Quick Start Guide
To properly configure your device(s) so that they can access the UAH network, follow the instructions in Quick Start Guide: UAH Network Connection.
Student Wired (ResNet)
The UAH ResNet (Residential Network) is the network connection for students living in campus housing. With a ResNet connection and a properly configured computer, campus housing residents can connect directly to UAH online resources such as myUAH and Canvas, as well as to resources on the global Internet. ResNet is a joint project of OIT and the Campus Housing department of the UAH Finance and Administration Division.
Have a specific question? It may be covered in our ResNet FAQs.
Faculty/Staff Wired
The UAH academic and research networks provide UAH faculty and staff with fast and reliable connectivity. In research areas, OIT also focuses on providing multi-gigabit network connectivity in order to speed the transfer of research data between research centers on campus, as well as to facilitate the exchange of this data with other educational institutions. UAH connects directly with Internet2 and the Alabama Research and Education Network; OIT is also open to creating application-specific connections in order to assist with working toward the educational goals of UAH.
Wireless (eduroam)
Currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, and official guests of UAH may access eduroam, the wireless network that is available on campus. Also, affiliates of other eduroam-participating institutions will already have access to eduroam while at UAH. As a UAH affiliate, you will need to know your Charger ID and password to log into eduroam. All academic, research, and housing indoor spaces have wireless capabilities.
Supported OS
UAH supports the following operating systems on its network:
OS X Lion (10.7) or newer
macOS Sierra (10.12) or newer
Windows 8 or newer
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or newer
CentOS/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or newer
Android 4.3 or newer
iOS 7 or newer
Older versions of these systems are not supported; other operating systems and devices are supported only on a best-effort basis.
Need Help?
helpdesk@uah.edu ~ (256) 824-3333 ~ Client Portal