Dr. Seymur Hasanov | Clinical Assistant Professor
Michael Mercier | UAH
UAH College of Professional Studies (CPS) welcomes Dr. Seymur Hasanov as he joins the CPS faculty to support the B.S. in Engineering Technology degree program.
Dr. Seymur Hasanov joins the Engineering Technology program in the College of Professional Studies as Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Hasanov received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tennessee Tech University in 2021, his M.S. in Industrial Engineering from Qafqaz University in 2015, and his B.S. in Industrial Engineering in 2012.
Prior to joining UAH, Dr. Hasanov joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at Baku Engineering University, Azerbaijan, in 2017 as a lecturer teaching Manufacturing Processes, 3D Solid Modeling using SolidWorks, and CAD/CAM. From 2017 – 2018, he worked as a Mechanical Engineer at PMD Projects LLC, Azerbaijan, where he designed HVAC systems for residential and commercial buildings.
In 2018, Dr. Hasanov became a Research Assistant for the Center for Manufacturing Research at Tennessee Tech University (TTU). While there, he designed and fabricated functionally graded composite materials using an additive manufacturing technology, implemented data-driven statistical modeling and finite element methods to characterize FGMs. He worked on various numerical homogenization methods to computationally model the material behavior of composite FGMs. He also worked in an industrial project and designed an experiment to optimize the process parameters of FFF-made composite molds. In 2020, as a teaching assistant, he taught undergraduate courses for Manufacturing and Engineering Technology students at TTU.
Dr. Hasanov’s research interests include design for additive manufacturing of multi-material components, computational modeling and mechanical characterization of FFF-made composites, enhancing fatigue and fracture behavior of bio-inspired functionally graded materials using machine learning techniques along with the finite element method.
UAH is launching the Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology in Fall 2022. To learn more, visit CPS.uah.edu/BSET.