Emergency Drills and Exercises Upcoming Drills and Exercises Building Evacuation Drills - September, 2021 (dates TBD) This drill simulates a fire emergency by way of activation of an in-building fire alarm system. Building occupants gain knowledge of the building notification system(s) and procedures for building evacuation. The campus community is required to participate in evacuation drills and encouraged to think ahead about what steps and actions one might take in the event of a fire or other emergency requiring building evacuation. Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise - TBD Severe weather exercise scenarios focus on actions which campus stakeholders would take in the event of a severe weather event directly affecting all or part of the campus. Fire and Evacuation Drills The Office of Risk Management and Compliance assists the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) in conducting academic and administrative building evacuation drills. Drills may be announced or unannounced. These drills are scheduled throughout the year. Colleges, building coordinators and floor captains will be notified in advance of a pending announced drill, and, when practicable, the exercise will be coordinated with the various units in the building. University Housing conducts evacuation drills in campus residential facilities.