greene: Charge Sponsored Programs
Ms. Greene introduced herself and distributed handouts to the Faculty Members.
Ms. Greene talked about us as a member of the Community of Science and the ability to search databases.
She talked about the changes occurring in Sponsored Programs, some by design and some due to change in leadership. She mentioned they are undergoing an audit. She stated they will put changes in the Quarterly and everyone should read the quarterly for up to date information. She stated she is working closely with faculty and she will come to you and tailor a program for you. She is trying to get away from the thinking that we just work with NASA. We also work with DoD and others.
8. President Karr adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #458 (February 5, 2004)
ADSC Pendley
LBAR: Stewart, Bollinger, Early, Meister, Martin, Wray, Reeves, Neuschatz
ENG: Toutanji, Gaede, Kulick, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Lawson,Warren, Williamson, Newman
SCI: Boyd, George, Amin, Ravindran, Pakhomov
ADSC: Bryson
LBAR: Enger
SCI: Leahy, Newman, Friedman, Hillman
ADSC: Wren
LBAR: Wilkerson, Givens, Brunsma
ENGR: Smith, Pollock, Tippett, Frendi
SCI: Christopher
0. President Elect Gerald Karr called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 457 were approved. Motion by Ms. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Early
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Dr. Reeves, seconded by Dr. Bollinger.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz was at the Board of Trustees Meeting so there was no report.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich was at the Board of Trustees Meeting so there was no report.
A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Lawson reported the Committee met and developed a bill that will be presented at the next Executive Committee Meeting.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee is reviewing the current University Standing Committees. The Committee will have a couple of bills coming forward soon.
5. Personnel: Dr. Wray reported the Committee met and will have several items to present soon.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reported the Committee met and approved several items. The Committee discussed the Program Approval Form and ways to improve it. The Committee looked at whether the form gives all the information needed to make a decision. The Committee will present some proposals to the Office of Academic Affairs for consideration. The Committee also discussed the Honors Projects and whether faculty receive credit for supervision of these projects. The President and Provost thought this should fall under the service responsibilities of the faculty.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: The Committee will meet next week and look at the possibility of limiting NCs and Ws.
8. Finance and Resources: The Committee will meet next week.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: Higher Education Day is February 26. The next Senate meeting is also scheduled for that date. The Senate meeting will be moved to Montgomery so you are all encouraged to attend the Higher Education Day and be counted as attending the Faculty Senate meeting there.
The Alliance will meet tomorrow at Mom's in the UC at Noon.
President: Dr. Hillman was at the Board of Trustees Meeting.
Past President: No Report.
6. President Elect Karr adjourned the meeting at 1:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #457 (January 15, 2004)
ADSC Wren, Pendley
LBAR: Stewart, Givens, Bollinger, Early, Meister, Martin, Wilkerson, Reeves, Neuschatz
ENG: Smith, Gaede, Pollock, Kulick, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Warren, Williamson, Newman
SCI: Boyd, Amin, Newman, Pakhomov, Hillman
ADSC: Bryson
LBAR: Enger
ENGR: Frendi
NUR: Lawson
LBAR: Wray, Brunsma
ENGR: Toutanji
SCI: Christopher, Leahy, George, Ravindran, Friedman,
0. President Lloyd Hillman called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 456 were approved. Motion by Dr. Karr, seconded by Dr. Wilkerson
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz brought drawings of the third residence hall that is being planned. He reported we have $1.2M to build Greek Housing. We have about $1M for the residence hall. The Foundation has agreed to underwrite the residence hall. This will be an information item to the Board of Trustees at their next meeting. We will use the same architect as we used for the North Campus Residence Hall. We will prequalify the contractor this time. There is no final numbers on the enrollment yet but it looks good. There was some discussion regarding food services and food facilities regarding the new residence hall. There was some discussion regarding parking and campus planning. It was reported the dining hall will remain open until 1:00 a.m. on a trial basis. Dr. Franz distributed copies of a letter he sent to the Chancellor regarding our efficiency and things we have done to assist with budget constraints, etc.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported the Black Faculty and Administrators Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee Plan has been emailed to you. It is a plan for assisting the Administration with recruiting and retaining black faculty and administrators. Dr. Radonovich explained and summarized the contents. He explained the creation of a black faculty position and the commitment by UAH for the next several years. He explained the two components of the plan. The first component was recruiting and hiring and the second is faculty development. If you have comments or questions please send them to Dr. Radonovich or any Committee Member or Peggy Bower. Dr. Radonovich thanked the Committee and Dr. Franz and Dr. Johnson. He recognized the work of Peggy Bower for the Committee.
He reported the enrollment numbers for the spring are preliminary but they are at least as good as the fall.
He reported we are improving student computing through the technology fee. We are purchasing about 179 new computers. Once these are purchased we will not have any older than 2001 for student use.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Bollinger reported the Committee will meet next week.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee is reviewing the current University Standing Committees. The Committee will meet on January 22...
5. Personnel: Dr. Wren reported the Committee will meet on January 22.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reported the Committee will meet next week. They will be considering some MAE course changes due to ABET.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
8. Finance and Resources: No Report.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Parliamentarian: No Report.
2. Ombudsperson: No Report.
3. President-Elect: No Report.
4. President: Dr. Hillman mentioned the email that went out regarding the elections for the retirement system. He encouraged faculty to vote.
Dr. Hillman said he will have more information at the next meeting on Higher Education Day in Montgomery.
Dr. Hillman reported he is becoming more aware of the community and community activities in his Leadership workshops. He mentioned that we have two UAH faculty on the Board of the Aids Awareness Coalition.
Dr. Hillman asked Dr. Pendley to report on the AACSB review that recently occurred. Dr. Pendley reported the School of Administrative Science passed with flying colors.
5. Past President: No Report.
6. President Hillman adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #456 (December 11, 2003)
ADSC Bryson, Pendley
LBAR: Bollinger, Early, Meister, Martin, Wray, Neuschatz,
ENG: Leonard, Kulick, Tippett, Karr, Frendi, Pollock
LIB: Moore
NUR: Lawson, Williamson, Newman
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, Leahy, George, Ravindran, Hillman, Pakhomov
ADSC: Wren
LBAR: Stewart, Enger, Reeves
ENGR: Gaede
SCI: Friedman, Amin
LBAR: Givens, Wilkerson, Brunsma
ENGR: Smith
NUR: Warren
SCI: Newman
0. President Lloyd Hillman called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 455 were approved. Motion by Dr. Karr, seconded by Mr. Williamson.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported Senator Shelby was on campus last week. We will probably be locating the Shelby building between Madison Hall and the Administrative Science Building. This will be a dramatic building that will bring the campus together. This will come with an intermodal facility. There is a possibility of another lake on campus. This is part of the master plan. Alumni House will probably disappear. Senator Shelby is very positive and encouraging. We have $20M and there is another $30M before Congress now. We should know something in January.
Dr. Franz reported the Administrators served breakfast last night to the students and it was very successful. Santa and Mrs. Clause were there.
Dr. Franz reported renovations in Morton Hall are ongoing. There are new bathrooms almost complete. There are two new classrooms as a result of ISE and HASP moving.
There were some questions and concerns regarding heating and air in Morton Hall and Roberts Hall and the elevators in these buildings. New elevators are in the works. There will be an open meeting with the faculty in Morton and Roberts and Dr. Franz and Radonovich to discuss problems with heating and air and other building issues
Dr. Franz reported we have a $1M commitment for establishing fraternity and sorority housing on campus. These will be 12 bed houses. They will be on the East side of campus. The $1M pays about half and payback will have to cover the other one half
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported we are continuing work on the Performance Indicators. All three institutions will provide data on an annual basis. We will use some to gauge progress toward goals and objectives. We started this last spring. The Chancellor had a list developed by UAB. This list went through many modifications. The list was reduced. The Chancellor and the System added some. The Council of Presidents reduced the list to what we have now. We are working on definitions and will update the information regularly.Everyone should review this. A great deal is being done and some of it is new.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Melinda Lawson reported the met and is still working on Academic Misconduct.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee is reviewing the current University Standing Committees. Letters have gone out and we are arranging interviews or written responses from the VPs. We have developed a matrix and will make a recommendation depending on the productivity of the Committee.
5. Personnel: Dr. Wren was not present but someone from the Committee reported the Committee is addressing many issues and they will meet next week. Dr. Hillman has asked the Committee to look at the makeup and procedures in the Faculty Handbook regarding Promotion and Tenure and Reappointment.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Neuschatz reported the Committee met and dealt with 22 bankruptcies and 5 readmissions. There was some discussion regarding how the bankruptcy is written and how it should be applied.
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee met in November. Dr. Bryson informed them of the handicapped accessibility. Morton Hall will have an automatic door at the North Entrance. The Committee discussed the intellectual property issue. This is a closed issue for now. The general consensus was to work on individual cases as they come up. This was recommended by Mr. Gathings. The Committee looked into the Sponsored Programs and found now issues at this time. Dr. Leahy worked on the parking issue. The conclusion from the survey was to have equitable parking. The response from the survey was wide and varied but the majority who did want change wanted equity. The recommendation from the Committee and the Senate Executive Committee is for equitable parking at $25.00 for the first decal and $10 for additional decal with no effect on the UAH tag.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Hillman reported he attended the ACUFP meeting at UNA. He observed the important role of the smaller school and its service to education. We are fortunate. Others are hit hard with the failure of the tax amendment. We have a good solid relationship with Administration. Many do not have this.
Dr. Hillman reported in Leadership Huntsville they are working on the BRAC documentation. Overall this is a DoD initiative. We need a concerted effort of the community to prevent closure. The effect of the closure would be traumatic to Huntsville. There is a 10:1 ratio of civil to military employees. There is a great deal of training occurring there. Dr. Hillman would appreciate feedback on this issue.
Past President: No Report.
6. President Hillman adjourned the meeting at 1:35 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #455 (November 13, 2003)
ADSC Bryson
LBAR: Bollinger, Early, Meister, Martin, Wilkerson, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma, Jones
ENG: Leonard, Gaede, Pollock, Frendi
LIB: Moore
NUR: Lawson, Williamson, Newman, Warren
SCI: Boyd, Leahy, George, Amin, Newman, Hillman, Pakhomov
LBAR: Stewart, Enger
ENGR: Karr, Kulick
ADSC: Pendley, Wren
LBAR: Wray, Givens
ENGR: Smith
SCI: Christopher, Friedman, Ravindran
0. President Lloyd Hillman called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 454 were approved. Motion by Dr. Amin, seconded by Mr. Pollock.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz and Gary Smith gave Dr. Joan Williamson thanks, praise, and accolades for her work on the first amendment and her motivating way of working with the campus community to rally behind causes that benefit the campus community. Gary Smith shared a funny story regarding Dr. Williamson. Dr. Franz and Gary Smith presented Dr. Williamson with a picture of the Governor and her at the 2003 Summer Chillout. Dr. Williamson's husband was in attendance for the presentation. Dr. Williamson was speechless.
Dr. Franz apologized for missing several of the meetings this year. He reported everyone has worked hard and the university is in good shape. There is frustration because there is a desire to do something regarding salaries and salary increases but there is no way to do that at this time. There are many factors with which to contend. The three campuses have agreed there will be no general increases. People have worked hard and they should be rewarded. Enrollment is at an all time high. The Freshmen class is up, retention is up. If there is not an increase in the State's revenue there could be a 6-7% shortfall in the appropriation. We will work through the difficulties.
We are trying to move ahead with a third residence hall.
We are looking at some fraternity and sorority housing through a donor.
There was a question regarding the Governors' work on revenue for the State since the tax package failed. He has a Commission on Education Spending working on something. There should be a report in December.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
No Report.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Melinda Lawson reported the Committee is still looking at the Judicial Process and some standardized sanctions. The Committee is also still looking at Academic Misconduct. The Committee was asked to look at the Promotion and Tenure and Reappointment Process in view of Faculty Development.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the Faculty Appeals Committee elections were completed. The Governance and Operations Committee is now embarking on the University Standing Committees and looking at and evaluating them against a matrix of criteria regarding their effectiveness and importance. Dr. Williamson reports the Committee will be talking to the VPs and the President regarding what should be done in streamlining and governing. The Committee is also looking at the possibility of a Calendar Committee to look at dates and issues. Currently there is no direct faculty involvement in planning. Some dates are dictated by surrounding conditions.
Dr. Williamson reported there had been some inquiry from outside UAH regarding the process for starting a faculty organization. There is a process that works through theFaculty Senate. The Committee will determine whether there is a need for something directly addressing this in the Faculty Handbook.
5. Personnel: Dr. Wren was not present but someone from the Committee reported the Committee is addressing many issues and they will meet next week. Dr. Hillman has asked the Committee to look at the makeup and procedures in the Faculty Handbook regarding Promotion and Tenure and Reappointment.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reported the Committee met and approved a Global Studies Cognate and a Jazz area of emphasis.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Pakhomov reported the Committee met on October 31 and considered three issues. 1) The Distinguished Speakers Series: The Committee approved five proposals and funded them all. 2) Dr. Bryson is working with Mike Finnegan on handicapped access to various buildings. 3) The Committee solicited opinions from the faculty regarding the parking inequity issue. The deadline for the responses was Wednesday. The Committee will prepare a report for the next Executive Committee Meeting.
Dr. Hillman suggested the Committee work on advertising the speaker series university wide to maximize the attendance. Peggy will check on the possibility of preparing a brochure to advertise all the speakers.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Hillman reported he attended the Board of Trustees meeting at UA. He reported the President of UA in his Institutional Presentation emphasized their active recruiting. They have involved the Student Government President. They have produced a CD with a movie. They also presented some interesting statistics on student involvement in fraternities and sororities and their ties to the University through Alumni participation, etc.
Dr. Hillman reported he is involved in a Leadership Course and their have been discussions about the impact of the Tax Package failing. It has a serious effect on the judicial system and rehab programs. There is definitely a ripple effect due to the failure of the amendment.
Dr. Hillman announced he will be attending the ACUFP meeting Friday and Saturday at UNA.
Past President: No Report.
6. President Hillman adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #454 (October 23, 2003)
ADSC: Pendley, Bryson, Wren
LBAR: Bollinger, Early, Meister, Martin, Wray, Wilkerson, Reeves, Neuschatz
ENG: Leonard, Gaede, Pollock, Kulick, Karr, Frendi
LIB: Moore
NUR: Lawson, Williamson, Newman, Warren
SCI: Boyd, Leahy, Amin, Ravindran, Hillman
LBAR: Stewart, Enger, Givens
SCI: Friedman, Newman
LBAR: Brunsma
ENGR: Smith, Tippett
SCI: Christopher, George, Pakhomov
0. President Lloyd Hillman called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 453 were approved. Motion by Mrs. Lawson, seconded by Dr. Leahy.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz was not present.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported on two items. He distributed copies of a Retroactive Withdrawal Policy Process change and explained the change. He distributed a copy of theDistinguished Professor Process. He explained this was a resolution from the Faculty Senate that has now been approved. This process is now in the Faculty Handbook.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Melinda Lawson distributed a modified version of a form that was approved at the last meeting. When it was sent forth to Mr. Rieder for approval he requested some changes. The form distributed today has those changes incorporated.
Ms. Lawson reported the Committee will meet October 30 in the Nursing Building.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee met and is receiving the University Faculty Appeals Committee election ballots. The Committee will meet October 30 and count the votes.
5. Personnel: Dr. Wren reported the Committee is working on seven or eight issues. He reported the top three items the Committee is considering is adding the sexual orientation to the discrimination policy, faculty dating students policy, and a career path for the non-tenure earning positions..
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reported the Committee met and discussed a couple of approval forms. Math is adding a recitation session to a course. They are adding hours but not credit. The Committee will meet October 30 in the Engineering Building to discuss a Jazz emphasis area. The Committee is also looking at better communication when changes are made that may affect more than one area.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
8. Finance and Resources: Dr. Pakhomov was out of town. Dr. Leahy reported in Dr. Pakhomov's absence. Dr. Leahy reported the Committee met on October 9 and considered several items. Intellectual Property Policy was one of the items considered. There is no fixed policy. Ownership is established on a case by case basis. Faculty and Staff assign ownership to the University. Patents are sometimes sought when there is no benefit to the University. Should this be discussed at the Graduate Council?Should there be something in the beginning of the student relationship. When the student and advisor begins the discussion process maybe there should be something about this issue included. It was pointed out this is in the Graduate School Manual. Unless someone brings this up to the student, the student may not know about it. We will continue to study this. Students need to be aware of there is a process.
Dr. Leahy reported there was some discussion regarding faculty and staff parking. There was discussion of having separate faculty and staff parking. There was some discussion regarding zoned parking areas for a more expensive price. There was some discussion regarding the possibilities of some polls and ideas. The cost for the zoned parking was recommended in the Committee discussions to be $100 but a margin of the Senate felt this was too expensive. The Senate was polled regarding the desire for status quo and zoned parking. Many other ideas were discussed.
Dr. Leahy announced the Distinguished Speakers Series has been announced. The Committee will be reviewing proposals. Preference will be given to departments that do not have funding. October 29 is the deadline for proposals and the dates are from September 1 2003 to May 2004 and September 2004. There will be no speakers in the summer. There may be a second set of awards possible.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Hillman reported he attended an SGA meeting. Their focus is on the student quality of life. They are looking at an organization just for housing. If it goes through the SGA it has to be open to all students as opposed to those from housing. They are looking at remodeling the bookstore, and seeking student input for this. Dr. Hillman reported Dr. Karr and he attended a Staff Senate meeting. They are looking at a sick leave donation policy.
Past President: No Report.
6. Improving Student Faculty Relations (Heather Madry from the SGA)
Heather introduced herself and talked about her service as Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee. The goal is to improve relations and communications with Professors/faculty.She asked the faculty to email her with ideas. She discussed a sponsorship with upperclassmen and freshmen. She asked the faculty to tell students about the Writing Center and theCounseling Center, etc. She stated she would like to work with the faculty. She asked the faculty please send her ideas, complaints, etc. to heather494@aol.com. The more feedback she received the more that can be done.
Dr. Hillman stated to Heather he is concerned with retention and recruiting students. He asked her to let him know of issues or problems with these areas. He asked for feedback and input regarding the NC grade. He would like to know what the students would like to see. He asked if the P grade is doing what it should at midterm.
Dr. Radonovich asked to have a meeting with Heather and others on campus to check the status of computers on campus.
7. President Hillman adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #453 (September 25, 2003)
ADSC: Bryson
LBAR: Givens, Early, Martin, Wilkerson, Reeves, Brunsma
ENG: Leonard, Gaede, Pollock, Tippett, Karr, Frendi
LIB: Moore
NUR: Lawson, Williamson, Newman, Warren
SCI: Leahy, Amin, Newman, Ravindran, Hillman, Pakhomov
LBAR: Bollinger, Enger
ENGR: Kulick
SCI: Friedman
ADSC: Pendley, Wren
LBAR: Stewart, Meister, Wray, Neuschatz
ENGR: Smith
SCI: Christopher, Ng, George
0. President Lloyd Hillman called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 452 were approved. Motion by Mrs. Lawson, seconded by Mr. Pollock.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported we have not made public the information regarding the cuts because the Legislature is still in session and we need to know what will happen there before taking any other actions. This is also the reason for the interim budget passed by the Board last week. Dr. Franz stated we have experienced a real cut of about $1Million dollars because we are not having to pay for the retirees through our own budget and not through anything transferred in. The Governors proposed budget has passed both the House and Senate. The other campuses are more affected by line item cuts. We saw a major cut in the supercomputer line item. Over all education was protected both K-12 and Higher Education. As far as next year there was a great deal of one time money used to balance the budget this year and that money will not be there next year. The hope is they will do something that will bring more revenue.
Dr. Franz stated he is still dedicated to do something about salaries although it will not be much.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich was not present.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Melinda Lawson distributed a form that was originally attached to a bill last year that is back with the Committee for more work. The form is needed for reporting purposes and does not have to be attached to the bill. The Committee made a modification to the form to detach it from the bill and presents it today for the endorsement of the Faculty Senate. There was a question of whether the form complies with the Student Code of Conduct with the block added at the top to include the Chair and Dean in the process. Melinda reiterated this form is for reporting purposes. She stated Toni Morgan was at the meeting. Dr. Reeves moved, seconded by Dr. Gaede that the Senate endorse the form for reporting purposes. The vote was unanimous to endorse the form and request it be put on line for use by faculty.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Hillman asked the Committee Members to stay after the Faculty Senate meeting to elect a Chair for the Committee so they can begin work..
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee will meet on October 9 at 12:30 p.m. in the Nursing Building to look at various issues. One thing they will look at is the possibility of a State Advocacy Committee.
5. Personnel: Dr. Wren was not present but a Committee Member reported the Committee will meet October 9 to discuss issues that have been presented to them.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Gaede reported the Committee will meet October 9.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Reeves reported the Committee met and had a lengthy discussion regarding calculators and their use in various classrooms. The Senate Executive Committee discussed this and decided it was an issue better dealt with in the Colleges of Science and Engineering since they are the colleges primarily affected by this. The Committee will gather data regarding the NC grades. One suggestion the Committee has received is to have course strikes instead of NC and Course Repeat.They Committee will also investigate the possibility of a policy for missing classes for university functions. Dr. Reeves invited any ideas or comments regarding these issues.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Hillman reported he attended the Board of Trustees meeting. The Board passed an interim budget. The most contingent parts of the meeting had to do with sports. The meeting was interesting. Dr. Hillman reported he was able to meet Board Members who agreed to help any way they could. He reported this also gave an opportunity for him to talk with sister campus Senate Presidents and Student Government Presidents. They will visit each campus and work together as a team on various issues. The Board approved the Shelby Building except they were not happy that the Architect is not an Alabama Company.
Past President: No Report.
6. Information from Ray Pinner
Ray Pinner was present to share information regarding the budget. He reported the Board approved last Friday a contingency budget for the University. This means we are at the same level we are at this year. We just continue as we are until the Legislature passes a budget then the Board will meet again to approve the budget for 2003/04. We are currently operating on a carry forward basis. We have planned based on the original cut the Governor proposed with the 6.2% cut. We were prepared to go to the Board with that budget handling the cuts with a tuition increase and enrollment growth over the past few years. We reallocated internally and avoided reductions and cuts to the accounts. The cuts were about $2.5Million. The House and Senate have passed a similar version of the budget. They will do something today or tomorrow and we can probably expect something for the Governor to sign by October 3. Mr. Pinner reported some of the information in the media has been misleading. Some of the stories make it look like we have a slight increase over last year. Some items have been shifted that make it look that way but in reality we have less. The PHIP is shifted to the university and this is about $750,000. They cut the supercomputer which is about $200-400,000. They also shifted the ATTNET which is $55,000. They also increased the employer contribution to Teacher's Retirement and this cost about $500,000. We are funding additional health insurance at about $300,000 and the Liability Insurance for the University has gone up. This is being handled through a System pool. It is going up about 20-30%. This is a slice of $1.5-2Million.
There was a question regarding how things look for next year. Mr. Pinner stated we may have more problems because the State is using one time monies to prop the budget this year. We need to find ways to increase the revenue for the State.
There was a suggestion to publicize the budget and the effects of the cuts, etc. Mr. Pinner stated that is a good idea and they will work on doing that once the budget are finalized and passed.
7. President Hillman adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #452 (August 28, 2003)
ADSC: Pendley, Bryson, Wren
LBAR: Jones, Givens, Bollinger, Meister, Waring, Martin, Wray, Wilkerson, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENG: Smith, Leonard, Gaede, Pollock, Tippett, Karr, Frendi
LIB: Moore
NUR: Newman, Warren
SCI: Leahy, George, Amin, Newman, Hillman, Pakhomov
LBAR: Enger, Early
ENGR: Kulick
NUR: Lawson, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Ng, Friedman, Ravindran
0. President Lloyd Hillman called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 451 were approved. Motion by Dr. Karr, seconded by Dr. Reeves
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Dr. Karr, seconded by Dr. Leahy.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz opened the floor for questions and reinforced some of Gary Smith's comments regarding the upcoming vote on the Governor's tax package. Dr. Franz stated that if the tax package does not pass and we are still looking at the 6.2% cut the administration does not plan to have any layoffs or salary reductions. We will try to balance with the modest increases that have occurred in tuition and enrollment and the fact that we have been conservative. He stated it will be very difficulty to have salary increases.
He reported the freshman class is up and enrollment is up.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich was not present.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: The Committee will meet next week.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Hillman announced the Faculty and Staff Senate Reception at the Lowe House on Saturday evening and encouraged all to attend.
Past President: No Report.
6. Presentation by Gary Smith
Gary read from a letter from a medical doctor which gave a different scenario of what the effects might be of not passing the tax package. He encouraged the group to research information and then vote on the truth. He encouraged the group not to believe the negative publicity and the lies that are being propagated. He reported the revenues are up about percent which is about $16M not the $111M that is being reported. He stated we could end up with less revenue than we had last year. Gary reported the opponents to the plan are outspending us 3 to 1. They have a great deal more money than we do.
7. President Hillman adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #451 (April 24, 2003)
ADSC: Pendley, Floyd, Wren
LBAR: Stewart, Givens, Bollinger, Early, Meister, Waring, Martin, Wray, Wilkerson, Reeves, Neuschatz
ENG: Smith, Gaede, Fork, Kulick, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Redmon, Williamson, Newman, Warren
SCI: Leahy, George, Gebauer, Amin, Ravindran, Hillman
ENGR: Pollock
SCI: Ng, Newman
ADSC: Schnell
LBAR: Goodson-Espy, Enger, Brunsma
ENGR: Toutanji, Hawk, Frendi
NUR: Reisenwitz, Stanfield
SCI: Christopher, Johnson, Etzkorn, Miller, Friedman, Pakhomov
0. President Stephen Waring called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting Number 450 were approved. Motion by Dr. Gaede, seconded by Ms. Redmon.
2. Senate Executive Committee Reports accepted. Motion by Ms. Redmon, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
3. President Franz's Report.
Dr. Franz reported we had a good Board Meeting. There were good remarks from Dr. Waring. He reported there has been a good job by the Senate this year.
Dr. Franz reported there have been some strange things occur in the Legislature. We are defeating them one by one. He reported the Legislature is at an impass. They are waiting for the Governor to bring forth ideas. There will probably be a special session. We have been prudent to protect those things that are important. We would like to have a reasonable budget.
Dr. Franz reported admissions are up and the Residence Halls are scheduled to be filled.
4. Dr. Radonovich's Report.
Dr. Radonovich reported t he WEB CT is changing. We are expanding it this fall.
Dr. Radonovich reported Pugh introduced a bill declaring a moratorium on all new degree programs in the State until we have appropriate funding. We are opposing this because there are no exceptions. We need to be able to provide what is necessary to meet needs.
Dr. Radonovich reported Math has proposed a 200 level course to match the rest of the State.
Dr. Radonovich thanked Dr. Waring for his leadership and stated it has been a productive year.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Reeves reported the Committee will oversee the elections of University Standing Committee Memberships and the ratification of Senate Officers and Senate Committees.
5. Personnel: No Report
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Gaede reported the Campus Planning Committee met and discussed a new parking lot across from the Fitness Center.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Waring reported the Library is supplying tech support for Turnitin.com. They will also have it up on a web page. The writing center is providing pedagogical information. The Provost is supporting a graduate student to work on this. We will have trial users this summer. If some are willing to try it please send Dr. Waring an email. Dr. Waring will send an email in the next few days announcing it is available in the fall. We will have an orientation session in the summer and fall.
Dr. Waring presented a Sense of the Senate Resolution Thanking Peggy Bower. Dr. Waring read the touching and witty resolution aloud and received a strong endorsement from the Faculty Senate. The resolution will be framed and presented to Peggy and a copy will be retained in the Senate Minutes.
Past President: No Report.
6. Senate Bill 298: PF for Academic Misconduct (Second Reading)
Dr. Waring introduced the bill. He explained the Faculty Handbook speaking to the bill and rights for it. Grading policies emerged and made an unforeseen impact on Professors ability to establish conduct and apply penalties. The goal of this bill is to establish a permanent F. This supersedes other policies. We want to have the F appear on the transcript discreetly. We do not want to call attention to it but have internal notes so that it will not be removed. It was reported Scott Verzyl pointed out problems with the system and an F with an asterisk. Scott also raised other information related to the bill such as withdrawals and special changes by the Administration to help students graduate.
There was some discussion of why we want this bill. What role does it play and how does it interact with the judicial system. There was some discussion regarding restoring academic power to the faculty.
There was a motion to table the bill. Call the question Dr. Gaede, seconded by Ms. Redmon. The vote to table the bill was 18 in favor and 9 opposed. The bill is tabled back to Committee.
7. Sense of the Senate Resolution: Senate Event and Lecture Fund
Dr. Waring explained the resolution. There was some discussion regarding who will use this fund. The vote for the resolution was unanimous.
8. University Standing Committee Memberships were elected. The Governance and Operations Committee will count the votes and report to Peggy.
9. Faculty Senate Committees met and elected a Chair and reported the name to Peggy.
10. The Faculty Senate Officers for 2003/04 were ratified unanimously.
11 President Waring adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #450 (March 20, 2003)
ADSC: Schnell, Floyd
LBAR: Stewart, Goodson-Espy, Early, Meister, Waring, Martin, Wray, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENG: Toutanji, Fork, Pollock, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Reisenwitz, Williamson, Stanfield
SCI: Ng, Amin, Etzkorn, Friedman
LBAR: Bollinger, Wilkerson
NUR: Redmon
ADSC: Wren, Pendley
LBAR: Brown-Givens
ENGR: Hawk, smith, Gaede
SCI: Christopher, Johnson,George, Miller, Hillman
0. President Stephen Waring called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Vice President Ray Pinner's Report:
Mr. Pinner distributed budget information and explained some of the details of that information. Mr. Pinner's information included budget sheets with additional sheets showing changes to the original budget. Other sheets included revenue sources, funding sources, efficiency studies for expenditures, credit hour comparisons, debt services, and overhead rate information.
Mr. Pinner took questions regarding underwater scholarships, and next year's budget. It was really too early to have a great deal of information on either of these topics.
There was also brief discussion regarding some of the support services on campus and the quality, etc. Mr. Pinner requested specifics and he will check into the problems.
2. Senate Bill 297: Distinguished Professor Selection Process: Dr. Williamson brought the bill to the floor. Dr. Williamson explained the background of the bill. The bill established a process for the nomination and selection of the Distinguished Professor. Dr. Waring reported on the number of Distinguished Faculty on campus and the areas they are from. The vote for the bill was unanimous and Faculty Senate President Waring declared the bill passed at third reading.
3. Draft Minutes of Meeting #449 were approved with corrections. Motion by D. Pollock, seconded by Dr. Goodson-Espy.
4. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Dr. Reeves, seconded by D. Pollock.
5. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz was attending a meeting in Birmingham.
6. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Karen Mack Clanton has been appointed Interim Director of Continuing Education. A search for a permanent replacement will be conducted in 2003/04.
A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: The Committee worked on the questions for Mr. Pinner. The Committee will follow-up.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Reeves reported the Committee is looking at the structure of the University Committees to determine appropriate faculty representation on the Committees.
5. Personnel: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee has a bill on the agenda today.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Waring reported Higher Education Day was last Thursday. There was a good turn out. There was a larger turn out that last year. There were about 2000 people. There were many distinguished speakers this timemore than last year. ACUFP held their meeting the same day. UAH is the leader in the political education and lobbying. ACUFP endorsed the resolution regarding tax reform. They are taking the petition and circulating it now. We have approximately 1500 names. We now need to go to the students and peripheral groups. We should get the petitions back by the third week in April.
Dr. Waring talked about the Council of Deans and Directors meeting that occurred Thursday morning. He reported they talked about the UAH website and were given sample web pages to review and make comments. They will ask for the process to be expedited. He reported Dr. Schnell proposed a change in the calendar for fall break at UAH to coincide with fall break in the Huntsville Schools. It was agreed this would be considered for the future; however, to do it for this fall would be problematic. The calendar for this fall has been set and too many items have already been set around the date.
Dr. Waring distributed some reappointment information and explained the change. The proposal is to change the beginning dates for the second through fifth year reappointment process in order to give the Department Committee, Chair, and Dean more time for review of the material. The Faculty Senate gave unanimous support for this change.
Dr. Waring asked Dr. Johnson to report regarding the BellSouth Program. This is a project to assist in minority success. It is called the BellSouth CGM-PLUS Project. It works in conjunction with AMP and OMA. There is not a great deal of money but it is a good program. The activities of this program are what colleges and department should be doing.
Past President: No Report.
8. President Waring adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #449 (February 27, 2003)
ADSC: Schnell, Floyd
LBAR: Stewart, Brown-Givens, Bollinger, Waring, Martin, Wray, Wilkerson, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Gaede, Pollock, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Williamson, Redmon
SCI: Johnson, Amin, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Friedman
ADSC: Pendley
LBAR: Goodson-Espy, Early
ENGR: Fork
NUR: Stanfield
ADSC: Wren
LBAR: Meister
ENGR: Hawk
NUR: Reisenwitz
SCI: Christopher, Ng, George, Miller, Hillman
0. President Stephen Waring called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #448 were approved with corrections. Motion by Dr. Gaede, seconded by Dr. Reeves.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Dr. Smith, seconded by M. Redmon.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz explained Dr. Radonovich's absence and what had been going on with Dr. Radonovich.
Dr. Franz reported UAH is sixth among the top schools for NASA funding.
Dr. Franz reported UAH men's and women's basketball teams are headed for the championship.
Dr. Franz talked about the campaign for Alabama Tax Reform/Enhancement lead by Bill O'Connor. They have met with the Leadership of Huntsville. They are trying to raise about $7M. They have raised about $5M in Birmingham and would like to raise another $2M in Huntsville and other areas of Alabama. It is necessary to do something to address the deficit.
Dr. Franz reported the stars are aligned, there has been money raised for lobbying, the key leaders are aligned, and the business community is aligned now for the possibility of tax reform. We need tax reform that addresses regression and structure. We want the entire State involved.
Dr. Franz reported there has been an interest to have the SIEs in the Library. There was a request to put them on the net. We are not going to put them on the net. We will have copies in the Library, the Deans offices, the Provost Office, Student Affairs, and Enrollment Services.
Dr. Franz reported they are working on some difficult issues right now. One of those is modification to the health insurance. This will not be dramatic but moderate. Dr. Franz will take the proposal to the Executive Committee once it is ready.
There was a question regarding trash on the campus--Dr. Franz will look into this.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
No Report.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon reported the Committee is looking at a bill providing for an "F" for Academic Misconduct.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Johnson reported the Committee met and Dr. Floyd is generating questions for the overview of Finances report by Mr. Pinner. The Committee is working to enhance the presentation given by Mr. Pinner. The Committee will poll the faculty to see if they have issues they want discussed.
The Committee is organizing the Faculty Resources Handbook. The Committee is updating the Handbook and identifying which organizations exist on campus of which faculty may take advantage. This will be completed soon.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Reeves reported the Committee is looking at the structure of the University Committees to determine appropriate faculty representation on the Committees.
5. Personnel: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee has a bill on the agenda today. The Committee looked at the Incentive Pay and reported to the Executive Committee and the President. There were 114 faculty who received incentive pay. There were 140 sections that had 38 or more--this was out of approximately 1400 sections which means only 10% are large sections. There was some concern expressed regarding rewarding quantity over quality, but this was never the intent.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Karr reported the Committee has met virtually and has taken care of all business to this point.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Gaede reported the Library Committee met and developed a contingency plan for cuts should they occur. The plan was distributed to Chairs to review in case serials had to be cut. The Committee discussed turnitin.com. The campus will take part in a survey as to how the Library is used, etc. This will be sent to everyone soon.
Dr. Gaede reported the University Women's Club raised about $1400 to $1500 for scholarships at their recent silent auction.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Waring reported he made a presentation to the Deans regarding turnitin.com. He met with the University Legal Counsel. They have entered negotiations with the company. He reported he received a draft contract from Mr. Woodward today. Turnitin.com has agreed to some changes. The Library will provide staff support (Belinda Yong) for the web page interface between UAH and turnitin.com. The information is positive and we anticipate using it in the fall. Dr. Waring reported he met the Chief Information Officer for the University of California at Santa Barbara and they are using tunitin.com. They did some studies and found that faculty members who put the use of turnitin.com on their syllabi had almost no incidences of plagiarism.
Dr. Waring reported he attended the Board meeting and it was uneventful. He announced that in the Board Administrative Report it was noted that Dr. Franz was named the AAAS Fellow.
Dr. Waring announced Higher Education Day March 13, 2003, and reminded people to sign up for a ride on the bus. He encouraged faculty to give excused absences for students who want to attend.
He announced that there is a possibility for tax reform. He mentioned the petitions and asked for volunteers for the Hockey and Basketball games regarding getting the petitions signed.
Past President: No Report.
7. Senate Bill 295: Elimination of "P" Grade on Midterm Progress Reports: Dr. Smith introduced the bill and gave some background information on it. The students want better feedback at midterm. There was some question of the definition of a passing grade. If a professor gives a "P" with a borderline C/D, will the student succeed in the course? 85 to 95% of the professors give grades already. This is not a big change.
There was some reluctance expressed to giving grades at the point of midterm grades.
It was suggested that if faculty members explain to students what the "P" means it should be allowed.
There was some discussion regarding whether we are accomplishing anything with midterm grades? Or are we overburdening students with extra work early on?
Students wanted letter grades.
Some of the faculty want midterm grades later and so do the students.
It was explained that originally the grades were put forth because there were faculty who were not giving any material for grading prior to midterm.
Having letter grades for midterm allows for intrusive advising. Students need timely information. There was discussion that there was great disparity in the grades. In English there were 300 regular grades and 200 "P" grades.
We need to provide feedback to the students. We shouldn't mislead the students. There needs to be measurable parameters to advise students.
There was a question of academic freedom and pedagogical philosophy. It was stated there are exceptions possible for performance-based courses.
There was a question of the history of intrusive advising for helping students regarding midterm grades. It was stated the College advisors contact the students after the midterm grades are reported. It was reported the Senate just passed something much more intrusive regarding advising for students in academic difficulty.
It was stated the instructor should be the one helping and advising the students in their particular course. Advisors have to ascertain why the student is not doing well. They instruct the student on what to do. This may involve talking with the instructor.
It was stated sometimes the grades are better at midterm than they will actually be at the end.
It was reiterated if students want feedback then we should give it to them.
There was some discussion regarding retention and the needs of the students. Students are sometimes self-deluding and an advisor needs data to use to properly advise them. The cohort is the freshmen who come in with an ACT of 25 or higher and we are losing them. Why? One reason is grades. We must get to the student in trouble before it is too late.
There was a question of what can we do to get students to monitor their own grades.
There was a suggestion of having the midterm grades on the web.
It was reported there are also orientation counselors continuing to work with students to encourage them to get help. They too will need grades and data to work from.
Dr. Wilkerson called the question.
The vote for the bill was 9 in favor and 18 opposed, with one abstention. The bill was defeated at second reading.
8. Senate Bill 297: Distinguished Professor Selection Process: Tabled to the next Senate Meeting. Motion by Dr. Gaede and Ms. Redmon.
9. Faculty Activity Report Form: Dr. Waring gave a brief history of the form and the changes to it. He reported Dr. Franz engineered a breakthrough. The new form includes a standardized CV. The Form is a one-year report and the CV is comprehensive. This is not perfect and will be a burden the first time. This form is more faculty friendly. Send any comments to change any part to Peggy.
There was a question of whether the evaluation form is part of the Faculty Activity Report Form. Yes, it is part of the FAR.
There was a question of whether the comprehensive CV is necessary. It is to the Deans and Chairs and for some accreditation purposes.
It was requested the faculty use this form experimentally this year and see how well it works.
10. President Waring adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #448 (February 6, 2003)
ADSC: Wren, Floyd
LBAR: Stewart, Brown-Givens, Goodson-Espy, Bollinger, Early, Meister, Waring, Martin, Wilkerson, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENG: Smith, Gaede, Pollock, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Williamson, Stanfield
SCI: Johnson, Etzkorn, Ravindran
ADSC: Pendley, Schnell
NUR: Redmon, Reisenwitz
SCI: Hillman, Friedman
LBAR: Wray
ENGR: Toutanji, Fork, Hawk
SCI: Christopher, Ng, George, Miller
0. President Stephen Waring called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #447 were approved. Motion by Dr. Gaede, seconded by D. Pollock.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
No Report.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
No Report.
5. Don Halverstadt's Report: Mr. Halverstadt reported Computer and Network Services has a five-year plan. It is a comprehensive plan. We received one quarter million dollars of Federal Aid for Security issues because of the Contracts and Grants the University is involved in. Dr. Greenwood obtained the grant. We have placed fiber cables around the campus. We now have a redundant loop. We are networking the Resident Hall directly to VBRH. Mr. Halverstadt reported they are using Packateers. We have two cache servers, and Internet I and Internet II. ARAN cannot reciprocate our service. When they upgrade we will better utilize the bandwidth. Mr. Halverstadt distributed security information. He reported they will use an authentication system with a Firewall. The firewall and authentication system will use various levels. Level one--no protection--same as now. These will be installed in CNS first--then by department. Mr. Halverstadt reported we will work out the bugs in this system in CNS before installing it elsewhere. We have not installed an authenticator yet. We will install it you will have to sign out so we will know who you are.This will involve a data warehouse.It will start in April. We can then generate reports from that. We will be working toward Conversion to Banner. We will be looking at wireless authentication. We are now pushing an E- billing system. We can then use E-check to pay and that will save money. There were some questions regarding site licenses for PGB. Mr. Halverstadt will look into this.
6. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No report.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Johnson reported the Committee met this week to address the questions regarding Mr. Pinner's address to the Senate.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Reeves reported the Committee is looking into how to get more faculty on the Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee and the restructure of some other Committees.
5. Personnel: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee is meeting Thursday and working on a process for the Distinguished Professor selection.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Karr reported the Committee is considering items and they hope to have them completed by next week.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: The Committee has bills on the agenda.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Waring reported Higher Education Day is March 13. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Dr. Wren suggested we encourage colleagues to excuse students who want to attend Higher Education Day.
Dr. Waring reported Dr. Portera is coming to give his presentation, that was cancelled in January, at an extra Senate meeting April 3, 2003.
Dr. Waring reported the Faculty Activity Report Form has seen the light of day. The President has worked out a draft to be used this year. It will go to the Personnel Committee for a review before the Senate Executive Committee acts on it.
There have been several administrative meetings and several have been cancelled. The Shelby Hall information is being discussed. There was an over subscription for the space so the Math Department will stay in Madison Hall for now.
There were some statements made by Portera at PARCA. This was sent to the Senate Executive Committee. Peggy will send it to the Faculty Senate. He was talking to Higher Education leaders and politicians and the Governor. Turitin.com--the Executive Committee has followed up on questions and concerns. We have gained administrative support. The Provost will provide money for the service. We are working toward a start time for fall 03. The Library will administer the service. We will get answers to the remaining questions. We do not have to buy software; we are simply subscribing to a service. It is useful outside Liberal Arts. The database is inclusive and comprehensive. We need to work out a set of standards and guidelines. If we use it, we should note that on our syllabus. The Committee will draft a model syllabus and some guidelines for using it. Dr. Waring asked that Senate members raise the issue in departments and colleges. Individuals can test it. Dr. Waring will make a presentation to the Deans. He will try to get in touch with the SGA President to talk to the SGA about it.
Past President: No Report.
7. Sense of the Senate Resolution for Tax Reform: Dr. Williamson and Dr. Gaede moved the bill to the floor. Dr. Waring reported the Senate Executive Committee had lunch with the Administration and Dr. Waring asked Gary Smith to write a resolution to send to the politicians. Gary had included the statistics of the tuition is up 43%, and Faculty Salaries are 17% below the norms, and the staff salaries are below norms. The State does not fully fund salaries in the colleges. Dr. Wilkerson called the question. The Resolution unanimously passed.
Dr. Williamson reported we want to tell the Legislature to do something that is fair with regard to tax reform. She reported we are planning to take a petition to the Legislature on Higher Education Day. We would like to ask you to sign your name and address. We will give a list to your Senator and Representative to say these are the voters in your district that want you to do something.
8. Senate Bill 295: Elimination of the "P" Grade on the Midterm Progress Report. Dr. Pollock and Dr. Stewart moved to table the bill.
9. Senate Bill 296: Program to Assist Students in Academic Difficulty: Dr. Smith and Gaede moved the bill to the floor. Dr. Smith explained the bill and the reasoning for the bill. There were some questions regarding the System and its ability in catching the difficult cases. It was reported this has been worked on and will continue to be worked on.The system now catches the NC grade problems. This is part of intrusive advising. The vote was 28 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstained. The bill passed at second reading. Due to the unanimous vote, the bill was administratively passed at third reading.
10. President Waring adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #447 (December 5, 2002)
ADSC: Wren, Pendley
LBAR: Brown-Givens, Bollinger, Early, Meister, Waring, Martin, Wray, Wilkerson, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENG: Smith, Gaede, Pollock, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Redmon, Reisenwitz, Williamson
SCI: Johnson, George, Etzkorn, Hillman.
ADSC: Floyd
ENGR: Fork
LBAR: Enger
NUR: Stanfield
SCI: Li, Miller, Ng, Ravindran, Friedman
LBAR: Stewart
ENGR: Toutanji, Hawk
SCI: Christopher
0. President Stephen Waring called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #446 were approved with corrections. Motion by D. Pollock.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
No Report.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich acknowledged receipt of a document regarding promotional increases for faculty. Dr. Radonovich reported he and Dr. Franz will be discussing it and will need more time to respond. He stated it will likely be approved in some form.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No report. The Committee is providing the turnitin.com presentation today.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Williamson reported there will be a meeting next Thursday in the Nursing Building.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Karr reported the Committee is considering about a million course changes for the new Catalog. He stated they plan to get them done by next week.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Smith reported the Committee met and considered four applications for readmission.
He discussed the bankruptcy policy and students working their way down a spiral. He discussed the bill regarding the course repeat deadline and that this bill was modified and will be presented at the next Executive Committee Meeting.
He stated the revised draft for the AAT will be presented at the next Executive Committee Meeting.
B. University Committees: Dr. Waring reported that Joan Williamson, Adriel Johnson, and he are serving on a Committee established to insure compliance with the Title VI Knight vs. Alabama court order. He stated the Senate would work out ways to assist with achieving the goals in this area.
It was announced the Library Committee will meet tomorrow, December 6, 2002.
It was announced the Graduate Curriculum Committee will meet next week.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: Dr. Hillman reported he and Dr. Waring attended the ACUFP Meeting. There were discussions regarding ACHE. ACHE is looking for input about setting directions and goals. Fifteen points were passed for faculty meeting input onto the Board. Distance Learning was discussed.
President: Dr. Waring reported he attended the Board Meeting in Tuscaloosa last month. Most of the issues were regarding Tuscaloosa. There was a $34.6 Million request for administrative software. There was a $38 million request for Alabama Athletics. Finances at UAH were approved. Restructuring and refinancing of old debt was approved. Highbay purchase was approved. Faculty of UA believe it is too much of a party school. They want to reduce binge drinking. UA wants mandatory attendance in 100 level courses. The faculty are resistant to this. UA approved raises for faculty for this year and the money is not in the budget. They are looking at reallocations. They want the money to come from central administration. They may have to leave vacancies open. The Student Representative from Tuscaloosa report they have spent much of the year's effort on access to grades and evaluations. They hired a contractor "Pick a Prof" used for compiling grade distributions.
Past President: No Report.
6. Ms. Redmon introduced Mr. Boyce and gave the reason for the presentation.
Mr. Joel Boyce, a graduate student in Liberal Arts, gave a presentation of "turnitin.com". It was discussed that plagiarism is a problem that needs to be addressed. Joel stated the turnitin.com site has student tools and educator tools. It defines plagiarism and provides resources. It helps the educator teach on plagiarism. It gives tips for assignments. It discourages plagiarism. The teacher or student may submit the paper. The individual receives an originality report within 24 hours. They also receive a similarity index report. There are direct source comparisons. A peer comparison can be created. You can check on the submission. The inbox is similar to the email. The files are similar to email folders. There are pull down menus. There is a list of students enrolled, when they submitted papers and how often they have submitted them. It also gives the student a receipt. You can submit in any form. Turnitin color-codes the similarities. It searches through the database for previously uploaded papers. The pros are that it is an educational device. It is a deterrent against plagiarism. Educators and students can use it. It provides information. The cons are that it is a punitive device. The criteria for evaluation of submission may be confusing and subjective. It does not evaluate non internal. Small sections of sentences may be incorrectly identified. All teachers must participate in order for the database to be effective. The web site does not search all web pages. Larger issues. How training for students and teachers. To what extent can students be assured teachers will use the web site fairly. How much authority will be invested in the technology. Is the diagnosis of the web site the final word?
Joel stated his should have student involvement before a decision is made. Dr. Waring disagrees. Dr. Waring also disagrees with the thinking that there is a gap in the academic misconduct process. Dr. Waring took a straw poll of how many faculty thought their department would use this and how many faculty thought they would use it if it were available. Several thought their departments would use it and many thought they, as individuals would use it.
7. President Waring adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #446 (October 31, 2002)
ADSC: Schnell, Wren, Pendley
LBAR: Stewart, Enger, Bollinger, Early, Meister, Waring, Martin, Wray, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENG: Toutanji, Gaede, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Redmon, Reisenwitz, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Johnson, Etzkorn, Hillman.
ADSC: Floyd
ENGR: Fork, Pollock
NUR: Stanfield
SCI: Li, Miller
LBAR: Givens, Wilkerson
ENGR: Smith, Hawk
SCI: Ng, George, Ravindran, Friedman
0. President Stephen Waring called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #445 were approved with corrections. Motion by Dr. A. Johnson, seconded by Dr. J. Williamson.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz was late due to his attendance at the Mayor's State of the City luncheon. He reported Mayor Spencer gave a good report.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported the decision has been made regarding the Deans and Directors being reviewed this time. Dr. Kirkpatrick and Dr. Luquire will be reviewed. The Director that was up for review is retiring so there will only be two deans reviewed this time
He reported the summer session problems reported at the last meeting are solvable and have been addressed.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon reported there will be a presentation regarding turnitin.com during the next Faculty Senate meeting and it will be opened to all faculty.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. A. Johnson reported the Committee continues to look at the Faculty Resources for the web and for a hardcopy. They are also looking at the Computer Security Issues. Mr. Halverstadt will give a presentation to the Executive Committee.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Reeves reported the results of the Faculty Appeals Committee Elections. The five newly elected members are Dr. Glenna Colclough, Dr. Stephen Floyd, Dr. Carolyn Sanders, Dr. John Severn, and Ms. Iris Warren.
5. Personnel: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee is working on a survey to send to the faculty in the spring regarding the supplemental pay. Ray Pinner has been invited to the next Committee Meeting. On November 22 the College of Nursing will be hosting a "Health Fair" and nursing students will be doing screenings and giving flu shots.The shots are $12.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Karr reported the Committee met and acted on 12 items. There were two new courses and ten changes. The Committee approved one new course and sent one back. The other items were passed.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Reeves reported the Graduate Council met on September 12. All graduate assistants now have health insurance. There is now a continuous registration policy. The Dissertation topic is now part of the qualifying exam. A new policy to meet a SACSCOC criteria was discussed. There was reinstatement of some students. A Nursing Teaching Certificate was discussed. The Committee revised the Graduate Handbook.
Dr. Karr reported the Honors Council met two weeks ago. They are seeking others to teach courses in Honors to diversify..
Dr. Waring reported the Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee met twice.
David Moore reported the University Judicial Board met and had an orientation and discussed the process for judicial matters.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: We will be having lunch with the Provost on Tuesday to discuss some issues.
President: Dr. Waring discussed his meeting with the Chancellor. The Chancellor discussed efficiencies. The Chancellor indicated his first priority is raising faculty and staff salaries. The Board is also committed to a recommendation for tuition increases. The Board wants to know more about the campuses. The information requested is mostly what we already collect. It is a performance report. The Chancellor reports this is a hands on Board
Dr. Waring reported TGIF of a sort is reinstated. Advancement agreed to support Finally Friday.
Past President: No Report.
6. Sense of the senate Resolution: Speakers/Forums: Dr. A. Johnson brought this resolution to the floor. Dr. Williamson seconded it. Dr. Waring explained the resolution.UAH has no central fund for guest speakers and academic forums. The Alumni Association is raising funds for guest speakers and lecturers. They have raised ~$3000 to date for a lecture series. We wanted to give them a pat on the back and prod the Administration to continue this and support it. There was some discussion regarding the benefit. There was some discussion regarding the need for administrative help for these kinds of things. It was suggested that we look at coordinating this. The vote was 29 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions.
7. Delois Smith: Mrs. Smith came dressed as a student. She read a list of questions Dr. Waring had given her before the meeting. She asked for anyone to indicate a question they had particular interest in and she would address it.
She addressed her main goals for the next year. The students want the social atmosphere improved. They want to see more happen on campus. We have increased the SGA budget. We have increased the ACE budget. Fall Fest was a great success. This is essential for retention. Another goal is leadership development of students. We want to help students become world citizens. We want them to make a contribution to the U.S. and the World. We want them to be service oriented, help others.
We want you to be aware of students changing and we want to help assist you to understand and interact. We want to deal with students before they get to the classroom with problems. Want early intervention with problem students. Dr. Johnson is currently working on a program for early intervention for students with problems. This is not in place across campus yet. It will be submitted to the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee. The way faculty can help is to assure the students you are approachable. Show them you care about them. Report problems to Mrs. Smith's office. Look for things unusual. Talk about programs--know where they can get help. Tell them. Access/Availability.
Someone suggested Mrs. Smith might team with the The Chamber on leadership programs. Mrs. Smith talked about a program where the students give up spring break and train for a week to work with Habitat for Humanity or the homeless. Someone mentioned the Alpha Chi Omega organization, which is a service organization. Mrs. Smith will check into this.
Mrs. Smith discussed NC grades briefly. She mentioned the difficulty in spotting a student with several NC grades. She stated she could not address other issues regarding NC grades.
She addressed the issue of whether there are gaps in the Academic Misconduct process. There is a hearing process. Having faculty more adept in a particular area is important. If faculty not adept in particular area sanctions may not be as appropriate. We are working on that issue. The process is strategic, organized and structured. Sanctions need to be appropriate. We must follow due process. It works well but we can do better to have faculty adept in the particular area where the violation occurs. We appreciate faculty serving on this Committee because it can be time consuming.
Services offered to women students. Childcare. Student Affairs works with students. You can call the preschool and identify yourself as a UAH student and acquire drop in childcare service. They need one-hour advance notice. The space is limited. Student Affairs also has a list of other places that will help students.
8. President Waring adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #445 (October 10, 2002)
ADSC: Schnell, Wren, Pendley
LBAR: Givens, Enger, Early, Meister, Waring, Martin, Wray, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENG: Toutanji, Gaede, Pollock, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Redmon
SCI: Johnson, Ng, George, Li, Etzkorn, Hillman, Ames.
ADSC: Floyd
ENGR: Fork
NUR: Stanfield, Williamson, Reisenwitz
SCI: Loo, Miller, Friedman, Ravindran
LBAR: Wilkerson
ENGR: Smith, Hawk
SCI: Christopher
0. President Stephen Waring called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #444 were approved.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz apologized for being late and he apologized to Dr. Heaven for having to miss his presentation. He was in a meeting of the NSSTC Board and has to return to that meeting.
Dr. Franz reported regarding the future funding, salaries, etc. He reported he met with the Chancellor a few days ago to discuss issues regarding UAH. Dr. Franz reported we do not know who will be elected as Governor. We do not, as a State, have anything in place for immediate relief. We got through this year but the State shifted debts to next year. Collections are down. There is a good chance we will get through this year without proration because of the "Proration Prevention Fund". If we use this year to do real tax reform to fix the problem, we can then put it before the people the following year. There is hope.
Dr. Franz stated there may not be as much interest regarding reallocation where we are concerned as the other schools. Tuscaloosa's salary increase was done with one time money. They will have to reallocate. We have used enrollment and tuition increase. We are skeletal. We have done some things ahead of the curve. We have increased enrollment and had tuition increase. We are protecting the increase in tuition. This fall we had good retention and recruitment. Credit goes to the Faculty Senate and to the Departments. Enrollment is up about 4.7% in credit hours and 4.3% in headcount. He stated retention is still very important. He wants to see this increase happen again.
Dr. Franz reported he was sorry to see numbers published regarding percentages of salary increases. This tends to upset people. The 5.2% published for UAH was not the average, it was the median. All faculty and staff were lumped together. Because we have a large number of low paid people we put the $500 plus the percentage increase. The goal was to help the lowest paid people.
Dr. Franz emphasized how it is very important that everyone vote this year.
Dr. Franz reported he has shared a skeleton plan for the Shelby Building. He would like the Executive Committee to advise him on how to proceed with discussions--whether through the Faculty Senate or a general Faculty meeting/discussion. He stated we are not restricted but he needs guidelines. Further input is welcome.
Dr. Franz reported there will be a dedication of the Residence Hall in late October or November.
He reported the new Charger Cage is doing great.
Dr. Franz reported he is glad to see the increase in bikes on campus.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported the Board of Trustees voted to approve the degree revocation recommended by UAH. This was a degree issued in 1997 from the ECE Department. This was the first degree revocation for us and the first in the System. In 1998 the advisor brought evidence of plagiarism. Dr. McManus investigated this and had the Graduate Dean investigate it.There was an analysis done and found there was extensive plagiarism and the student did not meet the originality requirement. The student is out of the country. When Dr. Radonovich came on board this was not fully dealt with. He went to the Faculty Appeals Committee and selected members from the Committee. An advocate for the student was selected. Charges were brought by the Graduate Dean. The Committee functioned well and did a great job. The provided a unanimous recommendation that there was plagiarism and the student had failed to meet the originality requirement. The Provost studied the material and came to the same conclusion. Dr. Franz agreed with the recommendation. Dr. Franz sent a letter to the Board.The Board approved the recommendation at the last meeting. There is a process in place to investigate and it works well. There have been two changes in the graduate procedures to try to prevent this from happening in the future. There will be spring progress reports for all dissertation students. There will be an outline of the dissertation requirements as part of filing the program of study. There may be other changes and recommendations as a result of this. We should have this complete by the end of the current semester.
Dr. Radonovich reported we had an outstanding summer session. We beat last summer by a substantial amount. All colleges will receipt rewards.
There was a question regarding the shift in the summer session to the 10-week and two 5-week sessions. Some concern was expressed for the reduction in the number of evening slots and the inconvenience to students this is causing. ECE and Computer Science expressed concern for not having the same number of evening slots at the right times and inconveniencing students who need to take the class after work or the part-time instructor who needs to teach after work. Dr. Radonovich explained we had a summer schedule unlike anyone else and it caused problems for student and caused us to lose students because of the incompatibility of the schedule. This schedule is more like others. Dr. Radonovich stated he would ask Dr. Johnson to call the ECE and Computer Science Departments to work on this problem.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon deferred until later in the meeting when she will introduce Senate Bill 293 at third reading.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Reeves reported the Committee met and is investigating the Women's Resource Center. They are also looking at Committees and the Degree Revocation Procedure.
5. Personnel: It was reported the Committee has not met since the last meeting but they are working on items for the next meeting, which will occur next week.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Karr reported the Committee approved four courses. Two of the courses were new Geography courses in a Geography sequence that will be housed in Political Science. This is required for Teacher Certification. There were also two Psychology Courses approved.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Gaede reported the Bookstore Advisory Committee met. They are preparing for the Senior Salute coming up. They have sold more books this year than before. They have a new process where they will pull the books for your class and hold them for you if you contact them.
Dr. Gaede reported the Campus Planning Committee met and discussed the preliminary plans for the discussions and planning for the Applied Sciences Building.
Dr. Waring reported the Faculty Appeals Committee is working on strengthening the procedures in the Graduate Handbook as a result of the degree revocation.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Waring reported he attended the Board of Trustees meeting. Most of it is routine business. Often important matters are reported. Dr. Waring highlighted some of the information reported.
One report was from the Graduate Dean. He chairs the Graduate Education Committee for all the Graduate programs in the State. The Committee has developed a new brochure. Four Fifths of all graduates live and work in Alabama. Four fifths of all applicants are from Alabama.
The System Management Production Lab became the System Management Production Center.
UAH is discussing debt restructuring. Bonds are being refinanced.
Dr. Waring reported he networked with fellow Faculty Senate Presidents. Tim Heaven from UAH is here today as a result of that. It has been arranged for the three Faculty Senate Presidents to have lunch with the Chancellor.
The Chancellor gave an address and outlined an ambitious agenda for the coming year. He believes there will not be proration for the coming year but the year following could be difficult. His top priority is faculty salaries. He talked about the usual means of increasing funds. He expressed strong support for the PAC. He is working on a plan to achieve more efficiency in the System. He is conducting a system wide benefits package study. He proposed a system wide energy study. He talked about productivity of faculty and release time. He talked about a reallocation study in relation to staff. He discussed the new technology, etc. and the possibility of cutting staff cost. His goal would be a smaller staff that would be better paid.
Dr. Waring distributed the voter's guide for 2002. This is important information. The candidates endorsed by the PAC are available at HEP page.
Dr. Waring reported the Finance and Resources Committee has been looking into making a Faculty Resources Handbook available in a printed form and on our website. Dr. Waring in following up on this discovered there is a Committee led by Gary Smith that is working to improve the UAH web site. The New Web site will be like the University of Houston website.
Dr. Waring reported he has been working on getting the TGIF reinstated. The Administration wants to do this. We will try to bring it back in a less frequent form.
Dr. Waring recommended we have a Faculty Member on the Calendar Committee.
Past President: No Report.
6. Senate Bill 293: Honor Statement with Friendly Amendment (Third Reading)
Dr. Redmon reported Senate Bill 293 is back at third reading. She thanked the Committee for their work. She talked with people. It was determined the only thing most students have in common is the application form. They talked about orientation but not all students participate in that. They talked about web registration but that is not feasible because it would require changes to the software and we have a clause in our contract that will not allow us to do that. Dr. Redmon read the changes including the friendly amendment. Dr. Redmon moved the bill to the floor seconded by Dr. Schnell. Dr. Waring explained the reasoning for the change and the handling of the bill. Having the information on the web will help. The Writing Center has information to help. Dr. Gaede made a friendly amendment to change "with" in line 27 to "in". There was some discussion regarding where the forms would stay if a professor asked the student to sign these in his or her class. It was stated the forms should reside with the Professor. The Application forms will reside in Student Affairs. Dr. Gaede called the question. The vote for the bill was 32 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at third reading and will be forwarded to the Administration for action.
7. Tim Heaven (UAB Faculty Senate President): Dr. Heaven talked about UAB's new President. He stated she has previous experience as a student and a faculty member. He stated she is very energetic, and has a pleasant personality. They are excited about here. She has been to some meetings. They are currently looking at the health insurance issues. They have had three options at UAB in the past. Next year t hey will have two options. VIVA and Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Their BC/BS is about $465 a month. The VIVA HMO is more popular because it is less expensive. They have been in business since 1995 and they are making money.
Dr. Heaven reported they are trying to save money and they are trying to get faculty salaries up.
He reported Watson Brown spoke at the September meeting. They are trying to keep the football team going. They have to get support from Drummond and Thompson.
He reported they need to increase the graduate student population. They are trying to enhance the stipend level to attract the best students.
They are currently working on revising the Faculty handbook. The Faculty Affairs Committee is looking at it and making recommendation for revisions.
The VP for Planning and Advancement gave a report that showed the production of the faculty and the faculty salaries. He looked at the expenditures from the State. We are not optimistic about state funds and we are looking to find ways to bring money from other sources. This may require more from the faculty so we have to look at the productivity and enhancing it.
He talked briefly about PAC activity. He reported on the Blazer PAC folding into the UASPAC. He reported he had the people from the HEP speak to the Faculty Senate.
8. President Waring adjourned the meeting at 2:05 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #444 (September 12, 2002)
ADSC: Schnell, Wren
LBAR: Stewart, Givens, Enger, Bollinger, Meister, Waring, Martin, Wray, Wilkerson, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENG: Gaede, Pollock, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Redmon, Williamson, Reisenwitz, Bonilla
SCI: Li, Etzkorn, Hillman, Ames.
ADSC: Floyd, Pendley
NUR: Stanfield
SCI: Miller, Friedman, Ravindran
LBAR: Early
ENGR: Smith, Toutanji, Hawk
SCI: Christopher, Johnson, Ng, Loo, George
0. President Stephen Waring called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #443 were approved. Motion by Rhonda Gaede, seconded by Melinda Redmon.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Laurel Bollinger.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported the students are moving into the new residence hall. There will be a dedication service in late October. Two wings yet to complete and once those are complete we can have the dedication ceremony. Dr. Franz reported the new facility is beautiful.
Dr. Franz reported enrollment is good. He stated we are putting out a press release. We are up about 4.7% in credit hours and the headcount is up about 4.3%. This is due to recruiting efforts and retention efforts.
The Charger Cafe is looking good. The patronage is up about 35%.
Dr. Franz stated he will send a skeletal outline of the Shelby building out soon for discussion.
Dr. Franz reported on two incidents that occurred on campus and the actions regarding those incidents.
Dr. Franz stated we do have a new VPSA--Ms. Delois Smith.
4.Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported we have a new Director of the Honors Program, Dr. Jerry Mebane.
Dr. Radonovich spoke about the changed to the math curriculum. He stated there have been difficulties for about ten years. Many of our programs have need of math skills. The individuals need to move sequentially in the math courses. A new course of Math 115 has been established. It is a four credit-hour course. We have offered two three credit-hour courses for many years. We will continue to offer those courses but they will be changed. This MA 115 four credit hour course will offer three hours of lecture and two hours of recitation. This is a computer-based course with software for pre-testing, quizzes, and helps. The students may work at any computer. The software identifies where the student needs work. The exams can be conducted at the workstation as well. Tutoring is also available. MA 119 and 121 will still be offered but will use the same text and computer software as 115. MA 119 and 121 will be offered as three-hour courses with three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation.
A new placement test is also being used. It is web based and a smart exam. The time may vary from one half to one hour. The exam starts at a level and works up or down depending on the skill and knowledge of the student.
Science and Engineering Faculty worked together to agree upon the contents and changes for these courses and exams. The math department has been very cooperative. This method should improve learning and satisfaction. All this will be fine tuned over time and we will examine other calculus courses and find the best way to achieve success.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon reported the Committee met last week to review the Honors Statement. They have some questions for the Senate Executive Committee and then they will see the bill through.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Reeves announced the Committee will meet next week.
5. Personnel: Dr. Williamson reported the Committee met last week and decided some of the things they will look at this year. Some of the items will be dealt with in cooperation with other Committees. They will look at salaries, the Wellness Center, years of service and interrupted service, resignation procedures. The Committee will have some bills soon.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Karr announced the Committee will meet next week in Tech Hall.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: The Alliance will meet next Friday at Moms.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
Past President: No Report.
8. Information Exchange: Gary Smith
Gary Smith reported there is no proration this year. Next year, however, does not look so good. There are over $90M in corporate income tax refunds owed that the state is not paying. The debt will be carried into next year at 7% interest. The personal income tax is down. Those in the Governors' race are talking about 68,000 new jobs but they are not telling you about the 135,000 jobs that were lost. Many of those 68,000 are coming, they are not here yet. The textile industry is down. There is about a $100M drop in person income tax. There is a $10M deficit owed. The Stock Market problem caused a drop in the retirement assets. The retirement system lost over $1B. This will result in an increase in the state contribution. The state contribution will go up about 25% or $200M. PHIP is up about $70-80M. We will begin next year with a $50M deficit. This makes for a difficult year.
Gary stated it is our job is to go out as individuals and as a group and sell everyone on tax reform. Tax reform to make the system fair and generate new money for education. Gary read some questions from a survey. Many of the responses were favorable to education.
Gary stated we have one shot to work on tax reform. It needs to happen in March 2003. This is the first year of the quadrennium. This is strategically important. There is some talk of a special session in February for tax reform. The Higher Education Partnership is putting together a pamphlet. If we do not do something about tax reform, the future is grim for education. We can do it if we work together and sell the public. The sympathy is there. This will take Higher Education and K-12 working together.
What can you do to help? The Alliance is putting together a voter guide. Register to vote, get everyone else to register. Know the candidates. Know the issues. There was a survey form from the Higher Education Partnership compiled for the candidates. Individuals can get out and contact those not responding to this survey. The survey will be printed in the voters' guide. Get involved in campaigns. Call Gary if you need to know who needs help. Vote. We can make a difference. We played a large part in defeating Fob James.
Gary reports we are scheduling both gubernatorial candidates to come to campus.
Gary reported that The University of Alabama has taken blocks of time and brought candidates to campus to ask them questions. They are working through the candidates. We are thinking of doing that here. We need your help. The influence comes from you.
Be an informed participant.
9. President Waring adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #443 (August 29, 2002)
ADSC: Pendley, Schnell, Wren
LBAR: Stewart, Givens, Enger, Bollinger, Early, Meister, Waring, Martin, Wray, Wilkerson, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Gaede, Pollock, Tippett, Karr
LIB: Moore
NUR: Redmon, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Johnson, Li, Etzkorn, Miller, Hillman.
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Reeves
SCI:Ng, Friedman, Ravindran
ENGR: Fork, Hawk
NUR: Reisenwitz, Stanfield
SCI: Loo, George
0. President Stephen Waring called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #442 were approved. Motion by Rhonda Gaede, seconded by David Pollock.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Jack Schnell.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz was not present.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich was not present. Dr. Johnson reported the Learning Communities were attempted this fall but the efforts did not work. After the first COMPASS Orientation about 24 to 25 has registered. After the third COMPASS Orientation the number was still 24 to 25. There was an upgrade to the SIS system that wiped out the tags for the Learning Communities. The marketing was also not what it should be and was not effective. She reported we have postponed the initial launching until fall 2003. We will work closely with enrollment services. We would like to send two or three faculty to the Southern Region Conference. If you would like to attend or have colleagues who would like to attend please contact Dr. Johnson. Dr. Johnson thanked Dr. Neuschatz for his work on forms and surveys.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon reported the Committee is looking at the plagiarism issue and "turnitin.com". They will also look at the students who take the NC courses and may have misconduct and the fact that the faculty cannot give them an F because of the NC policy. They will have a bill at third reading later in the meeting.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. A. Johnson reported they will continue activities that were started last year such as the parking inequity issue. They will look at the medical insurance coverage, the commercial startup policy, computer security, and identify faculty resources on campus.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Williamson reported that the Committee has a full plate. She will talk about some of these later. She requested a meeting with the Committee after the Senate adjourns.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Karr reported the Committee will meet next week. There is no business yet but there are a few things that are carried over from last year and there will be issues related to the revision of the catalog.The Committee will meet in the MAE Conference Room in Tech Hall.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Smith reported the Committee has not met. He asked the individuals on the Committee get together to give email information, etc.They will be looking at the academic bankruptcy forms and revising it. They will also look at the NC grading issue.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: Dr. Hillman reported that he will be working on getting the TGIF reinstated and invite politicians to those events. He also commented on the implementation of the new Network Securities and put aside some of the rumors that had been spread.
President: Dr. Waring reported that he is invited to many meetings. He reported on attending the Administrative Council. Some of the highlights were: The Math Department reforms, the Retirement System has not done as well in the last year. They are talking to the state about new requirements for a way to increase funding into the retirement system. UAH might be asked to pay more into the system. The stock market has affected endowment scholarships also and the money is not in the scholarship. As a result many cannot get scholarships. This impacts students.
Past President: No Report.
6. Senate Bill 293: Academic Honor Statement (Second Reading): Ms. Redmon brought the bill to the floor and commented.The bill rose out of an increase in cheating and plagiarism.Over the summer Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich took the Honor Statement and added it to the Admission Application Validation Statement. In doing this they accomplished the issue of the bill. She reported the Committee would like to look further at a way to educate students on plagiarism either in orientation or another time. Ms. Redmon moved, seconded by Dr. Schnell to indefinitely postpone the bill because the issue has been dealt with in adding the statement to the application. Dr. Williamson called the question. The vote was 3 in favor and 22 opposed. There was a motion to strike "misrepresentation". It failed for the lack of a second. After much discussion and determination that the addition of the statement to the Admission Application Validation Statement had not accomplished the spirit of the bill and failed to affect a large group of students, there was a motion by Dr. Williamson, seconded by Dr. Smith to table the bill back to the Committee for revision and to be reconsidered at the next meeting. The vote was 24 in favor and 1 opposed. The Committee will take another look at the bill and bring it back to the next Senate meeting.
7. Dr. Williamson reported regarding the Alliance. She reported on the Summer Chillout. She reported the Alliance will have town meetings. She reported members of the Alliance are willing to come to departments and explain the Alliance and answer questions. She noted there is a website for the UASPAC that is very informative. She reported the Chancellor convinced UAB to relinquish the efforts for a separate PAC and t hey have folded into the UASPAC. One individual has pledged $25,000 annually to the PAC. There was a question regarding a list of candidates to vote for on the website.
8. Dr. Waring distributed a draft list of the top 10 agenda items for the coming year and discussed the items.
9. President Waring adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #442 (April 25, 2002)
ADSC: Pendley, Schnell
LBAR: Stewart, Bell, Enger, Early, Meister, Martin, Wray, Williams, Heikes, Eaton, Berbrier
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Farrington, Fork, Pollock, Landrum, Karr
LIB: Warren, Herring
NUR: Redmon, Herrin, Reisenwitz, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, Ng, George, Etzkorn, Friedman, Miller, Hillman.
ADSC: Wren, Floyd
LBAR: Bollinger, Waring
NUR: Stanfield
SCI: Baird, Loo, Pakhomov
LBAR: Givens, Horn, Dillard, Whatley, Reeves, Neuschatz, Brunsma
ENGR: Gaede, Tippett, Hawk
SCI: Johnson, Li, Ravindran, Geary
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #441 were approved. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by John Warren.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Tommy Williams, seconded by Brian Landrum.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported regarding the Board Meeting. He reported Ann Reynolds is filing a discrimination suit. The Board has asked the Chancellor to work in the transition. They have a search ongoing.
Dr. Franz talked to Dr. Portera regarding salary increases. The tuition increases are along the lines of what the Chancellor wants. We are waiting for the Board to approve the request.The Board meets again in June. We will try to implement something in July rather than June. We should be able to do that. We have already done something for those teaching in the summer.
Dr. Franz and Dr. Greenwood talked with Senator Shelby on Tuesday. He is still interested in doing something. An Architectural team will work on plans and do skeletal designs.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reiterated the information regarding the summer pay increases.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. The report was approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon reported the Committee has a bill to be brought to the floor later in this meeting.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Fork announced that if any one is interested in seeing a draft from Dr. Greenwood regarding Faculty and Staff participation in a Committee for formalizing faculty and staff involvement in commercial businesses please contact Dr. Fork.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee has dealt with the review of deans and directors and passed two bills earlier this year. The Committee looked at the form for review of deans. The format and length were fine but the Committee wanted to make two additions. The Committee expressed concern that the form did not cover the characteristics of the dean taking advantage of opportunities outside the university for funding, and it did not ask the faculty about the dean's vision for the future of the college. The Committee has made a request that two characteristics be added regarding obtaining external sources and a vision for the college. There was some discussion regarding the opportunity of sharing the form with all the Faculty Senate. The response was that individuals may contact the Office of Academic Affairs to see the form. Dr. Franz stressed the importance of deans working with the Vice President for Research and the Vice President for Advancement regarding external sources and he supports the statement recommended by the Committee as long as it supports this collaborative relationship. There was the question of whether these characteristics will be added. Dr. Radonovich responded they will be included and he will give the Committee the exact wording. Dr. Franz would like the Vice Presidents to look at this before making the final decision.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Landrum thanked the Committee. He stated most of the work was done by email. There are a couple of classes he will continue to work on through the summer. He will act on these in conjunction with Dr. Fran Johnson.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: Dr. Miller reported for Dr. Waring that the ACUFP held its annual meeting here on campus last weekend. The Council drafted a letter to be sent to the newspapers as an editorial or letter to the editor and to forward to the Governor or the entire Legislature. The letter outlined three ways to further the cause of Higher Education by the public. You can view a copy of the letter at http://www.uwa.edu/ACUFP.
President: Dr. Miller thanked the Faculty Senate once again and gave his report on behalf of Dr. Waring regarding the ACUFP meeting.
Past President: No Report.
6. Senate Bill 293: Academic Honor Statement (Second Reading): Ms. Redmon introduced the bill. Ms Redmon reported the Committee worked on the Academic Misconduct all year. Academic Misconduct comes in many forms. This bill is just the beginning of a series of bills in this area. This puts the responsibility back on the students. Students make a promise. This goes back to their record in the Student Affairs Office. Mrs. Reisenwitz moved the bill to the floor, seconded by Dr. Williamson. There was a friendly amendment to change "has" to "have" in line 4 and "make" to "take" in line 12. There was a question of whether there is action for those who refuse to sign this. There was no clear answer on this question. There was a motion by Dr. Meister to add between lines 6 and 7 Public leaders regularly present work of speech writers as their own inviting students to do the same. This motion failed for lack of a second. It was stated this Honor Statement would raise the consciousness level of the student. It is believed this would help with reducing Academic Misconduct. Dr. Franz suggested the Committee talk to SGA leaders. There was some concern expressed for students and faculty knowing truly defined plagiarism. Concern was expressed for emphasizing one part of the Handbook and not others. It was stated this part of the Student Handbook appears to present more of a problem. It was suggested Professors should remind students in classes about this.
The vote regarding the bill was 22 in favor, 7 opposed, and no abstentions. The bill will be back on the agenda for the first meeting in 2002/03.
7. University Standing Committee Elections. Dr. Williams distributed a ballot for election of members to University Standing Committees. He will report the results to Peggy next week.
8. 2002/03 Faculty Senate Officers Ratified. Motion by Ms. Redmon, seconded by Mr. Pollock. The vote was unanimous.
9. 2002/03 Faculty Senate Committee Appointments Approved. The 2002/03 Faculty Senate approved the Committees.
10. The 2002/03 Faculty Senate Committees met to elect Chairs. The Faculty Senate Committees elected Chairs and Peggy was informed of the Committee Chairs for 2002/03.
11. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #441 (April 11, 2002)
ADSC: Pendley, Schnell
LBAR: Stewart, Bell, Enger, Waring, Heikes, Eaton, Berbrier
ENG: Toutanji, Gaede, Farrington, Fork, Pollock
NUR: Redmon, Stanfield
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, George, Li, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Friedman, Miller, Pakhomov, Hillman.
ADSC: Wren, Floyd
LBAR: Williams, Meister
SCI: Baird
LBAR: Dillard, Early, Whatley
ENGR: Landrum, Hawk, Smith
LIB: Warren
NUR: Reisenwitz, Herrin, Williamson
SCI: Johnson, Geary
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #440 were approved. Motion by David Pollock, seconded by Lloyd Hillman.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Phillip Farrington.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported the Legislature passed the budget and it is now with the Governor. The budget included about 31% of new Trust Fund money for Higher Education. This is better than the 28% the initial budget proposed. Dr. Franz expressed thanks to all who helped.
Dr. Franz reported the administration is working toward increases but he still needs the concurrence of the Board and the Chancellor. There was some discussion regarding increases.
Dr Franz announced the Residence Hall is still moving ahead. The new Hall will have 240 beds.
Shelby Hall is still in the planning stages. Dr. Franz and others are trying to arrange a meeting with Senator Shelby but he has been out of the country.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich announced those faculty receiving tenure and promotion this year.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The reports were distributed with the minutes.They were approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon reported the Committee has a bill that is almost ready.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Fork reported the Committee has a dialogue going with Dave Brown and the Committee has a draft letter from Dave Brown regarding handicapped parking and other parking issues. Dr. Fork asked that individuals contact him if they want to see the letter or have comments. Dr. Fork mentioned the status of the parking issued at Tech Hall/Olin B. King Hall. Dr. Franz reported the west parking area and the High Bay area has been purchased by the Foundation for UAH. The parking area will be paved and new lighting installed.
Dr. Fork reported the Committee is addressing information regarding contract and grant funding. If anyone has an interest in this issue or is interested in Chairing the Finance and Resources Committee they should contact Dr. Fork.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee has a copy of the Fifth Year Evaluation Form for Deans and they are reviewing it and will meet after this Senate meeting to discuss it.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Miller mentioned there is a new form for Readmission Requests.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Miller announced the upcoming elections for Faculty Senate Officers. He announced the next meeting is a combined meeting of the 2001/02 and 2002/03 Faculty Senates.He announced the ACUFP Meeting here next Friday and Saturday. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is invited and should see Dr. Miller for information.Dr. Miller thanked the Faculty Senate for a good year and for making his job a pleasant one.
Past President: No Report.
6. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 1:15 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #440 (March 14, 2002)
ADSC: Pendley, Schnell
LA: Stewart, Bell, Enger, Early, Waring, Whatley, Heikes, Eaton, Berbrier
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Gaede, Farrington, Fork, Pollock
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Herrin, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Johnson, George, Etzkorn, Friedman, Miller, Pakhomov, Hillman.
ADSC: Wren, Floyd
LBAR: Williams, Meister
NUR: Stanfield
SCI: Boyd, Ravindran, Baird
LBAR: Dillard
ENGR: Landrum, Hawk
NUR: Reisenwitz
SCI: Li, Geary
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #439 were approved. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Rhonda Gaede.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Jack Schnell, seconded by Melinda Redmon.
3. Ray Pinner's Presentation:
Mr. Pinner presented his annual overview of the fiscal report of the University. Mr. Pinner presented information regarding funds and the various types of funds, the various sources of income. He reported on the revenues, expenditures, and net results. Mr. Pinner reported on restricted and unrestricted funds. Mr. Pinner had pie charts and bar charts regarding revenues and expenditures. Mr. Pinner had charts for funding history from 1997 to 2001 and ratios from a ten-year span from 1991 to 2001. Mr. Pinner reported gifts and grants are up approximately 7% and state appropriations declined by 6%. Mr. Pinner presented a chart showing the trend in the decline in the state appropriations. He also presented a graph indicating our tuition versus the national average and we are still below the national average. We are in the top three in dollars in research, instruction, and public service. We are below average in administration. Mr. Pinner presented one chart that presented funding sources showing that Federal dollars are more than State dollars in our facilities for the campus. It also indicated the number of bonds sold for facilities purposes is high.
4. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz thanked and congratulated the Faculty on the successes in recruiting and retention over the past year and reported the overall credit hours are up approximately 5% for the year.Dr. Franz reported many had a part in the success and it is great. He stated the Faculty Senate played a role in the success by passing bills that helped.
Dr. Franz reported the SGA and others are working on getting exciting activities to the campus. The group Alabama will be here April 13.
Dr. Franz reported the ATO won Chapter of the Year in the national awards. The reason for winning was the good students in the group. This group was featured in the presentation to the Board of Trustees when they were here. Diana Bell also gave a presentation regarding the Writing Center when the Board was on campus.
Dr. Franz reported the Residence Hall is getting a roof. The NSSTC work is on schedule. He discussed the Weather Forecasting and Research Office there and its benefit. Congressman Cramer was here last week and toured the facility. The NMR addition to the Material Science Building is nearing completion. Most of these buildings and additions were done through partnerships and individual donations. Very little University funds were used on any of these buildings and additions. The Library addition is now complete. The Fitness Center is doing well. We have 60% of the faculty and staff as members. There are new bike racks being installed around campus and bike traffic has increased. These came as a result of student requests and suggestions. The Student Center will undergo a change in the summer. The Spragins Hall Pool area will be redone to provide classroom and office space. Dr. Franz referenced the headline of the Newspaper and the coming Shelby Hall for the campus. He reported there will be a Task Force of Administrators that will expand to include Deans and others to plan this building. It is still in the embryonic stages now. Dr. Franz reported the contract has been signed to acquire the high bay area of Technology Hall and the parking on the west side of the building. This was a gift purchase and Eugene Sapp was instrumental in accomplishing this acquisition.
Dr. Franz reported the budget is being passed out of the House with an approximate 2% increase. He discussed the need to plan ahead for possible future prorationing due to items in the budget (i.e. teacher pay raises) this year and the unknown of funding for these items for the following year. Dr. Franz discussed again the need for dealing with salary increases and the exact dollars are unknown and depends on the actions of the Legislature. Dr. Franz is discussing this issue with the Chancellor and anything we are able to do will be due to the recruiting and retention success of this year.
Dr. Franz expressed appreciation and thankfulness to Gary Smith and others for their hard work in the Legislative Session to defend fairness and to kill unwise and destructive bills that were on the floor.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
No Report.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The reports were distributed with the minutes. They were approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Waring reported the Faculty Appeals Committee has completed is work on a degree revocation case and will write a report to the Administration and the Graduate Council.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
Past President: No Report.
6. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #439 (February 28, 2002)
ADSC: Pendley
LA: Stewart, Bell, Enger, Early, Waring, Eaton, Berbrier
ENG: Smith, Fork, Pollock, Landrum, Hawk
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Stanfield, Williamson, Reisenwitz
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, George, Li, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Friedman, Miller, Hillman.
ADSC: Wren, Floyd, Schnell
ENGR: Toutanji, Farrington
LBAR: Williams, Dillard, Meister, Heikes
NUR: Herrin
SCI: Baird, Pakhomov
LBAR: Whatley
ENGR: Gaede
SCI: Geary, Johnson
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #438 were approved. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Kimberly Reisenwitz.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Clark Hawk.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported that Higher Education Day went well. He reported there were several thousand people in attendance. He reported there was good representation from UAH. There were many key people there and it was a positive event.
Dr. Franz reported the Board of Trustees was here and we highlighted students at the Institutional Presentation. Diana Bell, one of the Faculty Senators, was featured in the program.
Dr. Franz reported we had a distinguished alumni meeting inviting about 50 alumni. T here were 36 in attendance.
Dr. Franz discussed activities in the Legislature regarding some of the bills that have been presented such as Board of Regents, out of state tuition, etc. There was some discussion of the report on the income tax receipts for Alabama and the revenue estimates. There was brief discussion regarding continuation of efforts to do something about salaries this year.
There was a question regarding the Faculty Activity Report Form and the status of the revised form and what form would be used this year. Dr. Franz asked the patience of the Faculty this year. He stated, due to some time constraints and the continuous efforts to do something about salaries, he does not believe the new form can make it through all the appropriate channels and be approved for this year.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported he did not send Dr. Landrum's comments on the Strategic Initiative to Dr. Nash. He stated he felt the comments document was an internal document and he would not send it unless directed to do so by the Faculty.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The reports were distributed with the minutes. They were approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon reported the Committee continues to work on the Academic Misconduct issue. The Committee will be meeting with the Legal Counsel to discuss the Honor Code.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Fork reported the letter regarding parking is in the hands of Dave Brown. Improvements for the Technology Hall parking is in the works. Dr. Fork has researched some information on patents and the low cost approach for short-term patents. This seems to be working well here right now. Dr. Fork asked if there is any interest in this area to contact him. Dr. Fork reported he is looking at the cohesiveness of Centers and the Academic areas right now.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Landrum reported there are not many meetings left and anyone having any items needing approval should get them in immediately.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Waring reported the Faculty Appeals Committee is dealing with a degree revocation case right now.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Miller reported that Senate Bills 290 and 291 went to the Council of Deans. Minor friendly amendments were suggested. One was substantive in that the last sentence of Senate Bill 290 was stricken. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee voted to accept the bills and they now become policy. Dr. Miller expressed he is impressed that the bills went from formulation to passed by the Administration in less than an academic year. He expressed gratitude for great work to the Committee and to Dr. Boyd.
Past President: Dr. Williamson announced that Monday, March 4, 2002, the Constitutional Reform Meeting will be held here on campus in the Chan Auditorium. It is open to all. The Faculty Senate is sponsoring this. We need to be informed about tax reform and support good tax reform for Higher Education.
6. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 1:16 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #438 (January 31, 2002)
ADSC: Schnell, Pendley
LA: Stewart, Bell, Enger, Dillard, Early, Meister, Waring, Heikes, Eaton, Berbrier
ENG: Toutanji, Fork, Gaede, Pollock, Farrington, Landrum, Hawk
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Stanfield, Williamson, Reisenwitz, Herrin
SCI: Christopher, Johnson, Boyd, George, Li, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Friedman, Miller, Hillman. Pakhomov
ADSC: Wren, Floyd
ENGR: Smith
LBAR: Williams
SCI: Baird,
LBAR: Whatley
SCI: Geary
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #436 were approved. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by David Pollock.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by David Pollock.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported the Council of Presidents received a commitment from the Governor of a 2/3 to 1/3 split for the budget. The Governor's budget that came out did not adhere to that but had approximately 28% committed to Higher Education. The Faculty Senate Presidents, the SGA Presidents and the Alumni President was not pleased with this and wrote letters from all the campuses in the System. Dr. Franz then read a letter that was sent to Henry Mabry in which the Govern asked Mr. Mabry to do what was necessary to make it right.
Dr. Franz commended the Faculty on the success in the Credit Hour Production. He stated it is up approximately 5% over the year.
Dr. Franz briefly discussed a proposal to give money to the Research Universities in the amount of approximately $10M for Applied Science. This is not money from the Education Trust Fund.
Dr. Franz was asked about the bond money from last year. He stated it is coming, the paperwork is in order.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported the Student Credit Hour Production is up approximately 5% for this semester and approximately 4% over the entire year. He expressed thanks to all. He stated the enrollment is recovering from the past economic downturn and the national trend. The institution is responding positively. There are sizeable increases in some colleges. There was a question of the national trend and how we compare with the national trend. Dr. Radonovich stated he just got that information and the thinks we are growing. He indicated the national trend for Nursing is going up. The National trend was down in Nursing while we were growing.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The reports were distributed with the minutes. They were approved.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon reported the Committee continues to work on the Academic Misconduct issue..
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Fork reported the Committee drafted a letter regarding the parking situation at the Nursing Building. The Committee is collecting information for the distribution of resources for Research Centers.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee has a bill to consider at second reading.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Landrum reported he forwarded comments on the System Strategic Plan. He stated there is a meeting today between Nursing and Physical Education to resolve the issue on one course that is still outstanding. Dr. Radonovich reported he went to a Chief Academic Officers Meeting and he asked Dr. Nash about the plans for the Strategic Initiation and Dr. Nash will respond. Dr. Radonovich told him he would have comments forthcoming. Dr. Nash stated at this point the project is still ongoing.
Dr. Landrum stated that Dr. Emslie has been involved in the graduate issues, and Dr. Landrum does not see the need to respond to that portion believing Dr. Emslie is better qualified to address those issues.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report but the Committee will have a bill later on the agenda at third reading.
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Miller reported the Board of Trustees will be meeting here in two weeks and the Faculty Senate President is asked to address the Board. Dr. Miller welcomes suggestions and comments for his address. Please send them or tell him within the next week or so.
Past President: Dr. Williamson stated there is one point we want to stress in the Constitutional Reform and that is that tax reform must be coupled with the Constitutional Reform. Dr. Williamson announced the Higher Education Day February 21. She stated buses and vans will go down to Montgomery, lunch will be served and it is a great time to meet and greet the Legislators. She stated we need a good show of support.
Dr. Williamson reported she had been called from the Alabama Constitutional Reform Committee and the Faculty Senate, Staff Senate, and the SGA are sponsoring a town hall meeting on March 4 that will be open to the public.
6. Senate Bill 292 Revision to the Withdrawal Policy.
Dr. Farrington, seconded by Dr. Fork moved the bill to the floor. Dr. Farrington introduced the bill. He stated the Committee was trying to address withdrawals in a timely manner but give the students time to make an informed decision. The Committee did not believe it wise to go to the end of the semester. The tenth week give time for the midterm progress reports to be evaluated and a response given. Dr. Farrington moved, seconded by Dr. Landrum to call the question. The vote was 36 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstention. The bill passed at third reading and will be forwarded to the Administration for action.
7. Senate Bill 291: Amendment to Appendix A of the Faculty Handbook. Dr. Miller explained the bill. Ms. Redmon, seconded by Dr. Waring moved it to the floor. Dr. Boyd introduced the bill. She stated is a clarification of the review process for deans that happens every five years. Section C in the Handbook is amended to make it clearer of who makes up the Committee. Section D discusses the evaluation process. A Standard form is to be developed in the Provost Office and approved by the Personnel Committee. Section D another item is that all eligible faculty will participate. The evaluation form go directly to the Provost's Office. Dr. Waring spoke in favor of the bill. Although the reviews in the past have not been troubled, there have been comments of whether the review is fair and did the comments go to the Provost. The Committee felt the perception of unfairness could be eliminated with this bill. The bill asked for a standard evaluation form available to the faculty. This is a healthy improvement. There was one friendly amendment to strike the phrase in line Collected by the review Committee. Dr. Landrum, seconded by Ms. Redmon called the question. The vote was 37 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at second reading and was declared passed at third reading due to a unanimous vote.
Dr. Franz thanked the Committee for their work.
8. Sense of the Senate Resolution: Constitutional Reform--Dr. Miller explained this came out of the last ACUFP meeting. It was agreed the campuses would develop a Sense of the Senate Resolution and forward it to the governor. The last statement was added to ours to couple Constitutional Reform with Tax Reform. Dr. Waring spoke in favor of Constitutional Reform. He stated there is a danger of seeing this as a panacea. There is the danger of trying to find a quick fix. There is a danger of Constitutional reform without tax reform. Higher Education benefits from some points in the Constitution. There are some things that need to be protected. There is also the question of who makes the new one. Is it done piece meal or all at once? We need to keep informed of all issues. There was some discussion regarding lobbying against certain issues. There was a question or whether we should include how we would like this done. It was decided this might make the resolution too specific at this time. The Sense of the Senate Resolution was passed unanimously with one abstention. It will be sent to the Governor.
9. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #436 (December 6, 2001)
ADSC: Schnell, Floyd
LA: Stewart, Bell, Enger, Dillard, Early, Waring, Wilkerson, Williams, Eaton,
ENG: Toutanji, Fork, Gaede, Farrington
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Stanfield, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, Li, Ravindran, Miller, Hillman
ADSC: Wren, Pendley
ENGR: Pollock, Landrum
LBAR: Berbrier
SCI: Friedman, Geary
LBAR: Meister, Whatley
ENGR: Hawk, Smith
NUR: Reisenwitz, Herrin
SCI: Johnson, Baird, George, Pakhomov
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #435 were approved with one correction (Diana Bell was absent with proxy). Motion by Stephen Waring, seconded by Joan Williamson.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted with one addition (The next Senate Meeting will be the Chancellor's Address with Dr. Portera as the speaker, on January 10, 2002). Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Stephen Waring.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported he did not really have any information from Montgomery. He stated they are spreading the meetings out. He stated there is some positioning and some planning going on. He believes they will come out with some plan.
Dr. Franz mentioned the "We the People" program and the "Town Hall Meeting" and the good success of both.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported he has given the opportunity for input to the Learning Community Proposal and he has received some but not a great deal. He stated that most of the comments were positive. He will attempt to implement it this fall.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. It was approved with one addition.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Fork reported the Committee needs input for the handicapped parking for the Nursing Building. He is preparing a letter to go to Dave Brown.The Disability Act does not require other parking than that which is already provided but the Nursing Faculty would like the Committee to consider this issue. One point is that the service road would have to be used to accommodate additional handicapped parking near the building. Would this pose a problem or hazard since many students use these a footpaths to and from the parking lot and building.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee has a bill to consider at third reading.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Landrum was not present but had submitted a report to Dr. Miller.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report but the Committee will have a bill later on the agenda.
B. University Committees: Dr. Eaton reported the Animal Care and Use Committee met and considered proposals for animal use in experimentations.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Miller reported regarding Senate Bill 291. Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich met with a portion of the Senate Executive Committee. There were some problems with wording in the bill. The bill needed clarification. There are different types of deans and the portion of the bill referencing this needed work. The bill was taken off the agenda by the Senate Executive Committee and referred back to the Personnel Committee for further work.
Past President: No Report.
6. Senate Bill 290: Amendment to Appendix A of the Faculty Handbook.
Ms. Redmon moved, seconded by Dr. Waring to bring Senate Bill 290 to the floor for third reading. Dr. Boyd reported that the Senate Executive Committee and Dr. Franz and Dr. Radonovich discussed the wording of this bill. Some recommendations for friendly amendments were made. Line two change "their" to "each". In line 6 change "faculty governance" to "shared governance". Line 15 change "review" to "evaluation".Line 20 change "interim review" to "evaluation". Line 21 change "compiled" to "reviewed". Line 23 change "review" to "evaluation". These are offered as friendly amendments. There is one other change that we will discuss because it is a more substantive change. There were no objections to the friendly amendments. The amendments were adopted.
Dr. Miller reported the other change requested was to delete the last sentence of the bill. The consensus was that this would remove some of the substantive value of the bill.
Dr. Franz spoke regarding the bill. He stated there is an evaluation instrument referred to in this bill. The Provost is developing an instrument to share. This is something that has a tie to the criteria used. This is something that should be known.
Dr. Franz explained why he would like the last sentence deleted. He views this as the equivalent to faculty asking their class to review them at midterm to see how they can improve. It would not be appropriate to put this in the promotion and tenure file for the faculty member. By the same token we do not want to put these midterm evaluations in the dean's fifth year review file. We should not prejudice the fifth year review with the fifth semester evaluation. If this is here with something written and in the file this will likely be accessible by the Federal Information Act. Dr. Franz has asked Mr. Rieder about this but does not have a definite answer from Mr. Rieder yet.
There was some discussion regarding reasons for having the record. It could help with iterative improvements. The bill seems to lose its value if the last two lines are removed. The Provost stated he believes this can bias the fifth year review by having this included. He does not see the value of having it in.
There was some discussion regarding the difference between reappointment and tenure reviews and the evaluation of a dean.
It was pointed out that if there is a problem we tend to focus on the problem.
Another opinion pointed out the logic is that this is another point of information and it would not bias the fifth year review. Some pointed out it could be useful and beneficial.
It was pointed out that there should not be a concern and there is no malice intended with this bill. The question was asked of how does it compare to the SIE evaluation. It was pointed out that this could all be positive and it could be helpful in certain circumstances.
The question was asked of whether the sentences could be reworded and be acceptable.
Dr. Franz suggested we may be able to interlock the two bills when Senate Bill 291 comes back from Committee and have an instrument that we may be able to live with if it is some variation of this.
Dr. Wilkinson moved, seconded by Dr. Schnell to call the question.
The bill passed at third reading 32 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions.
7. Senate Bill 292: Revision to the Withdrawal Policy. Dr. Miller gave the history of this bill.
The charge was given to the Committee to look at moving the withdrawal date to the last day of the semester. Dr. Farrington moved, seconded by Dr. Williamson to move the bill to the floor at second reading. Dr. Farrington introduced the bill. He stated the Committee checked with other institutions that were similar and they had dates closer to the end of the semester. This gives an opportunity to get information and feedback to the students so that they can make an informed decision. One individual pointed out they had researched other institutions and they did not find anyone with a date this late in the semester. There was some concern for becoming too forgiving to students. Dr. Williams moved, seconded by Dr. Schnell to call the question.
The bill passed at second reading 26 in favor, 3 opposed, and 2 abstentions.
8. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #435 (November 15, 2001)
ADSC: Schnell, Pendley
LA: Stewart, Enger, Meister, Waring, Whatley, Wilkerson, Eaton, Berbrier
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Fork, Gaede, Pollock, Landrum
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Stanfield, Williamson
SCI: Johnson, Li, Etzkorn, Friedman, Miller, Pakhomov, Hillman
ADSC: Wren, Floyd
ENGR: Farrington
LBAR: Early, Williams
SCI: Boyd, Ravindran, Geary
LBAR: Dillard
ENGR: Hawk
NUR: Reisenwitz
SCI: Christopher, Baird, George
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #434 were approved. Motion by Richard Fork, seconded by Melinda Redmon.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as amended. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Rhonda Gaede.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz was asked about his opinion on the appointment of the new Chancellor. Dr. Franz reported he believes it was a very positive move to appoint Dr. Mac Portera as the new Chancellor. Dr. Portera worked in our system for twenty-five years in the governmental relations and economic development areas. He played a significant role in the spin-off of the Medical School to UAB. His experience at Mississippi was very good. The Board did a good job in their choice. He is a good choice for us.
Dr. Franz commented briefly on the presentation made by Dr. Mabry.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported briefly on the Learning Community Proposal. He distributed information and explained the information briefly. He requested input from the Senate. Dr. Radonovich explained the proposal will be sent electronically to others. There were some questions regarding faculty responsibility, number of students, how the system will handle registering these students and designating seats in the courses for them. There were also questions regarding whether this same model had been tried at other similar universities and if so, what was the success rate there.
A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. It was approved with one correction.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Ms. Redmon reported the Committee did not meet but they are still investigating the Academic Misconduct issue.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Fork reported the Committee is looking at the Handicapped parking for the Nursing Building. They will write a letter to Dave Brown.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Meister reported the Committee has turned in the names of those faculty elected to the Faculty Appeals Committee. He read that list of names.
5. Personnel: Dr. Miller reported the Committee will have two bills to bring to the table later in this meeting.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Landrum reported the Committee met via the Internet and approved some routine courses. He made a request that everyone get their information in so the Committee will have ample time to review and approve changes, etc.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Smith reported the Committee has formulated a bill to go to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee at their next meeting. He reported the Committee is still examining the Readmission Policy.
B. University Committees: No Report
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: Dr. Waring reported that Dr. Miller and he attended an ACUFP meeting at Jacksonville State University on November 9 and 10. He explained they learned a great deal from the meeting. He reported they heard a presentation by Mr. Stone that was impressive. The presentation was regarding HEP. Dr. Waring suggests we have Mr. Stone come here and give the same presentation.
Endorsing Constitutional Reform may be discussed in the next few months.
Promotional raises were discussed at the ACUFP meeting and this was very interesting and it was found these are inconsistencies across the State.
President: No Report.
Past President: Dr. Williamson reported we are working to get Legislators to come to campus in November for an open forum.
6. Senate Bill 290: Amendment to Appendix A of the Faculty Handbook.
Ms. Redmon moved, seconded by Dr. Wilkerson to bring Senate Bill 290 to the floor for discussion. Dr. Miller explained that the version sent via email was that which was passed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee two weeks ago. Members of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee met and changed some incorrect wording. Dr. Miller proposed these changes be accepted via a friendly amendment. Dr. Fork moved, seconded by Ms. Redmon that the changes be accepted. Dr. Miller explained this bill is an addition to the current section in the Faculty Handbook.
Dr. Radonovich requested to briefly speak regarding bills 290 and 291. Dr. Radonovich spoke against Senate Bills 290 and 291.
He stated that first of all he did not believe you can evaluate a good dean in less than three or four years. He stated it takes four years to see good work. He stated we have a mechanism already in the Handbook to deal with a bad dean.
Dr. Radonovich stated a second point is that when one reads the statement in the bill of a vote, they get the false sense of confidence that this vote determines the lifetime of a dean. He stated this is not consistent with the Shared Governance of the University. The dean serves at the privilege of the Provost and the Provost serves at the pleasure of the President. This is cross-grain to an established process.
The third point Dr. Radonovich made was this can create instability in the Institution.
(Dr. Radonovich left the meeting immediately after his comments in order to attend another meeting).
The Faculty Senate responded to Dr. Radonovich's statements.
The evaluations discussed in the bill are not binding and the faculty are not voting with the expectation of determining the lifetime of a dean. The evaluations are informational. These bills are not designed to undercut any current traditional processes. They are not binding on the Provost's decision or discretion.
There was some concern expressed for the lack of any filter regarding the evaluation information to the Provost. The Committee Members explained the intent was that they wanted this to be data and information going to the Provost from the Faculty unfiltered. The idea was that this could provide information and an advisory capacity giving opportunity for adjusting behavior or policies. These are not intended to be negative. If there is negative feedback, it is not grounds for dismissing. There was an amendment to change the wording in the last few lines to say an overview of the faculty concerns and support proposed by Dr. Smith. This failed to receive a second. Dr. Wilkerson moved, seconded by Ms. Redmon to call the question. The vote regarding the bill was 29 in favor, 2 opposed, and 2 abstentions.
Dr. Franz then requested time to address the bill. He expressed concerns with the bills and stated Dr. Radonovich and he will need to work with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to address the concerns and reach a mutually agreeable solution.
Due to lack of time, Senate Bill 291 was deferred to the next Faculty Senate Meeting.
7. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m. with a motion from Dr. Schnell, seconded by Ms. Redmon.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #434 (October 18, 2001)
ADSC: Schnell, Pendley
LA: Stewart, Bell, Dillard, Early, Meister, Waring, Whatley, Williams, Eaton, Berbrier
ENG: Toutanji, Fork, Gaede, Pollock, Farrington, Landrum
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Reisenwitz, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, George, Li, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Friedman, Miller, Hillman
ADSC: Wren, Floyd
LBAR: Enger
SCI: Baird, Pakhomov, Geary
LBAR: Wilkerson
ENGR: Smith, Hawk
NUR: Weed, Stanfield
SCI: Johnson
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #433 were approved. Motion by Richard Fork, seconded by David Pollock.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as amended. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Stephen Waring.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported he has discussed the 2001/02 budget at the last meeting. He reported that he shared details with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and had the information sent to the Faculty Senate Finance and Resources Committee.
Dr. Franz was asked about the Chancellor. Dr. Franz reported he is a final candidate for the Chancellor's position in the Georgia System. The chances are very good that he will be going. We have nothing official. We hate to see him go. Dr. Franz stated he does not know the procedure for replacing the Chancellor but he believes the Board plans to do the search and hiring.
Dr. Franz mentioned the press conference yesterday. There was unity in education and support of candidates backing education and tax reform, etc. One of the problems coming down the road is the equity-funding suit amounting to more than the Higher Education Appropriation.
Dr. Franz reported the things on the campus are positive. He stated that he took the same message to the Staff Senate that he had brought to the Faculty Senate regarding salary increases, etc.
There was a question of why the Chancellor is leaving. Dr. Franz reported that Georgia is a larger System. Investments in education are made in Georgia. This would be a step up. To his knowledge it is not due to any problems.
Dr. Fork recognized Dr. Franz for solving the Technology Hall traffic problem. SCI opened the driveway west of Technology Hall. The long-range plan is that Dr. Franz has asked SCI to give the property to us or sell it to us at a reasonable price. Dr. Fork suggested faculty may need to communicate to students that they not abuse this solution.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich has one information item. He announced that the University should take seriously the possibility of trying the Learning Community concepts for freshman beginning their study here the next academic year. In the fall next year we could offer some courses. Dr. Radonovich reported he has assembled a small task force to make a recommendation in a couple of weeks. Dr. Radonovich was asked to explain Learning Community. He explained this is the concept of linking three courses together by having the same group of students take the courses together. They may then have discussion groups, form bonds, do homework assignments together, etc. There are a variety of ways to handle this and a variety of types.
A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. It was approved with one correction.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Redmon reported the Committee will meet next Thursday and discuss Academic Misconduct.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Fork reported what is recorded the Faculty Senate Executive Committee Minutes is what happened. He reiterated the need to respond to the recent events regarding security. He asked for input from all.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams reported the Committee will have a bill to present later in this meeting.He reported the Faculty Appeals Committee Ballots are out and should be returned to him by next week.
5. Personnel: No Report
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Landrum reported the Committee will meet next week and deal with a routine course approval. The Committee is reviewing the System Strategic Planning Document.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Eaton reported the Committee met and discussed adding a section to the UAH web page on plagiarism. They also discussed the withdrawal date.
B. University Committees: No Report
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
Past President: No Report.
6. Senate Bill 289: Revision to the Selection Criteria for the University Campus Planning Committee and the Faculty Senate Bylaws Section V.D.5
Dr. Williams introduced the bill. He explained the Campus Planning Committee makeup and selection criteria. He stated the Committee wanted to make sure that the composition of the Campus Planning Committee would always include a Faculty Senator. Melinda Redmon moved the bill to the floor with a second from Stephen Waring. Joan Williamson called the question with a second from Phil Farrington. The vote was unanimous. The bill passed at second reading and because the vote was unanimous Dr. Miller declared the bill passed at third reading and asked that it be forwarded to the Administration for action.
7. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 1:15 p.m. with a motion from Phil Farrington, seconded by Jack Schnell.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #433 (September 27, 2001)
ADSC: Schnell, Floyd, Pendley
LA: Stewart, Bell, Enger, Early, Meister, Waring, Williams, Eaton, Berbrier
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Fork, Gaede, Farrington, Landrum
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Reisenwitz, Williamson, Stanfield
SCI: Christopher, Johnson, Boyd, Li, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Miller, Pakhomov, Hillman
ADSC: Wren
LBAR: Whatley, Wilkerson
NUR: Weed
SCI: Friedman, Geary
LBAR: Dillard
ENGR: Hawk
SCI: Baird, George
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #432 were approved. Motion by Melinda Redmon, seconded by Houssam Toutanji.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as amended. Motion by Rhonda Gaede, seconded by Melinda Redmon.
Dr. Miller reminded the Committee Chairs if they want to write down their own charges please do that and get them to Dr. Miller as soon as possible. Otherwise he will use the notes from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and write the charges for the Committee from those notes.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported he will give an overview report of the 2001/02 budget today. He reported he distributed a detailed summary of this information to the Council of Deans and Directors this morning and he will distribute the same document to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and the Finance and Resources Committee of the Faculty Senate.
Dr. Franz first summarized the information about various buildings on campus. There had been some questions regarding how we could have new buildings with the budget situation and no salary increases. Dr. Franz explained that the NSSTC is funded by the Federal Government and houses a large number of NASA employees. NASA reimburses us for the occupancy. The Fitness Center is well utilized. This is a good tool for recruiting students. The student fees and external memberships are paying for the expenses of this building. One of the main objectives of the new residence hall is recruiting students. The UAH Foundation has underwritten any shortfall on operating for this building because they see the importance of it in recruiting new students. The Material Science Annex will be no expense to us but will be handled by donations. We will bring a faculty member on board in Chemistry that the Department will pick up in five years. The Library is the only building with operating cost to us but it is minimal and a very important needed addition. Dr. Franz will work on a letter to the faculty and staff with this information in it. There was a suggestion to put this in the student newspaper as well. Dr. Franz agreed this would be a good idea.
Budget: Dr. Franz gave an overview of the current budget situation. He explained we are starting ~2.9% or ~$1.4M in the hole. He explained the revenues and the expenditures. He explained there were cuts in faculty and staff positions and most of the cuts came from the staff side. He explained there are still problems with the State revenue and he does not know how that will be handled. He stated he does not want to have to go back to the units and make further cuts because that would adversely affect the quality of our programs. He stated we need to do something about faculty and staff salaries in the future.
There was some discussions regarding promotions and position changes.
There was some discussion regarding letters to students dropping them for nonpayment.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported a clarification on the reviews of Deans and Directors. He reported he will review two directors and one dean this year and two deans and one director next year. He reported we will be caught up with reviews for deans in a short time but it will take longer to catch up with reviews for directors.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes. It was approved with one correction.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Redmon has discussed academic misconduct and the possibility of a "University Honor Code".
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Fork reported the Committee discussed fairness of raises at this time. He stated the Committee is waiting on some information from Dr. Franz on some items. He asked for input on issues the Committee should investigate.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams asked the Committee to meet right after the Faculty Senate meeting. The Committee will discuss the composition of the University Campus Planning Committee.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee has settled on three issues for the year: 1) Participation in the review of Deans and Directors, 2) Investigating minority faculty issue, 3) Part-time faculty conflict of interest. Dr. Lee Williams met with the Committee last week to discuss the minority faculty issue.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Eaton reported the Committee met and discussed academic misconduct and policies and the possibility of a "University Honor Code".Dr. Miller suggested the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee and the Faculty and Student Development Committee work together on the academic misconduct and Honor Code issues.
B. University Committees: No Report
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
Past President: Dr. Williamson announced that next week is PAC awareness week. She asked that everyone wear his or her PAC button. We are at about 25% membership. We would like to be at 33% by Christmas and 50% by the end of the academic year. She asked that anyone needing more information contact Gary Smith, a building captain, or herself.
6. Report from Mr. Gary Smith
Mr. Smith reported that the special session that just ended did not accomplish a great deal. He reported most of our work was on the defense to stop those things that needed to be stopped. The next session is scheduled for October 23. This one may be of interest to us. The Governor says no more proration next year. At the same time the individuals in the fiscal office are saying the revenues are short. The Constitution mandates a balanced budget. We need to get more revenue from somewhere. The businesses are saying no to raising taxes on businesses. This will make it an interesting session.
Bonded indebtedness has doubled since Governor Siegelman took office. This is an election year. We need to watch what happens, be diligent, and work hard. Mr. Smith reminded everyone of Howard Hawk's speech in which he emphasized getting involved and the only way to win is to be involved. If we are not involved we lose.
Mr. Smith talked about the court order regarding adequate and equitable funding for K-12 education and how much money this could require.
Mr. Smith talked about the Higher Education Lobbyists Organization that he is Chairing. Some candidates are saying they will pledge no new taxes. This could be detrimental so we are telling candidates that if they pledge no new taxes we will vote against them.
Mr. Smith reported the Governor wants to look closely at the franchise tax structure. A property tax change could take months to generate revenue. We are already at the top on sales tax. We are looking for any new revenue and any new means of revenue.
7. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #432 (September 6, 2001)
ADSC: Schnell, Floyd
LA: Stewart, Bell, Enger, Dillard, Meister, Waring, Whatley, Wilkerson, Williams, Eaton, Berbrier
ENG: Smith, Fork, Gaede, Farrington, Landrum
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Reisenwitz, Williamson
SCI: Boyd, George, Li, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Friedman, Miller, Pakhomov
ADSC: Wren
ENGR: Toutanji, Hawk
NUR: Stanfield
SCI: Baird, Geary
LBAR: Early
NUR: Weed
SCI Christopher, Johnson, Hillman
0. President James Miller called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #431 were approved. Motion by Jack Schnell, seconded by Melinda Redmon.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted. Motion by Jack Schnell, seconded by Melinda Redmon.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz gave a brief overview of the financial issues of the State. We are now $1.4M below in appropriation. We are $1M below where we were last year Dr. Franz discussed the cuts and measures for taking care of the cuts. We are operating with less from the State than we were last year.
Enrollment looks good. The final numbers are not published but we are up a few percent. Grants and contracts are up over last year.
Many things are going on. The Library will open soon. The new residence hall should open fall 2002--we plan to recruit on that basis.
We are restructuring Admissions--Scott Verzyl is in charge of all areas of Admissions. He lost some recruiters. He hired three very qualified recruiters. The numbers are not up as much as we wanted but we look for good things in the future.
Dr. Franz was asked about the parking situation at Technology Hall. Dr. Franz will work on this and see what can be done.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich had two items to report.
The Faculty Activity Report Form proposed by the Faculty Senate and presented to the Provost has been reviewed by the Deans. Dr. Radonovich discussed the proposed form with the Deans and discussed the changes requested by the Deans. There were two major items of concern.The Deans want the tables in the form. If we have the tables then a template will be done by Peggy and provided to all faculty so that it will be easy for faculty to put information in and no extra work will be created. The other issue was whether it should be five years.All the Deans want five years. The Deans do not want to allow a choice or any deviation. There was a question of whether anything was added.The Consulting section was added. Dr. Franz stated he and Dr. Radonovich will look at both versions and come to a compromise. He stated they will come back to the Executive Committee if the differences are significant.
Dr. Radonovich stated he will do reviews for two Deans and two Directors this year. He reported the questionnaire will be shortened, the peer review will be stronger and the input from the other Deans on campus will be done by the Provost. There was a question of how the decision was made for which deans and which directors would be done this year. Dr. Radonovich explained time since last review is a factor, and other important factors were considered. He stated there are three male and two female deans and he did not think it wise to have both female deans in the reviews at the same time. He answered there will be one female and one male dean in this review.
There was some discussion regarding a vote of confidence of the faculty in the Dean Reviews. One conclusion was that the best scenario for this is evaluation for feedback and not just for the sake of voting.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Redmon reported the Committee will meet next week. She will email information to the Committee.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Fork reported the Committee will discuss parking issues and ICR return and report back.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams reported he had looked at two Committees the Campus Planning Committee and the Campus Priorities and Resources Advisory Committee to find out if there are Senate representatives on those Committees. The Campus Planning Committee does not have Faculty Senators but has Faculty representatives. The Campus Priorities and Advisory Committee has three Faculty Senators on it.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd asked that the Committee meet right after the Senate Meeting.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Landrum asked that the Committee meet next week and he will let the members know where.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Eaton reported the Committee met and reviewed readmissions and academic bankruptcies.
B. University Committees: No Report
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
6. There was a question regarding adjunct faculty and how they react to students. There was a question of faculty supervising students who work for them. There were discussions regarding the dissemination of information to adjunct faculty. There was some discussion regarding parents teaching their child and is this a conflict of interest.
The Personnel Committee may want to look at the policies and the dissemination of the information.
7. There was a question regarding handicapped parking near the entrance of each building and meeting ADA compliance. The Finance and Resources Committee may want to look into this issue.
8. Dr. Miller asked the Faculty Senate to adjourn to Committees to discuss the issues for their Committees for next year. Dr. Miller asked the Chairs of the Committees to report back to him via email issues for the Committee for the year. He will compile these into formal charges for the Committees.
9. President Miller adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #431 (April 26, 2001)
ADSC: Schnell, Sherman, Wren
LA: Bell, Enger, Neff, Waring, Eaton
ENG: Smith, Fork, Gaede, Farrington, Hampton, Hawk
NUR: Redmon, Hays, Reisenwitz, Williamson, Stanfield, Cobb
SCI: Lawton, Johnson, Boyd, Baird, Li, Newman, Etzkorn, Ravindran, Miller, Hillman
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Berbrier
ENGR: Toutanji, Landrum
NUR: Weed
SCI: George, Friedman
LBAR: Stewart, Dillard, Early, Meister, Whatley, Wilkerson
ENGR: Shen, Jarem, Kavi
SCI: Christopher, Pakhomov, Geary
0. President Joan Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #429 were approved. Motion by Stephen Waring, seconded by Clark Hawk
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted.
3. Dr. Williamson introduced the new Senators and changed the order of the agenda. She introduced the new officers and distributed a ballot for voting regarding University Standing Committee Members. The Faculty Senate voted and Dr. Williams and members of the Governance Committee counted the ballots.
4. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz voiced a special thanks to the Faculty Senate and especially to Dr. Williamson for the work this year. Dr. Franz talked briefly regarding the bond issue. Dr. Franz reported there was a letter from Dr. Mabry to all the University Presidents. All but one rejected the idea. Proration has always treated all parties equally in the law. The Presidents made an offer that if the Legislature wanted to pass the bond issue then give it equally to K-12 and Higher Education. This was rejected. The bond issue will create a precedent to always happen this way. Equal treatment is what we are asking for. We hope this will be resolved by the Supreme Court. We are developing a contingency plan. Please take the word back to your colleagues that we do not plan to reduce salaries and we are not going to lay off people.
Dr. Franz spoke briefly about the Roberts Hall balcony falling. No one was injured and we are thankful for that. The structural engineers are looking at the building and the balconies will be replaced.
5. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported he is looking at the matrix for the reviews of the Deans and Directors and there are several that are due and past due. His plan is to try to do four per year to catch up.
6. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The report was distributed with the minutes.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Smith reported the Committee is still working on issues and notifications.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Williamson reported the PRAC will meet Monday at 11:30 in UC 126.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams reported the results of the elections for the University Standing Committees.
5. Personnel: No Report. Dr. Williamson expressed thanks to Dr. Boyd regarding the work of the Committee on the FAR form.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Neff reported the Committee is finishing their business and the minutes will be on the web next week.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Eaton reported the Animal Care and Use Committee met last week.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
7. Dr. Williamson asked Peggy to distribute a list of the Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Committees.
Dr. Williamson distributed a Sense of the Senate Resolution regarding the Governor's Actions and the Prorationing Issue. She explained that we are working toward a united front in Higher Education. We are not against K-12. We are all in this together.
Friendly amendments were:
After the word "issue" in the fifth "Whereas" insert the words "affecting Higher Education only".
In the last "Whereas" in the last sentence change to "of" "quality of life".
The vote was unanimous to accept the Sense of the Senate Resolution and send it out.
8. The Faculty Senate Committees were asked to convene to elect Committee Chairs for next year and report back the election results. The results were: Faculty and Student Development (Melinda Redmon, NUR); Finance and Resources (Richard Fork, ECE); Governance and Operations (Tommy Williams, PS); Personnel (Lynn Boyd, BYS); Undergraduate Curriculum (Brian Landrum, MAE); Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (James Smith, CHE).
9. President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #430 (April 12, 2001)
ADSC: Sherman
LA: Stewart, Enger, Dillard, Neff, Waring, Wilkerson, Williams, Eaton
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Gaede, Farrington
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Weed, Williamson, Cobb
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, George, Newman, Ravindran, Friedman, Pakhomov, Hillman
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Berbrier
ENGR: Shen
SCI: Baird, Miller
ADSC: Schnell
LBAR: Whatley
ENGR: Jarem, Hampton, Hawk
NUR: Hays
SCI: Lawton, Li
0. President Joan Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:51 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #429 were approved. Motion by Jean Cobb, seconded by Melinda Redmon
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported the Alabama Supreme Court has issued another stay on Judge McCooey's most recent motion. We have made progress regarding next year's budget. The legislation currently in process is approximately a 70/30 split for replacement money for K-12 and Higher Education. We still enter next year with less funding but not as much less as initially. The decision is still not made for the exact prorationing for this year's budget.
Dr. Franz reported the progress on the projects around campus.
Dr. Franz discussed priorities of meeting the needs of the students by providing quality education and not having faculty and staff layoffs and not raising tuition by double digits.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich offered to answer any questions. There was some discussion of frozen positions and the number of frozen positions in Academic Affairs.
6. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: Dr. Williamson reminded the Faculty Senate that next Tuesday is Honors Convocation in the Administrative Science Building at 10:00 a.m. Faculty are to assemble at 9:40 a.m. Dr. Williamson briefly discussed the Strategic Planning Initiative from the Chancellor and the Faculty Senate responses. Dr. Williamson reminded the Faculty Senate that we have mechanisms in place to review joint and shared program and we are sticking to those.
Dr. Williamson announced the PAC is doing well. We are racing Tuscaloosa to see which College wins and which division wins. Dr. Franz, Dr. Radonovich, and Dr. Williamson will cook dinner for the winner. The College of Nursing is challenging the College of Engineering.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Smith reported the Committee is still working on warning and alerts redistributions.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williamson reported the nomination ballots are out for the Faculty Senate Officers. The University Standing Committee requests are out.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Faculty Activity Report Form is up for third reading today.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Neff reported the Committee has met and the minutes of that will be up on the web by the end of the week.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: No Report
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
6. Dr. Waring moved to suspend the rules to move the Sense of the Senate Resolution to the floor now. Dr. Waring moved the resolution to the floor and explained this is a brief resolution that highlights what the deans do and why it is important to faculty. The Provost' Office has fallen behind on evaluation processes for deans and directors. This resolution asked that the rules of the Faculty Handbook be enforces and followed. The vote was 26 in favor and 2 opposed and 1 abstention. The Sense of the Senate Resolution passed and will be forwarded to Administration.
7. Senate Bill 287: Faculty Activity Report/Self Evaluation Form
Dr. Williamson introduced the bill and explained the previous discussions and changes and that the bill is at third reading. There was some question and discussion regarding the reception of this bill at the administrative level. There was some concern expressed for the three categories verses the original five categories on the raring scale. There was some discussion regarding labels for the categories. A motion was made to vote regarding three categories or five categories. The vote was 18 for 3 categories, 5 for 5 categories and 5 abstentions.
There was some discussion regarding the purpose of the form. The purpose is primarily evaluation. Dr. Redmon called the question.
The vote was 22 in favor, 4 opposed and 2 abstentions. The bill passed at third reading and will be forwarded to Administration for action.
8. President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #429 (March 15, 2001)
ADSC: Sherman
LA: Stewart, Enger, Dillard, Waring, Whatley, Wilkerson, Williams, Eaton
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Shen, Gaede, Farrington, Hawk
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Hays, Williamson, Cobb
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, Baird, Newman, Ravindran, Friedman, Hillman
ADSC: Schnell, Floyd
LBAR: Berbrier, Neff, Meister
NUR: Weed
ENGR: Hampton
SCI: George, Li, Miller, Pakhomov
ENGR: Jarem
SCI: Lawton
0. President Joan Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #428 were approved. Motion by Peggy Hays, seconded by John Warren.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported UAH is number one in Baseball and number one in Classical Studies. Shane Bjornlie, a History major has been accepted for doctoral programs in classical studies at Princeton, Leeds, and Toronto.
The Library and Recreation Center are coming along in their development. Both should be operational fall semester. March 26 the NSSTC Building will hold its grand opening. We are pressing ahead with the Residence Hall. The Foundation considers this a very high priority and will underwrite the operations of it for an indefinite period. There is no impact on the budget/proration, etc. Arrangements can be made for anyone who wishes to see drawings.
Dr. Franz reported he was very pleased with the great turn out on Higher Education Day. There was a great turn out from Faculty, Staff and Students. We received strong support from some of the Senators, especially Tom Butler, Jeff Enfinger, and Lowell Barron. This is the most unified and effective we have been. Dr. Franz talked about the laws regarding proration.He discussed the current issues with the Alabama Supreme Court and the proration issue.
There were some questions regarding whether we can handle the cuts. Dr Franz reported we will handle them and work through them but not without great pain and anguish. It removes necessities and opportunities. He reported we will work to protect the quality of the education for our students. We will protect faculty and staff from layoffs under normal circumstance. We will protect the modesty of the tuition increases. The top priority is to protect students and help them get the classes they need, and provide quality education for them. We must protect the high quality of the institution.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich was not present.
5. Ray Pinner's Report:
Mr. Pinner presented information from the September 2000 audit. He discussed the types of funding, revenues, expenditures and balances. He discussed the sources of funding. Mr. Pinner explained the various fund balance categories. He reported the Legislative Fiscal Office requested a report on the fund balances. He talked a little more about the areas of fund balance. The Legislative Fiscal Office has asked for explanation and clarification on the fund balance. We are most efficient in spending on primary mission, instruction, research, public service, and building funds.
A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Executive Committee Report is part of the package you received. The Committee set the agenda for today's meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: The Committee has a bill on the agenda for today.
5. Personnel: No Report. The Committee will have a Bill on the floor today.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: No Report
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Williamson went on record thanking Dr. Franz and Dr. Meredith for their work with the Legislature and the proration issues. Dr. Williamson reported ACUFP has developed a legal brief regarding the proration issues. She read a small excerpt from the document.
6. Senate Bill 288: Dr. Williams moved to take the rest of the agenda out of order and take Senate Bill 288 for consideration ahead of Senate Bill 287. Waring seconded the motion. Dr. Williamson explained the changes to the Faculty Handbook and the necessity for the changes. Dr. Williams explained the bill. Dr. Redmon proposed a friendly amendment to add clinical and research faculty to line 6. The amendment passed Dr. Redmon called the question. The vote was 25 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at second reading. Because the vote was unanimous Dr. Williamson declared the bill passed at third reading. It will be forwarded to Administration for action.
7. Senate Bill 287: Faculty Activity Report/Self Evaluation Form
Dr. Williamson introduced Senate Bill 287 and explained the changes since the last meeting. There was some discussion regarding the three categories of the Chair Evaluation portion. There was some discussion regarding the three categories in the current version versus the five categories in the old version. Dr. Hawk called the question. The vote was 17 in favor, 2 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at second reading.
8. President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #428 (February 22, 2001)
ADSC: Schnell, Sherman
LA: Stewart, Enger, Dillard, Neff, Meister, Waring, Williams, Eaton
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Shen, Gaede, Farrington, Hampton
NUR: Weed, Hays, Williamson, Cobb
SCI: Lawton, Boyd, George, Newman, Miller, Hillman
LBAR: Berbrier
NUR: Redmon
ENGR: Jarem, Hawk
LIB: Warren
SCI: Baird
LBAR: Whatley, Wilkerson
SCI: Christopher, Li, Ravindran, Friedman, Pakhomov
0. President Joan Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #427 were approved. Motion by Rhonda Gaede, seconded by Peggy Hays.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz was in Montgomery.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich talked briefly about the Legislative Actions. He stated that people might want to get angry at the judge but she did not want to do this. She delayed her decision because she did not want to do this. This does not make sense.
The current prorationing is taken from deferred maintenance. Non academic units have taken the bigger cuts. Academic Affairs was protected and only took 2/3 of the $1.3M cut. We did not lay anyone off and we did not touch scholarships. There is a freeze on long term positions. We are currently working on long-term 6.2% cuts. There are a sizeable number of positions unfilled. Buildings are funded externally. A large portion of our funding is external. We receive about 1/3 from the state, 1/3 from tuition and 1/3 external. We could not take a 10%, 18%, or 26% cut. Highest priority this year is to protect Academic Affairs. The Governor will be here Saturday and the students plan to rally at the airport.
We are not a typical University. We have expensive programs and areas like our largest (Engineering). A large fraction of our students are in majors that are expensive.
Gary is giving good advice.
Promotion is not affected by the freeze. We should have a memory to bestow money later if we do not have is now.
There was a question regarding the lawsuit and a counter suit. The response was yes this is going on but we are not too excited about this.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: Dr. Williamson reported the Executive Committee report is before you. The main objective of the Committee in its last meeting was to finalize the draft of the Faculty Activity Report to place it on today's agenda.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams reported the Committee tried to derive a simple plan to present to the Executive Committee regarding the change in the Faculty Handbook. The Executive Committee did not like what was proposed by the Committee but derived the Bill that will be presented at Second Reading today.
5. Personnel: No Report. The Committee will have a Bill on the floor today.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Dr. Delugach reported the Education Technology and Distance Education Committee has met and is approaching the final stages of work on a new model of how Distance Education should work at the University. The synopsis is that Distance Education courses should count as regular courses. There should be a stipend of about $2500 for course development. The first time the course is taught there should be a stipend. After the first time the course belongs to the University and is treated as a regular course.There should be something coming out soon for review.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Williamson talked briefly about the UASPAC and its importance. She had forms available for anyone interested. Dr. Williamson talked about March 6 as Higher Education Day and the need for people to attend. She stated she would like to see busses going. Dr. Williamson talked about the urgent need to contact Legislators before Saturday. Time is critical. Take action now. Contact the Legislators and voice concern.
6. Senate Bill 287: Faculty Activity Report/Self Evaluation Form
Dr. Williamson introduced the Bill as one that had come out of the Personnel Committee originally. The Committee had worked and revised the form and shortened it considerably. A copy of their revised form had been placed on the Web for everyone to see. A subcommittee of the Senate Executive Committee then looked at the form and revised it further. Dr. Williamson asked Dr. Boyd or Dr. Waring to talk about the changes to the form.
Dr. Boyd talked about the changes to the form. The form is half the length of the old form. The form uses bullets rather than alphabetical listings. There were many boxes before, there is only one now. There is no longer a tracking section. This form asked the faculty member to attach a Curriculum Vita. There is a summary of time allocation that could lead to discussions. The evaluation section was changed and the table there was revised from 5 categories to 3. There is a section of specified time allocation by the Chair. The form is perhaps easier and less time consuming to complete.
Dr. Williamson reminded the group that this form has two purposes. She pointed out the front cover page with the whereas statements and asked that individuals not get caught up in the items on that page since that was just an explanation page and would not actually go with the form. Dr. Williamson reported that the Committee had looked at other reports to make sure all the necessary information is contained in this report so that the faculty only have to provide the information one time.
There was some discussion regarding the five-year versus the one-year report. At least one college favored the five-year report because of information needed for their accrediting agency. Dr. Sherman and Dr. Schnell initially made a motion for an amendment to make the teaching and research and publications sections five years. They later revised their amendment to say the reporting period would be determined in each college by a faculty vote in that college.
Dr. Gaede called the question.
The vote was 18 in favor, 1 opposed and 5 abstentions.
Due to time constraints and loss of a quorum, the bill will be carried forward to the next meeting to be continued at second reading.
Senate Bill 288 will also be carried forward to the next meeting at second reading.
7. President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #427 (February 1, 2001)
ADSC: Schnell, Sherman
LA: Stewart, Enger, Dillard, Neff, Meister, Waring, Wilkerson, Williams, Eaton
ENG: Smith, Shen, Jarem, Gaede, Farrington, Hampton
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Hays, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, Boyd, George, Friedman, Miller, Pakhomov, Hillman
LBAR: Berbrier
NUR: Cobb
SCI: Baird, Ravindran
LBAR: Floyd, Whatley
ENGR: Toutanji, Hawk
NUR: Weed
SCI: Li, Newman
0. President Joan Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #425 were approved. Motion by Peggy Hays, seconded by Jack Schnell.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported on the State budget issue and the Governor's declaration of prorationing. Dr. Franz talked about plans for handling the prorationing and ask for feedback and input from the Faculty. We are working diligently to formulate a plan quickly. There may be hiring freezes, travel freezes, and cuts or freezes to operating and maintenance spending as well as service areas. Dr. Franz reported he will know more tomorrow or Monday and will send out a memo tomorrow or Monday with more information.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported regarding the one report period per year. Process Period--May 15 (year) -May 14 (year+1). Example May 15, 2000 - May 14, 2001--includes Summer 2000, Fall 2000, and Spring 2001. Reports due to Academic Affairs--Faculty Activity Report (FAR) June 1, Annual Evaluations June 1, and Annual Reports July 1. March 31 is the due date in the departments. Something happening after March 31 will do in next year's report. This will be uniform throughout campus. This is a new policy/process and will be sent to deans and department chairs. We will send out new ones as they occur. They are to be kept in a binder in the deans/department chair's office and the Office of Academic Affairs. At the end of the year there will be a new list of policy/process to deans/department chairs. Peggy Bower will take care of this.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: Dr. Williamson reported the main objective of the Senate Executive Committee this time was to work on the Faculty Activity Report Form. The Committee will continue to work on it and bring a draft to the Senate at the next meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Smith reported the Committee is looking at putting down a series of questions that will go to the Senate Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will then take it to the Senate. Items that affect Faculty and Student Development will be the focus. Dr. Smith asked the Faculty Senate if you know something that is a problem give the issue and the possible solution or your idea for a solution. Dr. Smith gave the process for student probation as one issue.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report. Dr. Williams was asked to look at whether there is a need to change the Faculty Handbook regarding the new report period.
5. Personnel: Dr. Williamson reported that the Personnel Committee had looked at the old FAR form and reduced it to four pages. The Senate Executive Committee looked at it and they are working to put it into a useful form. The next Senate Executive Committee they will prepare it to bring to you. This is the first bill that was on the web prior to bringing it to the floor of the Senate.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Neff reported the Committee met January 16 and approved the web cognate and some individual courses and course changes. The Committee will meet February 13, at 12:45 p.m. in MH 343.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Waring reported the Committee met in January and discussed students on probation. Some were allowed to take classes in some form.The Committee also discussed the Course Audit Policy bill that is on the agenda today.
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Williamson talked briefly about the UASPAC and its importance.
6. Senate Bill 286: Course Audit Policy
Dr. Waring introduced the bill and explained that it is a change to the Faculty Handbook that will further explain the student/faculty requirements and responsibilities in auditing a course. He explained the current policy allows a student to change up through the second week of classes. Originally this bill extended that period to the eighth week. The Committee did not agree with this because this coincides with the withdrawal date and the Committee felt there could be abuse of this because a student would change to audit instead of withdrawing. The Committee recommended the fourth week. The second issue the Committee discussed was striking line 23 to give the faculty more flexibility. The Executive Committee put this back in to give more direction.
There was some discussion and an amendment to line 22 to change to "permitted to ask" and insert "and exams" and strike line 23.
The amendment was moved and seconded by David Stewart and Melinda Redmon. The vote in favor of the amendment was unanimous.
The vote on the bill was 25 for, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at second reading and is administrative passed at third reading by President Williamson.
7. President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #425 (December 7, 2000)
ADSC: Floyd, Schnell, Sherman
LA: Stewart, Enger, Dillard, Neff, Meister, Waring, Severn, Berbrier,
ENG: Toutanji, Gaede, Farrington
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Weed, Hays, Williamson, Cobb
SCI: Lawton, Boyd, Ravindran, Friedman, Pakhomov, Hillman
ENGR: Landrum, Shen
LBAR Williams, Eaton
SCI: Miller
LBAR: Whatley, Wilkerson
ENGR: Smith, Jarem, Hawk
SCI: Christopher, Baird, George, Li, Newman
0. President Joan Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #424 were approved. Motion by John Warren, seconded by Jack Schnell.
2.The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted.
3.President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz reported regarding the unified budget recommendation to ACHE and then to the Legislature. There was a meeting of the Council of Presidents and a vote was taken. There were many abstentions. The recommendation was for a 50/50 split with 50% of the Education Trust Fund (ETF) distributed based on an across-the-board formula and the other 50% distributed based on the ACHE formula.
Dr. Franz and Dr. Williamson briefly spoke about the Strategic Planning Initiative.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported that the University is spending a small amount of money to remodel the old CS Building. ADSC needs two more computer labs to meet the needs of students in the Spring semester. Two labs are currently used by Continuing Education. ISE currently occupies a portion of Morton Hall and a portion of Wilson Hall. ISE is being moved to the Old CS Building. Early in the spring they will vacate the WH space and Continuing Education can move to Wilson Hall and vacate ADSC. Space will be freed in MH for classrooms and offices. The Old CS Building needs a roof and some interior work. This will be done over time.
There was a question regarding moving all of ISE out of MH. There was some discussion regarding faculty office space for faculty having a shared appointment with ISE and Education in that move.
There was some discussion and questions regarding recruiting more students, especially full time freshman and what it might take to do that There was some discussion regarding dorms and future plans. There was some discussion regarding percentage of commuter students and what we would like to see with regard to ratio of full time resident students to commuter students.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: Dr. Williamson reported the main objective of the Senate Executive Committee this time was to work with the Personnel Committee regarding the Faculty Activity Report and the timing of reports.The Personnel Committee is looking at the form and the Executive Committee is looking at the timing issue. The Executive Committee is working with Dr. Radonovich to look outside the box and look at doing reports at the same time instead of several different times. We want consensus building on these issues.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee met on November 16 and looked at example Faculty Activity Reports from other universities sent to them by Dr. Radonovich.The Committee looked at ours and revised it to four pages and a time period of one year. If anyone wants to look at it and give input, the input would be welcomed. The Form will be put on the Faculty Senate Web site. The Faculty will receive an email when the form is up on the web site. Please send comments to Dr. Lynn Boyd, your department Faculty Senate representative or Peggy.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Neff reported the Committee met November 16 and passed on an E- business Track Marketing Major, a Foreign Language Minor or Cognate, HPE 138 and a name change for Sociology 306. The Committee will meet again in January.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Williamson reported that she attended the Board of Trustees Meeting and there was a Strategic Plan Initiative distributed there and voted on by the Board.The Board voted on a summary.The detailed document has some issues in it that may need to be addressed over time.
Dr. Williamson reported she went to a meeting last week with other Faculty Senate Presidents, Staff Senate Presidents and Student Representatives. They met with the Chancellor. Dr. Williamson distributed some information she received at that meeting regarding the upcoming budget issues.
Dr. Williamson talked about setting up a template for rapid response regarding budget and Legislative issues. Dr. Williamson reported the UASPAC is doing well.We need to publicize this information. Any ideas anyone might have are welcome.
6. President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #424 (November 9, 2000)
ADSC: Floyd, Schnell
LA: Stewart, Enger, Neff, Severn, Whatley, Wilkerson, Eaton, Berbrier,
ENG: Shen, Gaede, Landrum
LIB: Warren
NUR: Hays, Williamson, Cobb
SCI: Lawton, Boyd, George, Newman, Ravindran, Pakhomov
ADSC: Sherman
ENGR: Toutanji, Farrington
LBAR: Waring, Meister, Williams
NUR: Redmon, Weed
SCI: Baird, Friedman, Miller, Hillman
LBAR: Dillard
ENGR: Smith, Jarem, Hawk
LIB: Warren
SCI: Christopher, Li
0. President Joan Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #423 were approved. Motion by David Neff, seconded by Robert Lawton.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
Not Present: No Report
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
No Report.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee had a working meeting and set the agenda for today's meeting. Dr. Miller will be going to ACCUFP
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Hays reported the Committee has not met since the previous Senate meeting. The Committee will be looking at the origin of policies for Distance Education.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams was not present. Dr. Eaton reported that she is the Chair of the Animal Care and Use Committee. She reported the Committee looks at the animals that are used and make sure the University is in compliance. Dr. Eaton reported the Governance Committee has examined the University Committees and determined that the Senate has representation on those needed.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee is looking at the Faculty Activity Report and also examining the possibility of the same timetable for all reporting (i.e. annual report, faculty activity report, etc.).
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Neff reported the Committee met on October 26 and approved some course approval forms and worked on a bill for today's agenda.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
6. Sense of the Senate Resolution Supporting the UASPAC: Dr. Williamson talked about the UASPAC briefly. She announced that it has been well received and there is excitement about it. She reported she has recruited individuals from various colleges to be liaisons to facilitate activities in order to get fast turn around on action items. Those individuals are Mark Bower--Engineering, Jim Miller--Science, Harry Delugach--Science, David Neff--Liberal Arts, Mitch Berbrier--Liberal Arts, Iris Warren--Nursing, and she is still looking for someone from Research Institute. Dr. Williamson reported that Paul Hubbard is setting out in February to get the remainder of the increase in the Trust Fund. We need strength to fight that. We are after numbers. We need to distribute forms. There was an amendment to take out the third whereas recommended. This passed unanimously. Dr. Schnell called the question. The resolution passed unanimously.
Dr. Williamson announced that Howard Hawk has taken a judgeship and will resign as Representative.
7. Senate Bill 284: Rescinding Senate Resolution 99/00-03: Establishment of Faculty Initiated Student Withdrawal: Dr. Severn brought the bill to the floor and explained its origin as a result of the response to how the original bill affects financial aid for students. Students have an attendance requirement on some financial aid and being withdrawn adversely affects more than the F. This issue should be looked at more closely and do more research on what is best for students. There was other discussion regarding 100 and 200 level courses having the NC and making this matter mute anyway. The bill passed unanimously 26 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill was administratively passed at third reading by the President of the Faculty Senate.
8. Senate Bill 285: Inter-College Program Processes: Dr. Neff brought this bill to the floor. He explained that the bill is self-explanatory and the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee was trying to address potential programs with inter-college program. This bill forces all involved parties to see the changes and acknowledge they have seen them. After some discussion Dr. Gaede called the question. The bill passed unanimously 27 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. The President of the Faculty Senate Administratively declared the bill passed at third reading.
Dr. Williamson asked that any suggestions regarding the Faculty Activity Reports be sent to Dr. Boyd or herself. She also asked for any suggestions regarding the Annual Report to be sent to Dr. Boyd or herself.
She also announced that Gary Smith is in charge of the Web Pages and developing a template that can be used by various departments.
Dr. Williamson announced that Dr. Franz has stated that everyone can use paper requisitions until we get something better for on-line requisitions. The Faculty Senate has asked for a public forum to discuss the issue. If you have ideas let us know.
9. President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #423 (October 19, 2000)
ADSC: Sherman, Floyd, Schnell
LA: Stewart, Enger, Dillard, Neff, Meister, Severn, Wilkerson, Williams, Eaton, Berbrier,
ENG: Smith, Toutanji, Farrington
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Weed, Hays, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, Baird, Newman, Ravindran, Hillman, Delugach, Friedman
LBAR: Waring
NUR: Cobb
SCI: George, Miller, Li
LBAR: Whatley
ENGR: Shen, Jarem, Gaede, Landrum, Hawk
SCI: Lawton, Pakhomov
0. President Joan Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:55 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #421 were approved. Motion by Lloyd Hillman, seconded by Harry Delugach.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz talked about the 2000-2001 Board of Trustees Budget Presentation. He distributed copies of the presentation. Dr. Franz explained the contents of the Presentation package and took questions from the Faculty Senate.
Dr. Franz acknowledged that Ray Pinner is present and that he is now on board as the new Vice President for Finance and Administration. Dr. Franz asked Ray Pinner to attend and talk about the bi-weekly pay issue and answer questions related to that.
Dr. Franz acknowledged that Jim Smith brought forth the issue of problems with the new Purchasing System. He stated that he has appointed a task force. The task force will work on the issues and try to find solutions to the problems. Dr. Franz stated he will have at least one open meeting. Dr. Franz reported that there was input to the process because there was a committee that investigated this but it was in 1991. The recommendation made then was based on hardware and software then and it was purchased in 1993. The purchase was made based on a complete package for all areas. The requisition package is archaic. Some people like it because they are used to using it and do not experience many problems. Others dislike it and can't use it. If the individual is well trained on the system they like it, if not they do not like it. The Committee will investigate the problem and try to solve it. Dr. Franz announced that in the interim Purchasing will accept paper requisitions.
Ray Pinner stated everyone should have received a memo explaining the bi-weekly pay plan. There have been many discussions in the last six months. The highlights from the memo are that the first paycheck under the new system will be December 20 for 8 days. Then the checks will be every two weeks thereafter. Mr. Pinner announced that payroll has run a test that is almost ready for distribution that will show individuals what their gross and net pay will be for the first two paychecks. This will be distributed early in December. He announced that there have been free planning sessions scheduled to help employees with financial planning. The next step will be training for using the new forms. The new forms are Excel Based spreadsheet type forms. This form will replace several other forms currently used. The final version is being worked on now. Mr. Pinner answered questions related to the bi-weekly payroll issue.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich reported he had three pieces of information. He attend the October 6, ACHE meeting and ACHE approved two new graduate program. They approved the MS in MIS and the Ph.D. in Biotechnology Science and Engineering. The Biotechnology Ph.D. is the first in the state and the first in the country with a Physical Science emphasis.
Dr. Radonovich reported he attended a SACSCOC meeting on Wednesday. He reminded the Faculty that SACSCOC reaccreditation will occur in 2005. Some changes in the practices are proposed. A draft document with the changes was distributed at the SACSCOC meeting. We have an opportunity to give input. The Final version will be completed over the course of the next year. We would be in the first year of implementation of the new version. The new version has some improvements. The must statements have been reduced from 300+ to 60. We have more freedom in establishing who we are and where we are going and how we get there. Preparing a prospectus for improvement is the first step. We will likely begin next fall preparing for the visit. Dr. Radonovich stated he is encouraged by the changes. It is not less work but work resulting in a positive change This is likely comparable to ABET and some of the Engineering Faculty suggested that other faculty might be able to learn from their experience and training for the ABET since it will occur before the SACSCOC visit.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met, worked on two bills for today and set the agenda for today's meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Smith reported the Committee has looked at the principal charge given to them and progressed with that and they are moving on to the next issue in the charge.
3. Finance and Resources: Peggy Hays reported the Committee is working on the charges given to them and she also attended the second ISUAC meeting. IS is working on a five-year plan for upgrading the network and has purchased some of the initial items (switches) for an upgrade for the campus network. She reported Don Halverstadt requested that departments notify him of significant network changes so he can be prepared. She also reported that the ISUAC is looking at new organizations requesting websites and how those websites are established.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams reported the Faculty Appeals Committee elections have been held and he received 108 responses. He announced the five winners for that Committee. He requested that his Committee meet immediately after this meeting to talk about the Committees that they discovered that do not have Current Senators on them and whether or not to put a Senator on those Committees.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Committee met once and they are discussing the development of a new FAR Form and the ACHE faculty database and a way to integrate the two of these. She received a copy of a memo from Dr. Radonovich that came from an ACHE Committee and they are planning the faculty database in phases and the first phase will be the teaching loads.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Neff reported the Committee met once and discussed and approved some changes in grading for HPE courses and 100 level courses in specific areas. He stated he will be sending an email soon regarding the next meeting and the agenda for that meeting.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Williamson reported in Dr. Miller's absence that the Committee has developed a bill rescinding a resolution that is on the agenda today.
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. reported she will be attending the ACCUFP meeting in November in Troy. She reported this is a good place to find out what others are doing.
6. Gary Smith Question and Answer Session Regarding the University of Alabama System PAC: Dr. Williamson introduced Gary Smith. Gary talked about the additional $120M additional monies requested for K-12 in the budget. Because of all the requests on the money, there is only one place to get that money and that is from us. We will have a real struggle on our hands.Gary quoted from Howard Hawk's presentation. Gary stated that money, votes, and personal relationships are what talks. Gary discussed the fact that a group has been formed called the UASPAC. He stated there is great strength in numbers. This is politically smart. This sends a clear message, levels the playing field and makes our voice count. Gary quoted some figures from the 1998 cycle and the political action group contributions and how these affected the legislation. We have strength in numbers. There are 22,000 faculty and staff on the three campuses, a combined 42,000 students plus parents, and 175,000 alumni in Alabama that we have good addresses for. Many of the alumni are already involved. If you take that group with 5% participation at $5/month and with the Ethics Law giving us a four-year window for building an account, that produces some $2.8M and this puts us on the playing field with the big boys. There are also private corporations that are willing to play. We can compete with and beat the big boys if we play the game the way they play it. There are four people on the Executive Committee for the UASPAC. They are active and working, raising money. Tuscaloosa already has 350 people signed on.Friends of the university campuses set this group up and are helping to get it moving.
7. Sense of the Senate Resolution Supporting the UASPAC: Because of the time constraint and the loss of the quorum this item will carry forward to the next Senate Meeting.
8. Senate Bill 284: Rescinding Senate Resolution 99/00-03: Establishment of Faculty Initiated Student Withdrawal: Because of time constraint and the loss of the quorum this item will carry forward to the next Senate Meeting.
9. President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #421 (September 7, 2000)
ADSC: Sherman, Floyd, Schnell
LA: Stewart, Dillard, Neff, Meister, Whatley, Wilkerson, Williams, Eaton, Berbrier,
ENG: Smith, Shen, Farrington
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Weed, Hays, Cobb, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, Boyd, George, Li, Ravindran, Miller, Pakhomov, Hillman, Delugach
ENGR: Jarem
LBAR: Enger, Waring
SCI: Baird, Friedman
ENGR: Toutanji, Abushagur, Landrum, Hawk
SCI: Newman
0. President Joan Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #420 were approved. Motion by John Warren, seconded by Peggy Hays.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted.
3. President Franz's Report:
Dr. Franz announced that the Convocation Notes have been distributed. He also announced that Ray Pinner has accepted the offer to return as Vice President for Finance and Administration. A Search Committee interviewed two very good candidates and Ray Pinner was made an offer and accepted.
Dr. Franz talked about putting Gary in charge of reviewing Web pages and asked that all work on improving department WebPages. He would like to see all faculty have a color picture and a vitae on the department WebPages. Dr. Franz took questions.
4. Provost Radonovich's Report:
Dr. Radonovich announced that he is happy to be here. He talked briefly about the WX grade and the fact that it is going back to the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee. He reported that we are not able tot put the grade in place because of financial aid and scholarship issues. It is a well-intended action but it could do harm to students in the financial aid area. The Scholastic Affairs Committee will look at it and look at other alternatives. There was some question of why this is the case because all this was addressed early in the deliberations. Dr. Radonovich reported we need alternatives.
5. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met twice: Once to introduce Dr. Radonovich to the Committee and the second time to address Committee charges and set the agenda for today's meeting. The report was included with the information packet to all Senators.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Smith is looking into what kind of issues are out there that faculty and students feel are not being addressed. The Committee will address issues of web-based utilization and the mechanism for faculty input into nonacademic policies impacting faculty workloads.
3. Finance and Resources: Peggy Hays reported the Committee will attempt the charge suggested by Dr. Williamson. She read the charge for the Committee from the Bylaws.She reported she also sits on the PRAC and will report back to the Senate on this. She reported the Committee will meet next week in the Nursing Building at the 12:45 time.The Committee will look at Distance Education policies, etc.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams reported the Committee established last year a bill to insure all University Standing Committees meet. The Committees have a co-chair and any member can call for a meeting. The Committee is looking into better organization and making sure Committee meetings are held. The Committee is also investigating a calendar of elections for University Committees and Senate Committees.
5. Personnel: Dr. Boyd reported the Personnel Committee is looking at the Faculty Activity Report Form and reviewing it and developing a new form. She asked that faculty give her input on that. She reported she will hold the senior faculty on the Committee to helping her with the tasks of the Committee since she is a younger and newer faculty member. The Committee will meet in WH 117 next week at the 12:45 p.m. time. The Committee will also look at the reporting for ACHE and Legislation on that. The Committee will take the list of recommendations the Committee from last year came up with and develop a form from that.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Neff reported the Committee has many ex-officio members from the Colleges and Dr. Fran Johnson is also an ex-officio member.The Committee will meet next week in MH 208. The Committee already has business before them. Dr. Neff reported he has a packet for the members. They will be looking at the letter grade for the HPE courses.They will also be looking at intercampus collaboration.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Miller has agreed to Chair this Committee in Dr. Waring's absence this semester. The Committee has already has one meeting to make decisions on at 50 readmits and bankruptcy cases. The Committee will meet in the next couple of weeks to look at the WX grade and other issues.Anyone having suggestions should give them to a Committee member. Some issues regarding the NC Grading will also be investigated. Advising issues will be another topic.
B. University Committees: No Reports.
A. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Williamson talked about how she came up with the suggested charges for the Committees. She observed there is a communication issues across campus and that a happier and more informed faculty results in a happier and better educated student body. The goal of the Faculty Senate this year is to improve communication.
She talked about political issues and having a liaison for each department so that we get information out faster and back to the appropriate individuals faster. The goal is to improve communication inside and across the State.
Dr. Williamson announced that if anyone had not heard issues they want addressed to let her or some member of the Faculty Senate know so that they may be addressed.
Dr. Williamson reminded the Committees that they can invite whomever they wish to meetings. Anyone can write a bill and can take a bill from any colleague and bring it to the Senate.
Dr. Williamson announced that the next meeting is at 12:45 p.m. here in ADSC 114 on September 28. Howard Hawk has asked to come and give a presentation and answer questions. Dr. Williamson reminded the Senate that all Senate meetings are open to all and to invite people to come and hear Representative Hawk.
Dr. Williamson also announced that the Chancellor is coming in January.
Dr. Williamson announced she is going to the Board of Trustees meeting next week.
6. President Williamson adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m. Motion by Dr. Delugach, seconded by Dr. Meister
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #420 (April 27, 2000)
ADSC: Sherman, Floyd, Schnell
LA: Stewart, Hubler, Schenker, Dillard, Neff, Waring, Williams, Bliss, Columbus, Berbrier, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Shen, Abushagur, Swain, Farrington, Landrum
LIB: Warren
NUR: Redmon, Weed, Hays, Cobb, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Boyd, Baird, Li, Richards, Kunin, Ravindran, Miller, Comfort, Hillman, Delugach
ENGR: Jarem, Hawk
LBAR: Enger
NUR: Brookman
SCI: George, Miller
LBAR: Dasher, Meister, Wilkerson, Whatley
ENGR: Smith, Toutanji, Boykin
SCI: Lawton, Garstka, Friedman, Zhang, Pakhomov
0. Past-President Harry Delugach called the meeting to order at 12:34 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #419 were approved. Motion by David Neff, seconded by Peggy Hays.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted. Motion by James Bliss, seconded by Jim Baird.
3. Dr. Delugach entertained a motion to take the ordinary business out of order allowing Tommy Williams, Chair of the Senate Governance and Operations Committee, to complete the Elections of University Standing Committee Members. Dr. Williams distributed ballots for the election of University Standing Committee Members. The Faculty Senate voted and returned the ballots to Dr. Williams. Dr. Williams and two members of the Governance and Operations Committee counted the ballots and reported the results. (Campus Planning- Eugene Bryson, Bonnie Sneed and Rolf Goebel; Employee Benefits-Nancy Dillard and Jean Cobb; Financial Aid-Linda Maier; Information Services Users Advisory-Peggy Hays and Kyle Siegrist; Intercollegiate Athletics-Diana Bell; Library-Lillian Joyce and David Allen; Patents and Copyrights-Kenneth Smith; Publications Board-Michael Newchurch; Student Affairs Advisory Board-Mary Piersma and Timothy Newman; Student Life Allocations-David Brunsma; University Commencement-Eugene Bryson; University Judicial Board-Timothy Newman, Diana Bell, Sharon George and Gary Gardner)
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met and the report was included with the information packet to all Senators. They set the agenda for today's meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Richards reported the Committee will meet tomorrow to deal with issues of a number of course changes, new courses, cognates, general problems and HPE changes.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
B. University Committees: Engineering Technology and Distance Education Committee met a couple of times and they are looking at recommendations. Dr. Emslie has been appointed as Chair. Dr. Delugach is the Secretary and the next meeting is Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Room.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
5. President Franz Report: Dr. Franz reported on the new payroll plan. Dr. Franz distributed a memo for the Faculty Senate to look at and get feedback to him. He talked about the December paycheck that was issued before Christmas. This was an enormous job and cannot be done again. Every check had to be done by hand. We must either go back to the old system or bring the entire paycheck before Christmas. The biweekly pay is favored by many staff. The other issue is an accounting issue. The accounting is not after the fact, which causes numerous problems especially on the contract and grant side. Changing in December this year is possible with a minimum of impact or holdback. Questions and discussion ensued. Dr. Franz will send out the memo and then meet with the Faculty and Staff Senate Executive Committees before implementing.
6. Provost McManus Report: No Report.
7. Senate Bill 283: Dr. Schnell and Dr. Neff moved the bill to the floor. There was some question of the content of the bill. There was some question of the use of the midterm progress report. Dr. Johnson reported the advisors in the colleges contact all the students, with emphasis on those in trouble. The vote was 5 in favor, 21 opposed and 2 abstentions. The bill failed at third reading.
8. Ratification of Senate Officers for 2000/01 by the new Senate: Dr. Boykin moved, seconded by Dr. Hays to ratify the Senate Officers for 2000/01.(President-Joan Williamson, President-Elect-James Miller, Ombudsperson-Robert Lawton, Parliamentarian-Steve Floyd, Past-President-Harry Delugach).
9. Approval of Senate Committees for 2000/01 by the new Senate. The 2000/01 Faculty Senate Committees were approved by a vote of the new Senate.
10. Business was suspended for a caucus of the Senate Committees to Elect Chairs for 2000/01.
11. Faculty Senate Committee Chairs were reported to Dr. Delugach, Dr. Williamson and Peggy. (James Smith, Faculty and Student Development; Peggy Hays, Finance and Resources; Tommy Williams, Governance and Operations; Lynn Boyd, Personnel; David Neff, Undergraduate Curriculum; Stephen Waring, Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs)
12. Past-President Delugach adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #419 (April 13, 2000)
ADSC: Sherman, Floyd, Schnell
LA: Enger, Schenker, Neff, Meister, Waring, Wilkerson, Williams, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Shen, Boykin, Jarem, Swain
NUR: Hays, Williamson, Cobb
SCI: George, Li, Richards, Comfort
LBAR: Bliss, Hanks
NUR: Brookman, Warren
SCI: Baird, Kunin
LBAR: Dasher, Whatley
ENGR: Abushagur, Hawk, Landrum
LIB: Warren
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, Garstka, Zhang, Miller, Hillman
0. President-Elect Williamson called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #418 were approved. Motion by Hugh Comfort, seconded by Peggy Hays.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted. Motion by James Swain, seconded by William Wilkerson.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met and the report was included with the information packet to all Senators. They set the agenda for today's meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report
5. Personnel: Dr. Sherman reported the Committee is studying the issue of the co-pay on prescription drugs.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Richards reported the Committee has been busy signing off on NC options, a new Physics course Astronomy 100, two new courses in Computer Science, and the Foreign Languages revamp and the problems with the business courses cognate within the Foreign Languages revamp proposal.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Sitaraman reported in Dr. Bliss' absence. The Committee has discussed the A,B,C,D, F, midterm grade report issues. The Committee recommended dropping the P and adding S and U so the new grade report would include A, B, C, D, F, S, U, and N. There will be a bill on the floor later incorporating these changes.
B. University Committees: No Reports
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: Dr. Williamson reminded the group about the request for University 101 instructors and coordinators. There is a possibility of having four sections if the predictions hold. Think about this and make recommendations. Dr. Williamson also talked about the Legislative actions and House Bill 204. Letter writing was encouraged. Peggy read a report from Gary Smith.
President: No Report.
4. President Franz Report: Not Present due to Honors Convocation Activities.
5. Provost McManus Report: Not Present due to Honors Convocation Activities.
6. Senate Bill 283: Midterm Grade Report Adjustments. Dr. Sitaraman brought the bill to the floor in Dr. Bliss' absence. She introduced the bill and gave some background. The request for change originated in the Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee. The request was to include more options on the midterm grading sheet. The Committee recommended taking out the P due to redundancy and adding back the S and U. Now the proposed bill recommends a grade sheet with A, B, C, D, F, S, U, and N. After some discussion and a recommendation to ask for data regarding the midterm progress report and its impact on retention. Tommy Williams, seconded by David Neff called the question. The vote was 25 in favor. The bill passed at second reading.
7. Sense of the Senate Resolution Honoring Reva Bailey: Joan introduced the resolution and highlighted some points. John Jarem moved the resolution to the floor seconded by Tommy Williams. The vote was unanimous in favor of passing the Resolution and presenting it to Reva at the last Senate Meeting.
8. Nominations for Faculty Senate Officers for 2000/01. Joan gave some background in the changes in the election and vote for the President-Elect and the Ombudsperson. Tommy Williams distributed a ballot for these nominations to be returned at the end of the meeting. The ballot will be mailed out next week after the nominations are verified.
9. President-Elect Williamson adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #418 (March 16, 2000)
ADSC: Sherman, Floyd, Schnell
LA: Enger, Schenker, Neff, Gyasi, Waring, Hanks, Whatley, Wilkerson, Williams, Bliss, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Shen, Boykin, Swain, Landrum
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Hays, Williamson, Cobb
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, Kunin, Miller, Comfort
LBAR: Meister
ENGR: Leonard, Jarem
NUR: Warren
SCI: Richards
LBAR: Dasher
ENGR: Abushagur, Hawk
SCI: Garstka, Baird, George, Zhang, Hillman
0. President Hanks called the meeting to order at 12:36 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #417 were approved. Motion by Tommy Williams, seconded by Jack Schnell.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by John Warren, seconded by Jack Schnell.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met and the report was included with the information packet to all Senators. They set the agenda for today's meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report
5. Personnel: Dr. Sherman reported the Committee is reviewing two requests dealing with University benefits--Pharmaceuticals and TIAA/CREF.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported there has been a request from the Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee to re-add S&U to the Midterm Progress Grade Reports. The Committee will meet next Thursday to discuss this.
B. University Committees: Dr. Schenker reported the Library Committee met earlier in the week. Monday 2-4 p.m. the Library will hold an open house. Everyone should be able to see updates of the renovation/addition plans there. He also reported the Library Serials budget has increased by 10% and the Library does not have the budgetary means to accommodate this increase so there has been a request to the departments for a 15% reduction. The Committee is appealing to the Administration for assistance to prevent this cut but there is no money to increase the Library budget.
Dr. Bliss reported the Education Technology and Distance Education Committee met to deal with their charge and decide how to advise Dr. McManus. Dr. Emslie was appointed chair and they are proceeding with advisory actions.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Hanks reported the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Search is underway. Dr. Hanks reported he is on the Committee. He reported the Committee work is confidential but if you have questions or comments let him know. He reported he cannot discuss details of the Committee work but he will take advisement.
Dr. Hanks reminded the group that new Senators are needed. He asked the group to think about nominations for officers for next year.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz reported on the current work in the Legislature.
Dr. Franz reported regarding the Times Board editorials from last week.
Dr. Franz talked about the Legislation of greatest contention right now and its effects on the future budget for the State. He reported regarding the testimonies of last week and reported he will be returning next week for more testimony.
Dr. Franz talked about recruitment and retention. He thanked the group for their work on the NC grading option. This will help soften the transition between high school and college for students. He reported retention is still a very high priority. The new facilities (Recreation and Library) will help and these are moving along. Bids are coming in and fine tuning to plans and bids are ongoing. Dr. Franz reported on the plans for parking lot expansions and the environmental effects of this. He reported the Library/Nursing parking lot will be expanded. He reported that the original proposal for expanding the ADSC/WH parking lot is being seriously considered again. He reported the number of trees on campus and the number that will be effected by the parking lot expansions. He reported the replacement will increase the number of tree with ~7 being removed and ~20 being added. This parking lot expansion will add ~90 parking spaces. Dr. Franz brought drawings for interested persons to review. Dave Brown was also available to answer questions.
Dr. Franz announced the Provost Search Committee.
5. Provost McManus Report:
Dr. McManus responded to the report from the Library Committee on the Serial reduction request. He reported the Administration added $100,000 to the Library budget last year. He also reported the AVL may offset some of the problems encountered by reducing the number of serials.
Dr. McManus announced the Promotion and Tenure Decisions and the Teaching and Research Awardees.
Business was suspended for Mr. Quick's Report.
6. Mr. Quick offered to distribute copies of the Financial Report or send them out later.
Mr. Quick discussed the types of funds, the availability of funds, funds expended, income, fund balance, credit hours, tuition, and comparisons in appropriations.
He reported we are second in the state in efficiency, a substantial bragging right.
He talked about the credit hour production per college.
He talked about the efficiency indicators from NACUBO.
He ended with the positive trends in the last year.
He opened the floor for any questions.
7. President Hanks adjourned the meeting at 1:41 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #417 (February 24, 2000)
ADSC: Sherman, Floyd, Schnell
LA: Enger, Schenker, Meister, Waring, Hanks, Whatley, Wilkerson, Williams, Bliss, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Shen, Boykin, Jarem, Swain, Landrum, Hawk
LIB: Warren
NUR: Hays, Williamson
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, Baird, Richards, Kunin, Zhang, Comfort, Hillman
NUR: Warren, Brookman, Cobb
SCI: Garstka, George
LBAR: Dasher, Neff
ENGR: Abushagur
SCI: Li, Miller
0. President Hanks called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #416 were approved. Motion by John Warren, seconded by Jack Schnell.
2. The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Clark Hawk, seconded by James Bliss.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met and the report was included with the information packet to all Senators. They set the agenda for today's meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Jarem reported the Committee met in January concerning the Distance Education issue. There were two main items discussed--the percent of ownership by the University of the distance education courses developed. The consensus was that most of the ownership should be given to the faculty member. The percentage would be determined by the production cost to the University. The second item discussed was the release time for faculty members developing such courses. It was determined that this should be settled department by department.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams reported that Dr. Hanks has sent letters to the various department Chairs reminding them to elect Senators for the coming year. Dr. Williams encouraged the Senators to remind their Department Chairs that these elections need to occur promptly. Dr. Williams reported that after these Senators are elected we will take nominations for President Elect and Ombudsperson.
5. Personnel: Dr. Sherman reported the Committee met and discussed the Faculty Database. This will be discussed more later along with a Sense of the Senate Resolution with recommendations..
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Richards reported they have conducted business
via email approving a change to CM 113 for the NC grading system.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported that the Committee looked at the Mid Term Progress Reporting System. The original resolution was for A, B, C, D, F, N, and P. Dr. Bliss reported there was not really a problem with the grading scale but with the use of old grade sheets causing some confusion.
B. University Committees: Dr. Bliss reported that the Education Technology and Distance Education Committee was formed two years ago and had not met. He has been asked to call a meeting of the Committee, which he has done. The Committee will meet Thursday, March 2, at 1:00 p.m. in Morton Hall 127.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: Dr. Williamson gave Dr. Brookman's report in Dr. Brookman's absence. The Commencement Committee met on February 15 and discussed the new processional for the faculty. Dr. Williamson distributed a chart showing the new processional for the faculty. She encouraged the faculty to review the chart and share it with colleagues in order to be prepared for Commencement. She also discussed the fact that Commencement is set for Mother's Day for the next five years, the adverse effect of this for some of the people, and the Faculty Senate's position on addressing this issue.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Hanks reported he attended the Board of Trustees Meeting on February 17th and 18th. The discussions were centered around the budget approvals for NSSTC and the UAB New Hospital--both of these are multimillion dollar projects. There were discussions of the Masters in Software Engineering, the Joint PhD in Civil Engineering and there was some reprimand for the third campus (UA's) non-participation.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz apologized for his absence at the last meeting. He explained he was in a meeting in Birmingham with the Governor giving an address. Constitution Reform and Tax Reform were issues of discussion. Dr. Franz discussed the Windom Scholarship Proposal and distributed information regarding this issue. Dr. Franz discussed some of the points of importance regarding this bill and its effects on higher education. He encouraged everyone to contact their legislators regarding this bill. He reported that Gary Smith will distribute a Legislative Alert on this issue and other pertinent issues for discussion.
Dr. Franz addressed the issue of the dates for Commencement the decision making process for these dates.
Dr. Franz announced Dr. McManus] retirement. He announced he has asked Dr. Luquire to chair the Search Committee and Dr. Luquire has agreed. He announced he wants to appoint the Faculty Senate President, the SGA President and other representatives from the University Community that will represent the University as a whole and not their units. He asked Dr. Hanks to serve on the Committee and he agreed.
There was some questions and discussion regarding the restructuring of the ASB parking. Dr. Franz explained the problem and the solution that has been proposed. He invited anyone to come and look at the plans and to express any ideas if they think they have a better solution.
The request was made to have Dave Brown come to the next Senate Meeting to present the idea for the parking extension.
5. Provost McManus Report:
No Report.
6. Senate Bill 281: Course Repeat Limit for NC Grade Option:
Dr. Bliss moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Comfort seconded the motion. The vote for the bill was 31 in favor, 1 abstention and 0 opposed. The bill passes as third reading and will be forwarded to the administration for action.
7. Senate Bill 282: Establishment of Faculty-Initiated Student Withdrawal:
Dr. Bliss moved this bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Schnell seconded the motion. After lengthy discussion, the vote for the bill was 22 in favor, 6 opposed and 0 absentions. The bill passes at third reading and will be forwarded to the administration for action.
8. Sense of the Senate Resolution: Statewide Faculty Database Modification Recommendations:
Dr. Hanks moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Meister seconded the motion. Dr. Hanks gave some background information regarding the Statewide Faculty Database. Dr. Sherman elaborated on Dr. Hanks comments and emphasized some of the points of the Sense of the Senate Resolution. The resolution unanimously passed and will be distributed as indicated.
8. President Hanks adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #416 (February 3, 2000)
ADSC: Sherman, Floyd, Schnell
LA: Enger, Neff, Meister, Hanks, Wilkerson, Williams, Bliss, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Shen, Boykin, Jarem, Swain, Landrum, Hawk
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Hays, Williamson, Cobb, Susan Myer (Guest)
SCI: Christopher, George, Li, Richards, Kunin, Miller, Comfort
NUR: Warren
SCI: Baird
LBAR: Dasher, Schenker, Waring, Whatley
ENGR: Abushagur
SCI: Lawton, Garstka, Zhang, Hillman
0. President Hanks called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #414 were approved with one minor correction to paragraph 6--changing "that" to "than". Motion by Hugh Comfort, seconded by James Miller.
2.The Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted. Motion by Janet Brookman, seconded by David Neff.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met twice and both reports were included with the information packet to all Senators.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Shen reported the Committee met and discussed the distance learning issues. Dr. Jarem will have more information at a later time.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Sherman reported the Committee met and discussed the Faculty Database. They are working on recommendations.
6.Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Richards reported they have conducted business
via email approving changes to Music 106 and including Psychology 201 as part of the general education requirements. Dr. Richards requested the faculty push their departments to get any work in to the Committee as soon as possible.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee met and talked about the two bills that are on the agenda today. They also developed a list of issues for departments to consider regarding the NC grade option.
B. University Committees: No Reports
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: No Report.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz was not present to give a report.
5. Provost McManus Report:
Dr. McManus reported that he took the University Committee Listings to the VPs as a result of the concern expressed by the Faculty Senate regarding these Committees. They were reviewed at the VP level and some changes were recommended. There were some mergers recommended and we are trying to get some of the Committees to meet and some are meeting. Dr. McManus reported he will get the new information to the Senate soon.
Dr. McManus reported we are printing a revised version of the Faculty Handbook with all the approved revisions included. We have used all the printed copies of the former version we have and we need to print more, therefore we will include the revisions in the reprint.
Legislative Items: The Governor presented his budget with what we asked for which amounts to about 5.03% for us. We have already committed to devote any budget increase to faculty and staff salary increases. He also included line items that were in last year at about 80% of last year's funding for those items. Dr. McManus encouraged the faculty to listen to Gary Smith and to respond when needed.
Dr. McManus talked about a bond issue that was proposed last year and our part in that if it should happen this year.
Dr. McManus talked about Performance Based Funding and performance indicators, topics that have been discussed in the Legislature. Dr. McManus talked about the kind of indicators that might work for us and those that would not work well for us, as well as the things that are still high priority items for concern and consideration (graduation rates, success rates, retention rates and diversity).
6. Senate Bill 281: Course Repeat Limit for NC Grade Option:
Dr. Bliss moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. He gave some explanation of the course repeat policy and the mechanisms for preventing unlimited course repeats and the likelihood of students using the NC option repeats against the course repeat option. The motion to move the bill to the floor for discussion was seconded by John Jarem. Some discussion ensued regarding the repercussions of limiting the options to take the NC option more than twice. Friendly amendments were offered to change the wording after "course"in line 18 to "again". Another rewording was offered to include " offering the course"in line 18 after "department". (This last amendment should have been included in the original version distributed today per Dr. Bliss. The Committee has already made this change). The vote regarding this bill was 26 in favor and 2 opposed with 0 abstentions. The bill passes at second reading and will be on the agenda at third reading for the next Senate Meeting.
7. Senate Bill 282: Establishment of Faculty-Initiated Student Withdrawal:
Dr. Bliss moved this bill to the floor and introduced it. He gave some explanation regarding the excessive number of Fs given and many of those being for non-attendance or non-performance. A large number of students do not officially withdraw. This causes UAH to have an excessive failure rate. UAH is paying the price for this excessive failure rate. Dr. Bliss pointed out that the Committee discussed other options. Dr. Wilkerson seconded the motion to move this bill to the floor. There was some discussion regarding the need for the policy and this policy in relation to the "I" and other alternatives. There was some discussion regarding the responsibility aspect and the repercussions of such a policy. The withdrawal at midterm by the administration option was discussed. The vote regarding this bill was 20 in favor and 8 opposed with no abstentions. The bill passes at second reading and will be on the agenda at third reading at the next Senate Meeting.
8. Sense of the Senate Resolution: Program Viability Review:
Dr. Hanks introduced and explained this Sense of the Senate Resolution. The resolution was moved to the floor for discussion by John Warren and seconded by Joan Williamson. Some discussion and questions ensued. The vote regarding the resolution was unanimous; therefore, it passed and will be forwarded to the Provost.
Dr. Hanks reminded the Senate that February 29 is Higher Education Day in Montgomery and anyone interested should contact him to coordinate.
9. President Hanks adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #414 (December 2, 1999)
ADSC: Sherman
LA: Enger, Schenker, Bollinger, Goebel, Waring, Whatley, Hanks, Wilkerson, Williams, Bliss
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Shen, Jarem, Abushagur, Swain, Landrum
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Hays, Williamson, Cash
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, Baird, Richards, Miller, Comfort, Hillman
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Neff, Meister
NUR: Warren
SCI: George, Li, Kunin
ADSC: Schnell
LBAR: Dasher, Sitaraman
ENGR: Boykin, Hawk
SCI: Garstka, Zhang
0. President Hanks called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #413 were unanimously approved. Motion by J. Warren, seconded by J. Brookman.
2. There was no Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report as the agenda was set via email with attachments of reports from meetings Dr. Hanks had attended. He opened the floor for questions on those reports. There were no questions.
A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee handled their business and set the agenda for this meeting via email-no report.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Hanks reported Joan Williamson was elected Faculty Senate President-Elect. The Governance Committee handled this election.
5. Personnel: Dr. Hanks reported Dr. Garstka resigned as Chair of this Committee and Dr. Dan Sherman has been elected the new Chair of the Committee and has agreed to accept this new assignment.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Richards reported the Committee met and approved one new course, two changes and one deletion. The Committee will meet again next Thursday, December 9, 1999.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee did not meet but has a list of issues forwarded to Dr. F. Johnson for review. A draft of the Administrative Withdrawal Policy is with the Committee.
B. University Committees: The Library Committee met a week ago Monday. The Director is concerned for covering the cost as currently proposed, the new addition plus remodel of the old. Dr. Franz stated he will do all he can to accomplish what is needed in this situation.
C. Officer Reports:
Parliamentarian: No Report.
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: Jane said goodbye and reported Joan Williamson will be an excellent replacement for her as President-Elect.
President: Dr. Hanks reported Peggy forwarded information from recent meetings via email. There was some discussion regarding background checks-Item 4 on one of the reports. The feeling is this is not likely to happen except in education where there is work with K-12.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz reported on the result of the meeting with all University Presidents and ACHE. There were several scenarios proposed and voted on (8% for University of Alabama, 8% for UAH and 10% for UAB, a 2/3 across the board and 1/3 ACHE equity formula, salary equity index, and 50/50). The vote was 14 to 1 for the 2/3-1/3 split and this is viewed by Higher Education to be the best solution for now.
Dr. Franz reported the buildings are moving along. Trying to work with NASA on the NSSTC.
5. Provost McManus Report:
Dr. McManus reported the System Wide Strategic Planning is continuing. The Task Forces are meeting. They met this week via IITS. The System would like something by the end of this academic year.
Dr. McManus reported the Deans had a demonstration from Alan Whitten and Bob Middleton this morning regarding the WebCT and Web Instruction. There will be workshops and assistance available to faculty for web instruction and distance learning. Faculty will receive a schedule beginning next semester.
Dr. McManus reported there has been a request from students to increase the time between classes-The Deans discussed this and talked to the Chairs about it. Dr. F. Johnson put together a plan. Dr. McManus asked the Senate to look at the plan and give feedback. The proposal will reduce classes by five minutes and expand class days by two or three days. This can be done by reducing the registration days and reducing exam days without lengthening the semester. Give feedback to Chairs and it will come back to us.
6. Don Halverstadt's Presentation (Faculty Web Product): Dr. Hanks introduced Don Halverstadt and turned the meeting to him. Don introduced his personnel and turned the presentation over to John Stanton. John gave an overview of the Faculty Web Product and Don and his personnel are currently testing and getting ready for faculty use as soon as the appropriate groups have seen the demo and give their approval. This product is easier to use that the SIS screens and works in conjunction with the SIS. It is more user friendly and gives an easier way to record and review student progress. It uses a web browser and will work with various browsers. It is intuitive, convenient, and simple. The information is continuously updated. The information is secure to the best effort available. Don distributed information on who to contact for questions and other information.
The faculty were in favor of implementation of the product.
7. President Hanks adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m. moved by Dr. Comfort and seconded by Dr. Wilkerson.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #413 (November 11, 1999)
ADSC: Sherman
LA: Enger, Schenker, Meister, Waring, Whatley, Hanks, Wilkerson, Williams, Bliss
ENG: Hayes, Shen, Boykin, Swain, Karr
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Cash
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, George, Richards, Zhang, Miller, Comfort, Hillman
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Neff, Bollinger
ENGR: Hawk, Leonard
NUR: Warren, Hays
SCI: Garstka, Baird, Kunin
ADSC: Schnell
LBAR: Dasher, Sitaraman
ENGR: Jarem, Abushagur, Landrum
0. President Hanks called the meeting to order at 12:38 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #412 were unanimously approved. Motion by J. Miller, seconded by H. Comfort.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted with one correction--remove Hanks from the attendance list. Motion by Brookman, seconded by Cash.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met November 4 received Committee reports, passed Senate Bill 279 at first reading and set the agenda for the November 11 meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Swain reported the Committee had met with Dr. Fisher and learned a fair amount about the history of the athletic center project and various issues related to the cost to the faculty. The electable benefit is still the current thinking of the administration. The cost is a function of the tax code combined with the particular feature that the operation of the upgraded facility is being financed by selling memberships to the general public. This facility will help in the recruiting and retention aspect. This facility will also bring the public into UAH which allows them to see it as a value and make it a destination. Dr. Swain reported that the push for a new recreation center actually came from the students originally. Students expect this kind of facility and look for it when they come to visit.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report--Bill on the agenda, nominations for President-Elect Ballot later in this meeting.
5. Personnel: Dr. Hanks announced that the Personnel Committee needs a new Chair since Dr. Garstka has a scheduling conflict. Dr. Schenker has agreed to call a meeting to elect a new Chair.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Richards reported the Committee met on October 28. The Committee approved a change to A,B,C,D, NC grading for ECN 142, 143. Name changes were approved for HPE 102, 103, 112, 220. We approved the change of MUA 110 from private to regular class lessons and the inclusion of the topic of "staffing" in MGT 460.
The Committee also discussed the viability issue. The enclosed table gives the viability status of UAH programs which are nonviable or borderline nonviable. For an undergraduate program to be viable, it must average 7.5 graduates per year over a 5 year period. Dr. Johnson, Associate Provost, informed the Committee that Computer Engineering, Physics, Psychology, and Political Science are currently in good condition. No action has been taken by the Committee on viability.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee is getting ready to propose a policy on the question of the A,B,C,D,NC grading system.
The Committee is also looking into the question of administrative withdrawal, possibly along the lines of UAB where if a student does not attend the first class, they are withdrawn.
B. University Committees: Dr. Bliss reported from the Information Services Users Advisory Committee there is a new web system for faculty to use for student information that is more user friendly--it has a better user interface.
C. Officer Reports:
Ombudsperson: No Report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Hanks talked about the viability issue.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz reported the aim for the budget is to reserve 1/3 of the growth in the Education Trust fund for higher education. The UAH policy would be to put our share into salaries. UAH would be best served by an across the board allocation between the campuses. We would like a salary deficit index for the allocation to bring our salaries closer to the national average. Using the ACHE equity index may be bad for UAH because our recent decline in student numbers pegs UAH as being less needy. An allocation based on defined maintenance would also be bad because UAH has kept up with maintenance.
Dr. Waring asked whether it is true that the Huntsville Times Newspaper was doing less publicizing of UAH events than in the past. If so, is this a result of editorial policy or a lack of communication from UAH?
The President replied that UAH has a very good relationship with the Huntsville Times but it is true that we give them a great deal of information that they do not use. There are two possible causes: 1)There is no longer a beat reporter who previously gave us a great deal of publicity and 2) The need to balance the coverage of UAH and A&M provides a competition for available space.
5. Provost McManus Report:
No Report.
6. Senate Bill 279 "Amendment to Faculty Senate By-Laws: University Standing Committees and the Faculty Handbook Section 6.6. Dr. Wilkerson introduced the bill pertaining to the need for regular meetings by University Committees. The bill is designed to encourage Committees to meet at least once per semester.
Amendments were made as follows: 1) Line 29-32 changed to read "any member of the Committee may call a meeting". 2) Line 34 changed to read "the details of procedures will be determined by each Committee". 3) Line 44-45 changed to read "Any member of the Committee may call a meeting". Dr. Comfort asked "what is the remedy if the Committee do not meet or give a report?" Dr. Hanks stated that the Senate President should exert pressure. Bill was moved by Dr. Wilkerson, seconded by Dr. Waring, carried unanimously (no vote count), no abstentions. The bill passed at second reading and was automatically declared passed at third reading by President Hanks since there were no abstentions and the vote was unanimous. This is in accordance with the Faculty Senate Bylaws.
7. President-Elect Ballot: Two nominations were received: Tommy Williams and James Miller. The Governance and Operations Committee will run the election. The Committee needs a temporary Chair of Governance and Operations Committee until the election is completed.
Dr. Peter Meister asked if it might be a good idea to increase the term of the Senate President to two or three years because one year is barely enough time to learn the job. The question was referred to the Governance and Operations Committee.
8. President Hanks adjourned the meeting at 1:21 p.m. moved by Dr. Wilkerson and seconded by Dr. Swain.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #412 (October 21, 1999)
LA: Enger, Schenker, Bollinger, Meister, Waring, Hanks, Wilkerson, Williams, Bliss
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Shen, Boykin, Abushagur, Swain, Landrum, Karr
NUR: Brookman, Hays, Cash
SCI: Lawton, Li, Richards, Kunin
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Neff
ENGR: Hawk
NUR: Warren
SCI: Garstka, Comfort
ADSC: Sherman, Schnell
LBAR: Dasher, McDuffie, Sitaraman
ENGR: Jarem
LIB: Warren
SCI: Christopher, Baird, George, Zhang, Miller, Hillman
0. President Hanks called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #411 were unanimously approved. Motion by P. Meister, seconded by J. Swain.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted as presented. Motion by Bliss, seconded by Landrum.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met October 14 received Committee reports and set the agenda for the October 21 meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Swain reported the Committee met with Mike Altman the Director of Spragins Hall and learned a great deal about the facility and about the new facility. The Committee will meet with Jeanne Fisher on October 28. The use of the new facility is being considered as a benefit. Administration is working on the details and more specifically a tax issue.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams deferred to Dr. Wilkerson who is head of a subcommittee to review the University Committees, their charge and the frequency of their meeting. Dr. Wilkerson reporting the Committee is working on a resolution requiring the University Committees to meet once a semester and write a report. The reason behind this change is that recent decisions have been made without faculty input because the Committees on which the faculty were serving did not meet to discuss the issues.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Richards reported that the Committee will meet next Thursday and discuss some new course requests and some course changes. They will be meeting at Tech Hall. Dr. Hanks reminded the faculty that departments should get any curricular changes in soon so that the Curriculum Committee is not bombarded at the last minute.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee met last Friday Afternoon. They have talked about the A, B, C, NC grading for courses 0-199 and Administrative Withdrawal. They are simply acting as an advisory group on the A, B, C, NC matter. The grading system is already in place and the decision to use it is being left to the departments. The departments using it will need to do course changes through regular channels. The Committee is coming up with a list of issues to consider. The Committee welcomes input.
With regard to the Administrative Withdrawal there are a number of options to pursue. There are questions of when, who, the criteria. The Committee is considering the options.
C. Officer Reports:
Ombudsperson: Dr. Lawton reported he was asked about the work being done on the Creek. He talked to Dave Brown and Jerry Quick. Several issues have been discussed and dealt with.
Dr. Lawton also discussed the benefits issue regarding the drop of the HMO with no other alternatives with Gerry Moore. Gerry Moore is checking into some other options that have been relayed to her. If you have names of other HMOs please send them to Gerry.
President-Elect: Dr. Jane Cash announced she is resigning effective at the end of this semester to take a job at another institution.
President: Dr. Hanks reported he will be attending the ACCUFP and a Board meeting in November.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz reported on the substitute scholarship plan by Steve Windom. It is a good plan but there are no additional sources of funding for it. There is some talk of out-of-state student subsidies, but the information on this is not accurate. The second issue is the exemption or the allocations to non-educational entities. This is a possibility but still not the best solution. The third issue is the increase in the trust fund. This is not a good idea because it then prevents any increase from going to faculty and staff salaries.
Dr. Franz talked about the new Recreational Sports Facility. He talked about a memo he had received from Rolf Goebel. Some of the faculty consider loosing the use of Spragins Hall as a free benefit to have to pay for use of a new facility as a loss of a benefit. Dr. Franz pointed out that to build and equip and operate a very nice facility is not possible without other funding because the State will not provide enough to complete and operate it. We cannot afford what it would take to provide this kind of facility. We have to bond about $9M to build and operate the facility. The State has only provided about $2.4M. Noble and Goodrum have signed an agreement for this based on offering public memberships. We have to have membership fees in order to pay the operating costs of this kind of facility. After investigating the possibilities, there is a law that prohibits offering the facility to faculty and staff for free if others are being charged a membership fee. Another glitch is if this is given to the faculty and staff as a benefit for free/paid for by the University, they will have a tax liability on an increase in the amount of the membership fee per year. This did not seem quite fair to those who would not use it to have this tax burden. The current proposal is to offer this to those who want to sign up as a free benefit/paid for by the University, and those who do not want it are unaffected. Money would be allocated to take care of the cost of the membership for those who want to sign up and they would have the tax liability. All this is still in the works and is still being investigated. They are looking at what would happen with retired faculty, alumni, students taking less than six hours, etc. They are also looking at the effect on the use of Spragins--it will likely be used for intercollegiate athletics. The Racquetball Courts will remain in Spragins Hall and the question of their use and whether there will be a fee for using them is still in the discussion phase..
Dr. Franz reported there is no consensus on the State funding and the budget issues. Dr. Franz reported he still believes all increase in the appropriations should go to faculty and staff salaries. There are some erosions to this plan. He reported UAH has done a study of the faculty salaries by discipline by rank and compared it to a similar study done by NASULGC. We are $2M off the mark. Dr. Franz suggests an index increase based on this divergence or an increase to faculty and staff salaries based on the ACHE index. ACHE is going to look into this also. The Council of Presidents met with the Chair of ACHE and decided the best effort at this time would be to go to the Legislature with the idea of simply reserving one-third of the education funds for Higher Education and the details of the distribution could be worked out later.
Dr. Franz announced that Jeanne Fisher and Reva Bailey are both retiring--Jeanne Fisher at the end of the year and Reva Bailey at the end of Spring. He announced there is an advertisement out for the Registrar position and we are currently recruiting for that position. He announced we will be looking for someone with much experience, especially in the SIS. He encouraged everyone to express their appreciation for the many years of service from both of these individuals.
5. Provost McManus Report:
Provost McManus reported Don Halverstadt gave a demonstration this morning of the Web for Faculty. This is something new we will be offering for faculty. It is in test mode right now and Dr. Johnson will be working with Don Halverstadt to include the Department Chairs and Student Advisors in working out the details of the program and getting it up for faculty. This should be available by the end of the year.
Selection of a new President-Elect due to Jane Cash's resignation. Dr. Hanks announced that due to Jane's resignation we will need to have a campus-wide election for a new President-Elect. He read the appropriate portion of the Faculty Senate By-Laws regarding this issue. Dr. Hanks explained some of the expectations of the President-Elect and the course release and the need for the department to have another Senator because the President and President-Elect represent the Faculty as a whole. He explained the President-Elect will be the President the next year. Dr. Hanks explained that he needs nominations, including self nominations for the position and the Governance and Operations Committee with Peggy's help will send a ballot to all faculty. Dr. Hanks reminded the Senators that the nominees must be current Senators.
Jane Cash nominated Joan Williamson on the condition that Jane will resign from Senate and give the College an opportunity to elect Dr. Williamson. If she is elected and agrees to the nomination her name will be placed on the ballot.
Dr. Hanks asked the Senators to think about this and get some nominations to him since we need to hold the elections by the end of this semester.
6.Sense of the Senate Resolution on Faculty and Staff Salaries. Dr. Hanks distributed copies of an amended Resolution. The Faculty Senate had already voted on and adopted the original resolution. There was a need for an amendment to include the staff. The last three lines of the Resolution are the amendment. There was a friendly amendment by Dr. Karr to add at line three "Whereas, the staff salaries trail regional averages by 20-28%." Dr. Wilkerson moved, seconded by Dr. Hays, to adopt the amended resolution. The vote was unanimous.
7.President Hanks adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m. moved by Dr. Leonard and seconded by Dr. Landrum.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #411 (September 23, 1999)
ADSC: Sherman
LA: Enger, Schenker, Bollinger, Meister, Waring, Hanks, Wilkerson, Williams, Bliss
ENG: Leonard, Shen, Boykin, Swain, Karr
NUR: Brookman, Hays, Cash
SCI: Christopher, Garstka, George, Li, Richards, Kunin, Miller, Comfort, Hillman
LIB: J. Warren
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Neff, Sitaraman
ENGR: Hawk, Jarem, Landrum
NUR: Warren
SCI: Lawton, Zhang
LBAR: Dasher, McDuffie
ENGR: Abushagur, Hayes
SCI: Baird
0. President Hanks called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #410 were unanimously approved. Motion by J. Warren, seconded by Hays.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted as presented. Motion by Bliss, seconded by Bollinger.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met September 16 received Committee reports and set the agenda for the September 23 meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Swain reported the Committee met with 100% attendance. The Committee discussed the plan of action for the new recreation center. The Committee will meet with the Athletic Director and survey the faculty. Dr. Swain had also contacted the President of the Staff Senate and the Staff Senate will send a representative to the meeting with the Athletic Director. Dr. Swain reminded the Senate that the Committee will depend upon them for feedback from their peers.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: Dr. Williams reported the Committee met last week. The Governance and Operations Committee and the Executive Committee have received copies of the "University Standing Committees Reference Manual". The Committee discussed the meeting regularity of the Standing Committees, or the lack thereof in some cases. The Senate Bylaws specify that the Standing Committees are required to meet at least once each semester. Some Committees have not met in quite some time and should be meeting regularly so that faculty input and flow of communication exists for faculty. There have been some recent campus decisions without oversight of the appropriate Committees. The Faculty Senate needs to look at Governance of the Standing Committees in order to insure this flow of communication and faculty input on campus actions.
5. Personnel: Dr. Garstka reported the Committee has not yet met but he has been fact-finding. The Committee was given the charge to check on some bills/resolutions passed by the Senate that have not yet been acted on at the Administrative level. These resolutions involve important issues to the faculty. Dr. Garstka reported he met with the former chair of the Personnel Committee and with Peggy and Dr. McManus. He will set a meeting of the Committee next week.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Richards reported that the Committee has not met but he expects some new material to come in and he will likely set a meeting for next week.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee has not met but he has been fact-finding. There are two major issues to consider--the A, B, C, NC or the A, B, C, D, NC and the withdrawal policy. There will likely be some bills coming out of the Committee soon.
B. University Committees: Dr. Schenker reported the Library Committee met at the beginning of the semester with the architect for the Library addition. There were some problems with the blue prints presented at that time and the architects were sent back to the drawing board. Dr. McManus added that the revised plan came out this morning and the issues have been resolved and it looks like an attractive addition to the facility. The addition will be to the south end with a great deal of glass. The facility will include computer labs and distance education facilities. Dr. McManus will make copies of the plan available to the deans soon so that they may share them with chairs and faculty.
C. Officer Reports:
Ombudsperson: The HMO loss with no replacement and thereby forcing people to go with BC/BS has some people in distress.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Hanks reported the Administrative Council met a couple of weeks ago. One of the issues discussed there was consideration for raising student pay scales. This is in response to units that have students at the top end of the scale and funds to increase the pay for the students. In April the University will be looking for funding for the Internet 2. Sara Graves is the person in charge of this and the person to contact if you have any questions regarding this issue.
Dr. Hanks reported he attended the Board of Trustees meeting last week. The bulk of the meeting was devoted to the UA Institutional Presentation. UA is working on getting money for innovative curricular activities. They have a cohort of students across the state. They have a college inside the Liberal Arts College that is attracting Cambridge and Harvard students. The Board is very interested in viability. There was an issue regarding Teacher Education and preschool through 16. This is an educational mission of working together. The Legislative actions for the coming year are looking for more money to spend directly on education and revision of tax exemptions. Howard Hawk of Arab is chairing the House Committee on Appropriations. He is looking at all the non-education-related expenses in the appropriations. Hank Sanders chairs the Committee that is looking at the sales tax exemptions. They are both looking for more money to spend directly on education.
There was a question of the Board's response to the Salary Resolution. Dr. Hanks reported the UA Faculty Senate President spent time encouraging the Board to support the resolutions and make salaries the top priority. Dr. Hanks reported the Staff Senate is considering a resolution also. He reported he would like to revise the resolution he presented to include the staff. The Staff Senate will present a resolution that will also include the faculty. He will then send a copy to the Trustees. He reported that some of the Board members were clearly sympathetic but it was unclear with others as to the extent of their support. He reported that Peter Lowe is concerned about viability and wants to change the policy that has arbitrary numbers. He feels numbers should not be the major factor considered in viability of a program.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz reported he had just come from a meeting and would be going back to his office for a conference call regarding the salary issues. He reported ACHE is presently calculating the averages based on NASULGC data. These will be non-discipline specific averages. This may not be as good for us because they will use the highest cost areas to calculate. These areas are Law, Engineering and Business. We have a disproportionate number of faculty in these areas. This will understate our problem. The other issue is that it is important to display the problem but monies should not be distributed using the same formula or based on the numbers displaying the problem. All money distributed should be put into faculty and staff salaries. Dr. Franz commended Dr. Hanks on working with the Staff Senate and including the staff in the salary issue. He emphasized that the staff are important too and the faculty and staff need to work together to accomplish the goal. Dr. Franz reported he sees the Board is very disposed to the problem and obtaining the appropriate solution.
Dr. Franz reminded the Senate of their attempts as well as some others to have some building or something named in honor of Ben Graves. A proposal was submitted to the Honorary Degrees and Naming Committee to name the North and South Loop Roads. The North Loop would be named the Ben Graves Drive and the South Loop would be named the John Wright Drive. The Board agreed. Dr. Franz was Master of Ceremony for an event on Tuesday night honoring Dr. Graves. Dr. Graves and Dr. Wright were presented a road sign and the announcement was made there to name the Loop road as Ben Graves Drive and John Wright Drive. It was very well received.
Dr. Franz was asked about his support of the Lottery. He responded his support is two-fold. He supports the lottery because it is important to the Governor and it is very good for students. In the past students were expected to graduate in four years and they did not consider going in debt for their education. Now they do not finish in four years and many go into debt to acquire the degree. Therefore the lottery will help those students and prevent them from creating great debt. Tax reform would be the ideal solution to the real problem but that is not an option at this time so the lottery is the next best thing to a step toward progressive government. The lottery will not do a great deal for UAH. There are not that many more students coming to the four-year institutions. Already most students that are going to college are staying in Alabama. There is not much elasticity. There is not a big group available to bring in. There will not be much additional revenue. Dr. Franz was asked about the possibility of freeing funds currently used for scholarships to be used to recruit outside. His response was that might be a possibility but he did not have all that information yet to know what kind of impact that might be. Dr. Franz reiterated that the lottery would mean we have to become more competitive. He also emphasized the fact that we must use the Georgia model. We must require a B average across the board with junior colleges as well as four-year institutions. He reiterated we cannot have a double standard with the four year institutions requiring a B average and the junior colleges not using that requirement. We would then have an influx of students to the junior colleges trying to keep their scholarships.
There was some discussion regarding the B average rule. Dr. Franz shared a suggestion that was made to him that the administration intends to implement because it is a very proactive and progressive approach to the scholarship and B average issue. The proposal is that if a student drops below a B then take away one-half the scholarship as opposed to taking the entire scholarship away. This applies if the student is still making progress toward the degree but has simply dropped below a B average. If the student brings the average back up then reinstate the full scholarship. Dr. Franz expressed he sees this as an excellent approach.
There was a question regarding viability and how much influence outside entities have on speaking out in favor of keeping a nonviable program. Dr. McManus addressed this question and shared there are many factors involved in making the decision regarding the viability of a program. Some of the factors included the importance of this program to the area and the community and plans for making the program viable, etc. This kind of outside support would come further down the road after other attempts and plans were exercised. There was concern expressed for the numbers used and the arbitrary choice of these numbers. Dr. McManus assured the Senate that all factors are looked at in assessing viability not just numbers.
5. Provost McManus Report:
Provost McManus reported there was a Workshop on Tuesday, September 21 with Dr. Margaret Chambers. The Workshop was about Web Teaching and Web Assisted Teaching. The morning session was for Administrators and the afternoon session was for interested faculty. Dr. Chambers looked at new and innovative ways to present the material to students who cannot make it to the campus to take the courses. Dr. McManus announced one of the things he came away from the workshop with is the knowledge that there are many faculty on our campus that are already involved in this kind of teaching and their experience and expertise would be beneficial to others across campus. He plans to have a couple of workshops using our faculty to show what they are already doing in this area. He will be contacting deans and chairs to ask who is willing to present. He also announced there will be campus resources to help faculty to do these kinds of things, with putting courses on the web or with web assisted teaching.
6. Suspension of Rules for consideration of non-agenda item.
Dr. Brookman moved, seconded by Dr. Bliss to suspend the agenda in order to consider an item not included in the agenda. Dr. Hanks announced Reva Bailey is retiring effective Spring 2000 and he would like the Senate to do a resolution recognizing her many contributions and her extensive years of service to the university. He would like someone to draft a resolution and get it done nicely to present at the next meeting. It was suggested that the resolution be developed and brought to the next meeting for review and reading. The official resolution could then be presented to Reva at a December meeting. The resolution will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Other items brought to the floor for consideration were: Consideration for extra time between classes--perhaps another 5 minutes. Students seem to have a problem with making it to their next class--especially if it is across campus with only ten minutes between the classes. Dr. Franz stated something could be modeled and brought back to the Senate for consideration. One suggestion was public transportation--a shuttle across campus. Dr. Franz responded that is a very high cost item that is not feasible at this time.
The other item brought for consideration was the fact assistantships and scholarships will not cover distance learning courses. Dr. Bliss will look into this and see what can be done.
7. President Hanks adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m. moved by Dr. Williams and seconded by Dr. Comfort.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #410 (September 2, 1999)
ADSC: Sherman
LA: Enger, Bollinger, Meister, Waring, McDuffie,Hanks, Wilkerson, Williams, Bliss
ENG: Hayes, Shen, Boykin, Jarem, Swain, Landrum
NUR: Brookman, Hays, Cash
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, George, Li, Richards, Zhang, Miller, Comfort
LIB: J. Warren
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Neff, Sitaraman, Schenker
ENGR: Leonard, Hawk
NUR: Warren
SCI: Garstka, Kunin, Hillman
LBAR: Dasher
ENGR: Abushagur
SCI: Baird
0. President Hanks called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #409 were unanimously approved. Motion by Swain, seconded by Bliss.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted as presented.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met August 26 and discussed issues for the coming year and set the agenda for the September 2 meeting. Acceptance motion by Brookman, seconded by Landrum.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee has been active due to readmissions and bankruptcy cases. The Committee had one meeting to address 32 readmits and 13 bankruptcy cases. Dr. Bliss discussed the problem with the current procedure. The petitions for readmission and bankruptcy can come in at anytime and therefore may dwindle in over time. It is a problem with getting Committee members together to handle these in a timely manner. The Committee proposes to set dates for submission action. The date would be the first day of open regular registration and the Committee would meet and make decisions the second day of open registration for each semester. These dates would be advertised and any petitions received after this date would be tabled until the next date. The proposal was approved by the Executive Committee and will be sent on to the Office of the Provost for Administrative action.
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No Report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: No Report.
4. President Franz Report:
Not Present
5. Provost McManus Report:
Provost McManus encouraged the faculty to continue to give attention to items that deal with student retention and student success. We have not made great progress in this area. We need to be more competitive. Some questions and discussions ensued regarding the reasons, the problems and the solutions. Issues and answers were discussed. We need to look at ways not to disadvantage but to have better outcome and a better chance at success. Some are big things and some are little things but all are important. Dr. McManus reminded the Senate that President Franz and he are interested in working with the Senate.
6. Suspension of Rules for Sense of Senate Resolution.
Dr. Bliss moved, seconded by Dr. Landrum to suspend the rules in order to accept a Sense of the Senate Resolution regarding a Strategic Plan for Faculty Salary Problems that was not included on the agenda. All three system campuses are uniting to bring resolutions to the Board for consideration. After time for review of the Resolution and time for discussion the Resolution was unanimously accepted and Dr. Hanks will carry it to the Board meeting on September 17.
7. President Hanks adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #409 (April 15, 1999)
ADSC: Schoening, Sherman
LA: Enger, Schenker, Bollinger, Meister, Waring, McDuffie, Bliss, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Shen, Boykin, Swain, Wessling
NUR: Brookman, Hays, Warren, Cash
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, Garstka, Lumpkin, Delugach, Richards, J. Li, Kunin, Zhang, W. Li, Comfort, Miller, Lieu
LIB: J. Warren
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Neff, Wilkerson, Williams
ENGR: Hawk
NUR: McLeod
SCI: Hinke
LBAR: Dasher, Hanks
ENGR: Wells, Jarem, Nordin, Abushagur, Landrum, Frederick
SCI: Baird, Hillman
0. President Delugach called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #408 were unanimously approved after one minor correction. Motion by Bliss, seconded by Comfort.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted as presented.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met April 8 and discussed an issue presented by Staff Senate, set the agenda for today's meeting and discussed the meeting of the combined Senate Executive Committees.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report. Elections at this meeting. Announcement of Campus wide elections.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Comfort reported that most all the business is completed. He reported there is one item that should be dealt with today or within the next week.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Library Committee: Dr. Schenker reported the selection of the Architect will begin after the first of May. Opportunity for bids is coming to a close.
C. Officer Reports:
Ombudsperson: No report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Delugach reported he has been to several meetings (Board meetings, System meetings, campus meetings, etc.) as Faculty Senate President. The next meeting will be the Board meeting on May 6 and 7. He informed the Senate there are several public sessions they might want to attend. He told the Senate he will send them information as he receives it. He asked for input from them of items of interest he might include in his presentation.
4. President Franz Report:
Not Present
5. Provost McManus Report:
Dr. McManus reported on the Library and Sports/Recreation Facility progress.
He engaged in some discussion regarding cutting the serials in the Library. They will try to avoid this by an increase in the Library budget.
Dr. McManus encouraged faculty to become involved in the Institutional Mini-Grant opportunities.
Dr. Delugach included a plea from Reva Bailey for faculty to get grades in on time.
6. Election of University Standing Committees. The Faculty Senate voted for these positions and returned the ballots to Peggy. The results will be announced in a memo later.
7. Ratification of Faculty Senate Officers for 1999/2000 by the New Senate. Craig Hanks-President, Jane Cash-President-Elect, Robert Lawton-Ombudsperson, Dr. Lumpkin moved, seconded by Dr. Brookman to accept the results of the election and ratify the officers. The vote was 35 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions.
8. Approval of Faculty Senate Committees for 1999/2000 by the New Senate. With a correction to Dr. Bliss College affiliation and moving the Nursing faculty to different Committees and adding them to Committees where they had no representation, Dr. Lumpkin moved, seconded by Dr. Floyd that the Committee assignments be accepted.
9. Business suspended for Senate Committees to elect Chairs.
10. Reconvened for report of election of Senate Committee Chairs. Undergraduate Curriculum: Phil Richards, Science; Finance and Resources: John Jarem, Engineering; Personnel: William Garstka, Science; Faculty and Student Development: James Swain, Engineering; Governance and Operations: Tommy Williams, Liberal Arts; Scholastic Affairs: James Bliss, Liberal Arts
11. President Delugach adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #408 (March 25, 1999)
ADSC: Schoening
LA: Dasher, Schenker, Bollinger, Meister, Waring, Bliss, Sitaraman, Williams
ENG: Hayes, Toutanji, Shen, Wells, Landrum, Frederick
NUR: Brookman, Hays, Warren
SCI: Christopher, Lumpkin, Delugach, Richards, Li, Miller
ADSC: Floyd
ENGR: Swain, Boykin
LBAR: Enger
NUR: McLeod
SCI: Hinke, Lawton, Garstka, Kunin, Zhang, Comfort, Lieu
ADSC: Sherman
LBAR: Hanks, McDuffie
ENGR: Nordin, Wessling
LIB: Warren
SCI: Baird
0. President Delugach called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #407 were unanimously approved after minor corrections submitted by Dr. Phil Richards.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted as presented. Motion by Dr. Lumpkin, seconded by Dr. Bollinger.
A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met March 18 and discussed some information from the System Office regarding the Legislature and set the agenda for this meeting. You have the report from the meeting.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Comfort was not present but Dr. Delugach reported on a point of interest. There is a new course University 011. This is renamed from University 101. It is approved. It is a no credit course for graduation. For financial aid purposes there are hours counted for enrollment. The course is designed to orient Freshman students to University Life and study skills for university coursework, etc. Dr. Johnson commented that the Faculty will be identified as Faculty of record and will come from all colleges. All colleges will participate.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: Library Committee: Dr. Schenker reported there was a letter sent to Dr. Franz and the Provost alerting them to the crisis of the serials budget. The cost increases every year and there have been no budget increases to cover the cost increases. The Dean of the Library has covered this in the past but cannot continue to do this. The plea is to please include this in the budget plans for the next year. The RSIC survey has been circulated and returned. Any further comments should be addressed to Dean Luquire. Dr. Schenker also reported on the building issue that the architect selection process is in motion.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: Dr. Delugach informed the Faculty Senate that the University of Alabama System is gearing up for the Legislative year. Gary Smith has put together a Legislative Action Packet. It explains what to do and how to handle Legislative Actions. Don Siegelman has pushed for the 2:1 ratio budget. We need to make sure we hold that. Salaries need assistance and the RSA increase needs to be funded. We need 2.35% return to counter the RSA increase and a 6% budget increase. We need to encourage equity with K-12 in health insurance. K-12 and Junior Colleges are now above the regional average. We are 5% below the regional average for Higher Education. We are 14 to 21% below in the average for the Southern Universities Group. Dr. Delugach announced to the faculty that they may obtain a packet from Gary's office if they are interested. Dr. Delugach also reported that he has obtained information produced by the Chancellor's office regarding the educational backgrounds and employment by institution of Legislators. Every 4 year institution has someone who went to that institution in the legislature except UAH and Troy/Dothan. We need people in the legislature to have influence. The House has 10 of 99 employed by Junior Colleges, 8 in K-12 and 3or 4 in 4 year institutions.
Dr. Delugach reminded the Faculty Senate that the last meeting is April 15 and they need to get their nominees in for President Elect and Obudsperson.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz reported we are currently getting Alumni involved in the Legislative actions. This year is not a critical as in the past. We are in the best position we have had in nine years. Howard Hawk of Arab, AL is the Chair of the Ways and Means Committee. He is very positive toward UAH. Tom Butler in the Senate is predisposed to UAH.
Dr. Franz also reported we are entering a closer relationship with NASA with the Joint National Center for Science and Technology. Dr. Franz went to Washington with the Marshall Director and others and to Montgomery to assist in enlisting assistance and support.
Dr. Franz reported we are still negotiating with a local group on a joint sports facility. If we can work this deal we can build a larger facility than otherwise. The remodel of the old Engineering Building is complete. The Student Center is near completion.
Dr. Franz took questions from the floor. Some of the discussion included the Senate and the actions being taken and what we need to do now. Dr. Franz reported the Senate is not making much progress. The mediators are working to resolve the problem so business can be conducted. There is not much for us to do but wait. There may be some additional monies but the franchise tax court case may hurt any chances to benefit from additional monies. This is an opportunity for tax reform. The Primary concern now is to increase the budget. We need to add money to replace the retirement increase. We would be better to go for an increase in appropriation but we are committed to go for the retirement replacement. Some universities have a pool of employees not on state support but they are on retirement. This would make and unfair distribution of funds.
The Library issue is serious. We do have the connection with Illinois that is very positive. We are concerned about the serials and we will see what we can do. Two people in RI are working on the RSIC issue. Those reporting to General Gibson are telling him how important it is. We have not talked to the congressional group yet. We feel they will take an active role in protecting this. It is hard to tell what is shaking the troops and what is reality.
An architect is being chosen for the Library addition. There is a proposal written and advertising is in progress. We have to wait for the bids but there is not real holdup, progress is being made.
5. Provost McManus Report:
No Report
6. Amendment to the Faculty Senate By-Laws III.K: Past President--Senate Bill 278 at Third Reading: Dr. Lumpkin moved the bill to the floor. Dr. Hayes seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the vote was 27 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at third reading and the By Laws will be amended accordingly.
7. Dr. Delugach adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #407 (March 4, 1999)
ADSC: Floyd, Sherman, Schoening
LA: Dasher, Enger, Schenker, Meister, Waring, McDuffie, Bliss, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Toutanji, Shen, Wells, Boykin, Nordin, Landrum, Wessling, Frederick
NUR: Brookman, Hays, Warren
SCI: Christopher, Garstka, Lumpkin, Delugach, Richards, Kunin, Zhang, Comfort, Lieu
ENGR: Swain
LBAR: Bollinger
NUR: McLeod
SCI: Hinke, Lawton, Li, Miller
LBAR: Hanks, Williams
LIB: Warren
SCI: Baird
0. President Delugach called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #404 were unanimously approved; motion by Dr. Bliss, seconded by Dr. Comfort.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Reports were accepted as presented. Motion by Dr. Meister, seconded by Dr. Wells.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met three times since our last Senate Meeting for conducting business. You have the reports from those meetings.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Comfort reported the Committee is met February 18 and approved some new courses, approved deletions of some courses and approved some changes.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee met February 18 and took some actions on some bankruptcy cases and discussed the A, B, C, NC option. The Committee is still looking into this matter and will likely have a bill forthcoming.
B. University Committees: The Library Committee meets tomorrow. They will discuss the new addition and the RSIC issue.
C. Officer Reports:
Ombudsperson: No report.
President-Elect: No Report.
President: Dr. Delugach informed the Faculty Senate that the Senate President has other duties that go along with the title of Faculty Senate President (i.e., other committees, is a member of the Board of Trustees). The Board of Trustees meets here on May 6 and 7, 1999. Dr. Delugach asked the Faculty to give him or Dr. Franz any input for interesting items or ideas to present to the Board while they are here.
4. President Franz Report:
No Report
5. Provost McManus Report:
No Report
6. Mid Semester Progress Reports for Courses Numbered 0-299 at Third Reading: Dr. Bliss brought the bill to the floor and introduced it. He explained the S and U grading used in the past left some to be desired. The students were not given enough information to really know how they are doing. The bill is here today as you see with all modifications after the first and second reading. Dr. Brookman seconded the motion to move the bill to the floor. Dr. Meister requested a friendly amendment to add as paragraph four "Students will be informed that this midterm grade will not be part of his or her permanent record". There was some discussion and concern for the A, B grades giving a false sense of security. The suggestion was made for an S, C, D, F scale. The S does not tell the student how they are really doing. It was pointed out that there are all options given and the instructor can choose on an individual basis the best solution for his particular cases. The vote was 30 in favor, 6 opposed and 1 abstention. The bill passed at third reading and will be forwarded to the Administration for approval and implementation.
7. Confidentiality of Faculty Activity Report--Senate Bill 277 at Second Reading: Dr. Schenker brought the bill to the floor and introduced it. The Faculty Activity Report is to be on line in the very near future. There is an assumed level of confidentiality in the Handbook for the current way the Activity Reports are done. It is assumed those who have need will be the only ones who have access. Those who hold official copies of records would be the only ones with access to the electronic copy. It is expected there will be passwords and other appropriate measures used to provide safety and confidentiality of records. There was some brief discussion of any State laws governing this issue or preventing such security measures. There was some question and discussion regarding the reason for the database and the use and who will have access. There was some concern expressed for the standardization of such information and the ease of access this affords. The vote was 38 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstention. The bill passed unanimously at second reading. Dr. Delugach exercised the power of the office of President as stated in the Faculty Senate By-Laws and declared the bill passed at third reading since there were no oppositions and no abstentions.
8. Amendment to the Faculty Senate By-Laws III.K: Past President--Senate Bill 278 at Second Reading: Dr. Wessling moved the bill to the floor with a second from Dr. Landrum. Dr. Delugach explained the bill. The research of other institutions indicates that the knowledge of the past president is invaluable. It has been found that the system works better if the past president comes to the Executive Committee Meetings and is a non-voting member of the Executive Committee. This bill addresses that issue in making the immediate past president a member of the Executive Committee and giving him or her the honorary title of Faculty Senate Past President. There was a friendly amendment to add "during the year following his/her Presidency. This bill has no effect on any other office held by this individual". The vote was 38 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill passed unanimously at second reading.
9. Dr. Delugach adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #404 (December 3, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd, Sherman
LA: Dasher, Enger, Bollinger, Meister, Waring, Hanks, Williams, Bliss, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Wells, Landrum, Swain, Wessling
NUR: Hays, McLeod
SCI: Christopher, Lumpkin, Delugach, Richards, Li, Miller, Comfort, Lieu
ADSC: Schoening
ENGR: Boykin, Frederick
LBAR: Schenker
NUR: Brookman, Warren
SCI: Hinke, Lawton, Garstka, Kunin
ENGR: Nordin
LBAR: McDuffie
LIB: Warren
SCI: Baird, Zhang
0. President Delugach called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #403 were unanimously approved; motion by Dr. Williams, seconded by Dr. Hays.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as presented.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met Thursday, November 19, 1998. The Committee discussed the bill regarding Mid-semester Progress Reports and passed it at first reading. They set the agenda for today's meeting. Motion by Lumpkin, seconded by Bliss to approve the report.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Swain reported the Committee met on November 12 and interviewed Delois Smith. A report will be forthcoming.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Delugach reported Dr. Schenker is out with the Flu. The Faculty Activity Report is on line but few faculty have tried it out and made any comments. It is the plan to use this form this year so the faculty are urged to try it and give comments.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Comfort reported the Committee is meeting via the cyber meeting route. He reported the Committee is receiving some business and asked that the members remain after the Senate Meeting today to have a brief meeting to discuss the business at hand.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee has had some cyber meetings regarding some bankruptcy cases and readmits. They have looked at policies and they have a bill on the agenda today.
B. University Committees: No reports.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: Deferred to Dr. Franz and Dr. McManus in order to give Dr. Nash plenty of time for his presentation.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz reported there is not much new. He opened the floor to any questions. He announced there is a Board Meeting tomorrow. There is an ACHE meeting next week. The elections were good news.
He announced we have an offer out for the V. P. Advancement position. There were two excellent candidates for Dean of Engineering. Dr. Morgan had aspirations beyond that of Dean. We ran him through an interview process quickly for the V. P. Advancement. Everyone thought he was outstanding. We have an offer out to him. He has other offers. He will let us know soon. If he does not accept we will do a head hunter search.
5. Provost McManus Report:
Provost McManus announced he has an activity for the faculty to think about. Each semester he offers a workshop for tenure-earning faculty. Early next semester he will offer a workshop on proposal and grant writing. This year is the year to work on this. There is money available and our office and the Research office will help faculty to write the grants and proposals to get this money.
At this point Dr. Lumpkin, seconded by Dr. Comfort moved to suspend the agenda in order to allow Dr. Nash to address the group.
Dr. Nash informed the group that his visit here came about as a result of a question of what the Chancellor and the System Office does. He informed the group that the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs may be the least well known of all the positions. Dr. Nash shared what he does and two or three things that are happening in the state that affect the faculty.
Viability is an old topic but it is still ongoing.
Articulation is the ongoing topic.
Performance Based Incentive Funding is a new topic under discussion.
Dr. Nash expressed his appreciation for being invited and gave some background of his position and tenure in the System. He has been in his position for six years. He works with the Provost on the various campuses to work on new programs, etc. He is in a service role to the campuses in the Academic Affairs area. There is a Board Rule book available that more fully explains the items that fall under his jurisdiction. He is the chief liaison to ACHE. ACHE is responsible for reviewing and approving new and off campus programs. He provides a link with K-12 programs and keeps the three campuses linked and working together. Cooperating, sharing, and collaborating are part of the job and figuring out whether something should be on one campus are on all three campuses or two campuses or two or three working together.
Dr. Nash discussed Articulation and General Studies. This issue has been around since 1994 when the Legislation was passed. There has been a Committee working on the details of this issue. Representatives from two year and four year institutions have worked on this. The General Studies Curriculum has involved faculty. The Articulation Plan contained very specific rules and guidelines to make a smooth transition for students for what is appropriate and what is possible in the five general areas. The curriculum for these areas are in place and the plan was implemented in Fall 1998. Area V is still being worked on. The two-year institutions would like students to stay two years and then go to a four-year institution and finish in two years. The four-year institutions would like to get the students as soon as possible to avoid problems. These are ideal situations but do not always work in reality in every case. The question is how much should be taken at the two-year institutions and still be degreed at a senior institution. The Provosts have worked well with the Committee to insure the senior institutions' interests are protected. The Articulation and General Studies is supported by the STARS program as a web based means for reviewing the information. The Committee is working to have Area V and the STARS process completed in time to be in place by next fall.
Viability--the basic definition for viability is the average number of students graduated from a program over a five-year period. There is no other definition, no mention of quality. This has been under discussion. ACHE will discuss this next week and will look at it again. There are some programs in the three institutions that are nonviable. The institutions are looking at these. A review will take place in time based on a schedule that is published. The programs are looked at to determine if they should be closed, kept, or worked on to make them viable. Some programs that may appear to be nonviable are required for the institution for other degrees. There have been 129 programs closed, consolidated, etc. over the past five years in three institutions. ACHE will approve the second phase and go from there.
Performance Based--Incentive Based Funding. A Joint Resolution from the Legislature in 1996 asked should we go from a formula based funding to looking at outcomes and performance based funding. South Carolina--is looking to be 100% by 2000. They looked at 37 factors. Tennessee is beginning this on a trial bases. The Presidents are reviewing a report from the Chief Academic Officers and discussing at their December 14 meeting to decide. The legislation was defeated in the October Legislature. The future is questionable. The Chief Academic Officers believe this should be continued and reviewed as something important.
There were some questions and discussion regarding viability, duplication, the numbers used by ACHE for viability and their origin and senior institutions working with junior institutions regarding budgets and performance--incentive based funding. There were some questions and discussion regarding ACHE control and the Legislation and the quality assurance of the education under the articulation legislation. There was some discussion regarding the fairness of the System and favoritism toward Tuscaloosa and the measures of assuring fairness.
Mid Semester Progress Reports for Courses Numbered 0-299 at Second Reading
Dr. Bliss moved the bill to the floor, seconded by Dr. Hanks. There was some discussion regarding poor attendance. There was some discussion regarding the system--letter grade verses S, U or N. There was one friendly amendment to change it to read the "Faculty mark one of the following:" Add "P=passing" and add "marginally". The vote for the bill was 25 in favor, 6 opposed, and 2 abstentions. The bill passed at second reading.
6. Dr. Delugach adjourned the meeting at 2:02 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #403 (November 5, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd
LA: Schenker, Bollinger, Meister, McDuffie, Bliss, Sitaraman, Williams
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Boykin, Wells, Frederick, Landrum, Swain
LIB: Warren
NUR: Warren, Hays, Brookman, McLeod
SCI: Christopher, Garstka, Lumpkin, Delugach, Richards, Kunin, Li, Miller, Comfort, Lieu
ADSC: Schoening, Sherman
ENGR: Nordin, Wessling
LBAR: Enger
SCI: Hinke, Lawton
LBAR: Dasher, Waring, Hanks
SCI: Baird
0. President Delugach called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #402 were unanimously approved as amended (add Dr. Williams as present from College of Liberal Arts). Motion by Dr. Williams, seconded by Dr. Comfort.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as presented.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met Thursday, October 29, 1998. The Committee discussed the "Diversity Issues Workshop" and faculty participation. The main topic was how to increase participation by faculty. Bring these issues to your department and get ideas on ways to increase participation. One idea expressed was to bring in individuals with masters degrees and fund the Ph.D. program for these individuals. Another idea was to bring in outside speakers with outside agencies funding the honorarium, etc. It was announced that Mr. Rice will be on campus in February.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Swain reported the Committee met with Dr. Belcher on the 13th. They discussed that meeting on the 22nd and they are drafting a report. No bills are anticipated. They will be meeting with Student Services on November 12.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Delugach reported the Committee is working on the salary inversion and salary compression information. They are waiting until the salary numbers are finalized. They will see if the situation changes before proceeding. They will make a report available..
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Schenker urged anyone with an opinion or comment regarding the Faculty Activity Report to pass it on to Dr. Schenker before next Thursday. The Committee will meet next Thursday in Morton Hall 343 to discuss the Faculty Activity Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Comfort reported the Committee met October 8 with Don Belcher regarding the revisions of the Undergraduate Catalog. The Committee does not have oversight but they are giving faculty input to Dr. Belcher. No action resulting. The Committee email approved 38 HPE courses to meet certain SACs requirements.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee has had a couple of cyber meetings regarding some bankruptcy cases and readmits. They have looked at policies "D" Grade and "Mid-Term Progress Reports". The "D" Grade policy is believed to be ok. The Committee is drafting a policy regarding the Mid-Term Progress Reports.
B. University Committees: No reports.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: Dr. Delugach reported the University of Alabama System is engaging in Strategic Planning processes. A group met one month ago. At that meeting Dr. Delugach commented that he and other faculty do not know what the System Office does. He and other Faculty Senate Presidents were called back for a demonstration of what the System Office does. A data summary and statistics are available--there is a packet and information can be found on the website.
4. President Franz Report:
Dr. Franz apologized for missing the last meeting. Dr. Franz reported the enrollment has increased for the fall. We have worked on this for some time and the increase is good. The credit hour increase is about 6%. The dominant school in this is ADSC. They carry 40% of the increase. We are looking at ways to further improve enrollment and retention. Recruitment and retention still need work. We discovered that stellar students were dropping out. Dr. Johnson with others has been working hard on this issue. Many of the students were not contacted. Eighty to eighty-five percent of the entering students were found to be in distress and counciled this year. If we attack recruitment, we must attack retention. We must make a dramatic initiative. Some are already in place but there is room for more. The Progress Reporting is being worked on. The students want more grade differentiation in the reporting. Establishing a connection seems to be a key in retaining students and in student satisfaction. Appreciation was expressed to those faculty who use email and they are encouraged to use it more and asked to encourage their colleagues to do the same. There was brief discussion of the election results and a somewhat brighter future for us. Dr. Franz pointed out the need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the lottery for us. Dr. Franz briefly reported on the Science and Technology Center and Dr. Greenwood's efforts in this area. The $4M Federal Funding for Space Research, Dr. Glenn's work with UAH and the success of the United Way campaign.
5. Provost McManus Report:
Dr. McManus reported that the Math Department has taken some initiatives toward improving recruitment and retention. Dr. McManus expressed appreciation to the Math Department for what they have done. Dr. McManus will continue to talk with deans about core course performance. He asked the dean of other areas to put emphasis on this area.
Dr. McManus reported there is one new program this year that is a PhD in Biotechnology. This is in the planning stages to be implemented next year.
Dr. McManus reported on construction projects that are ongoing. The Engineering Building project should be finished in early 1999. Cooperative Education and Career Services will move into this building. Construction is well underway in the University Center. The redesign will move Admissions to the front west side of the building. The goal is to make student services more student friendly. Charger Central will be set up as a one stop shop for students to ideally be able to take care of all their needs at one place instead of having to travel to various parts of campus. We have also added the Cyber Café as a place for students to hang out and a place for them to go for that late night snack or study area.
Dr. McManus reported there are two more projects to be completed. A Student Recreation Center either in Spragins Hall or a separate building. We are looking for an architect. WE are talking with a group who is interested in building in Research Park. The other project is the Library addition. This will be a High Tech area. We are moving forward with this in the near future.
Dr. McManus reported we have two candidates on campus interviewing, one for Science Dean and one for Engineering Dean. We are trying to fill these positions ASAP. The next search will be an internal search for a Dean of Graduate Studies. This search will likely begin in January.
Dr. McManus asked the faculty to think about ways of making the summer sessions more viable to the students.
There was some discussion regarding distance education and the progress of the new web pages and the availability of email addresses for students.
6. Dr. Schenker brought the Sick Leave Policy to the floor at Third Reading. Dr. Brookman seconded the motion. After brief discussion Dr. Leonard called the question with Dr. Lumpkin seconding the call. The vote in favor of the bill was 34 in favor, 0 abstentions and 0 opposed. The bill passed at third reading.
7. Dr. Delugach adjourned the meeting at 1:40 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #402 (September 17, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd, Sherman
LA: Dasher, Enger, Schenker, Bollinger, Meister, Hanks, Waring, McDuffie, Bliss, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Boykin, Landrum, Swain
LIB: Warren
NUR: Warren, Hays, Brookman, McLeod
SCI: Christopher, Garstka, Lumpkin, Richards, Kunin, Li, Miller, Comfort, Lieu
ADSC: Schoening
ENGR: Frederick
SCI: Hinke, Delugach, Lawton, Zhang
ENGR: Wells, Nordin, Wessling
SCI: Baird
0. President-Elect Hanks called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.
1. Draft Minutes of Meeting #401 were unanimously approved. Motion by Dr. Bliss, seconded by Dr. Meister.
2. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as presented.
3. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met Thursday, September 10, 1998. The Sick Leave Bill was discussed and passed at first reading..
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Swain reported the Committee met on September 3, 1998 and reviewed their charges. They will begin by talking to Dr. Belcher. They are trying to set up a meeting with him on October 13, 1998.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Schenker reported the Committee met two weeks ago and drafted the Sick Leave Bill. They have continued to inquire in the Faculty Activity Report. They are working with David Frees on a demo to be held one week from today at 1:00 p.m. Contact Dr. Schenker if you are interested.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
B. University Committees: No reports.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: No Report.
4. President Franz Report:
Not present.
5. Provost McManus Report:
Not present.
Dr. Johnson reported that there have been discussions ongoing regarding changes in the Summer Sessions. There are two sessions now that overlap. She asked that the faculty discuss this and make recommendations. Dr. Johnson reported on the "D" Grade Policy and the need for recommendations on this to develop a policy that is conducive to the Articulation Agreement. The Articulations guidelines require that we have the same rules for native and transfer students. The Deans are discussing this and will then bring something to this group requesting recommendations.
6. Don Halverstadt was present to address any questions the faculty had regarding Information Services or our support for computers, etc.. He wants to move UAH to or keep it as the most high tech University in the State. He wants to establish a dialog with the faculty to determine problems and solutions. He needs to determine how to go forward. He is establishing a Committee for a campus wide calendar and scheduling system. He distributed information on the student web and distributed an SIS information guide. He requested the faculty send responses to him on this. The student web system should be up on October 1. One group will use it this spring. Look at it and send your responses to Halverstadt. He is working with Dr. Belcher to work out problems with the SIS. We do not have on-course up and do not have the prerequisite program up yet. Dr. Halverstadt reported they will be putting all students on an email account. Next fall all will have email. They are developing a set of faculty screens to give access as needed for advising, etc. They will work on support problems. He may develop another advisory group for helping with academic support. There is a need to change the structure for the information services. They are still on the mainframe structure and this has created some lack of support in some areas. Advisement scheduling is on line too. He has suggested computing as a line item budget. Laptops are the easiest and most convenient. This will require some change in the financial structure. They are checking on laptop purchase versus lease. They have looked at four-year or two year rollover. Initially students would enroll with advisors and then on their on. Mr. Halverstadt pointed out that Information Services is custodial, other units actually own their systems. He pointed out that we are here because of the students. He makes his decisions based on the University and not on individual units or departments. Mr. Halverstadt invited the faculty to call him or email him with any questions, suggestion, requests or recommendations at halverd@email.uah.edu or 6347 extension 223.
University Sick Leave Policy--Dr. Schenker brought this bill to the floor and introduced it. The background is that the Faculty wanted to make sure all faculty get sick leave when they are entitled. Last year the Committee reported out a bill that basically treated faculty as administrators. They discussed the objectives. The Executive Committee discussed the bill and decided to withdraw it and revisit the topic this year. The Committee strengthened the language but did not change the substantial policy. The policy basically comes from the UA Handbook. The Committee changed the "may" to "will" and the burden of finding a replacement when the faculty member has to miss classes was moved from the faculty member to the chair or dean. The 6 months leave multiple times versus once in a tenure was clarified. Dr. Schenker reported there was some discussion of the possibility of abuse of the policy with Dr. Franz and Dr. McManus. And that there may need to be some scrutiny by Legal Counsel. Dr. Lumpkin seconded the motion to move the bill to the floor. There was some discussion of the possibility of a need for some sort of limit in the policy. It was noted there are procedures for people who abuse such policies. The vote was 30 in favor, 2 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill is passed at second reading.
Dr. Hanks adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #401 (August 27, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd, Sherman
LA: Dasher, Enger, Schenker, Bollinger, Hanks, Bliss, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Boykin, Nordin
LIB: Warren
NUR: Warren, Hays
SCI: Christopher, Lawton, Lumpkin, Delugach, Richards, Kunin, Li, Comfort
ADSC: Schoening
NUR: Brookman
SCI: Hinke, Lieu
LBAR: Buksa, Waring, McDuffie, Williams
NUR: McLeod
ENGR: Leonard, Wells,
SCI: Garstka, Baird, Zhang, Miller
1. President Delugach called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #400 were unanimously approved.
3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as presented.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The Senate Executive Committee met a week ago to establish the agenda and the issues list for the coming year that was distributed.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Comfort reported the Committee met once and passed on 24 actions, changes, deletions. Dr. Comfort acted on eight items during the summer on behalf of the Committee. Dr. Comfort agrees to serve as Chair of the Committee upon approval by the Committee members.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported the Committee handled some 20-bankruptcy cases and 24 re-admits.
B. University Committees: Dr. Lumpkin reported the Library Committee met once. The Administration has identified funds to add on to the Library following a recommendation of a consultant from a previous decade. The basic addition will be a wing different from what we have now. There will be special space, the front door will be moved to the new addition, and the new addition will house computer rooms. If you have suggestions, contact Dr. Lumpkin, or Dr. Luquire, or John Warren.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: Dr. Delugach reported the Senate received a copy of a memo from the College of Administrative Science requesting streamlining, and consolidating University Committees. The College of Administrative Science recommends reducing the service required of each faculty member. They requested a change in ratio for the Senate from 1:7 to 1:11. The Governance Committee will look at this issue. The attempt will be to reduce the number of Committees first and then look at representation. Dr. Delugach has asked for the Provost and President's Office to collect data on meetings and Committee work done, etc. Give your comments to Mr. J. Warren.
Dr. Delugach reported he met with Don Halverstadt, the new Assistant V. P. for Information Services. He comes from Texas. Dr. Delugach was impressed with his knowledge and understanding of the needs in Academia and with the fact that Don Halverstadt called to arrange a meeting with Dr. Delugach. This could be a good opportunity to have someone near the Provost Office to provide support for the non supported units, to provide training and ready access to the SIS to faculty, students, and staff, provide a platform for other units, and restructure the Information Services Advisory Committee. Don Halverstadt will come to the next meeting. There is some talk of a campus wide calendar and scheduling software, perhaps it will be looked at via volunteers and advised on the proper choices. It was suggested that we get students to try it. Use students from student organizations or from the lancers.
Dr. Delugach also reported the Academic Council met yesterday, August 26, 1998. The main issue was retention. One of the examples given was that out of twenty scholarships given to the best students, 3 flunked out. Dr. Franz is very interested in intervention strategies. Dr. Franz is very interested in progress reports and having more details involved with those. The Senate has been asked to investigate the possibility of administrative withdrawals. There is concern with how withdrawals are treated. The Scholastic Affairs Committee will pursue this issue. We need to come up with a proposal to help students and help faculty. If you get ideas from your colleagues, please let us know. This is not a single issue problem but we need a set of suggestions. We need to find out what is already being done that is effective.
Dr. Delugach reported Dean Raines talked about the Student Outcome Assessment Task Force and their recommendations for developing some questions and suggestions. Give your questions and suggestions on this issue to Dr. Comfort. She also discussed the Annual Reports and developing connections to all databases.
Homepage and web page development was discussed and the need for consistency. There is a Committee of three (Rochowiak, Lonergan and McCullars) to serve as webmasters to oversee the development and updating of web pages and home pages. Send your suggestions to Dan Rochowiak.
Dr. Johnson distributed a list of on-line forms. She also announced the AGSC new course requests and approvals are due by October 31. She distributed some information on this as well.
Dr. Delugach discussed the change in the Senate Calendar with the Senate meeting every third week. The idea is that the Committees would meet the week after the Senate, and then the Senate Executive Committee would meet after the Committees meet in order to discuss business and set the agenda. If there are items where bills seem appropriate please get those to the Committee Chairs early.
We are trying to eliminate some paper for the meetings. This will save money and paper. It will also save some time. The information will be sent via email and will also be available on the Senate web page. The email messages will contain the URL addresses for the web page information. We may still have hard copies of the bills available at the meeting.
It was requested that Peggy obtain Adobe to send the files as PDF format.
The Faculty Issues were distributed and discussed. Dr. Delugach pointed out that they are not mandates but starting points. A full detailed listing is available on the web page.
5. President Franz:
Not present.
6. Provost McManus:
Not present.
7. Dr. Delugach presented a Sense of the Senate Resolution Honoring Dr. Mark Bower. Dr. Delugach pointed out Dr. Bower accomplished a great deal in his three year term. He was very instrumental in obtaining this year's salary increases for us. Motion by Hanks, seconded by Lumpkin, to pass the resoution and prepare a copy to present to Dr. Bower.
8. Dr. Delugach adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #400 (May 7, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd, Schoening
LA: Crouse, Schenker, Hanks, Bliss, McDuffie
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Wells, Swain, Bower, Ho
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman
SCI: Christy, Lumpkin, Hinke, Richards, Kunin, Comfort, Delugach
ADSC: Porter
LBAR: Bollinger, Haralick
ENGR: Wessling, Frederick, Feikema
NUR: Hays, Estes
SCI: Li, Lieu, Zhang
ADSC: Simpson
LBAR: Harwell, Hutson, Buksa, Williams, Waring
NUR: Lethbridge
ENGR: Chittur, Nordin, Katsinis,
SCI: Baird, Miller, Lawton
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #399 were unanimously approved, after a motion by Richard Lumpkin, seconded by John Warren.
3.The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as presented.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next Senate Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for May 14, 1998 at 11:30 a.m. in UC 125.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: The Committee meets next Thursday at 10:30 a.m. in MH 343 to review some cases.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
1.Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: Dr. Bower briefly discussed the budget. All increases are going into salaries ~ 9.4%. ~ 1% will go to help inequities of those furthest from the norm. Dr. Bower thanked each officer for his or her service the past year. He thanked and recognized the Executive Committee Members. He gave a brief highlight of his tenure as Faculty Senate President.
Dr. Bower then distributed ballots for University Committees Representation.
5. President Franz:
Not present.
6. Provost McManus:
Not present.
7. Dr. Brookman and Dr. Delugach moved to suspend the regular business in order to address two items not on the agenda. Two Sense of the Senate Resolutions. "Contributors to Legislative Action Campaign--Special Mention, Gary Smith". Motion by Dr. Leonard, seconded by Dr. Richards to accept. The vote was 27 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. The second Resolution was to honor Dr. Kenneth Harwell upon retiring at VP to accept a position with the Air Force. Dr. Comfort, seconded by Dr. Lumpkin moved to accept this Resolution with a correction to line 23 (the spelling of Toftoy) and line 15 and 18 "led". The vote was 27 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions.
8. Ratifications of the election of officers. Dr. Bower reported 321 ballots went out, 71 were returned, 70 voted for Hanks which was 98% and 65 voted for Richards which was 91% and 64 voted for both with was 90%. There were no write-ins. Dr. Lumpkin, seconded by Dr. Swain moved to accept. The vote was 27 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. The Senate also voted to destroy the ballots this motion was by Dr. Leonard, seconded by Dr. Lumpkin with the vote 27 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions.
9. The Senate voted to ratify the election of Chairs of Committees for 1998/99. The motion was from Dr. Lumpkin, seconded by Dr. Schenker with the vote 27 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions.
10. Dr. Delugach and Dr. Hanks counted the votes for membership of University Standing Committees. The list was forwarded to Peggy. The motion to accept was made by Dr. Lumpkin and seconded by Dr. Delugach.
11. Dr. Bower adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #399 (April 23, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd, Schoening, Simpson
LA: Crouse, Bollinger, Dasher, Schenker, Hanks, Bliss, Sitaraman
ENG: Hayes, Leonard, Katsinis, Boykin, Wells, Swain, Bower, Wessling, Feikema
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman
SCI: Christy, Lawton, Lumpkin, Hinke, Richards, Kunin, Li, Zhang, Comfort, Miller, Lieu
ADSC: Porter
LBAR: Harwell, Waring
ENGR: Chittur, Ho Nordin, Frederick
NUR: Estes, Warren, McLeod, Hays
LBAR: Hutson, McDuffie, Buksa, Haralick, Williams
NUR: Lethbridge
SCI: Garstka, Baird, Delugach
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #398 were unanimously approved, after a motion by John Warren, seconded by Jack Ellis.
3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as presented.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next Senate Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for April 30, 1998, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: The Committee has approved changes and new courses. The Committee noted some duplication between Computer Engineering and Computer Science. The Deans are checking on this matter.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: There will be another business meeting in two weeks (this will be the old Senate--1997/98) on May 7, 1998, at 12:30 p.m. in Administrative Science Room 114. This meeting will be to ratify the elections. Please be present or send a proxy.
The Education Budget is in Conference Committee. The $10M added by the Senate has been taken out. We need to put pressure on Lt. Governor Siegelman. They have to have two votes from each side, house and senate to carry any issue. We need another Senator on our side. We need the Lt. Governor to put pressure on the members to keep the $10M. Ask your representatives and senators to go to the microphone and speak out to keep the $10M in the budget.
The Administrative Council met Tuesday to discuss the budgets. Dr. Franz reported that all new money in the 1998/99 budget goes to salaries. There may be a moral as well as a legal obligation in this matter. Five percent increase goes to all meritorious employees (across the board). This applies to anyone not in the process of being terminated. Two percent of that five may be in jeopardy in future years because Mr. Bronner says the windfall may change and we may have to increase the institutional input to the retirement system. The plan is to add 3% to the VP units for equity and merit increases in addition to the 5%. The balance will be held at the President's level to address gross inequities in specific areas. One area that has been mentioned is the information services area, not just at the University level, but at the college level also.
There is an ad hoc group meeting to discuss ways to make research faculty appointments more attractive. They currently get a 30 day notice if the funding terminates. It is difficult to attract talent with that kind of factor involved. What is more attractive is not yet defined.
The deans and directors met today and discussed the budgets and salaries. Faculty will be considered line by line comparing with the Oklahoma State survey. The inflation figure will be calculated in the line by line comparison.
The bond issue was discussed. UAH should receive $4.8M. This will be used for two major capital expenditure projects. The Library expansion and a Sports Recreation facility. The Provost is seeking input for both of these projects.
Dr. Johannes reported at the meeting this morning on the SREC. This is a clearinghouse for distance learning. They have 77 undergraduate and 28 graduate courses. Anyone interested in proposing a course has two months to get the course through the appropriate channels of approval. The department approves it, then the university, then ACHE, then it goes to SREC. There are 105 classes out now. Fifty percent of the course content must be electronic.
5. President Franz:
Not present--at the Scholarship Luncheon.
6. Provost McManus:
Not present--at the Scholarship Luncheon.
7. Sense of the Senate Resolution (Disposition of Senate Business during the Summer). Dr. Bower introduced and explained the resolution. Mr.Warren, seconded by Dr. Schenker moved the resolution to the floor. Line 13 was amended. The vote for the resolution was 33 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions.
8. Nomination of Senate Officers for 1998/99 by the New Senate. Dr. Bower described each office. Craig Hanks was nominated and declined the nomination. James Bliss was nominated for Ombudsperson and then withdrew from the nomination. Phil Richards self nominated for Ombudsperson. Dr. Frederick was nominated for president-elect by Dr. Wessling. Dr. Leonard seconded the nomination. Dr. Frederick was not present and will be contacted later to find out if he is willing to accept the nomination. Dr. Lawton was nominated and declined the nomination. A motion to close nominations by John Warren, seconded by Dr. Bliss. Ballots will be sent out to the entire faculty body for voting.
9. Approval of Senate Committees for 1998/99 by the new Senate. A motion by John Warren, seconded by Dr. Hanks to approve the Committees as they were presented. The vote was 29 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions.
Business was suspended for a caucus of Senate Committees to elect Chairs for 1998/99.
The Committees reported the Chair elections to the President.
Faculty and Student Development (James Swain), Finance and Resources (Niles Schoening), Governance and Operations (John Warren), Personnel (Dan Schenker), Undergraduate Curriculum (Sharon Harwell), Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs (Craig Hanks)
10. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #398 (April 9, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd, Schoening, Simpson, Porter
LA: Crouse, Harwell, Bollinger, Schenker, Buksa, T. Williams, Bliss, Haralick, ENG: Chittur, Leonard, Katsinis, Wells, Swain, Bower, Frederick
NUR: Brookman
SCI: Christy, Lawton, Lumpkin, Delugach, Hinke, Richards, Li, Zhang, Comfort, Miller
LBAR: Hanks, Waring
ENGR: Ho, Nordin, Wessling
NUR: Estes, Hays
SCI: Kunin, Lieu
LBAR: Hutson
ENG: Feikema
LIB: Warren
NUR: Lethbridge
SCI: Baird
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:40 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #397 were unanimously approved, after a motion by Steve Floyd, seconded by Niles Schoening.
3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was accepted as presented.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next Senate Executive Committee Meeting is scheduled for April 16, 1998, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Haralick reported the Committee acted on six items, including course approvals, course changes, and a new minor in Marketing.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Bliss reported in Dr. Hanks absence that the Committee has one bill on today's agenda.
B. University Committees: The Commencement Committee met today. Jack Edwards, President Pro-Tem of the Board and former Congressman from Mobile will be the Commencement Speaker. There will be two honorary degrees awarded (Mrs. Martha Simms Rambo and M.G. James Link). There are some changes in the way the ceremony is conducted. Dr. Robert James will be one of two professional readers reading the names of the graduates. Nominations are requested for a second person to be a reader. Forward those names to Dr. Fisher. There was some discussion regarding paraphernalia allowed on the robes. The deans are working with Dr. Fisher to develop a list of what is allowable. Only those cords, pens etc. that are associated with an academic honorary organization will be allowed. There will be different sizes of degrees this year. Those students marching but who have not yet completed all the requirements will only receive a rolled paper with a ribbon not a diploma cover.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: Dr. Bower expressed sympathy at the loss of Dr. Dimopoullos who died on March 30, 1998. The Senate is very sad to lose such a valuable colleague.
Dr. Bower reported attending the Faculty Governance Association Meeting in Portland, Oregon on April 2 through 5, 1998. There were representatives from 50 colleges. Some of the things discussed were Senate involvement in budget preparations and having members with budget savvy on the committees. The Committee should also have some representatives with accounting and economic backgrounds, and some with strategic planning/management background. There was a collaborative leadership workshop by SUNI and a trustee from California. The recommendation from that workshop was to develop a good relationship with the administration and talk to them in the good times and the bad times. If you communicate in the good times and get them to listen, they will then see you through the bad times.
There was some discussion regarding Faculty reward for service. Some discussion regarding high amounts of student to student interaction and student to faculty interaction. Rapid feedback is important. There were some demonstrations of web based instruction. One demonstration involved Spanish 101 with students solving a murder mystery by role playing and doing all the activities in the language.
There was an academic plan for the virtual university developed through all the campus faculty Senates.
One cornerstone project was "What is a baccalaureate degree?" This project involved granting the trustees an honorary baccalaureate degree.
Dr. Bower distributed to several individuals the Competencies of Math in Entering Freshman document from the conference and sugggested UAH may want to look at developing something like this. They also had another document at the conference that was Standards for Entering Students. These kinds of documents let the students know what is expected. In light of the student success, student satisfaction issue we may want to consider looking into and distributing such documents to high schools.
There was a report on the post tenure review at degree granting institutions. A formula was developed for how much faculty are in the classroom. California developed a three tiered policy--unacceptable, satisfactory and outstanding. They are trying to get a $5000 increase for the third tier. This review takes place every five years.
Dr. Bower announced the need for nominations and elections. There will be a called meeting to ratify the elections after the nominations and elections have taken place.
5. President Franz:
Dr. Franz too expressed sadness at the demise of Dr. Dimopoullos. Dr. Franz announced that Dr. Dimopoullos had endowed an associate position in Biological Sciences some time ago. This was a first and very special legacy to have left
The Legislature is not doing much right now. They are trying to decide whether the trustee should live in Tuscaloosa or not. The person nominated lives in Birmingham. We will probably not see action on the budget until the last hours.
We have begun a search for a Vice President for Research. Dr. Harwell is retiring and taking another prestigious position elsewhere. Dr. Harwell has done an exceptional job. The Search Committee is chaired by Dean G. Duthie. Members are Jim Simpson, S. T. Wu, K. Kavi, J. Ellis, M. Bower, B. Rozell, M. Lewis, S. Graves, C. Lundquist, W. Kirkpatrick, R. McNider. The ad is approved and should be out at the end of April. We need to move expeditiously. There is no one on track for the position, therefore, nominations would be appreciated. We do not know B. Schroer's plans at this time. The position is open and we need to look at well qualified individuals. They need an understanding of the broad spectrum of the job. Send your nominations to Mark Bower or any member of the Committee or Dean G. Duthie. We are on the fast track because we do not want a wide gap between Dr. Harwell leaving and the new person coming aboard.
6. Provost McManus:
The Council of Deans met today and passed 7 of the 9 resolutions sent forward by the Senate. One was tabled for more data and one was tabled to look at the context of the Handbook.
We received more information on the viability issue but the Chief Academic Officers are not interested in amendments but are more interested in looking at the loopholes that are already available. Exceptions can be made for certain groups. The Articulation and General Studies reports from 12 Arts and Sciences discipline committees are to be decided upon. We anticipate some problems. We will be meeting tomorrow.
Dr. McManus announced the upcoming events.
7. Senate Bill 268 "Policy on Faculty/Staff Awards" (Third Reading). Dr. Bower introduced the bill. Dr. Lumpkin, seconded by Dr. Christy moved the bill to the floor for consideration at Third Reading. There was a question regarding the $100 figure in the bill. Dr. Franz will check on this number. There was some question of the vagueness of the bill. The Lawyers recommended the vagueness. The vote for the bill was 31 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions. The bill passed at third reading.
8. Senate Bill 269 "Faculty Activity Report Performance Scale" (Third Reading). Dr. Schenker moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. This motion was seconded by Dr. Lumpkin. One correction to Line 23 "to the". There was some discussion regarding who sets the standards, the benefits, the use, and the flexibility. The vote for the bill was 31 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. The bill passed at third reading.
9. Senate Bill 272 "GPA Computation for Graduation with Honors" (Third Reading). Dr. Bliss moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. He reported Dr. Hanks has discussed the bill with Dr. Johnson for clarification of some issues. Dr. Johnson checked with Dr. McManus and the State-wide articulation Committee Chair and found no problem associated with the articulation agreement. The motion was seconded by Dr. Brookman. The vote for the bill was 31 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. The bill passed at third reading.
10. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #397 (March 26, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd, Schoening, Simpson
LA: Bollinger, Schenker, Hanks, T. Williams, Bliss, Haralick, L. Williams
ENG: Leonard, Ho, Nordin, Swain, Bower, Wessling
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Lethbridge
SCI: Christy, Lumpkin, Delugach, Hinke, Li, Kunin, Comfort, Lieu
ADSC: Porter
LBAR: Harwell, Waring
ENGR: Katsinis, Wells, Feikema
NUR: Estes, Hays
SCI: Dimopoullos, Richards, Zhang
LBAR: Crouse, Buksa, Hutson
ENG: Chittur, Frederick
SCI: Baird, Miller
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #396 were unanimously approved, after a motion by James Bliss, seconded by Hugh Comfort.
3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was approved with correction after a motion by Dan Schenker, seconded by James Bliss.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next Senate Executive Committee Meeting was scheduled for April 6 but has been changed to tomorrow, Friday, March 27, 1998, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 109.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Haralick reported the Committee approved 35 course deletions, changes, etc.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Hanks reported the Committee met two weeks ago and reviewed student petitions for readmission. They passed four bills after reviewing the policies in the undergraduate catalog.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: Dr. Bower congratulated several Faculty Senators who received promotion and/or tenure in the most recent review. He also recognized former Senators who received promotion and/or tenure during the most recent review. He reported that March 5 was Higher Education Day in Montgomery. There was a good turn out with four from UAH. Other universities were well represented. The Governor spoke but was not well received by the audience. He proposed eliminating the Chancellors' Office. Some proposed eliminating the Governor's Office. Other speakers were more well received.
Dr. Bower reported there is a petition to Lt. Gov. Don Siegelman asking him to support the Ted Little Amendment to add $10M to the Education Budget in order to meet the 8 in '98 request circulating for signatures. Please sign it and return it to Gary Smith by March 27.
Dr. Bower reported he attended the ACCUFP meeting. Things are tough around the State. He reported ACHE has asked for an Advisory Board that will consist of the ACCUFP officers.
Dr. Bower passed on some information to Dr. Haralick for the Curriculum Committee regarding program viability.
Dr. Bower reported the Board of Trustees met March 19 and 20. Olin King was elected as a new Board Member to replace Martha S. Rambo. The Board passed a resolution honoring the UAH Hockey Team.
5. President Franz:
No Report (Not Present) He was away attending a SACSCOC review.
6. Provost McManus:
No Report (Not present).
7. Senate Bill 268 "Faculty/Staff Awards" (Second Reading). Dr. Bower introduced the bill and reported it resulted from a memorandum from Dr. Franz. Dr. Haralick moved the bill to the floor, seconded by Dr. Lumpkin. The vote for the bill was 32 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention. The bill passed at second reading.
8. Senate Bill 269 "Faculty Activity Report Performance Scale" (Second Reading). Dr. Schenker moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. This motion was seconded by Dr. Bliss. There was some discussion and one friendly amendment to line 26. Add "This written statement will be attached to the Faculty Activity Report for the record." The vote for the bill was 30 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. The bill passed at second reading.
9. Senate Bill 270 "Student Classification" (Second Reading) Dr. Hanks moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Delugach seconded the motion. After brief discussion the vote in favor of the bill was 31 in favor 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at second reading and was declared by the President to be passed at third reading.
10. Senate Bill 271 "Graduate with Honors Criteria" (Second Reading). Dr. Hanks moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Wessling seconded the motion. There was one friendly amendment to add "the policy will take effect Fall 1999". The vote for the bill was 30 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. The bill passed at second reading with the President declaring it passed at third reading.
11. Senate Bill 272 "GPA Computation for Graduation with Honors" (Second Reading). Dr. Hanks moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Delugach seconded the motion. After some discussion Dr. Lumpkin moved to table the bill with Dr. Hinke seconding. The vote to table was 11 in favor, 17 opposed and 2 abstentions. The motion to table failed. The vote for the bill was 29 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention. The bill passed at second reading.
12. Senate Bill 273 "Indeterminate Academic Status Policy" (Second Reading). Dr. Hanks moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Wessling seconded the motion. The vote for the bill was 29 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at second reading and was declared by the President passed at third reading.
13. Senate Bill 274 "Amendment to Section VI, Part A of the By-Laws of the Faculty Senate" (Second Reading). Mr. Warren introduced the bill and moved it to the floor. Dr. Hanks seconded the motion. Dr. Bower then introduced the Substitute Amendment. Dr. Delugach moved to accept the Substitute Amendment, seconded by Dr. Haralick. The vote for the Substitute Amendment was 29 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstention. The bill passed at second reading and was declared passed at third reading by the President.
14. Sense of the Senate Resolution Honoring the UAH Ice Hockey Team. Dr. Hanks moved to accept the Resolution, seconded by Dr. Bliss. The Resolution passed by acclamation.
15. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m. moved by Dr. Delugach and seconded by Dr. Hanks.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #396 (February 26, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd, Schoening, Simpson
LA: Crouse, Harwell, Bollinger, Buksa, Hanks, Williams, Bliss, Haralick, Ellis
ENG: Leonard, Ho, Swain, Bower, Feikema, Frederick
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman
SCI: Lawton, Lumpkin, Delugach, Richards, Kunin, Zhang, Comfort, Lieu
ADSC: Porter
LBAR: Schenker, Waring
NUR: Estes
SCI: Dimopoullos, Li, Miller, Hinke
LBAR: Hutson
ENG: Chittur, Katsinis, Wells, Nordin, Wessling
NUR: Hays, Lethbridge
SCI: Christy, Baird
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:36 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #395 were unanimously approved as corrected, after a motion by Joy Haralick, seconded by James Bliss.
3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was approved after a motion by Joy Haralick, seconded by Kate Leonard.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be Thursday, March 5, 1998, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110. This meeting may be cancelled due to several conflicts (Higher Education Day in Montgomery, UAH Service Awards Luncheon, etc.)
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Mr. Warren reported the Committee has a bill in today's package..
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Haralick reported the Committee approved 17 course deletions, changes, etc. They also took under advisement the curriculum changes in Administrative Science.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: Dr. Bower encouraged the faculty to try to attend the Legislative updates on Fridays. He informed the group that this Friday's session may be cancelled. He reminded the faculty of Higher Education Day next Thursday. He informed the group they would like to have 140 faculty staff and students to show up at Montgomery. He informed them that Joel Lonergan will be taking two vans and would like to have 30 faculty, staff and students from UAH to go. Dr. Bower informed the Senate that he will be going to Higher Education Day and will also be attending the ACCUFP meeting there also on Thursday afternoon and Friday.
Dr. Bower reported that the Administrative Council met on Tuesday morning. There was some concern for the language used in the Budget of the 5% across the Board. This will include part-time faculty since that will not greatly impact the numbers.
Dr. Bower reported the SGA is going through some rough times and various parties are working hard to calm the waters. He asked that if anyone of the faculty were called upon to please be as cooperative and helpful as possible.
5. President Franz:
No Report (Not Present) He was away attending the Council of Presidents meeting.
6. Provost McManus:
Dr. McManus reported he had toured Technology Hall. He acknowledged the problems with parking. These problems will be dealt with. He announced the sidewalk has bee approved to continue across to Technology Hall. The extension of the Nursing and Library parking lot and lighting problems are being dealt with. These may start next year.
The faculty activity report form is being implemented using the Word version this year. The date is still March 15. We are still working on the web version. There will be a 5-year rolling database. We are currently test marketing the web version. He encouraged the faculty to get the evaluation of the Science Dean candidates in so the decision can be made.
7. Senate Resolution 96/97-11-"Ethical Standards in Research" (Third Reading) Mr. Warren moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Hanks seconded the motion. Dr. Hanks recommended an amendment on line 143 to add back the stricken material. Dr. Swain seconded this. Some explanation for the amendment was given. The vote for the amendment was 31 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions. In lines 146 and 147 add "or", in Line 178-179 there was a question. Dr. Hanks substituted language for paragraph b. Mr. Warren seconded. Add neither university committee and add no lawyers present. The vote for the changes was 31 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Dr. Comfort questioned line 51-58 regarding what the individual is held to whether it is abstracts or what is actually presented. A request was made to delete the period in line 103. Dr. Leonard called the question, seconded by Dr. Bliss. The vote for call the question was 31 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. The vote for the bill at third reading was 31 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at third reading.
Senate Resolution 96/97-09- "Dismissal of Faculty for Just Cause" (Third Reading) Mr. Warren moved the bill to the floor and introduced it seconded by Dr. Haralick. In lines 26-30 there were questions regarding the causes or the definition of crimes and criminal. It was requested to add "must" in line 23. The bill passed at third reading 30 in favor, 2 opposed and 0 abstentions.
8. Senate Bill 266 "Committee for Educational Technology and Distance Education" (Third Reading). Dr. Haralick moved the bill to the floor and introduced it, seconded by Dr. Swain. There was some discussion regarding the need for another Committee and its purpose. Dr. Leonard called the question, seconded by Dr. Frederick. The vote to call the question was 28 in favor, 1 opposed and 1 abstention. There was one correction changing line 26 to "Assistant Vice President". The vote for the bill was 25 in favor, 1 opposed and 4 abstentions.
Dr. Bliss, seconded by Dr. Haralick moved to extend the Faculty Senate Meeting 10 minutes in order to finish business. The vote was 26 in favor.
9. Senate Bill 267 "UAH Faculty Sick Leave Policy" (Second Reading). Mr. Warren brought the bill tot he floor, seconded by Dr. Swain. There was some discussion regarding the benefit and restrictions imposed by this bill. There was some discussion regarding the bookkeeping problems associated. Dr. Swain, seconded by Dr. Bliss moved to table the bill. The vote was 27 in favor, 0 opposed and 4 abstentions.
10. Sense of the Senate Resolution Honoring Past faculty Senate President. Dr. Bower brought this resolution to the floor and explained the background and reasoning. Dr. Hanks, seconded by Dr. Lumpkin moved to go forward with the resolution. The Senate unanimously favored it. It will be presented at the March 12 Senate Meeting.
11. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #395 (February 12, 1998)
ADSC: Porter, Schoening, Simpson
LA: Harwell, Schenker, Bollinger, Buksa, Hutson, Hanks, Bliss, Haralick, Ellis
ENG: Chittur, Leonard, Ho,Wells, Swain, Bower, Feikema, Wessling
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Lethbridge
SCI: Christy, Lawton, Lumpkin, Delugach, Hinke, Richards, Zhang, Li, Miller, Lieu
LBAR: Waring, Williams
ENGR: Katsinis, Nordin
NUR: Estes, Hays
SCI: Kunin
ADSC: Floyd
LBAR: Crouse
ENG: Frederick
SCI: Baird, Comfort
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #394 were unanimously approved as corrected, after a motion by John Warren, seconded by Craig Hanks.
3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was approved after a motion by Joy Haralick, seconded by Janet Brookman.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be Thursday, February 19, 1998, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110. Two items on the agenda will be the two policies returned to us from Administration; "For Cause Termination" and "Scientific Misconduct."
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: Dr. Schenker reported the Committee met today and reviewed the draft bill on the "Sick Leave Policy". The Committee will present this bill to the Executive Committee next week.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Haralick reported the Committee met and approved two courses. The Committee has a draft bill on the agenda for today, Senate Bill 266. Dr. Haralick reminded the faculty when submitting course approval requests to please send them with a catalog description and the prerequisite requirements and to please send a representative from their college or department to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee meeting to explain the requests.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No Report.
2. President-Elect: No Report.
3. President: Dr. Bower invited the faculty to the Legislative Update held on Fridays at noon in Technology Hall Room N 142. Good information is exchanged at this update. Dr. Bower talked briefly about the Knight Amendment that was defeated. He talked briefly about the Jefferson County Representatives bonding together to fight for UAB. There was a brief review of the information presented and a review of the things that are needed. He reminded the faculty of the benefit of responding when they are asked to fax, write, or call Representatives or Senators. He also reminded them not to use UAH materials to contact Representatives or Senators. He reminded the faculty there is still a need to keep the pressure on.
5. President Franz:
No Report (Not Present)
6. Provost McManus:
Dr. McManus reported briefly on the Articulation Matters in the State. He reported recent discussions have dealt with the issue of accepting D's. We have to treat native and transfer students the same. We have to look at our policies and how they are affecting all the students. Dr. McManus suggested the Dean of Liberal Arts and the Dean of Science meet with the Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs Committee to discuss the policies and the need for any changes. He encouraged the Committee to take care of these matters promptly.
Some Colleges are looking at the 41-hour General Studies requirements. Dr. McManus reminded the faculty he will bring information, as it is available.
Dr. McManus reminded the faculty that the second candidate for Dean, College of Science is on campus interviewing today and tomorrow.
Dr. McManus reported that he has received some concerns for the Web Based Faculty Activity Reports and the use of this form this year. Some have complained to him that there are items that cannot be included in the form as it is now (i.e., symbols and other characters in publication titles, etc.). He invites input from any and all faculty. He reported that test runs are being done by faculty members. He reported that we can push the deadline, we do not absolutely have to stick with the March 15 deadline if that will help us accomplish our goal for this year.
There was a questions and brief discussion regarding the bill to establish a uniform semester system across the State with a specified beginning and ending date. Dr. McManus reported he did not have information that anything had passed on that bill.
7. Senate Bill 263 "Pass/Fail Grading" (Third Reading) Dr. Hanks moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Brookman seconded the motion. The vote for the bill at third reading was 31 in favor, 3 opposed, and 3 abstentions. The bill passed at third reading.
8. Senate Bill 264 "Academic Action Threshold" (Third Reading). Dr. Hanks moved this bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Bliss seconded the motion. Some discussion ensued regarding the warnings along the way and what is the benefit of this bill to the student. There was a question of how the students are notified and how they receive assistance when needed. There was some discussion of the affect on the University standards. The favorable point was expressed that we are giving the students every possible chance. The vote on the bill at third reading was 24 in favor, 13 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at third reading.
9. Senate Bill 266 "Committee for Educational Technology and Distance Education" (Second Reading). Dr. Haralick moved this bill to the floor and introduced it. Dr. Hanks seconded the motion. There was some discussion regarding the need for another Committee and further congesting bureaucracy. Concern was expressed that forming another committee will not address the real problem. The point was reiterated that the infrastructure needs attention. It was expressed that this may address that problem because the Committee will have faculty representatives to address the academic needs, technical issues, training and coordination involved in distance education. It was emphasized that there is a need for organization and centralization in this area. The vote on Senate Bill 266 at Second Reading was 34 in favor, 2 opposed and 0 abstentions.
10. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m. Motion by Dr. Wessling, seconded by Dr. Leonard.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #394 (January 29, 1998)
ADSC: Floyd, Schoening
LA: Crouse, Harwell, Schenker, Bollinger, Buksa, Hutson, Hanks, Williams, Bliss, Haralick, Ellis
ENG: Leonard, Katsinis, Ho, Swain, Bower, Feikema, Frederick, Wessling
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman
SCI: Christy, Baird, Delugach, Richards, Kunin, Zhang, Li, Miller, Comfort
ADSC: Porter
LBAR: Waring
ENGR: Wells
NUR: Estes, Hays
SCI: Hinke
ENG: Chittur, Nordin
NUR: Lethbridge
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #393 were unanimously approved as corrected, after a motion by Craig Hanks, seconded by Harry Delugach.
3.The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was approved after a motion by Joy Haralick, seconded by Hugh Comfort.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be Thursday, February 5, 1998, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110.
2. Faculty and Student Development: Dr. Swain reported that the Committee met and discussed the changes to the Judicial Code.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5.Personnel: Dr. Schenker reported the Committee met today and approved the appointment of Dr. Dan Schenker as substitute chair. The Committee is looking at the sick leave policy. The Committee will be sending forth a draft bill. They are also looking at the Faculty Activity Form. They have discussed the draft bill that was returned to the Committee. Dr. Schenker requests your views, opinions or suggestions regarding the Faculty Activity Report. The Committee asked that the faculty make the same request in their departments. The comments and suggestions should be sent to Dr. Dan Schenker via mail or email.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Haralick reported the Committee met and approved some courses. The course descriptions for the approved courses have been distributed. Also distributed was a draft bill for a Distance Learning Education Standing Committee. Dr. Haralick requested input from the faculty prior to the Committee's Tuesday meeting.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: Dr. Hanks reported the Committee has two bills on the agenda to discuss today. He asked the Committee members to please give him possible meeting times for this semester.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President: Dr. Bower reported that the Sense of the Senate resolution on the Retirement funds and the "8 in 98" was forwarded to the Legislature and to the Board of Trustees. The Legislature is in session. Gary Smith informed Dr. Bower that there are more than 800 bills sent forward and he has 150 of them on his tracking system. One of these bills requires all state institutions to follow the semester system and the state specifies the beginning and ending dates within a four-day span. If there is a problem and the calendar does not fit within this four day span the law would have to be changed. This is out of Committee and on to the House.
The Legislative Ways and Means Committee met yesterday. Dr. Franz and Dr. Bower were present. Vicki Rivizzigno was present and spoke on behalf of the faculty. Gordon Stone, Director of the Alabama Higher Education Partnership made a presentation to the Committee. Dr. Bower distributed copies of the contents of that presentation. Dr. Bower reported it appears the Legislature is responding to the pressure. The Senate Executive Committee took 150 names and distributed them and called them asking these 150 people to contact Rep. Jim Haney over the weekend. Rep. Haney is supportive of us thusfar.
3. President-Elect: No Report.
5. President Franz:
Dr. Franz reported that he attended yesterday's meeting but could not stay the entire time. Dr. Bower distributed information that was before the Ways and Means Committee yesterday. The calculations on these handouts were done on the new basis. An increase is normally done on a percent increase on last year's base. The percent increase was done on what it takes to make the 8% salary increase to everyone on state appropriations at a particular time. If we have more on state appropriation at that time we get more. It hurts us because we do not have as much on state appropriations later in the year. It is bad because at the beginning of the year we have more on state appropriations. Later we move many to something else. The calculations for the increase were done at a particular time when we did not have as many employees on state appropriations. Tim Parker amended the proposed budget to give more to UAH and to three or four other institutions. J. Knight proposed an amendment to keep the retirement money and put all the pork money on the table and give an across the board distribution of the appropriations. This would benefit us. Contention resulted in the meeting. It could not be resolved and the budget you have before you was passed out to the House. This was not bad but we should do better. Now we have to determine the next step. Dr. Franz reported he likes the Knight amendment. He reported he hopes to have more information by the end of the day. He reiterated we need to be unified in the message we send. We need to be unified in what we want. He will let us know what message to send. We should be in continuous contact with the legislators. He reported he expects to receive a message form Gary today or tomorrow and we can then know what message to send.
A question was asked of whether the retirement money is permanent or temporary. Dr. Franz answered based on the models presented it should be at least quasi-permanent.
Dr. Franz briefly explained how the contributions work and why the individual contribution does not fluctuate.
Dr. Franz reported that he is not in favor of across the board salary increases but would be in favor of a combination of merit and across the board. He reiterated, when asked, that yes, all increase monies go to faculty and staff salary.
6. Provost McManus:
No Report.
7. Senate Bill 262: "Amendment to Appendix B of the Faculty Handbook". (Third Reading). Dr. Schenker brought the bill to the floor. The motion was seconded by Dr. Hanks. There was some discussion regarding a two-thirds majority versus a simple majority vote for the chair. There was some discussion of why we need the bill and what weight it carries. Dr. Delugach called the question with a second from Dr. Richards.
The vote on the motions was 34 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions.
The vote on the bill was 27 in favor, 6 opposed and 1 abstention.
8. Senate Bill 263 "Pass/Fail Grading" (Second Reading) Dr. Hanks moved the bill to the floor and introduced it. The bill is addressing an issue of student success and student satisfaction while maintaining high standards. Dr. Hanks discussed the current policy. The bill is a revision of the current policy. Dr. Brookman seconded the motion. Friendly amendments: insert "undergraduate" in line 10. Eliminate "some" in line 15. Make "within" one word in line 13. In line 22 insert "it". In line 29 change "actual" to "regular" and remove "also".
The vote for the bill at second reading was 30 in favor, 2 opposed, and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at second reading.
9. Senate Bill 264 "Academic Action Threshold" (Second Reading). Dr. Hanks moved this bill to the floor. This bill is developed with the same motive as the last bill--student success and satisfaction. Mr. Warren seconded the motion. A friendly amendment to change "63" to "64" in line 20. There was a question of the determinant of the numbers. The Committee looked at the exceptions. There is some concern for prolonging the inevitable. It was noted this puts a greater burden on the advisors. Dr. Hanks reported that he has asked for the numbers on this issue but does not have them yet. There was a question of whether we are deluding our academic standards. It was reported that we are one of a few institutions in the state that does not have the graduated scale. The vote for the bill was 26 in favor, 6 opposed and 0 abstentions. The bill passed at second reading.
10. Sense of the Senate Resolution Concerning Amended Student Judicial Code. Dr. Swain moved this resolution to the floor and explained that these are changes to the Judicial Code that have evolved over several years with faculty and student input and legal advice. The changes have been sent to the Senate for their endorsement. Dr. Swain explained the effective changes. Dr. Warren seconded the motion. It was recommended the PAO in line 28 be written out as Preliminary Action Officer. The vote for the resolution was 30 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention.
11. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m. Motion by Dr. Haralick.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #393 (December 4, 1997)
ADSC: Floyd, McCollumTrueblood
LA: Crouse, Schenker, Bollinger, Buksa, Waring, Hutson, Hanks, MacDougall, Bliss,
ENG: Katsinis, Ho, Wells, Swain, Bower, Frederick, Wessling
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Estes
SCI: Christy, Dimopoullos, Baird, Delugach, Hinke, Richards, Zhang, Li, Miller,
ADSC: Porter, Schoening
LBAR: Harwell
ENGR: Leonard, Nordin, Feikema
SCI: Kunin
ENG: Chittur
LBAR: Buksa, Hanks, Bliss
NUR: Hays, Lethbridge
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #392 were unanimously approved as corrected, after a motion by Joy
Haralick, seconded by Laurel Bollinger.
3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was approved after a motion by Craig
Hanks, seconded by Joy Haralick.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be Thursday,
December 11, 1997, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report.
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report. Meeting next Tuesday.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report. Meeting tomorrow at 2:30 in MH to
discuss business form the previous meetings.
B. University Committees: No Report.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President: Dr. Bower commended the Senate on passing the Sense of the
Senate Resolution last week. He commended them on leading the charge and
making an impact at the System and State level. He commended them on the fact
that they understood the RSA issue when many others id not. Dr. Franz conveyed
the resolution to the Chancellor. Dr. Bower read the letter that went to the
Chancellor. Dr. Bower read a letter he received from Howard Hawk and a letter
from Pete Turnham responding to the resolution. Dr. Bower read a letter from
Margaret Garner of UAB adopting the resolution and forwarding it to the United
Paperworkers Union. Dr. Bower reported that Dr. Delugach and he went to a
legislative hearings in Montgomery on Wednesday. There were twelve university
presidents in attendance and ten faculty senate presidents. There was an
opportunity for the faculty senate presidents to speak very briefly. Dr. Bower
distributed the budget requests from ACHE. Some areas are receiving significant
amounts due to promises made in the past and they are now needed. There were
not a lot of questions asked about the 8%. The Legislature appears to be
responding to the pressure but we need to keep up the pressure. Representative
Knight asked the Presidents to go on record to commit the RSA funds to Faculty
Salaries. Overall it was a positive meeting. The Legislators appear sympathetic
but we must keep up the pressure. The Faculty Senate Presidents were counseled
in open session by Holmes to put pressure on Clark and Siegelman and the
3. President-Elect: Dr. Delugach added that having the faculty there made a
difference. Hand written letters succinctly stating the facts is effective but
having the people present is even more effective. When you write or call be
specific and use concrete terms. If the institution touches the rural areas let Dr.
Delugach or Dr. Bower know or write to Clark, Siegelman or the Governor.
There is the opportunity this year to do something about the problem. Dr.
Delugach reiterated Dr. Bower's comments of the pain level has gotten high
enough that faculty are leaving. Many institutions are being pressed on the
number of minorities and the diversity issues. There is some problem with
vacancies also, areas are not able to fill vacant positions. At the end of the
meeting Parker stated they were glad to have the Faculty Senate Presidents there
and wanted to make it a policy to invite them to the meetings.
5. President Franz:
Not Present--away preparing for the Board of Trustees Meeting.
6. Provost McManus:
Dr. McManus reported he attended a Council of President's for Dr. Franz last week and
worked on the Budget with ACHE. Dr. McManus wrote a letter to the Commission
explaining the financial problems. ACHE is supportive this year. Dr. Franz committed the
first 6% to salaries of whatever money we may get. We must keep hitting the Legislature. If
what we are told is valid the split equals about 8%. We cannot let up pressure until the
document is signed. Dr. McManus reported that some programs are being put on the
inactive status as a result of some recommendations from ACHE on standards. He reported
that we are giving the Board a tour tomorrow. The Board meeting begins this afternoon and
goes through about 1:30 p.m. tomorrow.
7. Sense of senate Resolution on the 1998-99 Education Budget: Dr. Baird and Dr. Delugach
moved the resolution to the floor. There was some discussion regarding the reason for the 8%
and why not ask for more. The origination of the 8% was discussed. The vote was 34 in favor,
0 opposed, 0 abstentions. The resolution was passed by acclamation. The questions was
asked of Dr. Bower What Happens Now? Dr. Bower requested permission to send the
resolution forward to the representatives. He stated he would also talk to Gary Smith about
whether there is anyone else that might sign on with us as they did with UAB.
8. Senate Bill 262: "Amendment to Appendix B of the Faculty Handbook". Dr. Dimopoullos
introduced and moved the bill to the floor. The Committee worked on an old bill and
unanimously approved the new bill to send forth. Mr. Warren seconded. There was a
question of the bill already being done. It was explained that it was referred back to Committee
and the Committee rewrote it. There was some discussion regarding the fact that there was
something about this in the 1989 Handbook and it was purposely left out of the 1995
Handbook. Why should it be included now, what is different? Why would the one be
approved when the earlier one was not approved. It was pointed out there is a difference with
this bill. The vote was 32 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions.
9. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 1:50 p.m.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #392 (November 20, 1997)
ADSC: Floyd, McCollumTrueblood
LA: Harwell, Schenker, Waring, Hutson, MacDougall, Haralick
ENG: Leonard, Katsinis, Ho, Bower, Nordin, Swain, Feikema, Frederick
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Estes, Hays, Lethbridge
SCI: Dimopoullos, Baird, Delugach, Hinke, Richards, Kunin, Li, Comfort
ADSC: Porter, Schoening
LBAR: Crouse, Bollinger
ENGR: Wells, Wessling
SCI: Chipman
ENG: Chittur
LBAR: Buksa, Hanks, Bliss
SCI: Christy, Zhang, Miller
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:36 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #391 were unanimously approved as distributed, after a motion
by Hugh Comfort, seconded by Steve Floyd.
3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was presented. No approval was required.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be Tuesday, November 25,
1997, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report.
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. MacDougall reported the Committee has met and is
collecting data on faculty salaries and peer universities..
4. Governance and Operations: No Report
5. Personnel: Dr. Dimopoullos reported the Committee has met and will present a bill to
the Executive Committee next week..
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
B. University Committees: Dr. Delugach reported the Information Services Advisory
Committee will meet December 10. He asked if anyone has information or suggestions
for the Committee to please send them to him.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: Dr. Delugach reported he attended the ACCUFP meeting in Mobile.
He mentioned Hank Sanders, Jim Baker, and Tom Osborne as some of the speakers.
The basic message was that faculty need to be heard in Montgomery and they need to
be seen there. Their presence is important. Articulation, Viability and funding were the
basic topics of discussion there. He announced that there will be hearings on December
3 in Montgomery. The University Presidents have been invited to attend but not
speak. They are to be there to answer any questions. The faculty are encouraged to
go. Dr. Delugach will organize an expedition if anyone wishes to attend.
3. President: Dr. Bower read a memorandum from a faculty member regarding
administrative duties required of faculty. He reported on attending a Syllabus
Workshop. Some of the topics of the Workshop were: Virtual University, A Look
Into the Twenty First Century, Asynchronous Conferencing in an Institutional Setting,
Alternative Listserv and Exchanging Information--Team Teaching, etc. He
recommended individuals look at Dr. Frazier's web page. He will send the URL
or link it to the Faculty Senate Homepage. He mentioned the impressive computer
center with over 300 computers at a community college. He will give a more elaborate
report later.
5. President Franz:
Deferred to Gary Smith.
6. Provost McManus:
Dr. McManus briefly discussed the potential for requiring or recommendation computers for incoming students. He reported the universities are going in this direction. He reported he was just at a NASULGC conference in Washington DC where this was a frequent topic. He invited input from the faculty to either him or to Harry Delugach or the Information Services Committee.
7. Gary Smith reported the "8 in '98" slogan is slightly derailed. He reported the Education Trust
Fund has grown by $371M and $100M is available to education. We have received none.
We took a 7 and ½ percent cut in 95. We have decreased to 27% of the funding now. This
amounts to a $13 and ½M decrease for us. The faculty are 18% below in regional salaries and
staff are 25% below regional averages. The message this year is that it is our turn. There is a
two-fold message--1) the new money ($150M growth next year) we want our share, back to
the traditional split of 1/3 to us and 2/3 to K-12. 2)The accounting change in the retirement
system. In the past the assets were placed on the books at the purchase value and let there at
book value. Now the federal government has required a change and the assets have to be
listed at current market value. This has caused a sudden jump in the asset base from 16B to
18B. In the past the employee has been required to contribute 5% of the annual salary white
the state makes up the difference to maintain that needed to pay out at retirement. The match
for the past few years has been about 9.66%. Now the university will not have to contribute as
much. The university wants to retain the difference to be used appropriately. The state wants
to take that from the budget to do as they wish. We can stop this from happening by being
heard in Montgomery. The legislators respond to money and votes. The UA System alone has
from 160,000 to 180,000 members that would make a difference if all got involved. The
faculty voices need to be heard loud and often. Gary reported that getting the legislators and
senators at home or on their home turf may be even more effective than in Montgomery.
They can hide or avoid individuals in Montgomery but it is harder to do that here. Gary
reported he had a box in the November 6 Insights asking faculty and staff to send their email
address if they wish to be included in correspondence. We have over 1700 employees and
only 150 have signed up. Gary reported that the Chancellor is working on a grass roots
initiative by sending a fact sheet with information about districts and senators and
representatives. Gary is working on a listing of faculty, staff and alumni per district. He
reported we need more than one contact, we need continuous contact.
8. Dr. Bower had worked on a "Sense of the Senate Resolution" on the Retirement System
Change that he distributed at this time requesting the Faculty Senate look at it and vote on it
so that it could go forward. Dr. McCollum moved to adopt the resolution, seconded by
Dr. Swain. A friendly amendment to change entities to institutions and in line 21 change
must to should was made and the resolution passed 30 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention.
A request was made to suspend the bylaws in order to allow Dr. Bower to send the resolution
to Joel Lonergan and his staff and spread it abroad in order to take action. He was also
requested to send a copy to Dr. Franz requesting he send it to the Chancellor. It was also
requested he send an electronic copy to the Faculty.
9. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 1:42 p.m. after a motion by Mr. Warren, seconded
by Dr. Delugach.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #391 (October 23, 1997)
ADSC: Floyd, Schoening, McCollumTrueblood
LA: Crouse, Harwell, Schenker, Bollinger, Buksa, Hutson, Hanks, MacDougall, Bliss, Haralick
ENG: Ho, Wells, Bower, Nordin, Swain, Feikema, Wessling
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Estes, Hays
SCI: Christy, Dimopoullos, Baird, Delugach, Hinke, Kunin, Li, Miller, Comfort
ADSC: Porter
ENGR: Leonard, Katsinis, Frederick
SCI: Richards
ENG: Chittur
LBAR: Waring
NUR: Lethbridge
SCI: Gregory, Chipman
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #390 were unanimously approved as distributed, after a motion by Craig Hanks, seconded by James Bliss.
3. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee Report was presented. No approval was required.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be October 30, 1997, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110.
2. Faculty and Student Development: The Committee met and resolved issues. The Committee will meet with Gary Smith next Tuesday.
3. Finance and Resources: No Report.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report
5. Personnel: No Report.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Haralick met with the Curriculum Committee and approved 3 courses. 1-Atmospheric Sciences ATS 411; 2-Environmental Sciences ES 411, ES 331. She encouraged the departments to fully complete Course
Approval Forms and attach a syllabus for the Committee.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: No Report
3. President: Dr. Bower reported the Chancellor's second visit to campus was again successful and impressive to the Chancellor. The Chancellor spoke of UAH as a "Jewel".
5. President Franz: No Report.
6. Provost McManus: Reported on Articulation and General Studies Committee meetings and Minority Participation Report.
Dr. McManus reported on a meeting of the Chief Academic Officer's Task Force and a Technology Representative Task Force on October 17, 1997. The Chief Academic Officer's Task Force met to continue discussion on dealing with the specified 41 hour core and leaving flexibility in specifications for Area V of the State Articulation Agreement. The group is now well represented and is working well together to make progress. The deans will be the liaisons for the Area V recommendations. The Enhanced Discipline Committees have been identified and will be having a meeting in Montgomery on November 4. Sue Kirkpatrick, David Graves, and Brian Martine from UAH will be involved.
Dr. McManus also reported on the meeting of the Technology Representatives' meeting of October 17. This is the task force developed with a Computer Technical Representative from each school who will develop the web pages for the schools to display their majors. The STARS program will likely be the model for this project. Students and potential students must be able to view requirements for majors from each school on a side by side basis for comparison. Dan Rochowiak is our representative.
Dr. McManus also mentioned the exit exams to assist in tracking our students and student success. Some community colleges are already using such an exam.
Dr. McManus reemphasized giving good advice to the students. They must be carefully advised on taking the hours and properly distributing them over the four years. If everything is taken in the proper sequence then students can graduate in a timely manner.
There was some discussion of course loads and variety. If everything is standardized we will not survive because it will be more economical for students to attend the junior colleges.
Dr. McManus discussed the Minority Participation Report. He pointed out our reduction in the number of minorities as opposed to a desired increase. Dr. Bower pointed out that we lost two African American faculty when we lost the Medical School. Dr. McManus emphasized our need for doing better in this area. He reminded the group we need to work on changing UAH's image. Many are not attracted to Alabama. We may need to recruit from our own Graduate Students. He mentioned the possibility of reallocating funds for hiring minorities. He reported gender is also a problem in some areas. Engineering just completed an ABET visit and one of the questions from ABET was why are there not more women in Engineering. The percent of females in undergraduate engineering is low.
There was some question and discussion of borderline pay increases that cause a reduction in take-home pay due to a status change, resulting in an increase in insurance premiums. Dr. Franz reported this matter is being resolved.
7. "Joint Resolution on Articulation": Dr. Delugach moved this item to the floor, seconded by Dr. Brookman. There was brief discussion and some questions. The resolution was approved 34 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. A letter will be sent acknowledging acceptance and participation as soon as the minutes are approved.
8. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m. after a motion by Mr. Warren, seconded by Dr. Delugach.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #390 (September 25, 1997)
ADSC: Floyd, Schoening
LA: Crouse, Harwell, Schenker, Bollinger, Buksa, Hutson, Hanks, MacDougall, Haralick
ENG: Katsinis, Ho, Wells, Bower, Swain, Feikema, Frederick
LIB: Warren
NUR: Brookman, Estes, Hays, Lethbridge
SCI: Dimopoullos, Delugach, Hinke, Richards, Li, Miller, Chipman
ADSC: Porter, Lai
LBAR: Waring, Bliss
ENGR: Leonard, Nordin
SCI: Christy, Kunin, Comfort
ADSC: McCollum
ENG: Chittur
SCI: Baird, Gregory, Zhang
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #389 were unanimously approved as distributed, after a motion
by Craig Hanks, seconded by John MacDougall.
3. Approval of Senate Executive Committee Report: No official action, no ratification needed.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be October 16,
1997, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: Dr. Schoening reported the Committee met and
discussed three items on the list. The Committee is collecting data and pursuing
all three items.
4. Governance and Operations: No Report
5. Personnel: Dr. Dimopoullos reported that the Personnel Committee is discussing
term limits for chairs. He made a plea for all members to attend the meetings.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Haralick reported the Committee is looking into
the distance learning issue and looking at who is doing what in this area.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: No report.
2. President-Elect: Dr. Delugach requested the Faculty Senate Web Page address
be recorded in the minutes. He encouraged the Faculty Senate members to take
a look at the site. Faculty Senate Web Page Address:
3. President: Dr. Bower reported attending the Board Meeting. The budget was
approved at this meeting. He reported Tuscaloosa is giving no pay raises. He
reported UAB is averaging 0.5-2.0% for medical related and 2% for non medical
related. UAH has a 1.9% pool. Dr. Bower reported the Chancellor visited the
campus on September 22. He visited several labs and ended the day with a
reception. He was very impressed by what he learned about UAH while he was
5. President Franz:
Dr. Franz thanked the faculty for their assistance with the Chancellor's visit. He had a very successful visit and saw several labs and demonstrations that were impressive to him. Dr. Franz reported that we tried to emphasize the good things we do here and that we are in the top three in the state for funded research with over $30M.
Dr. Franz reported the budget and the salaries are set. A 1.9% pool was used with some receiving more and some receiving less. The deans and chairs were asked to give special consideration to those that were far away from the norm. Dr. Franz reported that we will try to get letters out soon but asked for the patience of the faculty so that they may get all the paperwork processed for getting everyone paid first, then the letters will be distributed.
Dr. Franz reported there are still many changes going on in Montgomery. How this affects us and our future is still uncertain at this point.
Dr. Franz received a question on enrollment figures. Dr. Franz reported the numbers should be out soon. They are still in the process of making a decision on counting the space camp enrollment. Without these numbers the enrollment numbers are about flat. He reported they do not anticipate any budget problems related to enrollment this year.
6. Provost McManus: No Report.
7. Senate Survey Results: Dr. Bower distributed the results of the survey of the Faculty
Senate. He briefly discussed the results. He pointed out that the Senate will need to survey
more faculty to get a better set of data and obtain more input.
Dr. Delugach reported on the written comments. There were very few written comments from
the Faculty Senate Members. The most common comments were that the Senate is powerless,
useless and does not do anything. Other comments included why the Senate should pass bills
when they can be vetoed by the President and Provost.
Dr. Franz pointed out the importance of the Faculty Senate. He pointed out that they are
crucial in his opinion and that he depends on their input and vote of confidence in making
important decisions.
8. Discussion Regarding Senate Issues During the Summer. Dr. Bower introduced this item by
giving some background information on past occurrences (i.e., the resolution regarding the
articulation issue, this past summer and the medical school issue two years ago). After several
minutes of discussion, several suggestions were introduced. (schedule meetings with the
understanding they will be canceled if there is no urgent business, delegate authority to the
Executive Committee in the case of an emergency, let the Senators know they must serve from
August to August, give a proxy for the summer in case of absence.) The final decision was to
allow the Executive Committee to discuss this at their next meeting and formulate an informal
9. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 1:45 p.m. after a motion by Dr. Delugach,
seconded by Dr. Brookman.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #389 (September 11, 1997)
ADSC: Floyd
LA: Crouse, Harwell, Bollinger, Buksa, Waring, Hanks, MacDougall, Bliss, Haralick
ENG: Leonard, Chittur, Ho, Nordin, Bower, Swain,
NUR: Brookman, Lethbridge
SCI: Christy, Dimopoullos, Baird, Delugach, Hinke, Zhang, Li, Miller
LBAR: Nelson
ENGR: Wells
LIB: Warren
NUR: Estes
SCI: Kunin, Comfort
ADSC: Morse, Schoening, McCollum
LBAR: Sanders
ENG: Katsinis, Shih, Frederick
NUR: South
SCI: Gregory, Chipman
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:34 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #388 were unanimously approved as distributed, after a motion by Jim Baird, Seconded by Joy Haralick.
3. Approval of Senate Executive Committee Report: It was noted that the Bill for "Term Limits for Department Chairs" was referred to the Personnel Committee. The next meeting will be September 18, 1997, at 12:30 p.m. in Madison Hall 110. Dr. Haralick moved to accept the report, seconded by Dr. MacDougall. The vote was 30 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstentions.
4. A. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: the Senate Executive Committee submitted a written report.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report
5. Personnel: Dr. Dimopoullos reported that the Personnel Committee has met twice and will meet again today to set up an agenda for dealing with the various issues.
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: Dr. Haralick reported on work accomplished by the Committee on the Viability issue. She also distributed copies of data for each department and program illustrating viability status for two five-year cycles. Dr. Haralick reported the Council of Deans has already been working on this and the Committee will assist with those things already being done. She pointed out there are three stages to the viability study and we have already completed the first stage. Those programs meeting the average five year standards for viability set forth by legislation are viable. Those programs not meeting the average standards are under scrutiny. Some programs are obviously nonviable; therefore, decisions are required as to what should be done. Some programs may be phased out over a three-year probationary period. There are other options, such as combining programs and working to make programs viable over the probationary period. The second stage of the process is already underway and faculty, chairs, and deans are looking for ways to make some programs viable over the three-year probationary period. After this cycle a second cycle begins. There was some discussion and questions and answers.
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
B. University Committees: No Reports.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: Kate Leonard reported she is still working on the faculty appeals matters.
2. President-Elect: Dr. Delugach reported that we have a web page setu and we already have many items on it. Dr. Delugach thanked Peggy Bower for her assistance on the web page. Dr. Delugach distributed a copy of the web page in order for Senators to see what it looks like and what is already there. He asked that suggestions, ideas, corrections, etc. be sent to the email address on the web page. Dr. Delugach informed the Senate that there are currently three individuals on the account for the web page (Mark Bower, Harry Delugach and Peggy Bower).
3. President: Dr. Bower had no report.
5. President Franz:
Dr. Franz reported the Governor had signed the Legislative Bill from the Special Session about one half hour prior to this meeting. The appropriation passed was basically for level funding with $317,000 more for us than we received last year. That is the good news. The bad news is that they also passed along extra expenses such as the ATTNET charges and the increase in the Teacher's Retirement, a TVA rate increase, the final installment to bring 5000 Technology Drive on line. These extras exceed the additional appropriation. Although we do not have much to work with, we are more fortunate than some. We have several things in our favor. The sale of the "gas gun" building has relieved a large debt and frees that money for other needs. There are a couple of items that were earmarked last year that are no longer earmarked this year.
Dr. Franz reported that we have gathered as many funds together as possible to form a pool for salary increases. He will distribute a pool of 1.9% and has asked the deans and chairs to give special attention to faculty and staff that are highly meritorious and that are far from their benchmark salaries. He will be sending out a memorandum very soon to explain the details. The increases should be evident in the October 31 checks.
Dr. Franz took questions from the Senate.
One concern expressed was for the logistics and parking for 5000 Technology Drive.
6. Provost McManus: No Report.
7. Senate Survey: Dr. Bower distributed a survey to all Senate members and asked them to complete it and return it by the end of the meeting. There was a question of the rush and a suggestion for having time to think about the answers to the questions. The Senators were told they could send the last page later or that they could send email messages to Dr. Delugach or Dr. Bower.
8. Dr. Brookman moved, seconded by Dr. Delugach to suspend the rules of the Senate in order to have an open discussion of the "Committee of the Whole". Dr. Bower reviewed some questions to stimulate thought.
After several minutes of discussion the main points of concern for UAH that developed were: Advertising (lack of advertising of UAH), the perception of UAH (correcting a wrong perception), marketing UAH, the use of technology in the classroom, and the distance learning issue.
9. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m. after a motion by Dr. Swain, seconded by Mr. Crouse.
UAH Faculty Senate - Draft Minutes of Meeting #388 (August 28, 1997)
ADSC: Floyd, Morse, Schoening
LA: Crouse, Harwell, Bollinger, Buksa, Sanders, Hanks, Bliss, Haralick
ENG: Leonard, Chittur, Ho, Wells, Nordin, Bower, Swain,
NUR: Brookman, Estes, Lethbridge
SCI: Christy, Dimopoullos, Delugach, Hinke, Kunin, Comfort
ADSC: Porter, Lai
LBAR: Nelson
SCI: Li, Chipman
LBAR: Waring, MacDougall
ENG: Katsinis, Shih, Frederick
NUR: South
SCI: Baird, Gregory, Zhang, Miller
1. President Bower called the meeting to order at 12:35 p.m.
2. Draft Minutes of Meeting #387 were approved, Motion by Craig Hanks, Seconded by Joy Haralick.
3. Approval of Senate Executive Committee Report: There was one correction to the Senate Executive Committee Report (the spelling of the word INTERNET). Dr. Delugach moved to approve the report. Dr. Leonard raised a point of question. After some discussion Dr. Delugach withdrew his motion to approve the report. Dr. Swain moved to approve the report, seconded by Dr. Haralick. The vote to approve the report was 21 in favor, 0 opposed, and 6 abstentions.
4. The charges to the Faculty Senate Committees for 1997/98 were reviewed and discussed. The charges were accepted with a request from Dr. Bower for items for discussion of the "Committee of the Whole".
5. Senate Committee Reports:
1. Executive: the Senate Executive Committee submitted a written report approved by the Faculty Senate.
2. Faculty and Student Development: No Report
3. Finance and Resources: No Report
4. Governance and Operations: No Report
5. Personnel: No Report
6. Undergraduate Curriculum: No Report
7. Undergraduate Scholastic Affairs: No Report
B. University Committees
1. Information Services Users Advisory Committee: Dr. Delugach reported the Committee is in the process of rewriting the charge to the Committee. They currently have two versions written. One version has very little change and the other is a rewrite by Carl Davis. Dr. Delugach requested anyone with suggestions or ideas respond to Dr. Carl Davis or him.
2. Dr. Bower reported that the Honorary Degrees Committee met and made recommendations to President Franz. The information from this Committee is confidential and Dr. Bower could not reveal any other information on the matter at this time.
C. Officer Reports:
1. Ombudsperson: Kate Leonard reported she has had three different complaints against the administration regarding promotion and tenure issues. She will meet with these individuals to discuss the matter.
2. President-Elect: Dr. Delugach reported he is getting email addresses and programs used, etc. on each senator. There is a possibility of using an HTML file for sending out the minutes and the agenda. An electronic display at the meeting was also suggested (Dr. Delugach will work on this).
3. Dr. Bower reported he attended a Program Viability Meeting at A&M University. He distributed copes of the presentation to the appropriate Committee chairs, Dr. Schroer and Dr. Delugach. Some discussion of this report ensued.
6. President Franz was on vacation and not available for his report
7. Provost McManus commented on the budget. He discussed the continued efforts in Montgomery related to our budget. He reminded the group the definition of the increase we could receive is based on the actual base being used. The base the Governor wants to use is different from the one the Senate and the Legislature wants. This year's base included monies for 5000 Technology Drive renovations that we would like Mr. Freeman to maintain as part of our base.
Dr. McManus reported registration is essentially complete and the numbers show about the same as last year. There may be some fall off in the next couple of weeks. If the numbers remain the same as last year we will still experience the shortfall. We have accounted for that in our plans. Dr. McManus reminded the group we are experiencing the same problems as all Alabama Schools. It is a demographics problem. We are trying to improve and must continue in that direction. He pointed out he believes the new Director of Admissions will help with these problems and issues.
Dr. McManus reported on some issues from the State. One big issue being discussed is the time to degree issue. The number of hours required to complete a degree is becoming very important to students and employers. Students are looking for 120 hour degrees. Dr. McManus reiterated it would be nice if we could market some 120 hour degrees.
Dr. McManus reported on the Viability Issue. He reported that he has given the deans a list of programs that fall into the nonviable category, and asked them for ideas of how to handle these. He emphasized that we want to be out front with our ideas and solutions. He reiterated that we do not want to wait and be told what we have to do to handle these. We may need to close some programs and we may want to combine some in order to save the program.
Dual Registration/Dual Credit-Dr. McManus reported that we have high schools in the area that want students to register simultaneously for High School and College courses and receive credit for both. He reported some aspects of this are scary. We have been doing the early start program for some time. He does not expect may high school students to be able to handle this kind of load. Dr. McManus does not think this would be profitable for us. He reported he has had meetings with the city and the county. There is an agreement in the works to offer this opportunity to selected students recommended by their administrators. The Schools and the Community Colleges see this as a money cow. The State would fund both places for the same course. Dr. McManus reported he will keep the faculty informed. This has some potential problems that must be dealt with first.
Dr. McManus reported the SSSS Task Force report has been circulated to deans. The final report should be out next week. Dr. McManus suggested Dr. Johnson hold a campus forum to present the information from this report to the faculty.
This week the SIS consultant is on campus to help us with problems. One serious problem occurred at the end of the summer term when 626 students were issued grades, and many of those students were not registered for a course this summer. The system in going to require some changes and the consultant is working through these system problems. He reported we are also looking at the web-based registration package.
7. President Bower adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.