Lightning mapping sensor will provide UAH scientists with unique stereo view Feb 27, 2018 With the scheduled March 1 launch of a new weather satellite, scientists at UAH are looking forward to getting a unique stereo view of lightning in storms over the United States. ... UAH staff, students answer call for help after hurricanes Dec 15, 2017 For almost two months after Hurricane Maria came ashore in Puerto Rico and threw the island into darkness, UAH's Lori Schultz and Jordan Bell watched the lights come back on. ... UAH undergrad co-leads project using satellite images of Thailand Aug 18, 2017 Can an astronaut in space look down at a spot on the Earth and tell if the people living there are wealthy or poor? ... UAH graduate student maps water in African desert Aug 07, 2017 For thousands of generations, Africans concerned about their water supply looked to passing clouds for relief. Now, thanks in part to NASA's SERVIR program and several students and researchers at UAH, many of Africa's leaders will increasingly be l... Kenyan Kotikot came to UAH to study ... Kenya May 08, 2017 It isn't a great distance from the livestock raising area of west Kenya — where Susan Kotikot grew up — to the country's tea plantations, so it isn't surprising she should be working to help those farmers avoid crop losses due to cold weather. ... UAH to host TEMPO Applications Workshop Jun 30, 2016 Sed et lectus in massa imperdiet tincidunt. Praesent neque tortor, euismod a, adipiscing a, est. Mauris diam metus, varius nec, faucibus at, faucibus sollicitudin, lectus. Nam posuere felis ac urna. ... NWS director tours UAH’s Atmospheric Science Department Jun 06, 2016 Dr. Louis Uccellini, director of the National Weather Service (NWS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) assistant administrator for Weather Services, gave a seminar and toured the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and the Ea... Esri User Conference participants in San Diego Aug 06, 2012 MS Earth System Science student Africa Flores shares information to Esri User Conference participants in San Diego on programs at the UAHuntsville Graduate School. Africa and another ESS grad student Eric Anderson also gave presentations at the Esri ... Dr. John Christy is the winner of the 2011 Quest for Excellence Award Aug 06, 2012 HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (October 7, 2011) — These awards are given each year to publicly recognize outstanding contributions of individuals in the greater Huntsville community in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Each... New class will teach applications of weather and climate modeling Aug 06, 2012 A class offered for the first time this spring will offer answers to a math-related question that many students start asking about the time they hit algebra: How will I ever use this? In this case, the new class in the Atmospheric Science Department... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8