Purchasing administers consultant and vendors subs if sub is under an award issued after 12/26/14. This is per Uniform Guidance - Section 200.68, 200.92 and 200.93. Purchasing will ensure open competition. How to tell if a person should be an Employee or an Independent Contractor Employee or Consultant? The IRS Cares Consultant/Subcontract Approval Request (CSAR) Letter Subs Intra University Consulting Consultant(Cross-Departmental Consulting) Purchasing and Business Services Subrecipient and Contractor Determination Checklist Expense Vouchers: Without travel With travel Unauthorized Commitment Foreign National Payment for consultant services should be comparable to the normal or customary fees charged and received by the consultant for comparable services, especially non-government contracts and grants. Consultants will be required to provide verification of rate if it exceeds Executive Schedule II rate and will include, at a minimum, the name, point of contact, and phone number of two companies they have provided consultant services for at that rate. Mileage Rates Effective 1/1/2022 the mileage per diem rate of reimbursement is $.585 per mile. For additional information Principal Investigators should contact: Steve ParkerOffice of Sponsored ProgramsVBRH E-27256.824.2654parkerjs@uah.edu