UAH is a recognized leader in space research, and the Department of Space Science was created to develop a corresponding academic program with a national ranking.
Exclusive Feature: UAH Alumni Blake Parker's Inspirational Donation
Blake Parker, a NASA engineer and former UAH student, as he returns to campus with a heartfelt donation to CSPAR. Learn how his passion for space exploration began right here at UAH and how his gift is inspiring the next generation of scientists.
Read the full story on WHNT News
Advancing the Science of Cosmic Plasmas
Our faculty and researchers explore the interactions of cosmic plasmas and radiation across all scales, from microscopic to galactic. With over 99% of the visible universe in a plasma state, we use advanced theory, modeling, observational and experimental techniques to study this abundant yet mysterious form of matter.
Preparing the Next Generation of Scientists
Students in our department acquire skills in theory, modeling, computational science, data analysis, and space instrumentation, leading to careers at NASA, national labs, universities, and in private industry.
Collaborations and Opportunities
We partner closely with CSPAR and NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, offering a range of graduate and undergraduate programs that connect students directly with cutting-edge research.
Areas of Expertise
- Inner and Outer atmosphere of the Sun
- Solar wind and the Interplanetary Medium
- The heliosphere and its interaction with the interstellar medium
- Space Weather in the Solar System, Exoplanetary Environments, and Habitability
- Plasma Physics in Nature
- Interstellar medium
- Gamma-ray bursts, Gravitational Waves, High-Energy Astrophysics
- Cosmic rays
Graduate Programs
Space Science / CSPAR Colloquium
Throughout the Fall Semester Space Science and CSPAR will be conducting a Colloquium. We invite both faculty and students to join us! Learn More about this event!
Program Spotlight
Computation Physics
The graduate program in Computational Physics is being developed by Dr. Vladimir Florinski, a winner of the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER award.