The M. Louis Salmon Library follows the all of the campus policies of The University of Alabama in Huntsville, including  policies about Network Usage; Parking; Safety; Discrimination; Tobacco Usage; ADA Compliance; Copyright and other Intellectual Property Law; Privacy; Gifts; and the policies laid out in the Student, Faculty, and Staff Handbooks. 

In addition, there are a number of policies the M. Louis Salmon Library maintains about Collection Development, Special Collections, User Accounts, Fines & Fees, Research Help, Interlibrary Loan, Assessment, and so forth. You may see all of the current acting policies of the M. Louis Salmon Library in PDF (updated November 15, 2022)

If you have any questions or concerns about Library policies, please feel free to contact us at (256)824-6530 or at and we will be glad to address those. 

Other Policies