
Dr. Gary Webb, a UAH research scientist at CSPAR, explains the calculations in the recent paper in his UAH office.

New calculations by a theoretical astrophysicist at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) provide tools that open a door to exploring the history of events in astrophysical flows and in plasma fusion devices described by magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).

Dr. Gary Webb, a UAH research scientist in the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research (CSPAR), was the lead author of a paper that includes the new calculations. Co-authors are Dr. J.F. McKenzie (deceased) of Durban University of Technology in South Africa and CSPAR Director Dr. Gary Zank. Dr. McKenzie supervised Dr. Zank while he was completing his doctorate.

"There's a whole forest of things it's associated with," Dr. Webb says of his theoretical work. "People who do physics and mathematics frequently use conservation laws to describe the physical system."

For a system described by conservation laws, there are physical quantities, which do not change with time.

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