Every effort has been made to insure, trouble-free communication with the phone system. When you have a problem, please check that the telephone is plugged in and that the handset is in the cradle. For service, you can submit a work order form to the OIT Help Desk (256-824-3333; helpdesk@uah.edu). Each department has a telephone coordinator, all service calls should be handled by the coordinator. Include the phone number experiencing problems, contact number for the coordinator, and a brief description of the problem (no dial tone, no display, etc.). Residence hall occupants should contact their RA if they have a telephone problem. If in doubt "Call Us First." Contact the OIT Help Desk at 256-824-3333 or by email at helpdesk@uah.edu with any trouble tickets, moves, additions or changes, problems, general questions, and billing inquiries or concerns contact.