The Common Data Set (CDS) is a collaborate effort between publishers and the educational community. The goal of the CDS is to improve the quality and accuracy of data provided to collaborators like the College Board, Peterson's, and U.S. News & World Report. It is also to reduce the reporting burden on data providers at higher education institutions like the OIRA. Provided on this page is the CDS report for each academic year listed.
The information provided on this page includes UAH's credit hour production by academic year separated into the fall, spring, and summer terms. Each spreadsheet contains credit hour production data, by college, by course prefix, and by level of course. Credit Hour Production is the total amount of credit hours generated in each course for the term specified.
The information provided on this page includes the total number of degrees awarded by academic year at UAH. The first report is disaggregated by college, major, and level. The second report is disaggregated by the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code.
The information provided on this page includes enrollment by term, by college, by level, and by major. The data are also disaggregated by full-time and part-time student status. Additionally, course data is included by college, course number and prefix, course title, method of delivery (traditional or online), total enrollment, credit hours, and instructor.
The information provided on this page includes data submitted by the Office of Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Assessment to the federal data center (IPEDS). Data located within this page is the archived data as requested by IPEDS annually each year. This is a one-stop shop for ease of locating data regarding UAH within the IPEDS data center structure.
The information provided on this page includes UAH's retention and graduation rates for first-time, full-time freshman cohorts from 2005 through 2024. Four sections are included in the report:
- Graduated/Still Enrolled - University Summary
- Graduated/Still Enrolled by Ethnic Origin
- Graduated/Still Enrolled by Gender
- Graduated/Still Enrolled by Federal Financial Aid Category
The information provided on this page includes strategic planning statistics by college. The data are organized by term. Included is the number of applications, number of admissions, headcount, degrees awarded, full-time equivalent calculation, average high school GPA, ACT, SAT, and GMAT, and total credit hours produced. The report also includes faculty data by tenure status, type of faculty rank, minority information, and credit hours produced by full-time and part-time faculty status for each major. A spreadsheet is provided for each college.
The information provided on this page includes reports of student demographics by full-time/part-time status, level, race, and gender. All data are provided in percentages of the student level (undergraduate and graduate). The data includes all degree and non-degree seeking students.
The information provided on this page includes the University's average ACT and SAT scores, full-time equivalent, and enrollment by location. The data includes all degree and non-degree seeking students. This page also holds our Mini-Factbooks which includes snapshots of our institutional data.