Courses offered at both 400 and 500 level may only receive academic credit once, at either the 400 level OR the 500 level.
511 Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (3 hours)
Introduces vector, raster and tabular concepts, emphasizing the vector approach. Topics include: spatial relationships, map features, attributes, relational database, layers of data, data ingesting, digitizing from maps, projections, output, applications, and availability of public data sets. Prerequisite: Senior standing or instructor's approval. (Same as CE 411, ES 411/511, ATS 411/511.)
520 Urban Transportation Planning (3 hours)
Planning of highway systems and terminals as part of a complete planning approach; public transportation system planning; transportation planning studies, projection analysis, plan formulation, and programming. Prerequisite: CE 321. (Same as CE 420.)
522 Traffic Engineering Design (3 hours)
Driver, pedestrian, and vehicle characteristics. Principles of traffic flow for improved highway traffic service and safety. Designs freeways, rural roads, urban streets, traffic signals, signs, channelization, and other traffic control measures. Prerequisite: CE 321. (Same as CE 422.)
541 Open Channel Hydraulics (3 hours)
Design and analysis of erodible and non-erodible channels. Uniform flow, channel roughness, gradually and spatially varied flow, rapidly varied flow, hydraulic jumps, gradually varied unsteady flow, flood routing, flow measurements, channel models, channel and culvert design. Prerequisite: CE 441.
549 Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3 hours)
Engineering aspects of air, water, and thermal pollution. Hydrologic cycle, water sources and uses; industrial and other sources of primary and secondary pollutants. Transport process in environmental problems and in their control. Prerequisites: CH 123 and 126, MAE 341 and parallel MAE/CHE 352. (Same as CE 449 and CHE 449/549.)
550 Environmental Control (3 hours)
Engineering design and synthesis of environmental control systems. Control of multiphase systems with application to air and water pollution control. Prerequisite: MAE/CHE 442. (Same as CHE 550.)
552 Industrial Waste Treatment (3 hours)
Advanced topics in the area of hazardous waste management and water quality control. Emphasis on industrial waste, including hazardous waste management. Topics include: generation, storage, collection, transfer, disposal, recycling, economic, environmental, and regulatory considerations. Prerequisite: CE/CHE 549.
553 Environmental Systems Sampling and Analysis (3 hours)
Experimental design, sensitivity analysis, water sampling, flow monitoring, and chemical reactions for environmental systems. Students will use standard EPA sampling and statistical methods to determine reaction rate kinetics, and appropriate models to determine effects of human activities on watersheds. Field investigations and sampling exercises included. Prerequisites: CE 555, 549.
554 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (3 hours)
Waste characterization, minimization, collection, treatment, transport, and disposal. Landfill design and incineration options. Leachate characteristics and potential groundwater contamination. Prerequisite: CE 449/549. (Same as CE 454.)
555 Water Quality Laboratory (3 hours)
Properties of natural water sources and laboratory methods associated with water and wastewater treatment systems. Students design and demonstrate a water treatment system to bring a water sample into compliance with drinking water standards. Prerequisite: MAE/CHE 352. (Same as CE 455.)
556 Water Quality Control Processes (3 hours)
Principles of public water supply design. Source selection, collection, purification, and distribution for municipal use. Collection of waste waters, their treatment, and disposal. Prerequisite: CE/CHE 549. (Same as CE 456.)
557 Hydrology (3 hours)
Occurrence and movement of water over the earth's surface for engineering planning and design. Relationship of precipitation to streamflow with frequency analysis, flood routing, and unit hydrograph theory. Prerequisite: MAE/CHE 352. (Same as CE 457.)
558 Environmental Engineering Design (3 hours)
Engineering design and project management of environmental quality/restoration systems. Students will complete a design project focusing on one of the following systems: sanitary landfill, municipal incinerator, or groundwater/site remediation. Lectures will address skills for technical presentations and proposal writing, as well as process design and decision making. Prerequisite or parallel: CE 449. (Same as CE 458.)
559 Selected Topics in Civil Engineering
Credit to be arranged
561 Vibrations of Elastic Systems (3 hours)
Formulation of the equations of motion of discrete and continuous systems, analytical and numerical methods of solution, eigenvalue problems, and dynamic response. Prerequisite: MAE 488. (Same as CE 461 and MAE 461/561.)
570 Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials (3 hours)
Structure, properties, and behavior of materials. Structural defects and their influence on mechanical properties, point defects, dislocation and lattice imperfection in crystals, elastic deformation of single crystal and polycrystalline alloys, strengthening mechanisms and fracture. Strain rate, time to failure, and cyclic life from a microscopic viewpoint. Prerequisites: MAE/CHE 294, CE 370.
571 Advanced Soil Mechanics (3 hours)
Continuum mechanics applied to soil behavior. Theoretical approaches to consolidation, shear strength, slope stability and soil stabilization. Prerequisite: CE 372. (Same as CE 471.)
572 Soil Dynamics (3 hours)
Behavior of soils under dynamic, earthquake and blast loading. Analysis of foundation vibration and isolation. Prerequisite: CE 372. (Same as CE 472.)
573 Earth Structures (3 hours)
Principles of earth structure design. Theories of earth pressures and the design of retaining wall systems including gravity, cantilever, mechanically stabilized earth, flexible sheet pile, and anchored wall systems. Methods of stability analyses for retaining walls, earth slopes, and embankment design. Prerequisites: CE 372, CE 373. (Same as CE 473.)
574 Applied Mechanics of Solids (3 hours)
Stresses and strains at a point, theories of failures, stress concentration factors, thick-walled cylinders, torsion of noncircular members, curved beams, unsymmetrical bending, and shear center. Prerequisite: CE 370. (Same as CE 474 and MAE 474/574.)
577 Experimental Techniques in Solid Mechanics (3 hours)
Experimental methods to determine stress, strain, displacement, velocity, and acceleration in various media. Theory and laboratory applications of electrical resistance strain gages, brittle coatings, and photoelasticity. Application of transducers and experimental analysis of engineering systems. Prerequisites: CE 370 and junior standing. (Same as CE 477 and MAE 477/577.)
578 Matrix Methods in Structural Mechanics (3 hours)
Matrix application to formulation and solution of linear problems in structural mechanics. Stresses, vibrations, and stability of engineering structures. Prerequisite: CE 362, 370. (Same as CE 478 and MAE 478/578.)
580 Civil Engineering Materials (2 hours)
A study of the performance properties and selection criteria of various materials used in the practice of civil engineering. These include aggregates, Portland cement, concrete, bituminous materials, and timber. Emphasis will be placed on standard methods of testing and characterization. Includes a three hour weekly lab. Prerequisites: CE 370, 372, 373. (Same as CE 480.)
581 Structural Analysis II (3 hours)
Reactions, shears, moments and deformations in complex structural systems. Statically indeterminate systems, advanced geometric and energy methods. Prerequisite: CE 381. (Same as CE 481.)
584 Steel Design (3 hours)
Principles of the design of steel structures using ASD methods. Analysis and design of structural elements including beams, columns, connection details. Prerequisite: CE 381 or consent of instructor. (Same as CE 484.)
585 Foundation Engineering (3 hours)
Design of foundations with emphasis on reinforced concrete, footings, caissons, piles, retaining walls, and mat foundations. Effect of bearing pressure on foundations. Prerequisites: CE 372 and 583. (Same as CE 485.)
586 Advanced Cementitious and Composite Materials (3 hours)
Concrete structures, rheology, mechanical properties, environmental durability, dimensional stability, advanced concrete technologies (such as high strength, fiber reinforced, and fracture mechanics), advanced fiber polymer composites, and repair/rehabilitation of concrete structures. Prerequisite: CE 381. (Same as CE 486.)
587 Bridge Design (3 hours)
General Considerations for Design and Load Capacity Evaluation of Highway Bridges. Introduction to Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Philosophy. Bridge Loads and Load Distribution. Design of Bridge Deck. Prestressed Concrete Bridges. Composite Steel Bridges. Bridge Substructures. Load Rating. Prerequisites: CE 483. (Same as CE 487.)
The following courses are open to graduate students only.
603 Advanced Concrete Design (3 hours)
Design of concrete columns; bond, anchorage and reinforcing details; design of two-way slabs; design and analysis of multistory building frames; introduction to prestressed concrete; design of prestressed cross-sections for moment. Prerequisites: CE 481, 483/583.
611 GIS in Civil Engineering (3 hours)
Advanced topics in geographical information systems (GIS) with civil engineering applications. Emphasis will be placed on spatial/temporal data analyses using digitized maps and database information in an area of CE specialization. Research project will be required. Prerequisite: CE 511.
646 Erosion and Sedimentation (3 hours)
River morphology and river response, incipient erosion and its prediction, bed form and roughness, degradation, aggradation, and local scour in alluvial rivers. Design of stable channels, computation of bed load. Prerequisites: CE 441, 541.
650 Environmental Impact Analysis (3 hours)
National environmental policy act and its implementation. Environmental impact process. Writing an environmental impact statement. Prerequisite: CE/CHE 549.
652 Introduction to Air Pollution (3 hours)
Technology of air pollution dealing with air pollutants, effects, sources, combustion processes, and abatement and control technology. Engineering contributions to both the problems and their solutions. Nature of air pollution problem and fundamental technological approaches to its solution. Prerequisite: graduate standing. (Same as CHE 652.)
653 Groundwater Engineering (3 hours)
Application of engineering principles to the movement of groundwater. Influence of physical and geological environment on groundwater hydraulics. Water well hydraulics and aquifer evaluation. Emphasis on practical groundwater engineering problems. Prerequisite: MA 526 or MAE 693.
654 Environmental Transport (3 hours)
Fundamental principles of mass transport, chemical partitioning/transformations in environmental systems. Practical transport examples for surface water, ground water, and atmospheric systems will be presented and mathematical modeling will be utilized for solutions. Prerequisite: CE/CHE 549.
655 Hazardous Waste Management (3 hours)
Topics include definition of hazardous waste, regulatory considerations, risk assessments, and categories of waste. Current and emerging treatment and disposal technologies will be explored. Prerequisite: CE/CHE 549.
657 Advanced Hydrology (3 hours)
Hydrologic cycle, including interrelationships between classical and statistical methods of hydrology. Evaluation of governing equations, linearizations, analytical approximations and numerical solution techniques for various boundary conditions. Stochastic hydrologic modeling in both temporal and spatial domains. Prerequisites: CE 557, MAE 586, MAE 693, ISE 690; or permission of instructor.
658 Sustainable Design (3 hours)
The built environment has a substantial impact on energy and material resources as well as being a critical determinant of health and productivity. This course covers topics such as site planning and construction variables, energy and water alternatives, and current rating systems. Case studies and field trips of historic and contemporary projects exemplifying various sustainability features will be included.
660 Structural Dynamics (3 hours)
Application of the theory of vibrations to discrete and continuous models of structures. Numerical methods of analysis for both spatial and temporal variables. Model synthesis and step-by-step time integration methods. Finite element applications: substructuring techniques. Prerequisite: CE 561. (Same as MAE 660.)
671 Continuum Mechanics (3 hours)
Kinematics and kinetics, various coordinate systems, constitutive equations for continuous media; governing partial differential equations from first and second laws of thermodynamics; applications to solids, liquids, and gases. Prerequisites: MAE/CHE 352, CE 370. (Same as MAE 671.)
672 Theory of Elasticity (3 hours)
Formulation of boundary-value problems of classical elasticity. Application to plane problems, prismatic members, and axisymmetric problems. Introduction to three-dimensional problems. Prerequisite: CE 671. (Same as MAE 672.)
673 Plasticity (3 hours)
Fundamentals of mechanical behavior of metals and nonmetals for stress states greater than the yield stress state. Deformation and flow theories. Stress-strain relations and yield criteria. Solution of boundary value problems with plastic bodies. Limit analysis of structures. Prerequisite: CE 671. (Same as MAE 673.)
674 Finite Element Analysis I (3 hours)
Finite element theory, variational methods, weighted residuals. Applications to linear partial differential equations in continuous media. Solution of boundary value and initial value problems. Prerequisite: CE 671. (Same as MAE 674.)
675 Rock Mechanics (4 hours)
Principles of continuum mechanics applied to the design of structures in rock; tunnels, underground structures and foundations. Joint behavior; stresses; analysis of rock slopes; instrumentation. Prerequisite: CE 372.
676 Viscoelasticity (3 hours)
Mechanical behavior of materials having time-dependent and temperature-dependent material properties. Creep and relaxation phenomena. Elastic-viscoelastic analogies. Formulation of stress strain laws. Solution of boundary value problems for viscoelastic bodies. Prerequisite: CE 671. (Same as MAE 676.)
677 Optical Techniques in Solid Mechanics (3 hours)
Overview of conventional methods for experimental stress analysis. Introduction to applied optics with emphasis on non-destructive, laser-based testing methods, fiber optic recording systems, photoelectronic-numerical data acquisition, and computer aided analysis. Prerequisite: CE 577. (Same as MAE 677.)
678 Mechanics of Composite Materials (3 hours)
Introduction to composite materials, micro- and macro-mechanical behavior of laminae; bending, buckling and vibration of laminated plates. Prerequisites: CE 671, 672. (Same as MAE 678.)
679 Hypervelocity Impact Phenomena (3 hours)
Fundamental principles of penetration mechanics. Analytical and numerical approaches to perforation and penetration problems. Shock jump conditions, hugoniots, and equations of state; low, high, and hypervelocity impacts of finite and thin targets. Prerequisites: CE 574, 671, or permission of instructor.
681 Advanced Structural Analysis (3 hours)
Explores modern methods of structural analysis, matrix formulation of flexibility and stiffness methods, and analysis of structures with material and geometric nonlinearities. Also introduced energy methods for indeterminate structures. Prerequisite: CE 481/581.
683 Graduate Seminar (1 hours)
Professional activities designed to promote the skills required to organize and deliver oral technical presentations and to broaden the individual's awareness of technical issues. Students will be graded "S" (Satisfactory) or "U" (Unsatisfactory) based upon their performance and attendance. Students who do not receive an "S" grade must register for the course until an "S" is obtained. (Same as MAE 683.)
697 Master's Project for Plan II (3 hours)
Application-oriented student project designed to show competence in an area of civil engineering.
699 Master's Thesis (3 or 6 hours)
Required each semester in which a student is working and receiving direction on a master's thesis. Minimum of two semesters and 6 hours required for M.S.E. students. A maximum of nine hours of credit is awarded upon successful completion of master's thesis.
756 Hazardous Waste Remediation (3 hours)
Engineering design skills applied to the solution of real world hazardous waste remediation problems. Remedy screening and selection; treatment train development for a Superfund facility. Prerequisite: CE 655 or equivalent.
759 Selected Topics in Civil Engineering
Credit to be arranged
762 Wave Motion of Continuous Elastic Bodies (3 hours)
Elements of stress wave propagation in bounded elastic media. Propagation of elastic waves in infinite and semi-infinite bodies, cylinders, rods and beams. Prerequisite: CE 660. (Same as MAE 762.)
765 Random Vibration of Elastic Systems (3 hours)
Dynamic analysis of elastic systems including the response of complex structures to random excitations. Typical excitations include random wind, thermal, earthquake, aerodynamic, and ocean wave phenomena. Probabilistic mechanics methods. Concepts of reliability. Stationary and ergodic processes. Prerequisite: CE 561. (Same as MAE 765.)
772 Theory of Structural Stability (3 hours)
Energy criterion for stability of elastic structure under conservative loading. Stability concept for general continuous systems. Rigorous and approximate methods of analysis. Buckling of structural elements under impulsive and nonconservative loading. Postbuckling behavior. Prerequisite: CE 671. (Same as MAE 772.)
773 Theory of Shells (3 hours)
Analysis of thin plates and shells, including higher approximations theories and transverse-shear deformations; illustration of theories by selected problems. Prerequisite: CE 671. (Same as MAE 773.)
774 Finite Element Analysis II (3 hours)
Advanced topics in finite element analysis: application to nonlinear partial differential equations in continuum mechanics: theoretical studies of convergence and stability of solutions. Prerequisite: CE 674. (Same as MAE 774.)
778 Fracture Mechanics (3 hours)
Theory of crack propagation, stress intensity factors, mapping techniques, series expansion, asymptotic approximations, field singularities, integral transforms, numerical solutions. Prerequisite: CE 672. (Same as MAE 778.)
779 Advanced Penetration Mechanics (3 hours)
Advanced analytical modeling of penetration and perforation phenomena, hydrocode development and applications, and similitude analysis. Prerequisite: CE 679 or permission of instructor.
799 Doctoral Dissertation (3 or 6 hours)