adult woman with two children playing in a gym

The Masters of Arts in Teaching (P-12) with a concentration in Physical Education is an opportunity for those who already possess a bachelor's degree to earn their initial teaching certificate. Students who are enrolled in the program will take a blend of core Curriculum/Instruction and Physical Education content-specific coursework. Additionally, students will have to opportunity to complete 200+ hours of field experience prior to completing an immersive student teaching capstone experience in their final semester. Upon completion of the program and passing scores on the edTPA teacher licensure assessment, students will be eligible for a P-12 teaching certification in the subject of Physical Education making them immediately qualified to teach in the state of Alabama.

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How long will it take me to complete the M.A.T. Program?

  1. All M.A.T. programs require a minimum of 43 hours of graduate coursework.
  2. Some programs may require additional undergraduate prerequisite coursework in your teaching field, which must be completed prior to beginning the program. The amount of undergraduate coursework required depends on what you choose to major in and what coursework you have earned on your previous degree(s). Your transcripts will be analyzed by an advisor in your chosen teaching field.
  3. Coursework used to meet bachelor's degree requirements cannot be used to meet requirements Class A or Class Alt-A Certification in any teaching field

How do I know if I am eligible for the M.A.T. Program?

  1. Candidates must have earned a bachelor's or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution.
  2. Effective July 1, 2017, and thereafter, a person who is eligible for unconditional admission to an Alternative Class A program shall have earned a bachelor’s degree with a minimum grade point average (GPA) overall of 2.75 or a master’s or higher degree with a GPA of at least 3.0. This GPA must be documented on the official transcript of the degree granting institution and must be the GPA that was used as the basis for granting the degree, not a GPA that includes post-degree courses.
  3. Candidates who hold a degree with less than the required 2.75 GPA will not be allowed to take coursework to improve that GPA. The Alabama State Department of Education will only accept the GPA that was used as the basis for granting the earned degree.

How do I enroll in the program?

  1. Apply for admission to the UAH graduate program. Be sure to indicate that you want to apply for the M.A.T. program. Send official transcripts from all degree granting institutions you have attended to the UAH Graduate Admissions Office.
  2. Earn a passing score on an approved entrance exam: Praxis II content exam for area of study.
  3. For the MAT Elementary program, students may take the Praxis II Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects exam for entrance. Otherwise, the individual must have 12 semester hours of acceptable credit each in the areas of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies with a 2.75 GPA in each area.
  4. Once you have been formally accepted to UAH you should meet with an advisor in your teaching field. Your advisor will complete a program of study and inform you of any prerequisites that may be required. You must complete all undergraduate prerequisites prior to beginning any courses in the educator preparation program.
  5. Meet with the graduate advisor in Education to discuss the professional education requirements.
  6. Complete fingerprint and background check.
  7. You are now ready to begin educator preparation. Continue to meet with your teaching field and education advisors.

How will I be unconditionally admitted to the educator preparation Program?

Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to the educator preparation Program. Students must have an Application for Admission to the educator preparation Program on file with the Certification Officer and must verify that an approved Program of Study (POS) is on file in the UAH College of Education before or during the first semester of education courses. In addition, students must meet the following requirements:

  1. Successful completion of ED 301
  2. Minimum 3.0 GPA in first semester of graduate education and teaching field courses with no grade lower than "C."
  3. Satisfactory completion of specified writing and field assignments in all education courses.
  4. Completion of TEP Admissions Application.
  5. Satisfactory ratings on Interview Process, Dispositions Ratings and Application Essay.

What must I do to continue in the program?

  1. Minimum 3.0 GPA in Education and teaching field courses with no grade lower than "C."
  2. A minimum GPA of 3.25 must be maintained at all times for Class A educator preparation candidates. GPA reports are obtained at the end of each academic semester from the UAH Office of Records and Registrar to monitor candidates’ performance.
  3. Satisfactory completion of minimum of 210 hours of Field Experiences in diverse schools.
  4. Satisfactory ratings on Dispositions Ratings by education faculty, and field experience cooperating teachers.
  5. Passing Score on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators test and Praxis II content test. For Elementary Education students, they must also take the Praxis II Reading exam.
  6. Passing score on written comprehensive exam in education and your teaching field.
  7. Satisfactory presentation of edTPA Portfolio during the internship.
  8. If the above requirements are not met, a Personalized Professional Development Plan (PDP) will be developed; failure to met criteria in the PDP may result in dismissal from educator preparation Program.
  9. A candidate who has met all requirements for unconditional admission to the M.A.T. program and is employed in an Alabama school may complete the field experience and internship in the candidate's classroom only if candidate holds a valid Special Alternative Certificate endorsed for the teaching field appropriate to the candidate's teaching assignment.

How do I apply for certification once I have completed the program?

  1. Meet with Teacher Certification Officer to complete appropriate paperwork and submit cashiers check or money order required for processing application.
  2. Provide official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate coursework. These will be sent to the Alabama State Department of Education along with your application for a teaching certificate.
  3. Once you have submitted all necessary paperwork/fees/etc. the Certification Officer will send all application materials directly to the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) for review.
  4. At that time the Certification Officer will send you a letter documenting the submission. This ends the responsibility of the Office of Teacher Certification.
  5. Upon review of your application materials, the ALSDE will mail your Class A professional educator certificate directly to you at the address listed on your application for certification.