
Anchors are used to link to a specific section or area within a web page. For example, if a single page had several sections of content, an anchor link could be used to jump to a particular section of that content.

First you will create the anchor then create the link that corresponds to that anchor.

Instructions for Anchors

  1. Place your cursor in front of the destination location on the article.
  2. Click the anchor button graphic Insert/Edit Anchor button in the editor toolbar.
  3. Name the anchor something descriptive into text field and click the Insert button.
    • an image of the anchor insert menu
    • An image of text with an anchor inserted

      After you click insert you will see the yellow anchor icon that indicates where your anchor is in place.

  4. Select the desired text for the link. For example, select the text Skip to Instructions.
  5. Click the icon for insert edit link Insert/Edit Link button.
  6. In the bottom of the Link pop-up window in the Attributes section, select your anchor name from the Article Anchors drop-down. the link edit interface with the article anchor dropdown box open
  7. Click icon for insert button Insert.
  8. Click icon for save and close article button Save & Close to view your work.

External links

An external URL is any link that takes the user off of the domain. When creating links, they need to be set to open in a new web browser page or tab.

Instructions for external URLs

  1. In a separate browser tab, in the address bar, identify the URL where you want the link to go.
  2. Use your keyboard commands to copy the entire URL from the address bar:
    an example url in a generic search bar
  3. Return to the Joomla browser tab with the Joomla editor open.
  4. Select the desired text that you want to be a link. For example, select the text Google Search.
  5. Click the icon for insert edit link Insert/Edit Link button.
  6. In the Link pop-up window, use the keyboard commands to paste the copied URL into the URL field. Links will only work if they include the https:// part of the URL. Steps 1 and 2 saved us from having to memorize and manually enter this part of the URL.
  7. In the bottom Attributes section, make sure the Target drop-down is set to Open in a new window. screenshot of link dialog box
  8. Click icon for insert button Insert.
  9. Click icon for save and close article button Save & Close.
  10. Test your link.

Internal links

Note: The process for creating external and internal links is exactly the same. The only difference is in Step 7, setting the "Target window" attribute to be "current tab" or "new tab".

An internal URL is any link that keeps the user on the domain. When creating links, they need to be set to open in the current web browser page or tab.

Instructions for internal URLs

  1. In a separate browser tab, in the address bar, enter the URL where you want the link to go.
  2. Use your keyboard commands to copy the entire URL from the address bar.
    an example url in a generic search bar
  3. Return to the Joomla browser tab with the Joomla editor open.
  4. Select the desired text that you want to be a link. For example, select the text UAH Campus Map.
  5. Click the icon for insert edit link Insert/Edit Link button.
  6. In the Link pop-up window, use the keyboard commands to paste the copied URL into the URL field. Links will only work if they include the https:// part of the URL. Steps 1 and 2 saved us from having to memorize and manually enter this part of the URL.
  7. In the bottom Attributes section, make sure the Target drop-down is set to Open in the current window. screenshot of link dialog box
  8. Click icon for insert button Insert.
  9. Click icon for save and close article button Save & Close.
  10. Test your link.