2021 REU Posters are available at the links below:


Alexis Lupo: Building Gamma-Ray Detectors for Two CubeSats


Ayla Weitz: Characterizing the Time Evolution of Free-Energy Proxies to Forecast West Limb Flares, CMEs, and SEPs 


Ben Zigament: Studying Solar Active-Region Magnetic Evolution Leading to a Confined Eruption


Hind Zeitohn: Fast Gamma-Ray Variability in Solar Flares


Ilana Doran: Birth and Evolution of Jet-Base-Topology Solar Magnetic Field with Four Consecutive Major Flare Explosions


Lucy Wilkerson: Characterizing Steady and Bursty Coronal Heating of a Solar Active Region


Reese Williams: Optimizing a Machine Learning Algorithim for Development of Future Instrumentation


Santiago Rodriguez: Investigation of Superdiffusive Energetic Particle Transport Ahead of Traveling Shocks


Syed Raza: Constraining CME Models Using STEREO Data for Space Weather Predictions


Tiger Du: Mysteries at the Frontier: Deconvolving the Energetic Particle Rates of the Voyager Spacecraft