subtitles research safety

Faculty members and researchers play a vital role in carrying out the university’s mission of research and education. PIs are responsible for the intellectual direction of research and scholarship and for educating and training students. In carrying out these critical tasks, PIs are also responsible for compliance with laws and regulations that touch on all aspects of the research enterprise.

The information on the website will familiarize principal investigators with environmental health & safety policies, procedures, and assistance that OEHS provides to support and enhance compliance during research.

EHS Compliance Resource for PI's and Lab Supervisors
Resource DescriptionResource Title
Submit a project registration as soon as your research is funded. Enter laboratory chemicals into the UAH inventory system. Project Registration Form
Regulated Material Reference
Complete required EHS training. Ensure all personnel and students working in the lab complete the training. Update training as recommended or as needed. Research Training Matrix
Maintain a file of Lab Safety Agreements/Contracts with all students (graduate, undergraduate, volunteer, etc.) who work in the lab. Student Lab Safety Agreement/Contract
Review the UAH chemical Hygiene Plan and develop one for your lab using the Lab specific Chemical Hygiene Plan Template. UAH Chemical Hygiene Plan
Lab Specific Chemical Hygiene Plan Template
If working with infectious agents a Lab Specific Bloodborne Pathogen Control Plan must be in place. UAH Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan
Ensure all workers have the appropriate personal protective equipment for the work and that it is used religiously. Personal Protective Equipment Policy
Work with the EHS Coordinator (824-2171) to establish chemical waste management practices for the lab. UAH Hazardous Waste Management Plan
Establish procedures for conducting weekly safety inspections in the lab and for addressing hazards. Self Safety Audit Form
Know the location of lab emergency equipment. i.e., eyewashes, safety showers, and fire extinguishers. Have a spill kit readily available in the lab. Post emergency door signs at all entrances to your lab. Spill Kit Information
Emergency Door Sign Template
Ensure your lab has an emergency plan in place. Lab Emergency Plan Template