Be Alert!

Several phishing attempts have recently been reported to the OIT Help Desk. Phishing is the attempt to obtain personal information such as passwords, account information, or personal financial records through email, social media, or other means of online fraud.

If you receive email that asks you to verify or validate your credentials, be suspicious. Never share your username or password with others. Remember that UAH will NEVER ask you for your credentials via email. If you receive a suspicious email, err on the side of caution and report it to the OIT Help Desk.

Example of a recent phishing attempt:

To: Recipients
Subject: Validate Your Email Account

This notice is to alert you that our data base security system has
detected some virus on your email account. To protect your account, we
have to install the new 2014 anti-spam and anti-virus software and
increase storage in mailbox space. Also, we shall be deleting all old and
unused email accounts which are no more active to enable create space for
new accounts users, to verify your account active, you need to confirm
your account active by clicking the link below and fill your details
correctly as appear on the page.

To confirm your account active, you are require updating and re-confirming
your email account details by clicking this link (
and fill your details correctly and press enter. Failure to participate in
this upgrade exercise will render your account inactive.

UAH Helpdesk.
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