Art, Art History & Design partners with Rotorcraft Center to create Commercial Arts & Technology lab Jul 27, 2021 – The Department of Art, Art History & Design at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) has teamed with the UAH Rotorcraft Systems Engineering & Simulation Center (RSESC) to establish a new collaborative project aimed at benefitting both programs. ... UAH Art Alumna Kailey Mackenzie Franks accepted to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts for her MFA Jul 21, 2021 Kailey teaching in China. Photo Credit Kailey Mackenzie Franks The Department of Art, Art History and Design at The University of Alabama in Huntsville would like to extend congratulations to Kailey Mackenzie Franks (‘17 BFA Printmaking) for her acceptance and scholarship to the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Founded in 1805, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the fine arts, innovative exhibitions of historic and contemporary American art, and a world-class collection of American art. As the first art museum and school in the United States, PAFA celebrates the transformative power of art and art-making. However, before beginning her next artistic chapter, Kailey has traveled and produced many works as an international artist. Upon graduating from UAH, Kailey spent five months preparing a new portfolio to apply as an Artist-in-Residence in China. Kailey explains, “Usually, these types and lengths of residencies are awarded to those with an established career or MFA or both. As someone who only had a BFA and two years of experience, I knew I need to work hard in order to earn a place.” At 23 years of age, Kailey was the youngest to be awarded a position as an International Artist-in-Residence at the Heilongjiang Art Museum and Heilongjiang Institute for Printmaking in Harbin, China. “I worked at the museum as a full-time artist, focusing on printmaking. I sought this region of China because it is where woodblock printmaking began around 2,000 years ago. They taught me the method of woodblock printmaking they have been using for about 1,100 years, and I am one of the few Americans to know this method.” During her two-year residency, Kailey produced 60 works of art for the museum’s permanent collection. A book of her work was then created and sold all over China and in the Lovre Museum in Paris. “I not only worked as an Artist but also taught Western Printmaking methods I learned whilst at UAH. I also worked as an English/Chinese Editor and Translator for gallery exhibitions shown in Mainland China, the Louvre in Paris, Hong Kong, and Oxford University in England.” Upon Kailey’s return to Huntsville due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she was awarded “Artist of the Year” at Green Pea Press in Lowe Mill. She has also been a guest lecturer in UAH’s printmaking class, instructing students on the Chinese method of woodblock painting she learned in China. Continuing to develop her portfolio through creating at Green Pea Press, Kailey was able to not only apply to top MFA programs but be sent numerous enrollment and scholarship offers. After acceptance from schools that included the School of the Visual Arts in NYC, NYU, and Pratt Institute, she has decided to pursue her MFA with PAFA. “I was awarded the oldest scholarship in PAFA’s history, with artists who have received this award have gone on to be some of the most famous American artists of all time. I was voted for to receive this scholarship by every member of the board of trustees and MFA academic program board.” Kailey fondly looks back at her time at UAH and how the department played a role in her successes. “My favorite professor at UAH was Katie Baldwin. She was my printmaking professor, and I eventually became her TA and Studio Technician during my Senior year. She has continued to guide me in printmaking post-UAH, and I do not believe I would be where I am in my printmaking career without her. I owe many of my successes to her.” The Department of Art, Art History, and Design faculty members are incredibly proud of the work Kailey has produced since graduating and are enthusiastically looking forward to watching her career grow. View Kailey Mackenzie Frank's Online Gallery HERE ... Congratulations to Lee Hibbard (2015 M.A. English) for the successful defense of his dissertation at Purdue University Jun 22, 2021 The Department of English at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) would like to extend congratulations to Lee Hibbard (2015 M.A. English) for the successful defense of his dissertation at Purdue University. Titled "Preserving Play: Archival Practice in Queer Game Studies” his dissertation examines specific case studies of archives that are working to preserve game history and how the techniques those archives use can provide insight into how queer gamers and creators can preserve their own histories. Hibbard completed his doctoral degree in Purdue’s Rhetoric and Composition program focusing on digital rhetoric. As a graduate student at UAH, he worked closely with Dr. Alanna Frost and Dr. Chad Thomas. “Dr. Frost was my mentor during the complex process of learning to teach, and also taught a Native Women’s Literature course that set me on the path of considering representation in video games and my work with games in the classroom for my master’s thesis. Dr. Thomas taught a queer theatre course that brought me back to my love of performance and led to us working together on multiple theatrical productions through UAH Theatre” At UAH, Hibbard was able first to teach undergraduate courses that would prepare for his assistantship at Purdue. Hibbard points to one unique class he was able to teach on gaming. “I taught a gamified section of English 102 that took the theme of monsters and integrated both game texts like Silent Hill and Resident Evil and readings from classic and current literature. The course itself was then set up like a game, with students having the ability to earn achievements and gain points to level up. While I have not taught a course like it since it was one of my earliest forays into course design and made a huge impact on my teaching career. “ Finishing a doctoral program is a vigorous process of research and writing while balancing assistantship responsibilities. Hibbard contributes the foundation he received in his master’s program here at UAH as a strong starting point to completing research during his time at Purdue. “The main point of preparation was being able to write a games-focused thesis, which I credit Dr. Frost for once again. She never told me I needed to pull back on my research and encouraged me to do a full pilot study of a class, which gave me experience with case study work and IRB protocols. Having that knowledge going into a program like Purdue’s was invaluable and better prepared me for the work I’m doing now.“ Lee Hibbards’ next stop is a postdoctoral fellowship with Georgia Tech. The Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship offers an opportunity for emerging scholars to develop innovative teaching and scholarship in writing and communication in their role as faculty members. Hibbard remarks on his goals with the fellowship and his continuation in academia, research, and gender minority communities. “To continue my work with games and queer communities first and foremost. I’m very invested in finding ways to give back to my community and help others figure out what they can create and share with the world. I’m excited to teach a new group of students in a new location, and return to the South, and continue growing as an educator and scholar. I’ll be revising my dissertation to seek publication, working on other publication projects, and continue public games scholarship, potentially by taking a leaf out of one of my mentor’s books (Dr. Samantha Blackmon at Purdue) and get into streaming games and content. The Brittain Fellowship encourages experimentation and exploration, and I’m eager to engage in both of those actions as I begin the next chapter of my career at Georgia Tech.” Dr. Alanna Frost, Chair of the Department of English, and our faculty would like to extend a sincere congratulations to Dr. Lee Hibbard and his accomplishments. Dr. Frost says, Lee was a leader amongst a group of exceptional graduate students. I remember being very intrigued when he told me that he wanted to "gamify" his composition class. I am proud of his import work, and I am excited to see it out in the scholarly world. For more information on the Department of English and our Master of Arts in English, please contact Forgetting, Remembering, Memorializing - Cecil Eady, BFA Exit Show Jun 09, 2021 "Untitled" Thread, Fabric Marker on Fabric Photo Credit Cecil Eady The method of loci, also known as the memory palace, uses visualizations of familiar spatial environments to enhance the recall of information. Cecil Eady's work flips this notion. The artist creates works that become a sort of repository for the ephemeral, scraps of images from the nooks and crannies of an empty memory palace. Cecil uses fabric, often recycled from thrift store clothing, as both a surface for drawing and material to create soft sculpture garments and mixed media works. The artworks reveal thoughts and moments, broken free from context and story-telling. They become tactile and mysterious, frayed and stitched into something new and beautiful. Currently on display in the UAH Wilson Hall Gallery through June 10th. VIRTUAL TOUR ... CAHS associate professor Katie Baldwin wins Fulbright Scholarship Jun 02, 2021 Katie Baldwin, an associate professor of art at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), part of The University of Alabama System, has received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to travel to Taiwan for research on woodblock printing techniques at the International Print Center in Taipei. While there, she is also lecturing and creating a series of ten narrative works entitled "Modified Land: A Series of Woodblock Prints," a project that takes its inspiration from the ways mechanization shapes the land. ... Podcast "Research Recharge" features Dr. Dylan Baun, UAH History Department May 28, 2021 Looking for a podcast? Tune in to "Research Recharge" by Heather-Lee Byrne and Michael Manasco in the UAH M. Louis Salmon Library. Heather-Lee and Michael share their thoughts on historical research, the genesis of research subjects, and the Salmon Library microfilm machine The first episode features Dr. Dylan Baun, Assistant Professor of Modern Middle East and Islamic World History in the UAH History Department. Baun is the author of numerous articles on the history of youth and young people in the modern Middle East. His new book is titled Winning Lebanon: Youth Politics, Populism, and the Production of Sectarian Violence, 1920-1958, published by Cambridge University Press. Listen to "Research Recharge" Select your preferred Podcast site HERE. ... JUMP Program Psychology May 28, 2021 The Joint Undergraduate Master’s Program (JUMP) in Psychology is designed to save students in the Psychological Sciences track who wish to pursue their master’s in Psychology at UAH track time money while allowing them to skip the formal application process (i.e., no standardized tests!). We are pleased that you are considering pursuing a master’s in Psychology via JUMP. Students who meet the eligibility criteria can begin taking up to 12 hours of graduate courses in their Junior year while paying undergraduate tuition prices for them. These courses are typically covered by scholarships or financial aid a student may be receiving. These graduate courses count towards both the undergraduate and graduate degree requirements as long as students earn a B or better in the graduate courses. The master’s program in Psychology requires 30-33 hours of coursework; thus, JUMP allows you to complete almost half of the requirements while still an undergraduate student. If students plan well, JUMP allows them to complete their bachelor’s degree in 4 years and their master’s in 1 additional year. Admissions: GPA: 3.5 GPA in all Psychology courses (including transfer PY courses) Majors: Students in the Psychological Sciences track are eligible to apply after completing the following courses with grades of B or better in each and a 3.5 overall PY GPA: PY 101 PY 300/304 PY 303/306 1 Group A course (PY 316, PY 414, PY 436, PY 480) 1 Group B course (PY 301, PY 375, PY 415, PY 435) For more information: Please contact Dr. Jodi Price at to schedule an appointment to identify which courses will work for JUMP and for assistance completing the application. Start your JUMP Application! The Joint Undergraduate Master's Program Application is HERE. ... UAH student Sarah Joy Dunlap uses her art to advocate for social change May 20, 2021 Sarah Joy Dunlap, a senior art student in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHS) at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of The University of Alabama System, has purposefully crafted her art as a platform to advocate for social change. ... UAH Last-Mile Fund launches graduate’s career May 18, 2021 A student at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of The University of Alabama System, has used the UAH Last-Mile Fund (LMF) to launch his career. ... 2021 Annual Juried Student Exhibition - View Gallery & Winners May 06, 2021 The Department of Art, Art History & Design’s annual juried student exhibition showcases exciting work from students across the disciplines. The show includes studio artwork in Drawing, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture as well as Graphic Design, and Animation. Awards selected by Guest Juror Cynthia Wagner. Join us as we celebrate the dedication and creativity of our fantastic students! virtual tour Links to Websites and Videos for Applicable Award Winners Below President's Award Marina Gibson Nature’s Answer Rebranding Campaign Digital Vector Graphic Marina Gibson White Mountain Rebranding Campaign Digital Vector Graphic Jeffrey Bayer Memorial Scholarship Award Aubrey Northam A Lighthouse Digital Render Aubrey Northam Lily Elsie Inspired Character Sculpt Digital Render Pinnacle Solutions Best in Show Award for Animation Vaughn Oeth Lab Partners Hand Drawn Digital Animation Media Fusion Digital Animation Excellence in Animation Award, 1st Place Gabriel Smith Steam Spooder LIVES Digital Render Media Fusion Digital Animation Excellence in Animation Award, 2nd Place Tucker Youngblood The Sword Digital Raster Graphic Media Fusion Digital Animation Excellence in Modeling Award, 1st Place Adrian Bates The Study Room Digital Render ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12