Dr. Robert Frederick, Director of the UAH Propulsion Research Center (PRC), and Dr. Shankar Mahalingam, Dean of the UAH College of Engineering (COE), co-chaired a National Workshop entitled, “Grand Challenges in Propulsion Research,” at the UAH Campus on October 14, 2011. The workshop brought together the nation’s leading university propulsion experts to discuss the state of research and recommendations for the future.  The participants have given their recommendations to the National Institute of Rocket Propulsion Systems (NIRPS) which is now in its formative stages in a working group lead by Dr. Dale Thomas at NASA MSFC.   The workshop was jointly sponsored by the UAH Provost and V.P. for Research.


Dr. Robert Frederick also made a Presentation of  the Workshop results at the 4th Werner von Braun Memorial Symposium, American Astronautical Society, October 24-26, 2011. 
