Our mission is to provide computer and network support to the UAH community.
If you have a computer-related problem or question or need assistance with any of the services provided by the Office of Information Technology, please contact the OIT Help Desk. Help desk employees are available to assist at the times listed below. We also offer 24/7 phone support.
Phone: 256-824-3333 | Email: helpdesk@uah.edu | Client Portal
OIT Help Desk Hours of Operation
Note: The OIT Help Desk is not consistently staffed in the Salmon Library at this time. Please contact the Help Desk via email, phone, or by submitting a ticket in the Client Portal.
Monday |
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
Tuesday |
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
Wednesday |
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
Thursday |
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
Friday |
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
Please Note
Urgent issues should always be reported via phone; please call us at 256-824-3333. Phone support is available 24/7/365. Email to helpdesk@uah.edu and support tickets are attended during OIT Help Desk Hours of Operation.
Reporting a Problem
Faculty and staff experiencing problems with their UAH-owned computer or online resources run by their college or department are encouraged to report the problem to the technical support staff of their college or department before contacting the OIT Help Desk.
To report a problem, contact the OIT Help Desk. Please be prepared to share the following information:
- Your Full Name
- Charger ID
- Contact Information
- General Description of the Problem
If you have feedback about the service you received, please call 256-886-8113 to share your concerns with us. Alternately, you can submit your feedback via this form.