User Services

Location: First Floor, Lobby
Phone: (256)824-6530
Hours: Open until 15 minutes before the library closes

The User Services Desk is where patrons go to

Note, for most of the above, you will need to bring your photo Charger Card. To sign up for guest access, you will need to bring a state issued photo ID. To sign up for Alumni access, you need to bring a photo ID and an Alumni Association card

User Services Staff and Faculty

Checking Out Items and Renewing Items

Items may be checked out at the User Services desk during business hours. Bring your Charger Card. If you are a Guest, bring your Guest Card and a photo ID. 

You may renew items either at the Desk or through the My Library Account portal. Renewals may also be processed over the phone if you provide your A#. Note, you need to renew items before they are due back. If there is a hold on an item, it may not be renewed.

Holds and Recalls

UAH affiliated patrons may place up to five holds via My Library Account. You may place a hold on an item that is currently checked out, or on an item that is on the shelf. If the item is checked out, the held item will become available when the current user returns the item. Placing a hold on an item that is checked out will prevent the current user from renewing the item. A hold notice will be sent when your item has been returned and is available.

Holds for “on-shelf” items will be pulled the next business day and be available for pickup within 48 hours of placement. A hold notice will be sent when your item is available. If items are not picked up within 15 days of notification, they will be re-shelved.

Any patron may have the item checked out for 14 days before the recall is activated by the library system. After the initial 14 days, a notice will be e-mailed to the patron listing the new due date. 14 days after the new due date passes, a $1 overdue recall fee will be accrued each day that the item is not returned.

Non-Book Check Outs [Study Rooms, Laptops, iPads, etc]

Non-book items (study rooms, laptops, iPads, and so forth) are reserved for Students to check out. They are currently checked out on a first come, first serve basis. Materials are checked out for differing amounts of time. For items not listed here, you may contact User Services to find out more.

  • Study Rooms, 3 hours at time [more information available about study rooms, here]
  • Laptops, 28 days at a time (in-house laptops also available for 3 hours)
  • iPads, 28 days a time
  • Headphones (in-library use only), 3 hours at a time
  • Other supplies (keyboards/mice for study rooms, dry erase markers, cables, etc), 3 hours at a time

The items may be renewed, but since they are on a first come, first serve basis, if need of them is high then a renewal might not be possible. Overdue fees on these items must be paid before they can be renewed.

Borrowing Materials and Library Account Access, UAH Patrons

There are different account levels depending on your UAH status. All students, faculty, and staff have access to the Salmon Library's print and online materials. 

Undergraduate Students can check out 25 books at a time, for 28 days at a time, with up to 3 renewals. Graduate Students can check out 50 books at a time, for 60 days at a time, with 1 renewal. 

Faculty and Staff, including Emeritus Faculty, can check out 50 books at a time, for 6 months at a time, with 1 renewal.

Part-time, Adjunct, and Retired Faculty & Staff can check out 50 books at one time, for sixty days, with 1 renewal.

Borrowing Materials and Library Account Access, Guest and Alumni Patrons

Guests and other account levels may have access to either just the computers in the Info Arcade (and through them our digital resources), or computer access combined with circulation access. Note, even if you do not have an account, you may utilize print materials in building and photocopy it or scan it.

There are many types of guest accounts. For any additional information about them, please feel free to contact User Services via phone or email or in person. The three most prominent types of guest account are given.

Alumni accounts are free, and require a state photo ID and your Alumni association card or e-card to sign up. Alumni members get access to the Info Arcade, and can check out 50 books at a time for 60 days with 1 renewal. 

Guest accounts come in Computer-Only and Full-Access mode. Computer-Only Guest accounts cost $60 per three months, and require a photo ID to sign up. Computer-Only guests have access to the computers in the Info Arcade, but do not have circulation rights. Full-Access Guest accounts cost $90 per three months, and also require a photo ID to sign up. They may check out 5 books at a time, for 28 days, with 1 renewal. For those guests who need computer-only access for a single day, you may purchase a day-pass good for four-hours for $6. 

Fines and Penalties for Late Fees

Overdue materials accrue fines at the following rates:

  • Book: $0.25 per day per book
  • Reserve Books and Media: $0.25 per item per hour
  • Interlibrary Loan: $1.00 per item per day
  • Interlibrary loan no-pickup: $5 per item
  • Recalled items: $1.00 per item per day
  • Study Rooms: $5.00 per hour

When overdue fines are assessed, users will receive bill notices via email. 

Lost Materials overdue by more than 60 days are declared lost. Users will be billed replacement cost of $50 plus a processing fee of $25. This is non-refundable. Information for non-UAH materials (ILL) can be found on the Salmon Library policies page.

If Damaged Materials can be repaired or rebound, a $10 bindery fee will be charged. If not, they will be treated the same as lost.

Loss of Privileges and Paying of Fines

For Students and Alumni, library privileges are suspended for any amount $15.00 and over. For amounts $30.00 and over, a transcript hold is placed.

For Faculty and Staff, materials marked as lost and not returned or paid for within 30-days will result in a bill being submitted for payroll garnishment. Library privileges will be suspended until payment or materials have been received. Faculty and staff do not otherwise accrue fines.

Drake State, Calhoun, and Catholic High students will be billed via their home institution per contract. Library privileges will be suspended until payment and/or materials have been received.

Library Fine Appeal Process

An appeal may only be submitted after a bill for overdue fee and/or replacement charges has been assessed. The appeal must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the date the bill is issued. The Director of Research, Information, and User Services will consider the appeal and decide whether or not to waive/reduce fees and/or replacement charges. Notification of a decision will be sent within 10 business days.

Fees will not be waived if the appeal is based on lack of knowledge of library policy, disagreement with library fine or fee structure, material loaned to a third party by patron, non-receipt or late receipt of library reminder notice, being out of town when materials are due back, forgetting the due date, terms breaks, or due to mailing in an item without adequate time for the library to receive it.


Please Note: Copying and circulation services close 15 minutes before the building. Study room checkouts close 1 hour before the building.