MAE Professor Sarma Rani receives NSF grant in support of warm cumulus cloud research (9/1/2014, 3 years) Jul 15, 2014 Dr. Sarma Rani received a NSF grant in the amount of $173,000 for his collaborative research effort between the University of Ala... MAE Professor George Nelson receives NSF grant in support of battery capacity research (9/1/2014, 3 years) Jul 15, 2014 Dr. Nelson received a NSF grant in the amount of $202,413 for his collaborative research effort between the University of Alabama... Computer engineering degree from UAH provides foundation for dream career Jun 23, 2014 College students are often torn between choosing a major that will quell their parents' fears about long-term job prospects and one that will allow them to follow their own career dreams. Fortunately for Falco Girgis, who had long aspired to be a... UAH Space Hardware Club teams place highly at CanSat competition Jun 17, 2014 Two student CanSat teams from The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) finished third and seventh last weekend at the 2014 International CanSat competition in Burkett, Texas. The wins made UAH the leading team overall that was competing f... COE Seeking CME and ECE Department Chairs May 30, 2014 The UAH College of Engineering is currently seeking applicants for the Chair of the Chemical & Materials Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering Departments. Please Check here for the job descriptions.... MAE and ECE Professors Collaborate with ESSC Researchers to Provide Outstanding, Award Winning Engineering Student Experience May 05, 2014 Take two UAH professors with cross-discipline interests, add a group of enthusiastic senior aircraft design students, mix well and let them get cooking. The result is a blimp-like airship that's the mother ship for a smaller quad-rotor unmanned ... UAH planning for regional vehicle manufacturing center Apr 17, 2014 Greater research ties between vehicle manufacturers and UAH will result from a regional Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) for vehicle manufacturing that has received a National Science Foundation grant to support its planning... UAH students take home top honors at AIAA regional conference May 01, 2014 HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (April 30, 2014) – Earlier this month, roughly 170 delegates from 16 universities converged on Memphis, Tenn., to take part in AIAA's 2014 Southeastern Regional Student Conference. One of the most well-represented schools was The U... NSF Cyber Corps Scholarships available at UAH Apr 16, 2014 Undergraduate and Graduate students in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Information Systems are eligible to apply for NSF Cyber Corps Scholarships. Undergraduates in the above mentio... Dr. Fahimi Wins 3-Year NSF Award to Establish a Research Site for Undergraduates Mar 19, 2014 Congratulations to Dr. Fahimi (PI, MAE) and Dr. Aygun (Co-PI, CS) on the award of an NSF grant to provide summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) with fundamental research topics related to unmanned systems. Research topics include: Auton... 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56