Intellectual Property Disclosure (IPD) forms can submitted electronically through Kuali Build forms OR downloaded as a Word or PFD document and emailed to

Submit an Intellectual Property Disclosure (IPD) Electronically

OTC has made available online submissions of intellectual property disclosures using Kuali Build forms. You will first be prompted to log into UAH’s Single Sign-On (SSO) page with your Charger ID. Following your submission, you will receive an email acknowledgement of the submission. After the IPD has been processed by OTC, you will receive another email with a UAH docket number.



If you have trouble accessing the digital form or have questions, please email us at

OTC infographic with steps for disclose an innovation. Step 1: Submit intellectual property disclosure. Step 2: Receive email acknowledgment of submission. Step 3: Obtain Necessary Approvals. Step 4: Email confirming successful IPD processing and OTC docket #. Step 5: OTC install meeting with innovators.

  1. Title
  2. Date of any public disclosures or planned public disclosures
  3. Export Control Restrictions—ITAR/EAR (Yes/No)
  4. Brief description of the innovation
  5. Attach a detailed description of the technology, including background and drawings.
  6. Sponsor Name, Contract #, and UAH Org for all funding sources under which the invention was made
  7. Inventor Information (Please include all inventors)
    • For UAH Inventors (or Software Authors): Full legal name, home address, citizenship, supervisor name, royalty split. An email will be sent to each UAH inventor for the opportunity to edit and the supervisor for acknowledgment.
    • For non-UAH Inventors: Name, Organization/Company, email address, and City, State, and Country of residence


The submission of an IPD does not equal intellectual property protection, i.e. the filing of a patent application. It creates a record with the OTC (and UAH) that an inventor may have a discovery worth pursuing intellectual property protection.

UAH faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to contact the OTC during the nascent stages of research to explore if they have a potential invention. Proper disclosure of intellectual property (IP) is the key to its protection.

Learn More About Disclosure Timing

For UAH Innovators