Student Preparedness Information
Unfortunately we never know when an emergency might happen. They come in the form of severe weather, accidents, and terrorist attacks. Planning now for how you would respond will help you remain calm, think clearly and react appropriately to any disaster.
Taking responsibility for your own safety by being prepared with plans and an emergency supply kit not only increases your ability to survive, but reduces the workload of first responders, emergency medical services, fire fighters and law enforcement.
Emergency preparedness is the responsibility of every individual in the UAH community. Take time to familiarize yourself with the campus annual security report that details information about notification, crime, and incidents on our campus.
The best way to receive information from UAH about on-campus emergencies is to sign up for UAlert, our campus emergency notification messaging system.
Attached is a checklist for students of UAH to assess their knowledge in being prepared for an emergency.
Steps for Being Prepared
Get a Kit
Keep an emergency kit handy that includes a flashlight, weather radio, fresh batteries, non-perishable food, bottled water, a first aid kit, spare eyeglasses, and other important items. A complete listing of essential kit items can be found at http://www.ready.gov.
Make a Plan
Devote some time to emergency planning. Discuss with family and friends the types of disasters that are most likely to occur and make basic plans to deal with each type. Effective personal emergency planning includes the following:
- Identify multiple escape routes from your residence hall, classrooms, and home.
- Plan how you will contact your family if they live outside the local area.
- Plan where you will meet your family if they live in the local area.
- Identify where to shelter in the event of severe weather.
- Keep emergency numbers programmed in your mobile phone. Be sure family and friends have those numbers, too.
- Make sure your home or apartment has safety features such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, first aid kits, etc.
Be Informed
Know what to do in the event of an emergency. Visit http://emergency.uah.edu to review campus emergency action guidelines. Monitor weather conditions closely when severe weather or winter storms are forecast.