Norman Augustine, nationally recognized STEM advocate to give UAH College of Engineering presentation on Oct. 6 Sep 26, 2014 Norman Augustine, a successful businessman, engineer, educator and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) advocate will be the guest speaker for UAH College of Engineering's Distinguished Seminar next month. Augustine's talk entitled... Dr. Emil Jovanov is Alabama Launchpad Inventor of the Year Sep 26, 2014 In Dr. Emil Jovanov's office hangs a picture of a climber hanging from a cliff by one hand. Below it is one word: Perseverance. "Whatever you apply your focus to, that is the result you will get," Dr. Jovanov says. "If we focus on science and te... UAH hosting NIST cybersecurity framework workshop on Dec. 11 Sep 23, 2014 About 200 private and public sector cyber critical infrastructure practitioners will gather in Chan Auditorium at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) on Dec. 11 for a workshop on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)... WHNT interviews UAH students, advisor about autonomous robot build Sep 12, 2014 An autonomous robot being developed by two UAH students and their adviser attracted the attention of WHNT News 19 recently. Mechanical Engineering Graduate student Sai susheel praneeth Kode, his research assistant, undergraduate Computer Engin... NSBE Regional Leadership Conference, August 8-10, 2014 Aug 20, 2014 David McNair, Jr (President) and Peter David (Vice President) of the UAH Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers attended the NSBE Regional Leadership Conference held in Kingsport, Tennessee. The conference w... ISEEM Professor Paul Collopy Receives NSF Grant in Support of High Risk Exploratory Research in Systems Engineering Aug 20, 2014 The Systems Science program at the National Science Foundation has awarded the University of Alabama in Huntsville a one year research grant of $119,462 (effective 9/1/14) to study “Control versus Prediction in Systems Engineering.” The p... COE Welcomes Asst. Professor Bryan Mesmer Aug 04, 2014 The College of Engineering at UAH is very pleased to welcome Dr. Bryan Mesmer as Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (ISEEM), effective August 2014. Dr. Mesme... COE Welcomes Asst. Professor Tingting Wu Aug 04, 2014 Dr. Tingting Wu The College of Engineering at UAH is very pleased to welcome Dr. Tingting Wu, appointed as Assistant Professor of Civil and Environ... COE Welcomes Asst. Professor Eunseok Lee (Fall 2014) Jul 28, 2014 Dr. Eunseok Lee The College of Engineering at UAH is very pleased to welcome Dr. Eunseok Lee, appointed as Assistant Professor of Mechanical and ... COE Welcomes Professor Phillip Ligrani (Fall 2014) Jul 28, 2014 The College of Engineering at UAH is very pleased to welcome Dr. Phillip Ligrani as Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, effective A... 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55