Emergency Phone Numbers
This website is intended for use by faculty, staff members, and students at UAH and has been designed for quick reference during emergency conditions on this campus. Viewers of the site should become familiar with its contents and all new employees should be made familiar with these procedures during orientation.
In instances where emergency procedures for the UAH Police Department differ from those in this handbook, such procedures will supersede the instructions in the handbook for persons in those departments.
The following numbers are for use at UAH. The use of these numbers will assist in a prompt response to any emergency at UAH:
- Police + Fire + EMS + Hazardous Materials Incidents: 911 or 256.824.6911
- Utility Failures: 256.824.6490 during business hours or 256.824.6596 at all other times including holidays
Other emergency numbers and numbers of interest are:
- Huntsville Police Department:
- Madison County Sheriff's Office:
- Alabama State Troopers:
- Crestwood Medical Center:
- Huntsville Hospital Main:
- Huntsville Hospital East:
- 256.722.7100
- 256.722.7181
- 256.533.4202
- 256.882.3100
- 256.265.1000
- 256.265.1000

UAlert Emergency Notification System
UAlert is The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) emergency notification system. UAlert is a comprehensive communications solution that allows UAH to quickly disseminate an urgent message through multiple communication methods including:
Visit ualert.uah.edu for more information on UAlert and to learn how to edit your UAH emergency notification contact information.
Fire Drills
The University of Alabama in Huntsville strives to provide a safe and secure environment for Students, Faculty, Staff, and visitors. One of the key factors for successful response to an emergency or life-threatening situation is training. To that end, the University includes as part of its overall Emergency Response Plan the requirement for regular fire drills for every campus building.
Fire drills are conducted to familiarize building occupants and visitors with the sound of the building fire alarm, the emergency exits, Fire Emergency Procedures, and evacuation assembly points. All building occupants and visitors are expected to participate in and facilitate a safe and orderly evacuation according to the Fire and Building Evacuation Emergency Procedures.
UAH safety personnel will be on site to monitor and evaluate the evacuation process.
Please note that some scheduled drills will be announced, while others may occur unannounced for evaluation purposes.
All UAH building occupants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the University’s procedures for Fire and Building Evacuation. These procedures are available in the multi-colored Emergency Procedures Handbook, which should be available in each campus office. Additional copies may be requested from the UAH Police Department or the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. You may also view the handbook online at: http://emergency.uah.edu, or download the Emergency Procedures Handbook.