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Security on the UAH Campus

The UAH Police Department works diligently to promote the security of our campus community through a variety of services and programs which are conducive to the support of the University's learning environment.

More information on UAH security policies and procedures can be found in the University's Annual Security Report.

Security Tips

Get to know these valuable tips that will help ensure your security on, and off, the UAH campus.

Reporting Crime

It is the policy of the University to strongly encourage students, employees, and visitors to UA Huntsville to promptly contact the University Police, or if they wish, the Huntsville Police Department, about any criminal activities, accidents or medical emergencies occurring on campus.  Reporting a crime does not mean an individual must take legal action – it may, however, help law enforcement stop further incidents as well as help them keep the community informed about criminal activity.

To make a report in person, an individual should go to the UAH Police Department, which is located in the Intermodal Facility, 501 John Wright Drive (Parking Garage). To make a report by phone, call 256-824-6596 and describe the situation to the communications operator. In emergency situations, including fires and medical emergencies, call 911 or UAHPD at 256-824-6911. All 911 calls made from campus phones go directly to the UAH Police Department; all cell phone 911 calls are routed to UAHPD through the Madison County 911 center. 

Campus Security Authorities

A person may also report a crime to certain individuals who have been designated as a Campus Security Authority (CSA).  These individuals include the Director of Housing and Residence Life; senior Housing Office staff members; Residence Directors; the Dean of Students; the Director of Judicial Affairs; the Director of Student Activities; the Director of Athletics or any coach; Staff in the Student Health Center; the Vice President of Acces, Connections & Engagement; the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies; the Associate Vice President for Human Resources; or other UAH officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities.  Upon request, the CSA may assist the reporting individual in contacting the University Police about an incident.

 In some cases the reporting person may wish to remain anonymous or a victim may not want get the police involved.  The CSA will record the information on a special form that will be forwarded to the Chief of Police.  The Police Chief will evaluate the information and determine if other actions required under Federal law may have to be taken.  The reporting person will likely not be contacted.  All such incident reports will help the University take steps to make the campus safer. They will be used, in particular, to determine whether there is a pattern of crime involving a particular location, offender, or method; to provide the basis for alerting the campus community about crimes posing a danger to students or employees; and to compile the crime statistics included in this annual report.

Campus Security Authority Crime Incident Report Form

KNOW WHAT TO DO: Emergency Preparedness at UAH

As an on-going effort, UAH has developed an Emergency Management Plan. Part of the plan is to inform our community of how to respond in the event of an emergency. Knowing what to do in an emergency situation will help keep the UAH community safe and secure. Each department/unit should also have an up-to-date Building Emergency Action Plan that includes information on assembly areas, shelter locations, hazardous materials storage, and building-specific emergency contacts. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Emergency Action Guidebook and the building-specific Emergency Action Plan(s) for each building you regularly visit.