COE Alumni Win $20,000 First Prize (9/2012) Oct 02, 2012 UAH College of Engineering alumni Jiake Liu, Chris Heath, Stephen Doud, and Douglas Kirby have won $20,000 in a national search to find and nurture the next big ideas in advanced technology. Their invention, which started as their senior design proje... Professor Milenkovic received an NSF grant to develop new techniques that will help programmers find software bugs faster (8/2012) Aug 27, 2012 The College of Engineering is pleased to announce that Dr. Milenkovic from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department received an NSF grant to explore techniques for real-time unobtrusive program tracing and debugging in modern multicore... College of Engineering New Faculty Appointments (8/2012 rev. 1/2013) Aug 14, 2012 Dr. Pat Reardon Dr. Pat Reardon received his Ph.D. in Physics in 1993 from UAH. After a couple of stints in industry in Huntsville, Pat came to the Center for Applied Optics in 1998, and has worked his way up to be the Interim Director. He was appoi... 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56