Office for Operational Excellence assists organizations in applying sustainable practices and energy efficiency by helping companies improve processes and develop practices that reduce energy intensity and environmental waste while increasing profitability. Certified specialists provide support through practical energy training and assessments, Green Enterprise Development training, energy and environmental assessments, lean assessments and lean / green value stream mapping and implementation support. Assessments conducted by our specialists often result in annual savings in excess of $10,000 for small to medium size manufacturers with recommended improvements having a payback period of 6-12 months. Markets Manufacturing and Industry Training Energy Efficiency and Environmental Training What our customers are saying UAH has been instrumental in the success of ADECA's Biomass Energy Program since its inception. Their technical expertise and administration of the program has led to the implementation of over 40 projects using wood waste as an alternative to fossil fuels resulting in $10 million annually in energy savings and waste disposal cost reduction. Contact OOEContact us to discuss your efficiency and sustainability needs