Common student forms and documents can be found here to assist our current students with planning their academic careers. Reach out to or 256.824.6877 with any questions.

Laptop Requirements

Learn more about the College's laptop requirement for incoming freshmen in Fall 2025.

2024-2025 Checksheets, Flowcharts, and Electives

The checksheets and flowcharts for each degree program are tools to help you plan each semester.


Aerospace Checksheet Flowchart Approved Electives
Chemical Checksheet Flowchart  
Civil Checksheet Flowchart  
Computer Checksheet Flowchart Approved Electives
Cybersecurity Checksheet Flowchart Approved Electives
Electrical Checksheet Flowchart Track Electives
Industrial & Systems Checksheet Flowchart  
Mechanical Checksheet Flowchart Approved Electives

Additional Program Resources

HSBS/HFA Requirements

Past Catalogs

2023-2024||2022-2023 ∥ 2021-2022 ∥ 2020-2021 ∥ 2019-20202018-20192017-20182016-20172015-20162014-2015

Resources and Documents

A complete list of common student forms for things like course forgiveness, transient letters, late add, and change of college can be found on the registrar's page. If you need help filling out one of these forms, please email us at

Engineering Academic Progress Policy

It is important for engineering students to make good academic progress. Repeating courses increases the time and cost of earning a degree and can negatively impact a student’s grade point average. The College of Engineering defines good academic progress as completing 66% or more of the courses for which a student is registered. Completion is defined as earning the minimum grade necessary to have the course satisfy a degree requirement. Withdrawing from the course and receiving a W on the transcript is not considered completion.

Engineering students will be limited to three attempts of any math, science, or engineering course that is required for the degree. If a student is not successful at completing a course on the third attempt (including Ws), the student will not be able to continue in any engineering degree program for which that course is required. Exceptions to this policy will be considered for unusual or emergency situations.