Banner Administrative Account Forms
Access to Banner administrative systems is closely controlled, and training is required before access is granted. UAH's Banner system is made up of the following modules: Finance, which includes Purchasing; Inventory Control and Budgets; Financial Aid; Human Resource; and Student. Access to each module is approved and controlled by the appropriate university department responsible for each module.
Banner Student Module Accounts
Account request and training for the Banner Student module is coordinated through the Registrar's Office. You must attend user training, which includes Family Education and Right to Privacy Act (FERPA) training, before you will be permitted to access the Student module. Training for this module is available online. You will need to watch the video and complete and return the quiz with your Banner Account Request form.
Banner Account Request Form
- Complete three (3) pages of form and have supervisor sign off on “Step Four – Department Authorization.”
- Please indicate level of access in form margins
- Native Banner (Also known as: INB, Big Banner, Banner 9). If Native Banner access is required please indicate user that OIT can copy access from (job predecessor or someone in equivalent role) accessed via
- Self-Service Banner (Also known as: SSB, Little Banner, Faculty Advisor Access). Accessed via
- Xtender (Also known as: BDM/Document Management). If Xtender access is required please indicate user that OIT can copy access from (job predecessor or someone in an equivalent role). Accessed via Native Banner.
FERPA Training Course
Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate via email. Please send that and the signed and completed Banner Account Request Form to
New part-time faculty members need to attend the class entitled Banner Self-Service for Faculty and Advisers. Staff assistants who were recently hired by an academic department should check with their supervisor to see if they also need to attend one of these classes.
Questions pertaining to the Student Module should be addressed to the Registrar's Office at (256) 824-7777.
Banner Purchasing Application
Account requests and training for the Banner Purchasing application are coordinated through the Business Services department.
Note: UAH Employees, who prepare or approve requisitions should contact Mr. Terrence Haley of the Business Services department to make arrangement for training.
Banner Finance Module
Account requests and training for online budget statements are coordinated by the Office of Budgets and Management Information. Contact Ms. Alicia Callis for more information. Training for Budget Development in Banner is by invitation only. You will be contacted by the Office of Budgets and Management Information if you are required to undertake the training.