Your Charger ID is the first part of your primary UAH email address (characters left of the @ sign). It is different from your Charger Card and your A-Number. Use your Charger ID and password to sign into Canvas, myUAH, and more. Access UAH email and the eduroam wireless network with your full primary email address and Charger password. View more information regarding how to change or reset your password.

Don't know your Charger ID?

Your A-Number is provided to you in a letter from the university upon admittance. UAH employees can find theirs on their Charger Card. If you know your A-number and you have established a mobile phone number, non-UAH email address, or security questions in Banner, you may learn your Charger ID and/or reset your password at

Customizing your Password

OIT recommends that you change your Charger password every 180 days. If you know your Charger password, you can personalize it with the steps below:

  1. Visit the OIT User Services Portal ( and log in with your Charger ID and password.
  2. On the My Password(s) tab, enter your new password and then reenter to confirm. Note: Your new password must be alphanumeric, mixed-case, and 8-15 characters long.
  3. Click on Change Now.
  4. A pop-up confirmation window will appear.
  5. Close the window and make note of your new password.
  6. Logout of the portal.

Unlocking your Account

If you have tried the wrong password with your Charger ID three times, your account could become locked. The account will be unlocked automatically after seven hours. To unlock your account sooner, you may reset your password at or contact the OIT Help Desk. When contacting the OIT Help Desk for assistance with a password, you may:

  1. Call the OIT Help Desk at 256-824-3333. Be prepared to answer your security questions (stored in Banner) to verify your identity.
  2. Send an email to and include a photo of yourself holding your driver's license.
  3. FAX a copy of your signature and driver’s license to the OIT Help Desk at 256-824-5623.
  4. Visit the OIT Help Desk on campus in the Salmon Library during operational hours any weekday that the university is open. Be sure to bring your photo ID. Once we have verified your identity, we will reset your Charger password to the default value.

Need Help? ~ (256) 824-3333 ~ Client Portal