Dear UAH Student,

The federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) provides certain rights to students concerning their educational records. These rights include the right to inspect your records, the right to limit disclosure of your records to other parties, and the right to seek an amendment to your records in certain circumstances. A complete statement of these rights is available at

Another federal statute, Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act., requires colleges and universities to collect certain campus arrest and criminal offense data and publish that information annually. To view the current annual security report and crime statistics online, go to Additionally, the Annual Fire Safety report is available online at

Also available at is a handout describing the University’s health services and benefits available to students. Pursuant to the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities law, the brochure also includes certain information about applicable federal and state laws relating to drug and alcohol use; the health risks associated with such use; and the institution’s policies prohibiting unlawful drug and alcohol use, along with a statement of the sanctions that may be imposed for violation of such policies and a description of available counseling and treatment services.

Federal regulations require that we inform all students of the following: A conviction for any offense, during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving Title IV, HEA program funds (federal student financial aid), under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs will result in the loss of eligibility for any Title IV, HEA grant, loan, or work-study assistance (HEA Sec. 484(r)(1)); (20 U.S.C. 1091(r)(1)).

Finally, we are required to notify all students of the laws pertaining to copyright and our campus policies related to copyright abuse. Additional information regarding illegal downloading and copyright laws can be found at Additionally, it is not uncommon that you may receive phishing emails that impersonate the University, IT, or the Help Desk. Please know that neither the Office of Information Technology (OIT) nor the OIT Help Desk will ever ask you to provide your credentials/logins in an email. Please do not reply to such solicitations. We advise you to mark them as phishing spam. We also request that you please familiarize yourself with the University's computer policies for acceptable use, ResNet, and email. These can be found on the Policies and Procedures page. Your non-compliance with these policies may result in your network or account access being revoked.

Students are encouraged to visit for all required disclosures and other important information about campus policies and procedures related to these disclosures.