UAH AEE Student Chapter installs solar panels to golf cart Jul 13, 2015 Last week, UAH Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) student chapter outfitted a golf cart with solar panels, making the vehicle virtually maintenance free. The event served as a kickoff for the AEE student chapter to raise awareness among the UAH ... UAH student’s research could hasten the dawn of hybrid rocket engines Jul 08, 2015 Hybrid rocket fuel research being done by a UAH mechanical engineering doctoral student could hasten the day when a simpler, safer, more economical rocket engine propels space missions. ... UAH-backed smart water bottle firm in Alabama Launchpad finals Jun 26, 2015 A Huntsville-based company set up by a University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) electrical and computer engineering associate professor to support a smart water bottle invention has advanced to the final round in Alabama Launchpad Start-Up Com... Space Hardware Club teams finish at top in competitions Jun 18, 2015 A UAH Space Hardware Club (SHC) CanSat team took first place in the United States and second overall in recent competition. ... UAH professor’s laser-based space energy system generates a patent Jun 08, 2015 A space-based system that relies on lasers to generate and deliver energy to spacecraft has won a UAH professor a U.S. patent and could become a first-line defense against asteroids on a collision course with Earth. ... Unlocking innovation with Blackmon’s Rules May 27, 2015 Leroy Jethro Gibbs would be proud. Ask around among mechanical and aerospace engineering students on the campus of UAH and you'll find plenty who can quote from at least part of something known as Blackmon's Rules. ... 10 UAH students get NSF cybersecurity scholarships in second year of program May 22, 2015 Ten students at UAH are getting full cybersecurity scholarships from a five-year, $4.2 million National Science Foundation (NSF) funded scholarship program that's in its second year at the university. ... Nine faculty receive $365,324 in UAH internal research funds May 19, 2015 Research by nine faculty members at UAH has been awarded a total of $365,324 in UAH Individual Investigator Distinguished Research (IIDR) program funds by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development. ... UAH is key player in FAA Center of Excellence for Unmanned Systems May 08, 2015 UAH is part of a team selected to conduct research as part of the new FAA Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Center of Excellence. ... Posters on the Hill picks UAH Honors student’s work May 08, 2015 For the second year in a row, a student at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) was chosen for the highly selective national Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) Posters on the Hill (POTH). ... 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50