Human Resource Development Travel Support Dec 02, 2013 DOE Implementation Award # 08-0217 Human Resource Development (HRD) Travel Support The program provides three types of domestic travel support for undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty members, post-doctoral associates and re... Three Minute Thesis Competition Mar 14, 2013 3 Minute Thesis Competition 15 Presentations, 3 Minutes Each Find out how graduate students at UAHhave advanced research in your field of study Master’s Student CompetitionApril 5th, 2013 * 4:00PM * Shelby Center 109 PhD Student Compe... Berkowitz named dean of Graduate School Jun 05, 2013 David Berkowitz named dean of Graduate School at UAH Huntsville, Ala. (June 3, 2013) - David Berkowitz has been appointed dean of The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) Graduate School. He began his duties as dean on June 1. "David will... Amelia Earhart Fellowship Aug 27, 2013 Announcing the 2014 Amelia Earhart Fellowship AMELIA EARHART & ZONTA INTERNATIONAL Established in 1938, Zonta International’s Amelia Earhart Fellowships memorialize famed air pioneer and Zontian, Amelia Earhart, who disappeared over t... DOD Information Assurance Scholarship Jan 03, 2013 The Center for Information Assurance Educationannounces the2013 Department of Defense ISAP Scholarship If you are currently enrolled, accepted, or planned in any of the following UAHuntsville programs, you are invited to this Scholarship Program. ... 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36