Written by: David Brown August 2, 2012 HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (August 1, 2012) — The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) College of Nursing and the nursing/medical community of North Alabama have partnered to present CE Saturday on August 25. The seminar is a diverse nursing educational opportunity for registered nurses and nurse practitioners. For registration information please visit http://nursing.uah.edu or telephone 256.824.2456. The UAH College of Nursing faculty and clinical leaders in the community will lecture on topics of interest to nurses practicing in today's complex medical environment. Pharmacological treatments are the focus of the multiple topics. CE Saturday will be held from 8 a.m., to 5 p.m., in the Chan Auditorium, located in the Business Administration building on the UAH campus. Nurse practitioners, registered and practical nurses, and nursing students are encouraged to attend. Program topics include MRSA update, radiation treatment, diabetes update, palliative care, elderly pharmacotherapy, osteoporosis, and pharmacogenomics. Additional sponsors for CE Saturday include The Orthopedic Center (TOC), Hospice of Marshall County, Sigma Theta Tau, and The Lioce Group. All continuing education events will award contact hours via nursing license electronic swipe. Contact hours will NOT be awarded to Alabama licensees without swiping. This permits electronic transmission to the ABN. Allow two weeks for contact hours to reflect in the nursing license records. For more informationJoyce Anderson-Maples, (256) 824-2101maplesj@uah.edu