Process and Procedures

Offboarding is the process an employee must complete when separating employment from the University.  Below are the steps that the employee, supervisor, and department should follow to complete this process.  

Employee Responsibilities
  1. Submit a letter of resignation to inform your supervisor.
  2. Upon supervisor acknowledgement and approval of the last day of employment, employee then completes and submits the Resignation Google Form to inform Human Resources. Timely submission of this form will help ensure all offboarding requirements are met prior to the last day of employment. *Note: last date of employement cannot fall on a holiday. 
  3.  Complete the Staff Employee Exit Form.
  4.  Review the Terminating Employee Benefits Guide. If you have any questions or concerns, schedule a time to meet with Human Resources on or before your last day of employment. or 256-824-2259. Further instructions will be emailed to you UAH email address.
  5.  If applicable, contact the following departments by phone to make arrangements for check-out:
    • International Student and Scholar Office - 256.824.6055 
      Applicable to employees who are sponsored by UAH for employment work authorization on H1B, J1 Visa.  
    • Office of Research Security - 256.824.6444 or 256.824.6048
      Applicable to Faculty who have research contracts & Research Center employees. 
    • Office of Sponsored Programs - 256.824.2647
      Applicable to faculty and research employees who were either key personnel or Principal Investigator on a contract, grant or award. 
    • Office of Environmental Health & Safety - 256.824.2171
      Applicable to all employees responsible for a lab, studio, shop or stockroom
  6. Return the following to your immediate supervisor:
    • University property, (keys, parking tag, laptop computers, uniforms, P-cards, etc.)
    • UAH photo Charger ID card 
  7. Provide your forwarding address, email, and phone to your supervisor for the completion of the Department Separation Checklist Form. The checklist should be emailed to or delivered to human resources during your out-processing.
Supervisor and Department Responsibilities

Complete Department Checklist For Terminating Employees

    • Ensure the employee information (forwarding address, email and phone number) is completed.
    • Complete Section 1 and 2
    • Sign and date the form once complete
    • Email the completed form to
    • Direct supervisor or manager should complete the supervisor exit form. 
Human Resources Responsibilities
    • Human Resources will contact all other functional areas required and notify the employee if there are any outstanding issues.
    • Human Resources will send a Offboarding packet that includes information regarding your benefits. 
      • Contact our office for assistance


Post-Retirement Employment Restrictions

If you are a retiree interested in re-employment at UAH, please review the Post-Retirement Employment Restrictions here.

Alabama Ethics Commission- Revolving Door Policy

Individuals who terminate from positions which may be subject to the revolving door provision as defined by the Alabama Ethics Commission should discuss their retirement/re-employment plans with the Benefits area of Human Resources. In general, the revolving door provision applies to individuals who terminate from positions of authority. These are positions in which the incumbents have authority to hire, fire, make purchases, approve or grant contracts, etc. Ultimately, the individual employee will need to consult the Alabama Ethics Commission for a final decision on whether or not their position is/was a position of authority.   If the individual is/was in a position of authority, that individual cannot be re-employed at UAH for a period of two (2) years.

Employees interested in returning to work in a part-time capacity should email the Ethics Commission at (include the former job description) to seek approval to potentially continue working at UAH based on the full scope of your circumstances.  Continued employment is not guaranteed after separation from the University.  Once you receive a decision from the Ethics Commission, please forward a copy to if you plan to seek employment at UAH in the future.