Sometimes you may need to link to a pdf document from the website. Examples of this include OMC-produced publications or any document that was created for the purpose of printing.

Ideally, any content that is meant for a user to read on their screen should be turned into a web page and not be linked as a pdf.

However, if you are uploading a document to the website, please remember:

  • Common files types (.doc, .ppt, .xls, etc.) should be converted to pdfs so that they can be viewed within a browser instead of the alternative, which would be to download the file and use local software to view it.
  • There is 10 mb limit on files sizes. Please compress your document using web-friendly settings.


  1. Select the text in the article that you would like to use as your link.
    • Note: Avoid verbiage like "To read the handbook, click here." Instead, give your link meaningful text like "See more details and instructions in the UAH Internship Handbook."
  2. Click the icon for insert edit linkInsert/Edit Link button.
  3. In the Link pop-up window, click the icon for file browser Browse icon to the right of the URL field: screenshot of url field and browse button

    Note: The URL to your PDF appears in the URL field shown above, if you need to copy and paste it for use elsewhere.

  4. Navigate to the directory your pdf belongs in: screenshot of directory listing
    • Note: You may have to navigate further down the directory hierarchy. Click through the directories you have access to until you are in the directory that makes the most sense for your pdf to live in. (Example for the Internship Handbook: administrative > communications > career-services > co-op_resources):

      screenshot of directory path
  5. In the Upload window, there are two ways to select your pdf:
    1. Drag and drop the file from your computer into the Upload dialog box screenshot of drap and drop window
    2. OR Click icon for file browser button Browse to browse and select the pdf file saved on your computer with your computer's file manager and select "Open"
  6. After your pdf is selected, click icon for upload button Upload
  7. With your pdf selected in the File Browser, click icon for insert button Insert
  8. Click the Target dropddown menu, and select "Open in new window" (links to external files should always be set to open in a new window/tab)
    screenshot of link target dropdown menu screenshot of link target dropdown values
  9. Click icon for insert button Insert.
  10. Click icon for save and close article button Save & Close when you are done editing your article.