In addition to a diverse industry-connected faculty, the department operates ISEEM research labs where both faculty and student researchers do the hands-on work springing from program coursework. Many grants, fellowships, and research projects originate directly from the region’s aerospace and defense industry, but many more come from government sponsors of small- and large-scale university-based research. For instance: Dr. L. Dale Thomas and student researchers are assisting the Marshall Space Flight Center with the transition to model based engineering in its’ Advanced Concepts Office, researching strategies to make the Space Launch System’s rocket engines more affordable, and researching the Nuclear Thermal Propulsion technology infusion into NASA exploration missions architectures. Dr. Bryan Mesmer and two student researchers are working with the NASA Systems Engineering Consortium on executing preferences relative to rocket and space life-support systems in a collaborative lab space. The program offers many opportunities for students interested in exploring hypotheses in systems engineering, which itself is a vast field with countless applications across industries. To further illuminate all that the ISEEM program has to offer by way of hands-on laboratory research, please visit our laboratory pages: Complex Systems Integration Lab (CSIL)