Support the UAH Last-Mile Fund. What is the Last-Mile Fund? There are many students who work hard every semester but get sidelined at the end of their college career due to an unexpected financial hardship. That is why we created the UAH Last-Mile Fund. After all, it doesn't just help students – it also helps UAH. An improved graduation rate can elevate our standing in national rankings and strengthen our stature within the community as more UAH students graduate, enter the workforce, and contribute to the local economy. UAH Last-Mile Funds help to reduce financial barriers to graduation for upper-level, degree-seeking, undergraduate students. Funds are disbursed to students who have completed at least 90 credit hours toward their undergraduate degree, with preference given to students in their last 30 degree-seeking hours (or who have registered to graduate) and whose financial status reflects the greatest need. View More Information. Make the Last-Mile Fund a success! Give Now Your Last-Mile Fund gift can be directed towards the entire university or a specific college. Direct my gift to: UAH (entire university) Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences Business Education Engineering Nursing Science Give online Give online - AHS Give online - Business Give online - Education Give online - Engineering Give online - Nursing Give online - Science Other ways to give Success Stories Emily Gothro COS, Biological Sciences, 2023 The Last-Mile Fund connects our incredibly generous donors with tangible results. It's personal to each of us, and receiving this funding creates a renewed drive to be as successful as possible. Read more about Emily Ashraf Oindry B.S., Computer Engineering and Computer Science, May 2022 I didn’t want to drop out. But then someone told me about the Last-Mile Fund so I applied. When I found out I got it, I cried because I was so happy. Read more about Ashraf Hunter McClure B.A., English, 2020 The Last-Mile Fund played no small part in getting me to this point; it was on the strength of an essay that I wrote in my last semester, when I was awarded the Fund, that I got hired at First Things. Read more about Hunter Stephen Mercier B.S., Math and Secondary Education, 2020 I have paid for the majority of my education degree via student loans. Unfortunately, these loans really only cover the bare minimum needed to attend college. They will cover your tuition and books, but not other everyday expenses, like food, shelter and transportation. Read more about Stephen Danielle Jordi B.A., Math and Secondary Education, 2020 This scholarship has given me the opportunity to focus on my student teaching experience in the final semester of college. I do not have to juggle between work and student teaching which a full-time internship without pay. I cannot adequately describe how grateful I am for your help in this final step towards graduation. Read more about Danielle Jovani Occomy B.A., Art, 2020 This scholarship is truly a blessing and has helped me put funds towards art supplies and bettering my craft. Luckily, I will be able to attend creative design conferences such as Creative South in April where I will be able to gain insight from various designers in the industry and make important connections. This is something I would not have been able to do without the help of the donors! Elena Bloyer B.A., Elementary Education, 2021 As a future educator, I will always be grateful for your generosity that has helped get me through these final semesters! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your kindness like this is a rare, selfless thing and I will cherish it! Therese Staubach COB, Supply Chain Management, 2021 This scholarship has been a blessing to me. Being able to take less in loans for my own education will allow me to better support my children. Christian Jacobs COB, Marketing, 2021 I have been fortunate to receive an internship offer with DHL Supply Chain in Atlanta, GA for summer 2021. Your scholarship will make a big difference by covering my remaining balance of tuition. I appreciate your help so much, and I will do my best to make your investment worthwhile. Have questions or need more information? Contact UAH’s Office of Development directly at 256.UAH.GIVE or