There are several things to keep in mind when you are requesting a Visit Request be sent: Please completely fill out the Visit Worksheet to include complete location, SMO Code, fax number, POC, etc. If the VAR needs to be sent by any other way than DISS make sure you denote that on request. Please verify all the information is correct on the worksheet prior to sending to the ORS. The visit worksheets need to be submitted 5-6 days prior to the visit when possible in order to avoid possible denial of entrance at the site of your visit. Keep in mind that the process may require coordination with a federal agency to obtain Need-to-Know certification before we can send this Visit Authorization Request. This, of course, may slow the process somewhat so please allow us as much time as possible by notifying us as soon as you know the visit is necessary. Please submit the Visit Authorization Request (VAR) form, which will automatically be sent to the Office of Research Security staff.