Dr. Leslie Maxwell Kaiura Department Chair of World Languages and Culture Associate Professor - Spanish MOR 278G 256.824.6426 leslie.kaiura@uah.edu Dr. Cristhian Alfonso Lecturer - Spanish MOR 232 256.824.2122 cristhian.alfonso@uah.edu Dr. Irena Buksa Associate Professor - Russian MOR 241 256.824.2343 buksai@uah.edu Dr. Kwaku Gyasi Associate Professor - French MOR 242 256.824.2345 gyasik@uah.edu Dr. David Johnson Director of Global Studies Associate Professor - Global Studies & German MOR 278P 256.824.6288 david.johnson@uah.edu Part-Time Faculty Ms. Anuschka Stott Part-time Faculty - German MOR 239 256.824.6871 as0161@uah.edu Emeritus Faculty Dr. Rolf Goebel Emeritus Professor - German MOR 037 256.824.2344 goebelr@uah.edu Dr. Linda Maier Emeritus Professor - Spanish MOR 037 256.824.2346 maierl@uah.edu Department Staff Brooke Phillips Senior Staff Assistant MOR 278B 256.824.6871 brooke.phillips@uah.edu