UAH officials are closely monitoring the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and are in continuous communication with public health officials. There are no known cases of COVID-19 in Alabama.

COVID-19 symptoms are similar to the flu and can cause mild illness or become life-threatening. While it is unlikely that anyone will be diagnosed with COVID-19 at this time unless they have traveled to affected countries or had contact with someone who has, the CDC reports increased concerns of possible spread in the United States and potential disruptions to daily life. Health officials encourage individuals and businesses to be vigilant and plan ahead.

UAH has procedures in place for contagious illnesses and is prepared. Healthcare professionals are trained to safely care for patients, and emergency management professionals are coordinating preparedness activities and plans with leaders across each of our System campuses to maintain necessary operations and services in the event of local disruptions.

The University of Alabama System has issued an interim policy statement for UA, UAB and UAH that addresses COVID-19 and international travel. Please read the interim policy carefully to ensure compliance in the interest of public health and safety.

Among other important guidance, the interim policy outlines:

  • All University-sponsored international travel to destinations designated CDC Alert Level 2 and Warning Level 3 for COVID-19is suspended effective immediately. At this time, this includes China (including Hong Kong), South Korea, Japan, Iran and Italy. Faculty, staff and students MAY NOT TRAVEL to these countries for University business or academic purposes, including but not limited to study abroad or other international academic work, research or grant activity, internships, conferences or presentations, teaching or training, performances, recruiting, or athletic competitions.
  • University-sponsored travel to other countries outside of North America designated as CDC Watch Level 1 destinations for COVID-19is strongly discouraged at this time.
  • While this policy does not inhibit or restrict the travel of individuals traveling on personal business or affiliate programs (i.e., travel that is not university sponsored but related to academic or business pursuits – e.g., travel through another institution or program), the UA System strongly encourages our faculty, staff, and students to consider this policy when making decisions to continue on or schedule travel to any of the affected countries.
  • Individuals who choose to travel to CDC Watch Level 1 for COVID-19destinations at this time should know that the global situation is rapidly evolving, and their risk of acquiring COVID-19 may change abruptly. We highly recommend that you follow CDC and State Department updates and be mindful of potential associated risks of disruptions to your reentry to the United States.
  • Travel related to family and other personal obligations is considered (as in the past) to be personal travel. It will be subject to any regulations and advisories of the U.S. government and other relevant agencies. Personal travelers will be required to comply with all U.S. re-entry and quarantine requirements in place and must verify to the University that they have done so prior to returning to the university community. Employees and students taking personal trips to an impacted country (including layovers through an impacted country) must be prepared to comply with self-isolation requirements upon their return.
  • Returning travelers should follow guidance provided by the Alabama Department of Public Health for returning travelers on the ADPH website. Any traveler should be aware of CDC Travel Health Notices, observe CDC travel precautions for COVID-19and avoid travel if you are sick.

We recognize the significance of these measures to members of our campus community and are committed to providing support. Our number one priority is the health and safety of our campus and community. Students with questions about travel should contact the Office of Study Abroad at 256-824-5802. Faculty should contact the Office of the Provost at 256-824-6335 or 256-824-6337. Researchers and research staff should contact the Office of Research Security at 256-824-6444. All other staff should contact the Office of Risk Management at 256-824-6875. These offices are available to provide guidance and assistance to our travelers.

We will continue to closely monitor the situation and update you with any adjustments to normal operations that become necessary. Updates will be provided at www.uasystem.eduand

In the meantime, please take steps to protect yourself and others:

  • Wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This is one of the easiest, most effective ways to reduce the spread of viral infections.
  • Use respiratory etiquette:
    • Avoid anyone who is sick. If you are sick, avoid others.
    • Do not go to school or work if you are ill.
    • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
    • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or sleeve.
    • Routinely clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces and objects.
    • Protect against the flu by getting the flu vaccine. The flu vaccine does not protect against COVID-19, but the flu poses a more active health threat in Alabama at this time.
  • If you experience flu-like symptoms take extra caution, avoid people and get medical attention.
    • Students should call the UAH Student Health Clinic at 256-824-6775.
    • UAH faculty and staff should call the UAH Faculty and Staff Clinic 255-824-2100 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. After hours and on weekends, individuals should call their personal physician or a hospital.
  • While widespread control measures to manage a potential pandemic (like recommendations to stay home) are not anticipated at this time, it is wise to be aware of helpful information available at The CDC is not recommending the general population in the United States buy or wear facemasks.

UAH officials will continue to closely monitor COVID-19 and communicate updates as necessary.