Welcome to Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering The MAE programs are ABET-accredited. Learn more As you browse through the virtual space of the MAE department, you will find out how exciting and dynamic this department is and how our students are central to all activities that go on in the department. The research activities span the fields of Thermo-Fluids, Solid Mechanics, and Propulsion. In addition to the traditional graduate programs in MAE, we have specialty graduate programs in Rotorcraft System Engineering and Missile Systems Engineering that fill the needs of local government agencies and expand our graduate offerings. The MAE department is located at the easternmost corner of one of the biggest research parks in the country, Cummings Research Park. Surrounded by high-tech aerospace companies, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and the Army’s Redstone Arsenal, our graduates are sometimes offered jobs before they even graduate. This situation is unique around the country and MAE graduates are very fortunate to have made the decision to join MAE and UAH. Because of this, our enrollment has doubled in eight years and MAE is the largest major on campus. Currently, the MAE department is going through a phase of rapid growth to accommodate the area’s demand for skilled engineers driven by the growth of the local economy and the expected surge in local population due to the Base Realignment and Closure. We are embarking on a 50% growth in full-time faculty positions, lecturers, and support staff. All these factors make MAE the most exciting place to be on the UAH campus. Enjoy your virtual visit to MAE and we hope to see you in person the next time you are on campus. Who knows, you might just decide to join us. George J. Nelson Department Chair Programs Undergraduate Graduate JUMP Recent News UAH Electric Propulsion Club seeks patent for experimental ion thruster developed by EPC students; presents at International Astronautical Congress in Italy Jan 07 The Electric Propulsion Club (EPC) at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), recently traveled to Milan, Italy, to present … Student Spotlight Evan Unruh Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering It’s called a Rotating Detonation Engine (RDE), and UAH mechanical and aerospace engineering (MAE) master’s student Evan Unruh says it took him about a year to design and build it through UAH’s Propulsion Research Center (PRC). Contact Us Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Olin B. King Technology Hall, N274301 Sparkman DriveHuntsville, Alabama 35899 256.824.6154mae@uah.edu
UAH Electric Propulsion Club seeks patent for experimental ion thruster developed by EPC students; presents at International Astronautical Congress in Italy Jan 07 The Electric Propulsion Club (EPC) at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), recently traveled to Milan, Italy, to present …